Beware: The Gospel Of Self

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[Music] hear my cry give heed to my how many where at we find let me see your hands okay this is actually part two I didn't want to do a part two but I guess for a party some of these subjects are hard to preach because it offends a lot of people but as a shepherd you know you have to take people to green pastures and the Bible says a true pastor will lay down their life for their shape so that means we have to discern the whole scriptures with all the Bible says and more and more I'm seeing how we have got to know our Bibles in these end times and I've shared a lot on the New World Order and that brought me into the new world religion and that's why I think we need to not just think when we know we need to know what is being preached what we believe and as I've started studying this I have found some shocking things some things I can't share yet because I'm still learning myself but I'm seeing that we have a mixture and God doesn't want us to believe a mixture he wants us to believe the Bible and and in 2nd Timothy 3 we're going to go through some scriptures that we've already went over but we're just going to go through them again because we need to know well let's start with revelations 22 this is my favorite one we have to know this is God's Word and we are not to add to it and we are not to take away from it do you know that it's a scary thing when we think we can change the Bible any of us or any leader that we might be following now there's a lot of people are deceived have you ever been deceived that's all put up all hands and toes we've all been to Steve at some time so praise God there's help for people that are interception but then there's people they're not even born again they've never been saved and they are preaching and they're preaching another gospel because they are twice dead they have never received Jesus as their Lord but the problem is a lot of times they label everything Christianity and they're using the name God in the new named Jesus and they use some of the same terms that the Bible uses so it's very very confusing so in the end times we're also going to have false apostles and teachers that are teaching things and they're really wolves inside but they look like sheep so how are we supposed to know the difference the only way is we have to know the Lord for ourselves and we have to have a discerning spirit but we have to know our Bible and the devil just is hoping we don't know the Bible because he can quote some of it even even did to Jesus you know if they'll be the Son of God so we have to know he'll take scriptures if he did it to Jesus he's gonna try to do it to you and me so he's going to take scriptures and try to twist them so we have to know let's look at revelations 22 and I'm gonna go kind of fast here through some of this beginning that we've already shared but Jesus is saying in verse 7 behold I come quickly blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book now this isn't the book I wrote it's not the book you wrote it's not the voice of a man or a woman but it's in the inspired Word of God so if you were the devil wouldn't you want to destroy the Word of God twist it distort it pervert it bring another gospel well Matthew 24 says the biggest thing we have to watch out for in the end times is spiritual deception so it's going to come in the vein of religion and so as we're studying the New World Order if they have to have a new world religion which means we all have to believe the same thing so they're going to put all the gods together we coexist we have interfaith we believe there's many roads to God now this is what they're teaching now we are hearing it now how many are hearing that now bumper stickers wait and tell what's coming this is just the beginning and if you don't know your Bible you will be swept away because things sounds so good and any of us can look back in our life and say I was deceived by this or I was deceived by that thank God we learned and we came out of some of that but going forward you better know you better know your Bible and you don't want to add to it because there's a warning for him that ever wore let's look here behold I come quickly blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book now here when a revelation came John came and he fell down to worship before the feet of the angel and the angel rebuked him and said you don't worship me you only worship God and I just want to say that there's only one to God amen so we have to have the fear of God that means the reverence the AH the respect of God and His Word not to do anything he says I come quickly my reward is with me in verse 18 well first in 17 says the spirit and the bride say come let him that heareth say come and let him that is thirsty come and whoever will everyone say whosoever will so God's not saying that some could come in some cases whoever desires to come that's the God we serve he said let's take her the water freely but he said I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book If any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto Him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city on and on and go that should put the fear of God in us right there now what I'm going to share today is beware the gospel of self this is not the gospel it's a gospel of self it's what we're hearing more and more and unfortunately it's been mixed with our Christianity a lot of the things that we have