Eden Run (Dark Room/Rerun) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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let's go I'm exhausted you guys I am exhausted eat into the dark rum1 starts the fire rate increase six fire rate through 22 damage health is totally fine with me and that's a lock upgrade we're green I got metronome haha good excellent totally fine with me comrade I like these bucket to tear to lay down fire rate of 5 in the first floor yeah guillotine Willow Tyne is not so bad it could be worse yeah nice nom noms my little floaty head my little floating arms head you making fun of my floating arms head boy does good damage and you touch people what they do real italian suck it says senior noodles little corn oh my god i got a hell is that go away i probably leave that probably disappears after I leave the room I have to guess I got super bandage it was like one of the most powerful health upgrades one of the most healthiest health upgrades it does not go away we get to keep that health upgrade so look at my health look at my damage look at my flippin fire rates cap already metronome in before it betrays me kills my children NEETs GG just wanted a key gosh I didn't get a key oh let's not cap you're right cuz it willow tine we can go down to four you're right no you're right it's fine it's fine I was just testing you I want some chips and dip you guys can someone give me some good chips and salsa it's a restaurant here in Minnesota called El loro I like their chips and salsa and then they have like a like a white salsa that's really good and then they have a white cheese dip also really good so if you guys are in the area go to El loro and get their queso dip that queso dip girl get in on that queso I really really really want some chips in queso I'm you know what I'm hungry let's not let hunger ruin my day don't mind while I shovel nuts into my mouth buy me some daddy you can't buy cheese dip like this you can't buy it I bought white cheese dip Mexican white cheese dip before from the store it's in that it's not the same I've tried like freedom three or four or five maybe even eighteen brands I've got specialized [ __ ] man my brand okay I just got a fire rate upgrade does that go away when I leave the room it does that lap that went away I'm okay with that one all right I gotta do this four keys gonna suck deeper keys didn't even give me any when I get the room and this guy and that nickel and one bomb nice metronomes doing a pretty good job for me I'm enjoying its company it's like one key though you know what would that be like what would I be like if you gave me a key and that that'd be weird what are you eating premium premium quality whole fancy ass cashews fancy min I'm also whole yeah an a-hole wouldn't that be like crazy though if you gave me a key when I'm eating nuts like well then one day it would be like giving them some head no big deal whoa there slowdown get your nuts off camera huts eating nuts with huts live now on twitch deal deal eight months Oh God oh good lord we in here Neil fy'y ten arms neophyte Ian arms neophyte in arms eight months in a row no not eight I don't accept nope take it back how does weird feeling that it's actually over here but I already bombed there I don't know if that would have been close enough sorry not still not geese I got a bombs or Kia I'm gonna be old salty I'm [ __ ] excited I got my health back already didn't take long no item rooms that's fine I don't need them we need to item rooms items the week oh maybe you're right we have a got some money now that we could spend yeah good I'll take all of those keys in the shop please thank you putz eats premium nuts confirmed I'm even gonna put not to your mouth you might as well make sure they're premium fire mine ha ha ha Oh blow up in my face and I didn't take damage unless I just didn't yell state any Bible that's good free help give me triple-a battery triple-a battery not a battery silly [ __ ] what are the things that I get from metronome that would be somewhat permanent acid boobs oh hello consumables mom's key I don't know if I get my dough deal with the devil first but bombs I keep to keep the bombs still plenty good things capped for fire rates with a blue blue I think that was a blue blue pill do it oh we're banking transformations I bet you I keep that I wondered though if I if I held it for one time with the metronome like let's say one time I get the head one time I get Guppies body and when Tommy get Guppies tail does that mean I turn turning to guppy since I didn't actually get to keep all of them but maybe since I had it at one point the music stopped it's no it's still going speaking of guppy it was like starting like a live stream or something I don't know man I try not to ask too many questions I'm drowsy pill like literally might be the difference between like being the hush and losing miserably or like mom fight just a drowsy pill in general is just pretty good I got BOGO bombs later that doesn't stick with me Steam's ale yeah let's see if I can't get like a secret room with a greed fight or a greed fight in an upcoming shop for another steam sale I mean it'll be the only way I can get it is if a green drops it or if a dead guy drops it like what's up with the lack of keys today it's gonna take I can see forever because I'm talking about two secret rooms but Drowsy is good just I'm really not worried about losing I keep myself yellow white dis balls of steel okay okay we're ready to go I think so dude just one key man one flopping key are you kidding me was there one in the shop by a key [Music] just had the right amount of money tinted rockins secret row ha funny stuff you're funny [Music] that sucks we didn't break it Wow it's pretty fly help uh sure Oh full suite of orbitals feels pretty good that's four orbitals because we have our head in there I don't even have a body because of transcendence pyro man if only I could keep that the other pyro these guys can drop steam sales but have a nice snoring llamas Tier one sub what's up snoring llamas zoom oh yeah that's good damage up her room for every enemy I kill lost be blood I don't know where my body is to push this around on the shadow we gotta pay attention where the shadow is all able the best at least I can open open up golden chest now without worrying about Abel showing up we be doing polling today nope nope home for 3 mil man I'm glad I didn't do polling today killing it that sack dag damage PFF would be pretty amazing double that damage the burden the burden that I feel no knife at this point in time should i no knife it's I'll know knife it alright calm yourself we basically just have to run through this you guys we're gonna win we were gonna win we could have fought mega satan on the first floor and probably was still would had a decent chance I am I teared laydowns give me some perfume that hurts me when you do that light pencil is good I like that item especially with our fire right mm-hmm girl [ __ ] shop refresh on our last shop nope second-to-last shop next shop I bet you though is gonna be a great fight and such as Hut's like diamonds doll she'd judgement judge playing it and give me acid baby Kenya you jerk worst damage balls of steel though I'm gonna roll with the two of diamonds instead go do naughty things to my shop maybe blank card maybe shop break dropping frames like a mofo I don't know why that would be seems to be stable seems to be pretty stable right now seen the body all right I would like to try to go through the floor and try to get as much money as possible let's go heavy on the shops [Music] who's putting gifts on my screen you're gonna be doing