The One with Tim - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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what's up people on youtube we're about to jump in here and play a gungeon run let's just do pilot let's say alt weapon alts costume something to buy bandits hats i'm all in for the hats double check to see if there's anything to buy in here no that's modded stuff that i just bought i think maybe possibly all right let's go uh got to use console command to give myself tim that's what i want to do i want to start with tim [Music] that is if it loads how do i do this i think it was give tim tim like that ah ah that said hurt me oh pooch so you can kick tim around kind of like uh the snail kind of like the snail mod for gungeon no tim i what is tim gonna do for us i think tim just does damage if i'm able to kick him into people nothing but tim damage run oh my god he does lots of damage oh you shot the enemy no i didn't you your body hit the enemy are you even paying attention tim i don't feel so good look at that every item is tim you imagine having just nothing like a bunch of tims he does decent damage i gotta give him that look at me do tim synergy when stop at you sadist tim abuse happens every day hi i'm sarah mclaughlin it's just two tier two subs a day you can help stop tim abuse okay there it is i didn't even touch him wow you're bad i can't believe you cleared the rum haha mod is 10 out of 10. what are you what did you just say it to my face blue chest not my favorite he cleared the rum look at me actually using tim oh you didn't die that's crazy get out of here tim saving water barrels since 1974. hope you didn't waste your keys sam would you get over here thanks you should let me do it i'm back what's the challenge the challenge is to survive this game while tim follows me around and annoys me toughest challenge we've seen to date he missed the ten rock i wish he did a little bit more damage he doesn't even one shot the the blue shells he does the one one shot the red shells though baby i'm like actually using this i thought it was a joke at first tim is actually destroying people look at him go that'd be really cool if maybe there was like an increased chance of enemies paying out with stuff if you kill him with tim that'd be like a nice little thing even if there was just like a five percent chance that enemies killed by tim drop a extra money you know golden thing synergy to turn him into chet we need it i think you meant turn him into chat turn him into all of chat tim has evolved into the entire chat room into the butt hut [Music] look at him go and go burr [Music] you're playing mod the gungeon this is modded correct you imagine this wasn't modded [Music] there's a fair amount of damage that he's done [Music] probably brown chest before i do a blue chest skeleton key okay can i just buy the shell and key i'm too short i'm too short give me two monies [ __ ] oh you're not don't even tell me that you're not gonna do this does the boss give money i kind of think the boss doesn't give money you will get money from boss what if there's a chance that tim could concuss the enemy when colliding with the enemy that could be a nice little like thing too like tim gets concussed but the enemy also is frozen for a moment wow you're bad that was that was too much going on there it's a long health upgrade [Music] hmm [Music] to mention i'm doing this all with the starting weapon but that's no bueno [Music] using casey on tim oh that would be saucy that was the thing 43 monies you guys i did it [Music] just got to survive long enough now with the sheldon key be able to get all my dreams can i buy all this stuff then i have the shell and key you're drunk [Music] glitchy trigger finger oh yes i'm telling you brown chest better than blue chest did i tell you i told you i don't mind the upgraded trash cannon the recycle gun that one's actually pretty good i don't remember what i need to get though to make it that way or check for a secret room where would it be trash let's go then can you find the secret room for me be a nice use of tim mr kavatar what's up running out of spaces to look the secret room i could go into here technically with my shelton key right we we did get the secret other thing though what a special tree realm or normal secret path wasn't that supposed to open it or do i need fire like i needed this fire maybe like i blew it but i thought the explosion would open it apparently not i guess we're not going in there you need the oil barrel first oh well we did everything correct correct correct we didn't find the secret when we have two blanks we should just pop them somewhere [Music] that's an easy one there's another explosive barrel somewhere i think starting off with a shelton key should be a good run [Music] how has guns you never played it but i am interested yeah it's one of the tougher games to get down i'd say but pretty fun okay i guess i just can't shoot that guy sweet i don't know if that was auto aim gone wrong watch this is on him [Music] go tim gill i'm stuck in the wall tim you're an idiot ammo spurious amoled i don't know what the furious amoled does okay good job bombs well done well done it's super that i can't push tim with my own bullets that'd be cool if i could shoot tim into the enemies local man shoots five-year-old you're not dead shut up tim i wish tim blocked shots [Music] wolf nice i like that maybe we could find an upgrade that uh makes our followers do more damage it's like the banner or something thanks wolf get um wolf boy best boy