Infinite Money Build - Hutts Streams Legend of Bum-bo

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bumbo the brave and then let's just like continue to play I'm assuming that the more we play it mor we unlock unless I have to play it as stout in order to get the next guy but I don't know that you guys know how to unlock more stuff all right we roll the puzzle board and the Bumbo smash good old meat and potatoes you have to play a stout yeah you do characters unlocks by previous character all right well let's just do a fun run then so I don't like losing my frickin minds let me get 17th it's always the question [Music] we get seven bone [Music] it could but it might not be pretty might not be to Purdy there [Music] buggers not gonna do much to stop that onslaught take a break from getting bones [Music] set up this pool wall Loida borings +12 noida still gonna attack though [Music] [Music] ah not seeing Ali come out of this one [Music] we went too hard for the the seven bone there we go enjoy the rest your streams see you guys here too hard I think [Music] am I even doing currently this point in time we could just totally well just bump this over get that for free Wow oh he Doakes he missed my subsidy refer there first with a prime sub but was I gone was layaway or as I just way too focused thanks to prime sup friend out uncensored content also asks I've been waiting for you to play this game do you think this game is worth what it is hard to say at the moment I'm having a good time though certainly enjoying myself Bombo smash I could have been done had I just done that differently it doesn't matter we had enough mana we were loaded on that one removes the tile and all adjacent miss bang blocks next attack Plus attacks so I attack them and block the next attack playing with stout No [Music] weird feeling from the graphics looks really weird to me makes me uncomfortable gotta go bye let's try brown belt maybe block and counter it might be a counter-attack a repost of sorts I'm so focused now on just solely finding sevens seven in a row like seven books its sight up to I feel like it's not healthy it's definitely not healthy for how I do the board anymore [Music] we can almost do like a seven vote but they're in the wrong spots [Music] No next attack and hurts back so one of these guys is gonna jump into me and I'll block it the other one we're gonna have to do something more creative booger poo I don't see a way to get more poo [Music] to do doing [Music] bones are safe play I just can't hit through that thing this bumbles smashed one of these guys [Music] there we go six damaged back you're kidding me that's a lot that's good though all right four for boogers and we're not using boogers for anything else [Music] [Music] maybe set myself up for bugs next turn [Music] brown belt Opie double bug don't really need to do it what if it carries over for next turn though would that be sick bro finish him off with a twofers I hope I get the seven cursed achievement once once at eat achievements tide I don't know why he we just said anything a little bit [Music] myself upper bones we can reroll the puzzle board I already forgot about that Titan what's up just here enjoying the bumbo [Music] only one bowling ball get a free booger or we can set ourself up for six bone [Music] and concern our cellphone for six go on ken Murray I don't even know if we can set ourself up or six bone [Music] [Music] my guy [ __ ] it up already you know I think we're [ __ ] Isak 3d wolf got us five months it's up it's a bump up in the humbo because we hear Dumbo's hill face also asked does your chain hang low that's a bum bow to and fro can you tie it in a knot can you tie it in a bow I'm not sure what I was hoping to have happen there with that I think we can all agree that whatever it was it didn't happen nothing giving up on my dreams I should just count hard I'm gonna take damn to die the way she gon harden the [ __ ] bone the seven bone dream [Music] [Music] okay locked everything because I'm a genius teeth isn't gonna solve much it rewrote the puzzle board though may be worth it to clear the poop wall I don't know go for bugs and brown belts bulbs foam but I can't not at the moment it's notebook play say I'm just really good spin on my microphone that's how good I am that's gonna hit the wall [Music] that's blocked that stopped he's gonna hit me and then die miserably and I can bone next turn immediately with a bum bow smash on top bruh this is a lot like you guys this seems like it's a lot like dicey dungeons where it's like there's always a way to figure it out there's always something you can do free to fur brown belt seems broken seems pretty good it's not cheap by any means we're also getting incredibly lucky right now with our rolls you guys we probably have been dead otherwise there's the host you guys wouldn't it'll gain one or two coins or gain plus one lock for the room I don't know what lock does I still don't know what that status following out David I see dungeons the Duke find coins sway it what over here just just give me them or just do something active with this so if I punch them I don't remember if that caused him to spit out enemies I'm not I don't think that was the case block next attack I wonder if did we are to use it as such to block is it only on the next turn or is it just like a perma block I don't know I want more boogers when Nikhil and get energy cost down and go for the coin break