Warning: False Signs And Wonders

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[Music] I've come to be in your presence open your Bibles to John chapter two and while you're looking there I just want to say hello to the YouTube Church you know we do have a youtube Church and if you want to email me they'll be my email here I will I read absolutely everything that comes in and I just want to thank all of you out there that have helped us wake people up I don't know how much longer voices like this are going to be able to be on YouTube but we're gonna go as long as God tells us to write because we're definitely speaking differently than a lot of people in this day and today is a warning a warning of what I see is coming what's here and it's going to be probably what a lot of people aren't saying and I believe what God is saying so we have to learn how to stand when other people are preaching things that are different because we've got to come back to what the Lord says and who the real Jesus is so I'm going to ask you to get your pens and papers out if you want to take notes there's some real important things I'm going to share during this message and for some reason I feel like this is it's just maybe just the beginning of this message I'm going to share but it's the warning of the signs and wonders movement that is here that is on the horizon when we were coming up and got saved many years ago 40 some 30 almost 45 years now we were in a movement and I you have to be aware of movements because whenever there's shifts and movements of men there's a lot of deception that comes with it so we want to do some warnings today about the who ruled who is the real Jesus and are you following the real Jesus and if you're following men which I used to do I mean all these things I'm sharing with you now I was guilty of I got saved and I had a tremendous experience with God I was saved and I think I was 20 21 maybe never ever knew anything about the Lord and I've been always had dreams always had really hearing from God in ways that were supernatural even when we got our very first church I had a visitation and knew the date bar was back there December 3rd I didn't know I just saw a bunch of old men we ended up buying a Baptist Church December 3rd there is no way we could have orchestrated that but the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge has operated in my life as the Spirit wills but along with that if you're open to that kind of stuff you're also open to religious spirits voices that are not of God and if you don't know how to test and if you are following men you're gonna start thinking well wow that's that's and this is what happened we came in the word movement so everything was the word the word but along with that they they brought in the new apostles back then that they were having visions and dreams and of course this was stuff you weren't going to find in the word but it's it's you know it was very I looked back now it was very planned to get us off of really the Bible but get us off into the spirit we're supposed to worship in spirit and in truth and they said that but if you look back there were so many things that were added that was deception and I'm just thankful I got out I know a lot of people like barb says they're gonna live and die in it because they it's work to come out of deception you're not just gonna when you've been trained a certain way you have to unlearn what you've learned and that's very hard there were some preachers that I so respected I was like I don't want to touch that I don't want to I hope that and as the Lord started unveiling things to me I just wept and I cried and I was like are they deceived or they deceivers I don't know only God knows that but we have to know we didn't have a man save us and we have to get back to the Bible and preachers that are preaching the Bible and not this is going to be a day where the word it was the word movement but now it's going to be signs and wonders and signs and wonders are not to be sought after the Bible says they follow us we aren't seeking them and the moment you get into seeking signs and wonders you're into the flakes vil and this is what we're going to see is a flaky flaky generation a lot of people that are so Louie and it's what happens is you get so stuck up in this way agnus that nobody wants to get saved because you're too weird you you get so spiritual you're no earthly good but anyway John chapter 2 let's look at this and see John chapter 2 this is Jesus cleansing the temple now there's a lot of people that think that we're just called to walk in love never confront never deal with stuff just you know put it under the rug and that's not you know the Bible says faithful are the wounds of a friend you might have gotten a wound from somebody but if they love you you'll look back and you'll say they saved my life but at the time yuck because we don't like this is what Jesus is doing right here he is cleansing something and he's coming in it doesn't look like love and when we separate sometimes we come out from amongst religious religious spirits or doctrines of demons demons have doctrines and we find out what they are and we stand against him we come out we're acting like the Lord here because he didn't say come and unify and everybody just walk in love and be tolerant which what we're hearing now if Jesus was alive today if Paul was alive today they'd be arrested for hate speech because it's not politically correct well he isn't politically correct and neither will he ever be he speaks truth so that's just part of the enemy's deception to get people not to speak truth is to say