Steve-O - H3 Podcast #217

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Does anybody else feel like this episode would've been so much better if it wasn't limited to an hour? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this ep but it just wish it would've been as good as the first steve o pod.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1ROYinHD1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

In all honesty I don't enjoy the episodes without Hila. I think the podcast is at its best when Ethan, Hila, Dan, Ian, and Zack are just talking about whatever random shit. A 1 on 1 conversation with someone just doesn't really do it for me, unless it's like an extremely interesting guest on Rogan or something. IDK, this just isn't for me I guess. On the other hand, H3 after dark is basically the best thing ever, so I'll take the good with the bad.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImHully πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Steve-O man. If you like his stories you should buy his book, it's amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ObliObliObli πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was an amazing interview and I think Ethan interjected at the perfect times to answer the questions we all wanted to know. Steve-O and Ethan clearly respect each other and have great conversations. This was wonderful. Also, my husband and I watched β€œGnarly” right after this (WORTH EVERY DOLLAR!!) and ordered the book!! Love you both!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody to the h3 podcast today we have stevo beloved by all one of the most cherished and wonderful people on this planet and we have a fantastic conversation with him before we get into that i quickly want to thank our sponsor expressvpn and let you guys know that there is a new september release at let me briefly show you what we've got out new color block hoodies ba boom we've got this one here let me zoom in a little bit for you not very high res photo but you get the idea this one's beautiful beautiful beautiful new color blocks new felt hats i love this hat i lost mine i need elo to bring me new ones but i mean it's such a nice hat new ela client original her marker drawing this is what i'm wearing now it's awesome shorts uh grandpa jacket this is everyone's favorite piece mike my grandpa died and all he left me was this jacket passed away and left me all this jacket excuse me anyway really nice jacket god bless and then we've got some striped shirts and all kinds of colors this is my brainchild of course which is a skeleton burning violently and then the lyrics to friends on the bottom so no one told you life was going to be this way it's a i mean come on who wouldn't want that uh that's my favorite piece i mean i made it so maybe a little bit of a bias teddy fresh crayon shirts puffy paint you know yada yada just head on over to peep out the new collection and hopefully pick something up if you like it alright that being said let's jump right in to stevo today your host the fresh prince of dead air brings you one of our most maybe most cherished guests of all time stevo a man who needs no introduction at all is with us here via the power of zoom and i do want to tell you stevo before we get into any conversation at all ian can you please pull up stevo's wiki page so it's customary here on the issue podcast to rate our guests wiki feet are you aware of what keeps oh wow dude i've heard about this it's a uh like a foot fetish thing huh yeah and actually i have to give it up to you my dude you have a pretty solid rating nice 4.53 so that's definitely something to be proud of there that's crazy because on my podcast which is of course called wild ride with stevo i'm always barefoot and i always get [ __ ] comments about dude wash your feet your [ __ ] feet are disgusting okay so that's that's like it's my disgusting unclean feet which uh are responsible for my high rating huh oh that wonders straight on wiki yeah wow i think you just lost some points oh yeah i don't know dude maybe my other maybe maybe the other foot will bring it up yeah i don't know man like so stevo i watched your new comedy special gnarly brad thank you man it was horrific and beautiful all at once it's on for 10 bucks apparently no streaming service would pick it up because it was just so obscene is that right basically yeah it uh it's got a lot of dicks well it has just my dick it's got a lot of my dick it's got uh you know a lot of um heavy drugs um a lot of uh criminal activity grievous grievous bodily harm i really go get [ __ ] up um so between those things um it was tough to get it anywhere and then frankly with the uh you know the platforms that you know i think could have put it out like netflix uh you know probably hbo and showtime i think that would be about it and their position i think was that uh viewing stevo as a crossover stand-up comedian you know not a pure lifelong stand-up comedian that i'm not prestigious enough to give a stand-up comedy special too and that absolutely drove me nuts man that [ __ ] that drove me nuts because what i did with it like i i don't think it's ever been done before to have uh fully multimedia stand-up comedy with uh you know because most comedians i think their stories that they're telling aren't true to begin with and in my case not only are they true but i've got the footage to like really illustrate the stories and uh [ __ ] man i just thought that between having the multimedia component and bringing the whole cast of jackass together to do such awesome [ __ ] for it that it was a no-brainer a slam dunk and i'd and like you said i couldn't [ __ ] sell it man so was there anybody did it was anyone interested in they're like okay we can do this but you have to remove all the dicks and the gore and all this [ __ ] or is it all i never um i never would have edited anything out but it didn't come to that yeah it so it didn't come to that and i i mean honestly i felt like uh dr dre when uh i was watching his uh defiant ones series on hbo he said that they had the chronic you know the chronic and he brought it to all the record labels and they all passed on it and uh and he's like i knew it was [ __ ] great i think that's maybe why he started aftermath records you know and i was like just so [ __ ] pissed that i i couldn't sell it i thought it was just like such a slam dunk millions of dollars and um i ended up putting it out on my own website which in hindsight might have been [ __ ] awesome too it might have been completely rad because and i'll tell you the business of it you know i spent just to shoot the [ __ ] thing like a quarter million dollars easy just the night in the theater i forget what was it uh 120 170 or something but i shot so many different things like to to build into it like that opening sequence which i'm so stoked that when i was with you we recorded the podcast last time i told you i was like man they're gonna duct tape me to a side of a truck and i'm gonna drive to vegas and we ended up doing it in denver so the opening sequence you see me riding duct tape to the side of this truck all the way to denver and uh that plus all the other you know special scenes we shot for it it was a [ __ ] quarter million bucks by the time i filmed it easy i figured it would cost more than that yeah yeah right oh well then getting it out on my website took it like over 300 000 oh wow yeah because there was a lot in in uh you know in uh like promotion hiring the publicist with mixing you know and then i bought the [ __ ] billboard to promote it you know right right with the hollywood sign in the background and then i [ __ ] hired two two uh cranes i had a [ __ ] construction team with two cranes and and got me all up on the [ __ ] billboard uh so yeah it was a lot but uh thankfully i made my money back yeah and some good like uh i checked it last night and um and uh with like having spent 300 grand like i've brought in 523 000 so that's i'm