Bumbo the WEIRD - Hutts Streams Legend of Bum-bo Ep6

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let's do one more you guys bumble the weird how many more left to bumble the dead and bumble the empty after that we'll follow the weird here we go what has he got when they kill they gain movement they he it puzzle flick magic marker our moves tile removes tile and throws them I don't that means puzzle flick does damage then if I remove Oh tile piece magic marker adds more of a selected tile [Music] all right called bomb watching sin Victor huts at the same time dddddd [Music] let's see yeah what do we got we want piss bones and teeth piss bones and teeth that's a lot of enemies for the first room here and look at our health good lord holy jay-z Cessnock goods that's really bad [Music] it's incredible I don't even have a move that I can do right off the bats garbage board man [Music] more of a selected tile yeah it kind of worked I guess maybe we can save our mana thankfully plus one movement because I killed them cool meat spicy set up a seven bone no I can't I got nothing do bones and teeth to kill the flies the game moves [Music] they're set up teas for next turn [Music] [Music] plus one move remove a tile and throw it if I was to remove something which tile would make most sense to remove this one down here [ __ ] genius might is that 3d image that's really good I could booger through that yeah like a booger again poop wall would be probably the best thing [Music] cool I have two moves left I've got way too many is that cuz they just did a turn do anything with that until I get a poop wall don't see a good way to get a poop wall do that and add more poop to my life wonderful Laureus shake this out do this it's not one of the right sets this one upper next turn not that I need double poop action but dip spitter six bone six bones not bad honestly because we would get the extra energy back but kind of mess that up now it's a little late for that don't you think more teeth and bones [Music] yeah [Music] the poop wall garetty era [Music] do that get two moves back add more what more teeth one that'd be nice let me just put it right there Schmidt so prime sub thank you so much my friend my Schmidt six Cecil 17 I don't see a way we could make we can probably figure it out but I'm not even sure that's necessary necessary necessary to drink my own urine rip health rate that still went through the the cloud even though it went above the cloud I'm fine with that but still [Music] remove what tile when and where set up a mech a mega bug next turn wait a second what get removed all of them tiles plural damn is that why they did five damn it has that it removed five bones my goodness that was good rerolls any tile look could be for one cost 20% chance to dodge next attack now that was brown belt all day all [ __ ] day yellow belt is like way worse than brown belt holy crap damage is based on what it removes like bones do more damage than poop or like five bones removed is more damage than three poop removal Friskies eight months is up thank you so much for the continued support now I just want to go for boogers [Music] be smarter to probably try to set up a seven to tier but I can't do that if there's a a bone or not - sorry of a southern bone but if there are three apart from each other you just can't do the seven what was brown belts block next attack that comes in and then repost [Music] boards it is garbage [Music] bone bone bone bone bone [Music] on a bone not much to do about it though every kill gives us another turn which is just great [Music] yeah really try to get through those putters in the back removes a tile and throws it maybe remove poop it's a five poopoo right here though let me hit that up first bullying me daddy get rid of the bones because the bones have been phenomenal bones and teeth right now we're making the world go around but yeah our piss has also been phenomenal rid of bugs just a lot of them and hope but something was gonna happen there set up a seventh bone oh yeah yeah yep-yep-yep yep-yep-yep maybe what if I did this and then also help me set up seven bone bite got an extra turn I mean it wouldn't really matter grants key yes it did did totally set up the seven bone that was amazing it's phenomenal sky skull come down it's rainin men hallelujah look at all this movement plus as I got did I get plus movement for shooting the poop I see that right [Music] it's got fricked [Music] and I need your advice my friends that are really bad word [Music] I got some teeth in there [Music] I got boned that's so funny if I remove the wild card and throw it what would happen no I didn't mean there's no the six are there that was kind of a waste wasn't it yeah whoops forgot that we were holding the puzzle piece when that thing went off my bee which bumble is this one this is bumble the weird and I'm liking it so far and a good time so far so much going on I just don't see something that's obvious here remove yeah remove something remove the poop we're gonna use blue for stuff [Music] bone bone bone what if we made more of these oh my god not that this is necessary in any way shape and or form but I'm so gonna do it kcd uh nine months in a row you making me hungry stop it 14 total nice swell [Music] get all my moves I got left this is fun I'm having a good time doesn't even matter what I do now just set some things up and go man just let her rip totally just try to set up some sort of like seven and two through something six bone seven bone even one to know how would even make that