Among Us but things really escalate quickly | Among Us Mods w/ Friends

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[Music] that's that's what it is that's that's where i would simplify that down to ah i've chosen death you're playing town of us should be simple i can shoot one of three people oh oh perfect wait who shielded me is it chilled was it you who did it oh god i hope how did you die is someone gonna call the cops did you get swooped yeah i guess so oh it's me hey good job good job good job who's in person good job good job thank you for killing in my name you did what i couldn't do are you running the lobby right now wait wait what this is crazy why didn't you report anything good job good job you did a better job of being me than me by fear of what's happening around you and like you want to run but you can't i was paddling looks like this is just gonna junk what does everybody kill those persons okay like is it glitched or junk he's gonna get killed by okay i just saved the game by the way is everybody dead what is the killer here guys yeah yeah just just save the game by reporting a body that makes sense nobody why was they like sipping bodies stacked on each other what happened i don't know how this happened i have no idea [Music] i see there's two in labs um vitals for the five and then oh my i don't know i don't know how this happened blockchain we have a glitch then too so oh yeah i'm probably aft uh it's probably a glitch into imposters so ellen you i think we're gonna stick code thanks for the second no doubt okay i i will say so platy was a sheriff and uh he tried to shoot me it it makes no sense to vote me i just saved the game just so you haven't seen it for the seven months oh my gosh i don't know what to do it's quite simple there was like four bodies stacked next to each other i don't get it either no i don't i don't know like what yeah we're pretty much coin flipping here it's probably two imposters in the glitch anyways but uh if you're the glitch vote you know what i changed my vote i go rhyme style all right you know yeah ari and ellen are the baddies you know all right if you can just survive and report a body what do you mean [Music] i wonder all the cops let them figure it out you got buttons there we go wait no already what all right i'm going to do my tasks i think you guys should too you know just stop doing it that was the hope that was their only hope what my scheming thanks for the eight months well it appears it's this has got a little uh awkward here hello why didn't you wouldn't you have just won here i'm confused have i won no doubt yeah i've yeah i've won him why is this game still going on honestly ari can just hide because you're still alive and then the imposters win but i'm not a killer that's the that's the fun thing here i am oh but i'm the swapper you better not vote me yeah but you're not though that's the thing and you know what are you here out of pure stupidity there we go oh shoot i'm gonna die run well i'm flabbergasted does anyone want to tell me how everyone died instantaneously we don't really so chilled got swooped on top of me and i thought he shifted out of scotch and i tried shooting scotch and then i don't know why no one remembered i was confused like kill that's the best thing it would be do your task guys do your tasks i finished oh yeah i haven't done a single task we can still win guys that would be so cocky i got really bad news thank you for killing in my name thank you no worries dude i i saw a dumb dog standing on a body murdered my boy um that was the most murders i think in the first round we've ever had that was nice does everyone have legitimate reasons for not reporting any of those bodies hesitated for a second and died i was so happy as the first person that died i was happy you all hesitated and everybody else died [Laughter] i thought you shifted i had to take the shot on scotch [Laughter] vote himmy out okay no we got keys to do i'll just go near himmy i'll just do every single task him he's doing feasting no i went to the right but what was that right over to the vent that's right next to that weather node uh turned into elem and then walked back left i was in the venice [Music] that was buddy assassin take the shot yeah assassin take a shot if you want to talk about the jumps oh [ __ ] immediately i just noticed that no no no no no this is important though actually i'm the spy because because cinna also vented oh i'm interesting yeah i thought that one too hold on this is also possibly incorrect because somebody killed the assassins what are you doing you're just gonna hand it to the gym team [Music] this is incorrect because uh junk was my assistant and they killed him not in town somebody killed my buddy you killed everybody so dumb dog what'd you do what'd you do donald why are you lying about this because they're not hiding in fact definitely popped out of the event hey wait can i explain can i explain can i do it that that chilled kill z oh that happened too that also happened how did you see that i find the glitch is going to shoot dumb dog oh boy this could be a murderous game anything incriminating i get a mute hey guys i gotta mute don't say anything crazy okay guys i love you i love you love you got you elem right off the bat i was gonna kill him i turned into alan no that's funny yeah i was chasing him because i wanted to kill him first because