in the profit zone thank god for that well now it's all it's all just money and i think i think people if they go over to and watch gnarly they're going to be very satisfied with their ten dollars this man died nearly died for this [ __ ] yeah i appreciate that man i appreciate that a lot and uh my philosophy is that um you know i that i really think anybody who does stream it from is going to be thoroughly happy with it because this project marries all of my worlds together into one you know and it's like not only am i not uh [ __ ] any wiser or you know like i'm doing dumber [ __ ] than ever yeah you know what i was like man i was just wondering like when is he gonna get too old for this [ __ ] because your body cannot be getting stronger or more durable as you age and the [ __ ] that you're doing in this is is crazier than anything you've done right at what point are you just gonna have to call it a day on this stuff dude i've got the next uh i mean depending on when um you know the world opens back up so to speak i mean i've got the net i've got the next project [ __ ] done you know like um the the the follow-up to gnarly is is [ __ ] finished man um and i've been touring with it because i'm yeah i'm so [ __ ] pissed about this dude i taped the gnarly special in january of 2018. so i it didn't come out until i'd been [ __ ] sitting on it for two and a half years and and and when i failed to get anybody to [ __ ] buy it it which drives me [ __ ] crazy just to say that but um like i didn't get discouraged and say like okay i'm gonna [ __ ] you know just hang it up whatever nobody was interested [ __ ] that i doubled down dude i doubled down and i knew exactly what the follow-up to gnarly was going to be because uh i was because i the thing about gnarly there's all this storytelling and then each bit in the act inspires like a crazy new stunt and i was just excited about making the follow-up like no more [ __ ] memory lane [ __ ] like 100 brand new like over the just over the top stuff and then the question of what to do next like i already had the answer because like for all these last 20 years since jackass started there's been like a handful of ideas that i had and just never [ __ ] thought i was gonna do them you know like they were just like the go-to like i was skydiving like only if i'm butt naked with the tandem instructor strapped to my back and i'm furiously jacking off and i time it so i fall out of the airplane while i'm coming everywhere disgusting yeah it's called skyjacking that's the closer for the bucket the bucket that's what this new this new one is called the bucket list and like i had you know for decades i had the idea to get a vasectomy and right after i get the vasectomy go like get on a horse bare back horseback riding bouncing up and down on my balls and like and and like dressed up as a pinata with all the kids hitting me in the balls with with a stick there the vasectomy olympics so did you do that oh yeah you got engaged at the end of the special congratulations i mean it's really beautiful seems like a really beautiful wholesome relationship i knew she was special when she encouraged you to eat your burned dead skin so that was a really uh touching moment in the in gnarly yeah dude thank you man yeah she's definitely the one and uh there was another moment if i could interject when she injected the hot sauce into your uh [ __ ] i thought that was a really beautiful uh i realized you guys were kindred spirits then as well yeah for sure man i appreciate that a lot yeah she never wanted kids i don't want kids um you know it's uh yeah [ __ ] it dude we're all about animals yeah dogs are great yeah we have four dogs we have uh two cats we've got three goats like all right here at our house i wanted to ask you about uh your animal rights advocacy because it's always been something that stood out to me is interesting you've lived such a crazy life um what is it about animals i mean of all the causes you could take up in the world why is it that you're so passionate about animal animal rights um you know it uh i i think i can i can distill this down to a pretty bite-sized uh timeline when i was at ringling brothers and barnum and bailey clown college you know i think it's pretty well known that my career began as a circus clown and when i was in clown college the public relations department for the ringling brothers and barnum and billy circus paid us a visit and they said some of you are going to be working for the the greatest show on earth the ringling brothers barnum billy circus and what that's going to entail is is arriving in the city like a week in advance of the circus to do uh interviews to promote you know and when you're doing these interviews some people are going to ask you about animal abuse you know like with the with the elephants all the tigers everything in the circus and if you if and when you get asked about animal abuse you shut the [ __ ] up you have no opinion you're a [ __ ] clown you fall down you don't say anything you know like that's how i remember them kind of coming at us and i thought well [ __ ] the way that they're approaching this with us seems like it's really [ __ ] shady you know so if i if i could point to a moment where animal abuse and animal rights like first occurred to me because i never never even thought of it before that and i thought man maybe the circus is [ __ ] up then i went on to work in the circus and not not the ringling circus but i worked in another circus that had three elephants and a tiger and dude the [ __ ] circus owners were more terrified of their own elephants than anybody in the audience the tiger went from its whole life from one box to another box back and forth and both boxes were like the [ __ ] length of the tiger's body i was i was kind of [ __ ] upset about it you know like the elephant and i was like [ __ ] this then uh you know my last day working in the circus was my first day of filming jackass it was just that like i washed off my clown makeup knives with knoxville like they [ __ ] filmed my last performance and then i was off you know with jackass after that once i had a platform and uh you know i'm doing like talking to big audiences i would [ __ ] about the animals in the circus i was like [ __ ] that dude i was in the circus and [ __ ] that man those animals are abused and so then you know when i went on one of my rants about the animal abuse and the circus then the people from peta reached out to me and said hey could we get you to say that for for peta and i was like [ __ ] yeah i'm an attention [ __ ] you got a camera i'm in and uh and so i did that and then i've never supported peta on like you know across the board because they've got some wacky views man i don't back everything that they're about but what i did was just gradually kind of bit by bit on an issue by issue basis i became more in you know i was like i was like you know i don't [ __ ] uh yeah i won't wear fur because i don't eat mink was my first thing they said oh cool we'll do an anti-fur campaign and i graduate and then when i was so out of control on drugs and hallucinating everywhere with all that and that was one of the most popular things from our last podcast was the ghost stories where i was talking about all the [ __ ] crazy experience i had with spirit [ __ ] ghost [ __ ] and and when i was when i was like watching people walk around and walk through walls and all this [ __ ] i was like so in love with the experience of it and i was so interested to learn about like what the [ __ ] was going on with the spirit world and so there i am with all my drugs piles of [ __ ] coke and nitrous all this crazy [ __ ] and uh i'm researching spirit world like watching youtube videos and i saw this [ __ ] like harry krishna guy from india or something and he's this wise guru man and he says how can you expect to be saved if you eat meat you know and he was just like you know and i was like right there i was like boom [ __ ] i want to