eating streaks again after you finished three mils two-spirited fetus with $10 thank you so much for the 10 spot even streaks again I don't know man I thought about it on do mods and I want to do got some challenges but Eden's race would be fun I just don't know if I if i stream enough for that called rick's centurion for months in a row but i guess the four three sub is something as well hell yeah quad bite welcome back worst mods vids that's youtube stuff for sure those aren't something i could or even would want to just crank out too much though because there's a limited number of mods out there and it's tough to find some bad ones or funny ones or whatever the hell you want to call them i don't want to have to just you know scrape the bottom of the barrel and have to be like oh this one's funny but it's not funny it's not what I want but that series [Music] another two of diamonds might as well take the trinket I guess chance to drop a health upgrade when I take damage what is up with the diamond beggar in pills man down the pill items just the straight-up pills that he drops all the time yeah I should just suck it up I should just suck it up for speed and a shot to beat upgrade yeah that's what I really needed what I signed up for he's a druggie movement moving over this yeah I still have questions how did you make it to my head and my ball of bandages and my sack tag gaming soul prime sub welcome so much for supporting me all the tears up in the world but I can't go any further tribus games $10 what's up with the $10 donations today people are in fire first stream I caught man but I watch her youtube vids all the time greetings from Austria thank you so much try this games I really appreciate the 10 spot sure thanks for watching he spelled Australia wrong let's roll with the two diamonds on the next floor I think like you know I don't think I can I can't buy sub right now right can't do it wait for next floor you stole my key dirty [ __ ] what was the jitta on-screen you know I think there's custom things now let's cut some stuffs and things I don't know how they work but somebody made it somebody made it happen I think it's a maybe a way that you can spend your points your coins your loyalty points that you guys all get even if you're on mobile you're still getting them just can't really do much with them until you go on your computer has anybody been playing that stream Legends who's playing that stream Legends and what level we adds ones that look like right now does it look good but I trust you guys we have like a stream here oh and it took an RPG basically I don't know how that works I am go on there and you guys talk me through what's going on we're doing pretty well since be dads that's good I'm only level 4 myself i everybody like the same level or is everybody having an individual one our level is low 20s and I'm level 5 it's like we don't we have like a a team level because I bet you were behind a bunch of other streamers and we should probably fix that counting on you guys the talons at level 23 yeah see it's our town I think wait what are we talking about in the panel's section we're like I've got like the links to all my stuff there's a game that I put in there and that game allows you guys to it's like it's like an RPG kinda you're like a little guy and like the guy just constantly goes and fights monsters and yet to like supply them with equipment and yada yada yada all the stuff that you do during an RPG is it a game yeah it's a little game it's tiny little game in there where do you play that at JP it's in the panel section break out y'all's computers and get in there and level me up man more like level us up you guys I need this I need you to do this for me I don't see anything nothing is there huts scroll down where it should be towards the top stream legends and my panels nothing is there Hut's as creb I'm playing it now yes there is his B tabs swish it's not on mobile you guys none of this shit's on mobile knew that the new twitch extensions where you can find my item tracker there's also that game the uh yeah you know another familiar could be pretty sweet impenetrable wall of familiars look at that that is one two three four five familiars Bartley murder what is up customer service sucks to work in high hats thanks for helping me relax and laugh after a shitty a work let's love let's love plus loved least you're like helping people and if they don't deserve it right [Music] they are so slow yeah but they're more predictable I assume I can turn that wall towards the enemies and just say you got nothing and that wall goes away and I just change directions and say haha you can't get through it you can try you can always try give me some teeth we're close to nine luck nothing but teeth name is not cagey okay we haven't totally not mat name is not key Jake like what are your names might be Lu me come on hematemesis fans are running high I feel pretty good my dad says here okay he's here for a while working they might not matter at all it's not Matt all right we do have a shop you guys Seagram first just in case steam sale neither weirdo bail account look and play to cave gosh putting uh putting the camera on these dirty hands bill there three months internal Kitty what's up bill bear he loves to lick people's noses he wiped his poop off he probably looked at dingleberry out he's like that tastes disgusting he probably was getting cobwebs out what a little jerk hello pretty lady she goes hi hi where would this secret room be right yeah do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime you know we got pretty close you tried you tried and that's what counts I can suck it up and get a yeah use the ideals of the devil yeah maybe all right I still should complete the floor two diamonds get as much money as possible and then buy a bunch of stuff i bunch of stuff of it and maybe I'll take that instead of this thing that I have Kru banana what's up Topsy gram here all right give me the goods baby do I want starter deck first of all starter deck is pretty okay temperance card wow you have really had to give me that after I use the two diamonds really really know what is this though what was the era doing there since when was there a era the sitting on the floor all alone 69 cents maybe we should leave let's go over blind card then we're going to the dark room so this you know last chance to break but if one of those red chests has an item in it then we're done [Music] well we tried blood bag break I've gotten the key pieces but we don't need to fight mega stand don't need to fight Stanley all pills turning to runes and cards gotcha that's what happens because of starter deck I'm Chad and I'm so smart I'm so smart smart I'm smiling you I like the double genius sippin emperor card mistake with ii-era thanks though or that year ago I have it still right Roy so I should keep that to skip some stuff and the later floors that are stupid stupid floors your dumb Piggly Wiggly bank now I get a grundle sure son card cuz here comes the Sun do-do-do-do here comes the Sun I said is it's alright dududududududu sack had run I got a fine home row I can see I can see super easy you guys [Music] well we didn't get our blank card we didn't get a blank our dear boy and I don't know if I really want to use this I suppose I got a health upgrade so like oh you know what yeah okay so go we were still going we're still going in fact I've got more money now than I've ever had in my entire life and the son card you're right okay geezers kibrit sirs you guys oh goodness [Music] [Music] yeah I think we got some money I think we're gonna be okay remember down like that well that's