Stay In Your Own Lane And Run Your Race

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[Music] first corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 i love this know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that you may obtain and every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptable crown but we an incorruptable i therefore so run not as uncertainty so fight i not as one that beateth the air but i keep my body under and bring it into subjection that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway father we thank you for endurance we thank you for strength we ask you for wisdom we thank you for giving us eyes to see help us lord run our race stay in our own lane and finish what you've asked us to do we know many people are going through trials and tribulations and persecution and father you said you'd be with us so we we ask you to strengthen us all heal our hearts for what we need to go through in these coming days and give me a mouth that says only what you want me to say no more and no less and we promise to give you alone all the praise and all the glory and everyone said we're so we're talking about running your race staying in your own lane and doing what god wants you to do uh a poem called the race a young boy ran a race and he fell many times and to his dad he sadly said i didn't do too well to me son you won his father said you rose each time you fell so no matter where you're at many of us have things in our past that we just said we wish we would have made better choices many of us were deceived in movements we didn't know were coming out but god looks at the heart and he sees if you fail rise again rise again because we've got stuff we still need to do and we pray that our group is tight and right that god puts people around you in these end times that are supposed to be there because uh confidence in an unfaithful man in times of trouble is like a tooth it's broken you can't put confidence in it and we need to know the people that are with us and what we see and god's gonna give us just like he gave mary elizabeth elizabeth mary end times he puts people in our lives for a reason and sometimes for a season and when that season's up and they no longer want to walk we have to let them go as painful as it is it's time to find out people that want to go the long haul with you i'm in for the long haul how about you the race isn't over until we cross the finish so don't quit don't faint i'm just going to give you a couple stories in 1992 this is true 1992 the semifinals for the olympics there was a guy named derek redmond and he could see the finish line he knew he was going in for the finish line then a sharp pain in the back of his leg a torn hamstring he fell he got up and started hopping his father runs from the stands and says you don't have to do this yes i do derek said then we will finish together the crowd stood up and wept and that's what we have to do get up keep going because god's with us god's with you and when we hurt and we fall he's right there a little boy this is another true story was in his father's it was with his father during a terrorist attack and he was a very small boy there was gunfire there was shouting and there was a lot of confusion when it was all done the father asked his son were you afraid the boy answered no daddy you were holding my hand our heavenly father's holding us amen never think that you're alone in this battle because he's with us that's the way we need to be with the lord in deuteronomy 31 8 the lord goes before you he will be with thee he will not fail thee neither will he forsake thee fear not neither be dismayed what does it mean to be dismayed don't be alarmed don't be concerned don't lose your courage fear not and be not dismayed god doesn't want us to lose our courage in this hour and the only way we can be courageous is by keeping our eyes on him there's a lot of things going on i feel like there's a shift happening in the world right now there's a lot of things going on and if you have eyes to see and you've been listening god's been preparing us but those that don't want to hear i hate to say it but sometimes there's no there's no more warning for them because they don't want to see they don't want to hear they don't want to hear it but god always has his watchmen that let you know what is coming and what's going on he wants to prepare his people so don't be discouraged if people don't want to hear what you have to say because we're all facing it we're facing it in our families we're facing it in our churches we're facing it everywhere we go people are brainwashed they either see or they don't the blind are leading the blind or they see because they've been listening to the lord and they're reading their bibles and they're seeing things happen unfold but you're going to see we're going to see a great deception and it's here and it's very hard to know that some of your loved ones are deceived and they don't want to listen the bible says all the nations shall be deceived by the pharmaca right so it's not just you it's this is a world wide event that's going on and it's not over yet now hebrew we're actually just getting started hebrews 12 1-3 running our race knowing god's with us wherefore seeing we are also compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight i like to write beside their unnecessary bag baggage because when a runner runs he doesn't put on boots in a parka a runner barely has anything on because he doesn't want to be weighted down and there are some things in our life that are weights sometimes god removes those weights sometimes you've got to lay them down but anything would stop you from running is a weight and the sin this isn't the time to be in sin this is a time to make sure that you lay aside sin there's nothing that's worth sinning right now there's nothing there's no one there's nothing important enough to get yourself right with god in this hour and run your race knowing you've fallen but it's time to get up again it's time to dust yourself off forgive yourself forgive other people this is a time many people have unforgiveness they're bitter they're fighting and this is what the enemy wants and if you study germany you see how the division oh the enemy loves to pit people against each other we've never seen the division that's here in our country but we've seen this happen in other countries but we lay aside every sin which does so beset us and let us run with patience what does that mean endurance so when you have to run we have to run to the finish line until god calls us home we have a mission