be saved you know so that was where i i stopped eating meat except for fish and i just it just came more and more you know the more when i got sober like if i could make decisions based on kind of just being compassionate then that helped build up my self-esteem you know like i had i had it pretty low where i was you know just kind of you know my life was not good and i built myself back up by making decisions that i could be proud of and and a lot of that was uh just turning my attention to animals why is it that fish always get the the exception i always wondered that i would me too man that was when i first decided but i'm gonna keep eating fish it was because i said uh well eating fish has to be cool because [ __ ] jesus was a fisherman you know i i no longer believe that jesus had [ __ ] anything to do with fish or fishermen or or fishing uh but i gotta say that i went back to eating fish i was vegan for uh [ __ ] i was vegan for years and then i went back to eating fish uh for a couple reasons number one um i think it's good for me number two i've got all these animals that i can't feed a vegan diet you know and so giving fish to my that's all my you know the dog food everything the cat food i like i i limit it at fish and and i'm like what am i gonna feed the [ __ ] fish to my pets and not eat it myself i think it's good for me it is good for you yeah i just i find that a lot of vegetarians just they there's this one like uh kurt cobain line he says it's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings you know that's not true they did yeah they told they totally have feelings they totally have feelings they totally have their families they have [ __ ] like you know emotions i believe all that but that what helps me a little bit is that you know the most horrifying of all is factory farming right you know like it's just factory farming with the eggs and you know the all the the chicken just the the conditions that they have animals living in farms is awful yeah and and and with wild caught fish in my view that fish had a great life just roaming around swimming in the ocean you know and then it got [ __ ] caught and and then you know it had its death everything dies but you know i think death is pretty easy in the grand scheme of things it's going to happen anyway it's it's how you live that's important and i like to think even if it's naive that the fish that i eat had a good life swimming around you know yeah i think that's a fair observation is a guy like you afraid of death i wonder because you you squirt by it yeah are you really though are you really like totally unafraid of death i mean i'm afraid of suffering yeah and i think that that's the i think the actual being dead has to be okay otherwise we're really [ __ ] you know yeah um like like i can't i can't subscribe to an idea that being dead is a bad thing you know being dead is not death itself i'm not worried about you know it's like the idea of prolonged pain and suffering yeah and um and even more than that i think what's terrifying is uh i'm not going to be here anymore you know like you asked a big question you know and mortality is it's not necessarily oh i'm going to be dead but like i'm not going to be here anymore you know like we have uh as as humans we have only one instinct which is to survive right and we have only one guarantee we won't survive so like wait a second hold like hold on here the one [ __ ] thing that matters to us above all else the one [ __ ] thing we're trying to avoid is the only thing that we can be sure of so this is like some kind of a [ __ ] catch-22 like prank on us what the [ __ ] is this human experience but a [ __ ] awful joke where the one thing we're passionate about is the only [ __ ] it's it's [ __ ] the innovation yeah right so i i view that as really the big picture of the human experience is to one way or another wrap your head around your mortality you know to come to terms with okay like i'm gonna die and how's that okay and i think that there are three ways that people typically have done it throughout history number one being to reproduce you know there's this idea that yeah i'll be gone but my legacy will live on i'm gonna have children who you know keep me alive you know and like we've covered that i don't [ __ ] want to reproduce you know so that doesn't work for me i think the other way the other way people wrap their head around death is uh religion you know where they subscribe to some like sort of fairy tale notion that uh you know if they do x y or z that they're going to be in heaven and everything's so that's oh you know i'm going to be dead but i'll be in heaven and like the idea of a heaven which is exclusive to people who subscribe to one absurd belief is [ __ ] just pisses me off man you know i grew up with people of all faiths and like if they're not all welcome in heaven then [ __ ] it i don't want to go you know they just religion i've always had a little bit of a chip on my shoulder so that's not my gig and then the third way the that we sort of come to terms with death you know i like like the [ __ ] caveman scrawling the [ __ ] stick figures on the cave wall because they know they're gonna be dead but their [ __ ] stick figures will outlive them you know now that's me 100 that's me that's where i turned to the video camera you know as a failing college student i was like dude i'm gonna fail at life because i can't keep a job and i can't [ __ ] go to class i can't survive but before i [ __ ] die man i'm gonna load up my message into the bottle i'm gonna [ __ ] videotape crazy [ __ ] and those videos are gonna live on so when i'm dead like it'll be cool because i'll still be alive with the [ __ ] immortality of the video can i ask yeah this is kind of like a broad question but you ever think about like how you ended up the way you are you know what i mean i know exactly at a young age you were like already living way too fast and too hard you know what the clown college and the drug use and just like you just said yourself you didn't plan i don't think to live very long i didn't i didn't expect to see the age of 30. i never you know and from the from when i was eight i don't think i was i'd ever like i had the idea i was gonna be dead yeah yeah did you have drama sort of here's this is real simple because like the the my mom's side of the family is a hundred percent alcoholic a highlight like it's alcohol drugs gambling suicide like this is just the whole every leaf on the tree you know like uh my mom her brother and her sister there were three siblings all dead from alcoholism 100 you know cirrhosis like you know like you know like whatever all the way up as far as anybody can remember every single person died of alcoholism suicide like you know whatever um so there's this kind of deviance of course with that said my mom was the the smart one my mom was the funny one my mom was the one with the personality then my my dad's side of the family was a hundred percent uh theologians [ __ ] clergy men you know like decorated academics like super decorated academics and my dad was uh sort of the black sheep of the family for going into business you know they were like nobody ever on my dad's side of the family made a lot of money but they were just respected [ __ ] good ass people and my dad was this hustler you know he [ __ ] top of his class he went on to become uh the president of pepsi cola in all of brazil the president of nabisco like i grew up in a privileged ass upbringing and and uh and it's like i'm a hybrid of these two family trees you know it's like i've got my dad's my dad's drive my dad's [ __ ] hustle and that's the engine for my mom's deviance you know i'm just this [ __ ] alcoholic deviant just with hustle so did your mom kind of what was it like growing up with your mom did she was there moments where you kind of saw either that dark side of her or like she kind of oh yeah did she abuse you no no no there wasn't any abuse but um i was born in england