and the movements that we've come out of it's brought a lot of death it's brought a lot of people backsliding confusion all because things have been added to you can take six scriptures and make any doctrine you want do you know that but it doesn't mean it's the Bible it's the gospel so we have to take things and what they're saying we can't just take this and this and put it together and go that's it and then that's where a lot of people stop but a lot of Christians are babies so that's what baby Christians do they just learn a few things but we're supposed to continue on till you neighbor continue on keep going don't get stuck in a you know school keep going now we found out in second Timothy 3:16 all scripture doctrine is given for reproof for correction a correction it means a change that fixes the mistakes from wrong to right and we all can get off and we can all get into error and that's why sometimes we need correction and the Bible itself when you read the word it'll convict you it should cut you because it's a sword it's a two-edged sword and it cuts away our flesh in other words because the Bible says we're supposed to pick up our cross deny ourselves pick up our cross and follow him right because our flesh a lot of times will take us away from what the will of God is so he gives us his word to keep us on track to say that's of the flesh you know that's of the spirit walk in love keep forgiving keep you know trusting whatever there's a lot of things that go contrary to what we in our own self would want but because we're submitted to the Lord we have to put our flesh under well there's a lot of doctrines now that don't put your flesh under it kills your flesh to rise flesh take over and flesh be greedy flesh be covetous and it's causing a lot of people to become shipwrecked so we need correction now people are afraid to correct and not everybody should correct it says that we're not supposed to rebuke elders bla bla bla bla bla but Paul is correcting and he says that you are to rebuke in first Timothy 5 here's Paul correcting his elders who are sinning he said rebuke in the presence of all that the rest may also fear so he's here there's times that the gospel says you gotta warn there's times that you just as a parent there's times you got a council there's times you gotta tell your kids you're doing the wrong thing you can hang out with so-and-so you can there's there's just so much instruction in warning you just wouldn't watch your children just go off and do stuff without ever correcting him well the Bible says he's our heavenly father the God of spirits and whom he loves he chastens oh we don't want to hear that that just ripped that out of our Bible he doesn't nonetheless now in 2nd Timothy 17 and 18 Paul is naming a couple of men because they publicly taught false doctrine I meant hymenaeus and philetus because they were teaching false doctrine and because they did it publicly he rebuked him publicly why because the doctrine had so affected people and this is what was being taught to bring correction to bring restoration to agree to bring people back to the Word of God he had to do it he had to do what he had to do so there's a time that you have to bring correct doctrine and the only time you can bring correct doctrine is to say this is false and it says in Romans 16 seven mark them which cause divisions and offenses so a lot of people stop there they don't read the rest of that verse Markum that caused divisions and offenses what contrary to the doctrine which you have heard so if someone's coming and preaching another gospel another Jesus they are to be rebuked do you understand we have so much heard two scriptures touch not that anointed they're anointed they're not what they're preaching another Jesus and they're preaching another gospel they're not God's anointed they're anointed from hell but they're not anointed from God okay so they need correction so a quick review of what we shared on Saturday last Saturday was we talked a little bit about Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller now they both are dead they both passed on so it's kind of safe to talk about them and why these two because they were the number one so called Christians guideposts television all over radio television have affected many many people but the Lord is revealing things in this hour to me especially I don't know if I've never seen some of the things I've been seeing but just to the whole remnant the body of Christ he wants us to know who we've believed and we need to stay with the gospel that Paul the Bible is telling us to stay with right and not go after another gospel so here we're talking about norman vincent peale and robert shoo we're both 33-degree freemasons now freemasons in just a nutshell believe that when one reaches the highest degree they find the God of the Bible is the devil and Lucifer the Light Bearer is the real God how can you be a 33 degree freemason and be a true Christian minister at the same time answer that question for me you cannot renounce God and say Lucifer is the great beautiful illuminating ones you can't do that so this is the thing and these end times I would encourage every single one of you to check everything else I'm everything out I'm saying because right now we can check things out but they're both 33 degree Masons and find out how many preachers evangelical preachers are masons not only will it freak you out but it'll make you recheck what you believe that's all I can say and I say that