Rye is Overpowered - Hutts Streams Atomicrops

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what's up youtube welcome back to atomic crops um not going to be robusta today let's try a ry run what's our daily daily is year five maybe we got going on here jump start a lot of things are saying jump start here chance that tractors will instantly gain a charge after use [Music] okay i said a heartbeat seed will drop when i'm damaged dark skinned everything's trying to offer me jump start point five percent chance though for something that's not that good just buy all the jump starts then see what happens [Music] all right we're currently on year 10 here um let's maybe do like a year eight that seems fair instead of doing the daily first non-youtube i'm seeing of this is unknown skater what are we gonna get starting off with um three pigs which is pretty good beasts and are harmless and drop fertilizer on contact not my favorite ry the good thing about rye is that he has a 50 chance that guns will be repaired inherently quite nice i think ryan's one of the more powerful characters [Music] because of that saving money that way is huge start off with a blood rain maybe since it's kind of tough to get a bunch of fertilizer i guess we'll try to touch the bee sun instead of killing them touch them and kill them how much does this game cost um i would guess 15 bucks i'm gonna know [Music] how much this is i got it for free on the epic games when it was free but it is on steam [Music] golden pooper that's the mini boss so basically we have to run out during the day and collect seeds to plant in our garden if you've never seen this before by the way what i'm doing i'm explaining it and then we can also get fertilizer to fertilize stuff that's the pink blobs that we're collecting right now we can get upgrades we can get uh that's pretty much it and then at night we want to go back and plant all of our stuff try to grow it before we inevitably have to go back to the starter like the the town that's where we can spend our money that we got from growing our crops [Music] to get upgrades to make it to the next day where's this minibus we don't know yet i'm going to say a cow to start off with all right the day's up i gotta head back now [Music] upgrade early to rose or roach killer harvesting roses increases day length sure roach killer is pretty good i'm not gonna lie but it also starts with a turret it's kind of important but now i gotta try to clear off the farm i'm gonna get rid of these weeds i'm gonna till the soil [Music] gonna make everything [ __ ] right off start planting things [Music] fertilizing that makes them worth more money but also if you do a two by two grid of a certain type of crop and then fertilize it you make a super crop i'm struggling right now to do anything meaningful [Music] yeah a breather here not gonna get this rose done today i don't think we started early enough [Music] to get that guy though which is nice [Music] and enough fertilizer for everything too that was nice yeah the rose isn't gonna do it [Music] it's gonna be ready like right when we get back dollars enough for a spud rifle unoperated spud rifle pretty [ __ ] these upgrades pretty [ __ ] i mean this that's just a health uh beet seed heartbeat seed [Music] all right go back in then [Music] yeah see the rose was immediately ready kick straight what's up slap [Music] what news from slabtown so damage upgrade mushroom very nice right the mini boss that damage active sweet megaton tractor start baby bro i use that on champion we gotta remember that there are champions now cow i really have a hard time uh watering things early game megaton kills things it uh instantly grows crops it's like one of the best things in the game i hope you're well hey tom crops i love this game [Music] probably shouldn't depict them because now i'm just going to leave that open for uh weeds to grow oh well let's be true [Music] don't shoot the car things you don't need to fight them you don't get anything special for it just wasting my time [Music] beat drop activated there i don't like fighting this track to that there we go you know what i'm gonna go in front of the turret instead of cow i think turret upgrades wouldn't be the worst thing ever and i gotta go back [Music] mini boss shouldn't have activated it it's just dungeon what with plants absolutely not chickens will sometimes uh the eggs will hatch pretty good pretty good early at least [Music] [ __ ] off all of you [Music] i'm just i'm so overwhelmed all the time in this game i'm gonna lose my charge thing by trying to kill these dudes trying to cut weeds while i'm out here to keep my energized thing if you do like six tasks back to back you get energized allows you to do all your tasks faster [Music] i'm so [ __ ] overwhelmed [Music] got some roses though give me some good upgrades here [Music] [Music] turret i don't have anything that virginia for let's just do one of these sunflowers rough what a rough start you can stomp out the little baby uh weeds worth doing for sure chickens chickens now would be nice i'm overwhelmed with weeds chickens will eat the weeds so pigs will dig the the soil or till the soil chickens will eat the