The Propoganda War On Our Minds

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[Music] good morning let's open our bibles to matthew 10. welcome to a front row seat to the end times like it or not here we are the day of deception and if you know the lord he's told us what to watch for and hopefully we're watching and we have the right mindset because we need the right mindset to enter into these times of sorrows and matthew 10 we're going to start and there's so much good in here ten let's see let's look at verse 16. behold i send you forth as sheep two nice little sheep everybody around you loves you the church is so wonderful just come and be entertained and have fun oh sorry i misquoted that behold i send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpent and harmless as doves but beware of who beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues now he's talking about to his disciples he's telling them that following him there's a price to pay and if you listen to today they say there is no price the price today to follow jesus is finding your purpose to have your destiny right well jesus doesn't say anything about that he tells you right now that you're going to be in the midst of wolves and he said beware of men because they're going to deliver you up and then he says in verse 18 that you shall be brought before governors oh wow we have governors again don't we and kings for my sake for a testimony what against them and the gentiles uh verse oh let's see where do we want to go let's look at verse 22. read the whole thing when you have time i wanted to go all the way through 40 but through because of time we're going to slice it up just a little bit and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake it doesn't say you shall be loved you shall have mega churches you shall be famous you shall be on television what is different about what the bible says and what we're living today remember beware when christianity becomes popular because it's not christianity it's what it's another gospel it's another jesus he said you're going to be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved verse 25 if they have called the master of the house belzebab how much more shall they call them of his household fear them not and i want you to see how many times he tells us not to fear them even though you're going to be in the midst of wolves disciples even though you're going to be hated because of my names disciples don't be afraid of them verse 28 again and fear not them which kill the body but are able to kill but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell verse 34. keep reading this whole thing in verse 31 it says again fear not fear not fear not uh first of all he says fear not verse 31 because god's going to take care of us you're more valuable than the sparrows verse 34 think not that i am come to send peace on earth well the big movement now is peace the big movement now in the so-called world is unity love right he said think not that i am come to send peace on earth for i came not to send peace but what but a sword now what kind of a sword for i'm not come to set up for i am come to set a man a variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foe shall be that of his own household he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me he that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it he that receiveth you receiveth me and he that receiveth not me receiveth him receiveth him that sent me anyway i didn't read that too well but if you go through the the culture of today it's pulling towards tolerance it's towards anything that goes it doesn't matter what you do or won't don't do it's the culture is pulling much towards the left and the church is being dragged along with it but the bible tells those that are true disciples that we have a price that we need to pay and we're not hearing that enough today about the true price of being a disciple there was a national speaker who was speaking to generations of youth and his speech basically said it's not going to cost you anything to be a christian he said once you turn your life over to the lord nothing's going to change you won't lose any family you want any friends it's just going to be a better life so these people all want to have a better life so they just come up accepting the so-called jesus that he's presenting at this national youth convention saying there's no price to pay so these young believers when they get into a trial or a temptation they are not ready to handle any kind of mental warfare because they haven't been prepared for it and the church at large is the same we've not been taught how to be a disciple how to stand alone against a herd how not to follow the masses right we all think well this this is supposed to be easy this is supposed to be a blessed life i'm supposed to not have any problems i'm not supposed to have any tribulations but if you look at jesus and what he told his disciples it's totally different what the preachers are telling their disciples today so what do we have to do we have to go back to what the bible says so as the culture pulls left the church will risk being dragged along with it we must be light in the darkness and the world is getting darker every week things are happening things are changing fast this means standing alone against the masses the herds the wolves are we ready to count the cost of being a true disciple ask yourself do you have the mindset to be a true disciple to speak the truth to a generation in a culture that does not want to hear it matthew 24 9-11 jesus tells us christians will be hated by the majority he speaks of apostasy 2 thessalonians 2 3 he says there's going to be a great falling away well if you listen to the preachers of today they're talking about the third grade awakening