Contending For The Faith In The Midst Of Apostasy

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[Music] yeah we we want to say hello hi everybody people like that they hear laughter in the background that's good um we'd like you to share i don't like to ask people to do stuff but we need you to share these videos so we can get through those rhythms and keep things going and if you share really helps keep us going and so thankful we have not been taken off of youtube yet so we're going to just try to keep away from certain subjects that we know are not part of the agenda that are going to ban us so we just pray for wisdom every week but open your bibles to the book of jude and jude is right there right before revelation it's the final new testament book before the unfolding of the book of revelation wow there's so many people that are afraid to read the book of revelation but the bible says you'll be blessed if you read it so we we keep reading it but we want to look at jude tonight and we want to talk about contending for the faith boy the book of jude is a powerful it's a short book but boy it's a powerful book and before we get started i want to thank everybody that's helping us we could not do this youtube and this ministry without the online people helping us and every week we're just so thankful uh thank you lord so thank you you know who you are thank you so much now in the book of jude let's look at verse one jude the servant of jesus christ the brother of james to them that are sanctified by god the father and preserved in jesus christ and called mercy unto you peace and love be multiplied beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for what for the faith we're going to talk about that tonight earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness in denying the only lord god in our lord jesus christ i will therefore put you in remembrance underline that word remembrance because we're going to go back to this how do we live in a day of apostasy how do we live amongst all the confusion the battle all the things that lies deception how do we live how do we function in a day that many of us are vexed we talked about vex for the last two weeks vexed at the news vexed at things that are going on in the world because if you're a righteous soul like lot he was vexed by what he saw and what he heard so if you're a righteous soul if you're living for god if you're trying to do the best you can there's gonna be things that you see you hear you're watching in your family things that are happening in our world that will also affect you that will torment you that will trouble you and it seems that so much has happened in the last year and a half it's like some of the worst things have happened in just a short amount of time and a lot of people weren't expecting anything bad to happen so they they think everything's going back to normal but you haven't listened to agenda 21 and i don't want to get into any of that but if you know what's coming as far as agendas then you understand you won't be deceived by them and you also don't have to be afraid of them because a lot of people are going to be caught unaware because they don't want to know what's going on a lot of christians are in the same boat they have been trained to just and i believe in being positive i don't like negative people either but it's not negative truth is truth and so now they don't want to preach in a hell because that's negative and they don't want to preach that you know all these different things that we're hearing going forth well truth is truth rather we think it's negative or positive it's what god says it counts so we have to contend for what god says and he says in second alone ii thessalonians and we're going to turn there in a minute there's not coming a great revival well there is a great revival of paganism there is a great revival of darkness of the one world religion which i've been talking about for six years we're starting to see this creep up now and that shouldn't shake us either because there's some things we have to today i want to bring kind of some encouragement to you to rest in some of the things god told us and how do you live amongst this stuff because we have to walk the path even though others don't we have to walk the narrow path even though other people don't so how do we do that how do we contend for the faith in the middle of apostasy which what does apostasy it's a great falling away falling away from what the bible falling away from the truth that we know it and now another jesus is coming in in another gospel he told us that he told us that they're going to preach another jesus in another gospel so some of the things that we're going to deal with tonight is how we walk we remember what he said when you remember that he told you this was going to happen you put it in your mind in your memory when you see it you're not surprised you might be grieved you might be vexed but because you walk with the lord you're not deceived but you remember what he said so you contend for the faith and jesus said will there be any faith left when he comes well you can see the way the church is going right now will there be any faith in him there's a there's a lot of faith in the christ consciousness and a lot of faith in the force of faith we've talked about in the next couple of weeks we're going to talk about this so we're not going to get into all that but tonight i just want to encourage you to to contend for the faith so that you can walk walk in the midst of an ungodly generation and you can be a light to the people around you contend for the faith because he says jude warns that there's going to be false people mixing in verse 4 for there are certain men crept in unawares don't be surprised when you start seeing like i shared it with it last week singers and preachers saying that they're