Another Gospel: Tailored For The Flesh

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[Music] hear my cry give heed to my let's start I've got a lot to share today open your Bibles please bring your Bibles and if you can take notes today because I want you to check everything I say out because the Bible says that the Bereans check to see if the things they said we're so this is a day in an hour that the gospel is being changed did you know that not only from preachers that are preaching it but the Bible's that are written from the good news to the modern man is the first one I've been doing a lot of research on the New World Order and to have a new world order which actually is they call it nationalism they call globalization they call it different names but it's the Book of Revelations and it talks about the Antichrist that's coming and all these things this has to be how do we know the Bible is real because it prophesized truth and he gives us signposts to watch out for and so along with this new world order has to come a new world religion so the religion of the devil is going to come off very subtly and so the most precious thing you have is your Bible so what does the enemy wants to do pervert the gospel to another gospel so I'm gonna give you some warnings today I've I feel like I need to say some things today I've been saying if you're if you're on YouTube because there's artificial intelligence I want to say hi to all my YouTube people there's it's just amazing we hear so many testimony last one I got was from Scotland but people from different countries are writing in it encourages so much if you would just email me and I'm gonna give you my personal email I'll answer it myself pastor at Roberta Morrison org and just let us know you're there and that you're watching it's so encouraging we post these and by the end of the night there's quite a few number of people we already notice that are on there that are waiting for us on that Sunday night when Mark gets done with them and so we want you know you're part of our family here and we appreciate you so along with that there's a responsibility when you're preaching what oh say it again okay pastor PA Sto are at Roberta Morrison dot org and pastor ever Berta Morrison org pastor okay I know done she ate that when they rattled off and you're like what was that again huh so anyway we love hearing from you you're part of us but this is a day we are I've been warning from Matthew 24 verse 4 let no man deceive you part of the Bible tells us these things are going to happen and as I was sharing with someone last night they said how do we how do we not be afraid we're not afraid because God already told us these things so because he told us there's gonna be false prophets and apostles and these things arise we have to know God's got this he's already told us but those that seek Him are gonna find him those that aren't seeking him those that are following men are not going to find him and this is a such a warning because as I've studied this and I've been blessed now the last couple of years to just be home and just study you know my kids are grant I do babysit grandchildren but I've studied more and I've had more of a hunger to study things out than I ever have and with that study has come I've been praying God show me the mixture in the church because the more I studied on the Masons I've never studied a lot of other religions because I didn't think you needed to if you just study the dollar bill you know you know the real dollar bill but then as eras come in it's like how do I know that this is truth or this is Error where's this coming from so I had to go to some roots of some mixture so last week we talked about Christian Science and if you have not heard that please listen to it because Christian Science is also mixed in with true faith Christian science denies symptoms now we are not called to deny facts we're supposed to deal with facts right Rick health and because of that our faith is applied but not we are not in mind science Amen a lot of people are not serving God today they're mad at God they're like what happened and I just want to say we need to stick to the two gospel and when I started studying some of these roots I found out Norman Vincent Peale Robert Schuler ewp Kenyon our new thought preachers I didn't know what new thought was well go study new thought take a note do your own research I am NOT responsible for what you find because as I started seeking this I have a I've been shaken to the core some of the preachers that have I've even quoted I'm like Lord I got to repent I thought that that this was you and blah blah blah blah blah we have to in this end times let go of anything God shows us his truth we can't have sacred cows every wouldn't say let no man deceive you who died for you he's the truth other Gospels come and what does it do Galatians 1 it says verse 6 I marvel that you are so soon removed from him removed from him false Gospels take you into your own away self gospel you having faith in yourself we are not it we are not gods we are nothing humility is he is all and we are he must increase I have to decrease I pick up my cross I deny myself and I follow him so there's a cutting to our will and God's will and even Jesus when he's on the cross he said not might we submit we submit to whatever God's will is so you have to know in this hour that there has through this one-world government is coming subtly around us we've always thought that the cults would be you know the certain ones we could name well I want to tell you it's within us it's among us that we have a mixture that's within the so-called charismatic evangelical prophetic movement and we have to make sure that our roots are not grounded in any man I love man I love men of God I love women of God but when they don't preach what the word says you have to say this is what the Lord says and we could have we've come out of a movement that takes six or eight scriptures and say this is it they take on things and how's it working for you a lot of these people are disillusioned because they've been taught wrong because they haven't taken the whole we need the whole Council of God we can't just take a few scriptures out that we like we didn't we didn't add we can't add and this is what I've been sharing a lot lately is you can't add to the gospel and revelations you can't take away our great will be the plagues that are added unto you so we need the fear of God this is his word now if the devil knows that what you gonna try to do water it down get you distracted get you over off in dreams and visions and always thinking you're hearing and seeing things and and I've been one that I've had some of these dreams and visions but you know what it all goes back to if it's not in the Bible I don't care what that word is I don't care who that prophet is because a lot of these so-called prophets you look a year later two years later none of the things they've been saying are coming to pass I don't care who they are and if we if we make mistakes which we do then we need to say you know I thought that