they're talking about an awakening that's going to happen globally with all religions and all nations well who's telling the truth here is there going to be a falling away or is there going to be a great awakening what kind of an awakening is happening so again a national youth ministry ended in a evening full of fun games and i love fun and games but that's not the purpose today we need to have a solemn assembly we need to let people know what's really happening in the world because they need the right mindset for the end times that we're living in because if you don't have a proper mindset you're going to be weak you're going to fall away and god wants us to endure what to the end he is our hope don't put your hope in men don't put your hope in a church don't put your hope in a political party they cannot save you jesus is our savior right so he was telling him being a christian isn't hard you won't lose your friends you won't be even unpopular at school nothing's going to change at all well that's the first red flag if nothing changes you didn't get saved your life will be the same just better so is that what jesus said to his disciples no jesus gave a warning in matthew 10 here he was giving warnings to his disciples so they'd have the right mindset to gear up for the wolves for those that didn't like him that those that didn't follow him that those that didn't want to have anything to do with them and today for a generation that doesn't want to hear about a jesus that they want nothing to know about because jesus is not visitor friendly he said you want to leave too he took a whip and cleaned out the money changes out of the temple right he's not the visitor friendly oh yeah we want to be a part of that group he was letting you know he wants holiness in his temple what did jesus teach jesus taught there were two gates one was narrow and one was wide it's going to cost you to walk in the narrow road sometimes it's going to cost you sometimes when you want to follow jesus and no one else does you're in a group that no one else believes what you believe the wide gate leads to a broad road the broad road lets anybody on it the broad road is what the antichrist wants he wants a broad road and the wide gate leads to a broad road and into hell and the narrow gate leads into a narrow road and into heaven he indicated that people were like trees either good fruit was going to grow or bad fruit was going to grow you can tell people's lives by the fruit they grow sometimes by the words out of their mouth who who do they serve who do they give all their praise to jesus spoke about two foundations one solid rock and the other sinking sand building on the rock provides for survival and strength whereas building on the sand it leads to destruction jesus claimed he was the only way to the father he was the narrow gate the good tree and the solid rock preach that to a generation today that wants everything easy that wants everything free that doesn't want to work it sometimes work just to get your mind right you have to renew your mind we have to renew our mind not according to the propaganda of the world and we're going to talk about this today propaganda what is it and as a christian how you have to guard your mind today for what you're listening to because what you listen to is going to program you to act a certain way and that's why the bible warns us don't let anyone deceive you beware of men why because there's an antichrist system that we were born into don't think you're going to change it but you can not be a part of it as far as your mind and your process because if god shows you what's coming you'll know not to fear not to fear and also to have hope in him people in the world have no hope what's going on they think the government's going to save them they think this party is going to save them and that party's going to save them if that was the case we wouldn't need jesus to come and people now are trying to live their lives without him or they're taking scriptures and pretending they are christians just to deceive people there's a twisting going on that's almost worse than any kind of deception because you don't know they say they're christians but they're not i was a snake and you let me in people loved him or they hated him they followed him or they rejected him and today they're going to do the same with us paul was beaten and imprisoned paul was a true apostle first corinthians 1 18-25 the message of the cross he preached is foolishness to this world in other big denominations that say they're christian they don't think that jesus dying on the cross was enough they have to rub beads they have to do different things they have to go different places purgatory different because jesus didn't pay it on the on the cross it's foolishness to believe but it's the power of the gospel that the cross jesus died on the cross for us we are to consider him who endured opposition why so we don't grow weary and fate in our minds because sometimes the road gets rough when you try to explain to people that they need a savior and they don't think they need one they're doing fine without him today what are we facing i want to talk just a little bit about what we're facing and not going into anything really in detail but for you to know what propaganda is so you don't get sucked into it whether you call it secular humanism political correctness postmartem post-modernism or cultural marxism the philosophy and notice that word philosophy has entrenched itself in our society as the 21st century new normal the culture has shifted and we are not to shift with cultures we are not to shift with movements we are not to shift with what's going on in the world although we live in the world we're not of it because we know that this world is going down a different path than we as believers are