Breaking the Game! - Hutts Streams Legend of Bum-bo Ep2

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should we try this bum bug and nimble oh [Music] yeah is that to health visit the prick cellar is that the end well so I think we have to unlock more stages right so no but yes I mean [Music] see here how do we get more sixes 7x2 town pull the teeth over 2,000 tooth up but that wouldn't cut it I got a tooth over first and then tooth down what was the tooth did what did the tooth did English yes you know if I just swapped my accent out for Bumbo accent it would just be fitting and cute what did you did bono smash do bone and pissed combo boned pissed combo teeth rain teeth from above food hits everyone bites everyone it's all it's here if I do this right hold that down I [Music] think I [ __ ] it up already I think I already [ __ ] it up [Music] I think I super [ __ ] it up BAM pom pom bow because now if I pull it over it's gonna be a foreigner Oh teeth that out here at the Forrest Gump joke alert it's not really a good way to handle this city mole unless I pulled the tooth down and then I could scoot it over next turn but that soon is to me like two different things set up for teeth next turn I'm just not liking that I gotta remove this guy balls bad on me [Music] looks like they're gonna give me the opportunity to do it I don't know if the teeth comes down if it does anything with the fart cloud [Music] let's move this over oh he's only got two turns man I don't have three like last time what am i [ __ ] doing on takes so much damage and I got two hearts we just fought we just literally [ __ ] the whole game up because we were overzealous and I can't even do it anyways I can't even do it anyways [Music] great now completely [ __ ] it up like a 100% [ __ ] worth it destroy a row of tiles Oh bomb flies 17th I could do it ain't nobody telling me that I can't but here's the thing I think if they get too close and they explode then they hurt me you don't one and the two next turn I'd have to do over three four five six seven eight nine ten speaking of blue a little holy [ __ ] Zen Heiser with the forty gifted subs my man brah mega train statists batty days Mike port sees I add bring joy marco flame Asim Massimo Bianco Biff boy flip flap collector blazed ethos White Lotus team a kite brew DS brute brute east aphid floppy potato Iceland Orion Orion probably dark Aurora June dooms baby in stone ultimate Slayer Joe's fka my goodness something I thought to read all this stuff you guys get the rest of it right a lot of lot of names thank you so much Zen eyes to appreciate you you guys check if you have a sub right now there's like a 10% chance probably higher than 10% chance a k-style three total what's up back for three months boy already loving some bum bow thought that's a burrito out of the corner of my eye dam up that's a lot of subs just Gadgeteer I still can't believe that we start with one puzzle damage I think we're dead I think we're just super dead right now [Music] Rebecca dead kind of like Megadeth I think we go seven piss me me this is gonna take way too many turns like there I'm literally gonna be dead by the time that I get seven piss oh [Music] yeah super dead piss me that's it that's over there birdies well came I saw [ __ ] died miserably alt f4 for ultimate combo guys here lesson learns let's go and blow we gotta put a hat on by the way for his enemy boy [Music] pats on hats on brah what if you guys seven teeth [Music] what is 17th [Music] [ __ ] I can't do it get five teeth [Music] we go for Pope could go for more poop to block but I'm pretty sure that I've I just blowed the bottom fly in the front I just died I just died in miserably anyways I'm pretty sure fairly certain that this is my death why is it a three damage no cuz it was a five fiber you are dead f+ Mattress Murdoch also get the two subs like that thank you so much Tyrell oh and Sue's ello it's like those freaking planned sweet seven teeth I need more than two moves man two is not good enough that was clutch Jimmy got the the two stat boost [Music] I really really really really really really actually like bumble the brave a lot more than this character already it's been like five seconds and I'm like holy [ __ ] this is awful this is the worst this is terrible okay um one move left we get bug line up the bones for next turn - magical button six months without magical button oh we got a five to it there Barbie the bone first because I 5 by 2 now I'll lose the bone all right all right so then man again why does it say man again I gained a bunch of mana oh is that what luck is is that what luck is doing because if we don't go for 70s our psyche doesn't even count I could do poop as well I just wish there are some teeth over here I would probably go for it there's poop over down here look at this tons of stuff going on bumble the nimble steals man as a passive that should be written down somewhere shouldn't remove a single tile now what what would that do for me what good would that do a single tile it was just basically I could really use that with cursed tiles that would be really nice it's very cheap and Cree the blade sheet [Music] creator from binding of issac melt just a huge coincidence seven poop seven poop let's go [Music] I feel like the other ones had like some super cool graphics and then you get the piss to the poop and it's like I don't know brah here take this [Music] I'll no soup I really really really wish that we had a virus I really wish we had board shuffling how nice was that how nice was that I want to get rid of a stupid wall but we were getting so much mana an unreal amount mana gained from just hitting the poop look at my man a man give me some more spells for the lava Pete's not sure what goes here at 34 months in her all if you think nimble is bad I've been stuck on the next character also fajita under bits whenever you get boner teeth matches