Stay In Your Lane And Endure To The End

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okay let's open our bibles please to first corinthians chapter nine first corinthians chapter nine we're going to continue a little bit from last week and i tried another whole message this morning i just switched it because it wasn't coming um the way i wanted it to and i was if you it's like you're a nurse and you're trying to find the vein and you can't find the vein and today i just think i need to bring encouragement to everybody to do what you can do to be encouraged there's so much bad news out there there's so much bad information so we want to do what we can do be faithful be faithful to the lord endure endure to the end endure and do everything occupy till he comes there's certain things we can do and then there's things we're not supposed to do in first corinthians 9 verse 24. you guys there okay verse 24 know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that you may obtain and i always like to talk about we're running our race and we have to stay in our lane and do what god asked us to do because if we do what god asks us to do we don't have to be running in someone else's lane comparing what someone else is doing this is a day of great discouragement for a lot of pastors and i just want to encourage the pastors out there too to do what god's asked you to do there's some things we cannot control in this day in matthew 24 there's a lot of things we can't control we can't control what's going on with the natural disasters and so many different things that are happening politically but there's some things we can and that's what god wants us to do be faithful we have to be faithful not to be weary and faint in our minds this is a day a lot of people want to faint they're mad they were taught and this is one thing we have to do is forgive our false teachers they told us that we wouldn't have trouble if you got saved you were exempt right if you sowed a seed you'd have a harvest and you'd never have financial problems i mean there were a lot of false teachers that told us false securities and this is a day where those things are being shaken finding out that's not true and they weren't even preaching from the bible anyway when you take scriptures and twist them which a lot of people are doing right now this is a major thing that's going on in the truth-telling community they're not truth-telling they're confusing telling and they're saying they're truthers and they're not truthers you got to go in the bible to find truth and you're going to be very discouraged if you're following men because men can transfer truth and they can also transfer error so check everything out with our bibles and that's how we got in this position that we did anyway as the church we were following men and we didn't know any better we thought we were doing the right thing but we've repented from that and we've also have to forgive these false teachers we've got to forgive them because a lot of people will forget it i don't i can't understand the bible i don't want to read the bible no just be like a little child go and read your bible and just be innocent just be sincere and god will show you things just from his word instead of always thinking you have to have an interpretation a man has to tell me that was kind of what we were all raised on and then the tv we just were plugged into the tv and we've had to forget all that stuff come back to the simplicity of the bible the light he is the truth he is a light so here he says this is our race run that you may obtain and remember we're running you got saved by yourself and you're going to die by yourself and we're going to face god by ourself everything we do we're going to do it we have friends and family but this is your race this is a race you're running and you have to make sure you're not following another person because you're going to get in their lane and do what they're supposed to be doing and it's not what god's asking you to do stay simple stay honest you know walk humbly with the lord and the other thing is to walk in the fear of the lord always know god's watching and everything we do and say he's watching so run that race and they're running you look on tv and you see all these hollywood stars and are we finding that that's not where it's at some people have put these movie stars up and they're coming and they're showing their real colors now the sports people are really showing their propaganda they're showing who they really serve now and it's shaking a lot of people but if you're following christ this shouldn't shake you because we're not we're in this world but we're not of it the spirit of it is getting corrupt and it's showing us we keep looking up our redemption draught night right so this is a corruptible crown but we an incorruptible i therefore so run not as uncertainty so fight i not as one that beateth the air but i keep under my body and bring it under subjection lest that by any means i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway or we could become shipwrecked and we're going to see a lot of shipwrecks i hate to say that but because we're following people that are following false teachers and then these false securities and the things that they said are not happening people aren't going back to church and they don't want to have anything to do with church because they realize i can live without it and that's what the antichrist wants that's what the devil wants that whole world system is you don't need the lord we do need the lord and remember forgive whatever bad teaching we've had stay on course if you have bitterness in your heart people offend you we've had situations the last few weeks people have been offended discarded all that stuff you got to keep your heart right you know you got to keep moving forward you got to keep moving on because we have a race to run so these things we're not going to beat the air we're not going to get distracted there's so many things that are here to distract us and keep your focus on your race so choose your battles wisely means to be selective of the problems the arguments and the confrontations you get involved with you're not supposed to pick up every battle you're not supposed to debate every person uh facebook is totally crazy right now people are they're so bold when they can just type something and fight somebody but if you saw them in person they won't don't even say hello right it's a false world it's a