work that guy ain't going nowhere though so [ __ ] it I'm setting it up like this fly is gonna stop me yeah right one fly and this giant guy comes out he's like oh oh [ __ ] there's one fly I'm pretty sure that did say plus one move for shooting down the poop wall so maybe we should just keep that in mind you and enemies hurt more blind rage I don't want that wooden nickels [Music] Bombo versus people [Music] nickel for break wasn't it just like a 1 turn last time how did we get it to break so easily [Music] more bone [Music] well I did have a poop setup and then I [ __ ] it up I got a bone setup not gonna get any extra movement things here on bosses that don't spawn enemies this is gonna be our weak spot here we don't have any things well we said we had to throw tiles let's go hard for that then almost have a setup for a seven bone Nate 33 total fantastic jeez man's coming up on three years I've been through a lot since then and as have you and as them now it seems like I'm going to need to switch jobs but I know I can always come here and chill absolutely you're always welcome here good luck with that job thing be stressful seven tubes I mean can't you almost see it here I have to push them and come back and it's just to set it up for a fiver even a sixer oh Jesus so much for that because I'm gonna get the six teeth but then it's blocked anyways on all fronts it's not worth it to do today it's a waste because it's just more damage than I'm gonna do to one eyeball that doesn't even feel it bones would have been better to set up set up to seven then set up the easy seven well one and then move this over and then it's gonna be a next turn I would get it but I'm gonna take damage this turn and I can't really afford to take damage [Music] even it would stop that would be poop why not because for damage from the teeth isn't really even going to be that good for damn I mean it's still only gonna do one thing of damage to the back guy and it's gonna be like what for damage like I said it's not that good what I'm gonna instead do is try to set up my poop right now bugger bugger right there - what would I do remove I want to remove anything I just want to get a poop wall five bug I can't set that up with one turn you guys I'm not I'm you're two steps ahead of me where I'm already dead remove piss then you get the booger yeah but then I'm buggering the eyeball which doesn't help [Music] but then I could rear all some tiles and see if that could do something puzzle piece first okay puzzle piece first is good forgot about that then the book and then I can make that poop wall if I really wanted to I'd like to try to reroll this heart into a and more booger and then I could just reroll even more beyond that house [ __ ] lujah I'm actually gonna have one of these C's to attack move it down or just reroll go for broke it's not got eight charges on this thing I don't probably just to just take it burn the hand and all good bones set up for next turn unless I do it now [ __ ] now I mean now I mean now okay forget it hi balls attacking I told you that guy's got a next time above his head too so I'm not sure I think he's just maybe waiting on his attack if I smack it does it does it no longer want to attack me yeah that really [ __ ] backfired didn't it he's behind the poop wall now I guess it's kind of a positive thing not much else I can do though [Music] and I want to set up some piss I try to rear old us [Music] that's more of a selected tile we would like to look at all those bones baby and all the bones Wow I [ __ ] out my seven ball in the house damaged anywhere but there still is you know there's potential that I could still do a seven bone the seven bones own I could just pop the teeth right now - yeah no the seven bone is well I don't know you still would do pretty good damage on the boss seven bones like I don't see a seven bone set up as easily as a seven to set up all right seven bone I don't see a 70s I do see a seven bone you're right seven bonus I get the two mixed up teaser bones man bones aren't teeth but teeth are bones so shut up I can't do a seven right now it's gonna it's gonna blow I can't do it because I push this one up here I push this one down and this one down boom I got a four in a row right there and it's gone it's gone going for the teeth would be better than they could just pick up some tiles and just chuckle dude turns your bone now I know how many turns I have you guys it just it literally was impossible the way that it was set up it literally couldn't be done right I'm just gonna pick up the bone since there's so many well how could we pick up the poop there's more poop and we don't use poop for anything besides blocking [Music] like I'd like to set up some piss you can pick up more tiles and throw them [Music] I cannot believe we didn't get anything there yeah seven bones been said [Music] I am not seeing how we can seven bone oh yes I am just move the whole thing over we're so it's a damage though yeah are we gonna feel right about taking damage here on the right did that guy moved again a good setup for bones but that's literally 25% of our [ __ ] health that we can't do that we physically cannot handle that won't happen i Scott hit him with a bone now as shitty as that is can't handle 25% of our health gone this one's probably just best to waste it I want that guy to stay on their Lux trying to jump around anyways those welcome he didn't he didn't jump around cool when the damage from the seven bone has made a move though I had one turn and I needed two turns the two turns to