Sucker for Love 2: Just a Tease

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I'm literally recording this because I needed to remind myself that I think I'd tweeted at somebody that I said that I might voice something in this game and I forgot about it and this is me saying that I'm gonna remember to do that now uh new goat new goat just dropped go to sucker to love sucker oh man Sucker For Love day to die for this is the demo this is not the actual game so my reminder still stands there still is time for me to do what I whatever it is I said I was gonna do unless I didn't say that and this is really embarrassing anyway welcome back to soccer for love if you remember the first one it's a dating game but if you don't go check it out it's fun Cosmic Horrors things beyond our understanding they are sequestered to the Stars appearing only through challenging failure-prone rituals and an utterable incantations they're Twisted fanatical followers require no such invitation to commit Horrors beyond belief in their stead it is then when the boogeyman lurking In the Shadows isn't an obscure imperceptible shade but a tangible madman me vague prognostications of the stars become empty threats before the undeniably material me I'm undeniably material in their hands oh oh did something scary happen hmm huh huh in the book you're reading did something scary happen you hear his pale as a sheet oh no no I must have nodded off and had a bad dream nah I know this is a super weird question but can you tell me where I am you're in my bookstore in Sacramento are you lost Sacramento oh no I think I know where I am now thanks I'm beginning strange dreams lately I can't make sense of what they've been about when I wake up my heart is pounding out of my chest and I'm not where I fell asleep these dreams started happening the same time that people began Vanishing for my hometown Sacramento even though it's a fairly remote town with a small population there's been dozens of disappearances in the last year alone so many that the trains don't stop at the station anymore why would they stop doing that concerned locals claim to have spotted angry Woodland Spirits at the edge of the woods animals with too many features feet watching them and Outsiders can't shake the feeling that they're always being watched by the unblinking purple eyes of the Town folk the Sacramento stairs what they call it on the news they're saying that the stairs how they can tell if you're an outsider at a glance if you don't have it I know you're not one of them oddly enough I don't have the Sacramento stare despite being born here and even now after returning home I have still been spared from it besides some light-headedness and a dull warm fuzzies feeling I don't feel any different the girl that runs this odd bookstore also hasn't been cursed it seems have you made a selection did you find a book to your liking oh yes oh yes I did oh I'm sorry no I didn't I didn't mean to loiter to be honest I don't have any money with me but I'll come back first thing tomorrow and buy something no it's fine I'm glad that you enjoyed reading my books but it's starting to get dark outside with all the disappearances lately you better hurry home why do you look familiar home even though my family fled town when the disappearances began I'm returning to our ancestral home of Sacramento all because of a note that I found in my apartment this morning your mother is a little shook up from everything that happened and so I'm taking care of her at Graham Grammy conde's place if you came to visit who would cheer up and help a recovery we'd miss you so so much Stardust I don't think that's what that says but the strange thing is my parents were two of the first people to go missing they were declared dead since they've been missing more than a year admits the disappearances this is their handwriting and my parents are the only ones that call me Stardust this is them beyond a shadow of a doubt whatever is going on here I can't turn my back I need to see them again speaking of I better get going thanks for letting me doze off I promise I'll come back real soon real soon why do you look familiar thank you for stopping in take care I saw when I was the high mellow right time to hurry back I push my way through the door leaving the Warm Glow of the bookstore behind as the sun sets Sacramento overgrown Now by oppressive canopies of foliage from the smell of animal musk and swampy Fields you'd think this was a barn not a city street every surface here is plastered with posters many litter the ground and every single one of them is someone that was never found that's why they call it missing person lame now it's we're desperate Out of Towners looking for their loved ones leave posters before going missing themselves it's the only navigable footpath left and the most direct route to my house I can't tell if it's the Darkness playing tricks on me what I'm losing my way down streets that I should know forwards and back wasn't I supposed to make a turn while ago I can't make heads or tails of the houses and landmarks as I used as a kid to get around it's like my whole home town was replaced by an unfamiliar yet exact replica okay calm down if I check the note my parents wrote and compare the address to the nearest house I should be able to at least figure out if I'm walking the right way oh a blank grocery store receipt when did I put this in my pocket where's my parents letter I dig through my