and my family moved to brazil when i was just six months old so um that was because dad got the job of president of pepsi cola in all of brazil and they were ballin dude they were the [ __ ] was popping off man like when you're living in brazil and you have like this kind of status like it's i mean the cost of living was cheap as [ __ ] so if you're making if you're making any kind of real money living in brazil you're bawling and they were like ball and balling so they had live-in maids which uh you know essentially raised me you know like i i actually spoke my first words in portuguese because the only people [ __ ] paying attention to me were the live-in maids who spoke portuguese so it's not like hard to imagine you know how i became such a [ __ ] attention [ __ ] because mom and dad weren't paying any attention to me and that's not because they were abusive or you know they were just balling and [ __ ] partying and like didn't have time so i think that there's a big component in that that makes me like really over developed my need for attention and uh and as such i'm uh i like to consider myself a world-class attention [ __ ] yes for sure you've achieved a lot through that the singular yeah but so you know i stumbled onto a really great character defect yeah exactly you've worked it to your advantage for sure so your debt was your mom working when you guys were in brazil she wasn't she went to nursing school and i want to say that she dropped out of nursing school um when she married my dad and to my mom's credit my dad when they married had not uh had like huge success you know my wife was not jumping on the bandwagon of uh my mom she like dad hadn't done [ __ ] yet and and and he did it he succeeded after marrying my mom which i think is really cool yeah that is nice your dad was in your special or do you hold any grudges or resentments to your parents still as a as you no no no no no no no not at all not at all and with my dad uh it's it's so rad to me that that my dad uh didn't jump on any bandwagons with with me you know just kind of figuring things out like um i i had this crazy dad wasn't supportive of me dropping out of college he was not [ __ ] feeling clown college he he [ __ ] hated every word i had to say about i'm gonna become a crazy famous stuntman he [ __ ] hated all of it and uh and and and to his credit it was before i um before i had ever even made a [ __ ] penny being a dumbass [ __ ] stuntman that my dad came to me and he said hey i gotta tell you i feel i've done a disservice to you by not supporting you in this career path that you're clearly committed to you know and uh and he said i feel like i've done a disservice and i want you to know that sure you didn't choose what i would have wanted you to do but i see that you're committed i just want you to be the best and i've got your back you know he gave and i think a lot of fathers have had that talk with their kids you know he said okay my uh my dad said that how his his dad totally didn't support him going into business you know i said it was the black sheep a capitalist greedy scumbag in a business suit my dad was like yeah he's like and his his dad had the same talk with him i'm going to throw to a quick break and then when we come back we will continue this conversation with stevo when you use the bathroom you always close the door behind you right you don't want random passer buyers looking in on you so why would you let people look in on you when you go online using the internet without expressvpn is like going to the bathroom and not closing the door or in some stalls they leave that little crack that gives me a ton of anxiety you ever meet eyes through the crack you i always do like this you know when i'm taking a dump and there's that giant crack that somebody walks by and you catch their eye that's [ __ ] up and expressvpn closes that crack for you did you know that your internet service provider like comcast or verizon knows every single website you visit ian did you know that ian yeah be careful and what's worse is they can sell this info to ad companies and tech giants who will use your data to target you expressvp expressvpn puts a stop to this it creates a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so your online activity can't be seen by anyone i use expressvpn on all 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know the idea for the drug smuggling bit where in the special i get arrested for international drug smuggling it came from staying at this chick's house there was a period when i first moved out to la where chris pontius and i were both completely homeless and we had this running competition to see who could stay homeless the longest despite the fact that now we were earning enough money to be able to rent an apartment you know it was like it was this funny game that we were playing and at a certain point we were both staying at this girl's house she was out of town we were uh house-sitting taking care of her dog which was this little 10 pound like [ __ ] terrier whatever and so chris and i come back from the bar with these two chicks we're in this girl's place and we both in separate rooms are humping these these danish chicks right they're both from denmark and uh as per usual i had this little habit where i took off my soiled condom and like would tie it in a knot and like you know that would like swirl it around be like yeah you know and would throw it right like so i did that in in this girl's house threw my tied under knot rubber through it and then i'm or whatever at the time i've smoked cigarettes i'm smoking a cigarette and i remember seeing the little 10 pound dog coming running into the room and it runs out of the room and i'm like okay you know that's uh but then after i get done with my cigarette i get up and i look on the ground like where's the condom like it's not here and i'm thinking oh no so in my view this is the worst because the girl whose house we were staying at had a boyfriend you know and like if this dog picked up the condom and took it on like a little victory lap and dropped it somewhere else where the [ __ ] boyfriend's gonna find it in her place like that's gonna be a problem so i'm all kinds of [ __ ] stressed out about it and like and then and i can't find it anywhere and then even worse what if the dog swallowed the [ __ ] thing and it gets tangled up in the dog's intestines or something and like string you know the dog dies because it [ __ ] gobbled my rubber so i was like the rest of the time at this girl's house i'm like walking the dog i'm like you know like checking every you know when the dog poops i think i forget how long it was it wasn't too long but i woke up from a crazy drug bender at like [ __ ] six and six pm or something and right next to the bed i was sleeping in is this piece of [ __ ] dog poop which just morphed into my rubber you know it was like it was like half log and hammered yeah and and like and i grabbed my camera and [ __ ] uh i grabbed my camera and and lifted it up by the ring of the rubber and it the the rubber gets like all straightened out and once it really once it's fully straight the the piece of dog poo is just sticking out perpendicular in the middle you know and you can see the whole load of [ __ ] was was intact in the you know after passing through the whole dog that whole the whole load was just perfectly intact in the rubber and uh you know i put it out on my first uh my first dvd which i actually just uploaded into this video library at when you see the first stevo don't try this at home video and career ender that's on there but uh but yeah so i felt like [ __ ] okay thank god we figured that out i got a cool piece of footage out of it but i felt [ __ ] bad when mike comes coming out of that dog's [ __ ] it's not it's not a lot different than the dog being sodomized by me you know just the comes going in the other direction you know and uh and i felt that i owed it to that dog somehow and so i was like