weeds and cows will help water your plants and then bumblebees will help boost your crops they basically just make them grow faster i think [Music] didn't even fix my gun biodegraded though that's a pretty good thing to go into the forest with [Music] pig turrets swine turret tumors i'm gonna go for it these water crops only have one bee i don't see myself going for too many more bees i mean we could go for bees instead of cows now that they help water but they only sit on one plant whereas cows can water anything that needs [Music] only thing common between gungeon and this is gunslow i'd be okay i'm tired still dealing with doctors and the like says slap well what's going on look at that [Music] i'm gonna get a bridge piece in case we need it [Music] baby [Music] of the news with the wifey i'm behind [Music] we didn't take a hole back last time also a boss fight also we have three health [Music] this is plant management while fighting off waves of enemies stats yeah the gourds are good but that's maybe better [Music] the fertilizer drops extra on oh it's already off already already got used up we already do everything down here no i want that tractor i've got the best one down to the jungle [Music] more fertilizer drop [Music] my character's so slow [Music] some extra speed would be nice so i could use up my mushrooms better this gun's pretty good i like it lard enemy shots are slower very nice very good upgrade give me some time to think [Music] wow that was a lot [Music] and a mockery yeah really not excited about champion uh dudes ah he found me anyways [Music] angry worm that seems like a pretty good gun to fight angry worm with i should have gotten one of the things that helped me clear off my farm so i could plant everything let's just try to weed [Music] i'm so slow [Music] i'll might need the next 14 years [Music] [Music] so [Music] got some swollen lymph nodes in her tenderer as well as headaches and muscle fatigue once they got lab work done in real.cova and mono blood work looks great no sign of infection or anything abnormal so don't know what's causing everything that's scary stuff uh my cousin was having some similar issues like that and uh he just got diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma which is not good he starts chemo i think on thursday i just saw him today [Music] not to like try to scare you i'm just saying that sounds very similar though he was also struggling with the [Music] yeah not muscle fatigue but just regular fatigue [Music] call us if it gets worse exactly i was just kind of complaining about like having a problem and going to the doctor's office most of the time they're just like we're gonna assume you're full of [ __ ] and uh call us when you start bleeding out of your eyes then maybe we'll run a test next to my gun though that's awesome air freshener become energized when a tractor is used maybe five rows gourd crushed it though we got daily orchard tree every day i like it very early too we have some old weeds become flowers flowers are such a good play i like that a lot and i'm struggling with the weeds let's do the tremor what's up dance i'm gonna go with the gourd i'm gonna do it i'm gonna try to get me some watercress nips [Music] that's pretty cheap for that [Music] no need to worry about weeds because flowers [Music] angler gaming with 18 months what is up thank you for that so to get these flowers [Music] should we take note of what our upgrades are on the gun that we got we have size triple shot fast reload clip size plus these are all great things i thought that was a golden goose first for [Music] my nose is bleeding but it's i not seen one of my lymph nodes is up next oh best of luck with that i hope it's nothing serious but like oddly my cousin was saying that like it was really nice just to have an answer it was like there was clearly an issue he was just so fed up with feeling like crap all the time at least now there's like something to deal with oh an odd sort of relief [Music] oh killing um i'm energized by killing that's pretty good so like when you're on your farm and you have to defend the farm while trying to hold your energized state you can hold on to it by killing enemies he's a good guy [Music] increase uh day time via picking those roses [Music] [Music] mockery [Music] um us here i got the mushroom that gave me the extra charge pumpkins grow around scarecrows okay positive thing for scarecrows if we ever decide to go that way took some damage to get another damage upgrade down to two hits until i die still only have three beat seats mind you horse i gotta go horse here speed is important only only uh extra speed though when i'm not firing [Music] what do you got for me crops grow ten times faster but burn when thirsty or tomorrow is two times longer but a lizard will pursue you all day i i don't mind the nitro i think the nitro is just a net positive especially with my megaton being able to make them grow well i don't know maybe it's not important with megaton and i could just do the lizard and the two times longer day i feel like the lizard's really gonna annoy me and kill me though birthday's in two days well happy early birthday joe caleb i'm gonna try reptilian