Popular Delusions

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[Music] apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on you [Music] open your bibles to matthew chapter 7 and we're going to talk about popular delusions delusion is a belief and a lie and there's a lot of teachings that have went mainstream christianity that are not christians christianity there's other spirits and teachings that have come in in the name of god but actually it leads you away from god and there's a simplicity faith comes by hearing the word of god it doesn't come by speaking so we're going to talk a little about about some popular delusions of our day and first here in matthew chapter 7 it says enter in verse 13 at the straight gate for wide is the gate i just heard about that today that there was a the new world religious center where was that united arab united arab emirates they have a new world religion center there wow things are moving fast so enter in this is a wide gate that's coming folks and we've been warning you about it for a few years but we we see it surfacing now enter unit at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because strait is the gate narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it then he tells us what to watch out for beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing which is hard because they look like sheep they talk like sheep but what what does it say inwardly they are ravening wolves you shall know them by their fruits shall know them by their greed you shall know them by all the other things fruits and then goes on verse 17 so even every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit let's look at verse 20. read this whole chapter i don't like to just take verses out but wherefore by their fruits you shall know them not every one that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father underline that do with the will we're here to obey the lord we're here to not boss him around but obey him find out his will be servants of his will trust him obey him trust in his the unseen hand of god in our lives also and and be obedient to his word and we have we want to do the will of the father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in your name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works think about all this stuff that's coming in the name of christianity and then while i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me you that work iniquity there's therefore whosoever here at these sayings of mine and do with them i will liken unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and this is what i wanted to emphasize where is our house is it on the rock or is it on sand because if we're following the delusions of the day the popular christian teachings of the hour we're going to be building on sand and our house will not stand here he says and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that here at these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came notice both houses had rains and floods and everything just because you're christian doesn't mean you're not going to go through things that was part of the lie of the message that we were in was that because you're so special you're not going to have any trouble you're not going to have any problems well a lot of people fell away from the faith the real true faith because they thought god didn't love them they did something wrong they couldn't seem to do the formulas and notice we're in the world we're still in the world and there's trouble in the world and he said it blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall thereof or fall of it so we want to make sure that our our doctrine is correct and we want to make sure our house is built on the rock so we want to make sure that there's any delusional teachings that we divide it do we rightly divide the word of god and we don't get stuck on some fad or some great teaching that's popular now and we're going to go through a few of these now in 2 thessalonians 2 9-12 you can turn there but here paul warns that those who are not lovers of truth would be given a strong delusion to believe a lie so we want to pray father we thank you in the name of jesus we thank you for your truth your word is truth we thank you that your word is a light unto our path and father we thank you in this dark hour that you are the light and that regardless of what comes father we're built upon you we want your grace your mercy your strength and this hour we thank you for wisdom keep our minds so many people are losing their minds they're freaking out they're so afraid keep our mind stayed on you lord we just thank you for your grace and your mercy in this hour and keep us from delusions father in jesus name so the popular delusions of our day is to insist christians must be positive okay we're going to hit this you you've all heard this you got to be positive that's that's very negative well it is good to be positive but this teaching is not a christian teaching be positive uh none of us like negative complaining murmurs and all that but on the other hand there is a delusion of teaching that if you're just positive and you speak correct words then there's a law of faith and a force of faith that god has to obey the words of your mouth well this is a delusion now what is a delusion it's a fixed false belief a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual facts you try to tell people that these things are not in the bible a lot of it is a law of attraction that's crept in a lot of it's metaphysics the medic sciences and the cults and the religious um christian science is what i wanted to say have crept in and people don't know the difference so you try to tell them the difference to divide it and people get upset they get mad because this is what they've been taught well i've learned we have to unteach ourselves some of the things we've been taught because a delusion is a false belief or opinion or it's an unshakable belief in a lie or