you're not walking in love but let's see love sometimes takes responsibility and it deals with stuff that is not fun and this is Jesus he is he is verse 12 John chapter 2 verse let's look at 12 first and this time he went to Capernaum and he and his mother and his brother and his diples and they continued there not many days and the Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and now verse 14 and he found where in the temple what we're dealing with today is in the churches it's in it it's not coming it's here it had always been in the church the infiltrations in the church the mixture is in the church all these things are in the church and the thing that's hard is once you come and you see this and you try to help people they don't want to come out you know what you have to do you have to just trust God I was looking at some of my friends my old pastor friends are so connected with these movements and I was like I used to be there too I'm so glad I came out Lord help them if you're gonna follow men you're gonna be deceived in this hour the Bible says let no man deceive you so here they found it in the temple and then it's verse 15 and when he had made a scourge of a small cords in other words he did this on purpose he had a scourge of small cords he drove them what all he didn't even leave anything left he took care of all of them and he said he drove them all out of the temple and the Sheep the ox and the whole nine yards poured out the changers money and he overthrew the tables and he said unto them that sold doves take these things hence make not my father's house a house of merchandise we are not supposed to be selling things for ourselves to make money that's his house for his honor and for his glory right and his disciples remembered that it was written the zeal of thine house has eaten me up now verse 18 the first thing that happens look what do they want then answered the Jews and said unto Him what sign they wanted a sign the unbelievers want a sign Circle that and jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple in three days I will raise it up and then in verse 22 they believed the disciples believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had said now I want to go through this here quick because I'm convinced that the carnal conniving crooked crooks that Jesus drove out of the temple are still with us today if he had a problem with it it's still here and that's why he did it he wanted us to see that he wanted to divide and he wanted to get out everything that was unclean now in Isaiah 30 verse 9 it says this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the land or the Lord which say to the seers see not and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth and prophesy deceits and while I shared with you a couple weeks ago in other words they're saying lie to us deceive us tell us things we want to hear tell us smooth things don't tell us that we're coming into some end time trouble don't tell us that we're living in a selfish me generation don't tell us that times are going to be hard tell us the best things are gonna happen now deceive us why because we don't like to face hard times none of us do so but to walk with the Lord sometimes he's gonna warn you he'll tell you this listen that so you don't go on that path deceits what are they they keep the truth hidden in other words they're saying to these prophets deceive us we want deception and what is deception it's poison poison it keeps us with wrong information and you live in denial you're gonna have a rude awakening when you come out of denial have you ever been in denial you don't want to face things so you keep on minimizing justify zng spiritualizing you keep on what happens you're filled with wrong information they wanted to be like the world around them and this is what's happening in our churches can you imagine if Jesus came in our churches today what would it look like when he left the cameras would be on the floor I'm sure the magazine's all the books and stuff there wasn't that it's all this infiltration why because the darkness hides behind the light and this is what I think he said this is in the temple this is in the church the enemy likes to hide in the church deception likes to hide behind truth so where will you find some of the worst problems in religion different religions where's all the pedophilia where is all this in religions why because the darkness likes to hide behind it and then the world goes we don't want anything to do with that group they lump us all together right so the darkness likes to hide behind the light it mixes in it ill fill in infiltrates and it blends now I found this story on the internet and I really don't know who to give credit for and I did shorten it a little bit but this is the Church of the comfortable and the tolerant now think about if Jesus was here today well he is here but if he was here physically with a whip what would he do but once upon a time and the land called feel good there was a church this church was called the Church of the comfortable and the tolerant and it sat upon the mountain called prosperity very recently this church hired a new pastor pastor Peacekeeper who just graduated from the seminary of smooth-talking the congregation of the Church of the comfortable and tolerant loved the new sermons of Pastor peacekeeper some of their favorites where God is happy with everyone everything is fine and dandy and there's nothing but good times ahead one day pastor P peacekeeper made a terrible mistake he allowed mr. conscience into the pulpit mr. conscience called their human mistake sins and he urged the good folks of