again [Music] [Music] crave more booger father [Music] I also crave a seven bone try to set it up especially with that wild card but yeah why'd you put your hat down I can't see you it's my Sarge my Charmander Sarge charizard Sarge char Sarge disart duh duh dance dream on poop poop is probably good play what else was I thinking about doing I've seen about doing that nothing that's better you can't see these nuts just loving those jokes huh bored shuffle here's hurts and potential [Music] can't seven bone with this setup did one bone get rid of the fly Bumbo smash we need this guy to shrink in size ladies no pants dance and to scrub my hands and do the scrub my hands dance [Music] so are we still blocking the next attack I don't know I don't know these things if we just kept stacking boogers and kept stacking our brown belt science is white stasis might be how we have to handle it just bone there's a bone detention we're gonna keep it [Music] kill the flies crowd control probably [Music] but most fish [Music] hoop next turn I wouldn't mind that I want him to attack me I just like I want him to come at me now that I got double brown belts potential to bone Lutie huts is lewd better than new yachts see if I block it though he's not gonna be able to attack [Music] let that be nice it is luck affected neat like how well it shuffled the board we may be sick bruh as a triple block if I'm seeing that correctly which is just it's just I'm invincible you know that doesn't seem right I would assume that it would just be for the next attack coming in that turn and it wouldn't just be persistent [Music] and much to do here or teeth for rear rolling would be nice I could set myself up can't really even set myself up [Music] nothing matters if I just can tank everything [Music] some real bob's this time around is this the game soundtrack it is the game soundtrack it's ridiculous I sick soundtrack [Music] and just finish him can we just be done the bone bone probably [Music] Bob the dawn baby [Music] plunger more Brown tiles or may gain wilds on kills um poop is is good it's not better but just what if we had like more brown tiles which means this more matches in general possible seven poops gain wilds on kills could be good but it's only a May and what if there's only one enemy right I'm gonna try the plunger I don't know how strong it is maybe it doesn't even add that much take Z finger this is too late puzzle damage I'm totally good with that too damaged for bones and teeth now spells charge less reroll spell spells cost less here we could do a cheaper bumble smash or a cheaper this thing let's do it cheaper this thing and a charge needle charge less game one two coins per yeah more money one money more pitches mo problems 5 subs gifted from nerd to Darth salad bar to Anna core oh maybe possibly too tacky to master chrome and gray Ragnarok welcome you guys fantastic work nerd appreciate that of course absolutely you know that's a lot of brown tiles he's gonna go ahead and say it [Music] to be back zebra bumbles mash look at that remember I'm like maybe we should get the plunger for seven in a row could happen you never know [Music] bom-bom-bom bom-bom boom boom boom while is perhaps to some more versatile in rooms of many small enemies bosses with lots of ads is love though I'm sure they're both amazing sure they're both amazing and this one more brown tiles probably means less bug tiles which is not ideal but will survive [Music] double black belting again not even necessary I've got so much poop walls protecting me [Music] but to do to bow [Music] it seems like he still has the brown belt on when it zoomed out I did not set that up very well [Music] like an extra turn just to get this done mind me okay immediately do a six let's go for seven seven to gold and glader golden glider two months it's up I like this I'm having a good time attack a row 50% of blinding enemies we're not easily pissed for anything so I want to say blinding enemies better than attacking a row because that's using our boogers and our boogers better spent on the other thing maybe CAD prime stuff welcome friend Oh appreciate you [Music] what are they got going on here gotta kill them with puzzle damage watch this [Music] blowing it up that plus the double puzzle damage amazing now we can smash this guy but up [Music] pretty good is this now and we get a free turn and we have to blind the enemies which it did not cool appreciate that 3:7 it no.8 bid ferret three months nice hats thank you nice three months [Music] how much I missed this is Edie Oh lots of stuff breaking the game is that [Music] [Music] it says EDM and I'm like there we go blinding them both that you read wait ed ed we uploaded on huts to dem shades yeah it shows you when they're blinded oh why did I do that we know that they can't be hurt by that because the puzzle on his head what does it blinding even do it [Music] blinds them I don't know is the same thing as a bugger is it stun them does it maybe make such light they can't attack was it it's only been subs one month five teeth sisty fighting [Music] me says that M I think that answers my question do you you or these now blind him look at that free turns free blinds I wish I could get free blinds blinds are expensive did we hit a seven Pooh not the edge and it really is and he's like wait no could we 7 bone right now could we 7 bone [Music] yeah totally not me totally not me behind you I'll be asking the questions old