misinformation it's being deceived or tricked now the bible says that those that are not lovers of the truth are going to fall into the lies they're going to fall into a strong delusion we're going to see this more and more as the end times become more prevalent and more things happen but it's already here there's a lot of lies that are already being preached in his name so we want to talk about that to insist that christianity must be positive has to be positive is to mock god and to lead souls astray and to deny reality now think about that if you're taught that you have to think a certain way and speak a certain way all the time you can't face what's really happening in your life you can't face you can't be honest you can't get counseling you can't ever be negative it's put people in mental confusion they don't want to displease god but they don't want to say a negative confession because then they're not going to have what they say and this has become a mess a very mess in the in the body of christ so we must warn and rescue as many as we can who are deceived by the popular delusions of our day now in second timothy 3 16 all scripture not just a few cherry pick scriptures but all scriptures are given for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness or living right one thing that's really missing is correction we need rebukes we need correction to be right sometimes somebody else will see something you don't see or the word convicts us we're doing something wrong and the word is preached and it wow you know we just want to get it right we want to do it right that's good for us if we only hear uplifting comforting messages and we never get convicted we never repent we never repent of anything so now you don't even hear messages other than smooth ear tickling messages positive messages messages of health healing and prosperity and we're going to find out again where some of these things come from so to some extent nearly all christians have been influenced by the positive mental attitude syndrome or they call it the pma positive mental attitude syndrome this is in the world this is in uh workplaces just be positive i'll drive by a place and then say be positive well there's nothing wrong with being positive but to say that it's a doctrine that it's something of mainline christianity and that you only have what you say and think and god can only bless you if you do formula one two three four five six seven is a delusion and because people have got stuck in some of these delusions and they wonder why it hasn't worked for them well they just don't have enough faith that's what they're told you need more faith well faith comes by hearing you read your bible you read it faith comes you don't have to work at it i went to seminar after seminar and i would just get more confused because they were trying to tell me what faith was go read hebrews 11 about faith and not one of them that faith says that they spoke they were all obedient they did certain things and some of them didn't end up well some of them were tortured some of them were shipwrecked by faith they obeyed god but we only heard the positive messages well you need positive and negative you need sometimes you need uplifting and sometimes you need to be corrected whom the lord loves he rebukes he loves you you love your children you're going to correct them you're not going to abuse them but you correct them right so we're teaching a false gospel that god only wants to um send blessings and good and you're you're a princess and you're king and you're queen you're so special and really most of the time we need to quit confessing our blessings and start repenting before god for a lot of the things that we're doing so we've been influenced by this positive mental attitude and it's hard to get people out of it but what this is and i want to prove this to you tonight is this positive mental attitude syndrome is based in new thought now new thought philosophy and i found this in the library it was a library book history the history of new thought and we're going to go into that at the end but many of the christian teachers on television and they list them in the back of this book of all the people that get their messages from new thought that deny new thought they they uh won't admit where they got their their teachings from they're not new they're old and they're being brought back in the name of christianity and because of the dominance over christian media we've been flooded with teachers of possibility thinking and positive confession and a lot of these preachers were not even born again they were not even christians they were having faith in their own faith or they were talking about how you can have your possibilities and all this stuff was like spiritual uh mysteries it's a delusion a delusion from the secular world is now a popular and seductive fad dressed in christian terminology accepted in the church that being positive is good and being negative is bad let me say that again a delusion from the secular world is now a popular and seductive fad dressed in christian terminology accepted in the church that being positive is good and being negative is bad sermons must now be comforting and uplifting to avoid anything negative sometimes it's good to feel bad if you've done something wrong so you can repent and make it right if you just keep enabling people they aren't going to change right a positive approach or a positive attitude are popular in the secular world they're not found in the bible now you can say philippians 4 talks about whatever things are true honest just if there be a good report virtue any praise think on these things it is important to think on good things but we don't make doctrines of it and we don't make doctrines that weren't in the bible and get people really away from god and get their focus on themselves because now it puts all the pressure on you you have to behave you have to speak you have to think if you have a negative thought then you don't have enough