Unlocking Bumbo the LOST - Hutts Streams Legend of Bumbo

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all right jumping in i want to play my favorite character and that doesn't work out so well we can switch over to bum of the dead but for people on youtube who are watching we would like to unlock bumble the lost you have to beat chapters one through three without taking any damage at all so i want my strongest character i think bumble the weird i've had the best runs with but bump of the dead might be the best because of his ability to do the buzz right buzz down thing you can like really manipulate the board but the problem with that is those runs just take so long is your music a monster cat playlist or did you make it it's an uh pre-made playlist for the subscription that i bought on spotify called the monstercat gold it's been a while since we played this game i do like this i like match 4. i'd like it a lot more if i could do something immediately so we've got to line up four tiles of the same type we have this many moves left in the top right up here every time let's let's say that we got four um our bones put together we would get four bone mana if we can get three bone mana and three teeth mana we could use this ability here so we'll kind of walk through that when we get there i got two moves you can slide rows left and right and columns up and down i'm not really seeing anything out the gate nothing too impressive i could get four bone into turn yeah that's probably what i'll do there we go we're bone so bones and teeth you throw them if you get a match of forward bones you get one bone to throw if you get five bones you get two bones to throw six bones three bones to throw and seven as a special bone thing and then with teeth you get four in a row you get one tooth to throw you get five in a row you get a tooth worth three damage you get six in a row you get a tooth worth five damage i think and then seven teeth is a special oops you use those as shields um the piss you get to take the piss and uh it gives you a bonus move that just gave me a bonus move i think uh bumble the weird as a chance or i think it's always when i kill an enemy i get a free move something like that is that correct and then boogers are used to stun them you hit him with a booger they just get delayed i'd like to go for tooth mana i get part of the way there like that my turn's over is also my last move they want to try to move up front there's melee characters like these dips they got to get to the front and then they can start to attack attack me excuse me and then this guy in the back i don't know if it's range but the fart cloud if i hit the far cloud i will take damage when they killed the gain movement got it i almost get a seven match of piss right now with this but i'm gonna go just for the four piss combo and then i'm gonna match i can go for this tooth here or this tooth here try to find one where we get uh two birds one stone or line up something for our next turn you can test it out too to say oh yeah look at the bone in the top that's kind of lining the bones up for a for a match up there at some point i can also use this add more of a selected tile ability right now and let's say we're going to go hard on teeth i can make more teeth i just added a bunch of teeth in there i almost do a five tooth because there's a tooth right here or even a six tooth that honestly might be the way to do it two turns seven tooth and the whole thing i think it's gonna take more than two turns though i'm gonna do this because we can almost get a whole another massive teeth up there hit that guy one free move because i killed i want to block this fart cloud from coming at me i'm going to need a poop wall in order to do that i see a tooth combo that we can get right now that make a lot of sense to me we can make a pretty strong poop wall after that with this five poop that gives me a two strong wall that can take two hits i think the poop blocks the poison cloud but i don't want to be an idiot and forget that it doesn't does anybody know in chat if the poop blocks the fart cloud from attacking me it does i would think so too but if i took damage right now then it would be like oh game's over minecraft says no you can throw boogers through it without attacking but i wanted to attack to get rid of it and then i wanted to go away 100 all right so i'm going to use my ability here to remove a tile and then throw them so if i pick like boogers i'll take every booger on screen and you can actually use that to make certain tiles fall down where you want them to and make multiple combos i'm gonna do that and then it's like however many we got we divided by two i think and then that's the damage that this is gonna do that was six damage yeah football blocked it perfect band if you lie now we get uh an item room prayer card gain half a soul heart for eight poop and eight booger or destroy a whole row and column of tiles for three poop and three booger the health gain would be pretty dope it's really costly though what's the arrow is it to go back or is that to like pull over my my moves and that arrow is new what does the arrow do i want to look at my move set to see what i'm spending on other things you don't need hp if you don't take damage [Music] well yeah i mean i might still take damage and i still want to finish the damn thing shows your moves elf gain doesn't really matter if you can't take damage i understand chat i'll still probably finish the damn run though if i take damage my god go with krampus cross your whiners now we don't have anything that we're using poops and snots on anyway so that's a pretty good addition let's do that with the teeth a lot of enemies here and i believe that those two in the back left and back right arranged so we'll have to think about that some early poop walls would go a long ways booger not necessarily helpful but it would allow me to get a poop wall and it's back yo i think a lot of shots off would be the best thing right now if we get moves back for killing these super easy to kill flies but i don't have any way to get beat the bones at the moment that's match four not match three so you hit flying enemies before you hit enemies in the ground so if i was to throw this here i'd hit that fly and not that range unit which is not ideal i'm gonna maybe stop this guy from attacking me splat lamarsh what's up i'm gonna go with the poop here i think just it's not really setting us up for not taking any damage that well you can destroy a row and column hmm weenie moana what if i destroyed this row and this column and then like this row and tried to get a match up on this on the piss i don't like that though because of the the bones over here that are kind of set up for me i shoot myself in the foot here paste is pretty good though because we get the the piss play over here with the selected tile we're getting pissed into extra moves are we good i could