Stout Run - Hutts Streams Legend of Bum-bo Ep5

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[Music] okay let's do a stout so I can unlock bumble the weird hiss coming in I just getting slaughtered a bunch so it's bumble the stout the ability to move or remove tiles and smack people boogers and poop or top buggers that bomb fly before he comes closer to me I want to kill him immediately probably by going for the poop I could destroy some tiles just to see what happens I guess I don't like piss [Music] because all your mana goes away if you don't spend it [Music] I'm gonna have to donate to make you get bum Bo's heart but tattoo I'll do it for a million dollars I'll land eheh 18 months what's up well you know what I just blocked my own ability to get poop by mucking it up by doing the old muck job cup bleach you've done us [Music] it's damaged I feel like she'd be higher but just me boom boom an almost 7:00 poop can almost I only have 999 999 99999 gives you a dollar almost maybe I could yeah what yeah [Music] pocketful of Dreams [Music] it's just too many turns I'm gonna end up taking stupid damage like a big ol dum-dum [Music] the big old silly-willy head [Music] you should have for arts maybe it makes sense heels for half a heart but you barf I don't know what that means remove all tile move a tile and all adjacent that's the exact same thing that I currently have and I don't like it so we'll try the rotten meat rip seven poop bro [Music] tobey's are good [Music] mr. turns are also pretty spicy [Music] so you like poops are just the best play set myself up for a five poop next turn I'm going to do the meantime really destroy piles start whacking away at things over here maybe [Music] you play with poop you don't [Music] like you like you CEO Gary now go for some - maybe bones toofs 61 half dozen the other we got a boat nice cuz I'm super smart and I totally was paying attention though [Music] totally know what I'm doing heels half-heart buncha barf I just I want to know what the barfing does probably covers up some tiles here is that bar for not snacks [Music] ah okay it covers up your stuff covers up your stuff I didn't know that's what barf was learning [Music] black we can somehow make it so that I get more poop or have cheaper wax you just whack the game off all day boom [Music] ball-ball [Music] five Jack look at these guys getting all pissed [Music] we could bug did it it did it bug denied away really want more poop I really want the plunger here holy [ __ ] imagine double plunger on this guy did you even imagine it yeah plunger that vulgari poop [Music] where did she thought you never say [Music] literally just making this [ __ ] up by the way when I'm destroying tiles if only I could just like pop light down here and get like just this one little guy up there [Music] I could get a you got a match for teeth we do on this side [Music] oh so smart am smartest they get more help and it gave me some advice my friend said a bad word and I don't know what to do I strolled ugh [Music] definitely troll troll six poop repeat it to your parents there yeah good advice gain mana plus curses re-roll your current mana reroll my current mana I don't know what that means it's a zero charge so I don't know what that means either reroll does that mean that if it's zero and i reroll it it could be potentially nine or is it like if I've got two three one one one and I reroll it it might be like one one three two one games worth it that is a child at heart a gross nasty child but still anyone know what three Rowling that like what that does and what zero charge means this mixes it around total stays the same [Music] second one that you said a money break was a zero charge I mean it's definitely a one charge I can't imagine that he's just gonna allow me to just d8 as many times as I please right once per turn once per turn maybe [Music] you know what I'm thinking blood rights here honestly if we're talking about I want to do the other ones just to test it out but blood rights is better here because we can destroy curses and also we're not using the piss so if we end up getting some piss we can just turn it into something else ideally assuming that it works as such focus on books over anything but can't even use bones they don't get bone Anna we would like you to go on a date with me hi [Music] soon as it did that my tea we lose all of our mana immediately we have to remember that - it's pretty garbage [Music] dirty [ __ ] [Music] it's hurtin though dudes hurt my super block that you just got going there there's something special that we could do with the amount of booger there's a lot of what they're going on sure how to capitalize about risking my life just think when we take the easy the easy bug what else do we get we got a bunch of piss that's good cuz let's make a bunch of curse we only get one extra on everything else still probably pretty worth it to curse though Mike Caramba more pissed more pissed more moves [Music] I can't why these guys resist the whack right they move that's okay we just want to move them out of the way then [Music] yeah want more wack now