Great Peace In The Midst Of Discord And Chaos

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[Music] bye morning let's open our bibles to second kings chapter five checking second kings chapter five and verse one we're going to talk about beware of discord and chaos you know we're we're in the world but we're not supposed to be of it so as christians we're going to observe and see a lot of things going on and we have to make sure that our hearts stay right because it's so easy to be offended with people that don't agree with us and i always checked myself this this week uh someone that i used to be well a couple people i used to be really close to and i saw them online and i saw them sharing their heart and i didn't even realize i had an offense towards them but because of some things they did which you know sometimes people do things and you have a right to be mad i mean it's like these people are just so mean and they didn't but then when you see their heart and then you know you know what none of us have a leg to stand on it's by the grace of god and so we've got to keep our hearts right and we can only do that when god shows us things he shows us well you are offended by this person and when you're offended by somebody it colors the way you see them all of a sudden now they're your enemy instead of maybe they are full of baggage from their past or there's different reasons why we all act the way we do but in this hour we have to make sure our hearts right and as god shows us you know you were offended by this person maybe they disagreed with you or maybe you took a stand and they didn't stand with you or they joined up with someone you consider an enemy or there's so many different things going on from our past life of church life the churches that we got delivered out of some of us would say yay and and some that they're there because maybe they're supposed to be there i don't know god's the judge of all of it and he's going to figure it all out but on the journey we have to keep our hearts right and so i want to share this about naaman because he got very offended and as a result of being offended he almost lost his miracle and today we can lose a lot of different things if we don't keep our hearts right and make sure that we regard it we make sure that if somebody's offended us you can tell because you want to avoid that person you want to isolate from them you never want to hear from them again if they died you wouldn't go to their funeral kind of sums it up right and some people you're not supposed to be close to but in your heart you know if you're captive of unforgiveness so here we see naaman as an example he's the captain of the host of the the king of syria he was a uh high-ranking syrian officer and as the story goes he was stricken with leprosy so in verse 5 the king of syria said he was going to go and send a letter under the king of israel because he'd heard a little maid that was captured that said you know there's healing if you go ahead and seek this god the god of israel you will be able to be healed so he sends a letter unto the king of israel and he departed and took with him 10 talents of silver 6 000 pieces of gold and 10 changes of raiment we're going to ask for prayer but we're also going to bribe you a little bit and he brought the letter to the king of syria and said when this letter has come unto thee behold i have therewith sent naaman my servant to thee that thou must recover him of his leprosy and it came to pass when the king of israel had read the letter he rent his clothes and he said am i a god to kill and make alive that this man does send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy wherefore consider i pray and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me he thought he was going to start a fight there's there's no reason why i can't heal anybody and when it was so elijah the man of god had heard that the king of israel had ran his clothes that he sent to the king saying wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes let him come now to me and he shall know that there is a prophet in the in israel so naaman came with his horses and with his chariot and stood at the door of the house of elijah and now here's part of why he's offended elijah sent a messenger unto him now how many know sometimes we expect things to happen a certain way a disappointment is an appointment that didn't happen he was expecting ta-da you are a great soldier we know you're very important in this army and you've come to get healed and what does he do he doesn't even show up he sends a little messenger to him so right away his pride is affected and how many know god wants to affect our pride he wants us to be humbled and he knows how to do it and he said go wash in jordan seven times and my flesh shall come again to thee and thou shalt be clean but what happened did he say yes i'll do whatever i have leprosy and i'm humbled i want to be healed no he was roth and he went away and and behold i thought this is the thing i've always taught on this i thought we think sometimes our thoughts get in trouble because we think god's going to do it a certain way and many of us today would say i did not know the end times was going to look like this this is not how i plan my retirement this is not how i planned anything to go i thought this would happen i thought this would happen and if we're not careful we can get mad at god we thought you know all the preachers told us that we're going to fulfill our destinies that we were going to have all this and this and this happen and then you get mad at preachers another thing is you got to forgive the preachers that maybe have been deceived or have deceived people we can't let our heart get bitter in these end times we have to make sure that god's pleased with us and