Sucker for Love: Second Date

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i just ate something very spicy hello my name is markiplier and welcome back to sucker for love chapter one is done sorry latan [Music] [Music] it's time for chapter two fine i don't have the secrets yet that's terrifying but this one looks nice which probably means that it's absolutely not nice chapter two the king and yellow approaches chapter two the king in yellow approaches that's what i said but okay i wonder who i get to meet this time not that i think about it wasn't that other girl was she dressed in yellow oh god in a world terrorized by slavery shadows and tentacled nightmares something as innocuous as an additional star in the night sky might be the most prophetic premonition of doom why is the screen cut off down there for rare for where with hall am i okay for wherever the lurid golden light of the planet carcosa shines the long wicked shadow of the king in yellow is cast behind that mask lie echoes of decadence and disorder masquerades of limitless cruelty and hideous laughter in equal part and of all the poor devils seduced by the lavish promises of the god-king's court the favored victims of the king's sadistic amusement are followers belonging to other deities did i zone out i was what was it i don't remember the sun being that big or the moon being that big damn i'm having one hell of a brain fart i can't remember for the life of me what i'm supposed to be doing everything feels so hazy was that going to work i am standing outside after all yeah that's gotta be it the sun is setting so it's probably around 7 pm which means i'm gonna be crazy late fantastic also sun real big that's the beauty of working nights i can't use the excuse that i ever slept yeah boss i slept all day saw it up to sundown that's why i'm six hours early for my shift huh i'll sound like the church's noontime bells it's high noon no way they must be doing some special evening service or something i can clearly see that it's golden hour right before sunset i'll just have to ask someone for the time on my way to work if it's not too late and i really hope it i'll just get you down instead of fired i'll still have to deal with being sweaty but i'll figure that out when i get there oh someone's coming home perfect fingers crossed that i'm not absolutely screwed is that blood hey man sorry to bother you you wouldn't happen to have the time on you would you also was that blood is that blood hello hey uh hey is this guy ignoring me did you just move normally i'd say whatever and walk away but he's unfortunately standing in the only stairway off this floor the only way to exit this conversation is to shove past him but this guy's giving me such weird vibes i don't want to go anywhere near him the longer i look at him this guy seems more and more suspicious that odd posture he's slowly swaying in an uncanny disturbing way is he is he moving [Music] i literally i legitimately can't i he is he are you moving whatever the collar of his shirt looks filthy stained with splotches of deep browns and reds is he bleeding does he even live here this is the top floor and i thought i've met all my neighbors there are only four apartments up here my only choices are to go inside and call the police or to walk past this freaky guy i don't have the time to wait around for when the cops show up so i'll but just as i take a step i kick something weighty with my shoe it's bright pink with gold accents a book what but i died the world ended oh the shock freezes me in place and because i was so distracted i didn't even notice the [Music] i'll talk inside my room slamming the door in the suspicious man's face fumbling with the locks in a panic i managed to turn the dead bull i take a few fearful steps back into the room clutching the book to my beating chest i died i definitely died when i performed the final ritual so why am i still here where even is here locked in my room i have nowhere to run lanetta lanada if lynetta was here she could explain this maybe there's something in this book that can save me i need to hurry come on come on lynette where are you oh who is this lynetta you're trying to call it is you missy what are you doing tomorrow i knew you had yellow it's all coming together i just so happened to overhear you saying lana where are you you sounded like you were in trouble so i let myself in yeah well i was just at the front door and i just deadbolded it and i said lynetta after that so that's weird how did you even get in here your window was open oh of course no it's not and either way i'm on the top floor so how did you panetta sounds like a girl's name right this is obviously the girl you stood me up for isn't she well you're not saying the name properly you don't have an eldritch horror mouth in the palm of your hand so you can't really speak it can you you wouldn't understand what is there a deal i knew she'd be pissed i slammed that door in her face but not so much that she wouldn't notice any of the things obviously wrong here why doesn't she care about those freaky things stalking me outside or that my room is full of evil idols and ritualistic tokens uh i can explain hosts a cursive device is used to channel eldritch magics and do the bidding of outer gods [Music] so many words uh exactly right did you just randomly guess that i've just been playing boy i know exactly what you've been doing oh okay all right you know what this is don't you not a clue oh yes i do it's a golden version of my book the book i used to perform rituals for lynetta hers looks way more ornate than mine considering i ended reality with mine i can't imagine how dangerous hers must be wait a minute this guy that suspicious man outside they all match missy's book and your clothes and your hair what's going on here she making all this happen oh god when i expected her to do something crazy i thought she was just going to show up with a hatchet or something missy look i'm sorry but players got to play i just got wrapped up in something please don't hurry you're sorry why are you acting so afraid of me no i mean i'm not but whatever could it be that you know what this book is capable of i know what these lips are capable of so give me a smooch baby i know all too well but i also know that these incantations take at least five seconds to pronounce and that's if she gets it right on the first try so worst case i have five seconds to stop her if i dash for my ritual knife behind her i might be able to kill her before those are terrible to me that's a little it's a little grotesque if i can distract her i might be able to buy some myself for more time missy look baby i'll do whatever you want anything i can be rather demanding i can be rather supplying that's the opposite of demand i learned that in economics name your price so bold in that case i have three commands okay number one you'll address me as your highness from now on so when i come home it's welcome home your highness okay so the second half of that request i think has some other strings when she comes home she wants to move in but that means whatever it's not like i'm gonna have to actually fall through on these at least one of us is about to die as you wish your highness what else number two you'll quit your job so you can spend every waking moment catering to me you're one and only okay sure whatever just a little bit more until i'm sprinting range of that knife and number three uh-huh you'll obey every order and whim i have absolutely without question oh