in the fear of God and very total honesty they believe good works give them entrance to God's kingdom they call the heavenly Lodge now the reason why I'm going into some of this is because some of this doctrine has slipped into us some of this doctrine that we think all we know that's off well how much have we really swallowed it's affected a lot of people I know people are dying today might some of my good friends two of them right now I'm thinking of that both should have died but because they didn't want to go to doctors because they wanted to ignore their symptoms hello they're no longer with us and we thought they were they died in faith now this is messy waters do you know this is messy waters but someone sometimes we got to go take a swim and we got to say okay let's somebody help sort some of this out because the Holy Spirit doesn't want us to be ignorant of the devil's devices but we have to go into some of these teachings because it's going to get worse in the new world religion I know a lot of people think oh everything's fine now we got a new president and and we don't have to worry the Bible is still the Bible and we have a Bible a book of prophecies that says that there are many antichrists and they're preparing for the the big Antichrist right and one of the things the Antichrist wants to do in according to the Book of Revelations is to get real rid of true Christianity true born-again believing Christians they want to get rid of so if they can infiltrate if they can water down our gospel if they can get us off on tangents and doing this and that it's really not Jesus working through his endtime body we are not gods this is one of the teachings that we've all you are a God no you're not a God he's God and we didn't tell your neighbor and you are not we might go into this later I never swallowed that one but a lot of people have we are not gods he is that's a teaching of the Masons and because you are God you are one with God you can do it you can you can all you know it's almost commanding God around there's no reverence there's no fear there's no humility we're supposed to cast out the devil we're not supposed to cast out God sometimes we've gotten our doctrines a little messed up commanding got around a bunch of Christians so arrogant throwing things around there's no submission there's no relationship they've gotten religion and not a relationship so anyway let me go through this quickly they were both 33 degree Mason's and Peale was in the new thought and the reason why I say we need to check him out is because one of the found eight found founders of one of the doctrines that I've been raised up I found out was new thought and I thought what is new thought I've done a study on it all week unbelievable what you're gonna find and I want you you little Bereans out there to study this to show yourself approved new thought power of the mind mind cure believe in yourself this is what they believe have faith in your abilities now this is a thing we are not called to believe in ourselves we're to called to believe in him he is in us and because of him I can do things through him I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me because we're connected we're United it's not God's over here now I'm I'm the great I am you know that can do all these things apart from Christ we can do nothing that makes us constantly dependent on him it makes us constantly wanting to abide in him fellowship with him because now I can exchange my ignorant as you're walking with God he'll start giving you stuff he'll start showing you things and you can do things you can't do in your own strength it's because you're connected but we never want to lose that through knowledge now I have it I know a few verses now I can just you know say it and do it there's a a real danger here of not abiding in living and walking with the Lord and as a result we've got a bunch of robots running around saying things that mean nothing it's a bunch of religious formulas does anybody know I'm talking about can't even talk to some people without getting some religious whatever so they believe we can do all things through our mind me elevate me through my mind no longer God centered but self centered everyone say no longer God centered when you have to do everything when the focus is all on you it puts you under works but when you're in relationship there's a rest there's a peace there's a joy because you're abiding in him right so now this false doctrine Peale taught positive thinking is just another term for faith no it isn't faith comes when we read what the Bible says and faith comes because God said it and what is faith it's trust it's not a 10 step formulas to have faith which made it so hard his book and I'm just quoting his stuff it's nothing I think ok just let me go through this quick his book power of positive thinking it's not necessary to be born again you have your way to God I have mine Christ is one of the ways God is everywhere this is what they're teaching in the emergent churches now that we're finding but it's not new this has been going on for a long long time this is what I want you to see this new world religion isn't just starting it's been around and among us for many many many years this has been planned and they're going through their plan Satan in the it's in the Psalms book chapter 2 talks about how all the kings gather and they attack the in the Lord and His anointed from the Tower of Babel he's been trying to get to be God as God so Satan wants