try to maybe like remove this poop up here which wouldn't get rid of two bones i don't know dance is back what's up i'm gonna rip it see what happens [Music] all right both of them are shooting let the shoe stinks begin one will be blocked the other one will not be blocked we need another poop wall soon it's not looking really good though no it says don't take damage does that mean red heart damage or just so hard counts soul hearts count i gots the stream says you're playing isaac not bumbo i'm on it the legend of it's like zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda all right dance i got it see i can make this piss work i can make this piss work piss play what i really want in the end is to set myself up for teeth and bones i could five piss play which gives me two turns back that could be a totally solid choice by moving this down and then moving that down or moving this down then that down top piss then bottom piss this one then this one take a five piss that way yep yep and that will allow us to do both pisses five piss so two moves back and then i'm gonna get this fish i could even get another five piss again was it worth it let's go ahead and add more bones into the situation we need the poop wall though that's like a straight fact we need the poop wall might be the most important thing [Music] bye for nature eight total hey us i'm almost about baby woo also nice to see you playing bumble again seeing as the new dlc is out [Music] that's why i'm here that's why i'm here i want to make more bones because i want to make the bone happen right now but here's the problem i will make the bones and and make more bones at the expense of poop and no matter how much damage i'll be able to do right now i need that poop because i'm not gonna be able to get through two flies and kill a three health dude in the back probably maybe unless i got a miracle bone play i can add more poop at the expense of my bones that i need because i will need to kill i can't just rely on poop my both my poops will be gone after this and then i gotta fend for myself miracle bone play well we didn't get a miracle bone play yeah rip to the poop an almost seven bone i could six bone six bone will be three throws and in three throws i could either hit the back green guy once or i could kill three flies and get three extra turns right before we're done now i'm thinking so mac and cheese five months welcome back so close to having a seven bone if i want it there there there just not there [Music] but wait there's more let's say i put it there put it there champ before i bung it up here's what i should be doing i should be moving this no i that would bomb out the six move this over there move this down one get that bone bone that boy oh i'll get the puzzle flick we should be able to take out the back guy okay i think this is doable is that six and then puzzle flick that boy down three health the one two three four five six there's plenty of boogers that we can get rid of right now now i can puzzle flick again he's over the boom is right yo huge play we're doing it [Music] and now we gotta do it all again i believe that these guys are actually arranged and they can jump at me if that is the case we are in deep doo-doo that is the cry of the deep doo-doo bird everything is too health so we won't be able to kill him just with uh a couple of or a single tooth or bone throw another thing i see right now is a poop setup it doesn't necessarily help me i don't remember if they are arranged or not i wish i got more info by scrolling over them addition for huts to speed run this game links love your uncut video on loop heroes is a viable one good good we might play some loop here after this what's the difference between teeth and bones different mana the teeth damage scales with how many match we get how big of a match we get the number of bones scales with how big of a match we get they are in fact ranged i knew it i mean either way we're gonna have to get rid of these three ranged units in the middle here oh yeah it's over and there's nothing that we can't do anything i mean that's that's insane miracle go up up and away miracle has a that's five booger here which is pretty impressive but won't save me i can actually throw this tooth first and then still get a six match booger there's a bone on the left side too boogers will help boogers will help i got multiple boogers if i do a six bug match and then i can throw and then i can do a tooth or a bone match rather and i'll probably add more bone to it to try to get a larger bone match you got to do that you got to do that the middle one will be blocked but still i want the poop there because the bad guy is going to shoot next time unless the back guy can't shoot through the poop maybe it's going to wait its turn i don't know and we have destroy row and column as well five poop match see now that maybe would be smarter this is actually this is ripe for a um a five bone match here if i just pulled this over a little bit then we can slip in the uh extra bone ladies but um i don't see a column or a row that i'd want to get rid of yeah i could do this and then we could get a an easy six bone next turn galaxy brain moment it's six if you go next turn that's what i'm thinking that's what i'm thinking maybe i still should have put that in the middle i don't know we want to go hard on the bones maybe we just add more bones we get a free match too there's a seven bone there's a seven bone that we just made right there oh seven bone bruh let it rain let it rain i am lost in this game but the graphical style is cool yeah it's all cardboard and [ __ ] skip chapter add 10 coins what if we trap door on the third floor right or if like we're going to take damage we just whoop goodbye it doesn't work this crittle zap it doesn't work like that doesn't count i'm gonna count wait actually it doesn't work sin victor tried it you have to kill the third floor boss so skip the second floor then all right i don't know when this boss does or does not attack me so this is going to be risky here because if i attack him and then he attacks back i'm going to fork all my ability to get a free booger right now by getting a free shot off probably think about making a poop wall but i can't the eyes are invincible and i think the eyes do attack at some point in time too now they can jump they can move around they can jump in front of them and block tears or yeah like that they can block you know anything that i throw not exactly tears in this game is it i miss my resupp renewal fml since we do game stuff you can share it whenever you like we do game stuff whenever you want any point in time that it renews anytime after that i got nothing man a load of crap this ain't gonna end well i could go for a bone i could get a poop and set myself up for next turn bone destroy a row and a column of tiles would that help me in any way shape and or form not really bottom row piss get rid of