Students who witnessed a teacher meltdown, story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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students of Reddit what was the biggest teacher meltdown you ever witnessed in primary school some kids will misbehaving and she broke down into tears started screaming and threw a chair we never saw her again I don't know if it really counts but our former Latin teacher once slapped a kid across the face because the kid made fun of her dead husband she got suspended shortly afterwards edit the teacher got suspended not the student maybe not a meltdown per se but I had a chemistry class that was held in a huge auditorium with really steep stairs the professor always walked all around the room while we took quizzes and tests one day he tripped halfway up the auditorium stairs and took a hell of a fall he landed facedown unhurt apart from bruises on the floor and before we could really react he starts banging his fists on the floor and screaming entropy entropy entropy it started as a normal lesson with the teacher giving the class a lecture then his phone rang which happens really rarely but instead of hanging up like he will usually do he answered when he hung up he had the most distraught face I've ever seen in stayed silent for close to a minute I'm sorry a friend just committed suicide he said before sobbing quietly and excusing himself out of the classroom idiot now there's so many sad stories going down there I'm so sorry for all the losses teachers have experienced in high school our government teacher freaked out on my class we had a few stalkers in the back corner but they finally broke him he flipped his podium lexan over and started screaming at us he called us the worst group of kids he'd ever had to teach him that he was 110 percent accurate that we were going to be Nothings then he went to his desk and ranked his entire thermos of coffee a few years later he was having a retirement party at his house I was close friends with his son he revealed that the thermos was 80% vodka and 20% coffee headed lectin not podium year 9 maths class our teacher was off sick and the early twenty's substitute teacher came in to cover she was lovely kind friendly although a bit timid and shy one girl in our class used a fountain pen to flick ink on a skirt she was wearing one day poor women noticed her do it didn't say a word and just went to her desks put her head in her hands and sobs doesn't move to ten minutes at least eventually a friend of mine goes to get another teacher the sub was escorted out still crying and was seen for the rest of the day just crying in her car didn't move for another four or so hours junior year in university my genetics professor was in the middle of a lecture when authorities took him out of the auditorium thank goodness and informed him that his wife the Dean of our College had been struck and killed by a motor vehicle that morning he retreated to his office and proceeded to tear the place apart like a tornado had gone through it he ripped the top of his desk off its frame pulled down all of his bookcases books pages papers all sorts of documents and furniture strewn everywhere in pieces by the time I graduated he still wasn't the same man as he was before that awful day we had an art teacher in year 7 11 years old who would lock himself in the supply cupboards and scream and rip his hair out it was unsettling in high school I turned in a form to my science teacher a day late she screamed at me walked out the classroom and was gone for nearly an hour class had started and everyone had speculations blaming me for what happened teacher comes back joyful and smiling says she just needed a walk around the campus to recover I had a Spanish teacher in middle school that was so tired of us turning in broken Spanish on our homework assignments that she screamed at us and called us stupid Americans before throwing pieces of chalk artist one after the other another time she got on her knees and started praying the rosary in front of us when a girl said El Pollo nugget I was in band one day one of the regular always in trouble disruptive students was being extra disruptive while the director was trying to tell us something important so after about five different times of going normal route to get him to settle down he cracked it got quiet and then the director bellowed student's name are you stupid or just don't give it the whole room was quiet all eyes were now on the disruptive kid who was then trying to hide behind his tuba then the director continued with his announcement like nothing happened we had a physical education teacher who sweat like a mofo whenever sexual subjects were raised he ended up having to be a substitute teacher for one of all succeed lessons we were very aware of his discomfort discussing the subject and asked him lots of in-depth questions making sure we used all the correct anatomical terminology the guy had a Class A anxiety attack pity no one had taught us about those and I was genuinely afraid he was going to have a heart attack red faced profuse sweating breathing difficulty and a look of primal terror in his eyes we got the early mark we were fishing for but I think we did the poor fellas some real emotional damage this was in high school we had a band teacher his nickname was pinky because he had very red hair and pale skin with a red tint borderline albino every time he got mad his entire face turned tomato red I don't remember the sequence of events but he was already frustrated everyone in the room knew to shut up so that we didn't piss him off well everyone except this one dippy girl she asked something along the lines of are you mad in two kept pestering him he finally snapped his face turned that familiar shade of tomato red and he threw the pencil he was using to conduct across the room he then stormed out and slammed the door hard enough that it could be heard on the other side of the building he quit soon after not so much a break down but a break in normal behavior for sure our freshman English teacher was a small soft-spoken woman who was kind of known to be a teacher you could walk all over with little did not know repercussions we were in a review session after school and some upper classmen were just hanging out in the