Destroying the Game - Hutts Streams Legend of Bum-bo Ep7

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working the record button Bombo the weird gotta beat it to get the bum but lost i remember exactly what was going on last time with bumble the weird oh it's how have you been I have been well my life is an absolute mess you guys I I trim my own hair like a week ago the Harris is still in the bathroom floor yeah no it's not yeah hot I'm a hot mess what do we see here piss as more the selected tile rights removes tiles and throws them yeah did we lose that one cuz I felt like we were doing well alright I almost got a teeth thing going on here piss is good but damage is better can't get a bone line up you do a two-for-one one tooth tooth is better don't line up anything else anywhere else not really I start hitting these guys bottom flies coming up too which probably means we're gonna need oh we get movement every time we kill something you can't forget about bats I was gonna say we need poop we should probably set up some poop could set up some piss we did this we could set up the piss and the poop no I don't think we could we had to move one or the other it's been 12 months it's a full year welcome back friend welcome back we should really just probably go for kill kill kill kill kill given the fact that we get the moves back but we can't kill them with a single blow of any tooth set up the bones next turn I don't think the bomb fly is close enough to attack but here's the problem the guy on the bottom is let's roll the tooth first and then I got to do that because I'm gonna pick it right back up honestly maybe I got into a snot I could do a poop or I could do a piss right now I've got options of many different things that I could do boogers would be stupid to hit the the fly that wouldn't block the damage coming in the poop would block the damage coming in but then the guy would hit it break the poop and then the bomb fly would move close enough I'd hit the bomb fly he would blow I'm thinking I just removed the tile and throw it and I get rid of this guy right and then I move the poop in and then I move the poop in what's how would I gonna get rid of though possibly booger but because there's so many boogers and we need to poop for later but if I did that that I think I'm gonna screw up my setup for the poop I don't think the Pope will be set up a bowl so possibly better to get the poop now poop now to block the jump guy right look at that five it's a five piss setup and then well it won't be after I just [ __ ] up like I said remove the boogers that's a five booger [Music] if I remove the teeth if I remove the teeth the boogers will fall into place almost almost that the piss would fall into place - one oh goodness could've gotten a double fiver right there it still said Allah sir say it still set up for five but then it's of course not blow the bomb fly we don't want him here is bad he's Bad News Bears then we can gum this guy up voila another piss in the wall all I know you'll just uh know the piss in the wound ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump I really did I want to set the bones instead mate it's better to go up here or sideways there are we sideways for the bones on the right potentially we got a little bonus sky see anything more Stu said oh yeah bone traitor yeah don't see this some more stuff what if I added we just need to hit on so add some more teeth just to see what happens any more teeth I can't I can't believe that one of you didn't line up that's amazing I asked for very little there are you liking the game is it worth taking up yeah I know I like it a lot every time I played it keeps getting deeper something new happens and we learn new things flashbulb 50% blinding enemies miss bang I still don't know if the blinding means I want to say it's a like a chance that when they attack they miss but I want to say that you only blind them for with the exact turn that you use it on Rose a tile and all adjacent probably miss bang just just you know mess things up chance to with yeah miss bang it's kind of similar to everything that we have right now and it doesn't really do it for me but what is what am I supposed to do you know under bits snicker miss bang kappa get out band bands which chat smut and blend a poop wall do we even use poop mana now we do for banging it out uh we got a 5 booger potenti R but honestly go for the kill to get the extra turn killing the little guy is probably the smartest thing to do is fumble the weird just get them onto the way cuz it's it's free if you can do it in one one turn and now I would like to go ahead and get out of here good music tho oh yeah the music's a little loud can i I can't I still cannot change the music okay it's a it's a tad loud for my liking but you know I have a down on my end you guys will just have to suffer what I had wants we could set up the piss maybe can almost set up like a seven piss there's a lot of piss going on I'm kind of thinking probably better to just try to set up some bones at the moment because you can throw the bones and then also unlock the ability to remove tiles and throw them which will do a bunch of damage bimbo bum buh five bone that should kill both of them I should kill both of them one A two A one two three look at the books this is a lot of them five damage put up I love it when you play legend to Bob Moses Marshall what's up Mike hazel I see you guys the electric worry blurb dye blorb zombie for hit Taylor butterscotch is new YK zl-- speak it off hunter bits say hats how are you I am I'm good I'm doing well today did I say you uh two years then I missed that one I'm so sorry if I missed that I get like real distracted because Hutch doesn't love you and see a piss lineup I always just go for the ones that you can just get immediately especially if it's piss especially if I can use the piss the power of the piss force what else would I like to do I would like to rack up teeth and bones so I can throw some [ __ ] poop walls makes me feel secure you get 5/5 of what bugs wouldn't be a bad place since there's so many of them I just ate one in the top row five peas not currently curtly what if I added more piss though and then I went for even more pissed so I could add more piss with the piss that helped did that do anything not really notice pons had a bit since he planted all those trees I think we should call him tree law and musk but that was his name really set anything up currently Ikey I could move over and get four more piss but it's not exactly helping me if I'm not doing anything with it maybe we'll just go for the bones or the teeth because there's three things are gonna shoot possibly for I don't know if that excite the thief he's arranged I think he might be ranged so next turn excuse me next turn if we don't do something now we're screwed we're actually dead with the the hell that we have he's not ranged snow but there's still three hits coming in and we can take four and we don't get health back very easily one of them's our sole art so literally next turn we're [ __ ] we're just already dead it's just uh it's a fact of life so yeah it's really cool I like that a lot mark up some [ __ ] if I do some weird stuff like this coming up a couple of things here would I what I like more booger or what I like more teeth [Music] hoop walls honestly would be the thing to do here but well I took away my ability to booger and gave me literally [ __ ] nothing else [Music] could set up a seven tooth [Music] we do one here next turn one two nope it would take too many turns in order to seven to get a seven tooth but seven tooth it's broken bones teeth bones are our teeth right now is probably the way to go because we'll probably be able to set up some teeth next turn to there's just so many of them it's just so many teeth tried playing basketball with a rabbit farmer but he but man he had the hops [Music] a rabbit farmer have you ever heard of such a thing making up [ __ ] just for the joke bruh makes the bits teeth Burt's new thought will fall down new teeth nice English [Music] it's not exactly not exactly helping [Music] [Music] tink he's gotta believe your thoughts I believe check this [ __ ] out I'm just Oh [Music] combo swears bus movement by the way for shooting their poop walls down thank God if we'd be probably dead without that what could I use the bonus for mmm snot poop I'm thinking about just picking up something right now and chucking it and killing that guy in the left probably poop well first go go for safety first right don't just pray that something's gonna fall out of the sky I'm gonna poop wall here my poop ball V your poop wall right now bunk pick up the boogers I'm not too crazy about the bugs that's what I'm talking about kill this most I don't even know what this guy does he just jumped at me or something shoot the poop ball down and go next turn out of it gotta go at some point go for teeth right now I can go for bones right now another poop ball like two walls of guano I think with four moves we just take what we we got right we don't mess of it I do like a five to throw what four turns we probably could make like a seven tooth if we really we really planned ahead and made the magic happen but this is okay this is all k-pop dirty pop teeth then bones that's what I'm thinking cuz if I had done the bones first we would have messed up the teeth play by the way Daniel two months in a row it's up officially two months on twitch welcome back feels good he does contact damage just feel like he's got something going on with them that I'm not aware of but this will be for free since I kill him and then he gives me next return back but with a weird strong I just how did we lose last time because we don't have any health probably because they don't have any health remove tiles and throw it we could just kill them right now when you grab something where there's a lot of like piss there's a lot of piss my dad just came in to name is something where I like the third room so no rerolls all enemies or removes all curse tile enemy rear all just watch me just watch me work my magic with it [Music] got the bones play right now sets up the teeth as well no Snecma dick didn't take damage she doesn't take a lot of damage until he's small this will give us the ability to remove tiles and throw them does he spawn enemies and shoot I don't remember doing a benefit cook tomorrow not a joke and there is a lot of Boston butts to cook it's not a hard work but smoking ass is a lot to handle gonna save me some take some smoking ass we roll the boss it doesn't work in the boss what do I want to pick up and throw probably some boogers yes yes I think he does shoot and spawn enemies I think was a question and then I can take out right now to set something else up [Music] no not that I can see it might happen but what's the thing that we use the least of [Music] we should have buggered or pooped or something he's got three health flocks he's like literally almost dead and if we take damage I'm gonna be salty about it yeah no he's not shooting he's not shooting good good [ __ ] genius just totally smartest person alive it's really good that he spits out these single damage flies it's fish in a barrel at this point fish in a barrel add more wilds that did not work that totally should work though Edie and it's you Edie I got me some moves here really I want teeth and it's over there is a lot of piss on the board let's take it and toss it [ __ ] we have nothing use tea scent killer plus one movement sharp nail enemies may take damage moving doubles shrink in effect with curio I don't have any trinkets yet imagine double sharp nails I took two damage just from moving how can you throw a piss can you scoop it into your hand piss for the winds like death stranding curio for later this is good though it just depends on what the percentage chance is right double trinket effects glam slap pee slosh shotgun piss blast mail curios nut sometimes so go curio I always go stat wheel spells charge less once per turn I can use that now and if if an enemy the way it worked the last time I use that you guys if an enemy is charging up to hit me and I reroll them with the d-10 then they are no longer charged up to hit me but we'll see don't tell ahead that okay I would I would not mine stuff puzzle damage or health money's good money's phenomenal absolutely I'm gonna play it again reroll break [Applause] [Music] five cents we spend it risk it for the Triscuit excuse me I'm joking well should we save it save it for more sad roles I would hit skulls gonna trinket let's try it hoof plus one movement first turn then he plus two movements which one chat risk it risky biscuit bright spend three left left left right is right middle left middle third right is always right [Music] bra want to set up what a setup for Lorna Hollow he's got a tiny but needs to eat more baby food [Music] hang it wait a second it should be double the trinkets curio I still get two moves in the first turn I don't know what that heart the hat means I don't know why I'm just joking all the time [Music] lies I have nothing to setup maybe the second move has an extra give you the first two turns you're right like a little hundred bits on top of that you might be right [Music] well Paul Polman bone Red Hat means he has health gain health gain like he he gets his health back every turn cuz that's [ __ ] I probably try to get that his range to keep dudes I should probably try to start taking a bunch of shits [Music] bring some [ __ ] balls [Music] I need the [ __ ] walls the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] walls [Music] should we read all the enemies not yet [Music] buh-buh-buh-buh-buh no what a shitty board it's not looking good I did not have three turns this turn three roll all puzzle boys looks like they got all full health back so let's keep that in mind when I designed this rhyme to explain in due time [Music] this animal dropped this i'ma drop dis piss [Music] add more bones that's a lot of bones [Music] I could kill somebody in one if I had more puzzle damage we would be set for life man 2,500 bits from Washington 0 0 0 0 thank you so much my friend that is very generous of you I appreciate you I'll put glasses on for that saucy bones I just wish I could do more with them set up a seven bone it set up a five bone for next turn where I can kill one of them that's probably the best move honestly set the five bone up for next turn and then I'll be able to throw a tile as well you're right and I'll be able to reroll them those weirdos ray tech 30 months welcome back 3-0 that's wonderful nerd get that ass up to Washington also just wonderful you guys are great good people I can line up the bones and the snot check this out you guys the snot is probably gonna get lost let's be honest I I do plan on killing one of the front guys and another one of the front guys so it's not this guy even though the poop wall is there oh no no it's postal damage only it's puzzle damage only we can remove the towel and throw it but the only thing that we're gaining from doing that is potentially lining something else up which we should you know think about doing obviously remove something I'm really liking the idea of having more bones and teeth but but you know we do need more bones of teeth that's the only way we do that's it's the puzzle damage thing we can also remove a tile chunk that would be more of like a last-ditch effort to make magical things happen when that kind of positive damage just literally puzzle pieces you know you have a very good point there there thanks for telling the cup you have a very good point but no does not so what we are we we we roll first we roll the enemies first you're absolutely right why am I am i blanking on this here we're all right [Music] nice what all that did was D Sager like D uh I don't know what the [ __ ] mean word I'm looking for is it did something with some things and stuff okay we can set up for a seven bone right now we can do a seven bone yes the real me looks also sees it thank you let's do it I'm super in and that's gonna count as a puzzle damage and it's gonna kill your buddy [Music] Brad up bop bop-bop-bop loving it only I can save my moves from last turn flashbulbs no we saw that one already attack a row hatpin probably I don't even like the blind thing I've been using blind and I just I don't I didn't really notice that doing anything if we could