the congregation to repent because mr. conscience had never been properly trained and instructed at the school of smooth-talking he did not know that he wasn't supposed to talk about those things who does this oh I'm not going to read that part how dare he tell us to change our ways and turn from our sins hasn't he ever heard of grace and unconditional eternal security instead of confronting the sins of the church pastor peacekeeper confronted mr. conscience and told him that he must apologise to the congregation for his unloving in harsh words mr. conscience was not welcome there any longer once mr. conscience was removed from fellowship the congregation was very happy he was gone except one elder named the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit was so grieved that mr. conscience had gone from the church that soon Holy Spirit left - after a little while nobody even noticed that they were gone and the church continued to grow and grow until they had to build a bigger building paster peacekeeper was sure God was with him on his side after all his bank account was blessed and bigger than ever everyone was happy once again in the land of called feel-good pasture peacekeeper continued to sugarcoat sweet wonderful lies and made everyone comfortable in their sins and he heavily guarded his pulpit from truth they lived the rest of their days happily ever after that is until finally cast into hell for their unrepentant sins it was then that they wished they had listened to mr. conscience instead of mr. peacekeeper pastor but it was too late and this is what they said it's a sad truth that today many preachers are not preparing the way of the Lord by making the paths straight instead they're removing the bumps in the road to hell to make it as comfortable as possible for those traveling on it hirelings with their eyes on the benefit of the pockets rather than the benefit of the souls of men have filled our pulpits think of what Jesus would do many preachers are not helping to cleanse the church but are themselves part of the corruption of the church as one man said the man whose little sermon is repent sets himself against this age and will for the time being be battered mercilessly by the aged whose moral tone he challenges there is but one end for such a man off with his head you had better try not to preach repentance until you have pledged your head to heaven aren't you glad were not in the Church of mr. and mrs. tolerance today a lot of people are you got to get delivered from it amen now if you're taking notes I just want to give you a couple things are you following the real Jesus which Jesus are you following because if you listen to a lot of preachers on everybody talks about Jesus everyone talks about God everyone talks about the Lord but at the end times the Bible says there's going to be another gospel there's going to be another Jesus and there is actually another spirit now this modern Jesus if you're following this it's like a play-doh version you make him into what you want to be he can just fit your life and fit anyone's life and he was just a good teacher and a man and because he was just a good teacher and a man you can do exactly what he did in fact some people kind of called himself I am I'm the first he was the first but I am just like him right you're that the modern Jesus waters downs words to avoid offense well we see here Jesus wasn't afraid of offending people he cast him all out he was on a mission to cleanse the temple the false Jesus promises us earthly treasure everything is about wealth everything's about prosperity everything's about your best life now sends us all to heaven the false Jesus sends everyone to heaven Jesus really didn't need to come after all he was just a man and you know we all there's many paths to God they don't even talk about hell the false Jesus gives you wealth health and happiness the real Jesus will chasten you if you're in sin and Mister conscience will bother you you will never be loved and accept the false Jesus you will be loved and accepted by the world the world will love you you can be famous you can meet with all the presidents they don't care because you you tell them that their life is fine and and you can have a statue even monuments built after you because you're so loved by all these worldly people hello you'll be loved by the world this is the different Jesus it overlooks sins and never corrects you the wrong Jesus promotes unity and tolerance at all costs it doesn't matter if our doctrines don't agree it doesn't matter I mean after all you tolerate me I tell it sounds so wonderful exalts emotions and experience and opinions above sound teaching this new Jesus wants you to have a spiritual experience and now you can have a massive revival all you have to do is just go to these massive revivals and and another carrot will tell you how to get into the spirit realm and how to unite with all these other religions the main thing is you had an experience the wrong Jesus exalt signs and wonders and now you're going to hear more and more about the mystic Jesus do you know what a mystical experiences it's a belief without sound basis a religious practice based on the belief that knowledge of the spiritual truth can be gained by prayer or deeply thinking or contemplative prayer the old mystics it's also Gnostic practiced we talked a lot about the Gnostics who believe you just keep going into deeper revelations you go to another light another realm another experience but the problem is it bypasses the Bible and it takes you into mysticism a religious spirit mystical knowledge embraces the universe you hear a lot