that's very important in this hour that we have a good relationship with the lord right but he's very roth he thought that this was going to happen he said i thought surely he will come out to me and stand and call on the name of his god strike his hand over the place and recover the leper lights action walk away healed well none of that happened and he said and then i have to go to these other dirty rivers i mean there's better rivers than than this the rivers of damascus so he turned away and he went away in a rage so now he's offended he's bitter he's angry he's mad he's got a lot of pride this hurt his pride he didn't want to go into the rivers that he was said but thank god he had some good people around him verse 13 his servants came near and spoke unto him and said my father if the prophet had bid to do something great thing would hast thou not have done it how much rather than when he has said wash and be clean then he went down that's verse 14. in order to walk with the lord we have to humble ourselves and sometimes we're going to have to do things we didn't think we were gonna have to do maybe in these end times we're gonna have to go places that we didn't think we'd have to go spiritually mentally emotionally physically then he went down dipped himself seven times took a lot to get that pride off not just once not just twice not just he had to keep coming up to get washed and on and on that story goes but what the the point that i wanted you to see all of us to see is nathan was very roth he went away and behold he was angry he turned away and went away in a rage so he wanted instant healing and he got a dose of this is not what i expected and how many of us today are living in this is not what i expected this is not what i expected church church to be we just read a letter from australia hasn't had church since march this is not what we expected you go from mega churches to nothing many people are right now and they're offended they're mad they they had no idea but one of the signs of bible prophecy one of the signs of the end times is in matthew 24 10 many many of the people are going to be offended and we don't want to be a part of that many signs of the last day bible prophecy verse 10 many in the webster that word means the majority of the people a large number of people will be offended what does it mean to be offended irritated angry and annoyed resentful displeased insulted and we have to ask a question what's everybody upset about if bible prophecy says many are going to be offended think why why are they being offended what's happening in the world that so many people are being offended in the end times many shall betray one another and pursue another with hatred that's what another translation says pursue others with hatred are we seeing this are we seeing divisive groups rising up fighting against one another for us today i want us to guard our hearts psalms 119 165 and this is all of us today might you might not have it but tomorrow you might have an opportunity to be offended great peace have they do you want peace when you when we get mad and we get in a rage and we get offended what happens we lose our peace we lose that walking with the lord that presence that knowing and all of a sudden now we let our flesh take over and we get into a rage we say things we shouldn't say we probably gossip and stab people behind their back that we shouldn't do but if we want to walk with god in these end times great peace have they which love thy law their commandment keepers right to keep his commandments nothing shall offend them boy that's really walking with the lord as a man or a woman of god what does that mean nothing shall offend them zero no part nothing shall offend them and why is this because in war we have to see ahead the the enemy wants us offended with one another he wants to divide one another and conquer conquering people that are divided is easy get them in little groups and have them all fight and divide them it's a lot easier to conquer divided people but when you stand united and you you love each other and you stand you say i'm not going to be divided into racial groups i'm not going to be divided into this i'm not going to be divided into that i'm not joining hatred groups guess what the enemy can't grab you there so you're one step ahead in the consequences great peace have they that love their husband and wife you're getting fighting mad all the time go to bed angry it's stressful stay one step ahead just say i refuse to to be offended can they offend you oh yeah daily because why two people don't act the same way they don't think the same way and we get offended when people don't act like us we just have to give it up you're never going to change people have you found that out only god can change people now paul in the book of acts 24 verse 16 says here and do i exercise myself here's here's the key right here we have to exercise i got really mad at you but i'm going to exercise i'm going to walk in love i'm going to come and i'm going to call you i'm going to you have to exercise and the more you if you're married you know how to exercise right you have to keep talking when you don't want to talk and you have to let that go and you're exercising so that next time that happens just doesn't bother you as much you you've exercised a little bit if you've been married 40 years like you've got you've exercised a little bit forgiveness right so paul says here and do i exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offense is god pleased is god pleased you're not going to be able to please people but is god is god pleased to exercise means practicing and make it a habit going to keep on practicing not to be offended not to let anybody get on my nerves if they get on my nerves i have to learn how to walk