indubitably your highness um absolutely [Music] absolutely your highness [Music] i suppose if you will too whatever i ask them there's no need to use any of these dreadful spells on you no no need to matter i believe you can help me with them here oh she just handed over her book without a second thought yellow energy pulses and crackles from my fingertips she is she not here to hurt me confused i've liked you for a long time and you're a capable bookkeeper handsome to boot there's no reason we can't simply work together i guess not after all a relationship based on threats of violence and fear is no good right well i suppose you're right but i did have a good time with lynetta right we narrowly escape with our lives just now who's we but something is bothering me how does she remember that i stood her up in the reality that ended under lynette's awakening and how did she get in through my window i doubt she was able to climb several stories dressed like that and then pass through my locked window without breaking it there's only one possible answer alright your highness i'm ready to enter my lifetime of servitude to you i just have one small request first [Music] could you tell me what this is your worcestershire sauce what about it so you're an eldritch god disguised doesn't he how did you figure that out so suddenly uh isn't it obvious no human being can pronounce worse of course not it's an eldridge alone word why else would it be spelled like that ah yeah exactly exactly after all this time i wasted trying to seduce you in this slovenly form yeah slovenly i was about to say slovenly yeah you should have tried using your eldritch form instead i would have fallen in love immediately what but you think cosmic entities are attractive as a human i mean yeah did you see le le it's eldritch i can't speak it 3d women are fine but 4th dimensional girls with non-euclidean geometry are smoking hot they've got curves i can literally get lost in if i had known that you're attracted to my cosmic godhood i would have just led with that well you didn't even need to i could see it i could see it in your eyes myself i am esther king in yellow diamond king king air heiress king harris lovely to meet you she's gorgeous a bonafide eldritch king in my room king oh man all my fantasies of smooching and eldershore are coming true an eldritch royalty to boot i'd assume that a god would be above royalty because what is but what is a god do a king what does god do a king the king in yellow sounds familiar i can't remember why my memory of my other existence is kind of fuzzy what i do remember is that her followers tend to be incredibly violent towards cult disloyal to other gods like lanetta i kind of got swept up in the moment and almost forgot i already pledged fealty to a different god this reality or not ah wait i'm sorry i'm already involved with another god i'm following lynetta i know so loyal so faithful and devoted that's why i want you to be my follower instead well i guess those aren't mutually exclusive if you don't understand english language exchange for serving me i shall grant you anything you desire wealth power whatever that rotten witch lanetta offered you i can double it well i mean i got a smooch couldn't you give me double of that she promised me a smooch you handed over your reality to her for a singular smooch are you mad well i mean we're talking about other stuff here it was a good smooch after all you heard me so you'll match your offer then or double it you'll double it i suppose if that's all you're selling the world for then a smooch can be arranged i asked for double the smooch no way you promised to double yes sorry got excited that's two smooches that's what you promised are you a king or not two of them on the lips both of them twice i will be i just usually my followers ask for inordinate wealth unquestionable fame and influence or some lavish indulgence petty things compared to a smooch nobody's ever dared to ask to kiss me before so no none of us said anything about kissing so she's blushing for real you really want to smooch me absolutely your terms are amenable suffice it to say i'll expect you to perform your scenes flawlessly in exchange what scenes the prompt book i gave you contains the script for the king in yellow oh you mean this spell book that i was so afraid of it's just a damn play this thing is just a playbook where are all the power invoking rituals is this some sort of peasant joke that i'm too rich to understand no we aren't barbaric swamp folk casting hocus pocus in a cave we have a little class to invoke my power my play must be performed perfectly this is amenable perfectly i don't always get these rituals i mean scenes right the first time what happens if i botch my lines or get a scene your performance will receive a scathing review in the karkos and times publication and you'll also be killed acceptable i'm getting those smooches no matter what dearest i'll break a smooch that didn't make sense but happened all right what do we got in this book what is this all about uh host click and drag the first word line slowly greeting stranger okay tis a party for which i below the eye invite the king in yellow so come all ye to jesus where thy mast upon you to my masquerade until he may come to lost hope first there may be still king okay what do we got here uh-huh oh i can't read that hello okay what are you doing over there oh you're you look beautiful i asked whoa don't do that oh your highness sorry what all i did was say hello speak my name dearest there's a reason i am she who is not to be named immortal saying esther summons me to them andy if i can't say your name what am i supposed to call you you have many options you may call me your majesty your grace my king you could even call me your royal highness if you're feeling particularly subservient okay esther that's dress dress stop that i'm glad that me and this guy are in the same wavelength because i am him and he is me anyway so i've got a book here with pages and whatnot and i don't seem to need any setting exterior in view of the city where'd you go it's there mr fine is there anything what do i look like right now what's going on with me i've got a smoochie on my forehead or is that a mouth i'm not sure what that is hey it's me why are these red they weren't red before okay is there any other secret that i'm not seeing here [Applause] hello you guys still out here okay let's get a show on the road and whatever esther there you are all right greetings stranger fortune fellow it is a party for which i bellow oh outside oh oops oops okay we're looking for exterior in view city that's what it is okay all right greet you trader a fortune fellow teacher party food shy below [Music] oh greeting stranger fortune fellow where thy mass upon you to my masquerade until he may come for lost you fill hope for us there may be still oh streets darken to the curfew that must hark and why so loudly does thou bark in the dim city of util yeah okay thank you detention quite unwholesome you'll instill from the souls of pour your tail why attract so much ill will [Music] but i don't know uh this one that is just what i must seek see hidden somewhere amongst the meekly tis one invitee i seek he shall all my mistakes undo says the king in yellow whose great wealth i shall accrue when his shadow passes through wealth will come to i and you shall surely languish and this whole town will know anguish for the king as whom they say which shall this city indeed smite if he comes you're