okay you know if the dog can swallow a condom and have it come out all intact then i should be able to as well so that was the birth of the idea how am i gonna what am i gonna do swallowing a condom and then when i went on the europe tour i said dude i'm going to load up a condom with [ __ ] weed in one country and then fly to the next country and [ __ ] it out and smoke it and so that was the where the idea but it turned into this crazy debacle because like zach said it would [ __ ] thing wouldn't come out and i thought i was going to die because it was going to block up all of my [ __ ] you know you stuck a lot i think you put you put a lot of weed in there a lot i know and i yeah i didn't even think i did it was stuck in my throat you know like it was the most it was the most [ __ ] scary thing and then everyone was telling me that like you can get blockage in your intestines and like you know and and like and i saw i was really worried that i was gonna die of intestinal strangulation and uh i [ __ ] i expressed these concerns to every media outlet that i talked to that was just like and and they're not [ __ ] cool about drugs in sweden they really aren't so so yeah it came out in the newspaper that i had drugs in my body before the drugs were out of my body and uh the cops [ __ ] swooped in to [ __ ] nail me for international drug smuggling the whole story is crazy and it's in the gnarly special so by all means please go over to uh and uh and stream that [ __ ] there's the that's like the most square [ __ ] i ever heard like apparently there's so little going on in sweden the cops arrested you and then made you [ __ ] in a cup for a week to check for the weed yeah it wasn't a cup it was a bag it was it was it was a [ __ ] uh a little yeah it was a toilet that had like a bag set up in the bowl oh that's so so this isn't the first time they've dealt with this issue [Laughter] right i get it so the most discussed i mean the part that stands out to me from gnarly is the jet fuel accident yeah you laid in jet fuel and got third degree burns all over your body and you didn't go to the hospital for like a week too so everything was all infected and [ __ ] and then of course as i mentioned earlier your your our fiance or not wife is it uh still haven't gotten married we're we're waiting to buy a big farm that we're gonna get married on oh perfect fiance uh was encouraging you to because your skin was just coming off and peels and and then you started eating it how was that experience i mean you tossed it down real fast but that technically makes you a cannibal doesn't it it does man i got what it was was that that you know the skin was just the skin was just falling off my body wholesale and as each patch came off i i threw him into the toilet i threw it all and then it just occurred to me like looking in the toilet and all this skin floating in there i was just like that is the sight to behold you know that's something that's something that's pretty [ __ ] remarkable right i was like okay so i got my girl to film and i scooped it out of the toilet and then we had this whole conversation about i was like i should not eat that and she's like quiet i'm like you're you're your silence is speaking volumes you know like you want me to eat this and she's like so does she not gag during that does she have a really strong stomach to be able to watch you do that it's so interesting how like like the the workings of my girl's mind like the things that she's perfectly comfortable with like are just outrageous you know like she didn't gag she was like totally supportive of like yeah [ __ ] eat your skin that's great you know you know like uh she filmed me drinking the blister juice and and had no problem oh yeah i wanted to ask you about that we'll work up into that and and for anybody that's concerned that this might all be too gross keep in mind that's i saved that for the end you know me getting third degree burns all over my body and skin graft surgery and all of this stuff we're describing right now is the closer for the gnarly specialist after you after you eat your own flesh and by the way so you're like there's a moment where their flesh is kind of peeling off and you're jiggling it and you can see there's like actually just liquid in there like what kind of is that liquid that liquid is the body's response to burns you know like it's it was just blister juice and i was just burned so [ __ ] badly that i had not like blisters but i had huge bags of blister juice you ever wish they'd bottle that stuff for you i don't wish they bottled it but it is it is fascinating that um you know that's the body's response that's why there is juice in the blister it's your body's way of trying to cool it down you know like your body sends out you know it sends out this liquid to just try to cool down the area and when i drank it uh as as disgusting as it looked like you know all yellow and and [ __ ] you know crazy looking um it honestly didn't taste like anything man it didn't it did not taste salty it didn't just it just tasted like water um bro it didn't look and that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was so gross i saved that for like the [ __ ] credits yeah well you know yeah he takes the knife and punctures it and then you fill up really a whole shot glass of it and i was like oh no i mean i i ended up with skin grafts on 15 of my body and so all of that was like blisters just all over me and uh the big bags i think just i don't know yeah i was [ __ ] so you you described the doctors being shocked that you didn't come into the hospital early do you think you would have died if you didn't go in because it seemed like i don't know i don't know that i would have died but god i that that was the worst [ __ ] pain i've ever experienced and and and and the saving grace of that is that by far the question i've been asked the most over the years is what was the most painful stunt you know like what hurt the most and the question like up until that point that question was just like frustrating to me because because there was no good answer i would say i would be like first like frustrated that i got asked the question again and then i would say well there are different criteria for pain you know there's the acuteness of the pain like say for example if you get tased you know like electricity very acute but it's it's quick you know the most important criteria to me is the duration of the pain you know like pain that lasts for like you know a week or two weeks is uh you know way more upsetting to me than so there's all these different criteria and then when i got the third degree burns like that it checked every [ __ ] box man because the show was because the [ __ ] like i mean even after i had the skin graft surgery for to get more weeks it was the [ __ ] unbearable pain you know like on the the level of acute pain duration like i went on a whole like tour of burning it after that and i heard over and over that people who have been shot like with guns and you know and or stabbed will all say that uh that's nothing compared to third degree burns like universally third-degree burns are known as the most [ __ ] horrific pain and so i have an answer to the question now you can ask me what's what hurt the most not be like yeah man [ __ ] fire angels yeah power angels for sure bro you know it's funny because you seem so happy before the prank went off you're like fire angels let's do it yeah would you would you not do it or would you do it again i mean dude that's the thing like if i knew that was gonna happen i would it would be a really tough decision to [ __ ] to go through with it you know thank god time doesn't operate that way where you can go back because like i mean i wouldn't trade it for nothing you know let me let let me show you right here the uh the t-shirt that i was wearing i'm gonna [ __ ] break the fourth wall a little bit like i was [ __ ] wearing nice yeah dude i mean that surprised prized possession