Playing Baldur's Gate 3 like it’s Hitman Part 2

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last time on balers gate 47 this [Music] time after reading through all of your comments don't worry guys I also hate my voice your suggestions made me realize that I'm doing this wrong after being reminded 47 works alone we'll be going the rest of this adventure solo leaving the others to die boredom or other ailments back at Camp there was also a lot of discussion about my poor choice of 47's class including one guy suggesting I play like a Skyrim stealth Archer for some reason we went to Withers to reec with the goal of being an Assassin Rogue and College of lore Bard you've got male this would have been a good opportunity to do the one level in each class achievement so that you can get all the different class dialogue options if throwing away over 20 hours for an optimally unoptimal build wasn't toward for enough we're also going solo on tactician difficulty this time just in case you've been wondering why this video has been taking me so long so let's quickly get caught up to where we left off we started off once again as a criminal Rogue because first and foremost Agent 47 is a sneaky killer and murder is still illegal but we allocated his skills and abilities a bit differently this time around we dumped dexterity since our plan was to avoid combat completely forgetting about our very first Target unless we save scummed literally every hit fishing for criticals we couldn't kill zul solo on tactician and yes we did try to shove him down a hole so this is the only target I broke the solo rule for by casting Butterfingers on zulk lasel was able to use his own weapon against him and after easily escaping we landed on the beach and leveled up multiclassing into Bard this made 47 more convincing gave him better stamina and the ability to use distractions knockout and laughing gas first aid and the drums this time around we also added a star into our party a shame he couldn't stick around for longer we put a point into wizard at level three so we could use smoke bombs a taser adrenaline and tapped into 47's Peak human conditioning we also picked up a ton of abilities that we'll never use because they're trash just because we're multiclassing into every class doesn't mean 47 can suddenly throw Fireballs I'm still sticking to abilities he has or ones that are similar enough and we can justify even if they're crap we made it through the hags lirer and caught her waiting in Ambush we couldn't sneak behind her and even if we did 47 didn't have the strength to pull a pches not that we needed to anyways at level four we put a point into Ranger because 47 is a bounty hunter that excels at Urban tracking it's like this one level was made for him this rerun also gave us the chance to redo the Force combat scenarios from the last video turns out you can actually retrieve the shadow Druid letter at the Docks without fighting the mud people you just need to know exactly where it is our next Target was kaga and the shadow Druids but without an extra body to place barrels during the dialogue it was a bit trickier we tried taking them by surprise in attacking mid conversation but our lousy dxterity meant we'd roll low initiative to be more alert and improve our reflexes we downed our gamer Subs lit the candles and extinguished the shadow Druid [Music] Uprising our trip to the goblin Camp played out mostly the same we poisoned the Goblins beer but without the concert so it wasn't as fun and found a sledgehammer for the upper level Renovations our second Force combat scenario was freeing hson no matter the dialogue option we couldn't free him without a fight so the time for talking was over it's time to push buttons shooting the lever next to his self Reed hson and we could remain hidden while he slaughtered the Goblins excellent work 47 but if the two children escaped they'd alert the rest of the camp killing the Younglings would put us in combat and doesn't really fit with how we want to play so to save the Druid we needed to think like a druid and build a wall well a few blocking off the exit ensured the children couldn't escape so they just sat there [ __ ] their pants and stopping the Beast Master from opening the war pen botul in enough time to eat the Goblins before they'd escaped their pen after Hon's meal the goblin leaders went down in the exact same ways and with that our adventure continues after letting the freeloaders crash at our camp getting no [ __ ] and learning that hson can't perform the tadpole extraction as advertised we see if the gith Yan crash has any solutions to offer on the way we found Walken's rest just around the corner is the special spot in the bar we heard about from those guys we saved with the Indiana Jones trick in the last video turns out by a special spot in the bar they meant a secret passage to an underground Network they're