telling you and i will know his might i'll be lost within a night what reward is worth that price [Music] a smoochie smoochie on your lips give it to me all i can think of his hips put my face betwixt your hips uh whatever a little too much probably too much wearing this expensive clothing pardon from my family's loathing lasting till i'm decomposing all my friends whom strife i've caused yes preparing for this night their forgiveness is the cause they shall all be proud because i had brought the king to us because us hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know why thank you that was actually pretty fun i haven't gotten to flex my acting chops since i scored no stranger to the stage i can tell [Music] yeah i was the theater kid my school did macbeth a virtuoso of the part are we if you perform shakespeare then you must be an actor of sufficient ability to survive my play probably not but let's see where were you the leading man i was tree number four i wasn't aware that was a rule oh very important very important very important it's not you weren't even the leading tree no don't worry i was actually macbeth i thought you said you were a tree acting oh you are good [Music] yes whoa hey what's happening to you don't fret dearest something is simply passing between my planet's light in your bedroom a cloud perhaps you know the proverb wherever the golden light of carcosa shines the shadow of the unspeakable one is cast it's a literal rule oh i see you can only be wherever the light of my planet shines planet star planets i can't reach you at night when you're not standing in natural light or if anything obstructs your view of carcosa huh that explains why missy had a weird daytime curfew she'd literally vanish when the sun sets what a cinderella-like curse that also explains how she got in my room my window may have been locked but the curtains were open allowing the light in so she can't get into my room if i close my curtains i was quite enjoying my time with you i wanted to stay a little parting is longer sweet sorrow it may be some time until your sky clears until then i bet you would do okay a forehead kiss even though i saw that already wow well looks like i have one hell of a cho oh lynette hasn't been summoned yet and esther is stuck outside for the moment so i have a moment to collect my thoughts between lynetta and esther who do i want to smooch or maybe more accurately who am i more afraid of do i stay with lynetta or do i follow esther this time around she is offering twice as many smooches after all i need to make my choice if i want to stay with lynette i should focus on casting spells from her book if i want a smoochester then i should open my window again when the clouds are clear and use esther's book and if i try going for both well walking down the middle of the road is bound to get me run over as long as they aren't both in the room at the same time i should be safe right oh man what am i gonna do either way i need to talk to lynetta she might be an avatar of world-ending calamity but she might be able to help me get my head straight speaking of my head why does my forehead feel kind of sticky it's because there's a smoochy smoo on it and i need to wash it off before lynetta sees but what if she does what could be so terrible what could be so terrible would she i'm actually kind of curious what she would do she saw all right i think i need the red light yeah here we go nope necklace sorry what purpose oh it's me hey lynette it's nice to see her despite everything i've been through so far sure she may have entered the reality i was from but she never lied or to see me in any way she told me up front what would happen and i did it willingly that said i'm really glad you're here but can you tell me what happened to me to that world really nothing about this that reality fell to me nothing there exists anymore like a dream that ends oh so sad just as i thought only then why am i still here why did i survive when the rest of that reality didn't darling don't make me say it it's embarrassing you're still here because i'm i'm still dreaming about you everything in existence is being dreamed about by at least one eldritch god so as long as you're on my mind you'll exist somewhere oh well that's actually kind of sweet in a terrifying cosmic way what would happen if every god stopped dreaming at the same time what if you woke up all at once including all of the gods would cease to be hmm okay and that can just happen at any time don't worry there's about 50 of us total so the chances of all of us being awake at the same time are low that's not bad there's only like 50 of you and all she probably knows esther very closely kind of a big family huh a little bit family do you know esther darling i thought i told you not to mention other women while we're together especially not my sister oh you don't have a great relationship with her absolutely not we've been fighting over planets and followers for eons it wouldn't be a stretch to call us nemesis thanksgiving dinner must be awkward what's that on your forehead nothing baby my love darling pumpkin sugar sweetie pie schnookums uh squid face uh a tentacle nice person it looks like a lipstick mark that's not from another god is it darling because if it is well you die here no the mailman ritual paint ritual paint yep yes one of the steps needed for your rituals really yeah which ritual oh you know it's a secret i'm going to pretend that this lipstick mark came from a human girlfriend so that i can spare you okay from now on if you contact another god i swear i'll stop being so sweet [Music] you wouldn't care if i had a human girlfriend why would i care about that when it's a race against other gods to amass as many followers as possible expecting your followers to be celibate is a bad move for grammy roxanne it's actually a requirement that you start a big family or you get excommunicated from her following oh grandma roxanna i'm sure you've heard of her she's got the most followers out of any of us she's the black goat of the woods or the mother goddess of fertility okay a fertility goddess you see i'll forgive you to go to tuesday no funny ideas mister there's no telling what i'd do if you cheated on me with a family member [Music] okay esther looks like the clouds haven't cleared yet i won't be able to see her right now if i wanted to for now i should work through lynette's spells again eldritch hands saved my ass last time i better cast that one in case i'm unable to talk again she should listen to myself what the hell is wrong with me man okay i'm actually going to go back that's all cool and all but i am kind of curious of doing this without the because ordinarily i would have done that i don't think it matters it's just like you get a little lore there okay so i wash off i'm gonna wash this off okay let's just close that up close that up turn that off turn this off okay oh is my necklace on yes it is well i'm still in hot water whoa i've actually gotten involved with her sister messi affair is bad enough but with another family member i'm toast if she finds out esther looks like the cloud okay she's clueless she hasn't clue darling what's this i found under your bed what is that what is that oh that's my elders encyclopedia i haven't translated yet but its diagrams are useful you studied it extensively then yes i sense i've made some sort of mistake uh i guess why what's up darling this is a dirty magazine oh really i thought it was an anatomical guide big slippery shogoth