right there yeah i remember when you stood up the whole back of your ass was burned off like a comic book yeah another anecdote from from gnarly is that when you were protesting sea world you climbed up on this crane and were shooting off fireworks and the city the response was so insane they sent like swat teams and like 20 officers and fire department 80 firefighters why i mean what and then a swap why would they send a swat team it's a really good question yeah well like that doesn't even make any sense well it doesn't make any sense but i mean i think that the explanation is that because the crane was 150 feet up in the air that it was impossible to tell uh who it was climbing up on that crane or why they were climbing up on that crane and the backpack that i was wearing um you know which had my inflatable killer whale and you know other you know my fireworks and stuff maybe i was some kind of a terrorist i don't know maybe i guess the times were a little wild yeah it follows that it would have made some sense to do a little bit of investigation before deploying so many uh first responders but you know what what can i do i can't second guess it uh and and i deserved all the trouble i got in for that i legitimately felt [ __ ] awful i know they sent you a bill so i was just wondering how much was the bill um i approached it um as uh my investment was in um the attorney you know i think that i uh i i got like the most impressive attorney that i could get in that situation and the attorney ended up costing more than the bill right for the restitution right because i think that had it gone in front of uh like a trial jury you know and the obvious question that would you know require an answer is the very question that you just asked why the [ __ ] did they need a swat team what was the purpose in 80 firefighters like why like why the helicopter why why all this like you know that was such an overblown overkill response and i think that it when it came down to uh you know what what's called arbitration where they actually figure out like what should this [ __ ] have to pay i think that the uh the overblown response would uh would really be under the microscope and um so i'll go ahead and tell you dude i spent 20 grand on the lawyer and and he got the restitution uh at 14 damn that's not bad it's not bad like you can already i gotta say you could you could really argue that that was [ __ ] totally worth it man you know amazing that's amazing work for 20 000 from that attorney too yeah and given how much um [ __ ] press there was you know like you know it's not press that looking back on it i'm particularly proud of you know it was [ __ ] idiotic even though when uh and it was like there were rounds of press there was when it happened press all over the world then they uh they [ __ ] sentenced me to 30 days in jail and that was headline city the fact like stevo sentenced to 30 days in jail for a [ __ ] shamu you know [ __ ] protesting sea world it was it was a little bit of a a [ __ ] total score but to anybody who really looked at at what what it was it was just so dumb doing it where i did it it had nothing to do with sea world you know like it was nowhere near sea world it was all the first first responders i was blowing up fireworks in in hollywood like during a drought like uh you know with the hell it was an [ __ ] move and and i was on probation for uh for three years i was on probation um and i had to do all kinds of community service they they let me do community service at animal shelters and uh for this um humane society program where i went around uh underserved neighborhoods um signing people up for free spay and neuter for their pets so i i was in [ __ ] heaven with my community service that's great yeah it was it was killer and uh you were sentenced to 30 days but but what did you serve like five hours how did that happen eight hours eight hours yeah i was from when i from dude they let me film turning myself to i showed up at the [ __ ] and then dude thank god that i made my gnarly special multimedia because everything i talked about throughout the special you actually see you know the footage of it had cut in and i think it worked so well but i do i showed up at the the [ __ ] the what do you call the correctional uh facility the twin towers jail to turn myself in for my 30-day sentence i climb up on the [ __ ] correctional facility [ __ ] sign and do a backflip off of it like just like yeah here i am i go in there and i'm like here i am i turn myself in they let it they let us film the whole [ __ ] thing like how we went how they like like they let us film them handcuffing me and leading me into the [ __ ] jail which i cannot [ __ ] believe and um and then they they uh basically took my picture and let me go i mean it was eight hours from when i showed up at the jail to when i walked out of the jail and the reason for that is uh two things um overcrowding you know like they don't even want uh i mean i shouldn't say they don't want they they don't have room to keep anybody who's a non-violent offender basically they're gonna they're just and then on top of that they don't there's no upside for the jail uh in having a high profile uh inmate there's no upside like anything like bad happens that like they view it all as liability and downside so so yes they let me out in [ __ ] eight hours which to me was hilarious what was the eight hours like what did you do in those eight hours uh i mean mostly it's just being processed in you know like uh you're you're in a holding cell you know you're waiting for them to like get your fingerprints and uh you know at one point like uh i was picking out a book i was gonna read you know like getting ready to settle in yeah they were and um i mean i knew as well that i was going to be in protective custody that's what it's called when you're a high-profile inmate you know they they don't want they don't want [ __ ] to deal with any [ __ ] of uh like you being attacked or anything and so like and from back in the day it was my my uh second experience in that same uh sort of high profile jail situation in the same facility because i when i was arrested for uh the other thing and i was facing eight years in prison uh i showed up in there and and and they pulled me out of my cell i just got in my bag tattoo and they pulled me out of my cell to take pictures of me they're giving me like boxes of cookies this is back in 2002. they're like oh dude uh you're you're all good here man [ __ ] um you know like uh we call this robert downey jr unit rather than because we call this the robert downey junior block you know and and uh and the cell you're in right now that's odb cell he's always in here you know and they're used to like treating the the celebrities nicely i guess so pretty much man uh they were they were they're they were really cool to me back in 2002 and they were super cool to me uh and whatever it was it was a december of 2015. what did you almost go to jail for eight years for oh man it was [ __ ] awful and uh you know this is in the gnarly special where i talk about how i got arrested for stapling my balls to my leg but in fact in fact uh there were two charges one was felony obscenity because this was this this was in uh in in louisiana and and in louisiana there's not counties like there are in the states there's parishes and there's like sort of religious overtones and like you know like the new orleans is this wild mardi gras party out of control but once you get outside of new orleans louisiana's pretty [ __ ] crazy in the way they operate and i had a show outside of new orleans in louisiana in 2002 and during this show a couple things happened i stapled my ball sack to my leg and as i did this and this is with the the old tour which i promoted by saying i will be drunk and on drugs or your money yeah yeah or your money back and in every show on stage i would get drunk [ __ ] on stage pounding tequila out of the bottle i would have audience