Teachers Share The WORST Student Meltdowns They've Seen (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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teachers of Reddit what was the biggest student meltdown you ever witnessed I had a first grader that was hot we did not have air conditioning so he stirred up knocking over his chair that wasn't enough so he threw the chair then walked to my desk and cleared it off with a swipe of his arm after that he pushed the intercom button calling the office and before they could answer he stepped into the hall to sit down to wait for the principal once the principal arrived to take him to the air-conditioned office the student bit the principal on the arm we heard the hollering as we were trying to clean up he was suspended for three days and got to stay home and his air conditioned department taught special-edition had a kid throw a chair through the window break it jump through the window and run away map I do not miss teaching not me but a teacher friend of mine was proctoring SATs when one kid flips his desk and screams [ __ ] you Daniel and storms out turns out Daniel had been ripping his own pubis out of his junk and putting them on the kids shoulder in front of him when the kid in front of him found out he obviously flipped out and for the record yes Daniel is a fake name I taught English in Korea to middle and high school students I like to walk up and down the aisles between the desks occasionally during class just to make sure that everybody is paying attention and not using their phones one day during a seventh grade class I walked to the very last row and looked down I see a nice girl completely average in every way using an exacto knife to cover up her arms both thumbs we bleeding profusely and had about 30 horizontal cuts up to her elbows she tried to cover them up but I walked up on her too quickly I grabbed the assistant teacher and whispered to her what was going on without any of the other students noticing and she took the girl to the nurse not an overt meltdown but something was wrong there adding this because it's comical and not sad like so many others on this thread we had a girl in our school with Down syndrome who was a tiny shrimp of a thing skinny short and fast her appointed aides were older and not in the best aybe so she gave them a run for their money off the Cadis in her classroom come down to take care of recycling and such everyday in all the hallways and one day she must have been pretty mad at her aide because she gave her a good long side die and then took off for the exit doors in our wing in a regular ed English a teacher who was just on my way to make copies and saw her sprint away toward the doors I literally knelt down hooked her around the waist she was looking back at her aide smiling and basically hugged her into a stop saying I don't think you're supposed to go out those doors her aides laughed and laughed and she just looked at me horrified that I dare impede her break from freedom repeat this scenario about eight or nine times over two years I think I hooked that kid in a dead sprint more often than anyone else when I retire I want to come back and work with these kids Fira hoops I teach English in Japan and I worked in some elementary schools for a few years in one class this one kid just won't keep quiet kept talking in a loud voice to the kid next to him no matter how many times I asked him to be quiet and pay attention I got frustrated and told him off saying that even if he didn't want to learn he was screwing it up for everyone else and to either be quiet or get out all in Japanese of course just a note kids are almost never kicked out of class in Japan as far as I'm aware because people have the right to education by law here the kid flipped out and started yelling at me I can't remember everything he said but the highlight would translate as approximately dying freaking pervert and this was coming from a fourth grader then he buggered off somewhere edit swap two letters and added a word I'm not a teacher but I was assisting a teacher because in a student aid and one of the students started arguing with the teacher and he threw his desk down hard and started calling the teacher a godless horse I told him to calm down and he punched me in the face and then stormed out of the classroom he was expelled due to that being his third disturbance and I got a black eye edit while I turn off my computer and I wake up with over 1,000 Kharma from this response thanks for all the funny comments in eighth grade 13 years old a military kid who had only been at our school for the year was moving again he had severe anger issues and was seen as kind of weird on our last field trip he stood up said this long-winded speech and then proceeded to tell the teachers in some of the kids to frig off it was hilarious / sad edit edited - at my understanding that the situation was also very sad unfortunately I was cursed with a humor that made even my grandmother's wake a funny day and if you mix that with the fact that we were all evil middle schoolers you get an insensitive [ __ ] him a teacher in a prison they were doing Mavis Beacon teaches typing and one inmate kept putting his hands on the wrong keys to which he freaks out and starts yelling at the computer how it's a dumb Mathur Fraker imitator and have been teaching for 15 years last year two seventh-grade students were talking smack to one another when it came time to switch classes the one boy Denny walked up and slapped the other to me I was standing right next to them and thought