seven bone you guys add more what he's coming at me real hard right now and I don't have the ability to do [ __ ] about it it's really open for a seven bone well if I hit him he's gonna move and then he's gonna hit me guaranteed so [ __ ] this whole thing said I made more poop probably [Music] these would be incredibly helpful [Music] another dad Fitness that's better [Music] potentially I still don't even want to throw these [Music] yeah maybe in this turn we can get through kill them what's the most common thing in our board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 teeth 3 4 5 I think that if I just grab the teeth I'll kill him [Music] buh bah-bah we did it see that's the day you guys you like go for the 17th it's worth it we would have taken 25 percent of our health gone it just just may gain more coins more green tiles well we don't use snot for anything more green tiles means less other tiles but may gain more coins sounds like [ __ ] isn't snot reroll reroll from snot snot is reroll more green for throwing I don't notice you guys talk about reroll snot reroll your spell oh yeah yeah I see what you're saying um hey I guess it's my response to that 30 coins puzzle damage yeah that's good our normal damage is 1 it's garbage maybe we just want even focus on that it all spell costless spell hurt more reroll spell costs cost less this costs a lot but so does this but this one even like let's make that 3 - ok I thought it was gonna do 2 - yeah [ __ ] jerk hurts more I used to save our for science honestly there was music in the shop zombie it's bugged it's bugged currently it's a bunch of sound effects and stuff for Lorne hollow lower the reroll spell to zero I couldn't said there was X's over it you guys it only allows you to pick certain spells for whatever reason [Music] Aaron can you ever almost set up a seven book [Music] i'ma set up a seven bug I went one down pushed it over one next turn you have to bring it up push it back and then you'd be able to bug and I think that'd be too late by that point [Music] I don't want to get to these ranged units but this guy's so close boom-boom-boom-boom supposed to reroll something what would i reroll and we're pretty get a bone out of it imagine a free rear all the tile unlimited game one easy yeah was it didn't allow me to do that so bone up top his bone disappear [Music] reroll for piss Oh do this bottom last bug to pee here I don't have any moves left you guys I should try to get something that gives me a move this will give me more moves if I could just get this to be a bone then I would kill that guy and get another move on top of that which you know my opinion would be a better move okay [ __ ] anything I want salgan two months insert money receive emotes Sabra Sabra sabra is a type of hummus what should we add more of more bone at 7:00 bone I have to go for it I can't go for it I can't hit it right now I can five bone though two hits is not acceptable who it's is not acceptable [Music] more wild oh you're right I should've done more wild time to think about that do another plugger [Music] still leaves me my five option [Music] it's going to book at the back though [Music] No [Music] do-do-do-do-do looky here six bone I'm not seeing a six bone reroll four seven bone more wild like we're all of this we're all this may be one of these two [Music] I'd have to get both of them that's a real roll both of them on four turns to both bones I think I should just take what I got my five [Music] we had double puzzle damage now a member take the energy or take the bone or take the poop they get a rear roll maybe before we mess things up [Music] dude come on you're such a dick [Music] remove styles and thrills them [Music] I don't see a way I could set something up currently by doing that adds more bone probably I feel like I just need to do a poop play to get the to block the guy and the rights maybe I should just take my free bone here kill that guy right more teeth [Music] good pickup I'll give you a five poop here that's that's good you see I need to block all damage just period that's like the most important thing it might seem like the most important thing is to kill them most important thing is to block damage period and the story yeah [Music] keep removing some [ __ ] more teeth then throw them I mean it does enough damage to kill any one of them anyway so there's no reason to really add more of them and I could set up a seven - so now there's a five tooth Dorothy Mantooth more energy though I had more teeth and more teeth there's my seven tooth Oh but I keep calling bones teeth teeth bones [ __ ] it dude ah whatever oh and those are bones the MAL i've been streaming for how long now y'all can shut up but I'm sorry you're right that's annoying holds an enemy close no splash damage attack yes Paul's enemy close got a [ __ ] [Music] he spits out booters and gas clouds these guys arranged attacks [Music] I think it you do a double bone and put play right now that's good pretty good poop the right or ball on the right loop deluxe directions whatever overrated I say go for teeth getting a free kill it is free right because of the fact that I can just get the energy back after I kill him so yeah as a poop wall-eyed I still got the energy back by killing the poop wall thank God bone the wilds I'm thinking using the wild for energy [Music] remove the tile and Rosa should just use that currently on snot shut up dirty pop sick and tired of hearing miss Bianca how about all teeth the bones but not all bones teeth rattle me bones all right I'm just