HILARIOUS and BRUTAL | People Playground

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi welcome to people playground it's not what you think but somehow it's probably going to be worse um this is a game that's a lot like interactive buddy which is sad to mention because flash has now been officially discontinued that doesn't mean that you can't still play some of those games but flash is kind of being purged from the internet so a lot of the old flash games are kind of going by the wayside but some of them are coming to steam in bundles and the developers are actually kind of getting paid which is good i don't know why i'm getting all moby about it she said i mean bring the mood down i'm here to kill people anyway abyss what the hell what that okay so people playground is a lot like that okay e or q to spawn selected object left mouse to drag why are things just horror games came here to destroy what is this supposed to be i came here to have a good time box select us press right mouse and select delete okay delete oh there was one more box that i didn't read i did not think that through okay e hey how you doing pal good to see you you really want to stand up straight don't you about another person you're taller how [ __ ] dare you gorse relatively small awful creature courses are intelligent and malicious they also tend to smell of burnt glue well let me just spawn it in the pit oh you okay oh [Music] oh i'm not a murderer you're all right oh i think they're probably fine hello oh no oh what the hell happened oh no hello okay well the course what is that the course seems most certainly dead i regret everything okay so there's a dude over there android over here maybe hi wow look at that well of course can't hurt you yeah can't even bother it what are you gonna do no okay uh oh uh oh oh hang on oh boy i'll let them work out their aggression okay hey dude at least you're not dead man i'm so glad you're here i'm worm staff no no wait i can slam this against androids to repair them perfect how you doing over here buddy fine it's fine clank clank clink clink clank clink clink clink clink you're fine buddy you're fine all right he's good she it they're good this i don't like the implications of that look this guy this original guy is my buddy i'm not gonna get a little close to that buddy just take a put your right foot in you take your right foot out that's too much blood that's so much blood that is so much blood that is still too much blood why is there so much blood goodbye this is an impossible amount of blood this can't be this is impossible put them in the pit put them in the pit in the pit and there you go goodbye stand up for yourself buddy end up for yourself stand up for yourself okay all right you keep it up man you keep it up you keep up there good work all right man this is uh that's really something why did that do so much what does it do to an android hello worms yeah they can't do nothing okay it's going to be the pit of worms go in the bit okay here we go here we go buddy don't worry about thing don't worry about things don't worry about things so much blood it's just an impossible amount of blood it's so much it should not be no get out of there are you okay you okay you okay can i get you a med kit is there a med kit there a medkit on this med kit you're okay you're okay bud listen if you die i will never forgive myself i will probably forgive myself electricity transformer activation transformer fire detector life detector decimator decimator oh what is it what is all of this ah what is factorio up in here thruster bed thruster man oh uh oh uh um oh uh oh ah okay you're going in the pit sorry you're in horrible pain just yeah you go here there you go enjoy defibrillator bring him back into this hell claire are you alive yeah they seem good standing up on your own there buddy standing up there we go that's on the heart that's on the heart there we go claire okay well it doesn't put it in the pit in the pit in the bit in the pit in the bit oh you forgot this okay hey bud how are you doing good to see you ah don't worry about a thing ooh acid syringe adrenaline shot bone eating syringe that seems bad coagulation will heal all bleeding wounds death syringe freeze syringe knockout syringe life ooh in the head in the head okay what was that well i'd give them ultra strength the zoinkas zoinkas how is this not working i feel like this should be working right whoa did i get you you good oh okay ah right in the ass okay okay uh in the butt oh so this guy's good let's test out this immortality theory here we go right in the leg well that doesn't seem to be immortal well he's not dead oh that's straight blown out ass oh that's blown out ass no no no no no nope hang on in the ass there we go yeah there's get your ass blown back in there you go okay well that's that that you're not immortal heel heel heel heel heel heel heel heel yeah okay well why aren't you immortal then this is bizarre okay makes living beings more durable i guess getting shot a couple times ain't happy well don't slip on my gun hold still hold okay what are you so bouncy what stop what is this you wanna be stabbed in the gooch all right we're gonna leave this in you okay oh my god what's wrong with you well stop it what's wrong with you don't you're gonna go in the pit careful no no no no slow motion okay and grouchy gotcha i gotcha i gotcha i i got you i got you i got you i got you i almost had you there almost had you and i got you and i got you i've got you i got you i have you there nope so close i have you no have you nope i've got you got you i have got you i've got you i have you i've got you oh boy i've got you i got yeah i go i got him yeah yeah yeah oh my god are you okay you okay you okay oh he's back up and he's bouncing again all right you stop stop stop in the dick you just leave that in you okay you leave that right in you all right detached what oh what the frick you okay buddy oh god okay uh hang on slow okay slow slow slow i got you that was a close one pal that was really close hang on you all right now you're still kicking literally still kicking literally still kicking whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yo yo yo yo whoa whoa and this shot's really something huh you like that you like the juice well this is definitely different than i thought it was going to be you still almost pushed them i forgot you were here um you're good you just you you keep that up you keep doing that does this do oh well that looks powerful oh my god oh my god okay wait wait wait wait wait so you have this good go 321 baby i have you clear there we go all better now oh god you're up you're up pal man you're up enough of giving this guy the business i want to start creating here let's uh let's make a wall let's make a little pen okay that's uh i wonder if we can box it in a little bit you know create some okay i'm so strong why fine this is the pen i guess so i want to do something