girlfriends vol 3. i bet you can learn a lot of anatomy from this perv well you know i said i haven't translated it yet how was i supposed to know the girl on the front isn't wearing anything she's topless uh-huh that's a girl just looks like an amorphous mass of tentacles to me is this what you wish i looked like oh baby no i really truly don't trust me look lanetta you're s broken hot i can never have eyes for anyone else when i'm with you you're my dream girl sheesh i seriously didn't know it was a dirty mag it's okay i forgive you okay that said can i keep it a chance no all right fine then okay perform eldritch mouth do i have any other what else is in here never leave the lights off never leave the lights off interesting okay not much here nothing new anyway all right well let's get the old hand mouth okay in the bathroom no amulet uh ritual knife yes we go in the oh that's it we could just go in the bathroom all right i'll be right back baby let's see let's do it oh god still as unnerving as i remember that's all so different in this reality this is just my hand now forever it's such a nice day outside it's a little dry for my liking but we could totally have a date date why don't you open your window little light in here oh oh no no wait what what is it [Music] uh you sure you want to do that what do you mean i mean uh don't you want to shower first before you go out like last time huh why would you suggest that because i'm a pervert and i i wanna i wanna sneak a peek oh no don't tell me do i still smell like the ocean listen it's not that it's bad just a tad salty heavens below i'm so sorry darling i'll be right back [Music] no peeking you say that was a close one if she opened that window esther would have came i would have been a goner looks like the clouds have cleared and lynette is out of the room if i want to date esther it's go time otherwise i want to stay with lanetta i need to make absolutely sure that window never opens ever it's time to choose from this point on my actions will have consequences like this one god damn it still was still worth i love it of course it's worth it all right hang on okay my actions have consequences you say really well i like walking the middle path okay backstage in closed room with a mirror prepare hmm that's gonna be a little difficult if she's in there okay masquerade mask you got it i think it said it was something about a ritual knife elegant robes you got it elegant robes you got it ritual knife okay all right look in mirror to check if costume is properly affixed all right looks like everything's in place except for the blood dripping down my face i feel all gussied up even for me this outfit's pretty loud but even so the beauty of this whole ensemble is out of this world if lynette is showering in here i better meet with esther in the other room all i have to do is stand where the planet's light can reach me and i already know what you're going to say your highness yellow is more your color than mine but i still look good the window's not open but whatever you'd be presentable before my royal court in that it's pretty snug fit the mask almost feels alive like it's molding to fit my face perfectly quite the opposite dearest your face is molding to fit the mask oh that's good then i feel a twist of metal digging into my temples it stuck to my face somehow ow wow it really won't come off i may have failed to mention that we re-enact the play with deadly accuracy okay your character never removes his mask so neither shall you there surely should it be a problem for someone who was planning to be my eternal servant correct oh no i can't even blink anymore my eyelids are stretched to meet the [Music] cool this is what if i have to wear this to work when i see my family when i see lanetta wait a minute those strange people outside they all had mass stuck to them too are they past followers who became esther's servants is that going to be my fate at least i'll get some smoochies [Music] interior well lit okay well lit you got it well lit indeed welcome company [Music] oh welcome company much cherished may my loneliness thus perish through this evening we shall share which would be wasted by myself no attendants have arrived tonight alas besides thyself but i'll be beside myself when the king when the the king reveals himself oh lay thine hands upon my bodice for before you stand a goddess no this guest of goldenrod is merely the first of the night let us drink to your great wealth and family and life lasting till your afterlife all be yours once he arrives [Music] yes until my schemes may flourish we shall haunt my empty empty fortress let us dance a whirling dervish while we feed our appetites by the morrow we shall know if the king came tonight midnight marks the final chime until that comes there is still time maybe graciously obesity demonstrate a courtly patience he declines no invitation he receives upon his court will know without report the king arrived by your escort a prophecy of grim import sure i don't like the people outside the window [Music] thank you thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank you an immaculate performance dearest there's only one more scene to reenact and then this world will be mine i probably should have asked before we got to the final act but this play isn't a tragedy no it's not the ending is actually quite hilarious oh good oh that's actually a huge relief what is slain and all of his wishes come true in an unexpected way in his ambitions of greed influence and fame he dies penniless alone and infamous okay wait my character dies i'm gonna die i thought you said it was a comedy is merely tragedy from far enough away i don't know if that's true is she implying that she thinks my death would be funny i get that she's an outer god so human morals don't really apply to her but that's gotta be cruel even for her no way can i go through with that sorry i don't want to die i don't want to die again anticipated that you might get cold feet after learning of your character's fate however my wrath is terror far beyond a touch of stage fright no for your sake dearest do the scene a little much so what if i now do okay let's say for now uh performing this ritual after esther's mass grade will have consequences if you see or hear something strange it's not your imagination be ready proceed in total darkness okay so i did the masquerade that's what i just did right i just did the masquerade yes maybe we just did the masquerade yes the next one's the banquet okay i gotta do the other one all right uh goodbye later nerd later get out of here later nerd okay um if you see or hear something strange it's not your imagination uh total darkness no light no candles ensure their images appear no way i don't know what that means but okay what if i put this on over that is that gonna work it might work it might work it might work it might just work good thing that's a long shower i put it on over the thing wash face oh that's no better that's no better toll that's no better at all wear a mask or headpiece to distort your features have a ceremonial knife on your person always remembers the second step on the page the second step of the page is ensure oh yeah okay here we go i'm going for gold pink rather oh i can't get the ritual mass to stay on over my masquerade one i'm here what hello she's finished with her shower uh yeah i'm just working on my pronunciation she's right in front of me maybe if i bury my face in this book she won't notice the mask is fused to my face oh