he always he seemed to always do it and oh that was crazy did you shoot ellen yeah i shot ellen right in the what face quick game let me be evil what we got [Music] where's scotchgo what are they doing what are they doing i think dumb [Music] okay i'm button what did i just witness was there a cleaning did you saw that right no i saw two chilled chaoses in admin and one chilled chaos killed right in front of me oh well one is good one is bad this is the real chaos with me and are you right now um i have an idea yeah you're with us we vote on both of them also there's only one dog he gave me a shield and now it's gone i will say there there was a clean because the report button flashed up and it was gone so you had z aryan skogener and the bodies cleaned as that's why dumb dog's name didn't even pop up there was no claim because i uh got resurrected there was there was not a clean there was it was an altruist dress it was an altruist wait who killed you all right did you shield me why would you say that sorry sorry oh yeah it's a little bad there's a guy with glasses and that killed me that looked like chill wait it was ella sorry all their glasses oh glasses the glitch i'm not even wearing glasses no the bigger the biggest glasses well there's is on okay that yes um i wasn't even i was over in uh i was on comms download which one are which which glasses guy all right was it platinum was the plot of your own it's the bloody purple classic scared okay you know what if this is an executioner play well done no there was definitely a fake child who killed right in front of me and dumb dog all twisted ari thank god there's a fake chill that got you oh well oh well i'm sorry sorry wait i already got voted i was like someone hit the button someone hit the button [Laughter] oh god oh where's scotch go scotch scotch where'd you go please don't die please don't die scotch please don't die oh thank god uh i don't know if him he's dead no okay then uh jimmy did you just kill cinnamon right in front of me i did not i think she sheriff shot you she lunged and then you immediately ran out and didn't report this well it was like i must i think it was decent because i was like ah i was already walking out of the door when it happened i was above i was above like and i saw her launching he came in shot her in the head and left i think i was on asteroids i think i'd like to vote out yeah i also would like to do the same didn't he do the swapping did he ari shielded me okay and i lost my shield when ari died a dumb dog was altruist there was a fake shield who killed ari well and she said it was clatty she was not executioner why would you why would you say did you shield me during the meeting you got her killed because i wanted to make sure she wasn't executioner and i just died oh my god it was a mistake guys i wanted to get her out before she became jester essentially wait so you're saying you swapped well then i'm definitely going for you now [ __ ] you know what i mean well ellen's gonna swap to somebody else right now i'm just gonna skip yeah i guess yeah i think that's a good idea i'm a skippy boy i don't think cynthia shot me i think him he came when the lights were off the train or something i i absolutely did give me your body promise you can both just be evil i did not shoot cinna i think she share a shot you chilled you saw all that in the dark with the lunge and everything no well i was i was right above y'all that's what i'm saying i was oh [ __ ] yeah just go specy man just go specy just go spessy okay okay snitch oh what okay what the [ __ ] happened pretty sure uh cinnamon where are you right now oh cinna's not alive because platy just turned it to cinna i saw that i saw that what are you talking about i just saw you turn into cinna in lower decontamination your name changed we did not have any respect we're using the dead maybe you can cluster into cinna i saw the name changed wait wait where are you out of the control man you're out control soldier thank you for the three months by the way what no more watch film we're watching no i i saw someone with a box on the right thank god assassin just shot the glitch so uh that makes me feel better we still have the assassin here between rhyme and hit me as the assassin this is wild himmy i thought you killed on top me and i just don't trust rhyme so he shouldn't have done that he should have just like tried to give him something to have a master plan here where we're going to win in one second but if jimmy is the last bad guy left we won uh what does the master play skip i don't want to say because if you assassinate him if you happen to be assassinated just skip just skip you're gonna get shot as mayor aren't you not not as not asleep i would drop your votes right just i told you everything i said about that situation i told the truth i was already above you guys like i was already running out of the room so that's why i didn't report it simply because like it was too quick i was snitched away i just want to say i am disappointed in this group that they did not listen to ari when she said that platy killed i i knew he was snitched but i couldn't vote that he was snitched yeah so he he clearly wanted to get his last task done you should have just skipped because he wanted the skip i guess i don't know it was so funnier to guess all those people i got the glitch killed that was wild [Laughter] [Applause] of