attack the last row right now [Music] would be sexy I probably won't get the benefit probably won't get the benefit you guys from am I trying to say I won't get the benefit from hurting one of these little guys because they don't count as an enemy I don't think they don't count it's like that there they're all one enemy but I'm not sure about that and here's the deal if I hit one of these guys and he's down but not dead and then I reroll all the enemies is he going to then reroll into something else that's staying here tonight have a good night TMI stance I'm gonna reroll now I think we willing a bunch of one damage flies is a bad idea but these four guys are ranged and I like I said I have to kill them all it's gonna be a mess it's gonna be a nightmare and I think that I would be better off without them or we go for the piss play immediately probably spoke myself in the eyes mountain glasses that be you know I think that would be a really nice thing to do gopher bugs and pin the last row that would be a solid play [Music] I need six book I currently cannot set up a six book one No [Music] I move over [ __ ] dude five buggers is just not gonna cut it Bumble the Bumbo thanks guys always helpful you always know what to say I got three moves I should be able to scrape something out of my butt [Music] I'm just I'm still curious if I hit one of these little guys that the counselors give me an extra move and I have it probably say it wouldn't could I set up a seven tooth [Music] oh don't bow I don't Austin what's up to nerve it's nothing better than waking up to a good stream keep it up dad appreciate that seven booger in three turn final over left and pull that one up it's it gets the four it removes this the fact that this one's here means we can't get seven booger period I'm looking at this correctly like we literally cannot do it [Music] but if he does seven poop which [ __ ] all over them yes I could do a to turn piss that's helping anybody though [Music] you can drag it to the right [Music] move the second row to the right dad like this [Music] to where I'm not seeing you guys first column second row bug right like this [Music] and you're saying I can get seven Booker this way throwing your gesture now don't you need him and the darkest dungeon for stress relief as just for my rear all by depend the weight I see it and I'm not seeing what you guys are seeing here there's no way to seven [Music] I can do one and then with three more turns get a six-link you guys are full of [ __ ] we can set up a seven for next turn I literally still think that I cannot set up a seven period unless we went down into this row right well one over then one down one down next turn I have to do one down one over and one down I mean no I diced no I like literally can't even do it in two turns I think you guys are all [ __ ] high you need to get off the ganja ground control to Major Tom here am I sitting in a tin can there's a booger in the bottom right corner I lifted it up moved it over it did a five three turns for five boogers that's - booger throws which is just incredibly unhelpful it's incredibly unhelpful no one cares if it's not seven booger then it doesn't matter because I need two booger everybody I think maybe you guys are missing the point of the game I'm gonna go for probably just teeth teeth and bones [Music] even bones [Music] this over that give me good line us kind of in the book I don't need the bug [Music] ground control to Major Tom wish I get a five tooth I wouldn't write matter because everyone's one health anyways should get like a seven bone seven anything is just a delicious thing ground control to major bone not setting up anything his balls hopefully we get a turn back if I hit this guy or I could just kill the fly and just get a guaranteed turn back fine you know you have a point [Music] probably gopher bones but I don't see any good way to get bones chose a beard hair in my mouth had to get it didn't have a choice hoop balls would be a really good thing to get right now [Music] you see old still sir [Music] well well well Wow beard hair YUM go for the six piss I just I'm not be on the six paths revealing the action now her mousse and tiles we can totally remove some tiles it totally just tooth but I really want the bones for the spell and one move left though get more boogers which the Flies could move up closer I'm gonna really need to start poop balling up the middle here because this back guys is uncontested here uncontested it's free to kill the fly so we should just do it [Music] bugger for the pin you're right more bugger would be nice for the pin you're not erling about that [Music] it's a row right which is like this way [Music] we just got three extra moves [ __ ] genius there's need 1 kill right now the flies over the poop here in the middle thought I didn't die let's go for the bone then [Music] get this guy of come as a kill it did give me an extra turn for every one of these little guys it seemed so it seems and look at all my moves [Music] those guys are [ __ ] busted hose act three months in a row it's uh welcome back cops asked question Hut's if this works wake up I wake up and the matrix I'm like game is dead it gave me a turn for every one of the guys that I killed and then after this it must have given me like six different turns for every single one like like thank God we did not rear all all the enemies this is still first turn if I'm not mistaken this is still first flarping turn bro watch me go hey wow look at this room this is very interesting I've never seen it before yeah go for buggers then well well well well yeah well I need a six bugger stat on native 6 bug I'm thinking about setting up bones just get the kills on the Flies and the right and try to mess up the board enough that we could maybe do like a six book starting a full-time job next week won't be able to catch you as often anymore I'm enjoy the stream as much as I can and gamer well a new job is always exciting too though so you know it's not always bad let me understand the excitement I'm just saying that it might save Crede [Music] with Psalms right okay round under the small line welcome to this bear so fill you in rip burn I think if I were to go ahead and do this and then move the bone up I'll be able to get bone next turn as well call me crazy [Music] but I do get I get a thing right for killing this guy I just I'm not like totally sure I'm just not totally sure returns six bolts [Music] it's too late [Music] where we are [Music] I was really hoping to get more booger setups [Music] five two I need things I can do now not things like the set up for later that's so lame [Music] with its 100 pair 5 rolls all 6 Yahtzee I don't I don't want to reroll this these guys are busted and it's good for me go for a 5 booger currently that's 3 turns for 5 boogers probably better to to turn for booger and try to do another two turn for booger you know what I mean try booger butt hole 6 bug 2 turns you can make a 6 1 2 3 4 right I declare a thumb war is that what y'all are seeing is that what y'all are seeing y'all ready for this bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump six book for moose tack this roll [Music] two more moves after that so that was just left there was one fly-in and I got one extra on top just for like a plug it thank I don't know you did some stuff have this - I need one damage and I kill this guy and I get all the moves in the worlds do you see anyone turn teeth don't you into a six tooth don't care [Music] at the moment just get a little look at those moves like [ __ ] Jagger more I need more of the moves anymore oddities no wonder like airs at this moment while the hell is give so many sis vu because it knows that it's me and I'm awesome probably plus 2 movement [Music] we're using our bones currently opal versus dusk more like dear [Music] just terrible boards just terrible boards I think we use the to movement now early setups are key one two three four we could do +2 movement in seven bones look at seven bone we can plus two movement in seven piss would that give us like five movement back and we'd be able to add more selected tiles seven pissed new movement who dis last time I played I figured something if