I hate peeper pretty annoying yeah but there's a lot of potential and what we're doing right now line up some bugs [Music] now I don't want the books I want the poop-poop is probably more important than the books at the moment what could we do with the poop nothing [Music] line this up again but before that we could use it a little bit first we just got four in a row curse because I've decided to put curses on the sides of my wild card and then [ __ ] me in the face with it wonderful that's just nice I like that you did that I'm really appreciative of that thank you I can heal of course but I'm gonna barf it's gonna make my life more difficult I guess destroy those tiles they're gonna say [ __ ] it I don't want to care all right car by bald eyeball [Music] just need more poop man but too much to ask we could probably just do this just do this this game mana until I can just kill them with my stick [Music] am I losing damage what's up with that [Music] airline food what's up with that stuff by the way pretty what you have destroys the for touching tiles while the bomb destroys all surrounding eight tiles oh okay I got shy just go for this like I saw the bone I just really don't care about one damage or all that much but this is the teeth as well may be better to go for a bug instead yeah seven bones it's not time or piss honestly could just piss piss piss piss piss piss or just go for an easy poop anyone else notice his attack as a giant sticking a stick and no we discussed that prior first time you played them may gain bonus movement more white tiles what the hell are white tiles Kelvin gone 12 months what's up boop-boop one-year-old but baby now you are technically born at nine months you're only three months old but do you know what fine that's fine bones are white tiles more bones well the bones we know I don't care what the bones you don't care about the bones bones do nothing for me spells hurt more which one could be do more damage on our whack away a wimoweh you act away a wimoweh wimoweh yeah go for some stats health please or damage that would be damage so now our whack just just 100% whack job nothing but nothing but whacking my butt in the dungeon the filthy dungeon the Bumbo whacks away [Music] it'll carry dog bones seven bones out in here bones [Music] I really only care about poo right now we need the poo [Music] hang on hang on hang on can I hit past those guys my hope so [Music] that's puzzle only yeah you can hit pass them okay and their step on that fast though what the hell is that guy gonna do that's means starting to pop back up prob means he's gonna pop back up honestly probably just go for the easy bone play five bone match you guys I'm I advised that's better [Music] puzzle damage would have been really nice bump all boto [Music] three-piece Bob blackstone 21 months what's up also damage only [Music] the bonus clue teeth yeah nothing pushing back though [Music] storey tiles touching we do anything with that hopefully not we're gonna lose it all anyways though mana drain every turn I set myself up for more poop or something [Music] of which I did not do who throws teeth whose teeth even are they how did I make so many I need answers honestly man who throws a shoe [Music] not a very good board I'm impressed he ain't doing nothing back there but still [Music] I throw chairs I throw shoes [Music] honestly Mike [Music] I'm like focusing so hard on boogers but it's not helping a better way to handle that problem the situation I wish there was a way I could just plop in a teeth a tooth and our teeth [Music] can I make it happen by destroying tiles amis blow box and the doughnuts buggers should do damage I'm fine with it not doing damage I mean it's very useful without damage and then it's move slower blinding attack more attacks or yeah I think I've tried enemy's move slower before and I didn't fully understand what was going on I think that would be something that maybe I would tell a dislike some of the spells like this meet it needs work huge right it needs to move maybe a little bit slower like when you just run out and it just automatically flips your turn over and you're like wait a second what like I didn't get a chance to look by honestly don't mind it when that there's a little like end your turn button on some games but he probably knows about those buttons actively decided not to maybe garbage board by the way OOP there we go excellent board this would be something where a seven bone would be appreciated and we could probably pull it off it might take some damage though if you just set ourself up real pretty though to try to go for this seven bone one two three four next turn I declare a thumb war oh [ __ ] nope I [ __ ] that one up oh [ __ ] the boogers in the bottom the buggers are blowing this whole thing wide open Oh No [Music] [Music] blew the lid right off [Music] Wow oh well well [Music] do what you got to do blinding attack I can't hit him but I think I can hit the guy behind him this guy's don't probably jump up here but I'm not sure I pissed on them [Music] we rip the seven bone that would have been the dream you know um seven