to be as God he's very proud and arrogant and if he can get people to follow him he wants them to think they're little gods right how arrogant that's doing the same thing Lucifer did no we are submitted there's only one true God now that seems really easy for some of you but others that have been doctored no I'm a God no I'm a no you're not you're human just ask your husband ask your wife fill appeal was on Phil Donahue show he is a universalist now what is a universalist now this is another thing that's making a comeback again we're hearing it even in our so-called born-again churches everyone is going to heaven is they as long as they believe in God any God big churches are being built just bring your gods to church we all are they have the same gut I don't want to offend you so we have to all be political correct now well the Bible is not politically correct and it's going to offend people that don't want to go Jesus said I am the way I am the truth I am the life no one comes unto the Father but who by me now that might seem so simple but you're gonna have to really believe this in the end times because what's going to be thrown on you through TV through preaching all over the place everywhere this is this is the thing the new world religion now who lot who learned from him was Robert Schuller Pele was his mentor preaching the same thing basically he decided I'm only going to preach positive messages the gospel of positiveness and success no everyone say that's adding to the gospel we are not to add to it it's a warning don't add to it we don't want to add anything that he did not say we are not to say okay it's another gospel for if he who comes preaches another jesus or a different spirit let's look over here at second Corinthians so you see this I used to always wonder what does this mean I don't understand this there there is no other Jesus why what does this mean there is another Jesus and there's another gospel it means they're going to use the name of Jesus it means you're gonna you're gonna think they're talking about the Jesus you know see what gets confusing second Corinthians this is scriptures that we have to know for I'm jealous over you verse 2 for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you a chaste virgin to Christ but I fear lest any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so you're what your minds where are these false Gospels trying to attack your mind your mind your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity of and say the true gospel is simple for if he that cometh preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached if you have received another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted Razzie say verse 13 for their glory verse 12 for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ spiritual deception so if you hear the word Jesus Christ born again wouldn't you think wow that's that's that's us no these are the same terms but this is one of the things that one of the religions were going to talk about today they use the same terms but they change the language it doesn't mean what we think it means and Marvel no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light it's going to come to you like light it's going to come to us like a great revelation it's going to come to us like wow this is really good if any of you seen that show Lucifer I haven't watched it but people tell me these handsome what do you think he's gonna be some old ugly warded weirdo no it's illuminated it's beautiful he comes to all of us with his lies like they're great but we know all of Satan's apples have worms therefore it's no great thing if his ministers Satan has his own ministers did you know that one of the highest cult callings in the Masons is to be a preacher to come and deceived to deceive people I was shocked who could do that people that aren't saved people that have never been saved people that have made Jesus their Lord they're deceiving spirits they've taken on but Jesus would say the spirits are their father the devil right so we are in a battle and for so long we thought oh gods just raising up all these megachurches and gods doing all this but I'm starting to see more and more the leaven that's in it the enemy wants tears he wants there to be a mixture he wants us to be confused he wants us to follow men rather than follow God just follow your favorite man don't check out anything they say everyone say warning warning warning we need to find out because sometimes the gospel you know we talked about rat poisoning it's 95 percent healthy but it's at 5% it'll kill you so his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works don't worry God's got them does God send God said he sends delusions he sends lies could it be that all these some times that we have lust in us and we follow after preachers that tell us what we want to hear is that some of our own judgment that we get what we want I've been praying for God pyrrha find my heart refined me tell me truth even if it's hard on my flesh if it's an out chala lujah I want to know truth our flesh will lead us down the wrong path that's why you said pick up your cross deny yourself these Gospels say feed yourself make yourself feel good hmm adding to he said another gospel what does that mean altered or perverted what does it mean to alter it let's see Levin did I preach they get to all of them here let's look at dumpers another gospel okay this has be corrupted should be corrupted the simplicity I'm not quite