it okay strap yourselves in I'm not 99 cents holy [ __ ] I'm having a hard time seeing you guys I'm not gonna lie I couldn't lie about it but I decided not to Oh both OH extra large you guys literally impenetrable wall doom what's inside more shops more shops and then later coming floors okay all right maybe we should just roll with IV bag instead of the void like no Gio probably could break the game if not get chaos and some guffy or something gift time this isn't a break not technically a break [Music] two cents so hard I think that means it's broken there's my blank card two cents so hard means I did the shop is yeah I know the shop is broken you're right it is a break cuz I I get like four cents at least every time I use half of so hard to get money that's what eight cents per so hard and I've spent to to get one [Music] sorry game is there a battery there is a battery somewhere okay hold on to your pantyhose chaos jumper cables on my nipples old on this what we gon do what we're gonna do it's gonna be good it's gonna be fun nipple cables [Music] oh great so what's gonna do I was gonna come up here and get that box Oh trinkets oh it's gonna be fun get that on my face the tick I see it keep an eye out tick wants to hurt me duct tape could be pretty fun not what I'm here for though not what I'm here for can we get to Kashmir the fish though I'm not seeing it where is it where is it I came here for one thing matchstick move tick to another room ah drive multiple to a trinket room though no I'm just not gonna mess with it [Music] I'm choose love not hate came here for one flippin thing no one Lubin thing what do we like not have cancer unlocked or something what's going on man bro heart like crow fart [Music] unbelievable fire rate of one soymilk fire right without soy milk y'all can suck on this be one of those now I'll do it there it is all right what do we want you guys and when do we want it [Music] killed across America mamamoo gusers might as well use it I don't see why not can't believe it's not soy milk why is my fire rated to now though who did this who's responsible smelter always Irish meal tur sleeping the beach [Music] there's no smelters mom's box for double cancer oh that's right we dropped the box so that we lost half the cancer free us correct [Music] sack of sacks the Sakia stack you've ever sacked get some guppy going could we get some guppy you get some guppy health upgrades is not guppy a lot of monies now sir cumference welcome knights of the round table no bump from zero what a jerk what a jerk nipple thank you so much wide for the thousand bits and oh my goodness another one for another break huts new cuts new cuts nuke thank you why thank you Sennheiser you guys are fantastic people thank you very generous Oh a [ __ ] [Music] I'm at 99 my bad this guy's gonna go nuts isn't he no not too bad alright alright alright just give me cup just give me copay it's all I want can we just get some Jesus head it's never take me this long to get gummy before on a chaos there it is there she blows what is hots double charge ok pockets I don't need my blank card all my era I just I don't die I don't really care I'm gonna go with that how does that feel infestation feels pretty good though yeah we're gonna leave we're leaving my one fire rate with GUP this is amazing I like it and pleased oops my bad sorry sir give it a diff he got it you know we did unlock Godhead though we unlocked Godhead and I have yet to see Godhead is this is this where I should actually try to go get that Godhead is this is this that situation in which I should it should go until I get Godhead so that I have checked it off my list [ __ ] man yes yes 500 more just cause my second favorite streamer thank you so much for Wyatt double duty hell yeah got it please next shop Godhead breaker it's not truly a break fine you guys clock is like uh the mods hate am i right the game so they hate fun [Music] I gotta fight my own bum friends for money you should never have to fight your friends for money shouldn't have to fight your friends for money please void it all probably would break the game in a bad way crash the game [Music] wiggly worm wake me jiggly [Music] Xplosive all fungi she'll the tears good with our fire rate for a closest group who sees stop stealing my [ __ ] dude [Music] my dime [Music] 99 my bad [Music] about a Lalique I don't know if why I've got what it takes you guys to sit here until a Godhead it's got to be a pretty lucky Godhead because I'm gonna give up real soon [Music] it better pop up real soon that's a thing [Music] two diamonds would be very helpful someone wouldn't mind giving me one of those 69 cents is perfect the lovers [Music] this is fun because I'm fun horn for science mom's purse that's pretty good we have all those trinkets that we would like scythe tears boobs brain don't care little glare iam high rule Diplo II I'm not gonna be using that [Music] well I can't see the the screen bum friend is just raking up all the money right now like a big dickwad [Music] goodness mate I'm at 99 Oh dude all the items are stacking on top of each other this is insane I don't know if I have patience for this I don't need my air right I can take this and just I could've just dropped it but I don't really care just kind of like don't care right now is that they catch me with a fish is that the gif smooth the fish underneath that that's a goose I think I that is that is I need it I need it I need a tiny meeting me me me me me me me me me me me me how do I get to it the item stacked on top of it how do I get to it seriously though let me have it can I have it can I have it can I have it WTF man moving box saved me don't buy bombs yo [ __ ] girl damn dim bulb is good I would like that bloody penny absolutely and whatever ah small rock whipworm hmm excuse me choking should I just get the tick out of the way yeah gosh mule - mish the tick and the fishtail four double flies and the snows goblin for good measure blind rage and vibrant bulb what else cuz I could I possibly ever need you guys love joining a game break I'm dying the cancers are he's waiting for me up up top get this I should take second hand as well Laos is pretty ok but is there anything really that super super good safety scissors [Music] bloody crown [Music] this way they're making this difficult on me there fishhead no safety scissors why [Music] I would like to say do scissors personally all right where's my cancer [Music] there's the cancers tonsil is a yes paperclip and is the cancer inside of the moving box I don't know the moving box could eat it where's the cancer you guys [Music] lungworm yeah that'd be pretty probably okay [Music] there des I was I was worried I was worried and look at that middle [ __ ] then it's like Battle Royale mosh pit mosh pit all right let me go back get my thing now I don't want ringworm though yuck ringworm like stupid worm little watch battery not you guys we don't we don't know we're not like tweaking it here and there too like Oh what could maybe possibly maybe be possibly good it's like no what do I need what do I flip a need man all right feels good feels good good job everybody should we just go until this runs out oh my perfume I don't even need to take the box anymore all right you know what I feel like we should be done two diamonds though flip man is there a battery for sale no still pretty distel we can go for a little bit longer a little bit I just wanna do want Godhead [Music] Coosh beats where's my two of diamonds now this is all we need we need that I need my blank card and then my two of diamonds wherever I dropped that two diamonds got it no I dropped it again an accident