you have max soul hearts and that you gain HP on stats roll the soul arts stack up even if you don't see them good that's good news into the bits as well that's like original Isaac where the stuff would go off the screen right in if you couldn't see it seven bone five moves yeah I'm seeing the seven bone I'm just thinking that if we also if we did a seven piss we will be able to seven bone post piss plus we be able to add more or less like two tiles and maybe even more after that it would just kind of gain on itself this is kind of how this game works it would take one over one down here down down over [Music] we'll take more than three moves took five months let's just do the bone play huh [Music] more move [Music] there's something like stacked up and then like went away at least hissed here's the deal though if he doesn't kill him then we're probably gonna take damage no rear om we take damage [Music] quit I I'm done I'm done as this game forever no never play a native ever again nope nope nope nope nope we're done I hate it this is the worst game I think I've ever played in my entire life [Music] now piss on him we're fine I decide I'll never take damage cell taking damage is unacceptable by my standards of perfection there's no reason not to go for a five kiss gives us the two loops right back [Music] and maybe even a five [ __ ] it's actually another way to get a 5 [ __ ] if I just pull the Bordeaux where we also get five shits and we line that underneath the other five [ __ ] so that in the ad right up to this we can line up another five [ __ ] we don't need another five [ __ ] though that's the problem is that we don't need the other five shipment we can maybe just line up something else but we need damage more than anything [Music] I just do a tooth the five [ __ ] will still be there it's a lot of booger on that left side or right side of me both going on do this and then I can pick up near the snot [Music] pick up the poop as well but doesn't really matter by the way he's dead we took damage though why you guys can write that down this first time I've ever taken damage my entire life ever on any game uh does that give me two 1ups then is that better than two luck piss would have given the moves back right probably would've been better to go for piss makes one mistake also hogs worst game ever yeah that's it's true it's a fact you have zero luck right now but with two one ups we wouldn't I feel like we would just never die plus Locke would probably make my life easier with my one life though more luck what is luck do lucky is more crit chance and money but to one ups is that all it does vu is more crit chance and more money it has nothing to do with the board because I've never even seen a crit hit so that's it yeah luck as in you never take damage we don't know all the things luck does yet what's the point of a 1-up if you don't take damage well we just did so you've gotten crits a few times I think luck has better tile drops that's how I thought okay let's go more risky by the way music on this shop yay spells cost less charge less once bird run maybe we can buy another one next time to follow that lesson leads us down to 14 cents so we won't be able to get a stab cost + booger we're gonna get rid of that spell anyways though and it wasn't the best use of our money or puzzle damage would be nice wouldn't it I'm just like the master what a genius is why case is that why Ches all like Iselle alright we actually did get double luck so the thing is working on that front at least and what does the nail do I didn't even read it chance that enemies take damage moving [Music] these guys have double movement so we roll them then [Music] well that's a [ __ ] nightmare [Music] thinking even a five bone isn't gonna do it plus two movement maybe in the first freaking room I need more puzzle damage so badly you know I told you I'm French so for you it's even more weird than you could think try me phonetically spell it out in a way that I could not not get it [Music] that makes sense even with a five bone I still can't even kill one of these things and we're most likely going to be rear Olli all of them anyways next turn [Music] coupe walls are forever though [ __ ] shields yeah [Music] you did do a six bone would kill them hoody seven bono [Music] [Applause] [Music] seven bone next turn maybe [Music] oh my god you can seven bones so good seven bone I'm thinking to move this up and I move this all the way over right to like there and then we'll be able to do a one two next turn right yeah [Music] [Applause] 7-ball me daddy now move the top row to the left I need this first if I'm seeing this correct we can just add more of the selected tile to just to see if that makes it any easier or maybe we just you know you don't do that just yet oh [ __ ] the teeth [ __ ] the teeth now nope ruined it the that was that was three moves just just simply four four teeth [Music] move it down instead undo there's no undo button you guys now that I'm gonna make more bones and hope that it takes away one of those teeth box soyal that [Music] I me just go six teeth right now just move the teeth away [Music] well you're right I'm only gonna get to two turns in the next turn anyways so we could just move the tooth and then next turn still get a seven if I just move this down like this that should do it right so that my only option here is to do that that's what I said Lowell you guys I can't read everything [Music] no quit no so like and like P be like P car like a like Max Zell like fell he Castle the eek as L because L yes you Cazale is that a French word you just make that [ __ ] up are you just crazy this isn't even gonna do that much damage you guys I think it would be smarter right now to reroll them first so something that has less health and 5 then bulking 5 Mike [Music] well [ __ ] me more 5 one of them places that I get more turns kills get moved out could have been better could've been worse we go for teats and then we can just start hucking [ __ ] welcome to Huck's gaming Huck's you go [ __ ] yourself mother huh ker somebody out there right now it's like Oh always I think we can probably at five damage on the books if you give me four damage I will literally quit we took damage though so what is it what is this worth anymore you huh clicker [ __ ] you [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seeing some free piss [Music] I'm seeing some bone her some teeth rather seeing some can't do anything with the spells will just save it a five bone like it's six bone we could seven bone again we had like 17 turns man [Applause] it's nothing stopping me [Music] hot sauce Huckleberry Finn just wish I could get my health back little rock hits furthest enemy or coin roll plus one coin there's no way I'm using the coin thing username from Azazel not only the one of Isaac it's also from Tekken which I've played a lot in my childhood and with a French pronunciation because L [Music] gotcha for coin roll that's too much mana ice way too much mana for one coin I were starting to cancel and take nothing we don't use the Miss bang now so [Music] [Applause] I'm still feeling reroll in these little guys but where I guarantee you we're gonna get the same enemies that we got the last time these guys are much easier to kill but they have much more movements double movement per turn is insane we could get a seven bone going get a five bone which will only kill one of them we get a seven tooth that would do the trick [Music] five piss [Music] when at 6:00 piss Oh for some magic to happen six pestle give me my three turns right back [Music] [Applause] more of a slate of total [Music] rinse and repeats [Music] I'd like to attack a row we had more damage they'll men if we did double damage we could take out three things get three moves this guy's got double movement - I think we're gonna have to reroll just to get rid of him more bones more teeth in five turns would be be able to set up a seven a seven bone set up the boner [Music] and that is what that is what that is what she said that is what that is what there is what she said [Music] [Applause] [Music] we move this over sweep we can't lift this one up that's our seven slot [Music] get to move it over there