with this guy you get one of each manna and when you use your toothpick you get manna to remove too you get you can set up a lot of broken combos and one turn clear rooms a lot if you really mull over stuff once you start getting spells bone and teeth man is stealing wonderful dice a magic magical button six months welcome back [Music] um I can't poke them because there's a the fart cloud there at I like it removed it change anything no not really [Music] but the piss charging up all your items could be good but gonna be better [Music] this is a permanent damage increase on the singers at reset every room poop block the counter poop will block the poison cloud will it I don't know that how about seven piss probably just worth it to get the piss because of B my damage spell resets every room I would assume it would yeah you said every room no surprise just want to see those graphics again all right he's gummed up he can't do anything yeah so tried breaking the rocks who blocks the poison cloud smoke machine 2% chance to dodge next attack mom's lipstick turns a tile into a hearts need the help we need the seven teeth now I'm just crazy enough to do it damn it we accidentally gonna match in here somewhere I'm gonna be pissed [Music] around [Music] 0:07 heart breath all that mana drain the lipstick is Opie that's not I'm faking 17th yeah the chomp to the poop you you can that's you that's what sets you over the edge good old-fashioned poop chomping you get this and then just move it back for free oh you can just [ __ ] up my entire day this is still pretty good let's stop the animal [ __ ] a lot going on here with the snots claimed the phrase gummed up a pretty shirt gummed up as a phrase breath I'm pretty sure people have been saying that one for years [Music] and I'll get some poo it's a poo block power headset gummed up like 500 times in his playthrough is gummed up I mean that's just the what else do you gonna say what is he what is his status right now 9 10 9 dentist out of 10 dentist would say gummed up gummed up is probably from like 1700s Lowell you're right because I was born in 1705 because you know yeah yep see this guy gets it get out of my way poop wall thing not really anything you do right now you know what if I remove the single tile like this and the next turn I'll be able to bone now I could just do it right now [Music] that's the vampire confirmed booger if I'd see there you go you're absolutely right I you're right I look like an idiot right now bugger if I'd was clearly the right answer there gosh I look like so dumb right now bearded wonder Tier one subs up welcome Jay bacons how many runs do you plan on doing today and do you plan on playing anything else so I'm probably not gonna play anything else it's a big day big day for Bumbo let's take advantage of it how many runs however many runs I can do until I like 10 p.m. or so unless I started to feel like [ __ ] before that term is all booked up I'm all booked up oh oh Elvis point ooh that one see but I can't make soul hearts with this thing right like excess hearts turn into soul hearts that is super powerful or [ __ ] blocker [Music] Oh [Music] take damage to seven hearts and what seven hearts to us what he got seven wild cards together maybe I should just finish them yeah unless enemies would be good can I do anything and a branding day [Music] seven every effect for wilds would probably pick something else up you can do five of hearts already just a little more I just don't even need it I'm not even gonna think about doing it gum them up or I need to poop going for piss is always welcome is the fact that I can use my damaged thing and I can do currently though I just really missed the board shuffles man mr. board shuffles [Music] it's trying not taking damage though I can help it I need to pull something out of my butt right now what that is I don't know I got nothing how many tiles can I remove just a couple could gum them up could gum them up oh I'm bound Bumba you can get poop it's too late Punk [Music] I wanna stab them it's very satisfying to see the needle it's like I don't know some about it gained brown mana extra reward at the end of combat do we use poop for anything then we use poop for anything silver chip let's try it Bundle versus loaf he has slippery feet [Music] you think poop would be slippery or sticky go for a6 poop don't think I won't now we don't use poop for anything - the brown man it would have been pretty worthless thanking me just go for piss [Music] that's less good that's not as good or move left I could kill him [Music] destroy it mana gains loving that Joey p35 what's up gamers [Music] back [Music] remember single tile what would that gain me if anything nothing no I can see currently this guy's chunky oh my god he just killed his own children what the hell am I gonna do with that can I do something with that is that bad should I use it going to bumble stream I think so sending bones and two turns poke it I'm thinking yeah bones seven bone probably kill them at that point in time [Music] could I've done that in such a way where I was able to get it done with a remove tile if I had one more tile removal I could do one two three and then the whole thing would be over I hope he doesn't hurt me remove the bottom bone I need to save it I said I hope he doesn't hurt me that only ended half a heart you totally [ __ ] it up you completely [ __ ] everything all of it the whole a lot of it just [ __ ] I I worked really really really really [ __ ] hard on that can I match these they probably just go away right god you're such an [ __ ] [Music] they're just covered right when I look over like oh and then everyone's like you're stupid you guys I don't know these things at the hit him but push him backwards [Music] I don't remember what these are [Music] go for piss go for nothing but piss [Music] I do anything special right now no not really [Music] martyr dog