you just let me have it there run four teams save the game every time I've saved the game in the past twenty streams the game crashed because I tried to save it so I don't know if you're trolling me but it's a no for the save it's a no for me [Music] daaad yeah - cursed eyes good [Music] [Music] come on man give it to me Godhead I know you're there hello from the other side [Music] nice new scoop up some more money but did this that's all I need [Music] there was another two diamonds was there whatever [Music] we gotta get a battery come on now use up all the batteries already no way always lying just want a battery that's close by thank you no I put a battery into the pad fudge you pad pad thinks is so funny such a jerk guppy paw and move to item drum hey man not caring in the shop I just want my tasty Godhead could you just give it to me did I move it no nope [Music] breeds Gullit wheat is unlock that so that's good to see duality maybe needs to be unlocked I don't know [Music] don't use my double active card an accident I'll be Bad News Bears failure familiars is too long I can't move it sworn protector was something we just unlocked so that's good to check off a list hey Sacred Hearts oops so use the wrong thing hey Vsauce Michael here 569 to shadow chicken sup shadow chicken yo look at this thing charged up to it does what do you like even going to do though Shazam not what I wanted thanks though [Applause] Skelly ki breakfast they reveal the day I'm not sure it exists you guys we unlocked it but it's not giving it to me it's getting painful I don't ask for any of the pain why don't I get that thing charged up twice plenty of batteries one fire it again yeah yep Eucharist suite go ahead same thing basically for devil deals unbelievable man [Music] just do like we just do agreed mode break instead or maybe I should go with the blank card Yara and just go down to the last floor it would probably just be simpler probably just be easier to break it that way maybe even pick up a purse roll by that point in time now that I can really use per throws it would skip over stuff [ __ ] alright we're done I'm out I'm getting up we're going to the dark room so there's no guarantee that it's gonna work but as a yar here somewhere there's a yellow here somewhere it's a day guys that's my era you're a blank card last floor I think you know we have like a 94% chance of busting it up and I'm out even I can't even jump on this anymore that spike is always supposed to hurt me huh okay bye no key pieces then fine what do our tears look like I don't even want to know I want to just I'm gonna slip on to the next floor without shooting cuz I want to crash the game it's gonna slip on down oh that's right I took forgot we use mama mega and Ange rooms we had were chaos so it's not like it has any better chance of getting Godhead in there so let's do boss rush first I guess right dark rum [Music] it was in here I would poop and poop for joy I'm too afraid to shoot I can't can't do it those are just teleport out but you have to guys what about the guys you guys I've got the era I sucked up the era wait I do this for a living okay I think I would know I have the year uh you smelted the trick of that immune that makes you immune to spikes read this Hutt's yeah whoo man I thought that you know you can always get hurt like even if you a flight you get hurt on that one thing so that's not something new I guess you picked up day guys and you left the room yeah but I tucked away my era in my tucky away spot I thought get away yeah I know super tuck potato peeler peel me what you have to guys peel me to the moon let me peel Hmong stars let me see what spring is like on Jupiter or peels and other peels well there's one of the key pieces but I think that since we didn't get both of them here to blow a shot it's going to leave the case of hearts I tested it before oh never walked over the spike against the callous okay look at all loaded our floors are in the womb this is crazy talk soups cool man that's so neat always you test our are our shots apparently we charge up why do we charge are we charging is that are those are our tears right there cuz cursed I probably okay that's fine [Music] it's pretty cool I guess Hey mumbles got a fight for his food get in there fumble he didn't get any of those seriously bumbo fight for it man you just laying over rolling over man people will take advantage you in this life Bombo it will leave you in the [ __ ] dirt step up man he just hit level two come on perthro um I'm gonna be able to keep it even if I pick it up but we could try to get one you had dad's key you guys come on [Music] I agree it's fine [Music] pod quest on heated or [Music] fake watch fake watch fake watch [Music] I don't think this has any a better chance of spitting out a thing let's just go let's just leave was this perk yeah I live in I my weights up here oh [Music] [ __ ] girl [Music] you're done you're done you're done don't care about that actually I'm just gonna leave uh we're going down down down down the flames or getting huh putz you're bonkers prove it do any science behind those accusations or didn't think so [Music] where's our the key piece I don't honestly care darkroom was the only thing we had to do all you stub your toe oh I missed a saying oh it's like shut up all right take that one noobs check that one noob take that one nuke take that one yep it's gonna be kind of difficult to do this in here with soul hearts not going to lie I try not to lie my cards yuck man pick up these soul hearts that I can by hurting myself steam sale there's my second steam so guys [Music] [Music] - yo gets Steam sale you noob well squeaker okay okay okay okay so now what our fan no I didn't mean to use that in here oh I just littered oh hey this guy he's in my red heart though it takes bread hard snow that's not what I wanted okay [ __ ] that guy there's not the red heart in that room you guys come on you're making this so difficult on me there's so much [ __ ] all over the place daddy cuts can't handle this I didn't mean to open that what the hell that my dear ago so much [ __ ] I lost my era [Music] where the hell did it go oh I died you did I use it without using the blank card what's going on here I'm lost I drop it I drop it in there oh thank god oh jeez you guys why you digging with me just don't dick with me we could try that we could start there this is like my last chance at trying to get a flippin Godhead if this doesn't do it and I don't know what will it should be here somewhere you know what I mean it should be there somewhere I got nothing but breakfasts we still have chaos so it should be there somewhere I think it's gonna happen thank God head this is gonna be a mystery fright right now I got nothing all right fine if that's how you want to play game fine per throw we already have we have the double taro cloth and the car battery and things that make perthro not worth using because you are-- roll through it there's a thing I don't have [Music] [Music] good you're gonna try to make it so I can't okay no no no no that's fine no that's fine if you want to do that if that's how you want to be you want to be a little [ __ ] game then you can be that's what you should be if that's what you want to be good it's like you don't get got head and you're not gonna get the dark room achievement go [ __ ] yourself that's what the game said to me it said that did you hear it I'm shocked the language on this game language check alright fine I'll I won't shoot I'll just walk into him gently oh my god I'm dying yeah be gentle victory laps I don't think we've done the victory lab correct the baby crack baby that's