so what are we facing today and how are we supposed to deal with it psalms 2 why do the nations rage or one translation says why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain the kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the lord and against his anointed you have to have a mindset going into this end times that the political systems and the religious systems in this one world governments that are coming are against the lord and his anointed or you will be so vexed just like lot and sodom they were in sodom and gomorrah they were vexed there was just a vexing because it's such a darkness that's happening and we have to gear up in our minds to know what's happening what we're facing it's against the lord and against his anointed saying let us break their chains and throw off their shackles at the root of the new world order is rebellion against the lord and against his people against his anointed mortal man is once again raising their collective fists to god and declaring their independence against the creator of the universe placing themselves on the throne we are not for any hate groups i don't care what they call themselves what their veneer is these hate groups are a plot to bring out down the united states of america that we love and that we've known we're in the midst of a dismantling of things we've never seen or experienced before the united are seeing the st like it or not we are seeing people rise up their fist to god in declaring their independence against the creator of the universe placing themselves on the throne they have brought they have bought into satan's lie that was in the garden of eden and repeatedly throughout the bible they are being deceived and deceiving others in order to be in deception and be a deceiver they have to believe lies and satan is a liar he's been a liar from the beginning and his disciples are liars as well and you have to know you can't trust people that are not serving the lord they're serving the devil and there is an antichrist luciferian thing that's happening worldwide it has to happen and unfortunately we're living in some of the days that we're seeing it being set up and and framed right now because revelation 17 has to happen some of these things have to happen antichrist system the beast is rising so there's warfare for your mind and i want to tell you today guard your mind guard what goes into your mind and don't just soak in something because you see it somewhere make sure that you know and you're studying so that you know what you're allowing in your mind because what you allow in your mind is going to affect you and it's going to affect your your actions your behavior so today we're in a truth crisis disinformation is rampant lies are rampant it's hard to find truth in truth if it's going against the narrative is censored today there's more censoring that's happened in the last year than we've ever seen there's a propaganda war spread through the media the schools i feel very sorry for the kids today that are going to go into schools i've seen some of the curriculum that they're planning on presenting into the new curriculums a lot of the old history books are are thrown away and they're being dismantled and done away with and there's new things that are going to be added that parents you got to be aware of what your kids are studying today and you got to guard you have to be a parent that protects your children today you have to be a parent that's watching what's going on and not just throw them in front of a teacher or throw them in front of a video or throw them in front you have to know what's going on because they've infiltrated our cartoons everything's being infiltrated that you think's for children their goal is to get children's minds they want those children's minds get them young so there's a propaganda that's being spread through the media schools and entertainment industries it's infiltrating and it has always infiltrated we just didn't know it when you got awoke most of you got born again you didn't realize you were just being lied to it's like why didn't anyone tell me i needed to be you know blah blah well think about this next generation it's going to be harder and harder but on the other hand the darkness is going to be so dark i believe a lot of people are going to come to the lord it's probably going to be a huge uh coming people know that what's happening they need a real savior god uses everything for his glory god uses everything but we have to remember we are not wrestling against flesh and blood we're not wrestling against people we are against wrestling against principalities against powers that have been here these principalities and demonic spirits are not new they've been around they've been planning the demise of mankind and the world and they're trying to present a new world order which every country is going to participate in so we're dealing with a war against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places ephesians 6 12 that's why god tells us don't love this world if you're in love with the world and think this is all that that it is you're going to be very disappointed because a lot of things are burning today we're seeing uh protests and burning and all this and that people's livelihoods are going down and you have to know there's a greater hope there's something else in this world jesus is our hope the most i tried to pronounce this malevole malevolent what does that mean producing harm or evil vicious powers and ruthless powers is that over the free human mind now listen to this if one controls how one thinks they control the individual themselves this is in the new eugenics and the rise of the global scientific notice that word scientific dictatorship so their goal is to control your mind god warned us to be renewed our mind