leaving the faith don't be surprised remember he told us this stuff was going to happen and they want to bring christianity down but they don't have to bring it down in you if you know how to contend for the faith everybody's got their own walk and everybody's going to have to learn how to contend for the faith for themselves there's some things you can do for others but we have to renew our faith in the lord every day so he tells us there's going to be a false mixture there's going to be people crept in they're going to pretend to be believers but verse 3 contend for the faith what does that word contend mean i like to look up words i like to see what they mean to contend carries the idea of an intense struggle an intense struggle so just to believe in these end times there's going to be a an opposition there's going to be things flying it says here carries the idea of an intense struggle like in a wrestling match well what does ephesians tell us we wrestle not against flesh and but we there's a wrestling it's not against humans even though humans can give over to these spirits we're not fighting flesh and blood but these principalities and powers there's a wrestling the warfare is increasing in the in it has to because the book of revelations is we're on our way here now the timeline that's the other thing i want to say we don't know the timeline if even some of these agendas that they want to push we're hearing a lot more about agenda 2030 and all these different things we can't tell the time and that's why i say and you know these things but enjoy your time enjoy your days fill yourself up with joy fill yourself up because there's no reason torturing yourself because we know some of these things are going to happen and that's one of the points we're going to talk about contending in the for the faith you got to rest you got to rest because there's some things there's nothing we can do about anyway god is allowing this to happen god is allowing this antichrist system to start it's we're starting to see the setting up of it are we there yet i don't think you know i think we're definitely seeing the infrastructure infrastructure that word is so fun to say but we're seeing some setups of things that have never happened before we're in a new place so even the more so we have to learn that we're wrestling that against people they're going to know you by your what your love so we're going to have to keep loving people even when they disagree with us and this is going to be a battle for people in your family for people in your neighborhood this is what they want they want divide and conquer they want division we've talked about this before so we don't play we have to know how to wrestle spiritually hanging on to what god wants us to hang on to so to contend is a battle against danger it's a battle against lies they're going to tell you who the new jesus is you're going to have to fight that off because they're going to tell you about a jesus that everybody he's just a master he's an avatar he's a all these different things it's a new jesus they want to push so jesus that didn't die on the cross that didn't raise from the dead they want to say that was a bloody mistake and that's just you know religion you're a pharisee if you believe that so you got to stand you got to know how to stand when these things come to you do you know your bible enough when somebody's preaching something different that you'd know the difference so that's your battle against danger lies deception false teaching we've come out of some false teaching everybody was preaching it so i thought it was real we might go through that next week but you have to know there's hope once you come out of false teaching if you've been in false teaching and you've been under false teachers you've got to learn thank god he's brought you out and that we have to show mercy for the other people that need to come out right somehow people get so arrogant that they think well i'm out of this now and why aren't you and there's just that spirit of hardiness we have to always stay humble so it to contend for the faith means to confront sometimes you got to confront lies you got to confront deception it means to resist contend give all you've got for the faith trust in the lord they're going to try to take away christianity we've been preparing you for six years they want to make all religions one so stand up for truth don't water down the truth don't omit parts don't play hopscotch a lot of people like to preach hopscotch i'll take this i'll step on this but i'm omitting that i'm omitting that i'm omitting this no you've got to take the whole we have to take the whole counsel of god and we need to preach the whole counsel of god even the parts that don't feel so great you still have to do it because warning is loving so we don't want to emit parts don't cave to the culture as ungodly people have wormed their way into our churches christian tv bookstores social media they've wormed their way in just like jude said they were going to so our first step is remember when you want to contend for the faith remember what god told us that this was going to happen and it's not new it's been happening even throughout the bible this was happening but it helps us if we remember these things then they're going to say and this happened probably i think 15 years ago in this grace message grace grace grace message where god loves everything and there is no sin and all this well they say god's grace allows us to live with no sense of right and wrong they want you to say god's grace will let you live any way you want with no no hindrances greasy grace who's supposed to contend for the faith every one of us has to you can't just say well my husband has to my wife has to or my preacher has to no you have to contend for the faith you have to fight you have to battle you