Why is this game SO HIGHLY RATED?

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i sure hope this gets us more players

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SussyBlanka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PKPhyre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel sooo proud

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Noahwealsy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Happy for ville, but can’t stand this chunkopop collector type

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DiscoAutopsy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone honestly tell me if this is a joke or not. I'm so confused

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TomahawkIsotope πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm actually here from his vid lmao- I'm watching it now and thought I'd see if there was anything on reddit about it cause I'm curiousπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's very wtf but in a good way? Like it's hooked me in and I fear I'll never be the same- it's like jazz punk but on a whole new level of acid trip lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Be11adonna_lily πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Honest_Stuff_6479 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well now I have to go contrarian. It was fun black suppository posting fellow ceos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DankPlanks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best day of my life

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Designer-Big3845 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello my name is markiplier and i'm here to investigate something this game cruelty squad is overwhelmingly positively reviewed with not an insignificant number of reviews but i can't figure out why i looked at it and unless my eyes deceive me it is a chaotic complete mishmash of random [Β __Β ] in various different styles and nonsense and in all honesty i can't really figure out what game it is but it is overwhelmingly positively rated i don't know why it's one of those things where you see other people enjoying it and i could read reviews about it price of liver shares has plummeted i'll never financially recover from this i'm ruined i don't know what that means is it a game about selling organs this is the gorbinos quest of video games i don't know who gorbino is amazing game just like real world except the textures have changed it helped me get my job in fintech by teaching me the ceo mindset so i wholeheartedly recommend what the [Β __Β ] does that mean a fever dream that starts to make sense the longer you play not just an elaborate this is a great game made with artistic intent this is just like gorbino's quest this is the gorbinos quest of the real world i i don't know what gorbino's quest is what is this [Music] [Music] okay seizure warning apparently so yeah i don't know what this is but we're gonna find out together because i'm going to play it now and whatever it is is something we will discover together consumer soft products the authority of life [Music] [Music] but hey it's me did i wake you up from your depression sec death unit what if you [Β __Β ] up the death loser like what i've got good news for you regarding your employment status it's the sort of work that you enjoy but you'll have to adjust to a more corporate mindset i assume you already own some suitable equipment i don't know what shouldn't i be concerned about what's happening outside one last thing you'll have to log at least 15 minutes a day on the conditioning app [Music] we need your mind primed and clear no freakouts understand i literally only want to freak out right now i don't know what's happening also can i can i mention that this is actually played in a tiny window on my desktop it's not full screen [Music] i am so confused if i didn't know any better if this didn't say it was overwhelmingly positively reviewed i would assume that this was some kind of crapware game that was just a mishmash and absolutely had no cohesion to it which it may not i don't know but oh okay oh full yes please full screen for uh input event map uses r lean oh that's okay kick is at an oasis of love and friendship what what is what is equipment and implants oh is that me oh i don't think i have any money do i i wouldn't be yeah i've got no money stock market uh epic up up it go parts fish glom smell big fish night zoop carp moon eel flind blurp hydra psych bouncy okay so snoozefest animal control pistol expandable baton okay let's make that oh wait i already had did i have weapon i don't know ah it already ha okay i'm gonna try i guess i'm gonna do the the tranquilizer pistol and the sci i don't know pharmocokinetics sigismund of the pharmaceutical department has been embezzling company funds and using them to gamble with highly speculative biological currencies this would already be bad enough to warn his immediate liquidation but he has also become increasingly deranged flying into fits of rage and vomiting blood all over the office while you're there you should also dispose of his accomplice jerry he's scheduled to be hosting a meeting in the conference room with other executives what all right sure whatever okay i am on i i don't [Music] okay my life is a big green oozing pulsing blob and i have one out of five creepy smiley faces in the bottom left since it's your first day i dosed a special combat cocktail for you don't worry if you feel a little off well good luck what you drugged me why did why would you why i shot a trash can r oh i have no clue i have no oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey ho [Applause] oh what [Music] okay whatever i'm here to assassinate someone i think what