prime sub what's up welcome you could have seven bones yeah I get that now thanks guitar our 36 months what's up [Music] it's a lot of poop going on right here not really a way to capitalize [Music] remove a single tile damage goes up with each heads what am I in our deal stab them probably delayed is attack got a block this guy though from coming up at me seven poop how I don't even what what are you drunk go for seven poop and that's that's poop I don't see a way I can do that currently 39 poop go 439 Bulgaria I don't remember what these these things are covered I don't know what's underneath them so oh well I don't know if this guy if they'll get stomped before anything else happens but this guy's probably gonna attacked us and then they'll get stomped I would just guess [Music] a whole one and get three remove tiles but I'm not seeing how and when and where to use that I don't see anything at all nothing [Music] he's right I just gonna demolish the poop mumbo gumbo like I did not attack he also didn't oh my god before what I can see I suppose get back get back get back to where you once belong get back go now get back to where you once belong can I somehow do something at all here remove the upper-left tiles for piss [Music] do that next turn when he stomps up at me [Music] move this over blue tile OOP pop then kaliba dong oh yes poke [Music] rat heart may gain soul hearts from what from lining hearts up free booger throw per room if we can combine rat hearts with our ability to make hearts passively for matches stab me this was working the first time I played it so I'm not sure what they did to make this go away extra luck it's really not what I wanted I don't even know what luck is spells cost love spells hurt more what if I did hurt more on the doneness it just started at like a higher thing and what's going on with my man up here bump bump bump bottom what if we did a shard needle you guys and made it so that we get better rewards at the end of every single run skull guy with good luck better rewards all the time do both want mana needle mana new look and make this cheaper which would be Sena mean all I can do all three I totally would would it totally done that besides instead of having double luck let's do charge less and did the damage needle it says it's doing five damage right now which is not correct it's doing one right I have two cents left at least they fixed that because that was showing the wrong number before all right did Shh - today Junya so use that just all the time we're gonna have so much money at the end of this what does the rage mean what's the little you know anime anger symbol and find a way to go for piss but I can did they drop the bass rages two moves per turn I think to get extra movement that's not good at all he's gonna charge and then hit [Music] don't know I just want to piss piss off that's on Wow [Music] I'm not excited for that to happen [Music] literally told you before you started the room with all what's wrong with you out you didn't see every single word that was typed into your chat you a bad person I would seven piss I would a seven piss notice funds under bits I can see clearly now the poop is gone I can see all the tiles in my way as I can see clearly now poop is gone Zac and see all the obstacles in my way picture of a piss piss on my face [Music] right on my face three damage she's got five health you need to stash up the teeth so that we can continue to do the removing the single tile thing because that has been very nice for us [Music] seven bone one two three four five dance I like I can't do it it's it's very very close you guys but if I had one more remove single tile we'd be we would really good stab the right guy I mean what if I could stab him later though he's not doing anything stab 5 health guy and instead of five bones right sensible you can do seven bones one two three four turns I'm done which means I tank one damage which session have to explain is not good damage is not good period we need to not take damage ever file your eyes are stuff like two weeks ago and loved it so now I'm here to hang out how do you like Bumbo so far I'm just annoyed that the no saving so you just lose everything if you quit it says Emma Mimar thank you so much the two dollars my friends I like it I haven't had that problem because I haven't quit I'm not a quitter no I'm kidding that seems like something that I'd probably be able to add in you know six bones you know wrong plus some snot [Music] that's another three damage but the stabby stab [Music] I forgot about the fart cloud that hurts [Music] there was a way to get seven bones oh [Music] not that I saw in totality Lars how many of those can we do we can do four of those we could just dupe 1 2 3 and get a big old heart pile you know big old heart pile next term we could move that down we get 7 hearts I'm not sure what that would do but we could do it taking damage no matter what here unless [Music] no you're annoying so getting man every time late we do that which is kind of neat which is pretty neat oh there stranger seven hearts HP up I think oh [ __ ] that would be good right in the nipple [Music] HP up would be amazing you can do seven arts you spell now I'll be able to do it be able to do it for sure this sense of them do I can add four we might I could do one two three four and then move the this thing down next turn try seven hearts because science add more teeth I could just remove them down but I can't do that Globo oh but a bone bone Bowl I'm sconce saving my piss I think for when I can actually hit these guys it's that's okay though get out of here Mary add three months in a row thank you for the entertainment the last and the jokes absolutely thank you for supporting me appreciate it appreciate it mucho outs in seven hearts then this might be the stupidest thing that we've ever done so I still don't even know if it's an HP upgrade you the chats