tooth seven tooth also phenomenal [Music] yeah what's the hat mean in the back it's a little skull and crossbone I wonder if he poisons me if I hurt him or something do not know [Music] seven teeth again [Music] there's some potential yeah [Music] reigns in the back oh that guy back there [Music] wake up to that hat guy I just I don't trust them seven match only run [Music] they don't have see here you have to pull this over be sloppy but we could do it and that guy is only dying via puzzle damage I think that this counts disposal damaged teeth booger combo [Music] crunchy munchy time man he curses me it makes us it curses me when I kill him change any tile into a wild break rocks poops + hurt enemy a quake undid the rainbow finger quake maybe would have been better just because of the fact that we can't really even gain we can't sit on mana so maybe I need to stop doing all these mana things thousand bits swimming noticeably ye tell us gone for a while why so many hats to win it on our donation brah [ __ ] got real [Music] I might hit him that he spits out an enemy's she doesn't always work out my favor or flavor they go for a mega bug combo thing else that's spicy [Music] not enough bugs though just blinding I could just like try to kill this little guy my biggest hit him with a blind I don't know [Music] eight poop [Music] what if I should try to block this guy or not I don't even sure the big guy even attacks [Music] he just sends his little shits after me doo-doo-doo-doo [Music] or papa [Music] Wow Wow Wow [Music] by gum him up and then I punch him does he still do the thing Tom then I really wish I had a wild tile for this see he's not doing anything about it I can smack him all day human salad yummy yummy turdy gained brown mana ah well yeah well yeah that's way better than yellow man at the moment but it's it's just gonna go away when do we gain it can I keep it reroll spell casts spells hurt more I wouldn't mind a spell hurt more again on a whack or maybe a double damage blinding attack but I feel like we probably is gonna get rid of blondie attack 5 damage just who me some 5 health enemies coming up here oh my god more damage I was kind of hoping that they were we were gonna eat the health there but what kind of damage we do in there like 8 damage then with our punch what do I think this guy you'd like randomize the cost of something or just reroll a spell altogether we roll spell cost is there a spell that just costs too much change any tile into a wild that just seems like it costs a lot right but I don't know if that means that it's gonna cost for poop instead skull guy awkward science silence awkward science that sounds like great science reroll changes man a color not the costs rerolls the type of mana um okay I think I'm fine with what we have going on right here with the manor I think I'm fine with that then we could just reroll a spell or we could you know yolo on this guy the devil plus one damage just be heavy on damage right so hard cool we got a little bit of health can't complain too hard we could have gotten nothing you know castled Castle D Raptor the teeth in this is not a strong play it's just not a strong play it's almost better to just set myself up for poop and to even attempt teeth [Music] I'll see anything that I like here [Music] it's gonna be a tough board seven teeth you guys there's not even less don't even like a even nice way to set that up [Music] [Applause] we will [Music] set that up for a nice little piss next turn Rainey [Applause] [Music] Bhavana vets from zombie 30 dirty birds sitting on a curb chirpin and burpin and eating dirty earthworms along comes Herman from 33rd and 3rd and sees the 30 dirty birds chirpin and burpin and neat and dirty earthworms and boy was he disturbed he read me bedtime stories WCF huts what [Music] sup Jesus I need to figure something out here I got to do something now I have to do something now or we're dead well Jonathan tongue-twister can't say normal English things but tongue twisters move yellow man into the left two spaces I can't move anything to love you guys are done I'm a mother amount of moves right now I just need to use this three boogers before I lose it all bones aren't bad anymore right given a fact that we can now turn things into wild cards I even removed this though then this will fall too far I just don't know this bond could be useful [Music] [Applause] I'll sing even that needs to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we die because I literally have absolutely nothing going for me right now I just I literally just needed the simplest faintest little whiff of poof can I get that no no I cannot just needed a tiny bit of food [Music] so poo [Music] I can't even smack these guys I can't even smack these guys the poop was literally for nothing they're gonna resist all of it it's puzzle damage only and I don't do any puzzle damage period I just I don't do puzzle damage we're debt this first this is a room right here it's it's it can't be won this nothing pushing back okay forgot that we could push back with the stick thankfully we do something yiii wasn't terrible