in love to let it go maybe put myself in their shoes why are they acting the way they do do they have baggage from leftover relationship and they're taking it out on you are they venting on you it's really not your problem there's different ways you can walk and exercise by not being offended now the end times many shall pursue one another with hatred we are not to become a part of any of this we're to be observers because we're living in the world but we're not of it but we're going to see some of this and i want to give you some testimonies of people that have come out of countries that have lost some of their freedoms a free society and somebody that was an insider of the four stages of a collapse of a society now why is this because in revelations chapter 12 let's look there real quick we need to know what's happening in bible prophecy so first of all you're not scared you're prepared as much as you can be and you know these things because god's so faithful to show you these things so when they happen you are equipped you're not deceived deception is a big thing that's going to happen to a lot of people because they are not preparing for the end times now they have no idea that christianity is going to face persecution but if you know your bible you will know that that's inevitable you know in verse 12 chapter 12 in verse 9 he talks about the devil and satan which deceiveth who does he deceive the whole world let that sink in he's the deceiver of the world we're not of this world so we don't want to be under the deception of the world and you don't have to be so he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and now verse 17 and the dragon was wrath with the woman or the the bride and went to make war who's the enemy making war with it's still a battle between satan and god really and so those that are on satan's side are going to serve him and do what he tells them to do and in the end times the bride of christ the remnant seed which keep the commandments of of god there's going to be a war there's a spiritual war the bible says nation rises against nation so we know there's a war we've been in it ever since you got saved you got born again and you realized i got out of the collapse of the grasp of the enemy and you're like thank god well then we went to our churches and fell asleep because they were just telling us be part of the world be happy just you know be positive and da da da da so then we kind of thought well this is really awesome christianity's so popular it's all over television it's all over the big churches you can just go next to the next block you can find a church well now something's happening there's a shaking going on and does it say in the bible there's going to be a great shaking everything that can be shaken will be shaken so when we see the shaking happening we know god told us this was going to happen so is it easy to prepare well we need to prepare mentally we need to be prepared for battle and a lot of it is in our mind because if you allow fear to grab you you're just gonna constantly be like washing around with the winds and in the waves so we have to be prepared and i thought this was good um well verse 13 chapter 13 i stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having several heads and ten horns and then he talks about the horns had crowns on them and upon his head the name of blasphemy so we see there's coming a beast system that well we're in a b system we've been in a b system that um is anti-christ it's against god that's blasphemous and they worshipped verse four the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like and unto the beast and who is able to make war with him in verse 7 it was given unto him to make war with the saints now i've never liked that verse too well but it was given unto him and this is bible prophecy and this is what we have to face it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life now we know our names written in the book of life but we're going to see in our seeing those that dwell upon the earth they're going to take a knee to the antichrist they've served the beast so we should know this is bible prophecy coming to pass we just thought the end times would just happen and there wouldn't be any preparation to it it would just be here when we were dead it's going to happen when we're gone it's not going to happen with us sitting in the front row with our popcorn but here we are now there's an insider that's talked about the four stages and i just want you to just ask yourself are we seeing any of this just seeing any of this so that you can prepare yourself mentally because a lot of people are going to die of fear in the end times because they're not prepared mentally they're not prepared and they haven't read their bible to know that any of these things are happening because in the midst of this we have the lord we have his peace he's going to take care of us right so don't go out and do stupid things but if you think that you're doing the right thing by joining some of these hate groups you could get wiped out really easily and god doesn't want you to be deceived and fall into to these kind of um things that we think is peaceful and ends up becoming very very not so peaceful as we'll talk in a minute but the four stages i want to go through real real quick and let's see if this is happening according to revelations here the first one is demoralization when they want to bring down a society collapse they like to bring chaos and they like to take away the sovereignty of that nation and what they do is they throw in disorder or confusion to corrupt the morals it means to confuse intimidate depressed standards corrupt and throw into confusion an example of this do you remember when sports were an escape from politics do you remember when you could