just constantly lying so only one way to find out though isn't there okay so what were we doing again we're gonna hearts this is super cheap you guys Oh [Music] we got a stole hard from it I don't know if that was because of the rad thing or if that was because that's what seven does I don't know the boogers activate the far clouds right chat looks like so hard from seven yeah but totally could have been our trinket seven is full heel you got a rat so art makes sense to me not not grim cheer what's up welcome use needle to damage up buggers do not activate fart clouds [Music] I'm gonna trust you on that one [Music] I gotta start 3 to 3 here - yeah [Music] [Music] NEADS meet some more piss Oh that will I delete fart clouds though so I will wait on that one and honestly I just need more teeth totally do a poop wall down the teeth seven teeth hate that rock get out of the bugger by spending both of the the teeth that I just got you could just poop block the fart you got a point seven puto next turn seven poop [Music] I'm a problem [Music] where where Oh bro it's just like why would I ever not do that right probably could have just found a way to not even bother with the poops and just kill them with you know getting four more piss and be done but I kind of feel like maybe we can just elongate this right now right not worry about it but the poop walls do its thing and focus harder on getting as many hearts as we can to stack up so hearts break the game what maybe I don't know it could be fun can't go higher than 9 9 what it seems like a good strategy if there's a way I'm gonna find it there's a way I will find it okay we need bones and we need books as many bones and bugs as you can spare not really a good way to oh yeah ah shoot I missed I could like hit him a little bit and like get him crimes for like if something happens and I need to I need to jump on it and work some magic or something set myself up for more bones next turn [Music] breaker of runs destroyer of games ball-ball alright take one of those I get that man again from hitting him - so throwing someone damaged shits at him it's not that bad of an idea I said bugs and bones bugs and bones but this nothing wrong with a little pest more books who's this guy do anything I don't even know I don't think he does anything what our there's like a time limit right what if something happens if we take too long jet copter ardh 36 months I like in the game so far huh oh wait it's awesome it's great better when it's broken - I [Music] wish I got man again from bugs [Music] I'm about a seven bug is that asking for too much [Music] [Applause] stab him Max's nine hearts [Music] these two two teeths to get or see that's a pretty good combo pretty good deal there yeah you can't go past nine mana oh so we should just use the man up it should just be turning things into arts I'm not sure if it's necessary to go for seven maybe four is enough to get us so hard maybe it's a higher chance if we get seven I don't know guys you think I know because I don't know if I knew I would know I don't [Music] seven pissed charged your active items oh we could get extra rewards oh that could be fun [Music] it'd be a good time let's just go for that then she's gonna sit there and pick his own ass boom boom boom [Music] this bro ain't doing nothing then there's got to be a catch right there's got to be a catch with this thing right for cone coins of EOP this is just one of those things that like if I can do it why hell why wouldn't I why would I just sit here for 17 years it's so born yes but if this is gonna be a fantastic clip after the fact and that's it and shouldn't should have had Hut's playtests immediately starts abusing mechanics infinite coins does it really stack I would assume it stacks that would be pretty lame if it didn't right maybe he did never coat it to sack because he didn't ever know that someone would do this buh buh buh buh tabby Bob Bob we should just start using these well naturally before we do that let's get more bugs and bones [Music] No fold what if I ended up breaking one of these rocks eventually rock paper bone [Music] boom Oh make that [Music] just start turning tiles in the arts not getting any so ARDS though you'll notice whoops or he did know you would do it and coded them not to stack because he knew you'd break the game low what is seven hard to do it just gives you full health I'm sure they quite lying I'm not even sure why I'm bothering with any of this other stuff really need to just be focusing on bones and bugs [Music] like I still hit him with the bones get them all little mana boost from doing that all you need is piss all you need is piss ba-ba-ba-ba-ba all you need is piss piss piss is all you need [Music] he's not doing anything and never will so there's really no reason why we can't just speedrun this [ __ ] being more pissed on the screen though there's not even enough piss to go around I think that's also under there to be a Beatles song enough fists to go around do we use the teeth for anything 70 snow that would kill him 70s would murder him and we want him alive squirming you know let's just get rid of the teeth as a four so before it does something bad no way to get seven wilds ever removed tiles that's true because he had three and three another side the three would connect with anything else can't do it teeth for the pick to remove [Music] yeah getting teeth is good seven teeth is bad essentially sirrah start moving the piss around I guess can we even do it [Music] can't do it yet not dead yet it will be in a minute [Music] then when that certain person said that my British accent was bad why would you lie like that [Music] three in a row autocompletes the sets yeah bull bull bull bull bull that's my man I think the max man is nine for your sand we should just be turning things into hearts now you're saying there's a chance they've done it next to the wild but both be