no tim hits the level cap question mark huh for the new enemy's part of the mod and where can i find it if you just look up into the gungeon mods it'll take you directly to the mob the gungeon the the page that's got it but yes they are part of the mod how about some ammo could be fun for all of us i hope it's a mimic and it eats you ain't gonna have time to read that rescue rifle guess that'll do what is it you want to tell me something about this uh rescue rifle i don't know already [Music] shoots a bolt a makeshift construction tool with some combat potential i think a lot of these new enemies are just reused from the rng department not necessarily new enemies just recycled i guess mr nikken two uh may not be much but you're a big part of my life for even longer keep on keeping huts keep on keeping on much love from me to you thank you so much for supporting me and welcome back it's a tight room get in there tim and tim go across gaps shove jim into the water go tim up up and away tim there's my ammo that i asked for him can't swim tim well i can't swim i might i can't see when you're talking tim take damage entire screen filled with dialog box oh it's your bad [Music] rises up like an endless tim shendo [Music] endless kim shendo playing it on my tim tendo in slaughterer of worlds destroy your families [Music] [Music] tim the god slayer sarah tops 48 months welcome back feels pretty good [Music] rises up like an endless tim shendo i like to play that mine tim tendo switch got him away wanna make it [Music] uh it would be nice if tim blocked bullets i had a chance to block bullets it'd be super cool if tim leveled up like gunther but i don't think tim does that either he's just annoying there's no good there's no good to tim besides the damage that he does with his own face of course that's ouch and when we find out tim couldn't swim nintendo balloon gun i guess it's flights technically get away from me where are we supposed to get a health upgrade from picking that thing up [Music] chance to heal upon killing a blob oh that's what that does okay right all right [Music] i think we already checked this just double checking for sanity's sake probably up off the top of the shop [Music] good happy that it was there [Music] your secret where would you be right up off this room right there rises up like an endless tim shendo directly down from this door maybe right here feeling it off of this room i'm feeling it feel it it's here maybe not in the chest room crest room the crest room was locked and i think like the rule is it couldn't be in there but i could be wrong probably not though i mean never been wrong in my life how do you find gungeon secret rooms there's a there's a pattern to them got to be there there can't be something against the wall blocking that certain spot they're generally off the uh chest rooms or off the shop sometimes they're off the elevator room and then beyond that it's just gas [Music] symmetry is important [Music] she's got the freaking bullets that i spent to find it back this weekend rest easy knowing that we had found it like the cemetery in this room you see that and it's got to be in a spot like it couldn't be between these two rooms this was a a good spot these pockets like this you're gonna look do i want to buy the furious ammo lit probably want to buy the key the nod key i'm no longer capable of hearing someone talking in an unironically in an ironically high-pitched annoying voice and not picture you and tim it's working i feel like i don't even mind this rescue rifle not bad good range this guy was designed to take away my my crest also wolf like go get him [Music] should let me do it what if there was a counter every single time that you killed somebody with tim let's say that if you can kill like 20 enemies on a single floor with tim tim turns like freaking super saiyan super timid during the boss fight right can i be dope [Music] turns the blood puppy and attacks me back punchy gun i hate you thanks i hate it local man throws child into tnt in the galaxy he's oddly easy to use [Music] i go oh hi i'm sarah mclaughlin just 14 cents a month you can prevent wall corners from absolutely [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of huts [Music] that was the most [ __ ] wall corner thing i think i've ever seen in my entire life i literally wasn't even touching the wall wasn't even close to it [Music] and now my [ __ ] crust is gone let me out monster cat [Music] heroes bandana four times the amount of ammo still only have five bullets [Music] aggressive pianoing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ba my capture card's like [ __ ] this i'm out this is literally the worst stream i've ever recorded i'm done when i jack thanks for the 18 months of the gungeon loving the wall corners are still kicking you in the dick ration [Music] i got a ration it's making me chafe grenade [Music] no anyone and that was funny okay and the comedy award the amity enemy enemy emmy for best comedy jesus christ english why why must you abandon me during my punchlines oh free chest oh glass cannon synergizes with what max payne with my glasgow on stone [Music] that was awesome as i take damage this thing uh goes to zero ammo is the catch here [Music] the enema for best comedy with enemas like these who needs frenemies i'm egg rolls 31 months welcome back it takes forever to reload [Music] [Music] void core assault rifle not my favorites [Music] phoenix also not my favorites maybe it can lend itself to some good uh synergies i don't know [Music] we're the bait