members [ __ ] chugging bottles of tequila it was a [ __ ] liability central [ __ ] show and i was on drugs every time and and as i was uh covered in blood like every show i was covered in blood i was barfing all over the stage like uh because i would break a light bulb over my head and slash my tongue so i was bleeding all over myself this was every night it was every [ __ ] night and i would staple them staple my balls to my leg during the show like uh i'd be set on fire i'd [ __ ] be pissing into it i'd be sick pissing into a cup and i'd be like who wants to drink my piss and people would be like yeah so i'd bring people on yeah people would be jumping up and down who wants to get kicked in the nuts dude it was a [ __ ] it was a [ __ ] up circus dude and uh at one point at the point that night in louisiana when i was stapling my balls to my leg i just happened to say under the microphone i said this is not art this is strictly to be offensive i don't even know why i said that because it's totally art you know and uh and somebody in the crowd was videotaping right it wouldn't have been a big deal like the stapling of the balls to my leg while i was covered in blood saying that i was just trying to be offensive but at another point in the show that bottle of tequila that i mentioned i had it sitting on the stage like towards the front of the stage and at one point somebody kind of crawled up onto the stage and grabbed the bottle now the bouncers noticed this happening they were not they [ __ ] zipped over with lightning speed and [ __ ] incredible efficiency and [ __ ] got that bottle back from this person i was impressed by the bouncers response to this theft of my tequila bottle these bouncers as it would turn out were for football players for the local college team which i think was a pretty successful college team well in any case these huge bouncers these huge bouncers impressed me so i just off the cuff impromptu i said to the crowd i said to the crowd these bouncers are [ __ ] badass who wants to try to run across this stage past the bouncers oh god well we'll call it british bulldog and they're ready to [ __ ] somebody up who wants to try it you know and the bouncers were all into it yeah they were down man they were super down and then and then and everybody wants to do it but this one kid was just jumping higher than everybody else he was just all excited and i just could see the kids excitement so i said you the kid was like you know very small he was i think 19 years old he got and i orchestrated the whole thing so the kid lines up and i said i'm filming it i said on your mark go whatever the kid runs it was pretty anti-climactic the kid just ran right into the bouncers and they grabbed him right but as an afterthought sort of and clearly on the own the bouncer's own initiative two of them together they lifted this kid up in the air and [ __ ] body slammed him on the stage and yeah and like they body slammed the kid like largely onto his head you know and he was the kid was knocked out whoa unconscious he was just twitching on the stage unconscious i think i think he was like bleeding out of his ear like and you know it was a [ __ ] pretty bad scene man it was a pretty bad scene and like you know the whole purpose of the clowns in the circus is for when uh when somebody falls off the trapeze or whatever the clowns are supposed to run in and divert attention you know that was the whole purpose of clowns you know like the show's got to go on the clowns come in be like hey you know we're good yeah we're all you know so i've got this like built in the show must go on and so dude the kids are twitching on the stage and i say under the microphone or whatever the kids are being loaded into an ambulance at that point and i go that kid's on a stretcher being loaded into an ambulance is that what we came here to see everybody's like yeah you know it was just it was just not not good so the the kid who uh the the person who was videotaping this performance was uh you know felt like okay i've documented something with this camera that's probably like and they gave it to the news then when they gave it to the news the news was like oh this isn't as much of a news story as a crime and then the the the new so the news passed the tape on to the uh the on to the the city attorney and the city attorney was like oh well [ __ ] this guy and uh and said they charred and by the time the charges were filed i was back in los angeles and um and so they said they put me on the fugitive list right but here's the thing that the fugitive i landed at number one on the fugitive list by a mile by a mile dude because the [ __ ] uh they tried they set my bail for the charge of principal to second degree battery you know it was a felony for for orchestrating the thing where the kid got slammed on his head and they they set the bail for that at 200 dollars wow uh or or was it a hundred and twenty thousand or i uh one point one t 120 thousand dollars i think it was or 1.2 yeah i don't know something like that but they also charged me with felony obscenity for stapling my balls to my legs to the parish and they're like you know that was that felony a felony obscenity i've never heard of such a charge you're well right i mean there are there there have been notable charges um jim morrison was charged with felony obscenity in florida i think for showing his wiener on stage uh lenny bruce was charged with felony obscenity two live crew was famously charged with felony obscenities so that charge that charge added me to the list of american heroes fantastic yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh right and and and they set my bail for the obscenity charge at a full one million dollars so i i landed on the felony fugitive list with like 1.2 million 1.12 million i'm not sure which dollar bail and that's the highest bill i was number one on the list they scooped me up and took me to the la uh correctional facility and i want to mention too that that's like uh uh a little [ __ ] morsel of this juicy ass book that i wrote right and i've got my book not only is it just a crazy book but it's a really [ __ ] great book as evidenced by the five-star rating that it's maintained on amazon right i love just this book is is so beautiful and [ __ ] up and crazy and if you buy it from my website every copy is personally autographed and i loved i loved i like getting my book out there i'd love to get my book out there and my new gnarly special you fulfill them directly how is it you're able to sign each one i buy the books with an author discount uh they get they get they get shipped to my house sort of like if i was a store like the same thing as if i was uh you know a book bookstore and they shipped the books to my house and when i say i personally i don't personalize them they shipped in my house and i autograph every i sign every copy i sign every i yeah i sign i do i spend a lot of time signing and it ends radford you know i sign every copy and then i and then my dude brings the books to the ups and ships them to our fulfillment house so what is the name of the book stevo professional idiot a memoir wow beautiful and that's on amazon i'm going to buy that right now i'm going to buy it right after that yeah i wouldn't buy it on amazon i'd buy it from so you could have it autographed you know you want to you want to have the autographed copy but for you my brother i'll [ __ ] make one out next time i see it dude i'll [ __ ] i'll give you i would love that i'll give you a special one so here's what i'm going to encourage everybody listening to do go to buy gnarly for ten dollars it's gonna be an absolutely mind-blowing hour special and then when you're done zach can can can zach chime in again and just uh do you have an endorsement for gnarly my jaw was dropped and i've seen a lot of crazy [ __ ] in my 22 years of life that is by far the craziest [ __ ] i've ever seen in my life is that zach has been raving about the show uh uh