Isaac's Awakening - Hutts Streams Repentance (Save File #2)

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what's up people on youtube we're here on stream chat wants me to do isaac's awakening [Music] to unlock the sword the sword the squad check this out bye bye rock [Music] thanks for playing hello pimples praccinator 14. what up that's a good drink it too is a little late let's show up but there'll be more poops on this first floor let's get loaded on money all right all right let's make this a quick one what a start bye-bye having a good time so far this for you we should be able to pick up stony boys that'd be hilarious social with another 100 hi future me we watching this on youtube i hope you have a good day pick up tnt i think you can yeah unlike secret rooms no really not there no oh yeah i could see that it wouldn't have been there no i can see that now get your bombs out of my face another soul heart we get a little bit of consolation prize for a fire rate upgrade i'd say top secret was there but i thought i was gonna be there shops no item room that's nice [Music] do i want the battery buddy yeah why not probably should have saved the money for a an arcade next floor oh well your secret where would you be who knows you need an item room for the mirror why would you need an item realm if you have a spirit sword you're just gonna sit there and pretend like uh spirit sword synergies aren't cool i don't think cursed from first floor is gonna be worth giving up one of my soul hearts big reason not to take soul hearts right away can you find him in the first floor oh well oh flipping well yeah it's probably going to be worth it [Music] my wrath [Applause] no that means yes well this sucks the chariot what say you you should have listened to me you big gum face shots beat up range down social min men more like you effing died got him that's a that's a harsh harsh burn i say rexinator for 14. i didn't what's up i would like to take the fire instead of the thing that i have the fire is one of my favorite things but if there's something i can pick up before we leave this floor we should go back and grab it so that we can check some [ __ ] sticky little [ __ ] whatever made it sticky i feel like the candle should melt it red fire is better i'd say i think the blue might be better pro repentance keeper is literally nothing but pain master xeno that's right keeper is going to be a lot of fun i do like the tainted keeper and regular keeper for that matter i like them both needs impact for us to break it loose what do you think it is are we gum fire should work oh we already found the regular secret room [Music] that's so you don't pay attention one guest for top secret room is gonna be all the way up up up or up up right one or two chat one or two one or two which one do you see clearer one or two going back to one or two a lot of twos a lot of squirrels outside do a polling or fight me after this please i've never been to one it seems so fun i kind of locked it in a new save file today you know what it is this fifa nator with 100 bits get out of town all right there's more twos in chat thoughts i'm hungry can you airdrop me an egg all the fires are out because of the water stop squat some deliciousness [Music] i'm an extra bomb in there no oh you know what i can flame them let's not be dumb sticky nickel [Music] can you grab stone chests with the ring no i can't are you insane are you literally insane uh with three solo hearts i say we go into this see what's up trying to knock that back didn't work range upgrades not very good but we did get our soul heart back plus some luck [Music] like a reverse card tarot cards on hut stream disturbs me fight me to dogma social regx i don't want to do it don't make me thanks to the bits though sure like nine months sub dad do the best keep up the amazing work you brighten my day every time i see your content is it more range more sword range i don't think it works like forgotten bone just guide them into the fire give me a bomb [Music] [Music] plastic patty taking damage after talking to you coincidence coincidence get out of here tick oh it's tech's not that bad why do i not just flame him i don't know chad i don't know frogman [Music] [Music] fire rate's kind of worthless here uh i don't think that that one's gonna do that much for me rando it's a great item but i don't think it works well right now factor beams it tears up and it makes everything follow this path in front of your face but we're just not shooting very many things all good pills see some positive things about that [Music] one of my favorite top secret rooms there's two keys to boot [Music] science shot i don't know if that's gonna work beat up's nice i say we go curse i say we jump into the first room okay figure i'm nice doesn't say science anymore huts it's always science in my heart could have seen that one coming we don't have a syringe yet but we don't have the ability to reroll so what am i doing take it dude health down uh damage up is all i'm concerned about damage up i really wish i would have taken an empty vessel oh did you know evidence got nerfed [Music] what am i coming back for again is there a tinted rock somewhere over here [Music] was i mistaken about that maybe i'm cr there it is do we like do we have to do the flip side i'm assuming this is uh the mother fight and it doesn't just give us the key [Music] woke up and it's 2 am here i had class tomorrow i did not do my french homework please [Music] so what do they do if i don't go get the piece socrate blue this chat dad everybody blow the beer up but you can't leave the floor if you don't get it sounded like a threat [Music] i'd like to play that guy but sadly abaddonned one of them had a battery no my battery buddy had a battery [Music] [Music] nice to see though tinted rock is a little less nice to see why not the boss again yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] another wheel of doom i'm done wheel of doom in a while mostly because i've been pretty consistently i mean working out more consistently is what i'm trying to say boop good place bombs and keys for everyone that weirdest word in french now please