launcher which is kind of fun [Music] causes tigers to come out [Music] am i gonna get piercing with this guy this gun probably not did seem like i only got one shot up though and it did a significant amount of damage so maybe you're saying like that there we go now we're using our brain boom okay so it seems like piercing does affect it the ammo conda bay shotgun or sawed-off or winchester [Music] it's the winchester which i think is a decent shotgun i'm not mistaken um we have enough money if we wanted to buy one of these things [Music] do we want to buy one of these things i'm certainly not going to be using my thing that unlocks chests ration probably probably the ration is rashon the one that gives me no i'm thinking a meat bun ration just gives me my health back chaff grenade to steal [Music] you can steal stuff with the chaff grenade all right gonna be something worth stealing [Music] got a blast ration you can hold two actives as the pilot huh oh okay i guess i could have stolen the other one huh controlling the ration dude tim you got to stop talking to me when i'm doing stuff power monster prime sub what's up thank you for that thanks for supporting my channel okay yep yep hi nice spinning around the the entire thing oh oh oh oh [ __ ] you that's just that made a lot of sense and that was very doable possible just love it just love this camp sometimes charges at me for no reason forcing me to then move back into a slurry of shots things are outranking tim's damage [Music] and tim hit around corners exactly well that doesn't make any sense so [ __ ] that and everything that bubble stands for [Music] me [Music] i'm enjoying this uh four times ammo cockrub and shell not exactly sold rat room am i gonna be able to fight the rats that's going to be an interesting fight what an old song we gotta blast it of gungeon oh yeah [ __ ] tim jump on that grenade for me [Music] [Music] what is this [Music] forsaken heart and low it shall embroil within set heart to broil mode 425 lemon pig [Music] a cursed heart and biggens the smallest of wretches [Music] can i get a dictionary please [Music] do art containers for curse something about them biggens and [Music] professor higgins [Applause] everybody everybody entire month you get to 26 it's hat time thank you so much for that we are currently sitting at one eight eight two subs so close to 2k [Music] [Applause] [Music] them get them for me [Music] our monster thanks to the gifted subs his name karen twitch wonderful stuff [Music] first time catching a stream and watching youtube videos for a bit appreciate everything that you do thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] still blows my mind how many new people we get on stream and it's glorious it's so good slides [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god 1540 on the alien sidearm yeah right get real 1320 in the void core assault rifle 1540 on phoenix let's rock dude let's put it on that one with the balloon gun in hand we actually fly we just use this to pass stupid rooms like this or trap rooms could be really really handy if we remember that it does that [Music] that's one floppy balloon mom likes it [Music] melted there i touch these little alarm mushrooms it gives me more enemies to fight show you what's up so it's best not to touch them there's no reward for it only punishment and pain i'm not even sure if they can pay out with money probably not wait a second secret room where do you see that [Music] it's probably that stupid little one that gives me the one piece of flipping trash [Music] it's like it's the old man traveling alone eh that's dangerous look at me wave my arms like this sir you should know how dangerous it is because of the way i move my arms take this gamma-ray you know i'm impartial to uh moon scraper myself i'm more of a moon scraper kind of guy but you know whatever let you know your saint jude's stream inspired a family member to start a fundraiser for mont's children's hospital to help supply children with nintendo switches to help pass them time thank you again for all to do man that sounds awesome terror monster but glad to hear it 3 500 ammo for this [Music] now i don't really need to do that there's something that good i can just steal it [Music] oh it's a mimic sniper what the that's that's a sniper wolf but i thought that was what i said still like wait what what the what did what is going on [Music] you're drunk [Music] sniper mimics pog sniper woof if the player also has sniper rifle it reduces reload times of the gun by 30 and standing still for long enough causes the player to glow yellow which boosts the damage of the gun by 50 sniper shells and professional and professionals become permanently charmed uh yeah no so that that what is this this is not the thing i signed up for oh we still [Music] wait one [Music] look up mimic gun [Music] i'm a gun [Music] chance to replace any gun the mimic guns piercing bullets turn enemy projectiles that they pass through into jammed projectiles that deal a full heart of damage after picking it up the player will not be able to switch to any of the guns or drop the mimic gun until they pick up ammo or deal enough damage after which the original gun will reappear [ __ ] off 0.1 chance but it hurts me it's a bad thing it's a very bad thing [Music] now watch me fight the rat with it [Music] oh my god oh the reload time [Music] god you [ __ ] suck dude how do you suck so much [Music] okay speaking of sucking though this guy [Music] oh hey there we go i got it back i don't know why i thought i thought i'd