pockets in a panic there's no way I dropped it in the bookstore so where could it this receipt it has the same fold lines and dimensions as the handwritten Note I I could I have no there's no way I could have misread a shopping list as an entire letter from my parents right I thought more around with a note checking the back and flipping and turning it in a hopeless attempt to see the message again but the receipt stays a receipt something's very wrong oh are you like blind or something watch where you're going clots of Rama okay that's a little rude you wanna you want a little punch of the face was that what you want I slam right into somebody come the other way oh I'm sorry are you all right I should have been more careful whoa she's really pretty but what on Earth is this girl doing wandering around Sacramento at night okay sorry I didn't mean to smack into you like that I know it's not an excuse but I was just in a rush oh yeah yeah really cool save your breath I already know how this goes what your boyfriend you heard me my boyfriend Buck is mine what who the heck is Buck where all these accusations coming from I I don't own a new book really don't know who Buck is no you're not like from out of town are you the stair it's real I turn my head down in briskly walk past her she starts walking alongside me look at me I don't know if I want to I can't let her see my eyes no matter what she'll notice I don't have the Sacramento stare you can tell me from here or what I mean technically yeah I live here yeah look at me really quick it's bad even if I make it home she'll know where I live what do I do I freeze before I know it I'm already staring straight at her okay I break into a Mad Dash running my hardest everything is a blur my heart pounding in my ears can't dull out the sounds of the whistles shouts an unidentical commotion coming from sides panting and dizzy I feel my body slowing down but the image of my face on the next missing person's poster kicked my legs into action once more but no matter how far I run buildings refuse to change the streets refuse to turn and the sounds of the Awakening Woods refuse to Abate the Surplus is wide open clearing in the trees about one block ahead if I can break line aside from my unseen pursuers I have a chance of finding some place to hide has any other turn off my exhaustion makes itself known if this is a dead end or if it's too dark to find my way I won't have the energy to turn around and start running again around the corner it's my grandma's house sitting alone in the middle of a clearing in the woods I thought the weight of my house involved multiple turns ways back but I don't have time to question things as I'm already halfway up the makeshift turn path so when do I get to smooching anybody smoochable in here that's a lot of shoes I skulk up the open lawn in my grandparents old house burst through the door and hold the door shut for what feels like forever no one's banging at the door for the moment I'm not being chased hey what's I may just be standing at the entrance but I can already tell something feels off about my home like the warm familiar place I grew up in is long gone I can't put my finger on it but this dread why do I feel like I need to sneak around my own home is someone here my parents hey butterfly hello I'm home no response hello a butterfly a butterfly stuck in a web where's the spider this is very different from what I thought it was going to be but I'm okay whoa smooching all right okay all right okay how do I oh [Laughter] that's cool oh that oh that's cool oh it's like a full-on old school exploration horror game oh God I hate that no wait hold on oh this is fascinating our family photos only none of these photos have been in it and the faces of my siblings look unfamiliar what's with those strange symbols what's with a bucket of blood I would like to know what the bucket of blood is about I feel like the bucket of blood okay it's a lot of Hearts everywhere that means it's prime time for smooching hey yep yep okay good good good oh like I know that this all dealt with Cosmic Horrors and Eldritch uh demented beings the bird cage where my grand Graham kept her finches it's been distorted from the inside oh that's worse oh horrific anyway I'm hungry oh all right fresh dripping meat I should avoid counting the number of legs [Music] but but uh [Music] I mean I guess it's fine if I have nothing to say about it hello well this is Grand I unusually pungent spices pepper nutmeg ginger and cinnamon do we name a couple I see there is almost suffocatingly thick with their scent okay well that's Grand this is a lovely house truly lovely what's that terrible smell coming from that fridge I can't bear to open it of course you can't looks like cooking oil except it's in a gallon container and it smells like burnt hair and sulfur the colors black as said too other than that just like cooking oil just like Graham Graham used to make anyway oh peekaboo that's probably this way shoot well nothing concerning here this is such a good premise for a horror game which now this has become I'm just gonna say that straight up it's pretty horrific at the moment just very very horrific oh oh hello oh where am I I don't think I should be anywhere kind of outside I feel like being outside is probably a bad idea very bad hold on I wasn't quite done in here hello okay okay yep oh man how many people no stop I thought that beanbag had somebody in it looks like the triplets