false reality so don't get stuck fighting battles on facebook save your time and your energy for the most important battles and learn to let the others go in your race what is god asking you to do where is your heart what gives you joy what are you supposed to be faithful to do those things that god's asking you to do stay in your own lane run your own race and then you have to learn how can i disagree without causing division one thing the lord hates is when people divide and we can disagree but we don't have to be divisive divisive what does the bible say about division it's a warning in romans 16 verse 17 and 18 mark take note of the false teachers that put obstacles in your way contrary to bible teaching and this is what the pharisees did the sadducees even the leaven of herod we talked about that a few weeks ago all of this stuff is put in our way to cause us to trip and to stumble and the pharisees every jot every tittle all these rules and just remember it's like a little child just go and pray as a little child all these things just keep it very simple don't get so complicated when people start getting all these philosophical ideas and all their charts and they tell you what this is going to happen in this it just amazes me how people think they can control god so things get a little dark so we're out of here no it doesn't the bible says be faithful and endure people are enduring flooding right now they're enduring storms there are fires everywhere we have to be faithful no matter what comes our way we're living in the world right so we want to make sure that we don't faint in our minds so i want to talk to you a little bit about that but false teachers give you counterfeit truth and you can tell when a gospel is divisive it makes people fight and god's not the author of that kind of division the darkness hates the light but we as children of the light aren't supposed to be fighting over trivial things right so that was what we talked about the last couple weeks but we are called to be faithful and endure and matthew 24 let's look there and we're not going to go on to all of these things but he says take heed that no man deceive you and the verse that i want you to see take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am the christ and shall deceive many and you shall hear of wars are we hearing of wars we're hearing the wars right now i did yesterday about china hearing wars of see that you be not troubled well it's hard to not be troubled well the reason why we are not troubled is because we're running our race and god told us these things before they happen he knows the end from the beginning so he's letting his people know these things are going to happen for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places all these things are the what the beginning the beginning but the verse that i want you to see is verse 13. more and more things are going on which we've talked about before but verse 13 but he that shall endure unto the end shall be saved i want to talk to you just a little bit today about be faithful and endure sometimes we're enduring things we never thought would happen we're enduring things with our parents our older parents we're enduring things with our children things that are happening we have to abide under it and not let go of the lord when things are going bad now i have to bring this back up because this is election time you know my old joke it was election time and a politician decided to go to a local reservation to try and get the native americans to vote they all met in the council hall to hear the speech the political or the politician he had his final you know the the hurrah the finality of it all worked up and he said i promised better education for native americans the crowd went wild shouting i promise gambling reforms hoya hoya after the spread the speech the politician wanted to get out and look at the cattle can i get a closer look said the politician sure the chief said but be careful not to step in the hoya today we're in a lot of hoya to our eyeballs we're in hoya your your eyes are brown tim would say you're so full oh yeah no he says it different than that but basically the same thing it's a crazy day we live in and you got to keep number one your sense of humor people are on edge people we're living in lockdowns again australia i have we have online people there just heartbreaking today yesterday last night that went into israel full lockdowns and um the uk so that people that are involved in our online church were experiencing heartbreak and heartache and it's it's a great day of heaviness so what do we do we have to remain faithful and we have to endure to the end and we can't get weary because if we get weary we start getting fainting in our mind we start losing control we start losing our walk with the lord then we let the enemy in and strife comes in division comes in all sorts of evil things happen so we have to keep our cool we have to keep our eyes on jesus right so we have to be faithful and endure that word endure means continuous be strong in the lord be strong in him we're not strong in ourselves we're starting to hear of these things my sister was very close to the fires in portland within miles and how scary the smoke itself all these different things but she has a lord to cling to these people that don't know the lord how are they going to survive these troubled times but we're supposed to be strong and hear him be bear up under hardship and persecution be faithful and endure seducing spirits we see our friends being seduced by false teachers you try to warn them and they don't listen well we got to keep enduring we got to run our race all you can do is sow seeds jesus gave parables the sower sows the word he'd sow different things sometimes you can just sow something you can't make people force people to believe that's what deception is in the end times many shall be deceived and the biggest thing is going to be deception on every level not just in the church but in the world in the politicians if you don't know they're corrupt there's corruption in this world now numbers 21 in verse 4 when they were on their way to canaan the israelites wanted to cut their land cut through the land of edom because the direct route was closed due to a selfish king he would not let them go on their land so they got discouraged because of the way and many today that i'm talking to are discouraged because of the way things are happening in this world that we never