like I'm fading in out of consciousness right now this happens every time I get like way too invested into a game right it just like let's take a step back like wait what's happening poop so we go for a seven piss or something like that how does that's tired yeah this is true bones and teeth to be amazing to have I don't see a way to set that up teeth right now yeah good fisher ducks are the exception [Music] she turned me into a newt I know better [Music] selected type [Music] I don't want a poop wall right now [Music] that's a pretty good poop wall Splash Damage attack I got to try it you guys it's my only poop man a thing too it's phenomenal [Music] and obviously does one damage but you know if it was a group of enemies great and grape yeah which the poop had a cool seven animation to that sort of save why does the bone have this amazing thing happened the teeth is like and then like the snots big snot wave then you get the seven piss and it's like yeah I'm a little battery no one cares guys I kind of want to just [ __ ] with energy right now he's dead it doesn't matter we're moving on I need Mountain some help I need a way to get health or something cuz there's gonna be just one turn there's anyone turn on one level where it's like aw crap I can't do anything it's for damage like right up the booty hole I got such bad starting things man but coming up hook a brother up abuse add more hearts big booty to tea they killed the puzzle guy immediately really like the tapeworms we're not too bad but I thought oh wow set up myself for some ball are some teeth next turn probably a for poo has a far pool here now like a teeth first whoo and then we got some books as well on deck [Music] pick something up and throw it energy we can just throw the bugs too we really don't even use the bugs like ever [Music] Dayoung that energy to movements right there another one [Music] we can hit this guy in the back we can totally smack him up want more bones we can get a double duty going on here with anything I said beauty don't hit the crunch up tape where I'm I don't trust it and you just miss I'm just gonna smack him down oh no [ __ ] loud remove the poop add more of the poop and then remove them I should kill them well boom-boom-boom maybe I shouldn't moves to poop though because the poop is literally the only thing that I can do currently it's the only thing I do we add more bug and then we go for the bug it almost do a seven bug we did a seven bug we'd have a lot of rerolls if we did a lot of rerolls we could potentially try to go for a seven hearts what if we did that what if we busted the game again [Music] chance can't seven book because of that booger right there they move it out of the way [Music] to get two turns I might end up killing him anyway so it doesn't really didn't matter no way around it yeah capito it's up trap doors skip the next chapter what I would miss out on a lot of money wouldn't I move a tile column one down better use for our bugs who is the real shy gal there's one there's the but I'm pretty sure the way that loads in I was able to see that was the middle one t13 666 ello good sir your content has held me through fairly dark times over the past two years I can't express how much I appreciate what you do thank you jetty huts thanks for the support friend you are very welcome glad to do it [Music] sure it's just this one but maybe we should bug out the ones on the side while we wait move a tile column one down okay so does that mean it ripped it like a race as a whole column because you could literally just say it erases a column no I mean better luck for orangey tiles and I don't know what luck does maybe I should just smack them in the face that our teeth are but bones had said that it isn't completely random [Music] that's the real one we should just not even have to worry about the other ones at the moment got cosets tomorrow so I'm gonna call it a night see a Drake on I just I don't know what move at I'll call him one down is pick a tile to move down Oh tile column and does it just pop out the bottom one then I don't know I don't see a spot where it would even benefit me to do that I actually see a spot where we can almost get a seven teeth going on [Music] and by almost I mean we're getting a seven teeth going on wait a second that was supposed to drop down what it didn't drop the appropriate next down and now they just resets excuse me [Music] still doing it though [ __ ] can't afford to take any damage [Music] just lockdown I know I know I know it's just what's gonna happen now plus two movements that's good [Music] should we start focusing on poop holes and hitting her so she doesn't reset with much more bug yeah [Music] book her up so she doesn't move yeah keep her there [Music] that was weird though how it didn't really appropriately bring down the next tile when I was moving at I'll call him down let's threw me for a loop oh wait if okay did you see did anyone tell what if I bring it down one and it puts the bottom on the top is that what it did did anyone see it because then I could totally abuse that tactic and I could get down and make some like six or seven piss that's what it did yes yes it is okay all right seven piss if I move this over like this does that help me in any way you get a six piss [Music] one down first [Music] that's going [Music] move the towel calm down what am i doing in my life think I'm doing this right and if I did this let's stop there move it down and then move it up I can gain more coins yeah this bones poo get a sixth piss sounds like a medical