spare a night spare us nightbot calcium says the hots do you think you'll do a triple dead god before our patents will finally get updated no i'll make all the way to the tainted uh jacob and tainted lazarus stuff the post-it note and i'll just stop there and i'll wait and i ran away so far away we don't have a shortage of stuff to do by the way we have plenty of mods got plenty of challenge ideas i just want to spice it up sometimes sometimes i just want to do a normalish run and if we're going to do a normalish run we might as well start knocking off some upgrades right up entered rocks just not giving help and health would be really appreciated if we're gonna be taking deals of the devil on uh soul hearts beep beep beep beep beep you didn't get me though i flamed you i literally shoved a flame inside of your eye holes you were definitely dead i'm not dead yet i'll be dead in a minute [Music] [Music] how about some items she turned me into a newt when i got better regular secret room where art though loaded that guy was [Music] i don't remember my box uh of friends though good for me there uh don't you know their guy uh first devil six to one half dozen the other thoughts on tough twins the boss i just didn't think anything was there to hit me but sure hello all right upgrades are just not doing it for me don't need them it's a boss yes good boss they should just they should of decent device staying in one place the whole fight um let's see here gotta go mine's one yep different but i don't like it easy meh like that realm was targeted i was targeted by that room it's like hey do you have the latter and not real flight loser double devil converter it converts a one for one and it could be a half off deal with the devil or even more than a half off to deal with the devil if i was to use the converter a few times since we're locked into devil rooms do it twice once might be better though because if there's a two heart deal can we get that half off then or they change that now it gets one heart one red heart and two soul hearts they changed that right you can't do it two for one i'm like oof fromage is five for later eight minutes ago sorry i missed that [Music] wait we're going to mother we have to with the challenge it's already set the path is i'll do it twice that makes sense to me might make sense to do more than twice even it's just so large don't exist [Music] so just had sushi yum sushi does something pretty good are we gonna be able to use that more effectively okay uh mine's two we could still just jump right in there's nothing stopping us 72 percent chance devil let's do it let's just devil up we'll get a card anyways but tell me to the boss yeah look at that he slices he dices okay eight ball that's not my favorite maybe go get that golden chest that we couldn't fly through before no deal at 72 right yeah yeah well yeah eight ball hype this chat [Music] carnation get them to sub the dance what's up dance i think in there wonderful stuff maybe hangman half off curse room 28 chance to miss a deal is not exactly low [Music] look at that so generous um repentance 72.5 feels like 33. a lot of things a lot of things were nerfed but they used to be 50 another 10 chance because screw you you didn't hit me stupid fly you wanted to hit me naughty little fly ah that was a far back charge i don't know about that one i don't think you were close enough to do that i don't know about that one rap i don't need to see a replay anyone know the lore why mom turns into fat esau all right i'm gonna do this um i'm still gonna still gonna take the thing that i got i think i use two bombs out of my 20 instead of the flight whatever could be some poop could give me a solar that's what i'm thinking still surprised ludovico technique and tech acts don't synergize you get a thing for getting this guy to pay out she would have just paid out immediately that would have been jeff's kiss chef's blow job falcon what's up yeah go for that might end up just popping that in the shop science them shop speed up [Music] you cannot defeat me in science there secret could be over here i could yeah that get two soul hearts that doesn't sound like that bad of an idea lack of golden chest items [Music] though let's move this because god forbid i waste one of my 29 bombs god forbid he forbade it [Music] was the secret i'm here all along lots of stuff happening not very much of it is good hey damage is so good abxy 58 months what's up gonna slip in there quick excuse me about that shop though it's voice activated commands i'm telling you guys that's a new hut's voice for sure what what's the new hotspot new voice unlocked there's something wrong with my microphone stop picking stuff up [Music] karen hutz clip it it was it was decides to work now i'm fine to me okay lots of soul hearts feeling good about that a slip in there alges another blankie planks black rune maybe al just could be a good one too mazel won beat him up get rocked on dude i don't even need that health anymore i'm gonna need some health now no i still don't i don't think that's two red hearts for two black cards right i think we're full up i'm gonna blacker in this damage your body black what's next after isaac uh i don't know i don't know yet i see i told you we're full up a library black ruining that probably [Music] 160 okay hold on hold on five for eight or hundred bets hey hot you ever listened to audio books yeah i just got uh lord of the rings an audio book on the way back from my uh road trip falcon 169 just got my new monitor in desktop it's a long awaited upgrade to my six-year-old laptop i just hope it all works out hope also i went in to get my car last week turns out it was not worth it in person two hour trip for nothing lol rip some damage again 10-5 damage that's pretty good that's pretty good pretty damn good mm-hmm i want some extra money i want to get that um battery beggar to pay out and get that achievement is a good it's good as an audio greatest fantasy story ever written this is master zeno i have been getting into lit rpg or game lit for the last couple years good [ __ ] recommend [Music] just being like game literature or are you talking about