it's to do his will what's his will what he tells us to do our assignments can change sometimes but we're doing it because of what he tells us to do and he gives us the strength to do what he's asked us to do and we have to stay out of the fear of man because people pleasing is a terrible thing to be caught in right now we have to have the fear of the lord and do everything in his fear and his presence knowing he's watching us he's taking care of us so run with patience the race that is set before us and how do we run it look to him you can't look in your own strength anymore our own strength fails every day it's a new day you gotta look to him looking unto jesus the author remember when you got saved there was nobody there probably he started gave you a new beginning and he's also as we look to him going to help us finish we're not just running by ourself even though friends have left you family has left you he said he'd never leave he'll never forsake you so he's the finisher how are you going to finish just like that little boy holding on to his father's he's with i wasn't afraid because god's with me shadrach meshach and abednego all these different people went through the fiery furnace different trials but they said god was with them so you have to keep focused that god is with us even though these times are dark and the lawlessness is increasing and darkness is increasing there's so much bad news out there we don't even like to listen to the news but sometimes you just have to know what's going on but the the fear that they're trying to put in people just the paranoia the propaganda but if you study history this is a repeat of what they've always done so you have to know who's controlling the propaganda who's controlling certain things and that gives you peace because you can see someone told me i don't want to know the plans of the enemy and i want to say that's why you're deceived that's why you fell for his bait because you don't want to know his plans god said expose the enemy doesn't say embrace him and pretend he's not there those are the ones that are going to fall for deception in the last days so know it no there's deception but it doesn't have to be you looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of god for consider him if you don't consider him this is a day you could get weary you could get in fear and he said don't fear and do not be dismayed because i'm with you for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be wearied and you faint in your minds as you're running your race this is the other thing we're going to have to do we're going to have to keep our hearts nobody else is going to be able to keep your heart we're going to talk about that a little bit but there was a true story about a drag race and a guy in the race got hit by another racer and he crashed into the wall destroyed his car he got so angry he loses it this was his big chance this was his big race and he got he hit the wall as they say he gets out of his car on the race track for vengeance he was going to go get that guy that destroyed his vehicle and caused him to lose a race guess what he got out of his lane you could say he got hit and he died vengeance isn't worth it our flesh always wants to rise up when we're hurt because we're human we still have feelings and emotions but we have to keep ourself in check think if he wouldn't have lost it and got angry he'd still be living i don't know when this story was but it might have been a long time maybe he would be dead by now but that's not the way he would have ended so if you get into vengeance you're really saying i don't trust god to work this out i'm going to do it myself you're saying god is not capable of fighting my battles so we have to guard our heart from being offended because one of the signs of the end times many shall be offended and shall betray one another judas was right in the middle of jesus team but guess what he betrayed we can handle betrayal out there but jesus let it let us know was also going to be on the inside why so you can handle it if they did it to jesus god is capable of fighting our battles and we're not in a sprint a sprint is a short fast race and i like to use my oldest son on this one he was fast he could beat anybody anything he would just race race race and then it was done well we're not in a sprint and i don't like racing i don't like running fast and coming in last i didn't like races but some people do they just love running they love races they love swimming they love all this stuff but those are short races and then they're done but our race is for the long haul we're like in a long marathon and you got to take breaks sometimes and get refreshed you got to stay filled with oil you got to keep your eyes on him there's a lot of things that will distract us in this day and we got to keep our eyes knowing we're in for the long haul it's a long race until the finish line until we leave our bodies until your spirit soul leaves your bodies we have a race that we have to run endurance is the key to make it to the end we're in for the long haul so we lay aside the weights another thing weights are cares boy there's so many cares of this world i was thinking how the sower sows the word and some people don't grow because they're full of cares anxiety they don't let that word grow in them they really don't know their bibles and they let the cares of this world or they just want to be like in the days of noah partying having fun living in their bubble don't tell me anything negative because i don't want to hear it they're the ones that are going to be totally surprised because they're not listening they're not watching they're not listening to the watchmen lay aside the weights the cares the fears the unnecessary baggage again when we're running there's things we shouldn't have on us there's so so many times in the movements i've come out of they'd say you got to live in a big house you got to have a big car you got to people were going in debt to try to impress each other we don't need to impress anyone if they're your friend they don't need to be impressed and you don't need to impress you don't they don't need to impress you either let them run their race with what they have what they don't have it doesn't matter jesus is a friend that's going to stick closer than a brother we don't need anything in our life right now that's going to slow us down lay aside the sin i see people exploding with things they could have dealt with when things are on a fence and they're little you need to talk them out if you wait and let things grow and grow and glow