planning to leave so we decided to help lighten their load along the way finding another secret passage to the under underground home to D and dgar creatures That Go Bump in the night and mushroom Rave parties to get into the club we needed to get through the two bouncers and the shroom psychedelic Garden the minotaurus flexed their six intelligence and we lured them into the garden where we all got baked the fungus folk let us in but they were singing the blues due to ra from the local dwar hunting a gnome the mike in its harbard this fugitive's crimes stealing somebody's LED Sketchers which she gave to us in exchange for an antidote to cure her poison and the promise of dwar corpses with two bounties on the DWG guard's heads we had our next targets the under dwarves bore the crest of the absolute so it was safe to assume disguising as a Dr would help us gain their trust that and I really just wanted to show off the new Dr Armor we found that completes our disguise we pulled out our true Soul membership card and the dwar let us pass on should have seen it right away but we needed them to pass away unfortunately the big guy had taken notes from the mikids and could raise an army of his own but we could stop that with a romantic gesture the underd dark is home to the susser bloom flowers that shut down all other magic in their vicinity so we pickpocketed or place pocketed an anti-magic flower into his backpack and shoved him off the ledge if only he wasn't an unusually large 205 kg dwarf 10 strength wasn't enough to knock him down so we followed up our romantic gesture by whipping out our giant stick the nearby Arcane Tower is home to a trove of interesting items including the steroid stool which boosted our strength of 21 while sitting in it unfortunately we couldn't turn it into a wheelchair but we could break it and use one of its legs as a club we reunited the two dgar and realized there's still two more lurking out there we couldn't defeat them all but he could Sovereign Spa wasn't the only mushroom with a desire for dead dwar sovereign CL Circle was wiped out by them and he wanted Revenge after agreeing to help him he followed us around meaning we had a beefy boy and access to his miced mushroom magic unfortunately wrangling the Boule was a harder task than I'd like to admit and yes that is how you're supposed to pronounce it I tried having the hook Horrors Ambush him I reloaded earlier saves and tried to lure him into the Psychedelic Garden I even tried to have the Minotaur kill it for me but nothing worked because for a giant territorial Beast he's a giant [ __ ] coward who ran from every fight so what do you do when all three of your plans fail combine them by recruiting one of the bouncers en raging the hookers and setting explosives we managed to kill and subsequently recruit the giant land shark I think I underestimated just how strong he was because he took out the big dwar immediately making the whole suser Bloom Strat completely unnecessary the final two were obviously not a challenge either and just like that we claimed the beach Outpost completing three contracts in one or so we thought angry that Sovereign Spa offered no help and did not welcome him into their Circle glut wanted Spa dead so he could control The Colony so our choices were turn on the Mushroom Kingdom or glut and his new pet Boule it's not that we couldn't assassinate Spa it's just that [ __ ] is [ __ ] trash St so we sided against glut thinking we could make it to the boat and Escape Sublime through sheer dumb luck gut's rebellion was over before it could even begin and the beach gained a new watchdog our latest Mission had gotten us to level five and at this point there were only a few classes left that made sense for Agent 47 ultimately we put our next level into the best cleric subass now we could disguise ourselves and wear hats at the same time nice we also got three actually helpful and fitting cantrips and some spells that we probably won't use but still kind of fit I guess we chose to rever tomorrow but I'm sure someone in the comments will tell us who we should have chose instead I'm actually don't care we need all the luck we can get B and the mikids rewarded us with the contents behind curtain number one as promised an invisibility Hood and the corpse of a Dr reading a book as hot and steamy as jellyfish karma sutra sounds it was just an illusion hiding the secrets of a forge that can make adamantine equipment guarded by a fierce protector conveniently this just so happened to be where the poison dome's comrades and our next Target were the dwar were being led by true Soul near and Spa wanted his head hopping on the boat our goals were clear kill near save the Gnomes if we can and kill the forge's guardian nobody told us to do the last one but I thought it would be a fun little challenge as we sailed blindly Into Darkness we were approached by a dwar vessel