wait hey stop that stop that oh oh i guess there really was no point in silence since they all seem to be attacking me immediately do i just hello hi are you [Music] oh god how do i reload divine light severed you are a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters i am so confused [Music] oh tranquilizer does work whoa hey hey hey oh right reload what what is this reload nonsense ow okay i am i'm dying i'm gonna go change up my guns because apparently the reload mechanic is something strange that i did not anticipate the reload is like i have to right click and then drag down to the reload spot to be able to reload i think not a hundred percent sure but that's just what i think whoa okay then i dragged down to reload okay i reloaded i think i just have to drag it down i don't think i have to hit the line exactly weird weird weird weird weird weird weird this is not supposed to be a dog i don't even know what that's supposed to be uh switch to gun other gun reload wow whoa also incredibly loud can i just say that like unbelievably loud okay target eliminated i guess i think what is that a shotgun and life maybe and oh it's a computer i don't like that computer don't have another wasn't there another target in here that i need to do eliminate five huh you i ate pills 500 picked up i don't think i'm a good guy here huh i have a sneaking suspicion that i am a very bad guy oh dude i see my other target hello don't mind me just stealing all your stuff i think feels like something is missing it won't budge yeah you know it feels like a lot of something's missing like context and uh a sense of place in the world you don't have enough money i picked up five hundred dollars how much more money do i need okay whatever there's another target down there hey whoa hey hole okay i was waiting for me okay i'm in the water now oh god can i not get out of this did i just screw myself nope i'm good oh ow hey ow oh my god i'm almost dead they they get you quick you guys got any health back here you got guy guy munchables guy what i would call munchables multiple lunchables i can barely hear myself over the music whoa i think that was a bad guy actually you know what the whole concept of good and bad probably doesn't apply in a place like this it's all just me five health absorbed that's not enough can i eat the bodies can i harvest their organs can i take them on to myself can i imbibe this strength uh 500 is picked up great someone's gonna shoot me and i'm gonna die instantaneously what is frogs frogs bogs hello what in the hell who are you why are you what what hey hey oh toxic crisis i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying okay i was killed by frogs and then i got shot in the head all right trying again i i i guess wow this is so weird i saw you whoa whoa whoa whoa not that none of that [Music] oh man they really give me okay um corporate ammo received okay i gotta pick up the ammo for those and that's why this gun is good because they have the gun as well and then i can steal their basically everything right [Music] okay slightly randomly generated there used to be something to eat there for five health there's no money back there okay i don't want to be in the frog room oh boy boy [Music] oh my god what are you oh my god what are you what are you what is this what is any of this where am i why am i what do i do what do i do for it to be the way that it do [Music] ow oh my god that hurts so bad i barely fell down at all hey stop god i'm gonna die again this is this is hard even the slightest little well it's a bullet so i guess you know it makes perfect sense if i get shot i probably won't whoa got them ha ha whoa hey now i have my target coming to me watch out everyone watch out i'm not here for you i think i'm here for this moving target maybe i shouldn't be laughing about that maybe it's not nearly as good as i think it is well at least it gets some health out of it why whoa you almost blasted me full in the face there oh uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah can i get some food oh hey oh my god not now no no no no oh no oh no two two two life oh i'm dead i'm dead god damn it i i don't know if they're oh power and misery traversing the grit of death due to your wasting of company resources by hogging the genetic recombinator you've been selected to participate in an experimental biological enhancement program all your debt is cleared and from now on your body will regenerate by itself can't say i envy you though why feelings dulled oh no what did i do what did i do wrong what did i do wrong why did why why did why is that the only solution that you give me [Applause] oh hey pup hey whoa whoa whoa what were you what is this oh well this looks fancy wham oh the shotgun was very good uh sure uh can i eat these i don't know why i'm asking that pancreas what do you mean i got a pancreas what do you mean i get a pancreas what does that even mean i acquired a pancreas why would i acquire a pancreas okay i think i think there's a quicker way this way oh hi don't mind me don't mind me don't mind me look out behind you whoa hey whoa whoa whoa oh come on i did it ah die exploded oh my god this is bonkers oh i i can't i can eat the i i ca i can eat the bodies that's good i feel good about that i feel good got him pizza yum and once again i have 30 health let's see if i can fix that by consuming some flesh do you have potato chips on your desk peels white pills oh my god i'm upside down now hey god damn it how well i'll just try that again don't know why i went upside down got him okay this this time i know not to eat any weird unknown pills but definitely do the harvesting of the pancreas update a floor potato bathroom floor potato chips gross i think this game really embodies the idea