grow and grow you're gonna have a bitterness and then what happens you defile everyone else it's not worth it you have a race to run i've seen people backslide and get bitter and not forgive people and you know what happens it affects the person because it's like you're drinking poison and expecting them to die it's affecting you it's affecting your heart it's affecting your walk lay aside the sins lay aside the bitterness in a fence you got to exercise yourself to not be offended it's easy to be offended you have to exercise not to and this is a very important part the greeks had a race in their olympic games the winner was not the runner who finished first it's not how fast they ran and got a medal but the runner who finished with his torch still lit are you going to walk with god to the end even if some things happen and some things don't some things i mean this these end time events we were not expecting even 10 years ago we were not expecting a lot of these things that we're seeing unfold in our churches in politics in the government all these things are happening and you got to have a strong foundation in the lord because the bible says everything that can be shaken will be but his kingdom won't be so we have to make sure we're rooted and grounded in him and you're going to find out the people that aren't you're going to see it you're going to see them fall you're going to see them get caught up in the world you're going to see them doing all these things in the world thinking that nothing's happening we need to run our race and stay in our own lane what does that mean mind your own business mind your own business i've had people tell me what to preach you got to preach this and that's not your business i have to stand before god on what i'm called to do well i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear it stay in your own lane stay in your own lane you're accountable to god for what you're called to do and if i'm in your lane i'm going to tell you what to do but guess what then you're not running your race you're busy trying to tell me what how to run mine so we need to run our race stay in our own lane and stay filled with oil stay filled stay filled it's so easy to get depressed discouraged sad there's so much confusion chaos and division and this is what's going to happen in the end times he tells us that these things are going to happen as these different horns and beasts and all these systems happen but what do we do we stay filled we stay filled remember the virgins some got filled and then the ones that ran out came i want your oil too late we've got to learn how to fill ourself up every day fill up with oil mind our own business and in your race and my race it's filled with obstacles it's not just running your race there's an enemy that wants to destroy your soul he wants to get you fear fearful and that's the thing when you listen to the news and it's fear fear fear fear people don't even think anymore they don't even use common sense science falsely called the bible says they're following stuff that's not even one day they say this the next day they totally reverse it why chaos division and confusion and the enemy wants us to be divided well if you're not deceived you won't be divided if they if they withdraw and attack you that's on them but if you do it it's on you because that's an obstacle you have to overcome setbacks hindrances detours all these things are on our race how are you going to handle a detour well of course we don't like detours but we face them we regroup we skip back up again and do what god asks us to do but the main thing i want to leave you with is here in proverbs 4. the most important thing that we have to do is guard ourselves guard our heart proverbs 4 23 and it's not easy because we're being blasted from the news politics everything is political everything's got an agenda now so you have to not faint and be weary and know we're called for such a time as this we're called for such a time as this god knew you were going to be born that you'd be here and you're called for you'll say i don't want to be here now just take me to heaven you're not done your race isn't done your grandkids need you your kids maybe they're rebellious and don't want to hear there might be a day they cry out pray for them and if you don't agree with people there is something called prayer rather than attack people why don't you pray for them right because people stop praying so what do you do verse 23 keep your heart that's a military term you know what military is right they guard things they want they guard statues and stuff they don't let things just come in well that's how you have to be with your heart you have to know what to let in and then you have to know how to guard it and you have to know how to keep things away from you so guard it guard your heart just once in a while no it's becoming a daily thing with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life we guard our cars we lock our cars we guard our houses we guard our property we guard our money but we leave our hearts totally open for the enemy to attack us with disappointment with discouragement all these different things you got to guard your heart when you're under attack which we all have been attacked and will be and you fall rise again a righteous man falls but guess what he gets up again i look back with shame thinking how could have i fallen for this prophetic movement that i was just like i look back and i was just like oh my goodness how could but i can't stay there i have to get back up and not focus on that or i'd just be like forget it some of the things i taught and thought was right my heart was right but i was following a lot of these people that were false prophets because they were popular and famous we all were coming through some of this well shake it off shake it off guard your heart but we don't guard worthless things like garbage cans you don't put up there's a lot of things you just well you treat your heart like a garbage can garbage in garbage out garbage in garbage oh i used to be a guy that used to say that all the time back in the day garbage in garbage out so you got to guard it and then when when you get darts it's hard because you focus on those darts and those words and those mean people and you have to pull them out and it's a process it's not easy the division we're facing now is division you either want this or you don't want this you judge this one for this or that one the whole world is divided the doctors are divided the nurses are divided the teachers are divided the children are it's just a whole