one up sloppy it's so sloppy [Music] it's not it's not gonna look pretty if we if we are able to do it stopped here could be one that'd be - that'd be three get one two three four five we could do it in five spawned more bones and that'll help what if it made of four though and that ruined everything I don't think that I made a difference my eyes think it also made it more difficult because like I said do you end up getting something while you're trying to get a seven and then you're just you're just dead you just give up on life one two three four five we can do it in five five bug pin extra turn [Music] yeah yeah yeah I'm not against that if we did that right now it actually would not even mess up the bone clay and then we bone after that ladies [Applause] [Music] that I think they did actually my set the bone play [Music] [Applause] you actually messed it up oh wait a second I need to do this twice it doesn't aah Jesus no it doesn't kill them totally just ruined everything throw it all away literally seven boned was the only move the big goof all right I'm actually gonna close my chat program and just shut you guys off completely no more chat lost your privileges to speak Chris the young one twenty nine months what's up welcome back when I get a couple for boners start hitting them for free [Music] [Applause] seen any good setups [Music] poor boner that's a lucky guy seven [ __ ] I would take one - no you can't if there's a if there's a look at you guys before you even do anything chat stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop it if you see a thing space space thing just don't even bring up seven to me don't talk about sevens ever can't happen what's the bottom battery do plus two movement if my head wasn't there [Music] [Applause] my head wasn't there and there's actually a scene that I can do that moves my head over is that better cup is inside me now three moves two times four bones AI dose 32 what's up spider snack shack did we ever figure out what luck did somewhat [Music] come looking for something up it's gonna give me a double here double play you have to spend time to actually think about these things you guys we can't just jump into this that's how we [ __ ] it all up [Music] the left and right guys will be able to attack me this next turn AI does wonderful wonderful wonderful 10 get that subs thank you so much for that - Skippy gutes kamesh do you even rate turn sky lured fancy owl grit film Phoenix drag dragon maybe something like that is jog and yoyo hallo wonderful stuff thank you so much second row to the left twice last row to the left three times twice throw three times where is that getting me [Music] why would I do that doesn't seem intuitively obvious to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh double boned I see it a good call good call good call [Music] I was like what do you Chad I said that you can't you can't speak anymore why are you so speaking that should be like that should combine the two rows into like a super mega smash you know that should count as eight I'm gonna clear out as much as these little guys as I possibly can and then then re-roll because I don't want to deal with the seven guy [Music] this is nice I'm glad that we switched out for this rock hop OOP oh my god why do we have so many moves that was two enemies [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I think we didn't just double our trinkets you guys it was four I think we doubled our special ability for enemies let's hear it was one two three four you're right but still that that's what nine moves to trinket frakking it's gotta be the something it's got to be something here I don't know I have no idea but it's amazing and I think I'm gonna try to go for piss here maybe poop first poop wall cuz we don't know what's coming seven poop I'm talking about seven poop okay we could totally seven poop but we don't need to because there's it's that's really unnecessary [Music] but seven bone you set this up somewhere for a seven boner Bonnaroo we use [Music] one two three four five six seven that's seven right there something to [ __ ] it up though pain just feel it [Music] zotkin feeling coming in here tonight can feel those bones in the air tonight Oh Lord oh that's begging for every roll [Music] it's begging for a massive reroll [Music] nice boners there [Music] Stacy what's up go for a 19th law [Music] not sure how to handle this situation I'm thinking maybe moving some piss to try to set up [Music] something else [Music] we could kill them before re-rolling that would be ideal we could target this ghost but isn't it something like where you hit the ghost and it curses you immediately I'm the big sick seven teeth no 17th owner Betsy Oh Lots new job has been going really well been working a lot with MVC razor pages c-sharp JavaScript HTML and the team I work with is happy with my work the only blunder is I missed a flight to a business meeting and my bosses were not happy mr. flight told you to get off at crack rock ghost takes your moves I think we just rewrote it [Music] I'll be just seven boner it right now we did one spoon it it over I'm not sure we could [Music] [Applause] [Music] but a seven poop do it makes three you all three damaged poops across the board I think that you know the graphic that should happen you know when you get the seven bones and the big skull comes down and spits a bunch of teeth it should be that but it's actually just a giant butt and it just starts raining [ __ ] [ __ ] Orson zoom in on bum buh he like eats a whole cake looks like like an ice-cream machine seven snot could be something seven snot gives everybody to two snot I don't see like anything that's just really turning me on here I've seen anything that turns me on [Music] oh well [Music] my handle this situation to get multiple ballin setups I don't scientists could at least have the sound of a toilet flushing seven piss is just a giant dong so slapping against people five bone and three move I got two moves i meanyes reroll them now those are like a really successful wonderful reroll can't wait to do it again five bones removed vertical noise nice the double snot [Music] need to start racking up teeth and bones one of these set me up for a teeth next turn but well no technically no [Music] [Applause] [Music] since as close as I could get but the three teeth methought mean nothing to me [Music] I need something better than this this is garbage I hate all of this vertical bones just see what happens [Music] hit who [Music] yeah that's not helpful I brother save it for this to be able to 1-shot one of these guys this starting can be spent setting up teeth this I can't even set up a tooth okay I'm gonna do that my I guess I could get a bugger currently set up more bone it's set up piss [Music] the more we do now the better [Music] Damon get a single kill off bro [Music] what would I remove if I could remove poop the poop is so scattered it'd be really nice to have poop filled so I can do a poop right now but with bumble the weird is just better to go for kills [Music] [Applause] [Music] only puzzle damage you're right I grab poop I might get some lucky drops but it's just gonna end up removing stuff then five bones that's good this won't do any damage to anybody we know this like I said even even though it is literally a puzzle piece that I just tossed he's gonna double double turns so take him out I'm gonna definitely drop this piss down and that's gonna give me boogers as well see the more you do the more you do the more you do the more you calls move this guy up because we're targeting this guy in the middle attack a role I think I would do that yes actually [Music] [Applause] [Music] and where you do the more you do do oh that's right got to remember what's what and what's one who's who and how is when something like that in five teeth right now which would take him out and the teeth would be good well yeah just kind of [ __ ] with the board again could be seven teeth Oh No with 66 teeth will be three damaged and I don't need it you can get four wilds because if there's three in a row it would proc within anything next to it you can't get for a while it's right place if you can [Applause] [Music] let's say oh