toys have been mostly untouched ever since we left in a hurry with the triplets toy what triplets what triplets are you talking about what a mess the cloth has been ransacked but no valuables have been taken also lots and lots of beds why so many beds yeah that's the entrance when do I get to smooching listen I got this game for the smooching of it I'm not seeing enough smooching that looks haunted oh oh okay um before I do that I'm gonna go this way and into here concerning ship hello [Music] kind of empty in these family homes oh cool perfect well that's comforting and familiar [Music] okay [Applause] okay nothing to see here perfectly fine there's one room I didn't see here I'm probably fine okie dokie I've seen all I need to see you yup that's concerning yep ladder room blue ladder ladder why the ladder room I'm definitely not going down there unless I have to I have to I have to this smooching you don't understand it's smooching time we really aren't emphasizing smooching nearly as much as you should how if that is your real name well you get to the point of the matter which is just the smooch that's what I know and that's what I learned it doesn't matter if you get your face melted off your balls blasted off your legs turned inside out you live for the smooch you die for the smooch and we're boy howdy do I plan to bathroom hello I've seen better days toilet Turtle it tree [Music] let all right well that's not weird oh that's lovely [Music] oh is that my bedroom it is my better but before I do that I don't know why but I want to explore everything it's blocked from the other side I can't see clearly Through the Keyhole either huh am I gonna be living with Eldritch gods wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute somebody has plastered my kids sibling study room with dirty posters I'm gonna beat whoever did this senseless senseless hmm interesting all right the plot thickens see what the hell is going well what the heck happened in my room it's called stuff sitting around has someone been living here while I was away those candles are lit whoever did this was here recently but who why maybe there's some kind of clue in this book there's no title or author or anything and it smells like overripe fruit and formaldehyde in other words it reeks of death my hands feel pruning a nice cold touching the cover like it's drinking the life from my fingertips like the very material of this item it's thirsty seeding black woods instructions on how to corrupt the soil of a forest by using awful of a goat in the Beating Heart of a human the beating what I read and re-read the passage but it's plain as black and white the Beating Heart of a human I reread again and again my disbelief washing away more and more each time this isn't a joke first the stare that only the locals have then The Disappearance is then the supernaturally overgrown woods and now this book describing sacrificial rituals the truth Dawns on me Sacramento has been overrun by cultists people haven't been Spirited Away by Angry four Spirits they've been inducted and up next I can't stop trembling should I hide is there even anywhere to hide I certainly can't run these cultists could be anywhere I hastily flip through the book maybe there's something anything that I can use to escape amidst hundreds of pages and indecipherable runes and obscene rituals one catches my attention manifest the all mother according to this the our mother is supposed to be a benign Eldritch entity with profane powers of Life preservation nothing else in this book looked even remotely benign If This Book Is For Real then this all mother is my best shot at getting out of here live summoning a space demon is probably a bad idea but my odds haven't couldn't have and couldn't get in any worse than they have already they haven't found a single person that went missing besides there's still a chance that this book is fake right but there's an explanation for all the weirdness happening in Sacramento I better hurry and do the ritual and find out looks like I already have everything I need to try uh you're right I definitely do uh ah I found the plan misser at certain times in conversation this icon will appear and you can spray the speaker with water by right clicking the this feature was primarily included in consideration players who dislike being hit on by older women Eldritch Abominations but it does other uses too and who would that be two [Music] looks like the idol of a goat only it has too many legs too many eyes weighs a ton too have this get up the stairs a big hole most of life's mysteries are solved by noticing the big hole okay now we are back into the game this entity is a benign preserver of life and cannot harm you I'll have no contact with Elders Gods is completely safe swallowing does any lit candles okay snuff easy in sure there is an idol of the black goat present summer in the room Roger that Idol of goat have a plan Mister with you while facing a tree of the black woods chant her name that looks like a tree of the black woods I don't see any other trees of the black woods all right Roxanne you dare yep it worked this book is for Real how do they get their hands on something like this form of the black goat of the woods of sails my senses the birthplace of life and birthplace of love and final resting place of death the maker and unmaker in all her undulating auror of vile sailing whose seeps from the pores of my clenched fists as I'm overcome by another