better [Music] seven hearts gives you a soul arts do you know that as a fact [Music] oh why don't I line that up what are you dumb we need a extra charge the only reason to get pissed is to get seven in a row I'm like losing at you guys I'm trying to balance three things at once here we need to just focus down on getting soul hearts first or getting the other thing let's toll because I'm getting soul arts let's say that it's seven hearts let's just try to doing another seven heart thing see what happens we need books more bugs in my life and I'm not sure to get them start mashing like everything else I guess this is balls man staying away too long [Music] seven hearts or soul arts those trinket though doesn't specifically say anything like that pick your nose [Music] although you do it one two three four five six seven Here I am saying let's focus down on one thing at a time and then I'm not doing that good talk right a riveting tale chanting is a card you press the thing behind webcam to activate it what that's how's it going to zami so baby [Music] what the hell you can attack since when [Music] since flarb and when that we could so easily get 70s right now but I'm not going to well no the poo [Music] Bombo go for some books seven bug making seven bug there's nothing wrong with that I'm gonna kill him [Music] see a bug seven bone would kill all right we are primed [Music] for some parts so Lardon we did get a so hard for 700 so let's just stick with the thought that maybe the trinket only works if I can line seven hearts upwards which is honestly ridiculous that would be ridiculous if that was true I feel like it's gotta just be a chance on matching any line of Arts higher on a seven it's advanced just in time for the grind time - right it's [ __ ] exploded I can't send a book it is not possible it'd be possible possible apply visit us it's got a new one in Lowell you would need he would using the needle on the rock Haywood using the needle on the rock break it I highly doubt that [Music] breaks my needle but else we need we need bones again but not seven of them but stances been here chatting for a while while you're off work then you're chatting for a while though you're right right you're not wrong [Music] but [Music] everybody watch now Pharrell's nine and eight that is good start just from the bottom maybe no wait wait cancel that cancel it put it there you do this popped in month my meeting was over has anyone caught you watching stuff on YouTube or twitch at work any of you that could go for any of you good question back when I was working a desk job I definitely got caught [Music] books seven pissed was item charge right we and we should do that to an extent we should we even have seven on the board right now get seven oops I wish there was a Nandu button holy [ __ ] [Music] I work from home there's no way that like you screenshare no one could ever know ever yeah I check behind you what's the trinket is activatable check behind me it's behind me yeah [Music] nothing's happening it's a needle rock it's damage increases I wonder how I can go oh is that true Wow interesting could sharpen the needle okay what are we gonna do we were gonna get some more piss on board I captained the piss be on board my boss has caught me watching you a few times [Music] don't you heard the wall dick [Music] like that stupid rock prequel to binding of issac I think so I'm not sure how much we really gonna learn about the stuff and things but you know we could totally do a 7 whoo if you really really really want to do but I don't really want to [Music] third shift watch ton at work i watch everyday no one cares it's a card not a trinket press D to activate it I just lost the sole heart [ __ ] this dee doo dee is just hurt myself bruh it took a soul heart what the [ __ ] nice one yeah can someone explain that to me because I think you [ __ ] it up I think we have a troller these just stabbed myself or what what the [ __ ] is that huh what why it's science if it's not passive yes it is because of course it's a passive yes whole bands [ __ ] bands marching bands what am I even doing I'm so flustered right now I can't think straight [Music] B is for depression [Music] a new version of stream deck is available which you get out of here off my screen okay we grind it up a whole seven for that [ __ ] [Music] found control to major here am I sitting in a new can all of the earth planet Earth is blue D is for dust Pacita also banned hardened super band or what's funny is there there's an item room after this grind what's funny about that what the D do I wasn't looking it just hurt me it took my soul heart away from me [Music] maybe seven is a guaranteed soul hearts and full health what that [Music] is this harder than Dark Souls [Music] well well well well well [Music] it is lawless shows the icon if I exited right now what if I just rage quit in two three four five six I need one more to do that thing you know the thing I just joined why is he attacking the rock because rocks are our sworn enemies don't you agree it was pretty simple [Music] that actually messed up my plans I'm gonna mess you up that and you smell what The Rock is cooking playing the rock needle that better stack by the way but it doesn't really matter when when we pile up our health it's still gonna be worth it in the end and did you guys say there's a max of nine hearts or something like that it's not a boulder it's a rock and the needle gets sharper yes the Neela can get sharper should we see if there's a max on the damage [Music] buh-buh-buh-buh [Music] GeForce game ready driver is if couldn't [ __ ] off I don't want your stupid updates each [Music] me alone my nan upgraded [ __ ] [Music] just got that message feel but above all we set the match stuff it's painful cuz I just need more bugs planner enough bugs man [Music] [Music] let's do five whatever [Music] yeah okay they can do the piss you do a piss