that he just slapped books out of Timmy's hand because Timmy dropped his books when Denny slapped him I then stepped between Denny and to me because I know if Denny starts a physical fight with to me I won't be able to separate them just as I'm trying to talk to any down and move him away from to me he loses it and my coworker has to put him in a hold I immediately tell to me to get into my room so he is safe meanwhile my co-worker is wrestling with Denny outside of my room Denny is desperately trying to get into my room to get it to me normally I would have just locked the door and been done with it however I was using the laptops and there wasn't enough plugs in my classroom so I had the cart in the room but it was plugged in at the outlet outside my room so there I am holding the door closed because it won't lock with the cord in the way all while my coworker is still wrestling with Denny finally I forced the daughter latch and can lock it I turned around and my class is just staring at me in disbelief in stunned silence at that point I recommended that we try some of the breathing exercises my student teacher had taught them that morning we all laughed except to me he was freaking out sobbing and shaking by this time then he had been subdued and moved to a new location my principle comes to my room to find Timmy freaking out and we have to clear the room because he refused to move or respond to our directions it was one of the craziest days in my career on a side note my coworker who had to put the student in a hold had thrown out his back the day before and cold even bent down to tie his shoes I have no idea how he was able to wrestle with this kid for several minutes I'm thankful he was there or it may have been a very different situation this happened 10 years ago when I worked as a primary school teacher I was teaching yet to a tyshee year olds at the time one student stood out he was a very bright kid could do mental arithmetic as quickly as me if not faster but he was also extremely weird no eye contact did not repetitive stuff by himself at recess like timing his Sprint's across his certain section of playground over and over he had a few less odd friends who tolerated him that he was mostly bullied for being so strange he usually reacted stoic early or defensively but one day he absolutely snapped at recess he was being teased by a popular girl for eating so much and she dared him to punch her when he got upset apparently today was the day because he did more than once all directly to the stomach probably 5 to 6 good kid sized blows before I reached them and he snapped out of it and stopped he got put through the wringer for that as most teachers disliked him as well I tried to explain he was constantly bullied and usually nonviolent it got taken into consideration and he was still suspended for a week we were on a class trip on the way back to school when one of my colleagues pointed to a boy who was leaning against the subway doors upset about something I walked over and learned he had left his backpack at the movie theater was very upset I tried to encourage him but he didn't care eventually we are at art fenced-off and everyone is getting off but this kid is still leaning against the subway doors opposite side had opened doors are about to close and only he and I remain from our group I tell him please don't freak out but him gonna take you off the train we have to go he immediately starts struggling that him a big guy so I get him off as train starts pulling away he is trying to walk back towards it and we are all like WTF be careful train is pulling out of station eventually I grab him and drag him backwards to the ground and yell at co-workers to get kids out of here as they are walking away he is trying to crawl towards the open subway tracks presumably to kill himself this kid is 12 and him a giant man but I'm struggling to subdue him I wrestled in high school so I know how to keep control of someone on the ground but he is really determined to get to those tracks I'm still struggling with him and another train comes by that I keep him on platform people are by now asking him if he is okay and eyeing me like WTF are you doing to this child eventually I yell to my coworker to go get the police and she runs off in tears now I'm alone struggling with this child on the ground and I assume it's about to get real but as soon as he his mention of police he starts calming down and begs me to let him get promising to be good after a minute of not letting go I talked him into standing up with me and I take him away while aggressively holding his hand and putting my arm around him we breathlessly walk into school and I immediately take him to main office where a small crisis team has gathered once he is safely sitting in a chair I collapse into one as well and start processing my ordeal his family comes to school to pick him up but we have to mandatorily send him to hospital for psychiatric evaluation couple days later he is back in school like nothing ever happened we had a special bond after that and he always came to my classroom to check on me all year even though I whilst his teacher I don't work at that school anymore but I'm heading back at end of this year to see those students graduates and hope to find him happier and healthier I once had a student who was using a laser pointer during class presentations that day and after his group was finished he was of course the normal freshman and decided to shine it around the room before I was able to tell him to cut it out he managed to shine it in another student's