of a fever dream actually no it's so beyond just a fever dream this is a bad trip rolled into a video game oh god get out of my way whoa where did you come from how did you get that close to me oh if i could go just a little bit without being horribly maimed i would greatly appreciate it whoa not you all right civilians i'm sorry i don't really know why i'm too terribly concerned about civilians to be perfectly honest i don't know why i'm too terribly concerned about whatever i'm doing anyway all right locate the exit i did it i'm out of here now now i am out of here i am leaving mission accomplished i feel good about myself and what i have done exit hello hi oh hey there i can see that they got you too honestly it's not so bad it always good to have more options for nutrition you end up saving a lot of money reversing the process sounds unlikely what do you mean you talking about my proclivity to consuming the flesh of the fallen [Music] wow hold on ever hold on hold on hold on lexian are you understanding absolutely anything of what's happening here can you give a summary of at least what you think is happening but really quickly like only like in a second okay cool thank you hope that cleared things up for you abolitely hypernova it was good i think if that's the shotgun i had it it was good okay we we recently gave this the goo food the goo food and the biocomputing startup g-tech is a goo tech a significant seed capital of around 5 billion we have also been helping them by supplying proprietary research data which it turns out they have been selling to our competitors for large sums of money on top of this they have not produced any results and have wasted most of their funding on purchasing chunkle pops jungle pops and expensive properties at an elite gated community built on an ancient mass grave which will soon hopefully have an addition of three fresh new bodies good luck well yeah when your investments go bad time to kill everybody who was involved i mean makes sense to me is my job now i guess oh what a lovely neighborhood ah this must be why do i it just gives me baldi's basics vibes ew careful out there most of the people here living living here employ heavy security i'm sure they do what am i looking at over there is that an incredible tree fort that is what i say again what i'm gonna are you gonna make me repeat myself hi are you okay same ol yum delicious wow ow okay well that's that's a thing now pizza yum was there actually anybody in this house that i needed to um kill i can't tell if the it's in this house or what no it's not okay well this was a big waste of time i just killed this entire family for no reason great good glad i did that what ate all those bodies oh shift aims down sight hello neighbor hey how you doing there what are you doing here what are you doing here i don't know what i'm doing here to be honest but i think it has to do with murder pizza house oh god these freaking face hello i heard you have pizza may i that looks like it might be a anomie you want to know me whoa whoa whoo hey why hey stop that was that you stop that stop that i came here for pizza yum yum yum yum yum yum yum and maybe you too delicious oh pizza i don't know why it's green not 100 sure why yum yum there's no kitchen back here this just gets weirder and weirder hey if you're still here after clicking on this video congratulations you have unlocked the understanding that we all now have together in this game and you've really made it the distance congratulations but unfortunately there's more to go so uh if you've made it this far in the video hey leave a like and leave a comment to let you know let others know that you actually subjected yourself to the nightmare that is this game but also it's not a nightmare i can't i can't say that i'm i'm not enjoying what i'm doing maybe maybe i should say that i'm not enjoying whoa whoa hey what was that is there even a target in this house why am i in this house i'm gonna assume that that's just a bad place to be and i'm not gonna go back there that's that's definitely not for me i shouldn't have been there in the first place so why did i even try excuse me hey how you doing there well you have guns who else has guns who else has guns you have gun no all right you have a gun nope all right yum yum hello hi you seem calm are you one of those open carry guys i respect that hey thanks thank you hi yep that's me all right one no that was not even a target i thought that was a target i'm so confused yum love the interior decoration you have going on here love what you've done with the place oh my god what what oh who are you in the darkness ever heard of cure pit one more decentralized personal server you don't understand huh typical earthling leave me alone i'm trying to figure out how to program in zune the carpet programming language for mercurians well you're one of my targets and i don't think that that's good whatever you're doing yum target eliminated i feel good about myself and everything i've done ah maybe i'm doing uh maybe i'm doing a good maybe i'm doing a good why who did that i'm out of here ah don't kill me i've come so far i've succeeded so much yum well that's one down and i feel even better about myself than i did previously uh what a good game you know i i don't even know if i say that sarcastically am i saying that sarcastically i don't know what i feel i don't know anything about what i feel about this game i legitimately don't know how to feel which i think is a fascinating thing to come into a game with if a game can somehow make you so confused about whether you're having a good time understanding anything that is an accomplishment unto itself and i will not deny that maybe that's the point maybe that's what everyone else is getting out of this