was the Lord it was just me and we miss it but when they say their profits and they curse you and they say you're gonna die if you don't follow me and they put a you know what this is not the gospel when you leave a church and they won't they isolate you and they count you you know to leave a church and how they treat you shows you a lot about that church like people they are free to come and go people can come and go out because Jesus and how are we to be committed yeah but to the point of where when they have when they leave they're excommunicated there's something wrong that's cultish God doesn't treat people like that aren't you glad he goes after those the true Shepherd goes and seeks and heals and anyway we're gonna get into that Galatians you get me all wound up and Galatians 1 we have to make sure Jesus is the center we have to make sure that we follow him wherever he goes and you need to know if the devil is as smart as he is he's not wise but he's smart he knows he knows trickeries wiles he wants to dilute the Bible so what's happening now from the good news of modern man is where I've tracked it down to one of the very first translations that started getting watered down because we got to have man understand things now this is subtle because when you start altering different words and now I've NIV translation there's so many words that's been to every translation now you have to make sure that you're not getting a watered-down version because I've looked at some of the plans of some of these the New World Order thing and they said we're going to change the Bible and very few of them will even know and there'll be such a small amount of people that will even know that the word has really been altered you don't have to worry about them but the true remnant knows the Bible when you're a youngster and you're young we got to watch out for this new generation because they don't they don't even look at their Bibles they just have an app and a lot of my son's that don't get that Bible on that app it's the wrong Verte it's wrong it's watered-down it's not right so we have to know that the enemy wants to change our Bibles up now I've always had eight translations and I've preached out of different ones but if they veer too much you got to throw it out right you've got a stick you know you don't want to water down so here it says that this is what his plan is and it's in the church okay I don't want you to think it's out there I want you to know the Lord told us that these things in Matthew 24 four times the end times the biggest thing you're gonna have to watch is spiritual deception let no man let no pastor let no priest let no president let no politician I don't care who it is I don't care if you're democrat or republican you better be number one a Christian and you better not be worshiping any man any man amen I just had to get that out okay so we move from him that called you into grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and that would pervert the gospel of Christ what's the devil going to try to mess with the Bible the Word of God adds to it has these men that say they had visions and what I shared with last week how these guys think that they had to correct the Bible and now they have to read the Christian Science is they had to alter it their vision came from a voice it was Jesus Christ to come in to change the errors in the Bible well that's adding to the Bible right we don't we don't receive additions that's perversion of the gospel of Christ but we though an angel from heaven now a lot of people are telling an angel gave me this an angel told me I don't care what it is you can also have false spirits and you better know your Bible because the realm of the Spirit is nothing to mess with a man but any other gospel because now everybody wants to be mystics now the new thing is to be spiritual to be out there in the in this realm and they don't know what voice they are listening to there are many voices out there there are many vines but Jesus is the true vine this shouldn't scare you this should awaken you to know there's a lot going on so called in the name of God people used in the God card and he's letting you know this is not me this is perverted this is demonic now how do you become a false minister I believe you're called and gotta warn you and you'll send people when you get off and you'll send in your warrant and they'll keep warning but if you don't heed the Holy Spirit we can all get in there right so we all need to be accountable to each other into the Bible so if you preach any other gospel then what you have preached that we have preached unto you let him be a curse now what does that mean it means to be separated from the faithful he said if they're preaching another gospel you don't just say oh yeah we love you it's just all love now we just know he says there's something very painful here he says you got to be excommunicated and cast out of the church why is that because a little leaven leavens the whole lump oh that sounds so harsh well we're gonna go into some other things today that you need to see God's very interested in his church and he's very interested in the pure gospel amen and so should we and as Shepherds we have to make sure you're not eating poison food that's going to kill you down the road another gospel it also means altered and I named this message today another gospel tailored for the flesh John 3:30 he said he must increase I must decrease you cannot serve God and Mammon I've heard preachers in leaders like say oh I can serve money no you have to serve God because when God and that money clash and we're gonna find out some stories in the Bible you have to decide which way you're gonna go money is our servant we obeyed God with it and though and if you're rich and wealthy in this world there's a command you make sure you distribute you do what God tells you to do with it and a lot of people can't handle that because they don't want God to tell them what to do with it so he said don't put your trust in it let it be your servant God can use us if we know how to let it flow through us but a lot of people just they don't they're they're covetous and they're greedy and enough is never enough amen so he said there's those that pervert it they alter it to fit their own needs they they alter it for the flesh that word alter their means to adjust it for a better fit we talked last week about the gospel of self and how they were teaching self esteem and you don't need to be born again going to hell is when you've lost your self-esteem no that is not the gospel that's not what the Bible says you need to be born again Jesus is the one and only way now this is gonna be the war coming up in the new world religion John 14:6 is a dividing line jesus said now Jesus said this now if he said it we can't add to it and we can't take away we didn't make the rules he said I am the way I am the truth I am the life there is no other way to the Father but through me right now what's coming in this new religion they're gonna mix everyone together and there's many ways to God now this is the new