sauce i always go nitro [Music] we just need to get some help chicken there we go [Music] not down for champions no thanks [Music] i ignore that building every time i see it nitro is good though i don't think i've ever taken nitro and not thought it was the best decision [Music] like sure the plants burn when they're thirsty but they grow 10 times faster like they don't even have a chance to be thirsty [Music] [Music] it's some chimpkin [Music] [Music] [Music] gonna plant my heartbeat seeds maybe also have plenty of sunflowers that can go in what else i have five heartbeat seeds i need to use them [Music] [Music] [Music] seeds go i'm out of fertilizer [ __ ] let me plant my roses you douche my gun again though i don't even have enough money to upgrade my gun [Music] pop it up [Music] thorn could be good and i'm gonna save my stuff by heartbeats picking stew when was this free on epic a while ago just ordered groceries to be delivered tomorrow and i think i have a frozen lasagna all right let's uh pay attention to this lizard that's gonna be following us around all day today i'm not gonna see him he's gonna shoot me right in the back of the neck there he is is he an invincible chicken or a lizard i think it makes more sense maybe to stick around and try to fully grow these heartbeat seeds [Music] need more fertilizer man [Music] seems like he's invincible [Music] no just very very tough [Music] should also be paying attention for uh chicken eggs i get them to hatch and get more chickens there we go all right now i'm gonna travel right before i do one of these and then one of those and a blast what lizard item do re today is two times longer but a lizard follows me around all day also like reeves like three years ago stop it stop doing that it wasn't even funny then stop reading [Music] time to stop [Music] there's bark skin that i think that bark's getting bad meaning i got shot but i blocked it stop bringing chat ring i think you're funny you clearly think that you are a hilarious person [Music] scarecrow maybe because the pumpkins maybe all right hard crust that'd be pretty agreeable more turrets gain three turrets i don't even want to deal with that champion [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got for me defibrillators heartbeats grow instantly that's pretty pretty good [Music] but i love it i go ree that's all just mega ass hurt right now but my entire personality and everything that i've ever done that i think is funny has has been me it's the only thing i know to do [Music] did i just make a ton track to this champion and it didn't die did i just walk into that bullet let's walk into that bullet am i throwing brady fart [Music] i take damage i drop fertilizer now [Music] never taken damage though let's see if it happens [Music] [Music] all right we're done finish that entire thing with a double length day [Music] three extra chickens there bruh [Music] that's really good now let's get the uh flower plays unlocked [Music] [Music] also my sunflowers also my roses also my heartbeats [Music] rip bit rates yeah things are crazy right now well it's got me looking so crazy right now [Music] got a bunch of turrets i gotta put down as well move these turrets to the outer ridge [Music] [Music] [Music] all my turrets are down i got one scarecrow now maybe just i don't even know where to put it this is year eight it's correct gun fixed again [Music] fully upgraded now killing enemies turns weeds into flowers yes flower place please [Music] and i'm gonna need two more of these buy the seeds i guess [Music] and we're gonna go 16 roses we could maybe get some watercress nips yeah i do have enough [Music] to win no i think it's is it was it three five six seven i think maybe i don't think i might anymore not worth going for a single heartbeat see i pressed the wrong button that was my bad i forgot about these two oh you know what i don't have enough fertilizer for him rip sunflower sorry got excited trees i don't have four of a kind for any of the trees [Music] onward we now have fire on this gun good upgrade save that damage room possibly for the boss holy wow okay then that's the thing yeah i don't know what happened either [Music] what do you mean your bit rate went to [ __ ] fully scorched earth [Music] dirt boy almost sat on my face this is insane turret stakes got the hard cross things i talked about early earlier turret upgrades would be nice since i have so many of them give me some range and damage and stuff [Music] cows create more water move faster or weeds don't grow on soil let's do weeds don't grow on soil that sounds nice [Music] i don't have to deal with it if i had some sort of like crazy awesome flower build then i would leave the weeds on the soil but i don't last time this is how we do this let the boss come near you that's not the boss [Music] damage up going to the boss kill him instantly [Music] bruh [Music] i want to do that one go [Music] for the damage of the serious business [Music] [Applause] [Music] cuts plays on a mac confirmed is the bit rate my i can see everything your bitrate is messed up my game's running like an absolute dream [Music] aimlessly on my end [Music] there's only supposed to be five pixels