are you stuck on a word i can help you sound it out let me see the page no no no no i got it i'm a big boy alien can't be harder to figure out in english would probably be easier to read if the book wasn't upside down darling oh that explains why i couldn't read it now okay i think i've got it now darling why are you holding it so close to your face the font shouldn't be that small uh my eyesight has been going for a while now i gotta pick up some prescription reading glasses so that i keep putting it off and you know i don't know you need glasses i uh usually wear contacts but you aren't wearing them now oh guess what i must have drop them on the ground uh somewhere in the last reality darling yes my love no now oh okay that's it i'm screwed if she sees this masquerade mascot on my face you'll know i've been meeting with esther think think hey ow quick to the bathroom oh no will that door hold no telling if this mask is still on my face when she gets in so i have no other option i dig my fingers under the edge of the mask that feels like i'm pulling my very fingernails off for mere millimeters of leverage the mask feels fused to my skin i'm taking off large chunks of flesh with every pull this pain it's unreal what's going on in there i was do or die oh i take a deep breath and pull the mass forward until my skin is taut and there's no more give than i why did you lock me out darling heavens below what happened to you i i can't even formulate thoughts right now whatever happens here happens is that why you were hiding your face no baby oh my god so shallow that i'd fuss over what you look like i'm here because i like you no matter what happens to you so don't be so self-conscious around me okay oh that's really sweet but holy lynette just let me hold you it's oh so sweet and tender but she's too sweet this feeling right now almost makes tearing off my face worth it almost just stay right there until you're mentally prepared to continue i need to be here for a few hours uh okay i end up blacking out from the pain waking up sometime later in my bed the golden mask was nowhere to be found thanks oh uh maybe i should have done the other one first uh yeah whatever too late now what [Music] oh that's probably not right that's probably not right oh this is not right oh boy yo boy yo boy okay um okay well she's not there right now [Music] and the heart is broken but i'd say that heart that was very sweet oh god no well i guess that's not happening eldritch embrace very spooky don't worry about these steps all you have to lynetta yes darling yeah i'm just checking but you haven't tampered with my book right what do you mean huh this eldritch's embrace spell it looks a bit different from the other rituals how strange what's the use you caught me it's not a real ritual i just i see how hard you're pushing yourself to make it through these spells for my sake i thought maybe you could use a break from the real rituals so i could spoil you a little oh that's actually pretty sweet of you there's no time for me even a quick one i can't lose sight of my singular goal smooching yet all right i'll leave you to it then you're leaving there's something i need to check on it's probably nothing but you haven't seen anything strange lately have you i can't see anything at all i don't have eyes anymore apparently i've seen plenty of strange things lately about her gods hands with mouths i meant things beyond the usual strangeness you haven't noticed anything watching you have you huh hmm sorry i guess i'm being the strange one huh i'll just be right back stay safe okay okay you got it thank you thank you very much uh oh so sweet that's so sweet performing this ritual after esther's banquet will have consequences okay what does it say about the other one though that's the question right uh there's nothing oh whoa blackfyre reveals secrets interesting [Music] hey well no i've i've gotten one more than that but whatever that's fine it probably just didn't count it uh for now but i definitely have it i know i do i know i definitely do but is there another one here nothing is just your imagination okay should i do well actually wait no i needed to see if this one says anything masquerade banquet is next banquet do not make a mistake or a hungry uninvited guest may arrive in blue that sounds like a secret to me ingredients from cold storage okay what if i make the black candles huh okay no ingredients could i get them yes ow it's fine it's fine allow and then i'm gonna make i'm gonna do this chant but it's black candles the room is filled with the mouth-watering aroma of perfectly seasoned meat and fresh fruit there must be a magical component involved here because i see no less than three of my favorite dishes esther is strutting towards my bed surely you don't intend to merely watch me eat dearest why are you strutting towards my bed i didn't think she was gonna let me have any don't mind if i [Music] this feast don't feed it to me that's less exciting it's not like groans of murders anger from outside the door was that from the mass stalkers outside if they've all got mass on their faces they must be hester's followers or even ex-partners then the groans were of jealousy makes sense they've been locked outside all this time i bet they'd kill for the chance of spending any time with esther just a moment dearest what is the thread count of your silken sheets at least one thousand i presume silk my blankets are cotton perhaps i'll just stand while you feed me instead so picky if she's that ugly maybe i'll start with the grapes something that'll feed her princess complex oh yeah okay i'm glad i think i can have one of these dream on my lips have already touched it if you want an indirect kiss you'll have to be more clever than that okay oh yes you wound anything eat anything my lips have touched either it's not you were eyeing this cream puff right would you like me to feed you a bite oh heavens fellow yes i am pleased by this new attitude of yours here i'm gonna eat it first i casually take a bite out of the cream puff what do you think you're doing eating delicious it's so good never had anything like it let me try um oh you wanna bite even though my lips have touched it i i don't want it after all uh-huh well if you don't want it then i guess i can have some now right it's really delicious nothing tastes better than food with a twist of eldritch magics it's a shame you don't want any of it what's it gonna be watch me eat your favorite dessert or suffer an indirect gift [Music] what was that i order you to hand over the cream puff very well my king ah for over the other half of the cream puff to her eager hands but instead oh i forgot i was hand feeding her her lips are insanely soft against my fingers she's damn cute when she drops her sadistic front i do more but i feel those husks staring jealous daggers into my back they'll tear my head off if i let this go on shouldn't we save some of this for the play it'll hurt the performance if we eat the entire set won't it very well but i i thought it was saying something about like do not make a mistake or an uninvited hungry uninvited guest make arrive but i did they're on the blue fire i'm kind of curious about that hang on let me let me real quick let me go back a little bit okay let me try it with the lights uh just that easy hmm that would be all of the secrets then right i think so some of the shopping shops okay what are we doing what are we doing here okay so that's you uh i need to do the [Music] what the hell was i hearing