sit and watch commercials and not be indoctrinated with stuff uh wow so we start seeing morals are being changed we start seeing in our commercials different things movies different things the standards that we used to hold on to now are going away there's coming a blurring of a lot of lines do you remember when movies made you feel good about your country how does this happen how is this happening through propaganda i talked about that last week propaganda is misleading information of experts and i was reading about hitler said he couldn't do what he did without the doctors the nurses and the scientists isn't that interesting misleading information of experts to promote an agenda why why would there be an agenda to control the minds of men and that's why it's so important for you to think to ask questions to question things today people don't even think they just swallow everything that's told to them and like i shared with you last week they manipulate the facts of the in the opinions of the masses it's called programming or television instructional programs for the public the manipulation of the news to change our mental picture and the example i used was the doctors recommended cigarettes they said it was a wonderful cure for asthma a wonderful cure for hay fever and if you had a cold in your head light up honey because you are on your way to freedom well how many know that was proven to be wrong now the second stage so the first stage when they want to take down a free society is now there's a plan and this has happened in other countries so you have to know this is a plan are we seeing this yet are we seeing it and be smart enough to question things question everything instead of just being programmed uh the second stage of collapse of a free society is destabilization uh and when i was thinking about what what that means it's rocking the boat do you ever go fishing with your grandpa and you'd stand up and say sit down you're gonna rock the boat well that's what destabilization is like upsetting upsetting the boat when you destabilize something it becomes less stable you lose control making a political or an economic situation less strong or safe by causing changes and problems what's an example of destabilization right now we could say the example is violence between two groups you put this group against that group and when you pit them against each other guess what you think that other person's your enemy you forget who the real enemy is and you start pitting yourself against other people and this is how the enemy wants in these end times he wants to divide and conquer example devaluing the dollar will cause destabilization of global markets it'll disrupt things are we seeing it now are we seeing now that coins are there's a shortage of coins barbara said her little testimony they're bringing down when you devalue or you destabilize you bring down things with panic and destruction i'm going to share with you a testimony of someone from yugoslavia who gave a warning to america because she lived through it and then another one from venezuela so do we see any signs of this coming to america we talked about the problem the reaction and the solution the problem chaos the problem conflict the problem unrest i feel bad my sister lives in by portland all the unrest and the problems that have been going on in seattle portland we saw in minneapolis a lot of different things unrest looting so the problem is chaos conflict unrest and looting the reaction is anger division we need change we need to defund the police we need to keep people in their house and let the prisoners makes go yeah we need change we react by how do we react we're still talking about the reaction anger division we need change we react by marches and protests now what's the solution the solution is peace and safety change the laws and bring in peacekeeping security the result is more control and less freedom in daniel 7 25 now it talks about the ten horns the ten kings and the rulers of the earth now as many people think we're all divided these kings of the earth the bible tells us they actually sit at the same table together they actually make plans together they're called the merchandisers of the the rulers of the world they're the ten horns with crowns so many things so what does it say in daniel 7 25 they're going to speak great words against the most high so we're going to see persecution against what true christianity there's going to be a substitute in its place and then it says in daniel 7 25 to wear out the saints it it wears you out when you know something and you're trying to do truth and then the enemy comes in and you get tired you just get tired of all the propaganda you get tired of all the brainwashing you just get tired well the bible talked about sodom and gomorrah and people being vexed right well it's going to get to a point before jesus returns that the the people that know the lord will be vexed harassed tormented in their mind by what just the way people are living we were driving home the other day and this guy from a in a truck came by and stopped and he was yelling and screaming and rocking his truck back and forth crazily i just thought wow and i thought can you imagine having a whole town full of those kind of people coming in vex i was like let's watch where he goes make sure we don't go with him you know that's sure he doesn't follow us he i know he was on something you just couldn't you couldn't act the way he was acting screaming out the window and doing all this stuff and he's by himself acting this way so we're starting to see things changing even in our neighborhoods a little bit um let me give you this article real quick this happened last year it was uh the pope and the top muslim signed one world religious agreement the roman pope francis