getting where I wanted anyway another gospel what does it mean altered or perverted to adjust for a better fit so I'm going to change that to make it fit better now this is we're going to talk a little bit about Christian science and this is what we see here we see an altering of the gospel we need to know what Christian science is because Christian science has crept into our movement and I say that out of fear and trembling to pervert when Galatians 1 let's turn there Galatians 1 okay here's here's what I wanted sorry I get up early and I write and I can read my own writing Galatians 1:6 anyone ever do that I marvel to that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel I'm gonna say another gospel here it is again which is not another but there's some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed I looked up that word this I said what does accursed mean a cursed isn't used very often but this word here a cursed means separated from if they preach another gospel you are responsible well as a pastor you have to excommunicate them excommunicate cast out of the church but separate from the faithful people in other words if it's bad if it's a perverted gospel you don't want it it's going to get around it's gonna be poison it's gonna be bad food you know you're gonna get bad results to feed bad food so he said here if they're perverting the gospel let them be excommunicated don't go along with it and say well you know they're the anointed we don't want to touch the anoint that's a biggest life in the pit of hell they're not anointed they're poison and they need to be marked mark those who causes a vision that are leading you away into another gospel why because here's a true Shepherd laying his life down for the Sheep saying I want to protect you I want to protect you it's like a father I mean almost everyone when they get a new daughter you know baby there's a well it's gonna be a long time since they date it's gonna be a long time it's gonna be they'll have to be 25 my own son you know Boyd they're gonna have to come to me to get whatever think of how much more God is with us he wants to make sure that we are not being seduced perverted listening to lies of the devil right to another gospel so he said these people and it's up to shepherds to say you know I'll let you in this fold I won't let you in this fold it's okay you can come in no it's not okay because you're not preaching after another another gospel because he said why can I say this because he said the gospel that I'm preaching to you verse 11 is not after man this is not just a good idea this is not just a philosophy of men he said this is not after man and then he talks about it's the revelation of Jesus Christ so the here again how important it is as preachers that we preach the gospel are not another gospel to understand or alter and to pervert it or to just it for a better fit now preachers are going to get the stronger judgment for preaching another gospel it might like look like they're prospering and doing well here on earth but there comes a time where the Lord scolds his own he takes care of him but again are many people under delusion under a lie because it's what's in their heart and they're just joining a group that's telling them everything they want to hear come to Jesus and your whole life is going to be better you're gonna be this you're gonna be that good well the Bible says that when Paul preached the gospel he was shipwrecked he had to go do this and this and this and he had persecution and he had we don't want to hear about that we just wanted Jesus is gonna make our life wonderful hmm interesting - pervert twist destroy by adding to and distort the work of Christ subtract or add there to be cut off cast away now there is a book it's been rewritten a few times but also by the new thought Christian science movement it's called the Course in Miracles and so because I've never understood what New Thought was until I started studying at this last couple of weeks wow this is a huge movement folks on YouTube it's all over the place and it's such they don't believe in the Bible but they've added on and they've taken away they've kind of made it fit their gospel the gospel they want and they call it the gospel and they call themselves Christians and this is why it's so scary is because there's such a mixture but there's a course that they read a lot of these same books of people that have died years and years ago but there's a Course in Miracles it's supposed to correct the errors in the Bible and this is the thing you're going to hear in the emergent church and this is the new world order sin does not exist I watched quite a famous person being asked have you ever asked forgive us no I don't need forgiveness they don't believe this in and they believed that this book was brought to them a just disembodied voice dictating its contents who claimed to be Jesus Christ they basically just sat down and wrote the whole thing out so what is it it's a doctrine of demons to correct the Bible now new sod is also humanism this is a quote here by Schuler I don't think anything has been done in the name of Christ that and under the banner of Christianity that has proven more destructive to human personality and hence counterproductive to the evangelism Enterprise than the often crude and uncouth and unchristian strategy of attempting to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition Time magazine March 18 1985 don't tell people they are bad they need to be saved