we produced The Missing boots and the captain took us to Grim Forge without raising any suspicion upon arrival we found out who lost their boots and she thanked us with our choice of two turds so we changed our fate and kept her LED Runners we also found near sort of caved in and slowly being killed by by poison he and the other trap gnomes would die if something wasn't done soon oh no anyways just like in the Hitman games there's more than one way to approach n's assassination such as inciting a civil war all the dwar here were faithful to either the absolute or their purses and near was behind on payments to stoke the Flames of insurrection and get them to turn on each other once near was out all we had to do was blind the absolute what [Music] now we just needed a free near and our new friends informed us one of the Gnomes recently escaped with enough smoke powder to clear the rubble we got another gnome to spill the beans on our whereabouts and we found filine who immediately threatened to blow us both to bits a ballsy move even more so without any explosives she revealed her and her clan of Freedom Fighters had pushed the boundaries of barrelmancy and needed to bring the nuclear bomb we just stole to balers gate to prove a point to people who really need a point proven to them and suggested we be on the right side of history I mean come on it's just one barrel how powerful could it be oh apparently gnomes would kill for even just a small vial of it which yeah we stole that too with no other option she phased out of existence understandable but she did leave behind a map that marked the location of some regular smoke powder we could free near in the Gnomes with in the meantime there were still opportunities to thin the herd of dwar on both sides before the conflict came to a head we scared off some spiders found two dgar enjoying one last drink before permanent sobriety hid the bodies and got rid of the two men shoving dead gnomes into the water sadly and not as exciting of a manner the hardest to deal with were the group of three abusing the RO to clear some Rubble that led to the adamantine Forge with a very lucky role we convinced the beasts to rise up against their oppressive overlords a good shove and a one in a million shot enrolled two dwar into the Grim Forge flight program while a critical hit from one of the RO completed the hat trick all according to tamora's plan as a thank you for liberating them the future Stakes cleared the rubble for us giving us access to a suspended platform high above everyone else with the explosive powder placed and our Vantage points secured we destroyed the rubble and watched as near emerged welcome to n Hell's Kitchen where all our dishes are to die for today we'll be learning about how to properly make Dr Chow simply toss it in the pan and let it cook for about 40 minutes or until they start screaming and stop breathing what the [ __ ] even was that accent the dgar are surprisingly fine with us assassinating near even those devoted to the absolute aside from the captain who will need years of therapy to get over watching her Co take a 40-minute lava bath cooking near to a crisp also meant we couldn't decapitate him and Spa wanted literally just his head oddly one gome refused to leave the Cave the rubble is clear she's free is she Stupid we couldn't talk with her either so we helped show her the way out melted her in lava and aggroed everyone gnomes included because that makes sense interestingly there was a locked door at the back of the Cav a door that led to absolutely nothing but what have we got to this side of the door before clearing the rubble we took the lift to the other side of the forge and got as close as we could to the broken bridge now 47 can't teleport but for for the sake of science let's assume glitches or Cannon and say he can the bridge was close enough that we could teleport to it but it was out of sight an intentional decision by the devs that we circumvented by building a tower of boxes and crates to get high enough so that the ledge was in sight that's we unlocked the door freeing the captives but near and the Gnomes made no attempt to escape to safety we couldn't talk or interact with anyone so we helped near find the exit and saved him from his poisonous fate despite literally zero Witnesses the dwar were aware we off near and the captain was still in stasis so unfortunately if we wanted to save the Gnomes we couldn't avoid the dialogue from near after he leaves the cave we could however trigger it from up in the rafters by luring near closer us with some puss after the mandatory gnome dies we were given the choice to side with near or Mr Krabs sadly playing the long game in siding with near didn't present any unique assassination opportunities but the artifact did block his connection with the absolute and we revealed to him that it's all just a conspiracy headed by the worst