run right now other than that we need bones the bones quick here right there it's the Trudy right there Mike that's a goal at the moment infinite health like an evil genius would are you brining for health money both health and money [Music] both health and money [ __ ] that rock in particular exactly thanks 200 bit sketched here [Music] stabby stabby we're up to 12 damage on this thing spree spicy what's next we could totally do some hearts if you get a seven going we could not get a set many more bugs [Music] Oh Bom Bom ball to shut this up [Music] go like this yeah now what more bones hobo make that and before the extra reward doesn't stack at all that's okay the health does is all definitely been worth it that's the health goes away in which case we quits I retired more Bougainville [Music] what if everything goes away well everything will go away in the end there's a tile into our hearts can I do that twice not once [Music] is there anything that actually won't go away ever my pain isn't five hearts enough no man we got to see how much we can max it out at we gonna give up what are you a man or a mouse [Music] No [Music] this is for science [Music] why 5 piss again I'm just somehow need to clear the board sometimes you get more bogan and bones sometimes I just mindlessly go and just grab extra little match tiles so I can just move them 9 8 some use this [Music] excited for Pokemon sword and shield there's math thought I was out I've not been falling Pokemon for the last 12 years [Music] goddammit I don't know about ever going away but I know it's never coming back my dad does needle damage stay permanently oh my god could you imagine if it did could you imagine if it did imagine all the people stabbed with my needle [Music] Pikachu hat this ain't no Pikachu hat bus scuse me I need a bum bow hat when that be bangin like a bum bow hats so I shouldn't go down first 14 damaged needle wowie [Music] it's a nice dugong hat you have let's touch squat how long have you been here and I just wasn't registering it not long three hours now and a half I think I've been so focused I've been reading your name and then I'm like oh yeah say hi to him such a dick dude I'm a dick I'm a dick I'm a dick day to mess cuz I want it and I need it I'm addicted to you figuring out at this active item stacks is going to be worth the time I think we need to know you know there's some things that we just got a gut experiment with it's okay don't think you've read my resub last stream though I feel like I read that could be wrong hope I'm nuts sorry if I missed it mammoth three months bum buh le s correct correct response let's see here we can do the hearts but up yes it's good my freaking health man hums about that super PACs super pimps Phil don't nineteen months what is up I get to use that how do you get the lightning bolts here that's just a charge to room charge [Music] now kind of like an Isaac you know what could we do right now softlocks is Jimbo Jill see I haven't run into that yet don't jinx me I feel like this is gonna come out that I did this right I'm gonna make a clip out of this and then ads gonna be like mmm you're right we should fix that I'm gonna ruin it for everybody so no woman can ever just cheese the game like this but you know it's the one surefire way to guarantee a victory right why not add more enemies every four turns get this poop though look at all the teeth and poop on the frickin screen it's gonna force me to seven teeth it's gonna force me to seven teeth can't you just feel it Zach can feel it coming here tonight oh my god lots of teeth remove them with the Shiv you know you're not wrong about that that's kind of a good idea get out of here good am I getting them back I'm I'm using this for one it's one costs I don't even try to get that booger but it definitely works to my benefit yeah oops I missed Oh [Music] do the teething don't forget to sharp your knife yeah there's a couple of things that I'm really concerned about and a couple of things that I'm just really not concerned about and the needle sharpening is not something that I'm concerned about you can't tell card saw it's your right now it's the time to move in on it start pumping those heart when both my bone book my bone bone my book there's an active item that reduces your spell cost so you can use that indefinitely with your set up and have zero mana spells it probably just wouldn't apply to this one it seems pretty smart about what you can and cannot put it on [Music] students just getting covered in bug and not be enjoyable [Music] he's seen Isaac's balance I don't know if that means replace the teeth with darts [Music] anymore can we do cream or that's enough [Music] humble made that [Music] hi okay that didn't like with that didn't do anything right can you all agree that that did nothing we're stuck here at six max no more art max HP see how that sucks six is not a whole lot to be maxed out at I feel like right well it's one less thing that we have to worry about so I'm not sure why everyone's mad but needle that worms I was trying to line up my stuff he totally [ __ ] it up stop getting in my way [Music] still twelve hits you can take this is where I finds out that so arts go away you shut your mouth and this puny existence but what if what if how many extra rewards do you think we got you think it's okay to stop now I mean having infinite money would be the dream right what about two sevens on top of each other let's stop now this is nuts you're nuts [Music] please stop end it please stop you guys are a bunch of poops you believe we're fine watch us not be fine stacks that's what I'm talking about generally good like two or three coins that one we got like 20 or more bruh dodged next attack or attacks that heals you on kills dogtooth yeah [Music] extra reward just it's just race all the times seven piss no we should go for a five piss go for a one turn for pissed pretty