Poseidon’s Box Unearthed from Mountain Ruins

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[Music] hey folks well--we're added again up here in the mountains on this absolutely beautiful spring day on the search for the ruins of an old home hidden somewhere among these trees now the landowner who invited us today has some pretty good information on the original inhabitant which we'll talk more about once we arrive now I'm not entirely sure how much further I have to walk I was told to travel this old road and then we'll hit a stream to follow the stream and then you can't miss it [Music] well as you could probably hear behind me I've been following the stream and we just came upon a structure that is not the home but is somewhat related it's pretty impressive take a look at this that is the remains of an old kiln now these are not uncommon in the mountains of Vermont especially this mountain but this was used to process cut logs into charcoal to be used you know to build America in the industrial revolution and I say that it's somewhat related because the landowner has some census paperwork for the person that used to live up here according to that his occupation was a kiln hand or a furnace hand he was up here throwing the logs into the kiln pretty incredible let's keep going well the landowner was correct this is pretty hard to miss a beautiful old stone lined foundation of a home from one hundred hundred fifty years ago now taking a look around just at first glance it's pretty obvious this place was not a farm there are very few stone walls the ground here is very hilly and uneven not very suitable for growing crops and that makes a lot of sense given what the landowner told us about his profession as I mentioned he worked the kilns all over this mountain so this place would have just been a homestead a place for him to sleep at night maybe have a small vegetable garden and let's find out if maybe he dropped a few things over the years all right well we just got our very first find it wasn't very deep and it is a good sign it isn't much is just a twisted up old suspender clasp one of the many parts of a suspender rig but it's something optimistic here see what else we can find well I just got a pretty good target I was gonna be a button I pulled it out and it's a piece of brass it appears to be broken and as I was pulling it out I thought that it was gonna be like a piece of a utensil handle see if I can get some better light here but I flip this over and there appears to be text looks like a big end I'm wondering if this is a piece of a firearm because of how heavy the brass is I don't know let's let's get that text cleaned up see what it says all right well I'm not sure I see an N Oh which i think is number and then a super crude 31 I don't know what that would pertain to I'm wondering now if maybe it's a farm tool that would probably make more sense number 31 something or other let me know what you think whatever it is I had a second nail here it was number 31 all right this is one of the highest sharpest tones I've ever had on this machine I don't think heared that through my headphones but we're gonna use this seems like it's fairly shallow so whatever it is we don't hit it I'm hoping it's a coin but you know you never know of course it is this people have been watching my channel for any length of time probably recognize this thing my nemesis my arch enemy a scythe nib I can't tell you how many live digs I've done to find these things this is a piece of hardware that you would there was a handle on this part of it like this this went up against the shaft of a sigh you know a grass cutting tool Grim Reaper tool another one I'll throw it in my bucket full of nib blocks laughs well I just found a minute ago what I thought was maybe part of a bracelet or something it's got beads and you know closed up the hole rechecked and there was something else in there and check it out it's a little brass tag with chains 50s on the back I don't know man that's gonna require a bit more research there's swords a bust and the thing at the bottom which kind of looks like a plow or something yeah a little 50 it looks like money is that's a dollar bill or a $50 dollar bill it's so weird but um interesting I don't know let me know what you think it's fine see if there's anything else at all and move on here well I kind of find myself talking about this week after week but they're pretty hard to ignore the black flies have had their hatch and now it's time for the mosquitos to take their turn you know I'm kind of reminded of something up share a quick story my father's side of the family we're all great hunters and fishermen and their father my grandfather specifically he put food on the dinner table any way he could they probably ate trout and deer three or four nights of the week growing up he passed on early in my life but one of the strongest memory I have of him is that he always smelled of vicks vapor rub and I never really thought much of it except whenever I smell Vicks think of my grandpa then I started doing this and we find a lot of Vicks VapoRub jars from the early 1900's late 1800s and it just kind of struck me I asked my aunt one of his daughters what was that all about and she said he used it for bug spray he used it to make mosquitoes and black flies leave him alone you know I wonder people who lived back then they didn't have deep spray were they using the Vicks of April rub for muscle aches over they using it for insect repellant I'm not sure we'll ever be able to figure that out but it's an interesting thought makes me want kind of want to try it I'm wearing deep today not really working see what else we can find [Music] well I believe we got a coin I don't remember the last time I found a large cent it appears we have another small cent you know we have to have to assume it's an Indian Head Penny you rub it on my pants yeah it looks like it's cleaning up good I don't know I rubbed it on my pants it looks like maybe there's an 80-something at the end there 1888 1886 something like that we'll get it cleaned up better at home but yeah that's right here there we go once that engine head penny here it's been a bit slow today so I will take this happily let's see if we can find another one okay we have here a very common find up here in the mountains Vermont it is an oxen shoe an oxen of course being you know a cow or a bull trained for Draft work and I usually don't show them I've usually find a few every time out but this one in particular has this drop point right here which is not something I've ever seen before for