have to know what the word says so that when someone's preaching something different you'll know and you can stand and you can wrestle against that lie say no that's not what my bible says people i run into now don't know what the bible says and they don't really care they just want to be entertained he also told us this was going to happen that there's coming a time that they're going to love their self they're going to love the things of this world we're seeing that happen so we all have to contend for the faith no additions no subtractions or no alterations are needed the new gospel they're getting dream downloads they're getting words all this stuff is happening and you don't have to be moved by it you have to contend for the gospel because no alteration is needed and i was taken up by a guy that kept saying he saw jesus and i when i got saved i thought wow he saw jesus and he would say you don't need to pray anymore just send your angels out now that i look back and i go wow that that was gnosticism but i didn't even know how to say that word but after i've done my own studying gnosticism has been big in the word of faith movement gnostics the gnostics believe in angels changing and altering the bible adding to it so we have to contend battle to please the lord and not please men and here's an example there was a young preacher he began his ministry in a brand new church you know when you're young and you're vulnerable and you're just stepping out you just you know you're at a new church and you want everyone to like you his first sermon was the dangers of drinking alcohol well after the service a deacon you always have one that seems like they're possessed a deacon said a third of our people raised barley and distill alcohol so i'd be very careful if i were you wow he felt so bad because he really thought that was a message he was supposed to preach and he got rebuked by an elder so the next sunday he preached on the dangers of smoking that same deacon said a third of our members grow tobacco so you better stop preaching on that the third sunday wow he's getting a little nervous now he's just got that deacon spotted you know he knows no matter what he preaches he's not going to like it the third sunday he preached on the dangers of gambling that same deacon approached him after his message and he said a third of our people raise thoroughbred horses you need to be more sensitive to who you're preaching to well the fourth sermon was on the dangers of deep sea diving in international waters he got the message loud and clear he wasn't supposed to talk about in this stuff the fifth sunday and i added this he quit [Music] [Laughter] i thought it's not a story unless he quits that's the thing people always want to tell you what to do and here the guy is brand new rather than getting encouraged saying maybe you could you know could help you they get he got hammered and hammered and hammered you can't please people and i remember when i had when i just started off preaching and i got these black and white polka dotted shoes i mean they sound kind of wild now but it was like it was it matched my outfit you know and then i had you know i've always had fingernails and colored them and stuff and this lady came up and she goes that's that's of the devil and she talked about it she goes oh you're going to be left with look at those fingernail polish and she went on and on and i didn't want to you know make god upset or anything and i'm young i was just beginning i was starting off she goes all you're gonna be left with is a tongue and a shake and she walks off and i looked at her and i thought we sure don't want to look like her but that was that was discouraging it's just you have no idea what it's like to get popped and attacked and stuff like that a tongue and a shake yeah like you're you're pentecostal but the whole the holy spirit left you and you have to contend you have to contend to please god and not man because man always wants to tell you what to do and jude if you read through the whole book of jude here it's not that long but he's giving examples of apostasy and remember people go what's what does that mean it's a greek word it means abandonment a rebellion it's departing from the truth and scriptures or to stand away from scriptures well that's just too bold i wouldn't say that remember i told you it's going to be a hate crime eventually there's certain scriptures that will be banned that already are being banned and that's sad because there's so many people that need help and we want to not condemn people but help people give them hope that even though you're in this or that god can help you get out because he we've all sinned and we've all fallen from the glory of god right so apostasy see if say that five times apostasy has to do with the spiritual temperature within god's church what kind of churches are we having now the mixture the entertainment are they really worshipping god or are they the young people don't know they some of the old worship leaders are gone they haven't taught you how to really focus on the lord and worship him now we're taught it's all about you feeling good it's all about you the songs are all about you we've changed from god to man now in our worship so that's apostasy it professes faith they say they're walking in faith but now they're saying faith is a force that's directed at god and you have it because what that actually means is it's the little gods teaching and they believe wrong and then they behave wrong so what is apostasy involving false doctrine ungodly lives bad fruit god wants us to grow okay so you're you're an angry old nag well you get saved you're supposed to be changing you're supposed to be changing and desire this and seal the sincere milk of the word that you can grow there by right so we profess to know god's but by our deeds we deny him