issue out of context [Music] I'm gonna get a curse Oh from ya hurting the shy guys honestly buggers are possibly turning into my favorite now to make more curse I just gotta know at what happens kidding no I don't like [ __ ] hell I do I have needs need more bones so that we can keep removing the tiles and throwing them that's our biggest damage so biggest damage play [Music] I can remove the curses they're just not that plentiful the moments of something else said it was what will help all he's done he/she is the she right there was actually said that [Music] I want to I want a 17th but to finish it off maybe we could uh that work do anything that do anything for you die you [ __ ] it [Music] I like how it still tells me plus one move at the end there heal on room clear he'll what though if we take damage we're just dead items may gain charges that's just more money I'll take the heal living is top most importance spells hurt more more re-roll or else we'll cost I don't like that give me some health please why is there double damage on there why can't we have double health more movements oh yes good I'm almost thinking playing this guy for her soul hearts nah my movements good it's very good I don't care about spell damage Paul's a Belial moment best at its it's up there possibly the best you're right now there we have three delicious once again terrible board is that because we have poor luck I wonder if like you said Ed said it wasn't completely random it would make sense that as this character we're getting such garbage start boards because the fact that we have zero luck could be these are all puzzle damage Hammett's will we have to puzzle damage so it's not the worst but it's probably some stat when when the bore is generated it'll generate it has a higher chance of generating two different mana types next to each other or even three in rows if you have a higher luck stat put money on it if I hit the poop I get an extra turn worth them apparently I don't get an extra turn because I didn't fully kill it I don't [ __ ] know Seamus or 19 months this games all the place [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] the more boogerman 'you have the less boogers will spawn on the board [Music] Bonz get ready good bones besides maybe this [Music] was there really no better way to put the bones on the board like you could have put on their name that's the most inconvenient way that you could have done that right there it looks like there's a lot going on but there's nothing going on [Music] you can move some columns down and set some [ __ ] up good good poop setup Splash Damage is spell hey that times to splash a double damage splash attack is good booger splatter is such a gross sounds [Music] yeah the moment I land throw them what would I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] since I can't even do the splash attack throw where [Music] I'm not sure what this contest spell damage or not probably this spell damage yep didn't matter and turn and move something I have one more to go as I see nothing set myself up for next turn maybe [Music] good man could have broken the poop [Music] maybe [Music] maybe my droid keep slowing them down and cock-blocking Emma it's gonna be not too bad seven bone [Music] [Applause] ez5 bone I can't do a seven bone because of the way it's set up you a six bones yeah I can do a six bone no I can't because the second I pull it over it's gonna wrap around five take my three five [Music] add more bone now it's totally so uh they went back actually to normal [Music] I can move the bone over and then drop it into place [Music] [Applause] [Music] - shut up yeah scroll move scroll we're killing it right now I just need some freaking help add more of what [Music] get rid of the poop [Music] get rid of the teeth but teeth are good boogers things a lot of boogers but boogers have been incredibly helpful Ashley thinking I add more more books I add more of them [Music] I'm crazy [Music] you [ __ ] it that could have been a seven [Music] still could be [Music] see you bug again well that bug man we can just start toss and bones could we get a 7 ball 7 bonus [Applause] [ __ ] bleh [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop and he's already dead [Music] just get an EZ six [Music] Bob of lucky your reroll maybe [Music] doesn't matter it's dead [Music] should've gone I said just kept it going you guys so that I could pull off of freaking soul hearts gotta want it more you and enemies hurt more not a fan doctor kills you on attack that kills you on kills both are bad I don't want either one of them [Music] this is the last floor right so gaining coins isn't his meaningless maniac 9:34 total glad to see her still gon strong from tryin which is surprising considering I got what like six five hours sleep you guys like I normally get four hours of sleep [Music] everyone Phyllis these guys are mean the all the ghosts find it too not good not good [Music] not going to be a fun room [Music] [Applause] double damage splash attack though would do wonders I did like nothing what the hell does that even do [Music] [Music] oh you're going to do that heels I throw at him anyways in the [ __ ] manner [Music] no not even a poop dropped [Music] we roll one last time you're a dear you'll [ __ ] new styles and throws them and we'll need to do that I wanted to keep the poop lined up [Music] and they wanted to get the food lined up I cannot believe that that didn't get food lined up I just wanted to just do it and close my eyes should have bugged the guy in the right