signed a one world religious agreement titled document on human fraternity for world peace and living together with the goal to bring about world peace and government for all humanity it's an ecumenical document of the highest order with many describing it as a historical breakthrough so we have problem re reaction and now we have a solution don't we one of the solutions they're saying that let's create a one world religion this meeting in agreement is a significant sign pointing toward pointing towards last days prophecy coming fulfillment in that it takes the standpoint of creating a coming of a one world religious order that is in alignment with biblical prophecies just what we read on the book of revelations a one world order is consistently moving towards becoming a reality more each day and it will undoubtedly include a one world government so not only are they having a one world religion but we've talked about this for years a one world government which is supported by a one world religious order that we just read out of revelations 13. now the third stage and we're not going to go into this too heavy is just the crisis and you've heard never let a good crisis go to waste why crisis stage agendas this is the turning point where many things have been told to the public to appease the public but then the real agenda of what it's there for comes out we've talked about this before one that will make the public happy but then the real agenda of what this is all about really happens so why is this so hard why is it so hard for people to see what's going on because we're in information war we talked about being censored people are censored there's disinformation there's so much now one side says one thing one's against the other side my side's right my doctor's right my doctor's right don't even get into this war because this is meant to divide and get people one pit against the other they want everyone divided but because we know the lord and we know that this is a strategy of the enemy we don't bite the bait okay so why is this so hard we're in an information disinformation war that's funded there are many things that are being funded and being told and some things you know what we're not going to even know until we get to heaven there's so many lies going around really to be honest uh unless you have good sources some of these there's a lot of fear-mongering going around but there's also a lot of disinformation but we just don't get caught up in the fighting each other everybody's going to have their opinion and everyone's entitled to their opinion right so don't try to change your kids you can say what god tells you to say but you're going to have to love them anyway even when they act weird so these truth is being censored so a lot of people aren't getting truth they're only hearing the doctors say smoke cigarettes is really good for you it's going to get rid of asthma and you're going to have just a clear head when you're done smoking a cigarette well up that to today what is being told us today okay so now the next stage in collapsing a free society is called normalization problem reaction solution now we've come to a normalization we see the solutions of the agendas we see what the whole plan was all along to get the problem the reaction and now the solution that they really wanted all along but they couldn't have put that solution without the problem they couldn't have given you that solution without the reaction of the people because now the people are ready for the solution and actually they'll be begging for it so the uncomfortable feelings of change including losses of freedom are absorbed and accepted peop this is how they do every country that they destroy this is not new it's it's it's new to us but it's not new to some of these others and i'm going to give you a testimony in closing here people are overwhelmed by the change and they become numb and they accept the new normal history is rewritten redefined and new values have been created so now we have the the whole problem the reaction and now the solution this last piece here i want to share is a warning from yugoslavia she had been in these situations and she had a warning for america and she said this is national socialism it's a playbook tested in germany first install hatred in people now remember the end times many shall be offended make sure you're not one of them make sure you don't have hatred towards anyone first instill hatred in people divide people into well-defined groups either by race religion or politics the religious card the race card the political card now today we have the health and safety card propaganda fuels the fires relentlessly it's going to keep on now you turn in the news more fires more fires you keep seeing certain pictures over and over and over and over again what to get some people mad we got to write some more we got to protest some more we got to do this and the the tv fla fans the flame of this division this politician said this and we hate this one and we are for this one and on and on and on it goes and if you're not careful your mind is going to become a big garbage can and instead god wants us to guard our minds protect it know what's coming in know the games that there there's a game within the game we've talked about so the propaganda fuels the fires it wants this division when they want to bring down an economy they want to bring down something they're going to remember the goal here is revelations 13. unfortunately we can't take that out of the bible there's going to be a war there's a war against the saints so propaganda fuels the fires it destroys relationships marriages friendships and families hostility now she's still given her testimony hostility among these groups starts to grow starts off kind of peaceful at first but then