about the universe the earth like it's a God okay this is another Jesus the problem with mysticism is its roots are based in the occult its occult practices now we've got Harry Potter which people think is nothing it's the entrance into witchcraft and we had presidents wives even introducing it to our education Oh cultic practices how to become a witch the definition and one that I looked up it said inspiring a sense of mystery and wonder occultic powers divine mysteries or secrets because when you get into the spirit realm you're gonna know secrets that no one else is allowed to know until you get to the next level let me know that's that's the occult now what is the real biblical Jesus what are we supposed to be looking for he was born as God Almighty in the flesh this is God in the flesh John 1:1 through 14 he loves us enough to speak the truth he will tell you the truth he might wound you sometimes like a good friend faithful are the wounds of a friend but you know what you come up and you'll say thank you I almost jumped off a bridge but you you warned me he points us to the eternal treasure thank God that we want to be blessed but we know our eternal home is what we're going for we know that our eternal life is there is a home that's going to be greater than the house we live in now aren't you thankful he warns of sin and judgment and he'll this is the time we got to get it right because there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun so we got to do it his way we don't get to make up the rules people your kids live in your house they don't make up the rules mom and dad are there we don't write our own Bibles he commands repentance of sins he doesn't suggest we don't have the ten suggestions he gives you salvation hope peace and joy on your journey but he also lets you know you got to endure there's tribulation here on the earth why there's a devil here then he said you're gonna be hated and despised by the world they're not gonna love you they didn't love him so if they love you if everybody speaks well of you something's wrong with you you should clash no and then your morals should class clash he says to expect persecution in his name we should be preparing for it mister tolerant church isn't going to prepare you for nothing jesus said if you're following me prepare because this world crucified him they're not going to like you either the real Jesus brings division when necessary he will divide just like he did in that temple he came and he drove out what wasn't of him and he sets up a standard and a lot of people don't like that standard they don't want to really worship they want entertainment he exalts the Father's will it's not my will it's his will these other Jesus's it's all about you I heard one famous preacher say if anybody's preaching self-denial that's of the devil I was like they're getting real bold now you saw that too it's like they're getting real bold now coming against the cross and everything Jesus said why because if you're following that person you're gonna say yeah I can get everything I where the real gospel man it's hard sometimes to humble yourself and admit you're wrong the real Bible the real Jesus he commands us to deny herself he demands that emotion experience an opinion can conform to what sound teaching you can get a religious spirit by just always trying to be in the spirit and this is the problem with a lot of people that don't read their Bible they're always just gonna have another experience and the Lord told me this and this dream in history it's none of it's based in church in truth it's all based on their emotions in their mind and what they're going through warnings of the real Jesus and this is the last one I'm gonna share on this he warns of false signs and wonders we are in a day where there are false signs and wonders a lot of us have seen this this is going to increase brace yourself this is going to be very normal the school of the supernatural just like back in the in the witchcraft days the occult is coming in the name of the Lord and people are wanting the supernatural they look for shows that talk about the supernatural they want to have experiences about the supernatural and remember there's two spirits there's God in the devil and the devil will oblige really open up the door I've had manifestations that I tested now and I'll like that was not God but it was a real voice I heard a voice and at the time I could have sworn it was God but now that I look back I'm like that was not the voice of the Lord but it was it was supernatural and this is the problem if you're open - even you kind of have those kind of giftings both spirits you got to test them you got to test them and you got to try them and see and now the warning I want to give is don't seek after signs and wonders the Bible says they follow us if God chooses to show something that's between him the Father God in the Holy Spirit but to seek them is gonna put you in automatic deception and this is the problem with our young people today they are seeking manifestations they are going to in fact there was one thing I was reading about they're going signs and wonders sign said that all the whole crowd was screaming out signs and wonders you know what the Bible says that's an evil and adulterous generation and I'm gonna share with you why that's so evil so we don't seek after signs and wonders we don't seek after angels we don't seek after experiences we don't seek after prophetic words because the devil will oblige you I've had more prophetic words that were not God more than I'm a man From UNCLE remember that movie movie to seek means to follow to go after to