Cops, What Were The Best Attempts Of Getting Out Of A Ticket? (Police Stories r/AskReddit)

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cops offered it what are some of the best worst ways people have tried to get out of getting a ticket from you my dad was pulled over going way way too fast on the interstate late at night like 1 to 2 a.m. he is an anesthesiologist and got called into work because someone had been shot it turned out that the person who had been shot was a cop and so not only did my dad not receive a ticket he got a police escort to the hospital and he has refused to tell me exactly how fast they went hearing that story as a kid made me think my very by-the-book Orca dad was super cool working for a small town where everyone knows everyone I see a car blow a stop sign at a high rate of speed without tapping their brakes or slowing down I pull the car over and it's a woman that had served me lunch at our local diner earlier in the day when I woke up I see her starting to cry until she recognizes me then magically the tears were instantly gone we make small chitchat for a couple minutes and she tells me thank God it's you who pulled me over or else I know I'd be getting a ticket I laugh and ask for her and just for formalities I wasn't planning on giving her a citation until I saw her past record in the previous three months she had been pulled over seven times and given five citations everything from speeding mostly for over 25 miles per hour the posted limit and running stop signs seeing this I know she hasn't learned her lesson about safe driving and needs another reminder so I write her I go back to her car and she starts screaming at me saying I thought you were one of the cool cops I tell her to have a nice night and to take a moment to calm down before she drives off she tells me screw you and rolls up her window just because I know you doesn't mean I'm automatically going to let you go and if I do write you it doesn't mean I'm not a cool cop pulled over in unregistered vehicle they tried to offer me money behind me was a very large group of students watching on all of them had access to my microphone to hear what was going on I tried to explain this to the driver he simply wouldn't listen or didn't understand not that it would have made a difference but I would have preferred to avoid having to arrest him for a stupid mistake he ended up getting arrested for a range of charges do you know why I pulled you over so it wouldn't be so windy while we talked co-worker rodman was speeding one day on a southbound Highway told the cop a man I know you got to give me a ticket good please write out for northbound or else my wife will think I'm cheating on her the cop laughed and told him to slow down and let him off he was not married nor was he even seeing anybody smart he could then dispute the ticket and prove he wasn't on the northbound as a patrol officer you pull cars over multiple times a day after almost 10 years in law enforcement I've pulled over many I've heard them all best that would have to be the guy I pulled over for speeding I made my approach guy rolls down window I said my speech he looks me right in the eye and softly says I was speeding I'm sorry but you see I am in the military just an hour ago I got back from my - in Iraq my girlfriend here just picked me up from the airport and to be honest I was rushing home to my two-minute welcome home bang session looking in the backseat I seen military-style duffel bags miscellaneous military BDU uniforms a folded up Welcome Home banner and his girlfriend in passenger seat gave me the CA that's the truth look have fun I said and handed him back his license wurst oh man there's so many I have to take a crap is used more often than one might think the ones I always enjoy are well I know officer so-and-so very well he'll get me out of this that's guaranteed to get you a ticket following closely as the do you not have anything better to do than Harris the public nope not today not this exact moment you're the lucky winner press hard get dispatched to an accident and find a corona flipped onto its roof driver was sitting on the curb with very minor injuries and no one else was hurt in the collision I ended up arresting driver for DUI she was 19 and this was her third DUI her response why are we wasting each other's time just let me go it's not like I killed anyone unfortunately with the way the courts work in LA County she was probably going to get off without any consequences someone I knew was trying to get out of drinking and driving she went up to the cop and was like listen we are all white here needless to say she went to jail plot twist cop was black flirting is always bad it is especially bad when the driver is really old really young or has their family in the car with em I don't consider myself to be super attractive but people will do anything to get out of a ticket threatening the officer is also pretty bad that's happened before sometimes it is threatening to kill my family if I'd them a ticket but sometimes people get a little more creative some racist people assume that I am an illegal immigrant and threatened to report me if I write them a ticket that one always makes me laugh writing is always interesting some of the things people come up with her actually kind of funny as a driver had cop pulled me over I was 17 roughly driving my mom's new car at almost 30 over in a residential area cop walks up asks of it's a new car yup but you can't even hear the engine when it gets going yup steering is probably pretty good right yup et Cie for several more questions then just walks back to his car and drives off his point was well established but it was weird as heck to me at the time I literally never offered one excuse he did and I just sat there answering yup not a cop but I've seen many of my ex's ways on avoiding tickets and she has avoided many tickets her best escape was by faking being mute unfortunately she knows sign language most cops would feel bad ticketing her so they just