get ammo good things are happening stop questioning it [Music] [Music] do [Music] yeah that one was super [ __ ] up that'd be the last one [Music] so something we could use that could do more damage [Music] no the tigers are confused they don't know what they're doing [Music] could have been worse frosty frost only was good as repentance ice [Music] already got all the secret rooms i think so we'll go rat rum [Music] boop can can't even dodge a pit says tim [Music] i don't have a blank i do have a shield though if need be do i need be son of a [ __ ] not my favorite [Music] won't be enough you need two i can get two armors but is that gonna be enough they have an explosives no i found two secret rooms they they planned this against me i forgot that i had to you know what [Music] screw that i'm not gonna let the game ruin my phone floating over the the gap falls anyways you need to do self-damage that's your cheater want me to do this don't even lie to me [Music] down [ __ ] that [Music] [Music] thing still should give me a damage boost on my sniper so we're cheating now [Music] gosh i love cheating so much [Music] it doesn't really matter what we take the the ammo on [Music] what's my best weapon that we currently have to take out the rats i could probably take them all tigers it was a blue tie what is he doing what are they doing they're taking out the little things [ __ ] that took damage on that was i supposed to be able to dodge it is it possible to dodge no the tigers apparently have to take out the small rats first which is just silly [Music] [Music] more rat traps good starting to think that that's not the best weapon to use okay when he starts that on top of you also just good times love that [Music] and you duct tape the same weapon [Music] [Music] am i real times like permanently affected by that mimic gun [Music] i hate this i [ __ ] hate that wave [Music] i think basically all of our guns are hot trash i don't know why i did that i'm gonna hit myself with that stuff [Music] papa do [Music] yo dawg i heard you like this wave [Music] wait [Music] [Music] about the thing the modding community found out about weapon classes and gungeon and how it affects weapon spawning yeah i don't exactly remember it though [Music] [Music] [Music] you get eevee bits for the eevee hat anyone ever successfully parry that tail whip [Music] don't you eat cheese [Music] what the heck was that [Music] basically was when you have a weapon it lowers the chance to find the same class weapon aside from silly and shitty yeah so if i pick up a shotgun like winchester i no longer i have a smaller chance of getting another shotgun if i wanted a different shotgun i should drop the winchester [Music] what is this mysterious chest there's also this what's this called square gun tangler get rectangles uh there's the proton pack the what the heck is this i tried to draw a gun ugly gun and then the exotic pack of wolves there should be a synergy with wolf speaking of where's my wolf oh there he is he's guarding the thing ollie over dog thank you so much the two what's up welcome thank you for that uh [Music] kayla junkie i think that says jla junkie six months welcome back jason the phoenix you're the one that give to the 133. no six rat keys get out of town what is ugly gun in mysterious chests mysterious chest hardly locked up you don't exactly know what's inside but it has to be something very special very ugly gun it doesn't even have a clip how the heck does it shoot [Music] what that's okay okay we'll just not use that mystery chest is like pandora's box for me [Music] [Music] boots are good [Music] which gun did we use mostly during that the winchester [Music] i don't even like fighting the special ultra dragon pass no you gotta use it guess what [Music] [Applause] elementor is the second best gun in the game the tangler [Applause] [Music] that ruins the sprites that's what it says get rectangles what's talking about a cheese gun [Music] elementaller yeah right right right right bro thanks for 16 months welcome back i think this gun is very good it's i just don't use it very often because i think it's a little bit too op and also sometimes annoying when you freeze enemies and they don't die [Music] [Music] [Applause] four times the amount of ammo so there's no reason i can't use something overpowered like this on normal enemies let it rip you can't even [ __ ] see him how are you still alive this is okay yeah this is a room that rats with guns why wouldn't you i do have an extra rat key i think maybe you need a nod key i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] things [Applause] [Music] i think elementor is kind of like uh kind of like mom's knife in a way what else can we use here go back to the glass cannon is that a mini boss is that the boss boss mini boss music not my favorites winchester is decent range for a shotgun [Music] this chest is taking its sweet time [Music] to get charged up [Music] no chest all right the big lie down [Music] round king sixth chamber do i remember what that does [Music] sex chamber coolness increases as your curse increases [Music] what's my curse at right now i don't know i want them both [Music] gotta go oh no we bit max curse what's this like a sacrifice caliber ma shakti day oh what the [ __ ] i got like he charged me when i walked in the [ __ ] room supposed to be fair probably not [Music] i want to buy your [ __ ] dumbass little robot ah [Music] you're literally the worst [Music] we're gonna have a nice run [Music] assault rifle and the void core or whatever thing