thought we'd live to see we thought we'd dodge the bullet we see a lot of things this election that's coming so-called election uh it's crazy and it's only september right now but don't get discouraged be faithful and endure god will give us strength whatever we go through he's going to be there with us to help us they had to go through a mountain plane of loose sand gravel rocks discomfort and trouble they did not want to go that way and many of us are going through things right now we don't want to go this way seeing our grandchildren go to school with masks on these are things that we thought we'd never ever have to face but we can't grow weary people are looking to you people are depending on you we have to be strong for them change can cause weariness each set of changes brings unavoidable losses we lose things along the way we have to ask god to help us we have to grieve the loss the loss of jobs the loss of friendships you grieve you grieve things because things are changing so fast nothing is staying the same why do we get weary we get battle weary you get tired of fighting you get tired of of the warfare in the world we get tired of different things in second samuel 23 10 eliezer was one of david's mighty men he arose and struck down the philistines until his hand was weary and he clung to the sword he had battle fatigue his hand just stuck to that sword and sometimes people out there they're battle fatigue they're tired they're they're wanting their kids to come to the lord they're backslidden and they're trying to get them right before things get worse they're tired exodus 17 12 moses hands were heavy and they grew weary we get tired we get tired of doing the right thing sometimes you're doing the right thing and nobody acknowledges you're doing the right thing you're the honest one you're the one that's doing everything right you're the one that's trying to speak truth and everybody else just discredits you but god sent aaron and her to hold up their hands god will send people to hold up our hands when we really need it he's going to put people there or people will be there i always think of mary and elizabeth they had each other they were both going through something that had never happened in history before but they had a divine connection god will put friends in our lives that will help us run our race in psalms 25 14-20 he says i'm helpless i'm overwhelmed i'm in deep distress my problems go from bad to worse wow romans 15 4 tells everything that was written in the past was written for us it's to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope when you get discouraged you got to go and open your bible and get some hope because you're sure not going to get it turning on the television you get discouragement you know they're fanning the flames of racial division right now they're fanning the flames of a lot of things but when you know that god said these things were going to happen there's a peace that comes because you know god's told you these things are going to happen before they happened so we don't want to get caught up in these hate groups and division and all these different things because god says mark those that cause division mark them avoid them we don't want to be a part of those divisive groups that are are are in these riots and in these protesting and in this wrong spirit which is really trying to get rid of the middle class so we get discouraged and when you're discouraged it implies a loss of courage courage is your mental strength every day we get up we need to have courage to face the news what's next we're like in labor pains and what what's next i was looking at the gulf and all the hurricanes that are starting to come was like wow my sister lives right there in miami so i'm always kind of keeping my eye out for florida wow a lot of things are happening we need courage and mental strength that enables you to persevere and when fear comes when you're strong in the lord you're supernaturally standing you're standing think of stephen when he was stoned he's supernatural he looked up and the heavens were open he said jesus he saw jesus standing there he had courage because he was walking with the lord when you don't have mental strength when you're discouraged when you're fainting in your mind you you don't have an anchor you don't have hope hope deferred makes your heart sick and then you just fall away and you stumble away you go back into the ways that you were delivered out of when you start backsliding you go back to what god delivered you out of so no one likes waiting so hope deferred makes the heart sick when you have to wait and wait and wait and wait your hopes gets crushed sometimes is this ever going to happen am i ever going to see change when when when something is deferred it means to put off to drag out it's a long drawn-out process some battles are long praying for your kids to get right praying for your kids to come back to the lord when you know they're sitting under bad teachings that's hard when you raised him right but now they're they're following men they're following what they think is god but they're being deceived that's a long battle that's a hard battle for parents things keep getting postponed i remember the first lockdown people's surgeries were postponed they had to wait and wait some of them still haven't gotten back in some have some haven't you you lose hope when things change when you expect something and it doesn't happen your hope is crushed and what does that happen it leads to depression anxiety and sickness hope deferred can make people sick dashed hopes of long stretches with no improvement or changes and this is what's happening to a lot of people right now in america they don't see any hope what is going to happen to our nations the nations of the world are all in strife and division keep your eyes on jesus keep walking with the lord don't faint in your mind be faithful be faithful now in john 6 66 we know this scripture funny 666 right from that time many of his disciples talking about jesus went back and walked no more with him they went along for a while then they fainted and they fell by the wayside they didn't know how to abide under they were taught oh everything's going to be great this is your best life now you're not going to have problems then troubles come they didn't know how to handle it because they weren't taught pick up your cross didn't say go to the hilton don't have a great old time your cross is something to die on