hallways making loss of noise so she was constantly poking her head out in the hall asking them to be quiet as we are all very silent reading all something the classroom door absolutely slam shut so hard the latch didn't have time to catch him the door bounced back open the teacher immediately yells oh hell no kicks off her heels and takes off out the door she caught up with the kid who had taken a running start and kicked the door shut berated him for a good 10 minutes which we could hear clear as day from the end of the hall it was like nothing we'd ever heard from her 10th grade was in math class and the teacher was getting frustrated that not everyone was understanding a problem and he made various threats on what he would do if we didn't figure it out more homework tests et Cie I kept asking questions because I legitimately didn't understand and he yelled duck ii threw an eraser at me i got up and left never ratted him out and next day he was super patient with everyone it was his oh i ducked up moment my super dorky history teacher in eighth grade was the nicest teacher i've ever met but there were a couple class clowns in our class and he usually dealt with them okay one day though they were obnoxious the entire class from the moment he walked in and he snapped yelling and chucking his stapler across the room he nailed a staple right into Ben Franklin's phorid he immediately apologized and went about his day normally while all the students went silent nobody ever bothered him again after that day I taught public high school for seven years and have been teaching in a university ever since every time one of these threads pops up I expect to find the story of how I once broke down in tears when a cell phone rang in class all the time I threw up in a trash can brushed my teeth with bottled water right in front of all 42 of them asked a janitor to come down and take the trash out and went back to teaching after my favorite student of all time faked barfing noises because he knew it would make me puke a university professor actually she would teach and constantly complain about three girls who sat near the back for talking being on their phone one day she made a big scene took down their names and left dramatically this was a huge lecture hall of 100-plus students I heard them laughing once but never anything else I found her fixation on these three intolerable during the exam the rooms were organized but seemed to me as horribly by last names not alphabetical random last letters and different groups she had seated the three in the same room and loudly spoke during the exam for a few minutes to distract them except there was 40-plus people in the room I'm still bitter because it really distracted me had a sub in fifth grade I was a really unorganized kid in having to dig through my desk for it wasn't uncommon sub went to collect our homework one by one and I was still digging through pulling a bunch of stuff out when she got to me she got all towering and told me this was unacceptable dumped my desk in front of me and told me I was staying in from recess to organize it one girl said you can't make him do that in the sub raised her voice and spit out you don't tell any what to do brat I can do whatever I want the whole class revolted and a neighboring teacher came in to see what was up a sub claimed I was being lippy and this was my punishment then the whole class spoke up and informed him of what really happened and we were all let out for recess came back and under lunch lady was sitting at the teacher's desk instead as the kid who was always picked on by everyone it was nice to see the whole class stand up for me that day in my elementary school there was this one super obnoxious kid named Lance who was constantly goofing off and all of that though in all honesty he probably had ADHD without a good support system most of our teachers were used to dealing with him but one day we had this substitute named Mrs Blake who had no idea what to do with him and all of our class he is mouthing off every other moment in jumping around like crazy when she starts to boil over and yells at Lance to sit down which he does he then calls her a Rachel something under his breath and she finished her transformation into a boiling tomato she yells what the hell do you think you're doing which blew our little elementary school minds and then very violently shook his desk the thing was Lance had a blood condition that made him bruise very and very dramatically when she shook his desk he started crying understandably because he was getting these massive purple black bruises all over his legs she was banned from our school after that after our class picture our first-year teacher declared new rule every day is now class picture day I want to see smiles from each and every one of you every single day the class let out a collective groan and the teacher said come on turn those frowns upside down she kept at us for a good month on the smile policy keep in mind this was during the 90s the class was divided evenly amongst Goths grunge and gangstas the only thing we agreed upon were that smiles were for [ __ ] the meltdown came the day she brought in her character Sheen and attempted to sing Tim McGraw's just to see you smile we just sat there stone-faced as usual then she tried to hang me up just to get us to laugh but nothing we were all too tough to show any humour or heart and then she broke down and started blubbering I just wanted a smile is that too much to ask apparently it was because none of us even had the goddamn common courtesy to offer her a tissue next day he went resting each face on our asses and word on the street is she hasn't cracked a smile in 20 years in elementary school the cool thing to do was put hand sanitizer in excess on your hand and sniff it pretending to get really high things escalated to the point of our teacher at full volume yelling where is the hand sanitizer a brave soul returned it in the teacher threw it against the wall I had a history teacher in HS for context this was in about 1980 to this day I can't quite recall what prompted this but he stood in front of the entire class shaking with rage and said I am a homosexual we were all just dumbfounded not that he was gay I think most of us had figured that out already