right [Music] [Music] there are more turrets and stuff i can put down scarecrow [Music] [Music] super sunflower super sunflower [Music] [Applause] [Music] for only 4.99 a month you can get a whole extra pixel [Music] i feel like if you're in the middle of planting something they should just let you finish planting it that's so much money oh my gun fix this has been the greatest gun ever but ooh rusty smg man that's also so good i want it [Music] i probably should say no days last longer getting married oh seven is the merry thing let's get some crisp nips dribble club glove be whispered bungalow fire degrader is your favorite gun [Music] potato the spud rifle hands down best gun ever then goes rusty smg pigs can fly now stay energized longer that's pretty good um it's earthquake ones you're just delicious you know what it's a monster as well [Music] i like the butcher's knife butcher's knife is literally the blunderbloom is the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst blusher's knife is close very close to worst congratulations on the wedding i'm only in it for the nips prime sub gives better quality video i'm sub does squirrels yeah you're right squirrels are absolute trash [Music] but you're getting married butts i just did do you have eyes [Music] are you blind watch me shred taco [Music] yeah definitely a lot of options to go down there thanks should have just dodged it huh always energized when at low health chance receded dropping harvesting i like the fertilizer charges tractor that could be probably one of the best upgrades we could find right now oh [Music] hey boss right up ahead one of the greatest things about this gun is the piercing duck wings we now have flights a blast [Music] is that is that slug attack [Music] do give me some heartbeats planting my please as well slugs just feasting on all my [ __ ] where's the witch where's the witch there she is the witch drops pigeon scrolls which is nice [Music] oh scarecrow [Music] still wouldn't have four of a kind of a single tree which is surprising we have three three two three almost guaranteed tomorrow we'll have one [Music] [Music] could be planning more stuff or i could just wait to pick these these guys and then clear it and replant [Music] do one of these [Music] god's luck in the tree department tomorrow will probably have a super tree [Music] how many chickens do we have five chickens two turkeys not bad five thousand monies also not bad 22 roses pretty good foraging berries yeah i'm going to save my stuff i flight now so i can just fly over and to buy the uh the bridge repair kits [Music] i can fly [Music] what else can we do nothing my gun break my gun broke good thing i saw that i almost missed that shallot gun or par sniper probably gonna go shallow gun i'm i'm really not excited about either of them [Music] watching the horse run while you fly maybe the tree here [Music] super tree he got him [Music] part two we could finish this up down here but we already did the mini boss so maybe we could just fly up here we have so much time though [Music] there's so much time might as well just finish the bottom up waiting for a better gun to start the next place [Music] this lady trades your crappy seeds for better ones damn low-tier seeds for high-tier seeds we had a lot of low-tier seeds pays to not plant anything [Music] faster movement speed or crops near turrets grow faster turret growth or a plan next to my tree [Music] [Music] let's see here let's take away this turret all right actually a couple turrets [Music] [Applause] road tree faster go [Music] i need uh that gives me more fertilizer here [Music] i'm not gonna have enough for all the stuff i just planted we should save a little bit of my fertilizer for sunflowers and speed seeds [Music] going for unlocks no don't we have like one achievement left or did we get all of them i mean we got them all we don't have all the cat trees we're supposed to be able to find cat plushies as well out and about i only have one of those i think maybe two gotta remember good shot mate now it's time to die [Music] i was a vacay very very stressful but i did a lot of stuff [Music] more so stressful on my body physically and mentally road trip uh for two weeks straight is tough stuff [Music] [Music] gun fixed i don't even want this gun i definitely don't want those guns weeds grow and spread faster that's totally fine because they don't grow on my soil turrets and drone damage and knockback that's fine too [Music] heartbeats in it gives me health done gives me tons of money [Music] get the super peach tree in get my peaches down in georgia get my super peach standing georgia and there's my [ __ ] [Music] yeah money is golden cashews it's right next to the tree super size that tree nice throw it immediately super nice [Music] woohoo not excited to be having this gun in this area jailbreak jailbreak [Music] [Music] these and hummingbirds turn weed in flowers or energize all friends when you become energized disco ball flowers are great but i just don't i didn't go bees at all i have one bee and one hummingbird chiefly ill 18 months hope you had a great vacation glad you're playing more atomic crops you guys love this game i mean obviously