because people know how to walk in the fear of the lord if you walk in the fear of the lord you're always thinking about him you're focused on him and you don't want to say and do things that would grieve him that would that would upset him that's walking in the holy fear of god it's a good fear some apostates leave the church and others stay the worst is when they stay because then they start teaching the false teaching in the churches and the young believers because they've been around they think oh these people must know what they're talking about and they don't realize they've left the scriptures now they've went on to dreams and revelations and prophetic ministry boy i used to be connected into all that i i just thought that was so uh awesome you just getting this myst it's mysticism i've come out from all that let's look at ii thessalonians 2 3 but we'll read one two three sound doctrine is under attack and because he told us it was going to be under attack but we have not had it in the united states we've not had the battles that we're we're going to start seeing we have not had any persecution we thought church was great every there's a church on every corner and this is this and this but the true gospel is what's under attack so what is there going to be there's going to be a great revival but it's not a revival that we think it's a revival of all the other religions becoming as one we've been talking about this now for five years and if you don't know what that is look up some of my old teachings because we've been preparing you for this day and it is here now verse one now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gatherings together unto him we still need to gather some people don't want to gather the bible says don't forsake it don't forsake the assembling of yourself we need each other we need to be encouraged we need that fellowship that you be not soon shaken in mind because you can be shaken but if you're around somebody else they can stabilize you they can help you that you don't be shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us is that the day of christ is at hand in verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means by social media by tv don't let him deceive you for that day shall not come except there come a great revival it doesn't say that does it see now if you if you don't know your bible you'd say oh good good no it says for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalteth himself above all remember satan's i wills i will be the like i will be like the most high god i will i will i will he wants to be everything god was but he's going to do it through technology he can't do it because he's not god but he's going to use all of the things that this world has to offer uh let's see where we going okay jude tells of the danger he tells in verse different verses here in jude let's go back here again i have jude pretty marked up he talks about the examples of the past falling away the past the past apos apostasies the church in the wilderness that whole generation they fell away then he talks about the angels who sinned the angels who sinned think of that how is you're up there with god everything is wonderful and you want more the angels sinned a third of them fell that's why we're still having trouble today in the earth cain balaam and korah all fell away or he gives examples of it the dangers examples of past falling away so how do we live let's look in verse 17. but beloved remember the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our lord jesus christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit but you beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost keeping yourselves in the love of god this is the other thing we've got to keep ourself in the love of god because our flesh wants to be offended with people that don't agree with us and we're all facing something we're all dealing with something that we have to contend for the faith and somebody doesn't agree with us so what do we do we still have to walk in love that means your flesh just doesn't get a flesh day that day and you don't always say what you want to say so keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life and if some have compassion making a difference and then others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garments spotted by the flesh and underlying that garment spotted by the flesh we're going to get into that now unto him that is able to keep you in the midst of all these storms midst of all these trials and all these things that are going on in the world god said he's going to keep us he's going to keep us from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever isn't that exciting so remember what does it mean to remember keep in your memory when you read something in the news when you see something going on remember he said there's going to be mockers the fact that he said it and you can put yourself in remembrance it gives you comfort he knew this was going to happen he's tried he always prepared his disciples he didn't go around giving sweet messages and tickling ears you said you want to leave too you don't like what i'm preaching john 6 6 6 you want to leave too there will be mockers those that follow ungodly lusts you're hearing now of this minister falling and this one and this one and i get these reports but i knew this was going to happen and i i've learned now through the years of looking to men not to look to men because these preachers you thought well you know they really knew the lord but you're seeing now that they want to bring down christianity if you don't know that you just have to study realize what's going on but you realize you can't put your faith in a man you can't you love them if they taught you thank the lord but if they're gonna backslide now sorry you didn't save me where were