strive after we are not to seek signs and wonders we are to seek the Lord we are to seek him now he's given us his word a lot of people I don't want that's boring you know I want to I want to get out in the spirit and I want to do all this and then God will speak to me if he if you don't read your Bible you're not gonna have him speak to you he's first of all he's gonna speak to you there but so many people don't want to read their Bible that just seems boring somebody else tell me you read it so you tell me what God is saying and that's why we have a deceptive mess generation on our hands they people who seek after signs and wonders want and experience and are already ripe for deception they have their sign so it must be God who's leading them this is why you know Gideon that was the Old Testament God doesn't lean by signs and wonders he said now I spoken to you through Jesus Christ he's spoken to us through his through his word that's why the enemy wants to change it put a new Bible get all those translations all messed up so people don't trust anything at all that's just you know he's so threatened by the God has already told us not to seek after signs and wonders if we ignore his warning no listen to this if you ignore his warnings we will jump into deception and we are in disobedience when your mom and dad tell you not to do something you do it you're in disobedience they give you a warning for a reason God is giving us a warning do not seek after these things why the Antichrist will be equipped with signs and wonders and he will oblige you just like back in the Old Testament how the magicians copied everything the enemy has power too a lot of people think he doesn't well yeah the world's blinded by him now Matthew 12 38 and evil and underline that it's evil God calls us evil and an adulteress what's an adulteress adulteress is somebody that's seeking someone other than their original mate he said he doesn't want us seeking after the devil stuff he's trying to protect us right he said an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonah Matthew 24 23 thou shalt arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show what great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect behold I have told you before in other words warning warning warning and times warning this is how the enemy's going to manifest he's going to try to get everyone caught up in signs and wonders and then what happens it's actually opening up the door for a false Christ and for the Antichrist he wants to warn his children don't be a part of the false signs and wonders movement amen it's advice to beware of what the evil days that we're living in instead of just jumping off the cliff with all the other people that want an experience you're like nope the Lord warned me I don't want to be evil and I don't want to follow after another God because what happens they lure you away from the Bible and now you're seeking experiences you just want to you know even just prayer prayer is good but you just can't just do prayer prayer prayer you got to be in the word and the spirit you have to have them both agree that make sense a sign is a supernatural breaking into the natural world a sign or Wonder it's a special manifestation of power so the Lord's gonna have signs and wonders and he will work as he wills and desires and the devil is gonna have signs and wonders what are you supposed to do test him you have to test them you have to try the spirits to see if they're of God I've learned more and more not to watch people's words people will say stuff I'll be there at 10 o'clock they don't show up they'll i watch their behavior people's behavior when you have a good behavior you see that's a true person they're because they're if they're late they're gonna call me and they're gonna tell me they can't make it the point is they are used to deceive to lead Christians astray in the end times they're gonna think it's God have you ever been wrapped up in a movement you thought it was God you look back and go that was a circus that was absolutely the most crazy thing and someone unsaved would come and then go what's wrong you all nuts Satan is called the angel of light he's an angel of light so he can manifest himself he can camouflage himself and he can turn himself into something that looks so good he wants to infiltrate the church with lying signs and wonders making people believe that these signs and wonders are from God this has to be of God this has to be of God so the warning of Jesus is that false prophets shall show great signs and wonders this is going to be what accompanies these teachers they're going to have so-called come to my miracle I don't think Jesus would ever do that come to my miracle meeting tonight I guarantee you're gonna have a miracle tonight you can't guarantee nothing oh well what about these gems and all these there's so much con artistry in the church today it's unbelievable how gullible and the devil knows Christians are gullible no test and try the spirits signs and wonders no matter how convincing even if it's supernatural are no proof God is working that's no proof the test is that preacher teaching the Bible not a verse or two this is what they like to do they like to take a verse and if you don't know what's going on you're like well they preach the word it sounds like the word the enemy is like a parrot he he can parrot certain for I mean if you're gonna be a deceiver or a double agent you better learn the language of who you're you know this is the way it is he comes in with certain scriptures remember he quoted scriptures to Jesus and if he quoted scriptures to Jesus he's