this guy that's what i'll fall down and set myself up for a five bone yeah next turn i'm in for that his eyeballs are gonna be in the way still though i think problematic that's a reset right there we do game stuff four months there it is you did it so how about we skip the chapter eh who's ready for a skip i can't kill anything so i can't get bonus turns i went against this guy you can get knock back the eyes so they're all in the same column as the boss zach flairstar i've actually played a lot of bumbo so for the most part i know what i'm doing i just didn't remember the attack patterns exactly but yeah the eyeballs they move around um get less money if you skip i think 10 coins might even be more money we piss on that if i push him if i hit him right now it moves them i don't know if i really want to move them right moves them anyways we'll see what we can pull out of our bung hole probably not gonna be enough um boogers and poop are really the thing that would save us right now viable one thank you so much for getting five subs to nia rock fatal brim stoner hammelhab and astro gaming very kind of you [Music] boot it up the teeth aren't going to do much for me either but i'm almost wondering if i could like remove the teeth altogether and then try to get more boogers and poop into the play and then add more of one of the other and try to save myself right now save both of my move sets to make that happen might be the better thing to do [Music] that didn't seem like that was that good [Music] try to get like some really good thing with the boogers here we line this up what happens with that five bugger on the right just get a free booger turn some poop in the booger which is less than ideal brown sex bug yeah it's probably the best play every bone on top i pulled this out of my dick hole a little child scream when where [Music] more teeth and we'd be able to do another tile removal but i don't see any way to make that happen almost f5 pull what happens if you get four stars in a row i don't know you just get i guess if it's four stars here you'd get a five match piss five match booger right stars are wild cards we go for a five piss oh he's doing it he's doing it is it weird if i want to freeze this thing too i just don't want to jump in front of the guy i wanted to be vulnerable what if he attacks twice though i don't know here's my tooth best to play that now there's a bone as well we could easily get a bone and a tooth play and get a couple of things thrown his way you'd remove a whole column in a row oh well well what's the biggest thing that we have what's the most thing we have bones one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's five damage coming in just from bones if i were to remove them right now i could add more bones into the mix and get all cray up in her and then throw the bones the problem there is i need one more damage probably at least one more damage after the fact and i'll have used up all of my bones i could just get a free bone play right now do that make more ball and then throw oh we ended up getting a match anyways which is not the worst could we get another tooth because then we could throw it twice four five six seven eight nine bone now at four damage we do oh we can't i can't do that again because we just did it go for one of these let's play piss play then a five bone i got the free five bone oh my goodness look at me go get the piss for more movement yeah yeah yeah and now i can just grab anything and throw it but i kind of want to make him squirm more bones i got free bone again more poop remove the poop six damage he's done it unbelievable see we would have missed out on this teleport to the treasure room but the stars could be another way to get out for free without um damaging myself and may gain soul hearts but you don't need the health if you're not gonna take any damage ah how does he do it pick a hundred bits qq i guess the teleport even though rat heart would be the definite choice here if it was just if it was just me not doing the challenge spell charge less oh everything is way more money how do i look at my spills that i currently have i have to click on one of these i don't really need any of that stuff i'm going to go for the stat upgrade for sure what what do we want here we want puzzle damage or damage damage so damage damage is uh damage of two would mean that if i get a bone it would do two damage per throw puzzle damage i think wait no no reverse i think puzzle damage is tooth and bone and damage damage is my spell damage i'm if i had that correctly damage damage and puzzle damage damage all the options are decent 20 coins would obviously be good i mean we would get more money back speed gives us an extra turn and health would give us health damage would be best though for the enemies coming up i think okay spell damage so the damage is yeah spell damage probably being the worst one of the two because i don't think that our puzzle flick is effect affected by it so puzzle damage would have been better for me okay cost five cents you're too expensive for me sir [Music] okay bye [Music] being a dog for a walk see a party bun [Music] so even health would have been better there and that was like the one that like just did not matter at all [Music] well [Music] whoa poop walls are go heavy for the damage probably just going for the damage wait these are the ones that don't die until their counterpart dies right or they don't die until they all die so i'm not gonna get that boost [Music] that sucks [Music] now i'm gonna get a free tooth mayday captain mayday lot of teeth plays that could be played but uh oh any of them setting me up for multiple things because i kind of need multiple things to go right right now still got the stars card thanks i forgot about that two seconds ago got him [Music] up we become weaker and weaker though the more we skip things i think tooth plays best play i'm just deciding which teeth [Music] well reversing complete five subs the dura water fairy venom burner sharp pain and layered hen thank you for that right now what do i need i need to hit one of them and i need to okay so the guy in the middle is really screwing me over here because i could get the tooth right and then i could throw some stuff and hit a second one but i'll be all done at that point in time and i need to do with one third thing to either block them or block them or super block them i need to block them that's what i'm trying to get at is the guy in the back the only thing i can do about it is by going two through two things or getting a poop rock and block em robots i'm not seeing it not saying my way out here what's the sub sound from from like a stock sound website poop the middle then destroy you find a way to let me do that on one turn and you get back to me removing tiles would be probably the way to go try to get the poop lined up but i don't i don't see a way to do that either i don't see you i don't