man one two three four five six seven we have to use them all but I went this and then shoved it over it would just be you know terrible position [Music] and I said I don't like that at all we got time though I got time if we wanted to try to make that work or we could just focus harder on boogers [Music] I'm not even sure who attack here [Music] Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom so many bones just hanging out we're gonna take damage [Music] you do a poop butt bone pooper bone bone [Music] those guys tie until you get all of them tell you dead in all of them brown belt this guy because that wasn't was that the next turn I don't remember if I did that in the previous turn her not cool Diglett spider snack shack what's up twenty nine months black I saw could we seven poop [Music] somebody stopped me [Music] did you do do do let's see here losing sight of what's important what's important here is just getting bones you guys this my shades brah [Music] method for damage what would that do for damage maybe it does extra damage if they're blinded by the light rep like a douche in the room in the night was it a crit is that what luck does oh I don't know and block that with the poop we know that now shuffle the board I haven't got someplace that's a big poop cloud though what if it does double damage No earlier taxed at I only have two puzzle attack it did for damage to double convert arts into soul hearts cat paw like these these I don't know what that means rerolls a column of tiles block d12 it's cheap I I that doesn't sound like a good idea it was a critical if it like empties a red heart it leaves an empty so I could feel it maybe but I'm just not I'm not feeling it it's too risky dusk high damage scares them never seen this guy before in my life good we 7 booger though by the paw for science lose for science [Music] um both make beds [Music] we roll a column would I could I should I he's got four turns does either we're on the puzzle board [Music] I've seen his shades and I don't think I blinded him I still not I'm not totally sure what blinding does he caught me I have no idea what if we sat in bone [Music] how difficult would that be the seven bone [Music] but with this up next turn it would be this down and it over and then RB down and I would take too many turns I think just I don't know three solos for one read though three sources a lot in this game you have a maximum of six health that would just almost cap you out for one charge I think we just don't understand what it does I feel like maybe you would use it and it would empty a red heart give you one soul art for it or something like that otherwise it's just it's ridiculous I was able to I got an idea set myself up good for the next turn [Music] that was four turns and ferns [Music] liddie any health back [Music] doomed I cannot aw what he stopped me from doing this thing brown belts did I brown belt in the beginning not cool bro I'm not even sure I can blind in line that doesn't seem like it's even gonna take effect ever [Music] press D I'm not pressing D guys and not with the DS these nuts in before clock he's going down [Music] seven bone row - next turn everybody just shuffles it what if we shuffled it and got a seven bone in a row [Music] almost mad and [Music] I'm gonna continue trying to blind them I just don't think it's the work I got to do a lot of damage to him to push him backwards [Music] which means Bombo smash [Music] which drama is happening real [Music] do be doomed a different thing now I can't reroll the board yet douche [Music] I've blocked every one of his hits though clutch the lodge [Music] I just blocked the next attack he's dead right the next two attacks you're screwed mister [Music] and then what seven bone I coldly don't need to go for a seventh or [Music] he's screw dude the brown belt is this good [Music] Ron Pelt is good remove curse tiles or copy a trinket uh if we copied a trinket we'd have double the brown what's the one that means I can use it once probably got this game soft lock twice already people keep saying that I haven't experienced it but one use probably I mean I only need to use it once I'd have two trinkets right it's that's fine but I don't even know if the double plunger would stack modeling clay is a single use in four souls at least more brown I'm thinking just for the it'd be funny double stats I don't know these are really good if we can do these reroll spoke no spells charge less I don't know that what would that mean if it was zero for science for science puzzle damage regular damage Bombo smash up good health would have been nice 20 coins would have been sexy I don't need anything else zero is each turn that would be amazing thermos all right left right or middle chat can't divide by zero game crashes this is how you softlock it he brings everything middle left middle left middle left left middle middle middle opposite of chat a soul art phenomenal one more free spells at low HP that could be fun let's go left another soul heart [ __ ] yeah good I had a good time you guys have a good time halls of Belial is this the final round this is the third stage I feel like we haven't been playing for that long have we killing it with this there we go two plungers I clicked on it well well well Wow a lot of intimidating enemies in here spooky sounds stuff Arnall was ranged and who's not ranged oh my god I broke it Oh No Oh God look at my money look at my money on the top