faith and bad things are going to happen you know how much pressure that puts people under what we're called to do is just trust him trust him they should not be substituted for faith in god or used as an escape from reality now i'm going to quote from one of the world's largest preachers this is a quote he said fill your minds with success what is success what is success think about that in the bible it says to do the will of god to obey god if we do that that is success right fill your mind with success and you will become successful i ask my people to never allow negative thoughts to dwell in their minds but to think positive things and i was listening to someone the other day and this is kind of what brought this sermon to my mind and she starts off her message was think positive and she said there was a lady that had three strands of hair and the first day she did a braid the second day she woke up and she only had two strands of hair so then she put those two strands in ponytails and then the third day she woke up and she put she only had one strand of hair so she put it in a ponytail the next day she woke up she had no hair well hallelujah i don't have to do my hair today i was like really that is the way to be positive this delusion makes it easy to avoid the correction that god's word brings into our lives and it does so in the name of christ and uses bible verses so this delusion what is delusion it's a belief in a lie so if the enemy can get inside the church and if he can start preaching other doctrines and get people sideswiped from faith in god and have faith in themselves wow that's a false teacher isn't it the bible has many warnings of the last day apostasy 2 thessalonians 2 3 must come before christ can return so there's coming and there is we're seeing a great falling away but it doesn't have to be you if you know the bible if you know the book read the book whatever anyone's preaching i don't care if it's a popular fad are they just taking a couple scriptures and making it sound uplifting and i mean we need uplifting we need encouragement but you can't just live on those sermons we need correction we need we need all of it right well then he tells us in the warnings of the last times it's deception four times matthew 24 talks about deception so deception is something we've got to deal with false prophets matthew 24 wars rumors of wars kingdom against kingdom etc but god warned again in genesis 2 17 to not eat the tree not not partake of that fruit you know that story he said if you do you're going to die well that's negative isn't it now the devil he was being positive and he says you're not going to die you're going to be more like god and that lie is still today if you just do this you can be just like god because you're in god's class and you can have whatever you say and you can do this and that and this and the other and what happens is people start substituting their walk with the lord with the walk with themself it becomes humanism it's subtle but we've got to watch out for it satan's lies promised eve she would become a god through eating the forbidden fruit it was positive but it was a lie the issue was obedience and god wants us to obey him today we need to obey him now in ephesians 4 15 love speaks the truth love corrects whom the lord loves he corrects hebrews 12 6. correction is seen today as negative but we need both we need to hear all the word we need to to read it and if you only read after certain people with their books you only get a few scriptures and they they just lift certain uh scriptures out and make it sound just a certain way and it's not in the text that it was written in to who it was written to proverbs 9 8 says rebuke a wise man and he will love thee he sees the rebuke as a kindness not an attack thank you for rebuking me i needed that sometimes you need a rebuke in proverbs correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way and he that hateth reproof what happens you're gonna die reprove not a scorner or a fool because he'll hate you rebuke a wise man and he will love thee fools despise wisdom and instruction read the whole book of proverbs and it talks about that it's always rebuking correcting the mixture of truth and error has invaded the church the mixture of truth they're not going to put error in there without truth and this is why it's so confusing it's invaded the church the apostasy the delusion the deception now all we need is a positive mental attitude believe in our own thoughts and believe in our words this is a delusion and many people have backslidden because it didn't work for them they started doing the formulas and they said well i just can't i just didn't have enough faith yet i didn't give enough i didn't do this enough i didn't they put themselves under a works program but here's something that's shocking historical roots of the positive confession movement lies in the occult in new thought and the mind sciences this is what i wanted to say earlier new thought in the mind science cults instead of trusting in god it's a metaphysical force they say god is a force now this book was very interesting when i found it's not a christian book but it is a book about new thought and i just want to share a couple of things about new thought because we don't hear new thought but this is where the prosperity message came from and this is where the health wealth gospel came from so the new thought movement emerged in the 19th century to help people achieve a better understanding of divine mysteries through the power of their thoughts the term new thought signified that one's thoughts could unlock secrets to living a better life free from the constraints of religious doctrines instead of confessing your sins and needing a savior you can have what you say you can do it your way you don't really need you can use a few scripture verses but can you see how this is leading away from god onto ourself um phineas phineas whatever his name is quimby new thought proposed a range of