see him anyway [Music] i want money to give people subs the left side poop remove the yellow i remove this yellow this guy falls and then what and what happens what happens then use your spell to kill the guy on the right then use two moves to get the poop barrier i don't have two moves i can't kill them i've been hitting them but they don't die until they all die [Music] poop falls and then you [ __ ] over the poop i think the only play we have right now is to throw a tooth and and hope that something falls that makes a difference on the left second column set up the poop to fall from the back row by moving the top row right one then throw piss um yeah yep yep i can follow that i'll give it a shot [Music] gotta be done in this exact order too destroy a row and caller thanks chap i'm thinking about maybe destroying this column to either get a tooth to fall into place or get a tooth for the next turn to use probably the top one up here getting rid of some bones and by doing that but more teeth [Music] [Applause] that didn't give me what i needed but i think some of the things are gonna pop up next turn too oh they're getting ready to pop up they're raging we actually hit two things this turn gotta get them both [Music] that'll do i'm gonna go over the bone mamma mia wow you know that's the magic this is the magic that happens on these match four games i thought we were screwed twice now half a heart but you barf so it covers up one of our um maybe more than one of our tile so we can't see what's underneath it or attack a row a whole row these are two and we need these this is also using tooth but i'm gonna go with hat pin you don't need the health if you're gonna win all right what do we got this guy in the middle that's got four health can only take damage via puzzle aka bones and teeth so skip [Music] down cop card god damn it i really wish that i got the uh more puzzle damage [Music] here's like i could totally add more teeth and try to go for an amazing five teeth play so i get actual kill off [Music] oh i were to remove something what would i remove are we some boogers one of these guys on the side set myself up for a five poop next turn almost a seven poop could add more poop and try to go for an amazing unbelievable undeniable poop play i get an easy poop on the left add more teeth to go for more teeth getting the kill might be the best thing to do is bumble the weird i won't deny that yeah internet now anything better that i can do instead of using that exact tooth no three moves three moves for kills this guy's gonna be hard to take down because we're only doing one damage at a time [Music] oh man put that poop down next turn bam bam thank you wham we got a seven poop and i think that's probably gonna be worth doing i don't even see that ranged guy in the back did anybody see that who the heck are you [Music] [Music] super wall make p first i can make p next turn all right our walls are gonna go down fast i should probably make the bone first now i'm gonna ruin my piss you having a piss at me might [Music] [ __ ] ding lol hud says he swears less i can't listen to this soundtrack and not swear it's like mandatory one two three four five six it's enough poop to kill the guy on the right and i think i shall that's interacts with chat a lot and it's nice who's chat nothing like a chill night with a chill game this is pk chill i'm over here like brains imploding oh it's not that hard of a game you're just dumb my mom can beat candy crush saga you dunce add more teeth and try to go for a mega tooth that might be the way that was not the way that was trash i almost get a multiple tooth lined up there look at that i can i can get a double tooth that's the way a weem away of rockaway who turned seven tooth all right did i miss a two turn seven tooth oh no boo hoo i got this m effort do it's first little buggers i guess looking at this guy i'm gonna get to that range dude first he's this guy's blocked in for quite a while [Music] austin you know that guy's a special ability to jump over poop i can go for more teeth easily right now but i think that that's honestly not the way what is the way is to go for more bone so i can throw again i'm gonna throw the teeth i'm crazy i don't know if you have been asked this a lot but uh have you or will you ever play risk of rain too i have played risk of rain 2 a lot so i recommend you go check out those videos will i again maybe at some point in time it's not on the front of my list though the front top however you prefer your lists top front are you a front loading list loader i don't know what i'm saying i'm just literally taking a [ __ ] out of my mouth right now risk reign update this month [Music] do you know when you're next going to play noida on stream um noida will come back no it is not gone mike d thanks for the prime sub appreciate you just want to say something that's been said a lot i've been a fan for a while but this is the first stream i managed to catch hope you're doing well there's karoon arrest gaming i'm feeling pretty good feeling pretty good the list has two sides hello hot start playing isaac thank you uh two more puzzle guys another double health puzzle guy in the back and arranged dude in the middle in the schmidt so here's the deal if the boss is next room and i used a stars card do i go backwards well [Music] i don't know if chad knows i have a fringe case here easy bone out the gate probably should start there there is one next if you're playing this game or you're looking watching this game and you're not listening to me sing the song on top of it with swear words are you really playing or watching the game no you're not ever caught one of your streams this killer coder well welcome i could get a poop right now or i could make the poops disappear i don't think i want to make the poop disappear what i think i'm going to do instead is go for boogers and try to get a poop match for free and i have to use this on this guy it won't do any damage to the other ones they're puzzle only not spell now what easily get a four match tooth in the bottom get a format to thursday [Music] line up that bone we get a five poop this way too i'm gonna maybe stick with the let's just get down to the 1-4 guy and then we'll focus on a deforge guy six uh six [ __ ] next turn good place good place good place sick [ __ ] now if i remove teeth i don't really want to remove teeth though [Music] better remove my ability to get that hiss next turn as well so let's just end it this is good this is good if i do this is that bother getting the piss would bother my my [ __ ] play oh [ __ ] first this later [Applause] all right it's pretty much settled at this point in time not too much to worry about at the moment um we can still remove tiles just to try to free up some combinations but we won't be able to do any damage with it [Music] [Music] just listening to this is funny we want and i'm actually gonna go for more teeth [Music] okay this will kill him there's a five match teeth that goes up from one damage to three damage price tag destroys a spell gain plus 10 plus coins or a buzz down move a tile column one down uh that is a tricky one buzz down is a very very easy play for manipulating the board to your advantage it costs bones which i'm not thrilled about since my bones or my my puzzle flick price tag would really come in handy if i was able to destroy some spells now and then buy some upgrades in the shop for more damage or more turns you're going to continue subnautica yes i will when it comes out i think it's like may 14th only one boner kind of like price tag not gonna lie you can destroy price tag to get 10 coins as well i think destroy your trap door if i don't need the trapdoor i could destroy the trapdoor like right before we kill the boss [Music] buzz down probably the simple choice though here use the trapdoor to destroy the trapdoor loop hero seems like a good game for setting on autoplay you'd think it'd be a good game to send it out of play but you actually have to maintain the game the entire time you have to pay attention second boss is for nerds i'll try buzz down here and if we need to run away from the dusk we can run away from the dusk all right who's i think we should run away from the desk if i use the trap door or the teleport card to the treasure room now what would happen would it just stop me we don't do that here only one way to find out well i'm not gonna do it uh what's the secret with this guy immediately rushes out to my face i have to hit him to knock him backwards i honestly think we have to start off with a booger or a poop otherwise we die got four moves you can see it up there it's gonna go one two three charge four hit so if i don't poop up immediately we're in trouble curses i think two to three of your items over the course of the fight i think we just got to get a first poop ain't nothing about it pressure's on wonderful piss play though bow what do we want more teeth when do we want it right now i see power being in the teeth and the bones but we have to pick one of them right now to try to make something beautiful happen i could just booger them it's not a weak play a strong play either though do i just want to throw some buggers on them more teethies destroy a row and column [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow bumble on the toilet how about a sixth tooth i could yolo add more teeth right now to try to get a seven tooth nah more damage on a single target i think is a six tooth and it'll knock them all the way back doomed now you're doomed he stopped me from using my tile throw i want to get some more bones want some more bones i'm gonna add more bones to the next i want to add even more bones to the mix i'm gonna add more bones i can't add more bones watch out in case he dooms the skip that would really tick me off [Music] that would really take me off we're safe next turn i believe he's always at the back and he's boogered so by the last turn he's gonna be ready to swipe at me but he won't get the swipe off so if i was to do something as crazy as set up a seven bone right now [Music] that would be all right but i can't really do that can i no i don't believe that i can get up to this seven bonds and shut up the six bonds wow [Music] at least getting one bone now would allow me to next turn do my throw binding of bumbo oh we could move a tile row down one and just we could spend one bone to get four bones stonks and we could do it again one two three more times to get four more bones or i could just wait a turn and see what happens been [Music] um i'm tempted to just go for it then i could get a free uh booger two shenanigans 24. welcome back two years wonderful that way it won't be like procked up to hit me in the face that's why buzz down was a good choice and almost play with that piss destroy a column or a row as well get me even closer playing in the piss well i'm gonna probably wait now he didn't even move at all he had two boogers [Music] spell looks pretty broken 24 months nope so many booms nope thought you got me i'm gonna remove bugs bro is pissed being a piss and a five bone that should end it right no almost six bone would end it he's too strong [Applause] my anus is bleeding items on sale or start with mana i really don't i is is it going to make my spin wheel on sale down to 10 cents if not probably start with mana since we only need one more floor start with man it means we will start with bone mana or tooth mana or stuff and stuff and stuff and stuff sale fs first stream for braden what's up too easy for the galaxy brain steam sale i'm probably not gonna buy most of the stuff at this at this shop you guys i'm probably gonna dump all my money into attributes and if i can't use that twice then what was the point of the steam sale how much mana i don't know box box box true mana maybe it does maybe it makes it 10 cents to get the or maybe it makes it half price it's our bumbo wiki bumbo wiki steam sale steam sale legend of bumble reduces the price of needles hearts and trinkets so it doesn't do that trinkets in the wooden nickel just the guy that does the each copy of the steam cell trinket and the player's inventory reaches the price of each item by two coins but not below one when a randomized or damaged needle is available canceling the needle for the first time will refund more coins than it costs maybe he fixed that bumbo wiki small box see what that says trinkets upon entering a room provides one mana of three random colors so it's not a whole lot it's not a whole lot but then again we're not buying anything in the shop that i think is going to make a difference so we're just as hard as needles and trinkets thanks pk i'm going with the box i think it's gonna be the most helpful in our current situation [Music] we can go spells cost less and try to make my uh throw flick cost less that would be a huge play i'm gonna go with this i need the puzzle damage like big time shuffle the buzz down so it doesn't use bones yeah but i'd be afraid that it would use like three boogers or something like that because if we get some puzzle enemies and we are only doing one damage to them that's not going to be good i can reroll the spell cost of the bone thing or do the skull monty [Music] i don't need the reroll spell necessarily just you know pick a random one no guarantee it's gonna be better gambling is fun may add energy steel to attacks that would be good which one chat don't you love when you have to do dishes during stream means you can watch stream on your phone and then do the dish as well right middle right middle skull middle left mid bottom middle middle minimum it's been a while since i've just straight up lost that game you usually get like a consolation prize middle is most probable are you trying to use like some sort of like math on this right now so quit [Music] oh [Music] remember the treasure