to extra movement which is nice anyway I can get the poop at this time I need six poop for that spell to take out one of those ghosts I'm not I'm not seeing it [Music] let's take the energy [Music] [Applause] add more poo at this point in time we should just forget about the poo I mean we're doing so well without the poop add poop fine it's not what I wanted hoop is still important though everybody poops in fact you just do this now and get another poop oh well well well [Music] but it did to damage he they but I took two of my movements and this guy's gonna get double movement that's such a dick cursed me too poophead a big pile of poo head it had to pick him first and it didn't splash to the ghost he gets his health back anyway it's none of this even matters ghosts are gonna do something [Music] I have nothing and we're looking so nice before [Music] or an angry little turd bone ghosts sing about throwing it's too with his way but bones probably better because then I get the spell charged up [Music] I don't understand how it doesn't do to damage [Music] [Applause] [Music] if I remove the curses I remove the poop we'll get a bone or a tooth [Music] we got his health back immediately it wasn't even his turn those sake half damage [Music] as the coin gains MEC not actually broken was it just a lucky thing on that run I uh oh I don't know let's ask ad and even then he might feel like bucket I knew it was gonna be busted I mean he's like I said he's done this before so let's just add more curse and then throw him I'm actually thinking about doing that but let's be reasonable people here and add more boogers and then throw those Booker's so I can kill this guy outright [Music] no but I'd lurk sir livestreams I think he's all the place [Music] I sound quiet because I feel like I'm talking really quiet and I feel like the game volume is pretty loud vini stream last night heads in here half in your game right now just hearing me just smash just get all [ __ ] pissed about it seems fine to me sounds great cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a lot of stuff going on right there makes me very uncomfortable [Music] we help on all of them too some double damage splash attacks oh Jesus some of them are only spell damage it's a 50/50 mix [Applause] [Music] set up a seven tooth [Music] could we even sup squat you were just here in a way call me crazy both of my movements on boogers if this guy keeps glitching out that's bothering me now stop stop moving like that now Tyl movements to set up so close to a seven tooth one two three four five I can do it I can do it I can do it but seven to do it's gonna kill the flying things it's a good start it's a good start reroll for teeths now what i'm gonna do is try set up to seven tooth [Applause] [Music] they get double movements the blue guys need double movement sucks you're stupid so some of them will die those look at all the moves I got now right [Music] set up the poop for Splash Damage tax [Music] OOP flash exactly that's exactly what I'm thinking diminishing damage though [Music] name our buggers honestly he says literally we'll take damage from this move here I don't know though the discount Asst it did kind of spell damage I think when we tested I'm trying to remember it was one way or the other and I think that this one counted as spell damage cuz it was a spell so we just need bones but if I could go ahead and get energy then I could add more bones to the mix set myself up kind of at the bones maybe possibly I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] good there so close to double bone that would have been amazing we add more bone first look at that so close to being like amazing stuff [Music] okay has he broken it yet [Music] sweet summer child [Music] we just use that wildcard to get more bones I want the boogers I want the boogers I need the bones I need the teeth on anymore poop what's the odd man out piss that's like to piss [Music] [Applause] Stewart orders five damage I need the teeth for this the spell that I just used buggers would be amazing to to just get some free movement of this for the [ __ ] the stuff and things we tried the wild flick what's the wild flick we have enough teeth too honestly that we could probably form of the teeth the time being [Applause] lack of poop is discerning [Applause] you do a six poof right here seven you can do seven poop [Music] no one's missed on me extra movement as well pop a boner pop bone bonus spell its bone spell I said bone spell you heard me wrong [Music] Oh [Music] weird Bumbo alright one nickel gained 180 coins we literally already had that knife through it paper straw gained mana equals two most common tile I don't know what that means well we don't need the coins that's a fact attack that heals you on kills we have not used them probably will not use that I forgot it even existed gain mana type of the most common tile you have I mean yeah it's just kind of weird sänger again spawns are invincible you'd go for a six boner energy play would probably be this artists check this weird thing out yeah what if I did this and then I did this right that was to mood it's a lot [ __ ] was that noise that scared the what the [ __ ] was that in part of the game it was the ghost fart no I'm serious did something just like say something the game cuz it's I swear to God somebody said something right next to me in the doorway somebody said something in the [ __ ] doorway right there there's nobody in my house there's nobody in my house somebody just [ __ ] said something yeah I'm checking