like specific thing all right that's all you get no more for you ripoff leaving and now i must go the secret room i suppose we could try a little bit harder on that guy legitimate genre books with rpg elements never heard of it wrong door almost worth it just paid the key at this point in time just joined in what's happening this is the isaac's awakening challenge we're gonna unlock the sword i'm gonna see if i can't get this guy to pay out though are achievements unlocked though unlocks i mean unlocked in a in a challenge anyways it might be [Music] yes cesino okay so it's all for nothing are you telling me this is all for nothing yep you're wasting your time right now no i'm wasting your time got em high fives sick burn bro didn't see that that coming did you [Music] you tell everyone on the street that i'm the sickest burner so they call me mr burns danger zone [Music] fake thanks for the sub three months hey dad welcome back grab that bomb [Music] actually did it [Music] when we 10 damage sword is just going to rip and tear it's pretty much over at this point in time [ __ ] that room though like really [ __ ] hard like that was just not even that's not even what excuse me the most bs that's ever bs [Music] more curse rooms [Music] no reason not to do this double charged key and nothing to use it on so i've got a shield sucker [Music] don't need him still going to take him oh he almost cut me off there they're getting smarter we ready didn't find the secret rooms back a few spots [Music] do thanks so much the tier one sub welcome couldn't have been there i don't know why i looked and jake for three i said that one already getting hungry [Music] kill the devil health upgrade pre-deal the devil or health upgrade post deal to devil bump out a soul heart or spend three soul hearts might get another deal with the devil so i guess we'll take it afterwards oh yeah there it is no item rooms but at least we got this [Music] oh ring shield thanks blue candle for blocking everything [Music] oh they take away the health upgrade when you kill mom i didn't know that i thought you could still come back and take it i was like maybe we'll get hit fail hale thank you for the nine months but baby three for a year what do you think your favorite movie is i don't necessarily pick favorites i'm from work now master xeno see ya thanks for stopping by i think lord of the rings has got to be one of the my favorite classics like one of my favorite horror films is the descent one and two i think one of my favorite go-to drunk wanna have a cheap laugh films is uh rush hour one two and three i took our pants up what's your guys's go-to comedy movie the one that you just you've seen too many times but it's still funny shot from the back stop picking up trinkets you jackass jesus blazing saddle blues brothers some old naked gun my god how old are you guys idiocracy bang boom bang hot fuzz kung fu hustle leslie nielsen i saw a thing on reddit today that said that he was a national treasure very true naked gun is awesome super troopers simpsons movie kung pao and to the fist you know that was one of the ones that i thought was really really funny as a kid and then i was like telling people about it i was like yeah it's really funny you should watch it with me and then you watch it with someone that didn't enjoy it as a 10 year old and you're like this is the dumbest movie i've ever seen in my entire life and i regret ever mentioning it to anyone i look like a dumbass right now 16 and i love naked gun money python holy grail and these are all great just was not expecting the uh really old classics to be brought up who's here hello airplane airplane two kung fury tenacious d pick of destiny happy gilmore waterboy belladegan knights [Music] 99 kung pao was so good key word there was frank that's pretty good stab boost for the final fight or alges stat boost sounds more fun use the allergies to get out spider-man one two and three the sony ones your go-to laugh movie ace ventura not too many zoomer answers yet their whole function is to try to suck you into the spikes nice try i should be able to cut the tongue off speed up truman show step brothers that was a nice little payout there old steady that part of that fight is rigged i hate it it's literally the worst oculus rift that might not even be that good with what we got going on what's going on what's going on we might just blow this whole thing and i went and blew it all sky high now she won't even offer me a passing by all just because i ripped my pan when big larry came around just to put him down spongebob turned into a clown above the mask you love that movie where jim carrey is jim carrey for two solid hours i know i shouldn't mope around i shouldn't curse there's literally too much pain that's what's your real name schmidty worm jagerman jensen it's jonathan says chat no it's schmidty i fooled you all another speed upgrade he's the fool who went and ripped his pants off him teleports behind me just stop it another speed upgrade no way you're telling me a whole another speed upgrade i know i shouldn't move around i shouldn't curse but that bomb blew up my face and now i don't have a face i don't have a face he's the guy without a face [Music] or sand in your buns whatever happened to lumi he went to school and he's like an archaeologist now he's like doing things with his life wow that's cool tinted rocks for me oh a bunch of boils we ready pretty low health nope going to lie maybe top secret room right there with the food who ripped his pants that might have saved you right there watch me dr loomy you're so dead already though remember when you died there we go oculus oh you kind of screwed me over in that one though oculus not gonna lie it was impenetrable you can't just squish me against the wall that's a that's cheating i win done all right sword spirit sword's been locked [Music] cool thanks for watching on youtube you guys see in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 15,010
Rating: 4.9563637 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: MlP9dIUz7jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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