they when you got born again they did not save you jesus did keep yourself in remembrance of that and it is sad and it's grieving when people choose to walk away and they chose to go into apostasy but that's you have to contend for the faith and you have to cling to the lord that shouldn't affect your salvation it shouldn't affect your walk right because he told us we shouldn't be saint watchers and sometimes we all get distracted by people we got to get our eyes back on jesus and that's a battle sometimes so don't be surprised when you start seeing apostasy we have been blessed in this country not to have had it i mean to the extent that it's coming you know with all these different things that have been signed in don't be surprised apostasy was predicted by all the apostles we will be vexed and sad but don't be surprised you can't help but when you get vexed and you can't help but when you get sad but you got to work through it you can't just magically just it's it's called working out your salvation you got to work it out there's some things you got to work out there's some people you're going to have to let go of you want to help them but they don't want help i never drop the ball on people but people drop the ball on you right if they don't want to walk with you anymore what are you going to do jesus said you want to leave too because he knew he had the truth so don't be surprised and remember the apostles told us that it was going to come there's going to be mockers what are mockers they're persecutors they're belitters they're trash talkers they they're harassing making fun they're going to make fun of you for your faith we have not learned how to be in battle we haven't been equipped in boot camp how to stand against any kind of opposition we have not been trained right many churches just gave you milk and not meat that we didn't even know we were battling anything just come and get blessed we want your dream fulfilled that's not true christianity true christianity there's some suffering sometimes so the first one is remember the second is remain remember and then remain stand firm in the bible it will strengthen you to stand in difficult days when's the last time you just read a chapter read and let it strengthen you and let god speak to you through the bible through by the holy spirit let it strengthen you you get strengthened in your spirit just by reading and then i said this already but remain in the love of god remain because there's going to be so many that shall be offended we don't have to be offended oh we're going to be tempted to be offended has anybody been tempted the temptations are all around us but we have to keep our eyes on jesus remain in the love of god how do you do that by obeying him my flesh isn't going to get its way i'm going to walk in love i choose jesus instead of telling that person off you know what when you tell people off it doesn't really help they've already decided they're not going to listen to you anyway save your breath the third one is reach out so remember remain reach out to those around you who are victims of false teaching people are going to wake up to the fact that they know they've been lied to it's already happening some people are ahead of the curve and they were trying to expo i was trying to expose this when i started seeing it now a lot of people are preaching on deception and this and that some of the deceivers are preaching on it some of the false preachers are preaching on it so how are you going to know who's really in the faith and who isn't well you have to reach out to the victims of false teachers who pray on the weak be compassionate with them and have mercy because the sins of the culture eventually become the sins of the church if you don't have a good shepherd that beats out that culture if they invite it in we want it to all come in the last 15 20 years we've been inviting the culture in we don't want anyone to feel convicted that's what got people saved was the preaching of the word and then they wanted to repent well if you take away the conviction and the power of the holy spirit how are people going to get saved so verse 23 and some have mercy with others fear hating even the garments polluted by the flesh now one commentary i read after the garments polluted by the flesh he said literally refers to dirty undergarments just as we hate to handle somebody else's dirty underwear the same thing the sins have mercy even hating even the garments polluted by the flesh oh yeah that gave you a visual didn't it all the moms can say amen because we wash them all but that's what the flesh does it's like it literally stains people it changes people i've seen people just in the last few months change it's like why are they changing because they're loving something else other things have become an idol you know god's in my life but this is more important that's why you can't love father mother brother sister even your children you can't put anything your job anything ahead of him when you start setting up stuff up as a idolatry the things of god don't matter anymore people start getting lukewarm they start losing their walk with god oh i'm fine and then they start bringing all this stuff in and you can see that they're getting polluted by the garments of the flesh so we have to deal with other people's sins with caution don't condemn people aren't you glad no one threw you out and condemned you and you were missing it so deal with a healthy fear but you also have to know you don't want to be sucked in so you have to walk on the fear of the lord because if people are sinning they want you to come too read psalms 1. the ungodly want you to walk with them and then the last one is rest remember remain reach out don't forget to rest in the middle of the great falling away and all the storms that are happening in this letter in the book