philosophical ideas that focused on the mind's power the mind power to cure illness just say it enough have faith in your faith this is new thought this is not faith in god this is faith in faith hope that makes sense so what is this this is bondage come back to the simplicity of trusting in the lord come back to just reading the word faith comes by hearing you hear the bible faith comes for it's not some big hard thing to get now mary beth baker eddie quimby believed that the cause of disease resided in the mind now she was one that we know started off with the christian science movement he taught that if one redirected a person's thought then disease would be cured how many messages have people sat under i don't even know if that's popular today of what we grew up with in the in the 80s and 90s but this was they'd keep saying this is not christian science but it was so what eddie shared with the new thought movement was a belief that curing illness was connected to the mind's power to restore health by the ninth or the 1890s the new thought movement had shifted and now it focused on the mind's power to create material success isn't that interesting it's called the prosperity a book that illustrates the new thought movement's shift towards prosperity is wolf ralph waldo trine in tune with the infinite he emphasized that happiness was largely a matter of positive thinking as he noted in his book if one holds himself in the thought of poverty they will be poor and the chances are that they will remain in poverty if one holds themselves whatever present conditions may be continually in the thought of prosperity they set into operation forces notice that word forces they set into operation forces that will sooner or later bring them into prosperous conditions by the 1920s this is how long this has been the new thought phenomena had splintered into numerous small organizations however its belief that individuals possessed a god-given faculty to change their life through positive thinking became embedded in mainstream christianity the prosperity gospel new thought ideas about individual happiness and wealth are seen above all in a movement called the prosperity gospel the prosperity gospel refers to a belief that religious faith can lead one to personal health and material wealth and in the 20th century this movement said jesus was a guide to have as an economic success now we're using jesus in our business corporations for success and this is uh just an article on on new thought and then this book says new thought groups those who have been associated with the prosperity gospel and the word of faith movement as well as others whose writings clearly owe a debt to new thought philosophies even when they do not identify themselves as such and they give a list of almost everybody i know on television it's just like wow they owe a debt to new thought think about that the term new thought signified one's thoughts could unlock secrets to living a better life focuses on mind power to cure illness to redirect a person's thoughts and diseases would be cured new thought philosophy the mind has the power to heal the body to have health happiness and abundance in 1980s new thought movement shifted to mind power to material success think about this positive thoughts would lead to success and on and on it goes we say well i have a testimony here i've shared this once before about people that have been in these movements and some terrible things have happened even to people that i know two of them that died that shouldn't have because of the same thing that happened here but this was a story of a of something that happened um they wrote this we let our son die it's a book that recounts the details of their misguided faith having been warned about the danger of making negative confessions by a preacher as well as the power associated with positive confessions this family decided to put their faith to the test by withholding insulin from their diabetic son long story short they kept on confessing kept on saying that they had faith and their son died how sad he died and even at their funeral they planned a resurrection service and for more than a year they insisted that he would rise from the dead eventually they were tried and convicted of mons of manslaughter and child abuse you say well that's just a tragic tale no it happens over and over and over again because people listen to these teachers and then they think they gotta show their faith by not doing something and with them it was withholding something that that son needed and you say a tragic tale but even more tragic is that countless other stories this could be painfully retold in each case the moral is always the same a flawed concept of faith and it leads to a shipwreck it's very sad but people don't know what faith is they think that's what faith is that it's positive confessions and ephesians 4 15 um i guess i just say that love speaks the truth and sometimes it's not easy to tell the truth reality of what's going on but people don't get help because they're not honest they're not honest that they really do need help and in relationship with their marriage and they feel they have to be positive and not let anybody know what's going going on and as as a result they don't get help and they're not facing reality they're not facing real life uh now basic beliefs in the faith formula theology or new thought and the offshoots we're talking about delusion here is it says never make a negative confession because it's a law it's a law and it's a force they say faith is a force what is this is really the law of attraction now if you want to do the law of attraction go do the law of attraction but don't call it christianity it's crept in under a different name different clothing but it's the same concepts faith they say is a force just like electricity or gravity you have the same ability as god living inside you that's a lie god lives inside of us by the holy spirit we pray for wisdom he is god and we are not he is