worldly nausea beyond my Reckoning extensive on my soil long enough today is the end of empty threats okay Roxanne come near fertilizer for my black woods blood trapped within my distended veins quickens surging agitatedly beneath the Flesh of my cheeks nurturing forth from the wicked soil to feed upon your ever suffering remains for all of time at my hands you will die again and again again okay why are you blushing oh well you didn't need to call me girl pretty oh my God [Music] [Laughter] I thought I was driving you insane oh that's sweating and hyperventilating it looked like you were gonna throw up uh no oh that just happens when I talk to girls I'm usually not into goats actually I'm never into goats but um I'll make an exception foolish mortal your impudence has made me very oh forget it what is it this time torture again no I'm not no no no where did you catch your cold mate with someone else and now you want me to pretend to be your mommy to comfort you that would be horrible I would really not appreciate that at all told me torture I think I've been confused for someone else probably only have a few more moments but breaks your will so make it quick I don't think that usually happens to me in my past experiences with Eldritch Gods my will was broken long before my lust got there so I feel fine I mean she's dropped at gorgeous and I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest but I don't feel like my will is breaking or anything I am a goddess of first fruits and you are standing two feet away from me at the very epicenter of my carnal influence and you're telling me you don't feel a thing okay I know we both know what your carnal influence and where its epicenter is um but can you just let's just can you just say it out loud just for everyone else who's around all the cultists hidden in the walls what is your carnal influence I don't read a lot of books lesser Warhammer I mean I think you're really beautiful that's all you think I'm just beautiful sure I'm closer and take it hey back away point goddess of lust getting rejected by her own cultists in her own dream huh uh I don't know if this makes it worse or not but I'm actually not anybody's cultist makana just said it I thought that was a bag under your eye I didn't know that was another eye that's I can Overlook it I wasn't looking at your eyes anyway I mean sorry I've summoned you because my life is in danger and I thought maybe you'd be able to help me somehow so unless you lift my chin and pulls my face close to her [Music] you're not under my influence nah you're not one of them yeah how did you get this book I was on the ground what do you mean I just found it on the floor grave grave danger the Thousand doesn't know you're here yet but they will be coming for you you've got nowhere to run coming we'll be able to escape now while I'm still rooted here any road you walk will lead straight back here well that's where I wanted to go anyway you need to do the rituals in that book in Order ending with a spell that will uproot me from this location once I've been uploaded you'll be able to run for it and hope for the best okay don't let anything happen to the book if you lose it before I'm uprooted way out okay a chill is running on my spine run for it no way out grave danger carnal influence just what have I gotten myself into scaring you you have no choice if we're ever going to ashes was like that scared me a little bit wait a minute did I just hear something right hold on it sounds like you're trying to escape too messy with my cultists I see it in a bad way I mean my followers have turned against me and are abusing me and my Woods's power to kill Outsiders indiscriminately okay is a nightmare that I'd just like to end but neither of us can leave without the uprooting ritual being performed okay but I should warn you these incantations and rituals can be terrifying for a non-cultist to perform you can successfully completing them can have grave consequences no I know all about grave Colonel consequences these rituals will test your medal in ways that I'll do it really you're just okay with what I'm saying yeah if there's a way out just tell me how I'll do it so many people have gone missing I'm not letting the same thing happen to me or you let's not waste any time start with the spawn partner ritual first you'll need it spawn spawn how spawnable we how spawnable we talking here yeah whoa why can't I go home where have I gone that's cool that's pretty neat pretty nifty that's fun the woods fatten themselves on us the dead feed the woods the living feed the woods whose blood is the tree bleeding this is uncomfortable no no oh that's lovely this one's nice all right okay what was I doing oh those seeking to destroy the blackwoods instead become compelled to worship at the roots of the Blackwood spread to the mind all right light the ritual candles the color of the flame does not matter so please choose the color you find comforting have your choice of the narrow manic herb on your person pick a scent you find Pleasant imagine your ideal partner if it exists it will appear before you if it does not exist it will be created do not imagine something you can't put back chant all right uh so I know where to get some aromatic spices are you in here oh why so sad what are you so sad so these followers are kind of like jealous ex-boyfriends then you want nothing to do with them but the only way you leave yes be right you're like my exes and using