direction the student who had the laser pointed at him exploded he flipped his desk screaming a string of profanities before punching my cinderblock wall shattering his hand he then stormed out of my classroom before I was able to address the situation / get him some help for his hand GF I teach middle school and have witnessed many meltdowns a favorite was a new girl in my class she threw one of my calculators across the room so I told her to go the office she went out yelling / swearing and I just stood there nonreactive then she went to slam the door on her way out or at least she tried can't slam a safety door self closer couldent help but have a laugh at that boo boy I used to work after school and summer kids activities programs and there was always something probably the one that was saddest and most affecting to me was the little girl who had been abandoned by both her parents drugs yay and was living with her Ranma and her severely disabled and handicapped older brother that required 24 / 7 care her grandma was kind and supportive but had her hands full with the brother and just cold give this girl what she needed no one Kurt the girl was always sweet and well-behaved until something minor would happen to upset her equilibrium like shed play catch and miss the ball a few times or shed paint something and get a paint stain on her shirt and then the 180 degrees switched to raging hell demon most of the time shed turned her age in pain on herself on a field trip she lost her coloring book and responded by bashing her face into a wall until my assistant physically pinned her down on the floor another day she got paint on her hat and responded by raking her nails down her face and across her arms until we restrained her and screaming herself force every single day at she had to be coaxed to eat anything at all her pain was so present and huge though usually well masked sometimes some unwitting kid would get in the way and she would just go feral and start screaming and biting I dunno she was most of the time such a lovely and good-hearted little person it was heartbreaking I wanted to sweep her up and take all her pain away or shoot her damn selfish loser parents though they had probably done the best thing for her under the circumstances it's been at least 10 years I still think about her and hope she's okay typical aspera did not a teacher but a kid in my high school told our English a teacher that he was going to bring a gun to school and shoot everyone but er so she had to live with the guilt that everyone died the cause of her that was fun I'm an elementary school teacher in a public school that serves a high population of students living below the poverty line within this demographic there is a substantial proportion of students that also come to us from a background of trauma in my first year of teaching I had this student that had one of the more heartbreaking stories you will ever hear and was just starting to work through these experiences it quickly became apparent that the school setting was not a suitable environment for this student but because of the limited amount of impatient support available for young children facing serious mental health issues this student remained at school there was no worse meltdown for this student however there were many meltdowns where the student only a third grader tried to severely harm themselves at school this went from beating themselves stabbing themselves with sharp objects pencils pens etc fleeing the school and running into oncoming traffic scratching biting suffocating and just generally trying to harm themselves the student was evacuated from the school in an ambulance multiple times throughout the school year as a result we myself and other school and district staff members exhausted ourselves and our a sources to try and support this student as much as possible but with little success it was rough not a teacher but witness did I was a sophomore and at my high school after lunch we had to go outside no matter how hot or cold it was and where until Oudh inside till the bell rang well a senior that year who was known for doing stuff he wanted when he felt like the rules were stupid and frankly it was freezing as Frick that day well just so happens the one teacher who had outside duty that day was standing by the door when he started to go in just to make things clear this teacher has a lazy eye and when she's talking to you usually looking to the side of you well the senior walks in and she's running up saying you can go inside yet he says in cold and it's freezing out here him going inside she runs up and grabs his arm saying he can't go inside or has getting detention so he screams at the top of his lungs and going inside you [ __ ] sideways looking [ __ ] and then went inside I think he was giving like a week of detention for that math teacher here I had a second-year student without his penis under the desk and start masturbating because he cold and think of the last answer for the final exam I had to send him to the dean's office and his explanation was it lets me think more clearly I had a class that integrated some of the special education students for two hours a day we were having a holiday party so the kids got to puffy desks together and have snacks and watch a movie in sitting at the desk grading papers when I hear the class getting kind of noisy I ask what's going on and someone mentions that Trevor doesn't like this part of the movie Trevor is a 12 year old boy on the autism spectrum has a very large boy about 60 and well over 200 pounds I tell