much the same thing but seven poop two [Music] CME's except poop it starts at 2:00 now which is you know I'm not like greatest play I've ever had but it's not bad bump bump bump bump bump oh I'm thinking seven booger that would be amazing to get a seven booger going [Music] Oh [Music] buys me a little time well it's only boogers I'm once so maybe that wasn't like to be great Wow okay and bugger them twice but then it just moved into my next turn I wish it was a little bit more transparent about when it's pushing turns forward right kind of just surprise to me sometimes and I'm like wait what happened oh right I'm thinking seven bone here [Music] at seven ball that would kill a handful of them [Music] probably a better way to do this how do I set this up that I can just get it done in next turn I'm not sure I can like move it up next when I move it over and get one up and I wouldn't be able to do this in two turns bonerific I would take a day I would take damn it don't take two hits of damage lose one of our soul hearts just so that we can get the bone done or I could get rid of one of them now with one bone and then get a [ __ ] think of the [ __ ] until next turn though move the row under the three to the rights it's row one over to the Franklin that would still be this next turn the next turnout would move up one move up one move up one again and that's that's three and I only have two turns that's gonna yeah I get the teeth and the poop at the same time less side teeth to kill now the poop would be nice too though the book is gonna slow him down one so we're not gonna take the damage just now just yet can I remove a tile to do anything productive I can totally remove a single tile to get the 17th right let's say I move this over one [Music] still I could die that that would be one and would need a couple more though hot thoughts assuming weird way to say 7:10 remove bottom right here and that would fall [Music] move to poops add the one bone drop down yeah so have I removed these two that would be there and then in one turn I could go BOOM BOOM still not guaranteeing I'm gonna kill everybody but top row [Music] [Music] is a believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky oh the chicken we the shot off my damn leg seven bone ball or port blorp I'll make it rain I'll make it rain make it rain on them hoes get the guns back in the car back no mom hey we got manna dough it's nice knife and coupons now I'm gonna go all right what have we just kept this guy around and went for more money I mean right guys yes do it I can't I can't kill him that that is a puzzle damage only he's a picky little [ __ ] became little shits [Music] oh no please no gonna get that a hard now we're loaded I've never had 33 cents imagine that though you guys hang on a second stop imagine that we're going all the way to the end now because we've unlocked the third stage if we were to continue to get money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money we can dump our money into stats who gives to stats stats stats stats we could get all the stat boosts on the poll in it and it would be the most overpowered run and everyone would cheer everyone would cheer I'm impressed and join the broken as [ __ ] strats here what is money what is the many don't hurt me don't hurt no it's kind of important I feel like that I'm probably one of the first people to be completely annihilating the game I can't guarantee that because I'm not following everybody that does it but I feel like the game is just out it's probably pretty important that we [ __ ] this game up as much to be possibly can you know what I mean it's kind of boring for you guys to sit here but like and watch me just like grind away but it's important I feel like for me as a streamer to do this you know what I mean you got 26 coins in the previous break go to bear kid what's up 5-under bits speaking of money hello Desmond since I have nothing better to do with those goodnight Godspeed butts tonight see tickle has a question why are you taking so long in these rooms because glory design is the power I need I need to focus on killing people like right now though one two three four five six seven I'd like to seven bone but I'm not seeing how I would do that given the fact that this year this bums up everything right here I'm not seeing anything that we can really do that well teeth is always a fantastic play immediately maybe we go for some teeth there's a lot of stuff going on and we're gonna get hurts this isn't gonna end well for us seven bone dog next turn I still don't see how I would seven bone dogs because I would do a bone here I'll bone here hopefully we got five I do a bone here oh we got four I can't you can't do seven seven tooth does not only due to damage per person anyways just gonna do one this we do two let's see how it was 70 for damage that's keep one guy alive the Earhart's back I don't know I was just reacting to what someone else said to Spock [Music] I like the idea [Music] boogers have a decent timing for seven I can't get second folks easy can i Tristan [Music] is that worth the damage that we're bound to take Oh My Jesus take the wheel not like this [Music] Oh [Music] I still can't do it and in one turn I gotta move this over to make room for it [Music] crunchy time 7 piss is almost is ready to go [Music] crunch I need to block these guys I should probably go for poo but just totally thinking about getting seven piss in a row I can't though with that piss it's in my way I could knock it down a peg but down to Winnipeg [Music] get rid of the heart piece that's gonna be painful [Music] all right now what seven bones more bugs I want to just kill one of these guys honestly I don't think you can heal soul hearts my luck on the street anything's possible hey we could do this though and heal oh oh you're right we can't use this specifically to get the soul arm back that's probably what you