go for curses for more wack a more whack job [Music] oh yeah throughout 70 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thing the smartest person alive I wish I could destroy these uglies push this guy back and stagger them from attack that's all my whack can do blinding attack so to change into a wild make them wild you tell me what to do boy [Music] spread the bugs out evenly say that poop here in the top row [Music] [Applause] [Music] dumbest move white Tier one sub thank you for that appreciate it a lot second move is good at destroying yeah now I have it cuz I just got some bugs those curses get them out got enough hats there man the Lois's Belkin 28 total a back friend and no I wish I could wear more hats in facts in fact I wish that I had more hats on if I move this over rights you following me if I move this over guys befallen me right now and I destroy some [ __ ] three three strengths three strengths Cooper and I could now probably reach one of these three guys I can't push them back any farther right okay I'm gonna say pushed back the top guy and then I could smack the bottom guy but that's not that's just not gonna work this is not gonna fly like that [Music] I I want to go for I just want to go for like a gopher we really cool pet no six teeth very possible some unfortunates layouts right now though [Music] very unfortunate layouts wild for a bone and we get the four I'll get it back get it right back right used for to get for [Music] while to set up seven teeth the problem here you guys that there's no teeth in this middle aisle so I'd have to I'd have to do a wild in a wild and the next turn I'd move this up and then I wouldn't have any bones I should have probably just kept the bones there to get more wild [Applause] [Music] and I got nothing I got there's no way to set it up no way to currently do it for cheats for the kill then whack the guy in the ground could do that get a good use of my men are currently probably maybe possibly we think you're smart or something wicked smart [Music] well-well-well won't believe do big scoops you totally get myself some more mana though maybe we could have done it maybe we could have done it you guys maybe we still could do it maybe please believe and let you talk me into that peer pressured me wild wild right [Music] I don't think no I don't think we're gonna don't think we're gonna get enough for it because I'm gonna curse curse curse curse and let's say that one of the curses landed on that road too we were done still try to do something with their cell like this Wow that's the exact tile that I just turned into a [ __ ] while you piece of [ __ ] it's totally ruin the whole thing throw it all away [Music] what a rib job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a fricking rep job [Music] this curse this thing I just don't like it man I just don't I don't like it it's gonna go ahead and say it [ __ ] [Music] I need puzzle bandage period sending up a sixteenth or six bones would be just the most sexy thing in the planet but there's no bones to go around for me to get my wilds ready it's not gonna happen one damages is not gonna cut it here on this final floor that's just a fact one move left that's anything I can do with one move [Music] bones you don't like curses that's shock setup for the next turn I don't even see something like a setup for the next turn and besides just a couple teeth maybe poop but poop is unapplied can't gets anything done with the poop cuz I need this puzzle guys is just gonna end the run puzzle guys are gonna totally end the run 100% [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] garbage dude some of the weird is amazing [Music] [Music] give me a little bit more damage here could you would you they set up the bones [ __ ] nothing man nothing this is so frustrating when they just get completely cogs it's almost like better just to be an Isaac when Isaac's going poorly because you're like [ __ ] it I'll just die well I'm dead now I'll start over now and this one you to sit here for 12 minutes staring at [ __ ] nothing losing your goddamn mind [Music] you're gonna have six poop next to her next nevermind [Applause] good talk [Applause] [Music] we're in take damage there's a for heart here but I don't need the help nor can I get back soul arts so it's just kind of taking up the map that's kind of bad but that exists and I also just have [ __ ] nothing again [Music] OOP left's is Jamaicans you're Bumbo coin [Music] there's literally nothing [Music] first [ __ ] Rome dude we were not ready for this we got the worst stats damage is great six damage is phenomenal but like I can't I just I can't even understand how bad this [ __ ] board is is unreal it's unfuckin real how bad this boarders [Music] is why I suck at lost back duct tape dungeon sorry I got bored that's not helpful and help [Music] [Applause] [Music] and even set up buggers for next turn can I set up the poop for the next turn I can't set up the poop in the next chair instead of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] short on miracles today huh [Music] get back get back to where you once