let her go while I feel bad for those cops I have some old but is that no sign language and they pull this crap out on any and all cops it's frickin hilarious but not as much as when they inevitably find a cop that also knows sign language one lady yelled and cursed at me while saying I was wasting my time dealing with her when I should be getting the real bad and dangerous drivers out there if she was stopped for going 17 miles per hour in an active school zone only a cadet but I do go on ride-alongs someone tried to get out of a ticket by using religion they had said that they were a great Christian and didn't deserve a ticket called us evil got a ticket anytime a person proclaims they are a good Christian I know they are about to try something Shady my dad once pulled over a woman who claims she had diarrhea and that's why she was driving so fast he's an understanding guy so naturally he let her drive home but followed her and wrote the ticket their relevance my friend had a theory that if you could make a cop laugh you can get out of a ticket I'd watched him do this on three occasions once he was actually going 40 miles over the posted limit a felony and he told the cop that he was trying to get tampons to his girlfriend who was cheering at our high school football away game that was the actual truth she clocked him going 95 in a 55 let him off with a warning after some easy chat and a few laughs the best though was when he got pulled over for having a busted turn signal he handed the cop his license and asked do you think I look better now when I took that picture the cop looked up and hesitated likely actually thought about it we all laughed and the cop went back to his car he walked back with his hand on his gun and said do you realize there's a warrant out for your arrest stunned silence step out of the vehicle he unbuttoned his holster I'm just fricking with you man you freak with me and I'm gonna freak with you my friend claimed he wasn't scared but that's complete balls we all laughed cop let us go with a warning not a cop but a friend was once stopped for a broken headlight in my country there's a fine for that he didn't know what to do so he got out of his car no paranoid police here and told the officer that the light does that sometimes and kicks it it actually freaking worked the light turned back on and he was off his way I've done the same had an old Volvo that if you hit the passenger side light it would come on one night I forgot to give it the old bump and drove off pull / the officer asked if I knew it was out and I told him the secret he hid it for me came back and said well I can tell you have better things to spend your money on I'll let you off with a warning not a cop but I've been pulled over five plus times and have never had a ticket I also have several family friends who are officers - best pieces of advice I have one be as perfectly respectful and polite as you can please thank you yes sir mom no sir mom a - if it is night time turn on all your interior lights before the officer even gets to your window it is a lot less scary approaching a car that you can see inside off this is not a car you're looking for in an obi-wan Kenobi impression with the hand wave the coolest thing I witnessed a friend did that worked and got him out off a speeding ticket the officer tried hard not to crack then just bent over below the window line where we couldn't see him but could hear him laugh he then raised himself and said you have a good day then left am I being detained officer yes something along the lines of well Frick he literally thought asking if he was being detained would get him out of a ticket like the YouTube videos he'd been watching I guess you could say it worked because instead of a ticket he got a summons to court I had a lady offer me a job once a real one not a [ __ ] motorist why aren't you out catching murderers cop we have a homicide squad for that I'm a veteran enrolled through a stop sign near the VA hospital it was at a tea section and everyone always only looked in the one direction and rolled through and this cop knew that and was waiting he would just walk onto the road and point at you and tell you to pull over then give you a ticket on this day he caught me and the lady behind me we pull over he checks her it then approaches my vehicle and asks me for mine I gave him my license and he posits whether I have any other forms of it I hand him my veterans card he takes a look then hands both back and says if she served I'd let her off too remember to come to a complete stop next time have a good day but plot twist she was my wife and I still ended up paying the ticket I love the video of the woman talking to an officer that pulled her over for failure to stop I thought you didn't give pretty girls tickets pardon me I thought you didn't give pretty girls tickets you didn't think we gave pretty girls tickets you're absolutely right we don't sign here police brutality former Highway Patrol officer more than anything I've had people say they are in a hurry to get to the bathroom on more than one occasion they have even gone as far as to pee themselves in hopes to avoid a ticket also not a cop but my best friend got out of a ticket for accidentally flashing a boob at the officer she had just gotten a tattoo that went around the outside of her breasts and couldn't wear a bra while it was healing she was pulled over for speeding and while nervously trying to get rid insurance and registration her boob fell out of her tank top and the police officer kept trying to get her attention and she got frustrated than sort of yelled yes I know license and registration give me a minute and the officer responded with miss please your shirt she looked down became beet red and quickly tucked her boob back in and handed him her paperwork without trying to make any eye contact the officer started laughing b/c he realized she was incredibly embarrassed and not actually trying to flash him so he told her just to slow it down and let her go she's gotten