behind the scenes he has been yeah i appreciate that so much man you know it sucks that we that we waited for so long for my triumphant return to the h3 podcast but you know but waiting that long i really think uh i think that we made another hit dude yeah i think we made another hit i can't i mean it's always a pleasure to listen i mean you're you're full of so many uh incredible stories and uh such a great guy i love having you on here gnarly when you're done watching gnarly buy the book get it signed is your one-stop shop for steeple related paraphernalia yeah dude the book you can actually use paypal it's super easy to check out but dude the gnarly special is so [ __ ] up and full of [ __ ] dick and grievous bodily harm and [ __ ] graphic drug abuse and just criminal [ __ ] that if uh if i put it out with paypal like it wouldn't last 24 hours it'd be shut down as pornography like porn sites yeah porn sites you can never use paypal you know and uh and it was it was only before we before we went live with it so one of us had this thought i wonder if that gets if if uh if paypal shuts it down then they shut down the whole online operation you know we then we can't sell anything so we were like oh [ __ ] let's let's ask about this and we did a little poking around and it turns and turns out that you have we had to have uh special bank approval with a special account at a bank which has uh quote an appetite for high risk credit card transactions which is what they call it yeah what's wrong with that appetite um i want to say it's in canada somewhere um but uh but yeah basically any ban any uh like porn you know like a webcam girls like more sketchy kind of cbd you know like uh sort of dark web [ __ ] and that um is my is my explanation for why you you act have to do the it's just [ __ ] scheduled for that how do you pay for the thing because i had dan buy it for me yeah you gotta you gotta put in the it's not that weird you just have to actually plug in the credit card and this is my this this is my explanation my apology for not having a quicker easier checkout is that that the quicker easier you know paypal amazon pay that type of thing would be more it would be more convenient but those people don't like uh porn arguably bestiality when uh that rock hard [ __ ] elk is bloody [ __ ] so was there actually was did he penetrate you no i i i didn't have a hole in the the the costume i was wearing but there's a scene where an elk uh is fully torched and humped it looks like he was [ __ ] you dude yeah that was like really interesting yeah because i was like i'm not sure that you could legally show you're right being penetrated by an animal but you did it um many uh paypal would have called that problematic yeah yeah that was that was the first that was the first thing and the only thing that would that really entered the conversation as hey this gotta go and i said i said [ __ ] no keep looking for [ __ ] banks we're gonna fight we're gonna we're gonna find the [ __ ] bank that's okay with that [ __ ] rock hard elk butt [ __ ] me [Music] i love the idea of someone at the bank being like watching the whole special and then being like we can do this yeah and then wait until the follow-up you know is ready everybody go to the same bank and be like okay so now i'm actually [ __ ] now i'm at now it's me that's hard and i'm [ __ ] coming everywhere and i gotta do it but i think i think we're already in bed with the right partner so yeah exactly i i i think you are i think you found your partner for life there congratulations i'm so happy to see you doing well you've got your podcast you've got all your specials and everything and you know all your charity work and everything it's just so nice to see and and thank you man thank you so much i'm super happy did likewise man i cannot tell you i i have told you but i can't really like the the frequency with which i've heard about dude i heard you on the h3 podcast like the uh the frequency with dude i saw that [ __ ] you in h3 it's great man what are you gonna do together what's ethan really like you know like you know i i do i hear it a lot and uh you know i'm just stoked that i'm stoked that the world is the way it is that you know people like us can kind of take the power of the media into our own hands you know like when i do certain podcasts and i think i probably did this the last time i was on with you i said hey like because with podcasting you know like retention is a thing you know a lot of people don't stick around to the very end you know like we have the audience fall off but it's the hardcore [ __ ] like dedicated fans who stick around to the very end i always address them at the end of every episode of my podcast wild ride with stevo and i like to say thank you for sticking around to the very end of this podcast you guys are the ones that really matter the most and i always ask that my uh the my i call them the street team i say please take a screenshot of this podcast and and post it with tags for me and my guests to let my guests know that they that you enjoyed it you know and to kind of they made it all the way through and that uh and to help me get the word out and then build up this podcast and that's why i call those people the street team and so for the h3 street team um you know i i want to ask you guys who made it all the way through to shoot me a tweet let me know that that you made it all right there let's do something they can send which is like do like uh yeah are you not bad we're going to be putting it out with proper videos so really yeah oh yeah yeah that one okay so so if you guys watch all the way through to the end send this image to stevo people there you go the real ones know only the real ones now yeah dude yeah it's something we should start up here man the h3 streaks i like it a lot dude yes you know you want dude i don't know when this goes out but as we recorded this like [ __ ] fresh live on my uh podcast channel i got mike tyson today oh i love mike he's such a [ __ ] guy that's that should be really fun it's a really fun one man i've been so fortunate with my guests dude shaquille o'neal mike yeah your guest how the [ __ ] did that happen it's crazy uh yeah well i look forward to it so it's yours man your guest place is epic well starting with you i don't know that i was uh that early on but uh but yeah man it's a real pleasure to reconnect dude yeah and um yeah i want you to know that the cameras aside i just really appreciate you man we've made some of our my favorite content together i mean i we were talking on the phone you know i don't think there's any other youtube video where they've uh successfully cut somebody's nuts off and the video is still on youtube so we hold that distinction together demonetized but still there it's still there that's what matters yeah still there yeah dude my youtube channel is not big on monetization oh yeah that's still there right it's still there dude that's right have you got your uh diamond plaque yet how far no the thing is we pivoted we don't really post on the main channel anymore so right so no we're we're not on the diamond path yeah i'm still fighting the fight man i'm on both channels but not but more regular with the podcast yeah in any case i think we've we've uh what do you call it uh we've digressed into personal conversation we should leave leave the street team to their business their hard work of promoting our shows yes and uh and they've got they've got a gnarly comedy special to watch and a bug to read yeah you guys should click off and get on that i agree yeah all right take care man appreciate you buddy
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 352,541
Rating: 4.8572536 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, steveo, gnarly, steveo gnarly, steve-o, jackass
Id: 45JT5drL2wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 54sec (4554 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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