someone's up here somewhere hello hi can i talk to you first or is that even a thing goatsy tech that's the name of your thing who are you oh you're here to check out my chunkle pops i'm absolutely nuts about these little guys must have spent over 100 thousand dollars on them by now do you have people a favorite me it's so hard to choose they're all my children man it's so nice to meet another chunko enthusiast uh wow um all right i am leaving now okay um hey okay okay nice tower and that's a castle and my last target is this a dog house is that supposed to what kind of dog what dog that dog okay good hey how you doing over there hi hey what are you doing here you know i don't even know hello hey how you doing who are you get out of here leave me alone what did i tell you i'm trying to work here no you can't help you're a piece of piss it's really rude okay all right yum well mission accomplished i feel good i feel great actually i feel 100 all that delicious meat really uh energizes the body why hey hey hey hey cut that [Β __Β ] what in the [Music] hot kidney kidney [Music] liver oh i was supposed to get the oh what what [Music] is there something in the sewers [Music] i need a moment before i continue because i am still reeling from anything that is happening here i have not i i i think it it feels weird to even talk about this game with any kind of critical eye because it feels like it's completely counter to the point of the game i guess but also just like i still don't quite understand the appeal but i kind of do but it's like it's infecting my brain it has come to our attention that the ceo of advanced orbital instruments has been doing too good of a job trying to increase the survival rate of our mission to mercury currently estimated at around 20 this simply won't do as it is first and foremost a sacrificial mission designed to satiate the appetites of some of our higher-ups once you get rid of them we'll be free to install our own ceo who is more attuned to the concept of mass scale human sacrifice what do i have money i have 3 000 money a csij level five biosuit a suit of writhing flesh that wraps around you and seals you in extremely good protection with no immediate a pair immediately a bear downsides [Music] bio thruster in your chest it looks like it's in your back propelled yourself forwards with a powerful jet of sticky liquid holes in your back it's an ejaculation boost replaces your kick i forgot i even had a kick ammunition [Music] gunko boosters boost yourself upwards midair by releasing a jet of assorted biological detrious makes a huge mess that is extremely unpleasant to clean up oh my god i want that zoom and go [Music] nightmare vision goggles they give off a putrid stance seemingly no effect on anything i'll take one of these please pop her in thank you i appreciate the putrid stench it gives off that's actually my favorite part all right let's kill uh the space ceo i guess oh i shouldn't have gotten nightmare vision goggles i can't see anything this is of no benefit at all i am i'm falling i'm underwater i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying [Music] all right let's not do the nightmare vision goggles oh that's what it was i fell in the water good good good good great actually great if you think about it [Music] wow whoa whoa whoa whoa all right well there's a lot more things here than i thought there would be i might have to be careful about this hello are you okay sir working conditions here are quite rough but it's all for the greater good some sacrifices have to be made yeah i know i wish more people understood that the space elevator construction is behind schedule it's making me depressed as you should be let's get it moving folks uh okay i just went in the drink uh that's probably fine i don't even know why i'm going over this way i have a funkalicious feeling that there's nothing over here hey you put your left foot oh my god you okay not anymore all right whatever whatever i'm just gonna go i guess i don't know what this does according to the latest research the living conditions on mercury aren't that bad i bet that's wrong somehow i detect that that might actually be incorrect i'm coming to kill you [Music] you have a gun no one day i'll be on that rocket mercury then my dad will respect me probably not hey nice to meet you the name's kevin but you can call me kev i'm the speculative architect of this place no i didn't design it i'm just here to figure out what buildings would look like in a alternative tease i'm currently working on a series of architectural renderings under the title in suffering my most recent one waste management and suffering is a masterpiece it's quite an important job i was recently promoted so i got this kick-ass office on the second floor away from the cubicle losers i added a flash net publication called successful architecture it's pretty sick check it out sometime my man okay all right nice office uh goodbye is that a door it was in fact a door i don't know how to crouch what did i just do how i don't know how to crouch crap x ah got him how about one of these and one of these how about one of these this is actually pretty good to be able to shoot people from a distance one of these one of these the these one of these i said one of these all right seems clear did a good job there nice cubicles great cubicles actually excuse me excuse me [Music] who where where what am i who who and where [Music] how do we get oh my god hello okay whoa whoa [Music] can i please thank you almost dead oh god where oh you okay doing okay 30 health that should be enough i might have to consume some more but i think i'll be able to survive as long as i'm cautious lean all right i think i go up here i'm willing to bet that there's going to be something