that's the three damage the five mm remove the boogers because we're not using them dudes like dude on you can't kill me what are you dumb but he has some kind of stupid [Music] seven bone would be peak performance poor moves one two three set myself up her next turn set myself up for a seven boner next turn right bottom bones are dropping you had to an aside and the other two on the other side would you slide it over and become four yes get teeth bones are dropping from top here it's not a bad play but I won't be able to kill anybody with it you don't I mean better to save my turns to get the seven teeth seven bones I mean that that would be too damaged on what right then we can set up one more thing with one more turn and get one more kill remove the poops and pray [Applause] I'm gonna add more teeth I'm gonna add more bones [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like 14th bottom three bones falling down from top you guys I get that it's just not going to kill anybody it'd be a waste of one turn I think [Music] it's about helping [ __ ] up your teeth playhouses it shut up about that [Music] oh I'm not a terrible person you're a terrible person no you one two three four I declare decor decor frame did you just try to pass the klore off as a word he is some kind of stupid let's do it here no [ __ ] no the boys blew it no Boyd you hear that move the top instead what do you think you're smart I'm Chad I know everything there is to know [Music] and you wanted me to get the bones or the teeth shame on y'all I can't see what his health is in the back [Music] cuz that doesn't want you to be happy suck my bones you roll but bag never thought it you're a grown man tell me that ever again since the last time phantom eight months it's up the Bucky's up [Music] you can kill them with this small rock no I can't oh wait a second you're right that guy is not the super douche you're such a little [ __ ] ah Natalia [Music] ding-ding still playing weird yes what are we doing currently just start just tucking some [ __ ] I don't know if it really matters probably do it in less turns but how only like 700 moves so I'm not really sure we're gonna be able to do it it does not totally convinced that it's worth my time try you guys are like you play so so then yet I destroy everything in the first turn because of how slow like Oh gain one heart or add a wild Thailand curse well you know we don't have a way to remove tiles besides picking them up and it would only do like a one damage curse throw and it would be garbage let's you love bumble the dead if you want to go slow I'm thinking just yeah I'm thinking y'all Mart just you know in case we're in trouble but what would be replaced is I've actually been liking everything that we've had attacking a row isn't good if we [Applause] [Music] if we're against the puzzle piece guys but you throw away curses if you need to I can't go back now by the way I got a replace something and I just I wish I could just skip I wish I could just say ah no thanks pass but I'm GV just put the money guys guy maybe it skips should tell me that there should be a cancel or a back button [Music] imagine breaking the movement thing once per turn you get two moves that's what I'm gonna go for you can remove rerolls you are strong enough Rios I think is unbelievably broken though once per turn you can stop them from attacking it was only a problem last turn because they had double movements right Rock attack is high mana cost now I don't know what if we can lower the cost of this buy one and have it once per bone one damage on her enemy and she go pop pop pop pop pop skip will be in the next update I certainly hope that's true burnout a lot of months welcome back my friend appreciate you I don't I don't wanna get rid of anything adds more to selected tile honestly I'm just gonna have to I'm just gonna throw it out there that's the part of the worst one that we have tell me I'm wrong boss is next to d-10 is useless attack role probably worst it's the only thing that we have for buggers though get rid of the grow I think I add more of the selected tile we've used it how many times now and haven't gotten anything from it it could help maybe but it hasn't kazar de is really not a good thing to have for what we have going on here can't reroll the boss either I've tried it it's a puzzle damage only we hit him with a bone and then we gotta smack him again just hit him with the rock but I think if he starts spawning enemies and [ __ ] during that whole thing so it's not as simple as just doing that we should be setting something up here poop walls hit him with a booger first probably itchy nose I see the bone I think I'm gonna skip the bone for right now all me crazy [Music] well I don't need to piss anymore but instead of two turns for one booger I think we bugger him first right we booger them first so it doesn't change or spawn anything [Music] we go one up here plug her down I okay I did not find that correctly that didn't fall where I wanted to [Music] you do this though what sets of bones [Music] lots of bones so now he doesn't change or spawn anything plus movement we can honestly waits we could honestly wait he's got one move yeah you got [ __ ] he's not bugged any more of those the issue is there a way that I can set up multiple bones here like this guess which shapes now spawn something we can bone that thing now right following stick it to that get an extra move we have to hit him now and we can hit him with a spell here or here probably the big one but he might attack when I do that so if I was able to goob him right now first or set up a poop wall would be ideal I can set up a poop wall better than the other you can - moves goob I'm fine with a poop wall instead and now we can remove a tile which ones are we not using ever I really like them piss for the extra movement but how many pieces are one two three four five six seven eight how many poops one two three four five six how many books one two three four five six seven we remove the piss then [Music] three poop and Oprah boogers or poop damage if you throw [Music] yeah and I see he attacks I knew it I knew it puzzle damage only now I could set up a tooth and tuck it I can't believe we have three charged things five green and two I don't want to give him a turn and watch the streaming web and subscribe for a long time before my ads and sloppy content man keep it up what's up shadow gem with teeth we can remove tiles again it's just a good setup at night and we get poop on a fly [Music] it's so predictable jizz arta I could smack him again but that's gonna cause him to attack and get rid of my poop wall could use extra movements right now but I don't think that's necessary I don't see any good setup a five is a five bug in the bottom would be a waste though to throw the bug at the fly I have to get rid of the fly first or there's no way to get rid of the fly [Music] [Music] five boogers is just like it's right there for me you throw left or right it touches the boss I'm pretty sure it doesn't pretty sure it does sunny gazelle these top spell to kill the fly and then the stone to hit him top that's such a waste to that move though it's like five damage potentially small rock and boogers small rock I hit him only not the fly you get the bugs for teeth and kill the fly plus two movement for teeth and kill the fly not falling all plus two movement get teeth first try it silly still use of one turn that I feel like if I did this I would get the four booger and not the five booger right it would just fall into place I'm saving a turn use your urine sack what if I just move this over and went up for your EIN and got two more moves and just to see if anything falls into place right and I think it will because a booger or a tooth will come down I'll just be able to get the tooth down immediately and that'll be a 1 turn tooth instead of a to turn tooth one turn to that so to turn tooth this is the way to go it's the way the future right because this was two turns but we got to back oh that's right we did move this tooth here but we still have this set up here so those are something better jeez he's good teeth assists are good it is this extra move he's only spell damaged