but that he felt obligated to make that announcement we had an art teacher who had one glass eye a student who had a rep for being in our soul from a whole family of our souls his sister beat me up an infant's cool and wisely decided to stick his head around the door to the art room and yell in a voice that could shatter glass oh I heresy one eye jack this did no go down at all well with mr. Harris who terrified most kids cue manic Welsh art teacher chasing student over the playing fields with a tent spike the whole class was looking out the window following the chase all it needed was yakety sax playing as a soundtrack eighth-grade math teacher he was well known for his short temper but this particular day was bad there was the kid in my class Justin that never listened and never did his homework one day math teacher just had it with Justin grabbed his desk with him in it and picked it up and slammed it back down on the ground a few times after that he shoved the desk with Justin in it across the room Justin was fine thankfully math teacher just stormed out told my mom and I guess a few other parents called the school about it too he was gone for a few weeks and had to take anger management classes I just went by my old middle school a few weeks ago and he's the assistant principal now who would have expected that in high school they would do trivia questions after the announcements sometimes and the first teacher who dialed the office with the correct answer would get a prize for the class my math teacher really wanted to win and hadn't yet this year so one fateful morning the question goes out and we had the answer so he called it in but we were the second caller in a fit of pseudo rage he yells damn it and kicks this little plastic trash can across the room where it bunks a kid right in the head his eyes go wide and he apologizes and asks if the kid is okay which leas everyone got a good laugh afterwards including the kid who got hit and later we would pretend to duck whenever we didn't win the morning trivia contests I went to school in Germany and once when we had our history class the lesson started off really weird the teacher started dictating to us a math problem in which you had to calculate what the costs are for treating disabled people and how much the state could save if there weren't any disabled people most of us immediately realized that this was one of the propaganda math problems students in the Third Reich had to solve we were kind of confused since the Third Reich was not the topic which we were discussing at this moment nevertheless we wrote down the problem and even started calculating when the teacher suddenly snapped he began to scream at the whole class with an intensity I have not witnessed before about how we as the students should have rejected solving a task like that one how we were educated to question everything but still obeyed when he gave us a task which discriminated against disabled people he was as furious that he left the classroom and only returned after half an hour we spend the rest of the class talking about the dangers that a new movement like the Nazis could arise again in Germany and how we always need to be aware of that maths class three kids sitting in the first row ger constantly talking and disturbing math teacher he was trying to solve some complex geometry problem he was my teacher for last two years so I had always known him as a really chilled out guy and the worst punishment he gave was made the student stand at the back of the class and that's what he did he told the guide to go and stand at the back only that this boy sneaked in a piece of chalk with him few minutes later sir was again engrossed in the problem the boy punished at the back decides to have some fun and aims the chalk out one of the other first benches his partners in crime only that it hit math sir smack in the head he turned around asking very calmly who did it after five minutes of prying everyone I decided to be a good Samaritan and ratted him out the boy never talked to me again although we never did earlier math so marches to the back of the class and starts thrashing him real bad the boy was as surprised as I was and so was the rest of the class there were several cuts on his chest due to his fingernails as I saw later we thought we'll never see our maths teacher again as if next day we had a surprise calculus test and he walked our asses edit typos I had a 10th grade history teacher who was very much pregnant at a time we all walked into class one day and she was slumped over her desk sobbing since we were all awkward teenagers and nobody particularly liked this teacher to begin with we all day there awkwardly for a good 15 minutes in silence while she tried to pull herself together for the remainder of the period she forced us to play baby shower games not so much a meltdown as an extremely out of character movement econ teacher is an older African man whose nose and hairstyle sides only no top makes him look like an old koala one kid thought itd be a bright idea to throw a litter cracker under his desk said teacher jumped up with a start performing a charging roll out the classroom door like a cog from gears of war he bolted all the way down the hall to the principal's office for backup didn't think he was capable of that kind of speed former student checking in it was triggered by every single student getting an F on her take-home multiple question open book exam she went on a 15-minute rant about how we weren't taking her class seriously how this was her passion and that if we didn't have interest we could get the hell out of her room and that she'd be reissuing the same exam same questions in class the next day anyone that got less than a 90% would be dropped immediately no questions asked she next day comes around and she had given her TA the wrong key the average score was 88% give or take I had a computer sciences teacher in grade 10 who was a greater [ __ ] and completely incompetent a friend and I discovered he had recently lost a fair bit of money in the stock market and consequently had been left by his wife incognito mode wasn't a thing back then we honestly could have been way worse about this but didn't ever bring up his wife or tell anyone what we had discovered what we did do though is