the same metaphor if you try to date me then my exes will hack you to death with farm tools that is an app metaphor that last part wasn't a metaphor okay maybe I should get back to the rituals then probably a good idea yeah I got many good ideas you gonna find out about how many good ideas I have like eating toast in the morning after we hang out that's a good idea all right whatever that is in this room of course it is I was going to the kitchen what am I an idiots for hey remember that great idea I had have another one ah don't drink too much water more less than two hours before the bed you're gonna have to piss all over yourself um I have ah this thing's uh I got all right pick a scent you find Pleasant oh okay what do we got lavender that's pretty good mint rosemary is good on food but lavender I would I would take lavender over mint I think okie dokie then and that [Music] I know this says black not really black candles green no is that blue it looks green oh change it to I see okay light it red change to Black nah again that's really not that I gotta go with pink pink not bad all right let's do this I'm imagining something tall I'm imagining the thing that Matt pack could never imagine for me which is the not the perfect poke that's not what I'm talking about something else really tall uh here we go oh oh my I I can explain I'm gonna explain well if you remember all my good ideas well you've [Music] you're pinkish you got pink someone and your hair is [Music] I've got nothing there's no need to be bashful especially after all that time you spent playing koi in the view of the circumstances perhaps I will allow you to be my partner really and that's okay with you even though we just met well it's subtle and it'll be a long long time before I could ever trust a human again but I'm not exactly the god of taking things slow [Music] I already have a thousand children there's no harm in a thousand and one well that's a little presumptuous in either way I could understand that that's a little all right what are we talking about taking me as your partner huh I thought you were talking about just being my girlfriend definitions of Partners goddess was referring to the platonic meaning yes there's three meaning of Partners cowboy joking around while standing so close to me you should be melting with desire uh being anywhere within a mile of me should amplify your lost a thousand fold oh that's an easy one a thousand times zero zero I don't know what I just said um you you aren't with child now not that I know of you're going to die here and there's nothing I can do to help okay why you're really not gonna help me just because I don't have kids not that I won't it's that I can't I am an entity of untapped Cosmic potential and I want a big family the biggest family possible I want every living thing on Earth to be a direct descendant of me or one of my followers those that best serve that goal receive a fraction of my power my most devoted followers are bestowed with gifts like extended life spans rapid healing physical enhancement and in some cases immortality and those followers are the ones looking for you okay you on the other hand have closed yourself off to my dark influence at our mortal and vulnerable no kids no powers what if I don't want powers or kids I take an involuntary step backwards okay I'm sorry deserve that uh uh yep I'm fine don't worry about me let's move on to the next ritual so we can get out of here okay holy moly that was freaking scary she's really taking this hard I better go get this stuff for the next ritual also who am I who am I what is what is this who is this no lust having nothing you not who I think you is all right anyway uh meat from a living thing that died within the black woods okay milk of the black goat uh store about two percent is fine too lastly a receptacle filled to the brim with liquid life blood they mean blood please use blood from now on [Music] all right cool all right so I need milk and meat and blood I remember there being a bucket of blood somewhere listen I'm here for a smooch I'm here for the biggest smooch I'm here for the smooch of all smooches if you know what I mean so I don't know what about this no lust having nothing I want smooches okay meat I tear a hunk of meat from the hook this should be what I'm looking for smells kind of strange is this Beef Pork whatever it came from it was huge I should move on before I count the number of legs hanging on the hooks all right Simon unusually pungent spices there was a bucket of blood here somewhere milk of the black goat it just looks like regular card in a store-bought strawberry milk with a label strapped on every time getting the real thing for Moroccan now that their relationship is sour no pun intended I should be good enough yay probably yeah then oh was there a bucket of blood in here too great oh good an unsettling amount of blood I'll just carry this children on my spine when being watched have everything I need I need to get out of here and fast how fast oh fast no okay I did it okay hello how are you hey you're basically a God right yes if these cultists have been bothering you couldn't you I don't know what mother would I be if I harmed my children hmm I'm gonna take him but in all seriousness I can't do anything to hurt my followers directly because never in my wildest dreams could I hurt a human didn't you threaten to kill me what maybe doing no harm isn't the same as doing good I suppose that's fair