belong get back I'm just making my board worse by adding more curses to it [Music] looks cool but there's nothing there the if I need I need more damage nothing but board damage [Music] [Applause] [Music] blinding attack or a wild card flying attack won't hurt them but a wild card it's set up for teeth you get poop right now [Music] to get more energy [Music] [Applause] setup teeth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you would moving aside of my poop [Music] let's just replace the poop [Music] and smack them backwards [Music] Oh bug [Music] wild next turn for poop and teeth that energy could have been sexy hot right there but for these curses smash tinted rocks yet that looks tinted back there I'm not gonna lie [Music] got a wild card back [Music] nice go for a seven heart one two three four five six can't can't do it what could I do with my destroy and more this [ __ ] just need more bones and teeth [Music] [Applause] set up for [Music] phone right now [Applause] [Music] half of our loss attack a row or plus one movements what are we using our poop for smash six bones though probably attack a row set a blinding attack [Music] well we have bones mr. bones alright my head's getting super itchy I'm taking these out for now it's good okay bone city is there something I could do with these bones I just wish there was like some way that I could get like the you know three L or a 4-3 or a five three square t you know for the easy bone play I think and then these guys get double duty I'm gonna get to this guy - he's dangerous attack a row like column or row okay gotcha I'm not sure how it would start to roll behind that but sure but sure [Music] Ricky Buster was normally sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but up dude five damage six damage and that thing is just phenomenal so what does that thing on his head he just he just comes back to life table gamers prime sub thank you so much for the sub my friend stumbled or do you think it's weird that Bumbo cast spells is he really casting a spell bow if he's just whacking people with a stick and I mean you call it a spell my thumb bow pretends you know [Music] at the manager a non-death manager in every turn [Music] all of the turns we don't want a booger here I'm gonna pop this thing and get to this way [Music] those tiles what could I do that [Music] 420 viewers won't but there's something I could do here with these bones but I'm probably mistaken how about this if he did this hi Mark Belling up that was my bad take full responsibility [Music] got that little [ __ ] though cuz he was gonna probably attack me immediately he was coming after me booty or brakes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] destroy bones and wild on bottom right for teeth we do five bone or should we go for energy first this guy's gonna attack or something right or is he just gonna make bubbles I don't know what he does does he have an attack I don't know [Music] rocking the back right across on it the window last room it across on it so possible this is only one damage so it's kind of pathetic four six bones we shouldn't just had something that I could if you do this still not gonna stop I hope he just spits out a thing thing and stuff I could just do this instead actually I'm gonna think about it let's just black jab them [Music] puzzle damage guys and double enraged clouds that are probably range not looking good not looking good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] released when it gets to the wack I don't want to whack that guy in the back too [Music] and use it twice more and change something into a wild but that really [ __ ] it up really [ __ ] up what I was gonna do rid of those things [Music] use it once more change something into a wild it's just a lot of curse to deal with though there's this early on set up the poop in the bottom is icky sticky I'm really mostly worried about these guys look like they're gonna do real real bad stuff to my face here but we destroy stuff pushed down some poop to the bottom I don't see a way where I can successfully set up the booth [Music] got it [Music] that's the only thing I can reach for the guys their puzzle damage only I gotta push them back or something no [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so much teeth manner that I can just never use well it turns that guy get [Music] is bad it's real bad news that guy's flying so I'm gonna target him first right [Music] we'll see [Music] good bottom rail yeah I got it push it back there's this thing specifically a house II okay Wow how is he charging up and attacking he gets double movement apparently is because he's blue is that what people are yelling at me last time on the YouTube video floor five health man it's just not meant to be [Music] I think I'm supposed to be able to kill these things [Music] [Music] how could I set the teeth up even better okay I can and we just focus on getting rid of these things [Music] it's just that we can't we can't beat these guys there's no [ __ ] way it can't be done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go for a seven bone life