laughs look at my money put that up up but up up Bob put it up up up up up up up [Music] remember all that work that we put in last time you guys to get all the money and then we find this there's got to be a max number right good thing I've got motor finger [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no shop rib ah you're right there's no more shop just like last time we're on the last floor you're such a cock-blocker why does God hate me [Music] you get a shop card [Music] I wanna see if $9.99 is the max all right we can get there just just be patient with me this is why we literally why you guys watched me all right I'm gonna hear you complaining why is my chaos card in the wall I'm not complaining I'm laughing look at the number it's like door Ottawa code 2105 plus for more murder [Music] all right I got a know of nine nine nine nine is the max [Music] I'm knockin I would like to do it but y'all are gonna point watch me die now - I did nothing how about if I smash him now eight damage damage that's not annoying [Applause] well well well when we will when we will make the UI dance what's up no idea what that is I don't know if I want to know what that is if I hit that that's gonna like hurt me right I'm gonna find out well that guys see some enraged I need to take him out probably pretty quickly couple more of these for good measure bugs probably bugs first well I want to get the extra turn to make a blind man I can bug look at how stupid he looks to the glasses on I love it that probably popped it [Music] set up for seven greens his dance that I ripped it didn't I [Music] yeah do some poop [Music] if I move this over and then this up because I'm a barking genius this guy looks like he's just gonna hurt me through the fire and flames I'm not sure what he's gonna do but it's not gonna be good I can already tell [Applause] [Music] it's set myself up for multiple booths more coins any more coins right now thank you [ __ ] it fives good enough and to stop him now before he does something regrettable 7 pool here I can set up for seven all the time that but do I want to see or sir claims thank you [Music] Scelzi bread I don't know if that bubbles coming from this guy cuz this guy CDs been gummed up beat he literally can't do the stuff question is though seven bone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well I see now he's gonna hurt me [Music] now I have I've got like 17 brown belts who we kidding I could not have more brown belts Oh spicy guy get [ __ ] by my bones just one guy this skull comes down from the heavens he's like I'm cured oh wait what there's just one guy what the hell dude oh good money I needed it real bad pain yellow mana no it's front-row enemies Plus push bumbo smashes better saxy asparagus 11 months what is up welcome back whatever I don't gonna be easy but as a chance [Music] in our clients place thank you [Music] BRR BRR BRR boobity boo boo we do spoof rid of that guy cuz he was enraged well most smashed one of these guys to get him dead eight damaged bro your points read next on board for more info [Music] more info what do you mean those are the next items to drop on the grid yeah these ones are coming down I really wished it was five hi the fact that you can only make four tall sucks [Music] bubbles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well potential for say seven poop but not really [Applause] [Music] let's want to shuffle the board up man this garbage I don't like this at all [Music] only I could use my money to buy help [Music] one poop isn't gonna make a difference [Music] I got nothing [ __ ] thing set myself up for teeth the next turn throw coins Adam [Music] [Applause] [Music] pauley hi olli [ __ ] money for a money break $200 thank you so much Paulie i ollie goodness gracious well I was tired Skippy also asked how do you feel possibly being the first to break the game so fast feels pretty good feels like home [Music] we're going straight shiny putting hats on here goes it's your fault [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we go little Snorlax on top of that just for you it's been a while since we've had towered it's been a while cuz it's been a while since I saw ya thank you so much my friend I was incredibly generous probably gonna pop right did not do any damage to him no structural damage [Music] a poly hide I was [ __ ] awesome [Music] moldy unicorn hat when actually I got the the ants out of it dude we're we're just gonna die here we're losing our soul arts this is not good this guy's gonna hit me twice once actually because the one poop that's me one damage sets in any one day and it's so hard it's just gone so are it's gone there's nothing I can do about it reroll the puzzle board is all I got [Music] do not it's a chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime somebody touching me mom's sphaghetti they do the break next game early dude I know the stats that he gets will be dynamite [Music] line them it makes them look cooler when they kill me man I wish I wish I could just get more bugs right now bugs make the world go round so many bugs out there too [Music] when where hey somebody just doesn't shoot he missed maybe he gives him like a 50% chance to just whip it makes sense to me lately wait wait before we do that there's a chance to get fiber a fiber but wait wait wait before we do that watch this bro look at that dynamite combination that's one two three four five six seven eight you thought