gonna quote scriptures to you through these false prophets well didn't you know fall down and let your angels take care of you and he said you shall not tempt this is the other thing sometimes what like Lord you if this is you you got to do this you got we're tempting him we're trying to make we're trying to control God well if I just worship long enough then God's got to do that's a religious devil you can't make God do nothing don't we try though making people believe they're from God the warning of Jesus false prophets shall arise show great signs and wonders signs and wonders no matter what okay here we are in the test is that preacher teaching the Bible or just a verse or two a lot of times now on TV we've got a lot of preachers that are doing the self-help it's just really it's a self-help gospel it's all about what you can do and and you know blah blah blah what is the mark of a false prophet first of all they're gonna have false teaching so if you don't know your Bibles you can be deceived by false teaching mr. tolerant mr. Cahn you know that first story I shared and then the second things is going to be signs and wonders you're going to think that the Lord is with them because of their signs and wonders if you're not aware that this is going to be the sign of the end time false teaching false signs and wonders now we're going to come into stadiums with false signs and wonder movements we're gonna have dreams we're gonna have prophecies we're gonna have Mantle's fall come and get so and so's mantle hello look for a new move a shift what's the shift away from the Bible into experiences no we don't want that kind of shift well we don't want this old religion that you have it's got to be new it's got to be tailor-made it's got to be fit for this next generation that's a lie so you got to also taught one way I've learned how to test some of these false teachers who do they associate with the birds of a feather flock together so if this guy's false and all of his friends are gonna be of that same so if you think well you know my pastor has so-and-so in and so-and-so in and look at those so-and-so's are they are they about the same spirit test the association's and then I always wondered now about these revivals because the Bible doesn't say there's going to be a mass revival and I used to believe this because I've had visitations I thought oh yeah this is we can be so deceived by what God has done in our life that we think oh this is you know I've had to renounce that no he said there's going to be a great falling away there's going to be an apostasy there is going to be a unite uniting of the beast of the the harlot Church is going to be huge and guess what else the harlot church is going to be massive and it's gonna have a lot of money guess what the remnant church is gonna be few it's gonna probably struggle because they're not supported by all the bla bla bla I can't go into names right now okay let me close getting ready here you guys okay why is it evil and why is it spiritual adultery to seek after science I had to study this out I'm like why is that evil and spiritual adultery to be an adultery is to be unfaithful to God by serving and worshiping other gods why is it evil in God's eyes first of all God wants us to walk by faith and not by sight when we're seeking signs we're looking for sight we're looking for something we can see and we can say God's with us so God calls it evil when he's told you don't be walking by sight that's what the enemy wants he wants us to walk by sight God has provided in his word to know him out side of signs and wonders if we never get a sign and wonder you're still saved it doesn't mean God's not with you if you don't have some miraculous thing happen you're still saved the Bible says so the Word says so we have to get so grounded in that we don't need anything else if he chooses to add something else that's thank you Lord but if you're seeking it you see where the door is open for deception so the second reason why God calls it evil God wants us to walk by faith not by signs and wonders and dreams have I had dreams that were from God yes if I had dreams that weren't yes you can't go by dreams thank God if some people I know that's all they do they didn't read their Bibles anymore they just write down their dreams the devil can work through dreams too so don't be caught up and don't be evil and walk into spiritual adultery is like I don't need the word anymore I just want spiritual encounters I want dreams I want angels you continue to ask God to prove to you through signs and wonders what he's already told you his truth God calls that evil because he says it's unbelief so what do we get back to the basics of the Bible if God says he wants to manifest something like today I just felt the presence of God's holster I wasn't seeking it I was just worshiping him you worship Him and then he brings you what he wants you to have he quips you for whatever but you don't go seeking it because you can be seeking the wrong things and now you're on a rabbit trail and you're weird people are seeking and experience they're seeking a spiritual high they want to worship so long they get in the spirit like they're really whoo you're already in the spirit if you're born again you're in do you know that you don't have to work you're in the spirit if you want to get your mind free from clutter that's one thing but you don't have to worship for two hours to get in the spirit that's religion and that's works I'm in the spirit I woke up hallelujah God saved me I'm filled the Holy Ghost maybe my mind is cluttered I just got I used to think I'd had to work to get in