terrible [Music] got these Powell Catalina Wine Mixer [Music] yeah let me just get me through okay hurry hurry hurry hurry three hours at least we've only been playing for 36 seconds I don't know what you're dying about three hours four hours I've never heard of them coming through puh puh I should I should go to my item runs and stuff there's still a chance that we could pull off the sacred art now or not stick it out for Godhead there's a chance you know you never know until you know you know excuse me [Music] own jewel rooms we don't know well we know we like I said we still do have chaos so it doesn't really doesn't really matter does it okay say don't pretty key pieces though can I get him now can you feel you have mr. Krabs victory laps he loses items as he proceeds this is correct I also will turn into the lost at some point without without holy mantle which won't be the best so let's say that I already have crickets head right let's say I get another crickets head does that stack after a victory lap or is it still not stack what are the stack rules here I'll go with the lock 20 luck for the love of God give me teeth maybe already have it I might already have it mom's coniferous I don't yeah you know it's probably like the best thing we could do to like not break to not crash the game so I'll take it I want that too though I'm so sorry that you bought this room oh yeah that's right mom's key our mom's whatever mom's fingerling you know what I mean Holy Grail I've touched the Grail I really not get any money out of that [Music] that's you have Degas what about it you talk about boy [Music] [Music] [Music] nice antique rash item yeah see I became a fan beyblade [Music] don't care about tail for damage we should open ourselves up to the possibility that we might get flipping thing one of these flipping chests you can pop up anywhere [Music] Godhead where art thou [Music] [Music] beyblade confirms Godhead where our power ballast is the truest love [Music] ppthe come through [Music] let me get that boop boop let me get that I'm a sheep run in my hand through my fro bouncing on twenty poles Greed's gullet again meat [Music] [Music] moderator vanilla this is vanilla can't you tell really boring and stuff right [Music] [Applause] Satur bombs just when you think they couldn't get sadder mega sad bombs use a music tracker to identify it yeah see I don't have the names of these songs so I just click on a random playlist and I'm like you go it's on trap nation though if you guys have been liking this music so that's where you would find it you're hell-bent on going working for yourself excuse me I'll get him to pay out let's see what he has to say did he pay out and give me a book and something exploded kolmad thank you for the prime sub friendo breaks the silence I don't want any of these items that's my second razor blade anybody need a shave how many lives can we get 21 lives fighting the world [Music] [Applause] if only they could have just snatched out chaos they could have just grabbed chaos I would have been good because then I would have had the chance to get angel items inside of the angel rooms master ice ninja eight months sooner I'll just one more month also hots I just got in the stream my back friend oh yes I'm just like it's gonna sit back and just enjoy enjoy life look I am if I was a rich man I like how I got hurt there but I didn't lose any help hardest boss rush I've ever done my life we're totally fine right now because the meat boys are killing everything and demon baby is uh spawning flies uh uh let that new Joker laughs Jared what are you doing too much method acting [Music] face ram the hush stream Legends is pretty addictive that's why is it cool play it cool play stream legend see guys get me to a higher level I want to beat cold lads nobody had anything to say about the Jared Leto Joker laughs interesting guess that runs just fine with it stop nagging me now I'm gonna nag you until you go that's the point that's the purpose of nagging the only thing that nagging is good for you get you to do something because you're annoying by it just don't be jealous because I'm using it to my advantage mamamoo gusers I didn't even mean to take it mama mama-mama gusers get for victory labs to unlock something new Jared Leto's Joker laughs sounds like Squidward thank you for somebody saying something about it I don't even care if it was positive or negative yeah play my clarinet spongebob so does doesn't it so does sound like Squidward oh my god when you write you write and you might just be right whoa boom item rooms how do you get that I got it from the era in the eras a per throat of per throw into a era and then yard the era cuz those boobs can join we didn't have conjoined yet interests think interest Inc let's go let's go per throw here let's use a per throw yeah screwy era here is out its overplayed man per throws of the the new Yara does that play your clarinet I kind of like the new Joker and Harley I like Jared Leto I like that dude right what's that dude just I haven't seen enough I guess to really form that a good opinion about it but does kind of sound links good word that's stuck in my head now forever and Bob I said I was gonna use my per throw and then here I'm not using my per throw I don't need that I don't even need that what do you think I need that I'll pathetic do you think I am house were not one battery that dropped from all those sacks that I popped open oh there's one hush fight get punched in the dick if I get Godhead now does it really unlock it though is during this cheat see doodle [ __ ] I can't imagine that would actually unlock it did they updates team stream legends recently I don't know lots of town in the game is level 24 well it's COBOL go somebody go check quick he's probably like level 60 or something my second key beggar by the way all right let's go Facemash like you guys requested facing Facemash hush fight me you dirty [ __ ] can you get pennies for mini-games there are some gambling minigame type stuff but not sure if you can use on stream legends huts you missed hush never mind better never mind I am miss [ __ ] 37 years of doing this epic day my life no struggles then if I walk through still didn't beat the world record isn't that sad with everything I got still didn't beat the world record should have done delirium that would defeat the entire purpose of this entire mission yep we've got 24 guys GG well done what's what's coal Blatt at though someone look it up I can just go lug it out then fine I'm gonna look it up I'm gonna go onto his stream right now while he's streaming and see what level he's at I just picked up the mark by not moving that's interesting it's kind of fun you think I try you guys he's drawing snowman right now did he take it off where is it you didn't take it off did you look like he took it off he took it off he quit he backed out of the game so that means I win bye bye proxy so ha I win easy as when I've ever had in my life sounds that time I ran into your mom get it your mom's easy what a stream legends it's a little minigame that they added on the twitch extensions where we have us all the butt Watchers we have a town and you got a little character that like you got to put like armor and stuff like it's a little RPG I'm gonna fill them up with your armors you got the unlock stuff and fight monsters and a whole lot of stuff that I don't even know I don't even know what the wrong direction Kwasi hosting cobalt I did not though oh I've got perthro let's use it let's just like use that you know I'm in day 47 still no God had to be found that's fine you don't that make me anything thank you baby it's