Trevor to come on over to my desk and he does he says he doesn't like when people sing in movies and starts covering his ears I tell him I will fast forward this part and he flips issues apparently he hates fast-forwarding more than he hates singing in movies he picks up a desk and whips it against the wall near a set of windows flips over every desk he can get his hand on all while screaming like someone is attacking him has just trashing the room and starts going after the kids I yell for one of the kids to run and get his main teacher and another to get the principal Trevor pushes a few kids hard enough to make them fall down and then grabs a girl by throat and starts choking her he has a look on his face of a madman and has sweating profusely and turning red while this girl is trying to fight him off I get over there and I'm able to pry his hands off with the help of a few students Trevor then turns to me and in a crazy deep voice says I will find your house and hide under your bed until you come home I will grape and murder you and laughed while him doing it his teacher came in and was able to pull him away and Trevor just stared at me the entire way out laughing like crazy it was scary as Frick I worked in a really rough school and have tons of stories one third grader didn't want to line up for the water fountain after a hot recess he wanted to jump the line and get his water first well my colleague tells him to get to the back of the line BC no cutting and the little Frakker picked up a chair whipped it's at my friend and shattered the glass in the classroom door kid didn't even flinch or act like he felt like he was in it or anything two more this one is funny I was teaching science to the fifth graders I'm white so my student 98% African American loved it when I would flush red with exercise embarrassment or even from something rubbing my neck like a seatbelt and leaving a red mark the kids were fascinated by my ability to be red anyway teaching science kid raises his hand and completely off topic goes hey miss so-and-so are you a virgin well you can imagine I was so shocked and immediately turned bright red so then the whole class starts laughing it was pretty funny so I laughed too Little Chute last one huge girl 12 years old 160 pounds 59 in my fifth grade class this chick was 100% developed and mature another girl fifth grader 44 55 pounds maximum not even close to poo the day these two get in a fistfight right before lunch obvious the big girl is murdering the smaller one there is a policy about not getting involved but big girl was starting to slam little girl's head into the metal lockers so I felt I had to intervene I grabbed little girl by the waist and pull her out of big girl's reach and place her to the side big girl comes at me like a raging bull she punched me square in my mouth at like how busted my lip a little the whole class is like Gullu in the quiet I said to her stop do you realize you have just hit a teacher she just jumped at me and ripped a good-sized chunk of my hair out no joke she got suspended for a couple of days but that's it they asked if I wanted to press charges that I was scared to be a white teacher pressing charges against her 12 years old girl in that neighborhood she was removed from my class at my request though obligatory not a teacher but in seventh grade in gym class we were playing floor hockey this one kid Jack was having a rough game a different kid who played hockey tried to jump the ball over Jack but hit him in the forehead so he freaked out and started slashing at people's ankles the gym teachers finally started to call out his name to get him to sit out the catches that one of the teachers was calling him Jake instead of jack cue the meltdown he whips the hockey stick at the teachers nearly hitting one of them and yells my name I said Jake and begins to cry he finally calmed down and the gym teachers had a chance to talk to him pretty sure he got a detention for it that was one of the more interesting days of that year it was my first year teaching out of college and it wasn't the safest of schools it was my French one class with almost 40 students I had a student throw a desk in my general direction because of frustration from another student I worked as a second grade teacher at an elementary school for a couple years one of the more talented girls it's hard to tell who is really smart at that age but she always seemed on top of things had known at and lived with her mom who had turned out was a bit of a heroin addict one Monday she came into school looking just totally shell-shocked I asked her what was wrong and she will would say this lasted till the Tuesday of the next week another who student who was always trying to get under any own skin made fun of this girl for her mom's addiction and the girl just lost it she tried to punch the other students and just started screaming once we had calmed her down we asked her what had set her off and she explained that her mom had been using the needles again last week and had gotten high but that she was still sleeping on the bed we were unsure what this meant but as his procedure we called the police who went with CPS to check it out turns out her mom of the weekend before and the girl had no idea she was dead so she just kept doing her thing that was pretty terrifying [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 20,723
Rating: 4.8837771 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: e1NQ9D1WIIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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