don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind this world is a big toilet boil bowl wanting to suck you in we now face censorship if we question the official narrative of the globalists we face agendas now we've never faced before we're coming into some new plans we live in a time of disinformation coming from every direction faith in god is being presented as absolute obsolete thinking faith in god is old now what does man want to believe in himself the power within you the power within your own words the new age how quickly we went from the mega churches to who need church anyway think of that just a few years ago the mega churches were huge and now who needs church anyway just just turn on a video you don't need fellowship i want you to know god says do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some especially as the day approaches encouragement we get together and we strengthen each other the devil knows this so he wants to isolate you he wants you to disassemble that's what he's working on now disassemble disassociate think about that see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the element elementary spiritual forces of this world this is in colossians 2 8 rather than on christ be careful what you're feeding on is it a philosophy of man is it a philosophy of the world fear is now a tactic of the fake news to control you and i'm going to prove this to you now a little bit about propaganda i read a whole very boring book on propaganda just to get a few important facts out here what is propaganda i remember one thing my dad telling me when i was in high school he never talked about the war a lot of you know he got a purple heart world war ii al everyone died but he was the only one that lived and he suffered he suffered i never knew how horrible it was but he was so mean and and he really you know got saved finally at the end of his life but wow talk about war and what these young kids go through and the breaking down of of the of the just the boot camp in itself just all this stuff anyway i remember him saying one thing to me said the war was propaganda and i didn't know what that word meant i thought what does that mean but i was you know in a hurry probably and just ran off but it never left me a couple things he said because he wasn't around home much but that word never left me i was like what does what did he mean by propaganda now propaganda is information of a misleading nature to promote a point of view or a political cause to further an agenda it's selective facts propaganda you just choose certain facts it's misleading to promote agendas now what the propaganda book that i was reading says what they do is they understand humans they try to figure out how people are going to react so to further their agendas they understand mass psychology who influences the habits of the public so they're like who can we say endorses this so that the public will listen and the public will obey it's got to be somebody important right so they've studied this so they usually use the doctor and the scientists or today we have data now i'm going to hit on doctors a little bit and i say because i do have a doctorate and i can tell you one thing anybody can get it if you just work hard enough you spent the time that doesn't mean you're brilliant you're smart and it doesn't mean that you're following the lord or you can be paid off people if you're told to do certain things people will say it they can be bought off people will follow the advice of experts they're an expert in that field so i'm going to follow them propaganda experts that control the minds of men and they found out in this book that they'd have to get people propaganda experts they called them how can we promote this because public opinion is very important we got to have public opinion we got to get the masses to follow what we're saying how are we going to do this this is hundreds of years of controlling the minds of men they manipulate the facts and opinions of the masses it's called television it's called programming a new way to bind and guide the world the manipulation of the news to divide and conquer or if they want to fan the flame let's put this up and let's keep putting this up and let's put it up and up and up and up and get everyone angry it's called manipulation of your mind it's called manipulation of your emotions no important undertaking they said is carried on without true propaganda experts the approval of the public is essential it changes our mental picture of the world and we must give people a global picture of the world especially now that we're all at home and we're one world we're all in this together if you caught that one of the most firmly established principles of man's psychology is to follow a trusted leader why because the herd can't think for itself and pro this is what they said in the book and propagandists can swing a whole mass of groups emotions direct their feelings and control their actions or i put this in myself shut the world down with data even if the data is false and one of the guys i was studying says i love data because we can change data now this was a doctor in what was it 30s tim 1930s don't be foolish take your doctor's advice smoke a fresh cigarette from the 1930s through the 50s advertising's most influential powerful phrase doctor recommended smoke your cigarettes of course if the doctor says smoking is good for us we're gonna do it so doctors recommended was paired with the world's deadliest consumer products cigarettes cigarettes weren't seen as dangerous then but they still made some smokers cough they said the marshals this was a brand then they said this was the best brand the only genuine brand it will absolutely cure you want to hear what it's going to cure asthma hay fever cold in the head and then they had advertisements now