all the time love you I mean if someone makes it for me I gotta eat it right a new pill has appeared this little belly one of the heavens huts don't worry about it are we lost yet no all right she even brought me my hot sauce I'm gonna have a few bites somebody want to take over just push my character through the rooms twitch plays Isaac was there a way to get stream legends in a pop-out window I don't know cool mob if you find one you better live smell it's a barbecue chicken pizza the first pot I was like that's a funky pizza I don't know what's going on with that second bite I'm like that's barbecue sauce it's not rotten it's not rotten tomato sauce pant our flame sword from panda pool anyone else having problems being the forest level you guys are really into it cobalt still has stream legends is that level 50 oh my god we got work to do guys we just at 24 what's the 24-hour sim challenge little beasts ass how was your day my name's been really good actually it's been pretty good how's the O'Day who is the CEO and how do I kill him Steve's fellows thought that re-roll does like new well they took away shop refresh so we could have just busted the game right here right now but alas we cannot do that another coupon ball of whose Norse did they take away car battery we sell the car battery I see the battery did we see a car battery batteries plus we're America's battery store I did not see car battery so we might be able to use our perthro or yeah yeah use our blank card / throw we might be able to make that happen magic come back to lurk some more back to the food and apple juice is lurking hippo can I have some apple juice I got the food what needing little buddy little buddies trying to get my attention what do you want where's Rachel sack head I think we already have 2nd chaos no oh that's a better question we still have chaos yeah we must right dropping chaos but keeping eucharist would be like the best thing I don't know man well there's my shop refresh right there so but now I need chaos ripped I think they got rid of chaos but now I got shop refresh so what does that even mean I don't even know man what does that mean anybody know what that means level 25 town easy you guys I want to I want to be level 30 by the end of this stream all right we need to train harder my pizza fell on the floor I'd be devastated I mean we are noise and I was like ain't nobody want floor pizza there's probably somebody out there would that would still eat the floor Pete sit up we're like legit being honest with ourselves so what would happen if I just if I just sat on the pedestal and walked away I just started eating my pizza if I just started eating my pizza I would probably get that one that rerolls all of my stuff and then we would probably be screwed well we might get got head I'm gonna look up something you guys rerun cheese mints can I can I get an achievement can i unlock items during a rerun during a victory lap sorry No [Music] no no no no I don't see anything on here about not being able to unlock stuff can we level up the barracks please come on you guys level it up I'm pretty sure you can't I don't think I can either but you can I read it before us as human make me huts [Music] [Music] there's a car battery shouldn't I take a nap [Music] I'll give it a quick chance here I'd have to find another chaos though I got a little baggie of pills they just blew I just flip in blue my thing okay I'm leaving I blew my perthro nothing matters everything is a lie quit rage quit now we already locked in deals with the devil did we take one already I don't remember whatever we're getting less and less powerful as we go though so we probably should still try to load ourselves up in the shop it's probably still beneficial to us and you know what one fire-rate without without Libre I think our fire rate will probably go up to like four and our damage would probably go up to like 50 if I did take Libra yolo fire out one up to two damage up to 333 sorry we have mom's knife so all the only thing we need is more damage that's like literally only thing that matters like I said you guys we should keep ourself loaded up on awesome stuff for the next rerun because they're only going to take more stuff away from us so I might just roll with potato peeler all right you know what go for it see what happens I think that instead of going to the item room pool I think oh we did get a chaos oh [ __ ] we totally did get wine I bet it was gone oh my goodness there's brimstone let's let's load ourselves up with good stuff so that the next rerun we stand a chance and maybe we should roll with a Book of Shadows on the next rerun when were the lost we just try to see if we can get holy mantle though we're gonna need it we might not even have ten lives the next run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] smells all the trinkets I did we have everything smelted not everything but everything that matters the more dead cats the better plus just the general chance of getting Godhead you know you know oh you know [Music] you're better worth by what a dick puts a stone chest right on top of it well this looks like a good spot Thank You Bessie out [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just waiting for missing no seriously it's there it's a it's lurking in the shadows weird to have mom's night so it doesn't really matter but whatever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take our potato peeler and use the [ __ ] out of that because I think we'll be able to keep those guys I'm tired but I'm late tired alright Booker shadows and unbelieving army of meat men you know all we do [Applause] [Music] Zen files it is I'll all right what are we doing that just saved the game I'm gonna see what happens when I shoot yeah still just coniferous just some coniferous Hoadley prime sub thank you so much the prime sub friend welcome we're not but HUD where were you destroy everything that we get our hands on I can't touch anything without breaking it is why I'm so unhappy all right a few more items there's a couple more okay don't get mad at me just a few more like three more two one zero negative point five negative point seven [Music] you thought you're gonna get me and then you're like oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] is master 340 doing this for that fine 1000 bit badge even if I'm barely here what's good my dudes pretty baited patty baited so I shade a master I like paid badges so sexy [Music] time to casually walk through pardon me [Music] Kru banana another 10 I am out tonight thanks as always for the good times snow problem crew banana have a good night sorry this is getting long-winded here but I have to do what I got to do you know I got to finish I can't give up now be hella lame magic moosh whoa you see the bombs are awesome yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good I'm a fan I like it a whole new world all right three more items one to 7:45 hut hike the negativo wife daddy's got any items are are in here Dayoung girl but I'm too potato we got enough we'll be fine rip super Bob yeah I don't know who we lost but I think regular bum I don't think regular Baum made it [Music] seelix like scrub axe Big Bird well what is happening is his party police is the white can't trust me I don't know if we do the rerun for this I don't know if we did rerun already but here we are alright ten items that's two three four that's a good one five six seven eight nine ten we can count yay like a hotel a seven I passed out having gotten more than five hours of sleeping tonight for a while and finally caught up to me he says Chino we were lost without you [Music] dude