the hostility grows and they started isolating from the other group we don't want to isolate from friends and family even if they don't agree with us refuse to get into these hostile fights okay they start isolating from the other group staged and organizing mass protests started all over yugoslavia at first the protests were peaceful then rioting and burning started then they had sparks now notice what she said the word sparks the sparks where one killed someone from another group then more sparks so more killing there's going to be more division because there's sparks started and more sparks started happening shooting and attacks and protests continued one group and against another group and the tipping point started happening now what she said about a tipping point is when they started barcading their streets cities and their neighborhoods they even started barcading the highways and the roads the barricades were guarded by armed civilians peace could not be restored anymore people started snapping under the pressure order could not be restored because there were perpetrators and victims on both sides that's why god wants us to just observe you don't want to get caught in these sides the final stage that happened in yugoslavia even the army was attacked at the negotiated retreat 50 to 100 soldiers were killed then yugoslavia found themselves in a civil war see how it started do you see any of that starting city against city village against village genocide and ethic ethnic cleansing and relocation of hundreds of thousands of people were common it lasted guess how long it lasted four years their civil war in yugoslavia lasted four years one hundred thousand people died five hundred thousand were displaced and they lost everything how how did this happen to their country this is what she said we were brainwashed into thinking we were each other's enemies don't let the division start don't be offended don't start taking sides and we all have our opinions on what we think and what we don't think but it doesn't get to the point where you're divided we were brainwashed into thinking we were each other's enemies and while the real enemy was dividing us they took unlimited power and she said now in america i see the same rioting protesting fires and declaring how unjust america is americans are at each other's throats while your freedoms and way of life is being taken away from you and lastly when the socialist mobs took over venezuela and i keep hearing politicians talking about this now do you want it to be like venezuela so i was like okay i need to do a little study on what happened to venezuela the statues number one were torn down citizens turned against each other street names were changed flags were redesigned are we starting this process what do we need to do what can we do number one don't be offended don't be offended some of these movements are rising up they've always had movements to get their agendas i kind of thought what happened to the metoo movement it's kind of gone now isn't it kind of what happened to that that was a movement got a lot of people you got a lot of women in front lines whatever but don't be offended know that we're living in the world but we're not of it we're not of this world we're not going to partake and do the protests and all this stuff i know some of our kids are thinking that this is a good thing to do educate them if you can don't be offended don't divide into hate groups watch for these four things what are they again demoralization confusion destabilization crisis and then normalization this is a sign in matthew 24 many shall be offended and shall betray each other we're watching this happening division and offended but we're going to close with psalms 119 165 be an observer great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them we're going to see this on the news we're going to anger and hatred and all this stuff is going to want to come we got to keep our heart right and i believe god will take care of us how many have been taken care of in all these months and he's going to show us things to come he's going to show us what's coming you can't be afraid god hasn't given us a spirit of fear and one of the things the enemy loves to do is put fear on you we're going to live our life every day that we have we're going to live our life right and not be afraid use wisdom of course but i'm just saying don't fall into these hatred groups don't fall in to thinking nothing's happening that's just the other ditch you can go from one ditch to the other ditch so that's why my prayer is lord keep me down the middle of the road so i'm not afraid but i'm also not going to divide against anyone amen amen so father we thank you for your word we thank you that you've told us these things you've told us that the beast system is rising you told us he's going to make war against the saints we're starting to see in california different places where they're trying to shut down churches for good and bible study groups we're seeing the war on the saints some of this is political i'm sure some of this is uh signs to come but we're not moved we're strong in you you said even though things that can be shaken will be shaken you can't be shaken if you're in christ because we are on the solid rock we haven't built our life on the sand we we thank you for the hope that this is a day that many people shall come to the lord and be spared from a lot of these hatred and angry angry things that are going on we shall not be offended everyone said amen 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Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 3,749
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: g4_voscASsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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