which is totally fine maybe we even want to keep med spell damage otherwise we could hurt him now and then bugger him later I think we want to keep MIT spell damage since that's what we're doing the most damage with board movement to get better moves [Music] five booger with a bone setup Bumba make this [Music] these bones with the spell we're like set up perfectly for throwing bones but you're right I don't know though because we could just totally just let's say that we didn't grab the bones we instead grabbed we did the bones and then like got more bones here under so the bones are gonna do any damage what we can just spam this for a ton of damage well be to extra damage right because there'd be four extra bones burgers don't deal damage yeah I know [Music] yup do that there's nothing better to really throw here and we're gonna probably just end up throwing away damage by not grabbing it now let's grab it now something else will show up build our poop ball totally build a football to attack our row - we don't use boogers for anything else [Music] do this while we can use it [Music] did it help them do them do nevermind now throwing booger tiles would be nine damage had uh one more bone we could use that spell again so we just save it we should probably instead of using the two bones for this small little guy for one damage we'll save it for this spell with a big one for the big boy maybe even get him another bug for Christmas organic garbage [Music] boogy attack bro [Music] it's good to lock him up here because this is where we do our damage really wish I could set up more bones though I don't have that anyway of setting up bones we should just start skipping turns he's got three turns wasted so we can set up the bones no bones dropping rough world and we just keep him bugged up we keep him booked up right that does damage so we gain damage out of that we stop him from moving for a whole turn we just spent one turn for him to do nothing and we got one free damage out of it plus the ability for bones to start dropping from above not too terrible I wish I use the gain one heart thing it gave me a soul heart now it's ten damaged again and it's gone what's ten damaged it's not one per tile I don't believe you guys but it is the more the more the better [Music] one damage per 2 tile says fajita s I'm saying like 10 damage I don't think you could ever get 10 damage ever I don't that's even possible [Music] they round up mom hats here are you seeing anything that I can do in one turn here no I'm not set up a six piss all I got was seven [Music] has to drop boogers can't do it one turn though set it up for two turns oh my bell [Music] spine cause he ain't going nowhere I was able to get a seven pitch though we would have gotten this with two extra movements and have been cool could have been what dreams were made of anymore bones kind of need to keep them plugged up to [Music] on will in the game that for bone your four moves I think one two three four yeah we could we could also just keep them bugged up it buys us a whole extra turn for a half the price or half the amount of moves that I have and still go for stuff after that right don't let the poop wall maybe [Music] building up our defense and we're allowing ourselves to set up bones after that even right because you just wanted me to set the bones period this is good we're fine seven damaged but I thought put up Bumba weird gained 18 mana reduces spell costs at random um I don't know like gain 18 man it means the one time per use I yeah I mean like that we were really stuck on like a boss or we all about to die we could just pop the lotus petal we could also do a rainbow tick and then just for the whole rest of like all the floors forever ease everything after that that thing cost less goo bomb 24 months what's up welcome back two years you kept at nine it probably just spreads eighteen across I think we might have to get rid of a trinket as well tick tick is perma tick rainbow tech sounds better I haven't noticed the take damage on movement right or do we want to get rid of luck which one do you think is the right move here convinced me I think that something weird is happening with this first trinket that's like it's making magic happen right there's the lock there's the nail which is possible damage on movement damage on move sucks the enemies never get a chance to move Lowell yeah I would agree with that but the same thing but we're just gonna be in a popping to take immediately and it'll be gone honestly call me crazy well but I think the needles here are just the best spells costless attack role or this is only gonna lower one of them so it's not gonna be three bones to teeth I think this for for book we could do it twice potentially in one turn or well I mean if we got nine up to nine you know maybe cap at nine hundred bits from dance but scold I want more bones raining from the sky does nineteen leads to his Raining Men hallelujah It's Raining Men know what it's raining [ __ ] damage on move we go - and - I'm I'm pretty sure it's two and three because I did it before unless they patched it or changed it I'm gonna do this I really wish I had the charge last one again just busted back muzzle damage puzzled and puzzled anguish muggle vanish [Music] regular damage would have been really good to write if I did double damage on the whole like the the rock or the relic it would have been too damn it it would have been like really good black handle I didn't read that I don't even want the black handle Oh No hey the tick is actually a double used thing I gotta get rid of the luck I got to get rid of the luck there's no cancel option I didn't even read what it did I don't even know what it does what is it Buddha case somebody read that right pretty sure small rock only does one damage it does as much damage as your main damage I'm pretty sure you [ __ ] anyways bye bye luck no damage curses oh that's [ __ ] garbage man luck was better than that if I could have just popped my rainbow tic now right give me the option edie in the shop to pop my youth trinkets one cent I can't do anything with it the basement the new the new place right here this is it the new place right here all right I'm gonna pop my tick twice are you all ready for this I'm pretty I'm pretty sure it's permanent so now it's three and two on the first move now it's 2 & 2 in the first move hay hay hay bale 8 3 moves 3 Pits [Music] plus two Mumma why aren't you charged up your once per room what the [ __ ] happened there man because that could have been seven pissed that could have been seven piss by the way this is the basement you guys this is the freaking basement we're there flic is broken [Music] they don't know what happened with that black handle is actually good in this floor because these guys all curse me I'm thinking re-rolling these enemies they look real bad [Music] look terrible I was kind of hoping to get something more from that but teeth and bones are important to me [Music] they barely ever attack they're harmless whose harmless bones first I agree well as I mess up my teeth or otherwise they mess up the bones [Music] they mostly just curse that's not harmless [Music] what I want to kill this one of these cursed boys [Music] no stack board now it's that guy flowing above this guy he is isn't he I can't tell if he's in the back or VSIP with this guy cuz right now if I grab [ __ ] I'd want to kill him but I'm not sure if the slime boy is a double hit thing right because when it's some of these slime guys you hit him once and they just kind of cower and then you at the end of again in order to do the damage he's in the back it's really hard to tell there's no shadow right it'd be really nice that there was an option if I like held my mouse pointer over of him it would show me a grid and grid me up if I put my mouse pointer over an enemy well maybe like hold click on them or something test it with your third spell to see if he's in the back they've he was if they were in the same position it would still it the same guy throw a booger and see I was thinking about grabbing the booger since there's so many either way but it might waste it if it hits this guy the damage [Music] wasted [Music] you can do this