get some sleep get some sleep you silly face I got an empty vessel in an angel room yeah yeah uh-huh hey bum friends back cool a moped yeah well he'll be dead in a minute I feel fine hush spiced vice but ha ha oceans I put can't speak words hush fight shall we do like it was like a kinked hose like the website stitch sitting there like I've so many ads and it's just like it's not gonna add dump on my neck all right 20 items we'll get a second bum ba to this so I don't want to hear none y'all's complainin was already worth it that's like 5 6 7 8 9 20 G debug 2 3 science is good 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 bad odd though that doll came out I can show you the world fast bombs go it's like a frizzy hair it's like it's like frizzy hair I love it to be items dropped over here no not really I was gonna / throw them but I'll save it I guess I don't know shoot I have a gear score of 66 flip is that a third steam sale they pay me 50% of what is priced [Music] because your head booj cuts that's me right now I'm a sassy who's the head be [Music] I have a gear score of 138 [ __ ] you guys were rocked let's go ever hears talking about 66 huh HUD should stream him playing Stream legends and they'd be silly on my own strands I mean it's it's it's about my strength it's our strand thing wouldn't it wouldn't be unheard of gonna be crazy all right so I think that we're gonna be the lost without Hawaii mantel come the next run surprised that we haven't hit holy mantle maybe it is worth it for us to do a full clear and try to rack up some some really good damage maybe some more lives just in case something goes wrong and the next one just gets they take away all my nine lives [Music] Chernobyl was fun prime sub was it are you the guy they got two dicks out of the whole ordeal the sand radiations gnarly don't mean more than my radiation I did it took an impromptu nap now I have Loki out playing he needs to have playtime yeah fine fine care about your own family more than you care about me that's wow that's honourable and respectable Wow jerk spectable jerk [Music] book apps touch fuzzy get dizzy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Loki's horns how close are we to level 30 you guys let me hear it sound off sound off like you got a pair sound off like you got a pair is just like a grumpy old man's way of saying all the fellas say hey oh oh yeah that's what they're really saying in the military all my boys holla at your boy yo bubble 26 you guys come on we work 12 26 like an hour ago [Music] over halfway there Skorpio five months in a row welcome back hell yeah oh those nips alright last time I'm lost without you I don't know if we have nine lives I'm gonna assume that we have no nine lives note we do I can see one right there now we're good then what okay and another care am I supposed to care or not I'm not even caring I'm here watching you with Loki he likes to listen to you and the screen has lots of colors and patterns he also watches me play Isaac from time to time Isaac is everything good you call it these days sound off like it got a bunny in what is hot to doing I don't don't even worry about it there's honestly I don't even know I'm going to unlock rerun I just hope that we haven't already unlocked it we have in to my knowledge I'll pick I would get to have all of them all that's great oh that's nice here it's a drive-by fruiting a spike block is what took me down yeah yeah on my own bar oh we're gonna go in here oh that's good hey nice excellent oh hey two weeks of jail free card for me I'll be our Lazarus right now so I think we actually did run out of our nine lives no I can see it actually you got times twenty we're fine we're fine I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid tell me princess now when did you get banged on an old carpet it might have dust mites that's a second book thank you Miss inside of it yeah that's Chester trip just ease that uh that video got deimata modified demonetised rip what if I asked for a bud stuff then you'll get nuts tough nut stuff what is nut stuff we actually do need to like kind of get help here or we should at least attempt so if we got some soul hearts or something there's this a lot right there cuz it's a lot right there hi ho another one would've been pretty good - I'm pretty sure we were already immune to bombs but I whatever whatever guys you got to boss me why are not so hairy you have to ask about nut stuff and you're too young snaps fingers like sassy like in neck swivels what is helping you nuke everything yeah I don't know sanity why is Chad talking about nuts stuff you know [Music] fun stuff having fun [Applause] dog food YUM can we play stream legends when you're not streaming I do believe you can the first time I ever tried it was on Co blood stream because I was like what is this is it anything I can playing on my own I know I think I did playing on my own a little bit it's an all about me I don't care about anybody else super selfish all the time go home meet brethren destroy everything you know that that crickets head you might be like crickets gente but crickets head is uh not as good I already had that multiplier I do believe I'm fairly certain cuz I'm holding on to your nuts trying to do some nut stuff with you but I don't know what it is I tried to ask about it but you wouldn't tell me something here making stuff up let me go get my baseball bat knock it around like one of those beanbags in the gym your goody-goody giver said the guy that knocked the the bag to the song and that was a good video guys got some skill I wanna be able do that [ __ ] bat me dad crickets head doll pretty sure I already have that multipliers that would have been like a point five damage up as a poise to the as a poised as opposed to the whatever big one that I got what floor are we on thang taps - we got the negative we're good to go great for landing Roger that Rocky Balboa is that what you call a nut job hey you know what I'm sayin oh I got sick still Mahoney mantle but we don't eat it didn't need it didn't need it didn't need sad boobs either we level 27 yet you guys does give me last run I do believe and don't believe I got more time four runs after this this is taking forever I was gonna play gunjan but this is taking way too long and I just made all the gungeon people salty is [ __ ] pitted him up against Isaac they're all mad mush fight me nope No no I still got chop Reapers hey alright 20 items 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 I got another shop refreshed 5 6 it's a refresh twice another seam sale its freer than free I forgot I lost my count I think we're done [Music] five hundred some cross cuts for blblblblblblblbl baby tell me I'm saying beer beer beer beer beer and that's how you kill the Hoschton for second moons does victory lap refresh Adam pulls yes it does yes [Applause] [Music] you're absolutely Oh Armageddon oh my god my leg my eyes what if I were to remove the chest we've done that before member and I blew the chest bad times VR is a short way to say Brazilian in Brazil I've never heard anything more neat than that nobody have any neat facts most of my need facts are just burnt up like you guys already know most of them you know I mean like ducks have a curved corkscrew penis cashews are grown on a fruit you know things like that what's your go-to crazy fact that you try to wow people with I'm like wow I didn't know that that's twenty nine lives stupid cats have 929 this guy right here orange is a color and a fruit did you know the color orange was named after the fruit I still got more they're deep in there you just have to reach in there and stir it up a bit