how many know that's scary the way to Jesus is to what you come to him because you know you're a sinner Paul wrote Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and then he said whom I am chief he admitted to himself so beware when people try to take away you're not lost they're taken away from the gospel Jesus said I've come to call what sinners to repentance Romans 3:23 all have sinned Robert Schuller said to be born again means we must be changed from a negative to a positive self-image from inferiority to self-esteem from fear to love from doubt to trust this isn't being born again that's a man that's trying to change himself by the power of his mind the Bible says that we are translated from death unto life because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ right so now here our unborn again people or people that have Freemasons that are spreading a lot of people they you know how sad for people that want to find the Lord and they think they're okay if they just get into self-esteem and feeling better about themselves this is what grieves me aren't you glad you've heard the truth we got to keep praying for truth to come on in our Airways and our radios and stuff like when we were hearing it because things are getting so mixed now it's like how are people gonna get saved if they can't hear the gospel it's just sad these are not born again men the Bible says in Romans 10 8 through nine call upon the name of the Lord they don't believe in hell not only this group but the whole group now coming up a person is in hell when he has lost his self-esteem according to Shuler hell is not punishment for those who reject Jesus Christ we can be in it now if we believe we are sinners this isn't just what he preached it's what the emergent church is preaching which has a lot of cool rad awesome pastors right now on television that are saying the right things but their doctrines are believing the same you know how scary this is mmm all right how much time do I have left okay gotta go fast Schuler believes that sermons are offensive Schuler took an approach to ministry that all did away with the preaching centering on God's Word and decided to address what he felt were people's psychological and emotional needs now they're calling it an emergent Church felt needs Jesus would say the loaves and the fishes they're just after Jesus for the loaves and the fishes but he shifted the focus from God to man and ultimately gave birth to a lot of what we see today in terms of do whatever works to get folks in strategy regardless of whether we see these methods in the Bible or not in other words get the unchurched in it doesn't matter if we have to use the world we don't really need to preach the Bible to them let's just get them in make them feel comfortable Jesus makes us offended did you know that the true gospel offends us enough to repent the secret of winning unchurched people he said into the church is really quite simple find out what would impress the non church in your community and then give it to them hmm ecumenism Schuler supports this movement what sets me apart from fundamentalists is that they are trying to convert everybody to believe how they believe we know the things a major face can agree on we try to focus on those things without offending those with different viewpoints that's not what the Bible says the Bible says oh don't if I don't see anywhere says don't offend anyone do you one more part on this and then we'll get off of this the most effective and this is what he's saying mantris employ the M sound in other words he believed in transcendental nation Transcendental Meditation you get the feel of it by repeating the words I am I am I am you know that's a mason thing it's not who we are it's who he is so this is exalting self just like Satan did in the Garden of Eden to be like me I'll make you as gods this is this is serious this is endtime religion the world one world religion and then I am is the name reserved for God in the Bible and then he prayed this and I didn't believe it the first time I've read like five six books cuz I don't want just one book like I can't get another one another I got one now I'm reading I don't like thick books but to study these subjects you got to have thick books because I got to have documentation and I got to have real facts I don't want to just have someone's opinion you know and this is what he said at the end of the prayer of the Father we pray our Father in Heaven honorable is our name our name is not honorable to change the Lord's Prayer - it's all about you tell your neighbor it's not about you go online and look at Robert Schuler preaches self-esteem and pride rather than humility taught in Scripture very very dangerous but why are you picking on Robert Sheol I'm not it's just the end time religion that's among us it's it's going to be different faces now but the last thing I want to share with you in the last couple minutes is Christian Science I've never known what Christian science was but when I would go to a lot of meetings back in the day I go this is mental son this is Christian Science I just can't buy it I'm I'm sorry but this is all about me doing it does anybody know I'm talking about now all of our movements have some good you know gotta move but the devil also moves and adds things to it so we got a filter what was God because in and this is one of the scriptures I do want to give you is what do i what do you believe in I believe in mark the Bible says in mark 16 that