spell two times yeah wasn't supposed to cost too and not for gonna take all my stuff the mob drains mana the [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] all day laws arse speaking of ours [Music] well I'm gonna pop back up alright Oh easy kill easy life pop with this to go for bones gopher teeth I mean and then just cast a spell maybe [Music] grab poop I'm Anna drained me again superdude sky I don't like that guy he's really mean to me beats me up when I go outside he'll me crazy one two three [Music] being a really natural I put this [Music] I can set up bones [Music] you're crazy you crazy son of a [ __ ] my charge thing better work this next room false teeth gain gray mana teeth right artery kills me he'll there's no skip option but but I have a space right because I used the tick I'm kinda feelin re-roll I have never seen them before they get double movements and they have eight health that is not something that I would like to mess with sexually [Music] they floss stop [Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah let my Lifesong sing to you oh my god neutered absolutely neutered you guys are like d-10 is stupid I hate it watch them mess it up details the worst thing ever [Music] best thing [Music] it's best around [Music] watch me hooking do watch me do watch me do to shut up [Music] I'll get all my moves like Jagger you'll have a way to set up things easily I'm gonna spend extra moves when I don't need to it's so painful [Music] I don't know what these guys do but I kind of want to roll them [Music] I don't see a good way to do [Music] they look like horse the Bugaboo with the cursing and stuff and the stealing of the movements I'm just not down for that [Music] music seems a bit loud I know thunk I can't even change it I mean I can go on here and turn it down but then I'm gonna be down for the rest of everything and you have to remind me in the future seven teeth one two three [Music] not seeing 17th one two three four five and I would have to be a six after that a weird thing to not include in a game yeah it just seems like II you know it's I don't know I don't know come on it seems very alpha to me but especially with the game freezing [Music] well left side bone down right sign bone down [Music] two down for a seven bone let's see here if I boned here boned here bone there could be one two three space one two three no we need to save this one own down bone down my brain hurts [Music] seven teeth before any of them can attack [Music] can I tell they'll get like 75 turns munch so how do I get more gray mana is it like I get three for every time I should get to chance of damage up or more red tiles curved horn man right first had a customer right at five by not one extra every turn horn sure he started to gray mana better as curved horn better than [Music] so okay get rid of the extra teeth mana or get rid of the black candle probably the black candle if I'm gonna end up reeling everything but I don't know if the boss will be able to curse me the boss can curse me we might be in trouble Johnny 15 months of stuff I hope people make mod to the game what about you wha I'll see her trying to think of Pete maybe I don't know ah camera would you call him down Sydney wolf ground moving so you can see my trinkets would you just settle down horn and get rid of the third thing go to the candle I think boss can curse you oh I'm gonna get rid of it down bygone here we go if it curses me we're gonna be in more trouble than we would have been before I don't know it's movesets in any way shape and/or form does that mean we have a double chance double the chance or does it mean we have a chance to get double damage reroll it can't [Music] black cannon like black sandal seven kill phases set one two three one two [Music] three four five six he's gonna get two turns and I don't know what that means but if he spawns anything it's gonna be incredibly neutered I could bugger I'm gonna bright side of you get seven cursed you get a trophy spawns a fly and he'll shoot we have a way to get health back seven Bowen might be a way to get like a really good head start on things bugger needle it I don't know if he's gonna make a row of enemies though bottom bone one up now I know how to set up the seven bone I just I'm gonna blow the booger at that point in time and since I don't know his attack moves I'm I'm not sure about it his eyes look like buttholes [Music] I stick at the booger out of the way but then I can't really set up a seven tooth let's go for the seven tooth I've decided [Music] or he curses me though so I did make a row of enemies they almost see they thought about doing something bad there bring it x2 turns here as well it's going to be pretty bangin to even consider not doing that can't curse Subi's booger he's got two movements those aam be per turn holy [ __ ] that's gonna be good for me oh my god every time you hit me spawns more enemies okay I think if I move a row corresponding to these puke pieces they go away so it'd be uh natural just wanted to do one of these a six booger I [Music] could just get a seven booger I told they can't get a seven booger I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want to do six booger oh yeah we'll see you see that that's the problem here the sixth booger will only cover the Flies in front the seven booger will hit him might have a seven booger already yeah but probably not yes but technically no got moves four moves just a booger everything but I hit him twice so maybe he's not gonna spawn or anything now I got a free poop out of it too just a bonus more poop [Music] Mystikal free with a five teeth mainframe prime stub welcome mainframe were killing it today murder that murder that dancefloor bones are good it's for free if I kill the fly with it this guy it was absolutely boned pun intended when it came to Bumbo the weird this guy is perfect for us I was gonna say let's go ahead and unset the teeth up here but really we should use our mana before we start adding to it because we're not gaining any more mana two and two is unbelievable price for this he's done he's like literally just screwed he still spawns enemies though when I hit him even though he's bugged know when a storm [Music] now you said a spawn the fly in front of you bud OOP Oh No who are you I don't know what that means whoa poo poo funny hunter bits you're gonna fit right in here the haunts it doesn't have he'll attack a row maybe [Music] you must be front row I got moves back for that though ah [ __ ] oh no I can't grabbing the poop and hugging it I got a dime charge for that I don't know what that was about hit it dude I wait did the health go down at all seven bone would be a quality play yes by one seven bone it is my favorite concert to go to bone rule seven boner ooh close your eyes and hope that this works wrists two months in a row hang on a second important stuff is happening what if it cursed me so much that I died it's done [Music] and with a extra-hard bat bumble crushed that dead boys of us finally bumbo happy now Bob oh can be alone unknown with coy don't give me those eyebrows here's something something mean something huge something Isaac who were you talking to where did you get that stuff I thought I threw it out oh [ __ ] he's gone he never loved us so this is Isaac he's he's making these like dioramas dioramas saria's that he used to do with his dad apparently this probably the mom was mad why she wanted to throw them away [Music] everything is terrible the game is harder good get this [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here puzzle flick unlocked I don't know what that means brimstone hello [Music] [Music] [Music] is the bumble song daddy tato [Music] don't you know if the coin spooky black blobby I thought it said black Bobby is that marimba bro [Music] [Music] yeah spam the bumbo coin emote please [Music] there it is pump broke a coin sick awesome him
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 30,843
Rating: 4.9519725 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: z5nydNkfExw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 43sec (7663 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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