meant but given our trinket yes we can that gets so hard back I don't anything it's a drinking thing I think it's just a seven a seven hard thing phone time I don't want to punch through the well apparently let's test this theory that the the coupe blocks the fartcloud I'm willing to test this good that's good to know write that down and the turn seven pissed next turn I'm thinking we need to do another seven poop though in order does they get our blockade up right to stop this guy from messing with us let's maybe focus on that first that's actually gonna be really easy [Music] it's gonna farm again you guys I'm just thinking about the fact that we can buff our stats so hard and call rush the last phase but also this would make a phenomenal showcase I'm thinking I'm gonna be real proud of this video time for snacks is fajita definitely did you guys got to do we're focusing hard solely on the pitch play really wish that I had more movements but when for stats like I said what's painful here is the fact that I just literally have to like grind out other combinations for nothing [Music] don't forget to get your soul hearts back right [Music] this is probably the sloppiest way I possibly could have done this ever [Music] if you wait for there to be more natural hearts to in the screen or is wait for nine and nine which they possibly better one more phone and burger [Music] 1,000 bucks 99 bottles of bows in the wall how goes the bud will your thoughts in this game it's fun it's a lot of fun a lot more chill than Isaac and that's not a bad thing why am I doing this is the worst way possible for fun I'm fine with that we're only missing half focus harder on pissed right now that late ed ed watch you literally break everything that makes that he makes what I do there's a repeat of earlier Kappa they all day or day [Music] deja vu you mean day job whoo [Music] you're at [Music] two three four five six in it one more pissed [Music] prepare the wall [Music] of all the breakin captain he's breaking through [Music] [Music] once you're all at 6-foot soul arts you can focus on piss I'm focusing on piss currently I'm not really worried about the arts but I feel like I should just use it if I have the mana I'm not focusing on if I'm still doing it oh yeah you're right isn't making sense does it just need to like clear stuff just like get out of here oh wait if I remove teeth I can do it at half the price just to flood more things in [Music] we go for more wild cards by getting five of the kinds that can I make this single faster [Music] these four opposite sides of the seven I guess the times idiot for wilds in a row three wilds would break and get four [Music] mr. first Bumbo first-string planet [Music] seven curses [Music] Amy [Music] I can catch this one then [Music] just wish there was a way to get more stuff on the frickin board [Music] hey my name is Trey and I got a basketball game tomorrow it's not a quote from something [Music] is that a five damage tooth goodness [Music] right [Music] this guy is just sucking it up begone give me a two-run day baby please kill the worm already what are you trying to get seven piss extra reward at the end of combat more coins coins on coins on infinite coins for infinite coins you guys getting used to it damn it [Music] as I'll just get this done sorry noises in my house when I live alone is a little nerve-racking no weird should be alone [Music] I get murdered though based I'm recording it [Music] [Music] how many coins will you get per stack well I used it once last floor instead of getting three coins or two points I got five coins I think so it seems like it gives you two or three extra all right we're max hearts laying out our piss our pits maneuver now the pp play fist is stored in the ball piles balls house [Music] you guys think we're good [Music] 47 okay we go we we're gonna get three sad upgrades it's still good three rolls are current Nana I don't think I like that I think that we have so much man on like wilds and curses I don't like curses we can remove curses though I think maybe the noise I was hearing was the tag on my own hat I certainly hope that was it bumbo versus Chibs [Music] Swamy boy seven curses more coins is just been clutch where [Music] what does he do [Music] Green bouncer guy all right yeah get down with that yeah so much mana already let me keep going can we do something right now do you see a place somewhere yes always the piss start charging up our slicey guy 3 damage already good bug ignore the gang of raccoons breaking into your house racking oh my god they're bragging I was trying to get more piss here but I can't really [Music] I still need to get that pissed on from the top [Music] this guy's only got one turn around is big dum-dum [Music] that's the problem that's why he's only got one turn [Music] though for 17th [Music] now with seven bone at this point in time we could do it you could do it you like this [Music] I wonder if make a while that I don't get to pick where it goes right take this gyms yeah it didn't even target his little guy is going right for Jim Jim's right in this jibs and with him final I don't get out of this shop I thought to be hey one more thing oh no we broke the game for nothing Maggie bum buh buh buh the stout bra all Dubois okay so we didn't have the third-place unlocked yet I was all excited about the break we still broke it we still figured out how to break it we discovered the fact that we can now put seven in a row and get amazing things probably worth it does this even tank damage to get that learning game was getting better and better as we go you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 33,869
Rating: 4.888298 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: AGcC1tMw1Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 12sec (6492 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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