you voted on it [Music] chill deep increase day length if i harvest my beet seeds [Music] did not want to deal with that guy champion [Music] go done next [Music] [Music] now all my animals will be like supercharged when i get charged [Music] up great see him flying around [Music] i'm all jacked up a mountain dew nine chickens [Music] [Music] [Music] don't count your chickens before they're hatched [Music] [Music] [Music] get the [ __ ] out of my face [Music] [Music] don't mess with my farm you're very well i offer this for free [Music] [Music] boy look at all this stuff crowd puncher and g minor nice almost five figures hey rusty sunge we're you're already married we're just friends i'm like what's up how's it going norman god stop crushed it got a turkey couch block bullets and drop fertilizer blood spell and flower shower yeah good [Music] red watch five dollars thank you redwatch appreciate the donation to clear out the rest of this map like we're going to be bored [Music] well what's sarah left to do [Music] a mini boss up here [Music] i hate when the boss grabs you and it doesn't give you that uh teleport back like just do that for me like use it once maybe in order to get it back i could save that damage upgrade maybe for the the boss supposed [Music] [Music] cutting weeds increases today length more damage i need it who else is the one gunner gotta kill everything before you can activate that [Music] that's up a lame last thing but fun [Music] all right think i didn't do a couple of things over in the planes by him only 28 seconds but i can get down there yeah yeah yeah [Music] turd or cow let's go cow [Music] another stat up [Music] this is a good one three items open it big axe pack lame uh being energized doubles my damage increasing my speed and three chickens there's so many chickens now 12 chickens deerville yet i already did the deerville yes i got the uh thing that i'd uh dodge a lizard all day but i had twice the length of the next day [Music] 13 chickens now [Music] do i want to plant stuff what do i want to do with my life don't have that much fertilizer [Music] oh [Music] [Music] just keep bombing my trees and getting fruit from them and go the whole rest of the game just living off of the eggs flowers and the fruit probably and then used all my pigeon scrolls trying to kill the final boss in three seconds sounds like that might be the best way to handle the rest of this game [Music] one thing about this game you can progress too fast and get bored yeah we crushed it and i like i said i think rye specifically is overpowered because i saved so much money by um having my gun fixed what was it like four or five days in a row imagine if i had spent like an extra 2 000 every day early game at least [Music] crazy can i get some spud rifle up in my life hey collecting fertilizer charges my tractor that's the one ah i want that too mushrooms grow near my well that's super good i can't can't afford it [Music] what god am i using uh rusty smg [Applause] [Music] i just skipped today [Music] too bad you can't get an animal that helps you fertilize that would be really nice [Music] and that's all my fertilizer that's it [Music] six pumpkins did me in [Music] that's kind of cool uh the pumpkins automatically grow around the scarecrows right and then i have a chance to get seeds back every time that i harvest which one is that one of these this doesn't show all my upgrades too like why i can't just have a bigger spot for them all this empty space show me all my upgrades one of these things does that anyway so i'm just getting tons of seeds for the pumpkins just for free those super pumpkins um these these super pumpkins are you talking about like a four by four there's no four by four crop of anything only two by twos those were super pumpkins [Music] what is your favorite part about your trip um i probably have to say accidentally running into a moose or swimming with a sea turtle or just in general how awesome the grand canyon [Applause] i was with a couple of sharks that was pretty cool everything looks pretty cleared out so many boss mini boss mini most minnie mouse minnie mouse minnie mouse minibus yep [Music] yeah he's walking down a trail and uh there were like some switchbacks and stuff so like there was one part of the trail that was like far above the other one and it was probably 10 feet below me as i'm walking down this way right there down the trail moose but it was like facing away from me had huge antlers there was a another couple walking behind us so i turned around and i told them like you guys got to shut up like there's a moose right there because moose can be violent i mean they they can attack people common it's common for me to attack people and uh the they they were like oh that's so cool hello moose and they're like taking pictures walking up next to it and i was like yo you're going to die you're going to die it didn't it was a male moose it clearly it was used to people didn't didn't bother to do anything but like look at us and there was like whatever and then it just went back to chewing lucky for us it wasn't like a mom and a baby or something like that that'd be the most dangerous situation moose was on a