a horse's dick is longer than your arm my arm where everybody's arm there's probably a one out there that's a little small all right should I take my book does it matter where'd I even put that book I put it in here [Applause] the kittens have three penises heads but not three penises name spelled backwards is semen that's the one that we're supposed to get the achievement on and Ed is hard at work hard at work in the Isaac labs making sure that I don't get an achievement he's working hard that's I gotta give it to him as mad as I could be I gotta give it to him then he works really really hard to make sure I don't have fun he doesn't reek a job it sharks have a hem I Pinay or dual there's a man born with two of them that's a thing and now like 20 people right now are looking it up I didn't say to look it up don't look it up I just I know it's in a crash again you guys something happened probably like my dual shop refreshes or something in the game is like but I can't combination is something that I have right now that it doesn't like and it's not gonna let me it's not gonna let me do it you yeah well okay Bosman two months in a row Hut's you've gotten me through the loss of my brother and a little over a year ago so I a little over a year ago and I so I can't thank you enough for that thank you Hut's keep being awesome thank you fast man for the two months in a row I appreciate your support and hope everything always gets better I'm glad I could help friend the game is punishing me right now I can't use cheat codes that the mods aren't enabled you guys you know this you know this I can't use the cheats if I don't have mods on [Music] enable the mods ah man were first females in the womb you know they say that Chris but that's not necessarily true from what I heard because I've heard everyone say that and then someone came out and they're like it that's not necessarily true which is men you know you don't have a penis but you don't really have a vagina either it's kind of a mishmash of nothingness and then things develop kind of from uh you know kind of undistinguishable in general all right well you know I don't know what to do I don't know what I could possibly try to do here so that might just be the end of it we might have spent better part of two hours doing nothing doing literally nothing but I have a dick in the womb sea cucumbers at the largest penis proportion I didn't ask for penis facts you guys that wasn't a thing that happens all right let's see here I'm betting you rerun is not gonna be part of these like I made it I just don't know why you had to let me get all the way there and then [ __ ] block me you know what's the point [Music] I'm disappointed disappointed [Music] today's finish no it's upon starting your v upon starting your v real lab is when the magic happens what if I collected a bunch of items then then what would happen what if I got like missing no and I rear old everything missing no for the win I need it I need my missing no please dad hook me up [Music] are the doors locked again can we unlock the doors please Thanks missing they'll probably the only thing to get rid of all whatever items I had that are clashing start from a clean slate indoors box new I got nothing a lot of ideas D for D for D 100 missing no D for D 100 is that what we're working with we have prize bums Joker what do you got for me that's not it do we have pride bombs it looks like it yeah okay it's got potential [Music] go for another year I may be probably let's really knock it out of the park here let's try to find another yarrow and then maybe even a perthro the treatments are disabled for reruns confirmed also it's number three three seven so that way when you look you can know for sure okay cool sweet little havoc man all right we got our Yara her throw at the Burke [Music] d for please d for would definitely be did the nicest of rerolls I don't see [ __ ] [Music] I don't see it needs perthro one needs me some per throws who's got one for me that's another burka no you da uh-oh Oh dice shard that shuttle do what are all these in here put all these in here algae's algae's algae's a bunch of allergies is I can't see [ __ ] anymore good lord are we ready for this the wolf what's up it's funny how Adam got a second wife only for her to pull the same shenanigans Adam cool just a room full of algae's yeah I'm gonna use it d6 and like a per thrall in the go kind of works d-4d 100 missing no D for D 100 missing no you guys pay attention d 4 D 100 missing no before D 100 missing No [Music] Adam of the famous partnership Adam and Steve I totally know Adam and Steve [Music] I don't know it I try to look it up I didn't find anything still more like missing nope Allah Allah Allah this has to be an easy way to do this right guys right you need one D just one of them not even all of them hope is fading if the breakfast become overwhelming [Music] kind of lights you know pretty neat and stuff but I don't need it right now [Applause] [Music] can I get it though can I have it [Music] I just feel like I'm gonna miss it and you guys gonna yell at me we're not fully breakfasted yet still a little bit of hope I suppose holy mantle [Music] the about [ __ ] remember Cement aliens blessing Oh give me that D girl [ __ ] give me that D put it in my face with a little nut stuff guys come on WTF how many items really gotta go through to get it with single one of those three items Shmi off the fish Godhead hey but yeah you guys are saying that it was basically we're not gonna unlock Godhead well you know we tried Chino says it's disabled for rerun okay that's fine I'm not crying you crying nun their car batteries and no go sack heads sneaking back in there being all sneaky leg new bloodshot I just feel like maybe we passed it already maybe it's not in our item pool at all 20 20 uh quad shot 2020 we're getting special item now they're so special to me wish I didn't have to reroll them Diplo what have you done oh dear Lord manna now I came and see [ __ ] anymore no nope I know you're tired you guys I'm tired too do you 100 okay whoa reroll and the d4 and they both were like wait hold brothers dick dude dick sauce let's try it what do we even have whoa that's cool I like it it looks really cool but it also hurts me oh I died why wouldn't I die why wouldn't I go from 12 health to zero health duh I'm dee pouring all right now weird is something normal I'm getting that damage upgrade hold brothers hold now okay can I save it do you think I should say that you guys it's gonna crash if I save it but it might crash if I don't save it so what you know what do we do no save question here goes nothing will it crash if you save it it does it did before the saving was not working well here's to science to see if that actually does fix the the break you can't stop me ed you can't stop me you can try to stop me but no you can't you just can't there's no stopping me just gonna keep going you might get in my way but I will run you over sorry I got it can't you just you know they went from dark to light there I don't know what that was about but like I care I can't be stopped you reach level 27 as well oh it's the best day ever 27 on the road to 50 it's 15 the maximum right now he's having sex tonight oh yeah feels good look at that look how cool that looks all it looks real cool Fibonacci series alright guys
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 67,007
Rating: 4.8135047 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: uiQDgFhMHFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 56sec (9296 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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