card room to skip ahead to spk [Music] i get the tooth now but i want to get the bone as well but if i get the bone the tooth is screwed what if stacked on top of each other what do i do and what does this guy do what does the red guy do does he attack me these guys arranged i have to hit him once so things in order to get to their their health [Music] you get this bone and then the tooth won't be messed up set the bone up right the tooth will fall back down monkey of death three months three months of being a sub it's kind of weird i got primed just for this well i thank you for that i don't remember what this guy does whatever he about to do and go and do no mo i have a five boogers setting up here that would be really nice to get but oh well add more tooth and try to go for a tooth fiber get the tooth fiber he does it bam i gotta hit him first like i said before i think i can actually affect their health a big play right now would probably be to just block up try to set up some sort of next turn tooth or bone play okay bye everyone this is trunk from space didn't remember the music on this floor was so good you guys pumped and hyped are you humped for uh repentance music you remember i can move tiles downward too if i just like move this over i can move the tile down down and get a fire booger but i'm not that desperate one one one one oh they're shield bubble guys do they shoot any attacks do the bubbles block boogers they are ranged so they throw a block and then they hit hard if i spent both of my turns for two boogers and they got blocked by the things then that wouldn't be the best play but i just don't see anything at all and i got to hit him twice now in order for me to get any damage done by this puzzle flick and i should probably save the puzzle flick until i can actually do that two turn one match let's crop [Music] a saluted third treasure card frick these guys i could attack in a whole row um well oh that's a column that's a column i thought it meant this way [Music] i'm gonna destroy and get this match of a bone a lot of piss going away though pissing the night away kissing the night away you got your whiskey drink you got oh wait i don't want to hit that column or there yeah call them ah i was so focused on the bonefall and then i destroyed the entire column no [Music] pretty cool super cool that's pretty [ __ ] awesome watch me get right back on top i paid the price yep one to activate and two to shove right down his throat i'm tempted to just grab that teeth that's just right there it's just begging then it's like take me [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten let's just get rid of them teeth aren't going anywhere ah [Music] oh here hole do that throw this oh hey it popped him too that's pretty good now take the poop and throw it right at him huh don't chill much relax no it's not hyphenator sleight of hand lower mana cost no less than two or for piss hits front row enemies and a push lower mana costs would be excellent it's pricey [Music] rubber bat could totally be useful to hit anybody that's in the front that's about to smack me back and pushes him i'm gonna rub her bat i think casey instead of what attack a row probably i says we can't skip the chapter right we can't skip the chapter we cannot use this [Music] the ten coins lost hurts me but it just wouldn't make any sense to play that it would actually be really dumb be a large amount of stupid [Music] and last invictus already complained to ed ned fixed it so that you could trap door past but yeah i had to kill this bosco bump we've been going okay so we've done two whole floors without taking a single hit of damage if we can finish this last floor we'll unlock the new character bumbo the lost so that's what i'm going for okay move this down first be a smart person then move this down i was like how do i get that i'm going to mess up my piss no you won't these are puzzle only that's a raged melee rage melee and i think that the anger means they move twice this guy in the middle here is that same ranged guy we fought last time but he hasn't popped back up to shoot his um bubbles [Music] you can go to the treasure [Music] how do i use this there's so much going on right now in this vicinity i'm gonna add more bones and see what happens gosh there's so much happening i just wish i could do something [Music] all these options are pretty good [Music] i don't maybe the bad guys are not melee i don't know [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine one one one one three months what up [Music] we gotta go tooth for the bone first right if i see anything else that could work use the fly piece to i could fly use that fly [Music] to my advantage for things like this like [Music] no [Music] come on come on hey you just give me a tooth play here [Music] i don't see anything that i could match right now don't even see a way to set myself up for next turn bones [Music] drag a tutor don't you know their guy [Music] um yeah i should set myself up for a tooth play next turn i could get it now but it would cost me my teeth or my my bones and double turns i knew it how about a six tooth six tooth is going to outwardly kill that guy i'm like this that down this up kill that guy with six damage a little bit overkill there and then i can freely get this piss off and then i can five boner gonna kill off here and right there man that puzzle damage up yes [Music] now what hit front row enemies no um i need something to throw i could get some poop but [Music] blame oh i could just puzzle flick the poop it doesn't matter i could puzzle [ __ ] anything also flick your bean all right range units cursing ghosts and these guys again [Music] wee wee [Music] the bat should do two damage right yeah what's up with that this is one damage this is one damage but i've got spell damage plus shouldn't it update that number there heard you had a treasure card butts use the card why do i need to skip is there is there damage coming in that i'm not aware of is hut stupid listen to the voices of reason because it sucks will you ever do any dungeons keep what's dungeons keep this from sucks ass this room looks like ass well so does your face but i'm still talking to you oh jokes on you i like ass ghosts will steal your moves very hard real much pain well i can use it at any point in time right slashers keep dungeon of the keepers give it a tryouts i'm just making sure i'm not doing a big stupid dumb [Music] i can't even get to the ghosts the goats i wonder the piss but i'm gonna piss away the piss oh low get wrecked scrub the boogers i could get rid of the boogers but they're really helpful for staggering the ranged units on the left and right i could get rid of the poop but the poop is really good for blocking the ranged units in left and right [Music] honestly throwing away some teeth or bones might be the best play here i'm gonna go crazy i feel like there's always potential in the piss i'm not ever