up here waiting to shoot me oh yep i see you but do you see me didn't think so actually it seems like you did whoa whoa you you you no no no no no i'll wear my ow out no no not from a fall not from a fall nah i really kaboom when i die i really kaboom i think actually i wonder if i can just go around and then get up to the other side over there maybe even i could find a way to get a vantage point to be able to shoot him because it seems like there's windows up there like if i am able to oh if i had the ejacu boost oh hi i don't know what that is but that looks like it might be a weapon of some kind in there the ejacu booster you know either the foot version or the back version either way [Music] what is that oh that looks fun i think also this is silenced isn't it oh it is it is it is [Music] one down who down ho ho i am honestly reminded of the things uh the things the assassins from half-life like way way back just checking you back there oh yes you are got you that's what you get for trying to save people's lives did that say [Β __Β ] i'm the ceo pretty sure that's what that said i don't know where your gun went but i already have it so i don't need it all right mission accomplished i am out of here and is that a house over there why is there a house over there does that house have a vantage point to snipe this dude i got a c is that is that like my score i i i don't i don't mark the chief of public health order pedia called the vortipedia longbeat of forcing the general population but recently to get sloppy and uncontrollable but his messages when he actually responds are completely aguero increasingly violent we believe this rapid change character has been caused by experimental steroids supplied to him by the leader of magnus kill both of them in the culture i am stepping away i'm stepping away i am stepping away i have stepped away this is so bizarre overall reviews for this bundle overwhelmingly positive an immersive power fantasy simulator with tactical stealth elements set in a sewage-infused garbage world this is a [Β __Β ] jawbreaker with a dense pleasure chemical core cruelty squad isn't cruel it's just honest oh my god there's four games here some of which i have did i buy a bundle and wasn't aware of it cruelty's gone is definitely one of the most multi-layered and eye melting games i've ever played multi-layered in regards to initial perception of course it's essentially a first-person assassination game where a monstrous-looking corporate overlord sends you on a murder mission for dollar-y dues and and giggles the game frequently jumps back and forth between actual commentary and a depraved sense of humor the genius of cruelty squad is that it looks like a pure blue of a game but in reality it's far smarter than most other games in its genre this game is level based taking place across 13 main missions including the intro there are also a bunch of secret levels for those brave enough to find them typically you'll be tasked with eliminating one or more targets for the sake of protecting your corporate overlords despite the game's extremely harsh and crude aesthetic visually and audibly there's a clear vision beneath all of it the world of cruelty squad is truly filthy but hiding beneath the fault pretense of luxury most of the people who live here for their mediocrity and in a sense so do you your job is to murder people without question and of course you do this because this world has taught you that this is the only way to pay your bills money is gained by doing missions and playing the stock market you can buy and sell traditional socks but you can also trade human body parts and fish enemies that you kill can have their organs harvested which then becomes stocks which you can hold onto or sell the same goes for fish by finding a fishing rod in one of the earlier levels you can go fishing and then play them on the stock market for additional gains these elements are fun and well designed but they also play into the world itself everything that isn't immediately relevant to your murder missions is used for pure capital fish organs and stocks simply serve to add extra zeros to your bank and everything exists to help you become a more efficient murderer without going into spoilers the ending genuine left me speechless for a moment and gave me new insight into the entire experience it's a must play if you're a fan of first person shooter no joke i think that they're they're right this is one of those games where even watching this video even making it to the end of this video which congratulations kudos to you for even doing it doesn't tell the whole story of it it's a it's a don't judge this book by its cover kind of game i think i think i've no idea then again maybe i just need to play more of it but i'll do that on my own thank you everybody so much for watching and enjoying this with me link is in the description if you'd like to play this game but hey did you know i have two podcasts one's called distractible the other is called go my favorite sports team with tyler if you also want to be confused to the utmost edges of your mind why not check out inspace with markiplier my show it's very fun you can either start on part one or part two doesn't really matter if it's your first time playing or maybe it does maybe you'll only find out when it ends thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,928,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam, markiplier, cruelty squad, best rated steam game, worst rated steam game, steam games, random steam games, Markiplier reviews, Markiplier game review, markipliergame, walkthrough, playthrough, deep dive, retro game
Id: BgPGrh1W5zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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