sovereign things happen sometimes we pray things still happen there's a lot of things we'll never know we can't just say well this is this is a law and a force and you know just all bunch it all together and they say that faith faith forth force i can't even say this faith force is released by words so the whole concept of christian science here again it's the power of the mind the power of the mind now is it good to have good thoughts yes it is is it good to to be uplifting yes it is but to make this as a law of faith see what i'm saying it's delusional because this isn't faith in the jesus of the bible anyone occultist or christian can use the faith force you don't have to be saved now they don't call for a personal savior or that we need to repent from our sins they just say whatever they want to say but as a as a believer in the bible we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins we call them sins and here they just call it um listen to this in anyone occultist or christian can use the faith force everything you say will come to pass they say positive or negative you get what you say confess and declare releases the force of faith this is the wrong view of god and it's also the wrong view of man because it lifts man up to a place that only god is god must obey man according to them and man has the same power as god as a result of all this teaching this delusion the church once confessed its sins now it confesses its rights what happened we get into pride we don't humble ourself under the mighty hand of god anymore we kind of start bossing him around and we think that's what we're supposed to do what do we need we need faith in god faith in him trust in him we've made it so hard we've made it a formula we've made it a force we think that god has to obey the law the force of faith so rather than a power we control and direct at him this is twisted let's just look here at hebrews chapter 12 or is it uh let me see nope hebrews chapter 11. now faith is a substance verse one of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and we see this whole chapter is about faith and i don't see anything about speaking or being positive by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain verse 5 by faith enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because god had translated him he pleased god um verse six but without faith it's impossible to please him for he is for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him we're seeking him we're not seeking ourself and what we want by faith noah being warned of god of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an ark what was he doing he was being obedient he didn't confess it would not rain it would not rain it would not rain he didn't all these things we've added to and there's a warning when we add things to the bible or we take away from the bible we have to stand for that puts a fear of god in me so he prepared an ark for the saving of his house by faith abraham when he was verse eight called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed he obeyed and he went out not knowing where he was going on and on it goes by this is the faith chapter and not one time does it say be positive that's right and it doesn't say be negative it doesn't say any of that he talks about doing what god tells them to do obeying him right and this was before jesus came as our savior and our lord so they didn't even get to see the promise they were just obedient under the old testament so verse 11 through faith also sarah herself received strength she received it she received strength from the lord that's what we do we receive strength from the lord in this day of darkness we have to make sure we're building on the right foundation we have to make sure that we're not building on some new thought philosophy some magical mystical doctrine that we found ourselves in that we we got trapped into that leads to confusion and to shipwreck like that family they lost their son thinking they were obeying god and they got into deception they got into a delusion i knew a guy that needed some of the same things and he kept watching these preachers on tv and he quit taking some of his medicine and he died he took a run one day and he didn't need to die he didn't need to die he just thought he was walking in faith and we kept telling him take care of yourself and he kept not listening to us and he died young he didn't need to die you know a lot of you could have had stories with this because why they think they're obeying and they have to do a certain formula um here's sarah what does she do by faith she was past age because she judged him faithful if god makes a promise to him to us we judge him faithful he's the faithful one get everything back to him we've gotten into hum these humanistic teachings and have made humans become divine it's what they teach you are little gods these all died in faith not receiving the promise they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth then it keeps on going and i love this in verse 24 by faith moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god and to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteeming the reproach of christ greater riches than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king on and on and goes he endured as seeing him who is invisible we walk by faith we don't see him right now so as we walk by faith too we don't see him but we we know he's there when we walk by faith trusting in him that he left us his word to walk in his word the simple simplicity of a child to walk with him and on and on and goes and talks what faith really was and under the old testament they they received their dead raised to life again in verse 35 and others were tortured not accepting deliverance wow that that can't be faith and others had trials of of cruel mockings and scourgings they were stoned they were sought asunder they were tempted i guess we'll just rip this out of the bible it says in verse 39 you could go on all that he