the glory know the glory lives in me so now these spirits of these camp meetings or whatever's got to get under the glory cloud got to get in a glory glut there is a glory but you don't it's not religious they make everything a performance they make everything and experience and I've had to strip it all down and come back to the basics God's provided it for us you don't earn it it's just given to you freely you're freely in the Spirit amen you can't earn it people are it's gonna get worse you know here's the key you have to love the truth and walk in it to walk with Jesus only then can you discern error if you're not in your Bibles you're not gonna be discerning you're not gonna know there was a time I could look back and I was like I didn't know nothing I just got saved and I trusted all these men that was my problem I trusted the wrong people to bring me the wrong truth I thought they were all having these dreams and visions and all this stuff how many can say the same this is the missing element today we have revivals that hype up supernatural experiences we can now go to heaven anytime we want we can now have angels that come through the wall so what are these young kids do and they're gonna seek that angel man I got to have an angel I got in have an angel and they're gonna get what into the Harry Potter world and they're gonna get into the the drug world they're gonna get they want experiences it's just human nature you have to die to that you just have to die to it and just come back to the simplicity walking in the word fellowshipping with God keep it simple stupid as they say we don't covet this is what happens now when you're going to heaven anytime you want you're coveting a special visit from God you're coveting they're trying to make you these false teachers covet a special experience and visitation from God we used to think that's what we were supposed to get God says an evil and a perverse generation are seeking this Wow that'll deliver you from hours of works okay let me close with this this is an article I found and I really am closing this time my point is that we must be careful not to fall into the seductive sin of chasing miracles and seeking a fix like a religious junkie addicted to signs and wonders God is not a heavenly Butler a magician a drug dealer nor an entertainer we should not go to him only for what he can do for us for that next hit to last us through the week to receive goosebumps and breakthroughs at revival meetings or because we want fish and bread to satisfy this temporary flesh God is the king of kings he's the first and the last he is worthy to be worshiped and sought for for who he is not what he can give us we are to seek his face his heart his word his will not his hand that's evil many people do not realize that signs and wonders are only temporary they're fleeting experiences that do not last nor curry one through trials or tribulations signs and wonders will not anchor our faith in this perilous age only Jesus in His Word will considering this it's no wonder that signs seekers are being swept away by the apostasy because their belief is not firmly planted and on the rock Jesus but based on a shallow obsession with the supernatural thus anyone who promises them signs and mirrors miracles can easily toss them to and fro with every what wind of doctrine many people claim to experience miracles at revivals conferences and church meetings but it's not long enough before the high wears off and they're back to their old carnal ways was there actually a breakthrough that changed the inner man was there actually a true miracle performed or was it just another revolving door of dead revivals let us examine ourselves to see whether we're truly satisfied with our bridegroom alone and nothing or no one else because of our heart lusts after miracles and alleged miracle workers we are like an unfaithful wife who seeks her husband only for his money and sleeps with strange men for excitement and pleasure is that heavy or what that's why God calls it evil and he calls it spiritual adultery god forbid jesus said follow me not follow miracles all signs seeking whether it be in religion spiritualism witchcraft is man seeking to bypass God in His Word God's Word must mean more to us than the sign or the wonder so we are not turned over to the camouflaged kingdom of darkness an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign father we thank you for your word sometimes it's hard-hitting but boy will it keep us in these end times and father we thank you said signs follow us we don't follow them and if you choose to give us one we're just thankful but we don't seek and we don't want to be evil and adulterous and we just repent for the times that we did that that we thought that was what we were supposed to do that's what they taught us to do so we just thought we would just go and see our angel and we tried so hard to see an angel and oh my we wanted to have all these stuff that everybody else was having not realizing we were becoming a mystic or we opened up the door to mysticism so Lord we just repent we just thank you you have given us your word and you have chosen and it is supernatural you are supernatural but there are two spirits and we have to test which one is of you and which ones of the evil one so give us grace give us light we ask you Lord we just thank you for this word of warning and everyone said [Music] amen [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 6,330
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: BwGk9qZrm24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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