for just throwing away the piss oh i tried to hit him i was like oh i just hit him with my thing but of course that wasn't gonna do anything i shouldn't have puzzle flicked wasn't paying attention i guess but i am going to need oops and boogers like now so [Music] oh yeah so the ghosts removed my moves i've got only one move right now [Music] so [Music] i'm thinking instead of going for the piss i go for this this gives me an extra move anyways this also lines me up directly for this poop block [Music] how about a five poop block even better we're gonna need a tooth play to kill one of these guys next turn but i could wait for next turn to just do that a booger would be really nice to stagger one of them so that they're offset so i get one turn hit one one turn at the other but doesn't seem like that's going to be the case one ghost is as good as two ghosts like i said they can't remove both of my turns [Music] buzz the six teeth i can't do any damage until they pop up and then yeah we could seven tooth you're not wrong about that that could be the the way to do it and then just kill everybody in one fell swoop huh yeah see they have to be popped up like the hosts the ghosts are arranged too are you kidding me gotta make sure we don't make any crazy matches that we don't see [Music] they're still alive alive betty what if we went for a mega piss what if we added more piss for a super mega ultra piss a thon like that and like that and like that could have gotten a seven piece but we didn't now what now we grab some boogers throw the cheese you imagine if i got hurt by a curse right now i would [ __ ] on the floor seven piss one in rome you're gonna skip this rom you're not gonna be able to do it quake break rocks poops and hurt enemies [Music] attack a row maybe i go like the attacker row could have been good i guess to hit something in the back if it was range and i wasn't able to get to it but we're in the final boss the oh yeah so we got to put him out by hitting him with this here thing i i bet you that this break rocks and poops doesn't do anything for us right now but we still have the whole rest of the game to go so it's like we're done three moves per turn i see i don't remember his uh combination of moves so let's say that we only hit him with like a booger this turn then what happens i don't know does it just hit me sorry daddy you're genius huh it's my bad love the loop hero episode you planning on streaming it's a zesbo yeah probably you need to head out i've got rest of the stream thanks dance have an awesome rest of your day if i hit him with the bone let's say i did a double bone here or two turns for one bone i mean and then does that stun him does he not attack me or does he still attack me does it do i am i gonna piss this all away because i don't remember what he attacks with didn't know you still play bumbo uh yeah it's got an update so started playing luke before you started yo and you you are better this is new boss for me says dark angel huh just look at the wiki i mean yeah but you know this guy's name even pyre when pyre is damaged he spawns a mana wisp using the summon mana wisp action uh sometimes immediately before pyro uses the ranged attack action he uses the doom action paris flames are colored one of the five colors of mana white brown green gray or yellow looks orange right now doesn't he vampire is ignited he cannot be damaged when the player makes the tile combo of the same color as paris flame his flames are extinguished and he takes one damage actions prime to prepare to attack ranged attack attacks from any row summon mana wisp spawns a mana wisp enemy in the front row ignite ignites his flame which randomly becomes colored doom randomly chooses one of the player's spells behavior when he's ignited he repeatedly attacks using ranged attack when the pyro is not ignited he always uses the ignite [Music] action i'm reading this correctly i want to snuff them out the flaming bow yeah but i'm looking on here and it's actually showing a picture of him with the fire behind him changing colors and the wiki see that none of which are orange whatever if you hit bones he goes out and will use his move to reignite that's what i'm hoping i just don't know if he can also hit me same turn i guess we'll go for it so i just can't hurt him at all then interesting can i booger him even i thought i was able to hurt him after i snuffed out his fire he's brown so you're saying i gotta get the poop now i i messed up the color that true the fly needed to have bone ah that's not good oh he's got little poops flying around him yeah we messed it up i got poop here though okay do i get an extra movement if i snuff out the fly that's the wisp that they're talking about the little wisp has health so we can tell it's an enemy so if i move this right here and i get this bone i snuff him out and i get an extra move i do yes this is correct okay okay that is a floating pile of [ __ ] sir sir that just came out of your face how do you respond the twofer i get that plus a move it's a three fur and i get the poop wall it's pretty good i was feeling kind of bad about this at the start and i was like we're screwed now i'm like and i was like we're not screwed now i'm like oh [ __ ] mess it up i see the two top left i was just trying to see if there's anything better that i could do setting up a seven i feel like is always better than just a plain old one but do i want to scoop things up and throw them right now for extra damage while i can puzzle flick i don't necessarily want to pause the flick to piss because like i said the piss is so useful it's so awesome to the max [Music] wow if you damage him he will summon another wisp good point too fish next turn that's new [Music] [Applause] if i move this over this is gonna do nothing and we did get mana for it i gotta get a booger so i can hurt him oh look at that we almost got a seven poop that was pretty dope oh there's a little tooth buddy up there too i spawned a booger friend as well i'm thinking it's worth it to get that poop wall remember that booger friend first oh i messed up my seven now you've done it film a man should be i should be flicking more to be honest really should be flicking more because we're maxed on mana and we're not going anywhere with it pretty much dead yeah this fight's been changed okay so if we could just get rid of that bone in front then we could finish this could we do that with the puzzle pieces that we have do believe that we can true facts what if i did this i miss i'm like oops i missed and now i just pause and flick him right in the noggin one two three four five six first try give me the achievement ed life still detects or hits all enemies boom he almost looks like tim buh buh buh buh buh mad life still do attacks boom you don't need the lifesteal if you're gerber that's how it's done this is pk he's bot fly to get seven poops sorry pk i missed that lifesteal i don't really