we are to but Jesus told it go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned shall be not that sounds negative well sorry don't take negative out of the Bible when God says hey you don't believe you're gonna be damned right and these signs shall follow them that believe that means accompany go along with we don't have to manufacture when we're preaching the true gospel signs should follow us you're gonna cast out devils we have authority over devils we don't have authority over God we have to submit to God find out what his will it we've been taught if you pray even if it's you will if it's your will that's unbelief no it's you running around without a compass without the Holy Ghost trying to tell god what to do like he's a genie in the bottle this is what's come in to our movement they shall cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover preach the word the Lord working with them confirming his word the word with signs following Amen that's the gospel that's what we want to preach okay now what do they add to this I'm just going to give you the highlights of it the movement known as Christian Science is a religion emphasizing divine healing is practiced by Jesus Christ same words founded in 1879 by Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy she had a few husbands following one of her last husband's death she was very ill she became mesmerised in hypnosis hypnosis and the occult and practice of spiritualism and clairvoyance and when she got ill she found a name by the guy named Quimby who was her mentor believed that illness and disease could be cured through positive thoughts and healthy attitudes by changing one's belief about the illness she claimed that she got cured but later on the symptoms all returned let me see what it's a Christian science is a revival of ancient pantheism what is that it's the worship of all gods of different Creed's cults or people it makes God in personable in other words there's not really a personal relationship with him there's just laws there's just facts okay no difference between the creation and the creator Romans 1 it talks about there's quite a difference between him and us isn't there no Christian Science practitioners are used to help people get through the falsity of illness the false realities in other words they do not use doctors or any kind of medicine they believe that this is false that if you have symptoms they're not real symptoms proper prayer and training are employed to battle the non reality of any illness Christian Scientists call themselves Christians but their beliefs deviate from the Bible on almost every doctrine number one the source of authority she said that her Bible was her only textbook Miss Mary Baker Eddy but she said there were thirty thousand errors in the Old Testament and three hundred thousand errors in the New Testament how could anybody have the fear of God saying the Bible is wrong Christian scientists believe that mrs. Eddy's discovered of divine science is the final revelation so now they had to have her to bring the final revelation how many know this is called adding to the gospel okay one is supposed to read the Bible if they have her key in hand so as to find out what a passage really means the implication is that God couldn't make himself plain but has to use Mary Baker Eddy interpret what he says number two language I've talked about this Christian Science have given the Bible terms definitions that are completely different from what that we normally use everything is spiritual eyes to the point the physical no longer exists Adam was not an actual person who was created by God and fell into sin Adam means err falsity the belief in original sin sickness and death evil the opposite of good that's what they thought Adam was they don't believe in the Trinity Jesus Christ Christian science denies the incarnation of Jesus was a full fullness of deity dwelling in human flesh that totally talks about an antichrist spirit right there Jesus was the offspring of Mary self conscious communion with God Christian Science attracts intellectuals so you have to be careful you just don't want to actually intellectualize everything because the Bible is simple and even though it's hard to believe because it's never happened before some of these things with Mary and blah blah blah he said it we just believe it that's what it takes faith to believe the Bible but they add on to make it you know so that the human mind can can really it's more palatable that we can understand it Jesus was the offspring of Mary's self-conscious communion with God Mary's conception of him was spiritual Christian science believe that Jesus not God and the only way to heaven it teaches that the death of Jesus Christ for sin was a man-made theory talk about taking away they believe Jesus actually never did die but was rather in the tomb denying death's reality Holy Spirit they denied the Holy Spirit as a personal being God the Holy Spirit cannot end well a person aren't you glad he does it's hard to win some of these people over to the Lord once their head their mind has been altered the resurrection they don't believe in the resurrection he demonstrate that sin and death are illusions and that if one wishes to rid themselves of these illusions they only need to deny their reality they're in such denial that no matter what if it's sin deny sin if it's you sick deny sickness so if your child is sick many of them have died they didn't need to die but they said they weren't really