all people who showed up in the specimen uh lady sushi thanks for the five month prime okay i feel like you should have been assassinated a while ago i wish he did it oh uh i i just saw a flash of a report button claudia what happened what happened did you kill him get back at him well is it some revenge kill i wish i was able to rewind time no revenge i should have died around one i'm not mad at chilled he just finally like you're the [ __ ] player you got to get out of the game bro and i was like ah yeah um so okay uh you know what i'm not gonna explain anything mr d go ahead brother i don't know bro there's no way i don't get either voted out or assassinated so i've done my duty do what you must ah because child was the swooper so i'm [ __ ] while he was invisible yeah he turned invisible and walked into me but i don't think can you tell us what happened everyone skipped real quick dude [Music] it was dumb it was dumb you know what i want to stick with dumb dog i'll stick with dumb dog i'm a time cop dumb dog i just hope he doesn't i just hope he's not an actual killer i mean if he pops on me i'll just i'll just i'll just rewind time just dumb dog oh [ __ ] me where is he oh dumb dog okay there is there he is there he is dumb dog i watched platy do it um oh you did i literally watched platy do it i followed him to make sure he didn't change he didn't change but i watched platy uh a platypus do this i'm like i'm sticking with you for a good reason okay do you have a defense i do yeah yeah um apparently it's rhyme who did this kill oh oh oh i actually i mean why are you saying that i am going to i'm gonna go ahead and admit to my crimes okay did anyone have eyes on rhyme anywhere anywhere well hear me out we don't have to so he's doing a jester play here but that's what i'm trying to find out i watched nobody skip i don't want you to skip i want you to take a wild guess right now [Music] don't be a coward style as as the jester firm it right now because i i mean i just said don't be a coward you're a vote for me or please what was jimmy what was yeah we still we still unless you're the assassin and him he shielded you and you knew it was him resistance don't be a coward this isn't cowardice this is smart this is a big brain and i want to witness this okay one question though wait don't be afraid rhyme yes i think if you kill someone okay yeah platypus is gone thank y'all [Music] i i think dumb dog's evil okay is he gonna go for rhyme i kind of want to bring back rhyme although i mean ryan could be the bat like the last bad guy if dumb dog is sheriff i don't know what ari's doing do it do it do it do it okay so he is actually sheriff don't do it yet dumb dog i have a really long cooldown i got a really long cooldown oh god don't do it yet dumb dog don't do it oh oh yes yes we got the time cops once you die chilled and i wasn't able to gain information i just stopped carrying those you had to deal with immediately don't let that [ __ ] go for too long i was kind of convinced you're an imposter crazy that's so cool well that worked out all right i'm the jester i'm the jester just gotta do jestery i feel like whenever i go into electrical round one i just die i just die let's go check vitals um hmm three dead immediately huh hmm you know what happened i don't know what happened to them we think dumb dogs oh sorry guys well i i'm pretty sure i know okay jimmy's uh outside of dropship just in between storage and electrical oh my god that's where so many people are because we're staring at dumb dog's body uh he's up by the keys and i'm pretty sure he's shot on junk well at this point he could either shot on me or he could have been a lover because look at all the things oh yeah yeah oh that's true dumb dogs having sex i ran immediately to vitals and i saw three dead bodies so that's like three cool down shots basically kill kill sheriff i mean it looked like i mean i think there were lovers it looked like he stuck his gun right in my back and shot it looked like yeah he was like the old man you sure that was his gun i don't know he is a lover i don't know that deserves a skip i'm voting for jack here no i didn't get the kill you know what i got to get it you know what that deserves a vote i think no gotcha dude [Music] [Applause] a bad task i kind of want to hit the button there's no way patty went to o2 and did that task immediately are you just vented okay uh huh oh god well i really just kind of oh sorry about scotch what i kind of just stayed at the button room and i had multiple observations just staying in there one platy fake with the second water jug even though he probably wouldn't have been able to make it to o2 to do it the first time in the first round and ahri did something in front of you we're good we're good we're good don't don't worry about it dream we're good she killed scotch right in front of me oh what are you doing i'm kidding i'm kidding that's a lie first of all clatty's a neutral or bad role and this is all i'm saying first of all i'm a thirsty little boy okay and i wanted to fulfill my my little droughted mouth okay i did a very sweaty october 2020 button call that's what i did all right well interesting let's see so we have you didn't even check the vitals no i didn't even leave button room who's in specimen oh my gosh okay he's not jester wait wait either way damn at least he's not jester oh my god tie breaker oh