folks who are unfamiliar with oxen shoes it doesn't look anything like a horse shoe because a cow's foot has you know a cloven hoof unlike horse which has obviously a hoof so there would have been two of these on the bottom of the cows foot interesting variation not one I've seen before but that is kind of interesting still has some of the square nails bent over in there pretty cool all right I just got something pretty interesting my water out because this little tin I thought it was like a little junky medicine tin you see from the side but the more I looked at it look at that it has a hinge which is still intact and I flipped it over I don't know if you could make that out but there's a whole bunch stuff on there designs let's see if I can maybe just knock some the dirt off here oh my gosh look at that is that Poseidon what is Poseidon doing on a little tin in the mountains of Vermont well I guess it's appropriate we spray them down with some water what do you think open it up now I think we'll keep it closed and just continue to wonder what's inside just getting little opener go real easy well does not appear as though there's anything in here and that is fine by me nothing is awesome that's one of the coolest things I found in a while I wish there was a gold coin inside but in itself is pretty awesome you know it's been somewhat of a slow day we haven't really found anything particularly exciting or valuable in the ground today you know that kind of makes sense for the person that lived here they he probably didn't make it into town too often have a lot of coins in his pocket to drop into the ground but that makes this tin and particularly interesting and exciting I can't speak for him you know he lived 100 hundred 50 years ago but that more than likely was a precious item for him what he kept in it who knows unfortunately he lost it and we found it and it's a pretty cool piece [Music] Foundation is right there look I think that's the rest of it it's exactly what it is it's the rest of it interesting well I was wondering what was on the other side and it's just a mirrored image and all we have for text is number 31 there's nothing on this side so I don't know you guys let me know is that a side plate to a musket or is it you know the top of a hand plane you know our mind always goes to the coolest thing side plate to a musket would be great but um it's an awfully big square nail to go into the stock of a gun so I'm gonna have to suspect that it's a tool of some kind number 31 pretty cool anyway we got the whole thing alright we got a pretty cool find here I'm not sure what it is exactly I just saw this and I thought that it was a piece of pocket watch wasn't gonna film it and kinda started rubbing it and I noticed on this side there appears to have been a read similar to the harmonica reedplates that we find all the time so this thing would have made noise and then I rechecked the hole and I found the rest of it check this out it looks like there was only oh no I guess that isn't all of it there would have been another piece how does this go like this yeah so it looks like there would have been four different notes I don't know is this a like a like a animal call of some kind 150 year old turkey call or a wounded animal call let me know if you think it would have had one two three four different notes possibly all happening at the same time I'll recheck see if we can find that last piece but I thought that was kind of cool all right and I think we have Indian Head Penny and number two this one I already wiped it cuz I thought it was a button but it appears to be make that out 1893 awesome just about what we thought we were gonna find here turn-of-the-century looks like it's going to clean up real nice once we get some of that clay off there real nice dark patina that looks mostly intact nice a couple of Indian Head pennies today you know what let's uh try to end today on a high note since it has been so slow get everything out and see what we found today alright folks calling it quits I can't take it anymore the bugs are insane it's actually quite hot out today but I don't want to take my hoodie off because I want my arms to get eaten up so we're gonna head on out of here I got all my stuff that we found today laid out let's take a look at it at all all right let's see starting with the things I don't think I showed you I did get a giant iron spoon this is a collection of three rivets that are all in one piece of leather you know I have to assume that was on a saddle there's something like that a little iron buckle piece of oil lamp what I think might be a giant pencil I'm not sure if this is period or not but that's what it reminded me of when I first saw it and we got a little appears to be the letter pewter drawer pull here and now the things that you have seen we have our really interestingly shaped ox and shoe perhaps this ox had an issue with its foot and the blacksmith made it special for it I'm not quite sure we have our number 31 brass plate of some kind whether it was on fire arm or a tool we have our circular read of some kind perhaps an animal call perhaps some musical instrument that I'm unaware of two pieces of suspender I actually did find the other piece not too far away my arch-nemesis the nib block these always sound like coins and it always gets me excited and it's always an it block we have our poseidon stabbing a giant whale of some kind or fish I assume it's a match case or maybe a cigarette case maybe it's even a snuff tin we have two Indian Head pennies and the very interesting you know charm I guess now we have a 50 on the front and on the back let's do it this way looks like a sword two swords a bust of a man facing left maybe and what appears to be an axe and something else so I don't know it's a weird one you guys let me know what you think so not a ton of valuable things today but you know taking into consideration the person that lived here their occupation and the role they played in the history of this mountain that's what fits for me finding the connection between the things and the person that dropped them that's what I find exciting and hopefully you do too thanks again for watching hopefully next time we're up here the bugs will have died down a little bit and we could stay out longer or maybe I'll try out that Vicks VapoRub see you next time you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 54,693
Rating: 4.9808049 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: dcngcfUch34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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