sick well they were sick unto death right people have taken many of these people have went to court they've had family members die I know of a sister that just died could have had a blood transfusion but they wouldn't give it to her because of their religion she would be living today very sad so it's taken people's lives short Jesus resurrection was us the manifestation of the error of evil they say he demonstrated that sin and death are illusions and that if anyone wishes to rid themselves of these illusions they only need to deny their reality sin I've only got a couple left's in Christian science denies the existence including man's physical body they say that man is incapable of sin sickness and death but you know what they all die they claim sin sickness and death are the effects of error whereby they deny the reality of sin to Christian Science there is no sin God is all and God is good and since the real man is never departed from his original state of perfection he is in no need of salvation so they don't believe in being born again and since sin and evil have no reality at all ideas of sin and evil are illusions they are the product of the mortal mind they say that man's real problem is a belief of sin and that Christ came to destroy the belief of sin Jesus came to save mankind from the false belief that sin is real Jesus saving work was to exemplify the fact that death is unreal that sin is only an illusion of false belief and that tonight's existence is the ultimate task of each person you have to write around going nuts not believing in nothing what do they believe they believe in themselves how sad aren't you glad we have someone we can believe in salvation let me close with just a couple of these salvation since Christian science do not believe that sin is real Christian scientists still teach a salvation based on works contrary to even their own teachings a salvation through victory over suffering in temptation they're always contradicting their own teachings because it's a lie it's false it's wrong they don't believe in hell they believe hell is now this is also being resurrected in the emergent churches hell is now it's a state of mind it's what you're going through no there is actually a literal place of Hell they don't believe any fatal judgement awaits disease and death and this is a part I want to get to D scientists claim that since organic disease does not exist the call of all so-called disease is just mental the healing performed by Christian science involves helping a person deny the reality of his illness and thereby any failure to heal is due to a person's inability to overcome his belief in other words you don't have enough faith so people go to doctors thinking there and unbelief they go to doctors thinking they have no faith the gospel of Christian Science Jesus is this sad went to the cross not to bring about forgiveness of sin for sin as an illusion but rather to demonstrate that death is an illusion I'm not even going to money this this is so stupid I mean really want you but Christian science offers some enticements Wow the physical dangers of Christian science are obvious since they are taught that learning about their bodies is spiritually harmful Christian scientists are ill-equipped to understand the symptoms of illness they offer often suffer needlessly from treatable ailments and neglect life-threatening conditions that could have been cured in the early stages some of the people that taught me faith in the very beginning said you lay hands on people and you pray and if you don't get your results you do everything necessary you got to do right to stay away from doctors to prove your in faith is really stupid now trust me there's a lot of crazy doctors out there now there's a lot of crazy ministers out there now there's a lot of crazy cops out there now but there's still the good ones so you got to do whatever the Lord tells you to do in the Old Testament Lord was upset because they ran to the doctors and they never saw God so there's the balance we have to sever and say we have to stay in the balance but to have this mental thing in your head that you're not going to you're going to deny all symptoms and there are symptoms there and calling it faith and you don't have enough faith in your own faith is Christian science is that hard pill to swallow it's being taught from a lot of our churches right now hook line and sinker we can't add to it and we can't take away oh and then I was reading and Paul was admonishing someone he said take a little wine for your stomach's sake for all your ailments all that's negative let's take that out of our Bible we have to take it all we are human we live in this earth there's going to be problems there's going to be situations we pray we believe God but we also take the help that we can and what's needed with no condemnation thank you amen father we thank you for truth I just pray that this is taken in the way that it was meant to be given to set us free not to put us in bondage but to keep us seekers of you and not just because somebody preached something that we just say oh yeah but we search the Scriptures daily to see if this is so everyone said amen you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 4,919
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison-Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible teachings, prophetic
Id: n1guEoQws_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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