creatures in the universe Tax Collectors this didn't cause him to flee or isolate himself though so we reloaded sided with the rebel dgar and let them do all the hard work for us we convinced the graay that the Gnomes would just slow them down delivered n's head and got the title of fun guy letting us be part of one of the mid's famous Graves taking the lift back across the lava we found some ore and a couple of molds for the adamantine Forge just down the steps all we needed to do was turn up the [Music] [Applause] [Music] heat at 450 HP and strong enough to One-Shot us taking down the adamantine machine was a difficult task for those who forgot we were fighting in a room with a giant hammer with only one strike left things were looking pretty Grim for Grim what what the [ __ ] no matter what we did Grim would try to find us exit combat and repair himself desperate times call for stupid Solutions we ran over and put on the heavy adamantine armor we just so happened to forge when we first hit Grimm drawing him to the Anvil with a higher Armor class there was a better chance that Grimm wouldn't hurt us unfortunately we couldn't avoid the earthquake and with our movement half we couldn't didn't disengage and jump to safety so this is what the little guy feels like victory is mine the guardian's Fallen we took a play rate out of streamer luality Playbook and dropped a healing potion that somehow fixed 47 after crushing every bone in his body and turning him into Pace amazing back at Camp Shadow har and lazel were arguing about the GI Relic again but as this is now a solo run it's none of our business oh that's right we were originally headed to the crash before we got sidetracked well at least we have a suitable disguise to get in now how do you do fellow Gibs the best part of this disguise wasn't getting through the patrol that turned the Flaming fist into flaming corpses but revealing to the tling watching the conflict that we're just wearing a disguise what why never mind I don't want to know over the mountain we found a deranged old lady who wanted us to steal a giank y egg that's [ __ ] up we're in she informed us the crush was established underneath that Monastery and just around the corner from it was an angry little blue jay normally 47 can't speak with animals unless you perform a convoluted Easter egg hunt when the wine is poured the blood will flow don't dance the dance of death don't trust anyone thankfully that's not necessary here since we could just use a potion because this little guy actually gave us assassination targets my Nest that's up on a roof with the Eagles Eagles are Pricks please please kill the Eagles they're the worst on top of the monastery was this thing and two eagles with a nest that looked a little bit too big for a blue jay but they were nevertheless a top of Monastery oh but they were now on the same level as their primary food source so with some convincing we could get the drunk Cobalts to fight back if we didn't immediately seize the obvious opportunity presented to us when we first found them we needed something else for the Eagles to Feast on someone crying after a quick Google search of the five Birds most likely to eat your baby eagles came in at number one 2 3 4 and five you eat babies don't worry though they're not actual babies but what a hairless cat would look like if you gave it to steroids kicking the Hornet's Nest we started a turf war between the gisas and Eagles it was a bloody battle that lasted way too long but in the end one grishka remained for a few more seconds heading back up we found the blue jay celebrating in his new mansion glorious fe's bloody everywhere mate when I escaped The Eagles I spotted something buried near that fairy dock might be worth a look did we just get played by a blue jay no because we did it for the experience at level six we put a point into warlock as they get their abilities from their Patron or as maora herself points out handlers the word if it's all the same sadly Diana or the I weren't options so we chose the arch Fay because of their focus on illusion deception and enchantment we made our way through the morning Lord's Monastery and found the crash we found a vendor Who Sold us gloves that brought our dexterity to 18 solving our issues with taking initiative and went on an egg hunt inside the Hatchery was a lone egg that refused to hatch and was scheduled to be cracked under careful watch from security and seated in a pool of acid with teleporting runes that would send us straight to jail it wouldn't be easy to steal it would be ridiculously easy down the hall from the infirmary was a photo of someone I guess we'll never know who passing a dexterity check we made some improvements to the photo getting the attention of the guy pissing in the corner would have been a cool opportunity to distract someone who was stopping us from getting into the infirmary but it's