it means sometimes things are going to be hard and you're not going to be able to put in your two cents sometimes you got to keep your mouth shut that's hard it's enduring sometimes when you want to straighten out your son-in-law or your daughter-in-law and you can't say nothing you have to endure right different things people get so discouraged and they fall by the wayside we see people that walked with the lord demas he had forsaken paul why did he forsake paul think about the apostle paul and here's demas he loved this present world and we're seeing people right and left loving this present world falling into the things of this world think it not strange if it happened to jesus if jesus was betrayed guess what he put that as an example for us to learn you're going to probably be betrayed to somewhere in your life betrayal's going to happen somewhere along the life you're going to have a demons in your life that walked with you for a while but then they go back to the things of the world don't be discouraged these are all in the bible for a reason so that we don't grow weary and faint demas fainted in the process he didn't die he fainted there's a lot of people that used to walk with god they didn't die they're just fainted they got discouraged they weren't taught how to stand having done all the stand stand they haven't been taught the true meaning of faith they thought faith was a magic potion it was a formula and they just thought well it just doesn't work for me that was never true faith that's gnosticism that's mysticism and it's a big part of the false light that's coming there's coming a huge false light and it's going to be all the what we've been talking about for six years all the religions are coming together and they're all going to be it's a false light so we don't do not want to be just deceived by this false light that's here it's not coming it's here and everyone just joins together it doesn't matter what god you serve we're all just lumping we're all in this together we're all in this together that's all that they say we're all in this together now second corinthians 4 16 for which cause we faint not we faint not sometimes you can look in the mirror and you can pass out my god where did that white hair come from where do those no you can't pass you can't do you remember when you were my granddaughter goes you looked a lot younger when we lived in the wyzetta house i tell her you were two you were younger than two yeah she she's learned not to say old because we don't like that word oh for though which we faint not though our outward man perish but our inward man what are you doing with your inward man if you're just going from video to video of these false teachers all you're going to be is in fear you're going to be living in fear or false doctrine where this one guy is telling everyone get ready get ready get ready you know what you can't tell when god's going to come well what if he comes be ready be filled don't be fighting and mad at everybody and angry you're not ready you might be left thank god it's not up to us to be left all this this one guy taught if you don't believe in the rapture you're not going so it's all about you now right it's all about your faith that's ridiculous we come just as we are we need him we have doubts we have unbelief we've stumbled we've fallen and thank god he knows that that's why he came so don't you know the self-righteousness all these bad doctrines are floating around again because people are they're going through stuff so don't don't faint every christian has dropped the ball they fumbled they've missed if you're a basketball player every good basketball player has missed a shot we've all fallen can god forgive me yes repent keep your eyes on him get back up again first john 1 9 it father i ask you to forgive me cleanse me from all unrighteousness keep a short tab keep asking forgiveness you're gonna blow it again why because we're in this world and people now are making us angry you drive and people are mad everybody's angry ask god to forgive you keep keep that relationship with the lord don't faint well i'm just a basket case and you know i'm just going to go back drinking and i'm just going to forget it and no you're fainting you're fainting and you're fainting in your mind because you're putting so much bad news in that you're not encouraged you have to be careful what you're watching if all you turn on is the news i have one sister that's all she does is listen to the news she's not a christian yet but you can't fill yourself with the the bad news you're just going to be discouraged and and if you're not saved they don't even have a heaven to think about just think about that they have no hope i just feel bad for people i just pray they get saved in this hour don't faint every christian has dropped the ball we've all missed it but we have to keep our eyes on jesus especially when you fall get back up again a righteous man falls seven times but he gets back up again that's the only reason why we're here today been serving the lord 40 some over some 48 years or whatever it's because we've all fallen gotten back up right so if you've fallen out there get back up get back up ask god to forgive you and and just make your account short with other people and if they don't want to forgive you you know what that's on them but as far as within you live at peace the bible says you be at peace as as much as depends upon you amen now when you faint you get spiritually you lose your fight you lose your courage what's the use now if you're following false teachers it's discouraging because they look so happy and everything's they're so wealthy and just like they have no problems they just fly around in their jet having one conference after another well they can't do that anymore because people can't gather like they used to be able to gather so now people are doubting well i got saved and is what i've been taught wrong probably probably wrong join the rest of us get back in your bibles and find out oh wow that was twisted that's not in context but don't be so hard on yourself sometimes i can't believe i came out of this prophetic movement i just look back now and people are still like i follow prophets and i follow this guy with dreams in september three times i'm like sorry but i don't do the dreamers anymore i was in that movement and i had dreams too and i'm not saying god can't speak to you in dreams because he has personally but not for the whole world you got to