out of a few other tickets pretty ingeniously but that's my favorite story not a cop did someone I know got pulled over doing about 80 in a 50 and when the officer approached his window and asked why were you driving so fast this person's response was sorry officer I was trying to get my flux capacitor up to speed the cop didn't find it very funny I feel a lot of these stories go one way or another based on the officers sense of humor one gave me a get out of jail monopoly card let him off with a warning what else could I do he had the card my mom actually did this accidentally before she had her registration in a plastic holder and had forgotten that her friend had stuck a get-out-of-jail-free card on the other side got pulled over and handed the whole plastic thing to the cop he laughed and let her go this was in like 1992 or 1993 I was pretty young but still remember it happening I crested a hill going 85 in a 70 only to see an officer sitting on the side of the road in his Ford Explorer I knew he had me so I pulled over before he could even pull out and turn his lights on when he came up to my window he noticed a little helicopter sticker on the side of my car seeing the sticker he asked me they let you drive like that on Fort Rucker it was a pretty good assumption since that where army flight school is and I was about an hour away from the base of course me being smart and not stationed there anymore replied I don't know sir I'm stationed at Fort Benning to which he fired back they let you drive like that on Fort Benning I gave him a chuckle and a no sir let me go with a verbal warning overall it was a rate stroke ten experience would do over before the loss opt changed to having to be 18 for a police ride-along I did one with my police officer dad when I was 11 foot take your daughter to work day it was a day shift and there wasn't much action going on about midway through the shift my dad parked on the side of the road and let me handle the radar gun out of nowhere a car comes speeding down a nearby hill mark 30 miles per hour I clocked the car at 90 miles per hour my dad clicks on the lights and sirens and takes off after it it doesn't slow down before I know it we are doing 110 miles per hour on a cth we go for about five miles in this car still won't stop or slow down she hits a mailbox and makes a trashcan fly dad calls for backup and soon there are two squad cars going after this car I'm frickin pumped this is the most intense action I've ever experienced in my 11 years of life way better than being at school the car finally pulls over it doesn't take long to notice that the windows of the car are missing and are replaced with saran wrap duct tape to the car I should probably share that at this point of his life my dad was about 325 pounds six feet five shaped head and intimidating as heck if I got in trouble all this guy had to do was look at me with angry eyes and I would immediately wish for a quick swift death that goes up to the car lets me get out of the squad and stand by near the hood of said squad and has the driver get out it's a middle-aged woman who weighs maybe 125 and clocks in at around five feet too height wise my dad brings his face down to hers inches away looks at her with eyes that could kill and asks in an intimidating yet controlled manner why the hatch were you going so fast and why the heck didn't you pull over when I had my sirens and lights going and the woman tells my dad that she didn't pull over because she didn't hear or see him behind her my dad with bladed hand inches from her face if you were ever in Army basic training you know exactly what kind of bladed hand gesture I'm talking about asks you're telling me that you didn't hear or see me when you have no God dang windows on your car you have dang saran wrap on your windows as soon as my dad finishes this question the lady replies sir I just wet myself my dad made her pee her pants just with a look and a question I didn't get to stick around for the aftermath because my dad asked the responding officer to take me back to the station so he could continue with the arrest when I got older I asked my dad about the lady apparently she blew a point three four on the breathalyzer at one o'clock in the afternoon yikes definitely the coolest take your daughter to work day ever one time a dude made a documentary to prove his innocence but he didn't work not a cop but I got out of a ticket on the way to the midnight premiere of Lord of the Rings Return of the King I was dressed as Gandalf and the officer told me to slow down or I shall not pass we had a laugh and he let me go after giving me a warning small town cops are the best I was once pulled over for a rolling stop through a stop sign at an otherwise empty intersection the cop said to me something along the lines of you shouldn't be driving like that with your daughter in the car with you I then let him know that he was actually my wife and not my daughter he turned a shade of red very similar to the lights on the roof of his car told us to have a nice day and went back to his car the humor and/or embarrassment can usually get you out of the ticket as long as it's respectful not a cop but the cop at the courthouse where we got our listen Sue's told us this one in Virginia you can have only one non family member under 18 and the car until you are 18 he pulled over this kid and his parents then filled with his friends who definitely were not a team he asked the kid if these were all his brothers and sisters the kid turned to him and said in the eyes of God we are he didn't get a ticket you have been visited by money bird upvote in five thousand eight hundred and sixty one seconds and you will get rich if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 101,235
Rating: 4.9068193 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, cops of reddit, police officers, policeman, police stories, cop stories, ticket
Id: _71FcRqdUJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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