might be like honestly my only shot in hell I'll see how we can even though your five bone [Music] wild card better or attack the role I could no I can't attack the role it wouldn't matter on these guys [Music] he'll but barf [Music] maybe worth doing while I can no idea what the barf is maybe we'll try to set up boogers and then just destroy him next turn [Music] keep it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] got a wild the hell can I use that for [Music] the hell do you want me to do with that boy [Applause] [Music] go for seventies hell yeah seventies it is [Music] thank God for his wild still doesn't kill him though still didn't kill him [Music] still didn't kill him we're dead and welcome on No each guys is gone so slow but like we're barely squeaking by all tiles of one type I wonder if that works for curses because that would be hella powerful [Music] sänger go for the soft spot 18:03 moves per turn shitty bored most boring boss in the game [Music] what if we tried to do some weird stuff far right side bones poop poop is good poop is a good play always what if we went orangey on his ass [Music] anyway we can make things fall into where we want them to fall really I should just use the poop now I don't even know what he's gonna do whack them that's really good damage leave one more whack after that resisted oh okay he closes down shop but it's hard or something like that I don't [ __ ] know um do we want bones it's set ourselves up for a toasty bone [Music] they can get rid of the teeth [Music] calm down cursed I was cursed he moved up and he smashed my poop not very nice of him to do that [Music] five bone it it's gonna go on YouTube yep if you plug them first [Music] stop from moving as much as possible move back sir change anything into a wild no reason not to use that right now to set up what though [Music] honestly going for piss is a good play poop yeah we can set up the poop so we can whack them again next turn it's not bad either whoo we could go for more erasers and then just completely messes de up there any way we can get a 5 pooper going I don't see away just set up you just destroy the curses as well yeah go for 7 poop not happening no flipping way [Music] I don't know why I did that now I should just wait it on it because I can't I can't hurt him anyways I forgot I forgot its first time the cursed one two months in a row three total a nice let's keep this going agreed thank you for that setup piss like I said [Music] the worst [Music] Oh what I do because you already have a piss setup for next turn it's fine destroy the curses now cuz then I mess up my piss that's not that many curses right it's not that bad I did this maybe a energy would just fall right down it's not what happened but we have phones now black in this case if you even go back further or something I don't know mana drains anyways he's super cursed me okay nice glad I set that stuff up about that we spent time doing that a lot of fun it's not even worth to hit him with a bone I feel like we touch them with a bone and it does a 1 damage and it's pathetic whereas I could do six damage if I just set some freaking poop up but I don't have the ability to set up poop right now that hurt me because it was a four thing I was supposed to move it porkers does nothing confirmed says a lie they lied does do a lot of stuff hurts me canceled I don't want to use that right now because I can't frikkin smack them so I just want to drop down a wild somewhere that could be used next turn for a7 poop you can change this into a while I guess save poop for next turn save poop bill travel for pissy race [Music] erase the piston that's a smart move what if he erased the buggers there's so many more buggers on the screen we can use boogers sometimes but [Music] not blown away should have honestly just tried to go for boogers and then I could have buggered him up I think I might just end up going for the poop anyways just so I could make a barrier the barrier is gonna be pretty important I feel like we're in setup poop for next turn [Music] he's gonna tell you [ __ ] it up with his curse though isn't he it's like huge douche [Music] nice good damage good damage extra one pushin back wonderful the poop is gonna send it home you guys I cannot believe we struggle through this it's been ridiculous destroy all of one type of mana cease [Music] to help by bone I could set up a wild with a poop for next turn [Music] smart move I think [Music] wildest to that one he's gonna curse me I hope it doesn't hit this column it's praying hoping hoping pray [Music] Goldin [Music] but up there's watching Avengers you're still streaming this is amazing bubble the weird that'd be fun to be on the team where I mean if probably just edy we ready to come up with those things spider was throwing putt nice [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 19,659
Rating: 4.9912086 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: MHa_h5rxOwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 12sec (4512 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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