different thing that we've never dealt with before so you got to guard that heart musicians know the first thing they have to do is to tune their instrument it always goes out of tune i've been around a lot of musicians in my day they're always tuning tuning tuning their instruments because they just go flat well the same thing with their hearts you gotta tune it you gotta tune it to the word of god because your heart's just gonna naturally go offended you're gonna be upset with people you're gonna be upset with your kid you're upset with your dad you gotta tune it you gotta tune it you gotta tune it it constantly falls out of tune that's why the bible says keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life it's funny and i've talked about this before but at the new year's party this the new year's day tournament of the rose parade a beautiful float it was just the most beautiful float of all all of a sudden it started puttering and it ran out of gas the whole parade was halted and stopped until someone got a can of gas so that that float could get filled up and it was sad because it was a standard oil float well we're supposed to be filled with oil and if we're not we're going to putter and stop sometimes people can help us we need friends that can help us but ultimately it comes to the point you got to fill yourself up with oil you got to guard your own heart and then it says put away from the forward mouth say that five times forward mouth and perverse lips and i looked that up today what is a forward mouth a person's mouth is not easily controlled if you're going to guard your heart you're going to have to watch what comes out of it as well what you put in and what you put out because a person's mouth is not easily controlled speaks whatever they want whenever they want and what happens you sow discord when you do that you don't control yourself you sow discord we choose what comes out of our mouths and there'll be a debut that we stand before god for what comes out of our mouth right so practice now what comes out of your mouth it says in proverbs 22 5 thorns and snares are in the way of the forward but he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them so a lot of times we bring on our own trouble because of what we say we bring on traps and snares and thorns in other words they come back to bite you well you sent this and you said this and you said this so we asked to ask god to help us keep our mouth because when we're hurt things come out we say things but here it says put away from the that kind of a mouth and perverse lips put far from the let the eyes look right on and let the eyelashes look straight before thee why we're running a race we don't have time we're running our race we need to run our own race stay in our own lane what's god asked you to do he didn't call you to babysit other people this is a day people got mad i said that but it's true you can't babysit somebody else if they don't want truth in this hour you've got to go forward and do what god's asked you to do because we answer to the lord and i have to do what god's asked me to do it might not be what he's called you to do but let me do what god's asked me to do and i want to let you do what god's asked you to do because we have different lanes we're not in the same lane we're not asked to do the same thing my my heart is to do the will of the lord what god definitely not what i want to do i would never be a preacher i couldn't stand preachers my brother came home one day and said he was saved he was going to be a preacher we disowned him when we were little no we don't want you to be a preacher we don't want preachers in the family that wasn't our on our high list but god had other plans take care of your heart what are you responsible for what's in your lane what are you supposed to run what's your long haul that you're supposed to do for the lord take care don't let it go bad you know when something goes sour you don't want to smell it you don't want to be around it oh i left it in the fridge too long it got sour well what about a person that's offended and they have a bad heart and they're defiling people you've let and allowed yourself to go sour and we don't have anyone to blame but ourself because we didn't guard our hearts we didn't guard our hearts because people haven't told us we were supposed to guard our heart no one else is going to guard it what comes in and what comes out is our responsibility take care do not let it go sour pay attention to your heart protect against danger don't let it go down the wrong path self-pity is a bad path and we've all been in self-pity right guard your heart so you don't go down the wrong path so let's pray father we thank you we are in for the long haul you are the author you're the finisher and forgive us for looking to people sometimes we've looked at people and they've let us down and it caused us to not run and do what we've been called to do help us keep our eyes on you lord just like that little boy who said i'm not afraid my dad's here my father's here just like that race that they were running the father said all right if you're going to do this i'm going to do it with you so i ask everyone father that's out there that's listening that they would run their own race stay in their own lane we know they're disappointments their kids aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing parents have done things we don't agree with the world is changing there's some things we cannot control but we can with your help in the holy spirit guard our hearts with all diligence and make sure it's in tune with your holy spirit in your word help us lord and everyone said in jesus name amen if you would like to see more messages from roberta on youtube be sure to subscribe to her youtube channel roberta morrison hit the bell button to be notified of new messages from her and be sure to check out her youtube playlists for other messages that interest you go to the website page and click on the messages button on the top center to go see her messages there are free audio downloads of the messages available also we are viewer supported on the main web page at the top right is a gift button thank you for watching and see you next time apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend you [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,452
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Gilbert, Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible based teachings
Id: ubHeb3Fxy0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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