the average and if the doctor says it now today it's a scientist if the scientists say it now the advertisements they had images of storks taking smoke breaks cigar parents raising cigarette babies and children smoking while their parents look on and giggle it was a family affair smoking's good for you because the doctor said so what is that mass psychology so people ran out and everyone smoke do you look at those old movies black and white everybody smoked right it's healthy the doctor says so later on when they found out the truth it was called coffin nails you want to die early smoke some coffin nails romans 1 2 do not be conformed to this world they lied to us then i'm going to tell you again they're lying again do not be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind television is programming lies are all dressed up as science turn over to first timothy 6 12. i want to read this scripture did i say it right 20 o timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane invade babblings that's half the tv right now vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so-called so everything's being called science now science who says so is it according to what the bible says or is according to these propaganda experts we have again now if they had them in the 30s don't you think they have them now to what to get the herds to go in the way they want them to go i want to tell you the most important thing you have is your mind and if you allow the devil to steal it and put fear in you and torment you you know what that causes tremendous stress on your body when you just listen to bad stuff bad stuff bad stuff all the time and you're afraid and you're afraid and you're afraid you just gotta shut it off or be an observer just sit and watch and say okay this is what they're saying is happening last night i watched five people got shot just a few blocks down that way five people in three weeks got shot wow i'm not going to be afraid of it but i am aware sometimes it's not too smart to go out in certain areas at night anymore what's going on in the world but lies are dressed up as science it says here keep yourself away avoid profane and vain babblings you know these people get on for two hours a day now or an hour just get the highlights don't get sit you're going to exhaust yourself listen to all this vain babblings and you know what they do they go in circles they just they contradict themselves they're saying one thing and then another thing another this is all by design to get you confused to get chaos to get people upset this is a day that they want chaos divide and conquer they want division why you have to know the greater plan so here lies are all dressed up science deception by qualified professionals who are you to doubt if the doctor tells you smoking's good i mean they actually tim was looking at it and they actually said it was from a vine of fruits right i mean it was such good healthy vines of fruit that that smoke doesn't matter if it makes you cough it's really good for you who am i to doubt a doctor you're just a nothing and nobody and he has a degree behind his name and he knows what's good for you who are you to doubt this is what happens to people well when you know your bible the bible says don't trust men so easily ask questions why is this so confusing why are is this guideline here but it's not here how come nothing is consistent today ask questions use your mind that god gave you if the data shows it's happening it's happening cold hard facts in a well proven scientific model who are you to question all of a sudden e equals m c squared and we're all going to die does any of this make sense and i'm closing scientists for the right price will support their lives with manufactured data unscientific and unrealistic models it's been happening for a long time the problem is we didn't know it the slow release of fear constant day in day out fear fear fear causes your brain to just shut down you stop fighting you just give in it weakens you weakens your immune system everything about you gets weakened when you just constantly constantly feed on fear scare tactics work don't you remember was it in the 70s everybody was taping their windows up because a bomb was coming they were afraid of nuclear wars scare tactic works trust us why scientists agendas causing chaos and misery to bring about the new world order an ideal way to control human behavior and what they said in this 1970 i have all the paperwork to it they're saying there's too many humans on the earth and the problem with climate change is humans they're giving off too many emissions your car is giving off too many emissions we're going to have to decrease cars and heal mother earth we are moving into a huge green agenda so if you don't see it now these scientists and their data and all this stuff is going to just keep exploding because they know best and they're going to tell you you know they're teaching the young ones now don't even have a home you need a little apartment because of the energy and the emissions you'll what you're doing to mother earth they're programming these kids at a young age to believe their lies so parents you got to stand up grandparents you got to teach kids and got to watch what's coming through their shows and their tvs and their homework and see what's going on because they're saying in 1970 they said this that they declare man the enemy of humanity guess what you're not the enemy of humanity god created man and god tells us there's going to be enough things in the earth he tells us the times and the seasons but he says that how the antichrist wants to change everything and this is what's happening we're seeing the antichrist system trying to reverse just think to say that man is bad god created humans and he created them to to produce they want to