have a lengthy and audible conversation about the market every morning how's the tsx doing this morning down another 40 points stuff like that we keep this up for two weeks and he eventually snaps and starts screaming in the middle of class ended up taking the rest of the year off I had a history teacher in high school who was always Stern and serious which was great since it gave her reverence to what he was teaching about and his unpretentious nature meant he spoke about what was important in trusting one day however his voice broke and after he cleared his throat it broke again he stopped talking put his hands in his pockets frowned and took a few breaths students sorry about this lecture my wife and I just decided to get a divorce he blankly stared ahead for a second and then walked toward the door loosening his tie I need a drink he exited the door after a second he poked his head back in honor of water I'm coming back don't think I've forgotten about Napoleon not too much of a meltdown but he was a pretty manly dude in a nerdy sort of way eighth grade English well I was a sort of middle school TA basically each seventh grade teacher picked one eighth grader that they previously had in class and we used an elective period to sit in and assist with that class I signed up to the program in hopes of spending an hour a day doing nothing plot twists this teacher apparently acquired some rage issues over the summer midway through our second week of class that year the seventh graders were filing in the room from lunch chatting and joking around like usual M R capital R as we can call him decided that the room was too loud he started softly mumbling passive-aggressive crap along the lines of all we will all be raging toddlers that cannot quiet down and let's just be as loud as possible I heard him because I was at his desk four feet away the kids obviously did not he continued for maybe two three minutes again the students were doing nothing out of the ordinary he suddenly gets red-faced takes his Caucasian literature appreciating their hand and slams it down directly on the glass screen portion of the overhead projector for those who don't remember projectors had a piece of thick-ass glass too on placed over a lightbulb down underneath the thing ducking exploded glass flew everywhere and the pressure of the glass and bulb popping sounded like a small bomb went off being 0-3 the class reacted like a terrorist attack just happened because all they saw after the noise was mr are holding up a bloody fist glass strewn about around their desks teacher just stared at his hand then at the class then just belted out of the room my brain was like what the duck is happening get out of this room but I decided to play the role of the orchestra on the Titanic and casually turned on Finding Nemo and shrugged that the 30 bewildered faces of 12 year olds MT are came back about five minutes before class ended and silently sat down at his desk bloody knob hand wrapped in gauze and bandages he didn't say a word and we never spoke of it again no idea who cleaned up the shrapnel but I basically fled the scene with the rest of the class when the bell rang demo found his dad edit sources have brought to my attention that finding Nemo was in fact released in 2003 making it impossible to show in 2002 I dunno believe up my memory of the specific year over a decade ago is incorrect therefore I may have stumbled upon a rare pre-release of the DVD in that room placed specifically to entertain distressed youth or it was 0-3 and not 0-2 either way I changed it so I was a few tables away in the cafeteria when a loud outburst caused the entire lunch room to go silent for about a minute there were probably 100 kids in this room and we all looked over to see what the hell just happened so you know the thing that a mature seven eighth graders do when some sort of sexual tension builds up between a girl and boy basically the boy and girl involved were at the same table popular kids table and the boy was eating chicken nuggets with BB Q source the girl pretty but notoriously [ __ ] made a stupid light-hearted joke that literally went like this hey Greg you can dip me in BB Q source if you want all of a sudden the jerk caused a wave of students yelling to build up the thing where someone goes on then everyone else joins in well the entire eighth grade class blew up in Aurora Valle very quickly even when only 2% of the students heard the actual joke it's just a funny thing that we like to join in on because why the hell not right so after about 1530 seconds of the entire lunchroom chanting in unison this substitute teacher a relatively new guy whom we all thought was chill rushed up to the kids who started it he had abandoned would show us YouTube videos in class while making us do minimal work if he had to they don't know what was going on in his mind or why he chose this method of diffusing the situation but he picked up one of the standard heavy metal school chairs and straight up Hulk smashed that thing on the table in the effort to make a loud enough noise that would overpower the OHS keep in mind these around tables and there were kids seating in every seat huddled around the table shoulder to shoulder if he had smashed the chair anywhere but dead center in the table it would have easily knocked into one of the students which as a teacher in public school is a big no-no he also made this extremely loud scary primal grunt as he was doing it as if he had just lifted a car off for burning pedestrian needless to say we never saw him again and he was terminated either that day or the morning after shame he was a cool guy sorta guess he just had anger issues edit the chairs used are probably five - 10 pounds of decently thick stainless steel and iron that will be like tossing a dumbbell at the upper torsos of 12 students in a circle TL DR substitute teacher in the lunchroom became enraged when trying to defuse a loud room of chanting eighth graders smashes metal chair onto a table full of kids while screaming unintelligibly [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 139,275
Rating: 4.8795886 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: oHIJ7DxnaYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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