that seven was the max no no ate booger with four bone brah that should be like super ultra epic but wait a second the guys anything is buttered what are you smoking game to be over I won block everything punch of a dick they were shielded the bubbles act like shields a shield okay how do you sealed out a literal booger ocean how deep is your booger ocean huh [ __ ] [Music] how deep is your love it's like the ocean anti book loss I'm sorry but that's [ __ ] [Music] seven bugs should overcome everything more money please thank you second old yet no good I'm going to do it a lot more [Applause] [Music] teeth it's good for shuffling bones for Bumbo smashing [Music] really doesn't even matter at this point in time [Music] bum bum bum bum bum bum bum [Music] not seeing anything good there [Music] 1377 money breath get your glasses on speaking of glasses on [Music] [Applause] um goofballs not that [Music] just really needed this focus on killing [Music] [Music] one more bottle do it bringing the game doesn't mean it's glitched you know really what it's trying to say is that I'm taking advantage of mechanics [Music] of which I think I have fun epic breaks in the game I'm sure that he knew I mean he's done this before you guys I'm sure he can smell it a mile away [Applause] [Music] seven poop in two turns three turns probably not worth it seven pieces powerful [Music] really to me at the moment [Music] we go for one piss [Music] come on baby do the bug come on baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're in trouble [Music] but I just did I lose a movement there or did I already use it feel like I just started with one movement and not - am i - [ __ ] everywhere is astounding the ghost took it does it go there's a movement stealing ghosts in the back once since when don't warn me about that [Music] [Applause] raro [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not good I can only block one of those shots find more bug alas I did not have book I don't see anything that I can do right now like the game so far I like games like this that you know make you think and feel good about how much of a genius you are I was thinkin I could go for teeth and then shuffle the board but what if we went for bone smack that guy up top oh I can't Bumbo smash him because he's got the puzzle piece that's ah that's my bad that's my bad it's front-row enemies plus push got it remember I was like I'm never gonna use that piece of [ __ ] look at me now [Music] ghost just got smacked but he didn't die and now I can't I no longer have my block yikes [Music] hook me up with something here curse me the guys see teeth and poop on third and fourth row and ever mind I had the closest dream go to an order of festival tickets a mile what festival is that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - one movie I just got me again oh my god this is bad news bears bad bad bad bad very bad [Music] oh no it has got nothing [Music] hoping for some miracles there and I got [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] actually [Music] do I have a belt on currently I think I do have a belt on but I'm not sure no no belt [ __ ] my face dude [Music] [Music] still have nothing [Music] [Music] want one of these guys to smack me but then I don't at the same time now maybe we get at least killer ghosts those could be killed that way [Music] [Applause] it seems like it's a real how did it get an extra attack move yeah he took one of my movements I'm sorry what now I'm literally dead I have nothing God is taking my burden and my bush I don't know about that dude I don't know about that [Music] I'll [ __ ] know about that [ __ ] [Music] that guy gets to oh he's got the angry thing Jesus Christ [Applause] only one damage here I need a bum bow smash this guy away that would make sense but it's not good enough make my head itchy if I tank this we die [Music] I think this we died not even enough boogers in the board to do anything about it I have teeth the blind enemies you've pissed bones and teeth [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't have bones [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all that's bumbles asked her legs cos ass hit em in the teeth the teeth that's only gonna do two damage no four damage wait why do I have four puzzle damage currently oh I'm bumble the brave my damage goes up as my health goes down so I could kill one of them or pray to the gods blind them [Music] almost [Music] nothing beyond that if I had just one if I had one tooth that fell down here we would have been fine Jan against 15 months for some reason I stopped getting notifications and you go live but a hype I finally made it to another stream start clicking button to see if you can figure that out and then tell me how you figured it out some reason I saw oh sorry Skippy how do you feel possibly in the first play that game that was 15 minutes ago I read that one already pull all cut up oh well rip I mean we'll still be alive sort of [Music] no we won't apparently just won't be alive because blinding only gives a chance to block [ __ ] cool nice we were praying on miracles and we got [ __ ] f+ [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 20,731
Rating: 4.8715205 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: 0Ey_swpKflY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 41sec (3881 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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