have people stop having children did you know that because you're taking up too much oxygen you're taking up too much this or that so who now becomes god and controls who lives and who dies this is what we're facing in our life they're saying that real enemy is humanity and it's going to be more and more you're going to hear about sustainable development what's sustainable emissions how much carbon footprints how much of this and that things are changing and they're changing fast but i want to encourage you in closing you have to have the right mindset for this you have to gear yourself up god did not say it was going to be easy he told his disciples you're a sheep among wolves right so when the wolves come out why are we surprised when all of a sudden you find out somebody's not who you think they are why are we surprised god told us he told us well i thought you know we voted them in and they were good for us who said they were good for us how many no some of them are following another agenda and another plan and it's not the christian plan we're in a war we're in a spiritual battle with principalities and powers so i just want to encourage you all in closing get the right mindset no we're in a battle and this isn't the end we're starting these are the good days i believe in the united states of america and many countries these are the good days be thankful for it don't get distracted by a lot of these little petty things that are going around i believe these are distractions and hang on to the truth jesus saved us we have heaven to look forward to are some people going to struggle yeah you need to prepare because this fall and this winter with this election coming up anything can go and i'm not saying i know what's going to happen but i know from what some of the things i've read you got to gear up and just be prepared for the long haul he that endures to the end shall be saved amen so be encouraged you're saved you're on the right track you're on the narrow path and if people don't want to hear you well guess what they didn't want to hear the disciples back then either so be encouraged you're in good company we have a great cloud of witnesses around about us and everyone said amen now we're going to have communion together with our online church and our subscribers here because a lot of you don't have a church anymore and so we wanted to do this to pray with you and to take communion together and i want to do rick who i've known for 45 years i think wow yeah it's been a while and then he married my best friend barb and some of you have heard from barb in the past but yeah we want to take communion now and we're very thankful that we can do it together good morning that's uh for those of you in minnesota right now uh we're we're starting off our service uh or our after service i should say with uh with communion today and uh we just want to give a moment if people uh watching online want to grab you know the elements and uh get some juice and some bread and uh just want to make sure you have a moment to do that and my name's rick my wife and i have been well we've known pastor roberta for many years but uh we we've been going here for the last uh i don't know several years four or five i guess and uh we're a recovering word of faith addicts and [Laughter] and just just want to say um you know communion is is a very special thing and you know as paul told us in first corinthians 11 we need to examine our hearts you know before we take it and he even mentions how you know people that don't discern the lord's body that's one of the reasons that many are weak and sickly among you so you know this is an opportunity for us to to really uh draw near to the lord and to acknowledge you know his his word and his power and the covenant that he purchased with his blood for us and just thank you lord for that um so i'm i've spent some time in my life uh communion's been very special to me as a two-time cancer survivor i had non-hodgkin's lymphoma twice and uh god's been very gracious for me and i plan to stay on the devil's heart to kill this for some time so 1998 and 2009 i dealt with that and god's been very good and i'm alive because of his grace and communion was very special during that time as well so we praise god for that so i'll just start off with first corinthians 11 hopefully you all have a moment to get your stuff your elements here paul wrote this is i'm going to make one little switch here so the king james version for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he'd given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me sorry for those of you listening to the mic i know thank you lord after the same manner also he took the cup and when he stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the word lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body and for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged and when we're judged we're chastened to the lord that we should not be condemned with the world and we just thank god for his mercy and his grace and father heavenly father we just thank you for this great it's almost hard to describe the great covenant lord that you purchased with the blood of your son and we just give you thanks right now and we just want to honor you and glorify you we just give you all the praise and glory for it in jesus name amen thank you be sure to hit the subscribe button and hit the bell button so you can be notified of the newest videos we are viewer supported if you would like to donate please go to in the upper right hand corner there is a give button thank you and see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 3,527
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: aZj6mc-XtwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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