the lock [Music] [Music] hello [ __ ] way - no no no like I heard noise too so it was weird cuz I've been hearing noises over there all [ __ ] night and I'm like remember I even said something I was like sounds like someone's here wasted the damage here just get that but whatever [Music] let's go for energy haunted stream how many of these do we have one to get almost get a seven you're almost go seven look can't get a free five though better just get a paid six probably [ __ ] weird dude I was so weird it was like somebody said something in my ear on the right side like my speakers are way up there I heard a noise like someone was in my house and I heard something that's just [ __ ] weird stop just stop probably go for a poop grab right now but we don't want to splash damage attack no one cares about that we want teeth so use this spell and then we could just grab the poop and throw it the sound like someone said hey I don't know what it sounded like well I swear to God I need to listen to the stream back just as like see if something happens some sound effect probably just Jeff my chair finally alive [Music] this is the boss that insta killed me boy yeah he's got like 13 moves honestly we should be concerned about making a poop shield can almost seven poop we wouldn't need to seven poop but six poop is phenomenal and we could do that for free that'll that'll keep him busy for a while especially if we keep calming them up this is doable this is very doable until he pulls something straight out of his ass I saved this play here for when his hearts showing that's gonna be our main damage as more of select tile I'm really liking I'm liking the booger to keep hooked up I am also liking the energy that we're getting from the yellow tiles and then it just allows us to use this spell more frequently [ __ ] that dude I'm just like mouse pooped and [ __ ] it takes a lot to spook me out like someone saying something in my doorway and then having it be nobody when my house is supposed to be empty Utz needs to sleep soon what am I even doing right now endlessly trying to set up energy for no reason I don't even know why I did that no idea oh that's right he cursed his people to changes your board this is a douche what's the thing that we have most of probably energy grim reaper csgo MLP prime sub thank you so much my friend welcome Grim Reaper says spoopy it's [ __ ] don't talk about it [Music] my damages good boop wall is still up so there's no reason to go for more poop we honestly probably should have just grabbed the poop instead of the energy because we don't meet the poop stupid splash tag - is that push them back okay we could use it that way it's fine with me a bunch of moves not really anything to do besides weights gum I'm up smart smart house is smart dupa dupa dupa dupa it save the column tile down thing I might even want to set up another gum I set up bones for next turn actually like that you do it now no need to do it now but no I don't want to hit him with a bone in the heart that's just dumb waste he didn't [ __ ] it up so good on him I was gonna set at the bones immediately I think I was gonna throw the bones aside I don't know though because I want to hit him backwards but I think I'm gonna have my thing my spell ready to go right yes spell is ready we were talking about doing the poops anything else we can do in the time in the meantime I don't want to use up the rest of my bones doing that go for damage seven bowen seven bone will be pointless sirs I don't think it would all I don't think anybody would hit him anymore our bone mana curve teeth whatever [Music] free gum to back them up I'd like to get some of that energy one two three four I could do it once before I do para thumb war [Music] it's set up something more important next turn to I just set up the bone play boss hasn't even attacked yet nah cuz the boss sucks way too easy oops I missed that says this grab your stupid curses yeah throw it back at him bro no hit run hype could we get some good piss play it's not what you're into this play and it set up some good piss play [Music] trying to think like how could I do this while also being a super genius bill 666 dang I've heard of piss-poor performance but not professional piss performance bill fancy I just let this play guys during the beat boys and free my piss [Music] not exactly sure what I'm doing if I'm being completely honest with you [Music] I just need to move that all to hell I heard we could do some naughty things he's gonna attack though so we failed miserably he's gonna curse he's probably gonna [ __ ] the whole thing he got really mad [Music] yeah the totally wicked seven bone is it worth it just grab the bone and kill teeth whatever goddamn it you guys the whole night the whole night bones or teeth and teeth or bones noticing that the word all Oh what down there bamboo think before more better trash even more bigger coin it mystery with no sinking fumble no open tiny door and slow Bumbo down into the unknown depths below basement unlocked alright we're overlapping we're gonna meet Isaac well he to Taylor hunter bits GG no-hitter I had no health I had no high yet that's how he had to do it might as well be the lost [Music] Ethan bola Pinker coin wonderful
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 28,615
Rating: 4.8930483 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: lMFQjniXf3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 25sec (5065 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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