just for shits and giggles we found the doctor who sat us in a machine that administered shock therapy to stop people from being gay fortifying our mind and using up our last Inspiration Point we passed three different skill checks before the machine blew up unhappy about the machine and still wanting a closer look at our parasite which is sadly still there we convinced the doctor we weren't going to be gake almost she left the room and locked us in definitely not a trap we changed our disguise left the operating room and escaped without alerting anyone is what I'd love to tell you but that's not how bg3 works so how did we get out of the situation by fast traveling down the hall the only people aggroed were the gith in the waiting room while the rest of the Crush Was blissfully unaware ass soon to be mine fler was roaming the Halls before leaving the crash we came across the Inquisitor spearheading the hunt for the artifact he seemed like a dick so we planned one last assassination before moving on to act two we borrowed the KRA gem to unlock the Magic Door and The Inquisitor told us over the intercom he's been expecting us always a good sign despite never revealing it to anyone frog forace knew we had the D20 of Destiny sensing that resisting would lead to an immediate game over we took out the artifact despite its Wishes the ganki queen clearly a bad guy I mean come on told us to go inside the Relic and kill whoever was in there a bit weird that a God can't kill something herself but because I've seen what happens if you do push her on that we agreed to go in excit the prison was a doorway to the astral plane where we found totally accurate Diana scolding us for seeking out the gith Yankee despite her please turns out the zisk would have killed us and she stopped it we read her mind revealing that to be true and recalled that she did save us from turning into paste after falling out of the nautiloid so unless she's rolling nothing but Nat 20s on persuasion we had no reason to believe she's lying she then revealed she's got some dirt on vth that would ruin her but refused to share and told us to continue to Absolute HQ moonrise Towers oh and that The Inquisitor has orders to kill us no doubt the rest of the crush will join him she's right the rest of the crush will join him we pop back through the portal and immediately pop the smoke bomb then shot some arrows of Darkness to keep covering us and somehow the GTH Yan noticed absolutely nothing unusual about this we continued until we got to the far side of the room where we found two statues of Leander there were plaques underneath hinting that they should be facing either East or West so it was time for some redecorating unfortunately the gears were a bit Rusty on the other platform but it's nothing some WD40 couldn't fix as we make our way through the secret passage it's time I share here some details I may have glossed over throughout the monastery were Clues and hints that a powerful Relic known as the blood of lathander was hidden underground and if anyone's stupid enough to try and steal it the walls will fall and they won't get out of here alive in case you were wondering why that one Statue head was begging for forgiveness well now you know we could stop the Lance and Escape our cell by inserting the dawn Master's Crest but we uh seem to have misplaced it so we've only got four turns to figure a way out of this mess if you're a firm believer that 47 gets his powers from his attire then we could use n's boots to Misty step right up to the portal and if not well then it's a good thing we could build a staircase out of boxes not wanting a permanent sunburn we needed to get away from the monastery ASAP and made a Mad Dash for this ledge with two turns to spare we avoided Annihilation and turned cresc into everyone in it into dust and with that we have officially finished act one of balers Gate 3 I hope you enjoyed this video as much as the first one and if you somehow missed it then go check it out I've got three other runs planned as a naked man pacifist and Pokémon trainer all on tactician let me know which one you're looking forward to see the most down below huge thank you to all of my supporters on patreon especially Shadow col me Josh and Josh Bart have a good one and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Marco Yolo
Views: 680,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marco, Yolo, Marco Yolo, meme, memes, shitpost, montage, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, BG3, Hitman, Agent 47, Build, Rogue, BG3 Build, BG3 Assassin, Playthrough, Challenge Run, Funny Moments, Montage, Nuke, Nuke Creche, Destroy Creche, Bulette, Funny, Jack of all trades, Tactician, Solo, Lone Wolf, Jack of all trades achievement, Abserd, Solo abserd playthrough
Id: 41gCt-FrjD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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