that is there okay so technically i've done the banquet haven't i so now this well lit okay no roves no necklace offering is on my person hello i've already used up my supplies to cook for esther all that's left is leftovers from her banquet oops no good darling [Music] it's no good to leave dirty dishes out especially after eating so much you know it's important to take your diet seriously you should be more careful when your health is on the line okay [Music] i'll remember that this much food it's surprising that you were able to eat it alone uh-huh yeah well i know i don't look it but i'm a big eater especially with sweets you're so interesting darling i'm learning something new about you every day uh-huh i can't tell if she's onto me or if she's in denial but i sense i'm in trouble it just can't be helped if you've got a sweet tooth do you want me to feed you the last of it what the leftovers uh i'm good it's no good to waste food darling oh no no you were right i should wash my diet more carefully if you've already eaten the poison you may as well lick the plate as they say again i've i've never heard that before uh with our first day but i'm full make room in your dessert stomach she's merciless no you don't want to eat i wonder if this isn't the food that you like it sounds like you're saying this was for someone else oh you know but that can't be right after all my darling wouldn't secretly be hosting communion with other gods behind my back right darling yep you right those are dangerous eyes i don't know kind of cute i've got my back against the wall here even if she knows i have to keep up appearances here or she'll drag me into oblivion without a second thought i reluctantly unclenched my teeth and opened my mouth a juice soaked morsel from the leftovers as shoveled into my mouth it feels gritty with an unusual texture like it's covered in thousands of small hairs it tastes strangely i can't even begin to guess what food this used to be i try to gulp it down before i can taste it but it's too big to swallow a hole if i just bite it in half and swallow the pieces i might get it down before i gag as i bite down it bursts like a tomato filling my mouth with a sweet juice it tastes extremely fruity sort of pineappley even that is that is good better than good it's great god like nectar instantly addictive ambrosia more i need more it's too delicious to have just one bite it's seriously like nothing else as soon as i swallow i feel the immediate effects of withdrawal my fond memories of any other food fade daughter disgust the mere thought of eating again makes my stomach churn greedily i take another bite filling my mouth with as much as i can take the smooth nectar bursting from every bite swims around in my mouth coating every surface it's so delicious that's making my mouth tingle huh did i just bite my cheek why do i taste blood the dull tingling suddenly turns into a sharp sting then a new unbearable burning my whole mouth feels raw like i'm gargling acid it's like my mouth is being digested i lurch to spit it out but my willpower fails me i just can't bear to spit it out it's too good just a little while longer let me do it just a little while longer oh my god the food falls out of my mouth with a splat is a heap of bloody viscera it might be imagination but i swear i spat out twice as much as i put in my mouth the horror good boy you know how much i love to spoil you do you remember the last time we did this when you couldn't speak back to me no i do remember so you know what happens next right one last ritual and then we say goodbye again as always take as much time as you need i'll wait as long as it takes darling okay who knew waking up could be so exhausting uh-huh can i take a nap before you uh you know me so well but don't try anything while i'm sleeping this time i know what you did don't look so surprised right before our date would have ended you betrayed me don't think that there aren't consequences between realities darling i've already dealt with that pesky breakup spell on your book as i'm sure you've noticed so just take the straight narrow path of loyalty in front of you and we can keep doing this forever and ever and ever and ever could you get the lights from me again darling of course of course uh oh interesting they're inverted but i don't know why interesting i better get my smooch that's all i gotta say i better get my smooch okay so i got a dilemma right i don't think i've been doing this right but i'm gonna go with what i've been doing before no light beside open window that helps because sleeping anything else i need robes and mask uh ooh about that um well it seems to be on my face so whatever i guess it's okay rob's a mask and that's it okay this is probably fine this is probably fine this is probably fine oh god oh my god what happened what did what did i do what did i what did i do what did i do oh i didn't i don't think i had the window open okay whatever let's let's just okay oh but it's gonna do one and not the other i don't know what it's gonna do oh god oh god oh this is not right oh this is not right oh this is not right oh oh that's not right oh god what is happening i don't know hang on hold on hold on wait hold on hold on i wait no no no okay let me just let me make sure i've actually got this right i'm gonna go back here and then i'm just gonna speed through this because i know okay elegant rolls this is exactly what i meant to do bam boom ritual knife i have it bam no bam no look in the mirror complete got it okay okay easy enough yeah yeah yeah that that that okay this right this right okay broken heart that's fine right and then i look at this i see that the pages are weird there we go got that okay switchy over okay banquet do red fire bam got it switch no robes no necklace offering got it she's pissed she feeds me brosie she's sleepy now that's fine okay okay this is i think i didn't open the window robes and mask robes i don't know if i have the mask but whatever oh yeah ain't good let's see what happens damn the night and mournful sco tomorrow's scornful wicked morning unremorseful why tonight must i be mournful for ambitions unfulfilled after all my preparations all the daylights i have killed why is it us only still oh why are my wishes your actions unfulfilled permitted this result truly befitted to a hunger such as thine no your greed is grave and tomb encrypt in which you die it's within your grace you fried dearest host the end is nigh wretched guest you've come to mock me for amusement thou was talking and so in the town you stalk me to watch my schemes fall apart strip thy mask apologize then hastily depart leave thee just my broken heart leave not else in hole or pot i wear no mask now witness for it was thee who has to permit this golden yes to own the dimness of the city of util [Music] shadow's on uh-huh tail and whose shadow you're in still dark as death is now util [Music] draw thy blade from mind contusion my life reaches its conclusion cruelty matched by your delusion that you truly are the king yes you would have granted all my wishes not forsaken me if indeed you were the king why would you have murdered me granted all your wishes i'm afraid i disagree all alone you are with all of your remaining family and as vision turns to darkness you have claimed to all you see and you'll wear that mask and robe for the rest of all your life indeed and the strong will fall to illness haunt your tail with stillness and none left alive to witness my ascension to your tail and from the