yeah rose k that's for six months that means he might actually be evil yeah [ __ ] save the game guys so how do i get voted out as jester i'm just jesting around [Laughter] oh god junk what are you doing who's coming in here i think chill's following me oh my god anymore that's a lot of buttons that makes so much freaking sense it's platy's platy's a bad guy then um well we're saying that she misshot so what would she miss shoot platy as platy could be executioner jester yeah but he could also be executioner he could also be arsonist he could also be anything doesn't mean he's evil he could even be crew i think he's just not just you know i fake tasks all the time when i'm recruiting for junk i just think junk's evil i'm not gonna i'm not that's fine it sounds like platy you're okay to be wrong but that's fine it sounds like junk wants platy out for nefarious reasons i just want your crew do not vote just it's it is it in my best interest it is in your best interest i'll skip it it really is that's it i'll skip for you platy but don't you ever fake that water jug again i'm thirsty boy are you dousing us right now is that why you're thirsty because it's getting a lot of the color you have anything to say you haven't said anything at all this whole meeting oh i'm just uh i'm just taking it along like a sponge right now you know he's probably a killer just watching all the chaos happening we're all wrong all right go back to sleep ellen go back yeah he turns into people and then he just kills them as the best before he stabs somebody it's weird it's uncomfortable how does one how do i get the win i don't know how i get the win ari what are you doing i don't know what ari's doing please don't kill me don't do it ari don't don't don't don't do it i don't know why she's sticking with me i'm just gonna run del smith thank you for the four months i hope ari doesn't come this way she probably will what the [ __ ] holy where the [ __ ] did you come from someone else hit the button please [Music] i think ari's swooper i'm not we know he didn't claddy and i didn't kill uh you appeared right in front of me in bottom decontamination when the doors were closed were you invisible you know why you know why i actually don't know why ari you remember the reason why you called the button i'm sorry remember what you saw right remember what you saw that's why i was oh yeah she the wrong way here guys i think i think cloudy could also still be evil though um i don't know i really need junkyard to let me know if platy was trying to stab me or not because he gave me a shield junk and then uh junkyard was brutally murdered while i was with platinum i did not try to kill you well you know i mean the only person that could clear you also dead so it's unfortunate but you didn't kill junk though so that's great right right right but the thing is sounds like it's just um why would i try to stab you multiple times i don't know also i know you didn't click the phantom so you're probably a good guy because i was escorting rhyme phantom phantom yeah dude i think it's just engineer she just did it right in front of me oh wow there's no way i'm voting someone that said they clicked the phantom yeah this game doesn't get back when i did it either dude i just said [ __ ] it you know yeah no it's [ __ ] home it's my canelo no ellen go away go away go away i just want to run i hope he's not following me if he follows me is he following me well i guess i could just try hanging out here and pray he doesn't kill me there we go well melon what'd you do well it's i mean chill i think thank you it's just simply it's alum this is unfortunate where are you right now see how come the button's not getting fixed i was finishing my last task in lab why'd you be doing that when the reactions are going off it's a pressing issue man i don't like these excuses so which task was it again it was uh the last uh sample thing the thing where you have to wait 50 seconds i did it last round and now i just finished to this round so right kind of where the reactor is you know just up in the oh [ __ ] it's ellen i was with ari like all last round she vented in front of me it's alum oh dude this is just so wrong wait no no yeah plus you clicked the phantom wow how did uh did you vote for yourself yes i did i was a jester [Music] [Music] there's a bigger gesture than the justice [Music] [Music] me i was shocked i was like what the [ __ ] altruist all truest altruist i want to bring back a bad guy that's why i wanna do i wanna bring back a bad guy oh rhyme rhyme rhyme rhyme rhyme mr style mr style um well let's go see if there's a dead body oh boy [Laughter] all right oh uh is he back here i i saved him he saves me i save him mr style here oh please please please please hit the button oh thank you all right what are you butting it for oh uh oh i rhymed z sacrifices life using monsters again i was wondering what the doors closed and ryan was booking it out of there it all makes sense now so that's so funny the only person i know for sure isn't a crew is cinna [ __ ] nerd i mean a faked a task so what are you dude jester go for it they voted somebody different i'm going to skip and see who they voted wait how do you know how do you because they're they're still voting no oh they probably want to see it oh they voted i'm going to skip and see one of them is definitely an imposter really weird yeah this is going to be