else this guy i'm going to carry a couple people here i don't really care about them i want to do this zombie syringe thing hmm seems to be going a little gray there you okay belle well they seem okay all right well i guess i can create more walls then oh i guess i could freeze him right freeze right you uh you okay did he not go all the way or something okay that's not what i meant i think they're getting better huh i guess you don't do nothing after all very strange not exactly what i was expecting um all right you okay are you okay you okay oh they're alive how are you alive how are you oh sorry bud you're at oh what oh oh this is weird heel oh they're fine and you're fine and you're fine oh they're just reinfecting again no you're fine you're fine you're fun very strange i thought it would have been a little different thing let me try this well okay i think this is the zombie one damn well these zombies are kind of lame they don't seem to be doing anything oh well whatever it's not a big deal oh my god all right buddy oh shoot wait which one's buddy you my buddy this is buddy buddy i know my buddy anywhere that's my buddy right you need the heel gun the reconstructor [Music] well buddy buddy stop stop your hell's not over yet i swear yeah he's definitely my buddy and you're good i think i can bring this guy back all right man this is good stuff let's clear debris number one rain oh that's kind of depressing snow now that's lovely five blood tank what oh thunder snow perfect let's clear everything okay i said goodbye to my buddy but you know it's about time to go there powers pull lift lightning oh cool oh my god that is sick oh that's sick oh my god okay guys i i've literally spent so long doing absolutely nothing i get that point of this is to basically [Applause] how about you oh my god that thing's still alive man that android is durable zam zoom whoa fire boom well um okay so what i'm gonna do put some people down here oh oh well that's a problem oom bam whoops whoa my god okay fire well uh that was a bit too many yeah they're just [ __ ] bombs all right all right now it's time to break the game starting to get a little laggy all right here we go oh my god [Music] all right well that's a little something all right let's get a different map here let's try blocks ah well then can i give oh this is that way bigger than i thought it would can i give someone a gun you want this take it i don't think that there's a way to get them to try to kill each other the thing about this is i don't know too much about this game but the good news is there's a lot of people out there that already do and they've made things in the workshop so i want to now that i've had a little taste for destruction i want to see what other people are making human tears okay cool human tears hazmat mod remastered and expanded oh interesting all right skittle syringe mod blood thinner ghost syringe boom syringe yeah i'm getting that one all right that'll be good enough for now i don't want to get too many or else i'm going to just end up blowing up the entire game this is fun it's it's like catharth to them right it's cathartism it's cathartic okay mods uh let's activate activate activate okay this should probably be fine hello oh hazmat alien neat highly improved human okay can absorb other humans to become stronger acid human disintegrates flesh on touch crusher rip and tear enemy of humanity has immunity to most other powers can absorb people with powers to gain their powers right click on the hand to change current ability fancy course and then giant human giant even oh oh you how regular human oh well that's not that giant i was thinking that was much more giant than it was do they not fight each other or something is there a way to make them fight each other you all right there buddy you okay but you okay buddy there must be a way to make them because it says that they can do things so it's got to be a way to make them do things right touch touch touch you touch touch touch touch i'm touching your nose touch whoa uh didn't know i could do that oh too big oh they fell apart okay uh crusher embigonate wham there we go now that's what i'm talking about swam all right this should work right oh my god no what happened to you like uh hang on i gotta look this up or something oh there's a mod okay active humans most subscribed active humans nice okay so human big good human they don't seem very active oh where are you going where where are you where are you go no that's not what i meant by where are you going where are you going where are you going okay um fight i guess no running away oh bye you okay oh he's okay oh god okay i'm just going to play in this corner here a giant am in here this guy all right go for it this is not exactly what i was thinking it was gonna be boom syringe well hang on giant kaboom you know i feel like i just shouldn't have any kind of powers oh hi bud what what hang on hold on i'll be with you in a moment sir what it's a torso okay this is [ __ ] oh my god what what what is that oh you know the whole thing about nukes or equivalent tnt right now let's get a volunteer uh you there you go bud well that was pretty violent what happens when i drop a nuke down this will it explode when it gets to the bottom probably won't oh that guy's still down there oh alright bud okay who what what what what is that hang on are you have you ascended beyond where that new go i need to blow it up uh sorry bud you gotta you gotta go wow i did you did i get him i probably got him how many nukes can i set off down boom oh they don't all go off ah that's a shame okay oh are you hello oh my god uh do you need a fire extinguisher i can get that for you oh you're still alive i'm something to play with okay yeehaw so that is people playground this game on steam is very highly rated i mean obviously there's just tons of stuff to do but it's it's a playground it's a sandbox you make it what you will but at least there's tons of mods to play around with i bet there's tons of crazy things that you could do with all those weird like electronic things i don't even know how but you could set up some pretty elaborate stuff there and also get a blood tank for some reason and i'm not 100 sure why so thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed this if you want to play it it's obviously in the description below hey like if you lost a little bit of sanity today subscribe if you think you're put on several lists and uh yeah let me know what you thought down in the comments below and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 8,687,578
Rating: 4.95614 out of 5
Keywords: people playground, whack your boss, interactive buddy, funny, funniest game, hilarious, sandbox, markiplier, flash games, markipliergame, funny games, mods, physics game, game glitches, hilarious and brutal, brutal
Id: C0RgtWkjCT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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