catacombs shall spill the cries of innocence laid still we heard from lady and from smithy and from throne to peasant mill cries unprecedented in the history of util wales unlike they'll ever be again in dark util that's your invitations quill [Music] okay am i dead now did i die thank you oh thank you you're all too kind no one's clapping listen to that applause dearest oh this recitation uh-huh innumerable voices make up the cacophony of cheering outside my door fanatical revelry screams of terror and sadistic amusement all amidst thunderous applause the king is coming miles dearest smiles aren't you proud of yourself yes why why didn't you use a stage knife i'm really bleeding out here my blood streams from a gaping wound in my chest my abdomen is unseen to ensure you stay in character call it method acting if you will okay oh with sweet sorrow the curtain falls and the show begins the stage is now set for you to inscribe the yellow sign do this and i will bestow upon you the smooch i promised you mean the smooches you promised plural you said you'd get me too even now that's really all you can think about yep well i'm dying so might as well get it the world is about to be enslaved by a horror from beyond the stars you're dying from a stab wound and you're worried about smooches yeah you are an interesting human it is a pity that you'll soon cast away your individuality for me yeah not really worth it i'm more of a latany guy if i'm being perfectly honest uh so you know because of that because of that you know the whole uh final yellow sign what is that about your sign is only visible with drawable by those who've witnessed or performed the king in yellow play being exposed to the yellow sign after witnessing or performing the play the king in yellow will cause a permanent irreversible obsession with the king or court and carcosa this is obscene objection persists after death if you are content to spend the rest of your life with the king dim all lights leaving your window open and light black fire candles this will allow otherworldly images to reveal themselves draw the shape below without the x yeah well you know not really about that i'm really about uh latin lanetta lynette why do i keep thinking latony is not right am i dying sure looks like i'm dying that's better that's better better better better uh ritual knife uh sure let's try this one [Music] i mean i'm already bleeding out so i guess it uh it's all the same really [Music] wait stop lynette takes the book from my hands we need to talk uh-oh i i wanted to apologize for being so nasty to you earlier truth is even though i knew you were acting strangely i was still clinging to you selfishly because i was so so mad at you i just wanted to have the best groundwork for a happy future together so i thought i could scare you straight now i know that's not possible not here not now you're just not the same person that ended reality for me so long ago oh babe so let's break up oh no lanetta i'm sorry there's no need to end this reality just so we can have an unhealthy failing relationship so i'll go back to sleep before billions die for my sake oh come on but where do we go from here what's left after today tomorrow silly [Music] you're taking the book with you too i'm just giving it back to mo it's not like i'll have a need for it hopefully this book never finds its way back to your world for your sake and mine oh come on handle the book but if you survive could you throw out the rest of these summoning artifacts it's no good to keep things that remind you of me you know [Music] [Applause] i'm sorry it's a beautiful day outside you should open the window maybe let in some light i heard a goodbyes maybe there's still a chance for us in reality far from this one but the best i can do in this one is spare you you're not going to kill me no i am going to kill you to spare you from the slow agonizing end i'm sparing you the pain of being alive when the fog lifts and reality sets in oh okay you won't have to live to see the consequences of the spells you've already completed right right of course there is that way you won't feel a thing okay it was fun okay [Music] till we meet again oh but look i got a smile tentacle stains on my face okay so clearly there's a lot of different things to do here there's just ton and i did not do it right so i'm going to do a different methodology there's there's obviously so many different ways you could do just like straight one side straight another i think what what's obvious is you have this one where if you perform it after the masquerade it'll have consequences but there's nothing in this other one that says if you perform it after there's consequences it doesn't say that at all actually so let me go ahead and just do this one um if you see or hear something strange it's not your imagination be ready interesting okay total darkness no candles whatever got it wear a mask or headpiece to distort your features what if i wear the mask here that way it wouldn't be weird if i had it later you know what i mean okay okay hello handsome my mouth i can't move it again just like last time okay calm down focus if i can control my hand then hey hey oh you're learning oh sorry you're learning to control your allergy smell so soon i'm getting the hang of it seems i still have my muscle memory from the last reality good oh try saying something you must have been studying huh yeah i'm pretty fluent now right oh what volting would be a dangling participle error since you started the sentence with the yaw instead of yaya and since you and i are intimate you don't need the gin suffix no need to be so formal with your girlfriend uh i guess i still have a lot of learning to do yeah uh how do you damn it it's actually really difficult to speak english through my hand aurelian rolls off the tongue embarrassing hand tongue that is how do you speak human lang language so actually most of us are hyper polyglots you can't get people to worship you if you can't communicate with them hmm really what else do you know english mandarin spanish french arabic asl parcel tongue elvish undercommon swedish hey you made some of those up all languages are made up darling that's a good point okay well okay that's good okay so i did that now she's right there which is a bit of an issue oh this will get her out right right ah babe okay i've seen this before yadda yadda okay good now i can do this other one with no consequences because that's a good heart there that's good that's good take this one all right and then check my features elegant robes i think i'm wearing them no i'm not i was just didn't seem like i was let's try this oh mass won't stay on my face it just keeps slipping off oh god hi yeah you would never lie to her correct huh wouldn't dream of it then tell me what happened to your face uh i try to avert my gaze but her iron grass holds my chin firmly in place her long sharp nails dig into my cheek unfortunate accident and an even more unfortunate phase for now we shall conceal that hideous visage of yours beneath the hood of your robe hopefully and in the interest of not having further accidents you will have my undivided attention from now on you may express your gratitude to your king uh-huh thank you your highest one more thing i may not be as barbaric as my sister but i assure you i can be twice as dreadful do not give me cause to demonstrate okay okay well that's a broken heart okay there's got to be a way to get them on my side let me speed through this i'm going to get the various