whatever that means all right I need red I think okay I need meat I have these things I'm gonna put them in my hands I think what do we do two of them I I have them a horrigorian corner looks like you did everything perfectly impressive why did I do this I don't even remember what the objective was nothing to it if all the rituals are this easy we might just get out of here perhaps so I guess they are between us your life is your own I'm sorry for losing my composure trust me oh that I nearly forgot about that already I'm a little surprised the little God would bother apologizing you're human at all and while you may be blasphemously abstinent you're the only person in the world that can help me abstinent if you step within range of my Woods any desire you have that will lead you closer to me is Amplified to such an intense degree that it's unbearable most of the time it's lost [Music] anyone who is Led here seeking carnal or animalistic pressures develops the Sacramento stare that comes a cultist okay if you are brought into my roots for any other reason you don't become one of my chosen thousands and your desire will make you futile search the words for what isn't there okay to eat and sleep and you'll search and search until you die of exhaustion and become fertilizer for the woods to grow further the dark woods the only person to reach me without joining the cult or dropping dead thanks in no small parts the fact that you don't have lust to amplify the only question is if you're not here for lust is lost I pulled the receipt out of my pocket I came looking for my parents this used to be a handwritten letter from them saying they were here in this house but once I got here it turned into a blank receipt and won't turn back with your emotions to bring you here that paper was likely never a letter from your parents but the words made you believe it was sorry interesting so they really aren't still alive they were likely consumed by my Woods no more than three days after they disappeared that's oddly specific I feel like I've been punched in the gut the dust has long settled on my parents being gone but it'll give you your strength back the woods won't let you feel how tired you are I won't let you feel how lustful I am it's not really that lustful you're kind of more goat than I'm Comfort which is like not I'm not trying to say that there's a delineation of amount of goat that I'm comfortable with because that's an uncomfortable statement to say but you're quite goat you're basically goat I don't feel tired at all come to think of it I felt like I was gonna collapse when I made it to this house I don't think I've eaten since I got the letter either I take a few bites in the tears of baby it'll be all right Stardust oh I'm so sad give me a big hug Stardust how did you know my parents nickname oh did you know that thing that dies within my blackboards becomes a part oh part of me they're dead their love for you likely lives on in me then it would have been really weird if you came on to me I guess that settles it my parents are really gone that's the only way she could do that no never do that very special day but maybe so goddamn special that's outright terrifying but I feel strangely comforted that part of them is still there somewhere I hope this is an offensive question but how come this book said you were benign you're kind of that's not true I'm sorry all the missing people the people that came looking for them I came bearing gifts of safe childbirth for infinite mother hungerlessness disease immunity uh-huh not instead my own worshipers tormented me until it broke my hearts hearts now my Woods are bloodthirsty I'm forced to watch innumerable die I feel like I could number them but why How could somebody do something like that how could someone have so much hate in their hearts oh already no no no no no no no no no no no no no I forgot Roxanne is just as scared as I am I need to be more careful with showing fear for her sake I need to be brave it could just be the house this place is old and brought this place is old and rocking in some places so I don't know sometimes the house shifts on his own I'll check it out sound like it came from the kitchen which is all the across our house stay here it's as far away from me as careful I'm sure no one's coming by you didn't say anything about people being drawn to you like a magnet because of their lust right pretty sure okay oh another episode of Sucker For Love and date to die for is coming up [Music] foreign I guess at the end of it not nearly enough smooching where was my smooching uh fine okay well thank you everybody so much for watching uh I don't know when this is gonna fully come out and I don't remember if I did say something or not about voicing something in this game but uh they I they'll know and this will help me remember so thank you again everybody so much for watching uh be sure to check out the new drop at and all the new uh stuff that we have on sale regularly now we're trying to get more stuff stock there including slippers I think we have a few pieces of underwear left and some of the most comfortable pants you'll ever have so thank you and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,359,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, sucker for love 2, demo, part 1, dating sim, sucker for love date to die for
Id: S5Iz7StshiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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