need the lifesteal i don't really have life so you know what i'm going to boom [Music] i'm probably just going to go stat wheel on this one i mean 20 cents puzzle damage or spell damage whatever shut up jet where's my achievement what if it's like you to be is this you to play a certain character did i get it and probably only going to give me a team at the end i don't know you got to finish the runs this voidian so do i have to win the run [Music] do i gots to win cause what if i die that'd be this is horrible what a shitty start what a face of [ __ ] [Music] watch this smartness watch how smart my smartness is it's so smart [Music] biggest amount of smartness you've ever seen i got minus one move for killing him okay okay [Music] break the poop and hurt the enemies i don't really need to use it right now save it for a time when you need to use it i gotta go gotta go gotta go right now gotta go gotta go gotta go are these guys ranged enemies are they not ranged enemies honestly it's probably worth it to puzzle flick and kill the ghosts and i think the ghost is flying over the poop and not in the back is the ghost in the back or is the ghost over the poop i don't know i can't tell ed give me a camera angle turn here when i highlight him highlight it on the floor where he's flying move tiles down too that help me use the quake just in case throw poop and quake [Music] spicy poop ball here you guys know i don't throw poop right i'm gonna hit the poop is it worth to hit the poop um i gotta hit the poop multiple times in order to break the poop maybe even twice if it's if it was a ranged enemy i would try to break through the poop if it was not a ranged enemy i would not try to break through the poop hey there's pictures of the enemies on here nope just names how am i supposed to know what they're called never seen this game before it looks pretty epic this is javidra quake to break the back wall it's too late now i gotta i gotta throw [Music] get an extra turn for breaking the poop i think now he can puzzle flick and destroy him cast it into the fire going pretty well so far blood crying guys oh my god that's what it's labeled in the wiki blood crying guys man oh man i am silly trace paper copies a spell at random navy bean destroy a column of tiles grace paper could be cool but nope row and column better yeah on the use that we have for boogers too so let's maybe cancel this give me trinkets then if i'm full up on spells give me trinkets do i remember what these guys do no [Music] break rocks and poop bomb time [Music] i don't know what they're going to do big big big thing foul i don't know if these guys attack at all blast ass [Music] if i don't go with the uh attack this has been a lot harder to do without knowing remembering rather attack patterns let's hit one of them it didn't like that [ __ ] hades for months what's up [ __ ] hades let me do anything else a lot of boogers going on could add more uh teeth [Music] i placed the teeth everywhere where i didn't want a tooth to be placed pk get to this up the nightbot 23 months oh hilarious surprise they even allow that i can do it again wants to do it again that works for me [Music] how did i not get a match on that me looking through tinder yo look at it genius plays [Music] and now we play the waiting game how about some six bone set it up for a seven bone you son of a [ __ ] come on big boy come at me go [Music] [Applause] works very hard to give you everything overkill all right puzzle only double turn spell ranged piece of [ __ ] that only dies when everything else dies break rocks and poop and hurt the enemies right good thing i saved it look at my moves ah i get one turn per rock destroyed i forgot about that i don't even know what to do anymore this bountiful harvest spend all these turns to just set up a 400 bone [Music] probably the only time you'll ever see max moves is pk he breaks everything [Music] i definitely want to block that guy off since i can't really do anything about him other than block them off if i block that guy maybe he won't turn off of puzzle damage i mean that's what i'm talking about i kind of want to s i can't seven i mean with this many turns i can do whatever the frick i want to do fine or seven you know what chad fine [Music] boss time chicken bone getting white mana or heels half heart but you barf oh definitely chicken bone here white man it makes the world go round yeah we are at the boss already [Music] yeah we can set up a five bone at some point in time that's not now bonds flies which is good news for me because i can hurt them for more moves he barfs every time i hit him though which is bad news [Music] like this and then like this should balance crowd control and hitting him and not covering our board with too much puke i like the new sound effects i have to admit what [Music] could have been a six ah i'm team up get up [Music] it almost do another seven two probably still do that oh no no wow [Music] i bunged it i got greedy with it i was like maybe i could do it in one turn instead of multiple turns games like you stupid [ __ ] i guess i'll just have to deal with this sex damage oh no [Music] i really wish i could get more bones maybe i can not [Music] what does modifying an emo do anybody in chat have a modified emote they could show off blocks on these nubs then a bone in the bottom left it might be if i drop this sucker and then drop this sucker yo there's one there's one there's one awesome move plus a move plus a move plus a move plus a move possible finish it ah [Music] no i'm gonna starve we can only do one damage per hit and that's that's a guarantee so we should grab the curses and throw them back at him [Music] take your stupid curses back you [ __ ] [Music] i can do it again wanna see me do it again should have made the whole challenge the whole thing no damage ed on my bomb in hand make his kingdom a big wide world filled with adventure for bumbo as a way to escape from the real world there is no end to your imagination no limit to what you can create when things get difficult you can go there when you feel weak you can escape into this world we created and become powerful always remember this isaac your imagination knows no bounds and i'll always be here waiting for you in our next adventure together that aged well bumble the lost unlocked it's called being the best player in the world i mean did anybody have any doubts at any point in time during this game i did not confident the entire time no hit run but again yeah pretty much probably with the loss i am assuming it's uh don't take damage every kind of thing so cool you guys had fun watching
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 59,840
Rating: 4.898869 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: NmkQ3yWpMXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 49sec (7669 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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