said they and these all having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise what is the promise we're now under the new covenant with a better blessing jesus died for our sins right so we we we try to do his will we try to follow him let me close with this here we need faith in god rather than power we control and we direct at him what is faith the powers in god not in us it's a simple trust now what about proverbs 18 21 death and life are in the power of the tongue that's a scripture but you don't take one scripture and build a whole doctrine on it solomon was writing to his son who would become king in his place he had the power to condemn or to pardon a witness in court today has the same power plus life and death if a gossiper goes runs around they can destroy people's reputations people get deception and they try to destroy people it's sad words have power but not the creative power of the law of force that they're teaching but to take this verse to mean there's some force in our words that will bring to pass whatever we say positive or negative this is what the um these people preach it's total delusional and it's bad fruit this mind power is what occultists call the creative power of the spoken word the occultists use it this occult idea forms a basis for witchcraft hexes mantras and incantations faith is simply trusting in god relying obeying god trying to do the best we can last week was talking about the one and others love one another honor that's work in itself trying to love each other submit to one ano all those things doing his will so why all this lack of discernment today a lot of it is because we're told another delusion don't touch the anointed well first of all if they're not teaching the bible and they're teaching new thought they're not anointed they're not anointed from god we are told don't touch the anointed or we're going to be cursed in the faith in faith fake gospel faith is not placed in god really in this fake gospel you only need a formula in the force of faith you don't even need jesus you don't even need the bible because really it puts all the focus back on your words think about it but is is a power directed at god you're not really in a relationship with him fellowship with him you're bossing him around see my faith god see what i can do because you think you have the same power that he has when he formed the world well that was god they said well he spoke but that was god that spoke a lot of people have backslid over this stuff because it didn't work for them come back to the simplicity of just loving god obeying him if if the storms come whatever make sure your house is built on the rock not the sand because if it's built on these teachings when these hard times come you're going to fall away you're going to fall away and there's coming a great falling away because people think why didn't it work for me how come i said the seven laws to whatever and it didn't work say faith is not placed in god in these teachings but it's a power directed at god which forces god to do for us what we have believed confessed and visualized he will do that visualization is another whole part of this process you just have to visualize it you have to see it you have to say it we must activate laws they say by faith really this is works this is not faith it eliminates god as sovereign and puts everything into the hands of man this is also gnosticism i've taught some messages on gnosticism we are to have faith in god and not in ourselves true faith grows out of an obedient relationship with him god answers prayer on the basis of his sovereignty his wisdom his mercy and his grace not because some law made him act he cannot be manipulated god can't be manipulated by man or angels through mental processes or spoken words and decrees now people are running around decreeing and declaring bossing come back to the simplicity come back to that childlike faith come back faith comes by hearing hearing by the word go back to your bible put down these people's messages that have written i have thrown so many books away thousands of dollars worth of books haven't i thousands my library was filled with all this and i feel like now i have to teach people the truth that i didn't know i was deceived or delusional but i saw a lot of people die that didn't need to die so let's pray father we thank you i pray that this would come across in a heart of comfort people have lost loved ones people have lost businesses a lot of people thought they were on a faith adventure and they got shipwrecked and father i pray most of all that they would come back to you their relationship with you is the most important thing a lot of things we don't understand there's a lot of things we have to unlearn but father we thank you that we come back to the simplicity of the bible and lay aside these teachers and lay aside some of these programs on television that are leading us into these delusional positive teachings and come back to to you in a simple trusting faith these people didn't save us you did we promise to give you all the praise and glory in jesus name everyone said if you would like to see more messages from roberta on youtube be sure to subscribe to her youtube channel roberta morrison hit the bell button to be notified of new messages from her and be sure to check out her youtube playlists for other messages that interest you go to the livinginnispresence.org website page and click on the messages button on the top center to go see her messages there are free audio downloads of the messages available also we are viewer supported on the main web page at the top right is a gift button thank you for watching and see you next i time you [Music] apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,363
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Gilbert, Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible based teachings
Id: _-h8dQ1NPCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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