energized so one will shoot when i shoot the other one oh god oh god [Music] excuse me a little overwhelmed at the moment you leave your name and number i'll get back to you once i become whelmed right [Music] let's go it's gonna hurt it's already hurting me get [ __ ] up [Music] the owlsers dude bouncy bullets that sounds really good am i gonna look at this oh yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay okay both are item rooms [Music] no how's my thing doing mysterious chest not doing well my round king i don't know what that does maybe you could tell me summons around king to help the user in combat once i used it um um [Music] uh i need an adult help [Music] i don't think we'll get we'll be able to use that mysterious chest ever [Music] [Music] but this gun specifically the bouncy bullets was such a good upgrade eat them all i don't care which one was the right one eat them all can't see time upholster i don't know what that's gonna do [Music] on reloading it shoots my weapon is that what it does i don't remember [Music] why is the bullet upon reloading wow almost called it are you ready to leave i think so [Music] wow before your king seems like it might be pretty good for a boss fight we're still here [Music] this room looks like a gun do i have a thing where i'm sucking the life out of the enemies what is that from what causes enemies to get sucked off is it the mysterious chest is that how the chest is doing its thing [Music] from the altar vampire charm thing oh okay am i getting health back turn into this invincible thing and then just suck them dry [Music] uh what is it i think i did heal i think i did heal look at the wolf going to town [Music] you have not been chosen for consumption oh [ __ ] [Music] where's the super demon guy oh had to mention him he's like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my alarm [Music] didn't even i if i got hit i didn't see it [Music] which is just my favorite thing to say in this game [Music] if i could stop spawning those guys that grab my [ __ ] and then throw them back at me that'd be [ __ ] great hey the jk god damn it a balanced diet looking it up [Music] must be a modded thing it's not even on the web page name on the web page we'll see if it uh changes the tigers at all what difference i don't know double me oh when i reload the bait launcher that's right the hip holster is really really good for like but yeah you got that it's really good for the raw pretty good for single shot weapons like rocket launchers basically double the fire rate can you guys see what's happening because i sure [ __ ] can't i think i want to do this to himself i know he's complaining [Music] we can keep up the damage then we can maybe get our cheese charged up so quickly that we just that we'll be able to survive [ __ ] me [Music] oh my round king foolish of me not to use them [Music] satan's like bye bye buddy there's one more item room on this floor dare we go find it [Music] we dare not to be honest darren's honestly should probably try to get help back by sucking dudes off i mean you know [Music] you know what i meant cheese charges so quickly deca gun i didn't think i was gonna hit 10 curse i knew we had like three then i bought two items one was increased coolness per curse that one just didn't hit me i don't know what to say i dodged behind the wall and then i should have gotten two curse from that i was thinking maybe three curse given the whole thing that i think that the sixth chamber gave me one curse maybe even two curse which would have put me up to what six curse not ten curse ah he looks good [Music] oh my god oh my god health you're such a piece of [ __ ] you're the biggest shittiest [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] that's ever [ __ ] pieced and the record for most swear words during a stream glad it's easy i'm just having a lot of easy fun times over here yeah can i heal via cheese please i'm just i'm frustrated right now man i'm struggling here we're gonna end up dying i feel like we would have been fine had it not been for like the 18 hits that we took just trying to find the second item room in the last floor and that's what frustrates me and we didn't even get the item i just left [Music] [Music] here health upgrade for health please not upgrade somebody offered me some help i don't understand how we were gonna survive this [Applause] or the jammed i think pretty much guarantees a loss [Music] alex thank you so much for 10 gifted subs right now thank you [Music] from cheese to cheese man run get out you know what you can alex with a two month or yourself what that tim do though it just annoys you [Music] oh my [ __ ] god are you serious you're gonna feel good about spawning that right when i'm that's just i don't even know man that was two two things back to back [Music] uh yeah fine no fine [ __ ] fine dude i didn't even have enough time to cycle through to try to use all my stuff that's what killed me right there that and the fact that like you're sitting next to the edge of the screen is swam no warning no tell fine so it did what happened i don't even know [Music] we died and now i'm [ __ ] pissed off don't pick up too many cursed items good to know jumbo dingus 28 months what's up jumping on the train hope you had a very a good vacay huts frustrated man
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 21,603
Rating: 4.9731183 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: LwtEnlTxNRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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