mission i sent him to collect your debt you own tim don tony twelve tinted rocks [Music] okay it's amazing hard to even comprehend how deep it is i know seriously i took pictures of it but it's like i post a lot of stuff to my instagram too so if you're interested to see some of those photos me [Music] [Music] at the same time my friend uh was traveling in europe [Music] and he was posting pictures of he was in like croatia on like a big pirate ship thing [Applause] now he's uh taking a train through switzerland and like all these things so we were like posting pictures back and forth like whose trip is better [Music] [Music] just gotta finish just gotta push through getting bombed [Music] clearly my staycation sounds better that's one thing that i didn't miss out on though during the trip was like there was no relaxation [Music] just going nuts hold on pigs to an ecken pig guns fixed again no spud rifle shoot a bullet when seed fertilizer pick it up that's pretty good energize all friends to max when you take damage i would take it if i can afford it [Music] boop what are you playing after this [Applause] [Music] um at my health though [Music] 49 pumpkins [Music] i don't have the fertilizer to do this i have this uh fertilizer thing i'm gonna say that for the final boss of course i get more pigeon scrolls too but i didn't get the pigeon scrolls at my base every day upgrade i find the final boss kind of annoying so i can just kill him via pigeon scrolls is better but i think we have to fight them longer because i only have the one round one anna mockery breeze [Music] one fertilizer thing one water [Music] didn't even get it till now but heartbeats are also the sound of a heart pretty clever [Music] oh heartbeats [Music] so [Music] i like how i'm doing literally nothing and i'm still getting like 69 or 6900 at the end of the day i guess we could look for cat plushies i don't know if they can show up like only certain days i think they're just there missed it all army if you see cat plushy or a golden goose for that matter [Music] ready to get fly over the mountains making me waste my time walking around [Music] do [Music] go up over here [Music] missed a tinted plushy pardon me come on five seconds left i'm gonna get this damage upgrade crush this boss [Music] ah i freaking hate itsy bitsy he's gonna outrun my damage upgrade he's back here it's safe it's a bit see jack gas [ __ ] up this one can spell yeah totally just outran my my uh right there [Music] would you just knock it off dude itsy bitsy spider got into mama's crack there we go what's up [Music] look at all these eggs oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was not too bad just finish the day and give me a flip and spot rifle spud rifle or bust [Music] how long do you think it's gonna take me to kill uh nuclear winter [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna guess uh a minute [Music] four four what minutes seconds [Music] controlling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter dark [Music] you're right [Music] i got 73 pumpkin seeds why [Music] seven thousand i i literally did nothing no spud [Music] quit anything good double edge watering can water two things at once i don't have enough stuff for it [Music] i don't have enough for that orange i don't care instead of giving me rose seeds this uh gambling machine should just give me roses is that too much to ask for [Music] i'll send it uh let's line up my stuff so i have this the right things out when i need them [Music] wait for him to light everything on fire [Music] rain go fertilizer go [Music] i've done any damage yet [Music] now it's rolling in now it's rolling in halfway done [Applause] can we finish it right there he does it amazing [Music] plants plant like the wind plant light the wind aloes that aloe out there i'll allow it onions carats maters [Music] i don't have any fertilizer so it's like i can upgrade this stuff it's pretty good what's your three cats cool all the time okay i got 464 000 my all-time best 1 million 275 yeah we were [ __ ] blocked there in fertilizer for the longest time crushed it though [Music] are we gonna spend it all on cats or upgrades i have a pet full okay [Music] okay okay i get extra luck for every one of these two cats i have because of my cat plushies [Music] a bunch of [Music] those so costly to do this [Music] this takes way too long [Music] i just literally spent all my stuff [Music] i don't have enough don't have enough to upgrade that for a tier six i want to get that top tier man that's gonna take such a long time why though all right i hope you guys enjoyed watching this let me know your thoughts in the comment section on youtube and i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 20,428
Rating: 4.9532847 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, atomicrops, gungeon, stardew, action, indie, farming sim, action roguelike, roguelike, roguelite, bullet hell, survival, twin stick, pixel graphics, upgrades, season, level, gameplay, footage, lets play
Id: 48IchT7psG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 29sec (5249 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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