really weird when you maybe there's nothing's already dead so that a lot of things are going to make a lot of sense for a second here i didn't see what happened let's see the two of them because i didn't think that was crazy i mean ryan's called him like five rounds in a row so i said ask oh my god you both voted rhyme junk and cinnamon i thought that more people did because of how i voted [Laughter] it's like an interesting combo uh ryan shielded me and i lost my shield and i knew he was back in o2 so i went back immediately to check him and i just reflected i'm really i'm really confused by senna lights are on and she straight up walked over my body didn't report i don't when i when i saw that she was she was good i didn't understand why she didn't report my body i i dude i think i think cinna's like i think this is pretty new okay i think i mean i mean like literally she stepped over it with lights on like she ran right over it for sure i think cinna uh also shane by the way uh the other day when i when i saw her walk over on my body i was like oh she's bad wait dumb are you hey welcome on in brother dumb game dumb game dumb game that was so [ __ ] funny during that meeting when you were like i'm not letting you get away with this again oh dumb dog died [Laughter] well when i picked vitals i didn't see junk was dead yet like we didn't run up because we know where dog is dead yeah and then he's just dead on those screens so he died in the last like four seconds oh did you see us on camps uh no no no no dog is dead on like near your camera yeah yeah oh i just didn't know how you both saw it we're just smart you know i just know we're nowhere where we're known i'm not gonna question your wizardry unless you're both imposters lying to us i have no potty was an imposter so okay my useful information is uh i completed my tasks um early and i'm able to see you know who are our two little imposters you've got the shinigami eyes i do have the skinny gummy eyes and both of them are dead meaning just a glitch who were the two imposters why uh platy and junk okay so we were right on the platty right well they know they can just do a roll call now okay so well it makes me scared about scotch for 10 minutes and it also makes me scared about that they go for scotch knows unless she's lying though and she's part of the imposters does that sound like something i would do i don't know literally absolutely so i don't know clear for any reason is run clear for any of these rounds yes i was a medic i am a medic and did you get shifted no i protected z and then he paid it back by reviving me i'm taking a guess yeah scotch knows what's up you know what's up sorry [Music] doesn't it [Music] i would have freaking won his arsonist again junk had there what was that oh you were an arsonist again oh i had no problem with that i was going to get we gotta judge we gotta get this one okay we gotta get but don't do it yeah we gotta go you do it you just do it you do it all right that's a lot of pressure you're putting you're just gonna button it now every single game i can kill you guess who i'm coming for wow you have already done that all night long i was just loved tapping you dude oh my god this is dangerous you guys you know if you are nice to ellen he's the gentlest of lovers that should be pretty clear ari was probably the worst person to kill interesting so just rhyme right i'm going up to the top left-hand corner of the little oh you must be behind me then but i will say wrong don't confuse them just say it's chilled because i know because i know you were safe yeah and i don't think i go check vitals and this body's dead and i walk down and it's in the hallway of admin like i think ryan was glitch he would have killed me because we were in that office for a second but not if he knows your confirmed role yeah i think it's it's keep in mind keep in mind i i i met i mediced uh z early on and he brought me back why do i feel like this is going to be a two-two time the first round yeah in the beginning that that like remember i died paint a very clear picture of it unless cena is absolutely marinating the [ __ ] out of me right now which case holy [ __ ] i will point out i also was near skagit one point and he didn't kill me the other person who i did not run into the entire time was chilled yes okay so where were you well i told you i'm already a top left reactor uh you were probably behind me then hmm where was the body i don't know that's on scotch uh it's in the admin building all right let's vote with our hearts i feel like chills are gonna vote for himself yeah don't even swap you [Laughter] i was gonna help you [Music] i was going to kill santa all right [Music] not sidearms i don't think
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 83,372
Rating: 4.9737563 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, among us, among us gameplay, zeroyalviking among us, the derp crew, among us the derp crew, the derp crew among us, among us impostor, impostor, chilled, chilledchaos, live, commentary, tips, tricks, funny moments, among us funny moments, among us stream, among us twitch, among us prop hunt, among us mods, among us prop hunt mod, town of us, among us town of salem, among us town of us mod, among us airship map, among us new map
Id: AbK_IefPYq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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