be careful about these dreams why because they're going to lead you astray that's another whole message but you're going to lose your everything if you start following men because you wait for that next youtube to come out what's he saying now does he have another dream oh now he has a daily show i can tune in every day now to find out god's got he's got a hotline to god well i've done that before in the past when this man would tell me jesus appeared to him so many times and now this other guy that i i have to say he's a false teacher because he says here's the bible but we follow this other light this sister so and so and she's got light and you know what you're still following a man you're putting something in place of the bible and if we've learned anything from our mistakes we've learned don't follow men because with these false teachers there's always an agenda they give 90 truth and then they bring in their agenda their political agenda or their whatever agenda it is they have agendas because they're uh working for the spirit of darkness we follow the lord we're trusting in him and everything that's going to be shaken is going to be shaken the dollar is being shaken as you know there's coming a great reset this can really cause you to freak out if your trust is in money what do you do pick up your cross and follow him lord you're going to have to show us what what we're supposed to do when that time comes when this happens this happens what do you have you faithful you endure hardness as a good soldier he'll show us what to do when the time comes if you're going to worry and fret way out here people were sending me stuff from 20 30. i said i'm trying to get through 2020. i don't want to know about 20 30 right now i just i want to i want to live each day enjoy each day and yeah i have a i have a pretty good idea what's coming and so a lot of you but you're not going to change it what do you do you change yourself you stay filled you stay filled you want to be like those wise virgins that you're filled with oil and if you get weary and you need some friends find people that are on the same page get together yeah yeah yeah let's get together yeah yeah yeah we better get together while we can right have people over have encouragement at your house don't just wait to go once a week start having little dine-in friendship meetings i'm coming over well no maybe not can i come over again some people invite themselves over right we don't want to encourage that i just want to encourage you today so discourage implies loss of courage your mental strength strength that leads to fainting psalms 84 6 blessed is a man whose strength is in thee our strength is in him come the water come the floods come whatever comes we can't stop it but we can fix our eyes in the right place because he said he'll give us perfect peace when i start knowing i'm listening to the wrong thing too much i have to shut the news off or something i have to encourage myself in the lord you have to encourage yourself don't wait for somebody else to come encourage you you got to learn to encourage yourself in the lord who's passing through the valley of baca make it a well that's a place of weeping this world is becoming a place of weeping the beautiful country that we had and it was just like everything was just just a few years ago this just seemed like so normal now you go outside and you see burning you see riots you see racial wars you see all these things happening you got to encourage yourself in the lord you have to do it you have to encourage yourself and you say i'm not going to faint i'm not going to get angry i'm not going to get bitter see how angry people are driving they're driving you know just they don't know how to handle their emotions my one of our friends emailed me this week and said there's many suicides happening in her country because of loss of jobs they have no reason to live that is very sad the state that the world is going in right now it's a place the world is a place of weeping the bible talks a lot about the valleys of everyday life when you get weary you're exhausted from continual continually seeing no changes and waiting for change the bible talks about the valley of calamity the valley of giants the valley of the shadow of death in the valley satan wants to break you but remember in the valley god wants to make us so going back to what we started with in verse 24 verse 13 but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved we have to endure we have to be faithful these simple things i just want to encourage you today don't faint don't be weary in your mind follow what god wants you run your own race don't run somebody else's race don't try to impress people don't buy things that are going to impress people get out of debt the best you can doesn't matter what it looks like you obey the lord in the little things everything you're supposed to do keep your eyes on him father we thank you for encouraging all of us today to not grow weary in well-doing and to help us do the things that we can do when there's so much we can't control we can't control the weather we can't well some people think they can we can't control the weather we can't control with the power of our words all of these things but father we can endure to the end with your help and your grace and so i pray for everyone that's listening today that they'd be encouraged that they'd keep their eyes on jesus the author and the finisher of their faith you're the one that started this lord you knew what we were we're a mess sometimes we need so much help but you're there to help us you love us warts and all so we thank you for giving us love for each other that we can be in unity in this time of so much division the enemy is the author of division and father i pray that none of us would get divisive or divide you hate discord and father we fear you so we hate it too so give us that in this end times lord we ask for your strength and your wisdom in jesus name amen be sure to hit the subscribe button and hit the bell button so you can be notified of the newest videos we are viewer supported if you would like to donate please go to in the upper right hand corner there is a give button thank you and see you next time you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 3,373
Rating: 4.9780221 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: a5m26_ttk70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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