of jude rest in your security in christ there's a rest that comes when you know it's not about your good works it's not about how perfect you are it's that you trust in him you're trusting and you're resting in him many of us are facing things we didn't think we'd have to deal with as we retire the uncertainty of the times the financial system is it's scary in the flesh it's just like wow you have to remember god's going to take care of us you have a testimony has god taking care of you he's going to continually take care of us and this is what we have to rest in because the enemy wants you to fear fair fear fair fear you turn on that television and it's fear porn it is it's gotten to the point of brainwashing fear porn and you have to know when to shut it off and not listen rest in your security in christ and he has the power to keep us from falling all the stuff and i i could say this and i'm sure you have all the stuff we've been through we shouldn't even be here right now all the stuff i've gone through in ministry i shouldn't even be here right now even preaching anymore i should have been tortured and traumatized and never get up again but god we're still here we're still here so we have to rest in our testimony of what god has done in your life we're still here god's going to take care of us it might not be the way we thought things might not end but he's still there and the most important thing is we serve him we've had so much materialism thrown at us in the lady obsidian churches all this stuff that faith was about your car how big of a house you had a lot of people are in debt right now trying to impress each other we're all coming back to the simplicity we don't need to impress anybody just don't go in debt for anyone get rid of what you don't need that stuff should have been taught from day one when we were saved instead we were taught to lust see when these two get together i tell you we may be confused we might struggle with sin even fall for some wrong things but if you repent he's right there have you ever all been perfect have you ever made mistakes and are you doing things sometimes you thank god for first john 1 9 if we confess our sins he's faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness right and i want to close with this he will see us through to the end if we have a personal relationship with him through the faith in his son jesus christ right the titanic sank in 1912. 1517 died in this tragedy the white star line office in liverpool england put up a big board divided into two one side and other side known to be saved and known to be lost after the shipwreck two categories the living in the dead would run to that board and see if their loved ones were alive or dead on that sign in the end the saved and the lost it's really what it's going to come to the saved and the lost eternity where are you going to go those who turn from self to jesus christ for salvation not about our works but about his and those that don't first john 5 12 he who has a son has life he who does not have the son of god does not have life make sure you know your final destination if you don't know jesus make sure you invite him in make sure you make him lord of your life john 1 12 as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of god even to those who believe in his name eternal life forgiveness and entrance into god's family simple faith and trust in jesus christ you've got to contend for that contend for that faith remember rest all these other things i've talked about rest in your security in christ that he's the one that paid the price for you the one who died in your place on the cross and rose again from the dead contend for that faith amen father we thank you this is a day that so many things are going on we like to treat preach all sides of what's going on but also the encouraging side of what we need to do when we see all these things happen remember rest return have mercy walk in love all these things father we can't do without you so we thank you father that you are our joy even in the midst of trials in the midst of the unsecure world that we live in it seems like the nuts are ruling the earth you told us that this was going to happen so we remember you told us what was going to happen you even told us the state of our churches that many are going to love the ear tickling messages and that sound doctrine would be wow it would just be something people don't want to hear but you have your people everywhere you have your people and father we thank you for waking and getting people to see what's really going on in these churches and that you'd help them find a fellowship that they can agree with and that they can stand in this day and not be deceived by false teachers and the mixture that jude said was coming was there and is also coming on the earth in these end times so to you alone we give all the praise and all the glory and everyone's head if you would like to see more messages from roberta on youtube be sure to subscribe to her youtube channel roberta morrison hit the bell button to be notified of new messages from her and be sure to check out her youtube playlists for other messages that interest you go to the website page and click on the messages button on the top center to go see her messages there are free audio downloads of the messages available also we are viewer supported on the main web page at the top right is a gift button thank you for watching and see you next time apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on you [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 3,085
Rating: 4.9620852 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Gilbert, Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible based teachings
Id: POChiWF1j2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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