versions of this because otherwise i'm going to be here forever let me speed through this and then i'm going to you know you know you know what i'm gonna do okay i'll be back okay just as perfect as last time but lee [Music] easy okay she's sleeping and that's fine she's happy and that's good now who's not going to be happy is this lady red fire candles uh-huh wait i can explain i have nothing she's on to me well there's leadnetta sleeping in the bed right there so just go hungry i get breakfast this morning okay this is the same this is the same oh god no i'm glad i'm skipping this no no no no this is what you were about to try to feed me then this will be your trough swine oh it's the same thing it's it's ambrosie like okay gross okay well that was good uh goodbye if i do the other path dying anyway then i wouldn't see it to the end ah this is confusing i just noticed the tentacles down here i've never noticed this before uh i guess if i do would it mean anything else rogues and masks [Music] okay so now there's that and then i do this and then i have the knife so all i gotta do is this five times okay stop i need to talk to you first oh yeah what oh what is it what if what if what if we didn't complete the final ritual uh what if i stayed to sleep longer so we could have a little more time together uh just you and me lingering in a doomed world alone like an endless dream come true there is that doesn't that sound nice that does sound nice it does sound nice [Music] wait no oh we were finally going to be together forever we would have been so happy oh this reality is doomed you said it once the dream has to end eventually if you keep a dream going on forever it has to become a nightmare eventually or worse it becomes reality take a look at the world around us and take a good look at me is this what you want a reality to be like of course not but my dream of being with you forever [Music] can never come true but we can be together for a short time forever but i'm not ready to say goodbye again why can't we just stay for good mm-hmm together only be big meetings i don't know if we're saying goodbye forever i don't know if i'm your dream guy then there's no way this is goodbye forever it's no big deal you can always dream of me again please don't go i can stay asleep a little longer i can't be right back [Music] thank you for giving me a dream wonderful enough to remember clearly [Music] [Laughter] awaken to oh i oh ain't that sweet ain't that sweet okay but that's still only two of six my god so if i'm at act three performed what does that mean what does it say as far as like oh so that's two stars interesting and this has nothing i should be pissed all right so if i did act three just now then what if i just go ahead and do this with here dim all lights open window blackfire right okay blackfire all lights are off right i am entropy disorder where things are built tall i appear to knock them down okay monuments nations relationships some of these husks have wedding rings on their fingers i steal the hearts and minds of the rich or powerful to break them and litter my court with them like gold dust but why me for people i'm broke because i am the breeze of chaos that knocks down any tower that challenges the grandness of my court hmm your relationship with my sister was one of those things okay before i only pursued you because you have a great deal of cloud amongst the knight going crowd and shrewd wealthy types okay you would have been an incredibly powerful servant who would have been able to draw in countless wayward souls that meet my standards at least until that reality ended and you undid all of my hard work yeah all of my followers that i had stolen from lametta and i had no choice but to abandon that reality fair there's nothing left to destroy if nothing exists you see but in this reality i've stolen away her most powerful asset you just as i've stolen every member of my entourage all the husks they're bleeding from their chests onto their elegant robes just like me all these people why why because it's what i do mm-hmm yeah no i mean why are they still here are they kind of third wheeling our moment here check them out huh i don't feel any different you're supposed to be obsessed with me ah i already was since i first saw you that's why your little spell didn't work you can try and resist it all you want but one way or another you're my eternal slave from now on are you proposing to me i accept dearest i'm not talking about marriage what i'm talking about is catering to my every whim anticipating my every desire and living solely to please me [Music] yeah uh that just sounds like i'm talking about marriage servitude where you do nothing but kiss the ground i walk on and revere me for all of time smooch servitude unlike anything on earth where you never so much as think of anyone else smooch no we have that on earth and it's called marriage it's different it's not it's true it is not how so freedom forever you are only permitted to do as i say yep and it means preparing every single one of my meals for me whenever i still wish uh yeah for sure it means never being allowed to quit your servitude you'll never be free of me so long as you live until death do us party then exactly yeah okay i'm sorry but you're literally just describing being married i mean hey if that's what you want then i'm in let's get married oh reward [Music] i got him you shouldn't i i i stole you away i ruined your relationship with lynetta uh i preferred you from the beginning spoiler alert i didn't i already broke up with lynette in the other reality actually why are you being so persistent you can't really want to marry me that badly you're just trying to act all smooth so i give you your second smooth yes save it for our wedding day you can't be serious right [Music] all the way to the honeymoon oh my god i like the little bandage on the chest that's cute okay so this is now three of six i'm still not at the end here shockingly uh so what we need to do is all right let's uh i'm assuming actually this is going to give me two hearts which is good and then i can do the bad for the other one and then i can accept that bad and there's gotta be one where it's a combo right okay whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever okay and now this should be you've met of the terrible end haven't you oh god i guess we have all right good yep that's great all right whatever there's two other ends here there's two other ends so there's some way to get both of them to be happy with you i know that there's gotta be a way i don't know how it's a way but it's definitely a way i don't have time however in this episode to take care of it because i've already recorded for almost two hours with this one so i'm gonna end this one here i will move on to chapter three after it and then i will come back and finish that one because i want to continue the story instead of just fumbling around trying to find things so i love this this is fantastic thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below next episode will be coming real soon thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,812,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, sucker for love, dating game, cthulhu, eldritch horror, doki doki, ltena, lneta, ln'eta, Lovecraftian horror, jumpscare, creepy, beautiful, girls
Id: LjvEwTFAIcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 56sec (4796 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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