world religion just know I've warned you okay because it's it's starting out it's here now but it's gonna get worse and a lot of the people and preachers that you thought were true blood they're gonna just say oh there's many ways why does the way well the Bible says narrow is the way so just know right well there seems so nice and sweet what are they saying is that another gospel it's perverted it's twisted then he says if they preach any other gospel let him be accursed and then he says I'm just gonna do some highlights here I should not be the servant of Christ go serve something else in if you're not gonna preach the true gospel don't pretend you're a minister of God because he's telling us this is his gospel we preach what he says right so he said he didn't get it from a man he got it from the Lord he got it from revelations but he said here in verse 14 and when when Paul got saved he said it was he was just doing in the Jewish religion he said he profited it profited no religion isn't here to make man profit it's actually supposed to be a profit hello we're supposed to be the hair to help people now here's said verse 16 to reveal his son in me that I might preach him verse 23 that he which persecute us us in times past now preaches the faith which we once destroyed and what do they do they glorified God in me no flesh should glory in the Lord's presence we thank God for you but we don't worship you we cannot put any man in the place that God should be in our life now when you're young in the Lord it happens right but we have to count it a true man of God won't let you worship Him he knows that side Allah tree and he knows he'll be rebuked from the Lord a true man of God will not give let you allow him to give he gives all the praise to the Lord right so now when number is 25 and he said well that's just so harsh look at numbers 25 you want to see harsh I'm glad we're in the New Testaments I've got so many notes here today you guys are you been doing okay so far all right numbers 25 this is a story and we're gonna go through it quick but this is a story about Phinehas it say it Phineas Phineas Phineas okay I'm gonna say that wrong with Phineas now here's Phineas now we need to know about him because he stopped the plague somebody that stood up for what was right in was truth but it cost him something to stand up for truth in this hour is going to cost you something it's gonna cost you something because I want to tell you something the masses are not always right you're gonna find out here that 24,000 of them died in the plague they were all following the crowd but they weren't following the cloud and Phinehas here he did something different he had to stop the leaven now 11 we know represents sin and evil but here this was verse 1 let's look the people began to commit whoredoms what does whoredoms mean there are unfaithful to God and with the daughters of Moab and they called verse 2 the people under the sacrifices of their God what were they doing they were sad facing unto their gods and the people did eat and bow down to their gods and as you look over here in Psalms 106 verse 29 what were they doing to these idols they were eating the dead sacrifices now you know what we call that today spirit cooking beauty of you guys heard about what's been going on behind in some of the news things spirit cooking this is not new this is as old as the Bible when they remember now God required a sacrifice and Satan requires sacrifice now thank God for the New Testament Jesus is our sacrifice we don't have to be sacrified we don't have to say now what we do is we sacrifice our praise to him we come where the Liberty we just praise Him that's our sacrifice but in Satanism this is alive and well and dr. Summerall used to say there's going to come a revival in America of Satanism well it's here and what do they do they offer sacrifices and they offer human sacrifices to Molech we've talked on that before so this stuff is not new it's gone on but it's an abomination to God right so here it's because God was so against it and he wanted to stop this he told Moses in verse 4 take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the Lord against the Sun and the fiercer so that the Lord could stop me remember Jesus was not made a sacrifice yet so he was trying to get sin out of the camp and he said slay every man that was joined unto this idol worship God saying you're gonna have to kill him you're gonna have to get rid of him now to be excommunicated doesn't seem like such a bad thing in the New Testament does it he would have killed you in the Old Testament but now thank God for we're under a new covenant better covenant it's grace but still there's leaven and we have to step away from it because it will affect you I don't care who you are leaven affects you it's a little at a time it represents in a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more we could go on about that and behold one of the children of Israel came and anyway what happens now one of the Israelites came right before Moses and all this they started having fornication right there right in the midst of the camp and fine would you call him again finest penis the son of he's a priest anyway he saw it he rose up from among the congregation he took a javelin in his hand and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through the man of Israel and the woman through her belly oh my goodness so the plague was stayed from the children of Israel and those that died in that plague were 24,000 you cannot always follow the masses do you hear me in verse 11 the Lord praises him and said because you did this thing it's turned my wrath away from the children of Israel verse 12 he said behold I give now unto you because he stopped the plague he stopped the leaven he stopped this from happening he said now my covenant is going to be a covenant of peace now that cost sacrificed to have peace this one world religion says peace peace and the Bible says beware when the world says peace right there was a price for this peace right and and he said the Lord said you're jealous for your God and you made atonement for the children of Israel now we have Jesus as our atonement thank God for that that sacrifice that was made but here he was doing it because under the Old Testament it didn't happen so it says who they were it was a prince of that young cure who was this was a bigwig that did this he was a chief Prince of the chief house among the simu knights and verse 17 Eve X the Midianites and smite them the Lord said vex them for they vex you with their Wiles so they were bringing in satanic occult practices right into the midst of the children of Israel and thank God for a man that said enough is enough and he actually had to slay those people but it stopped the plague and wouldn't say thank God to stop the plague they say well that doesn't pertain to the New Testament oh yes it does and first Corinthians 10:5 God wasn't pleased they were overthrown in the wilderness what was this written for our examples what that we would not lust after evil things how many our flesh left alone will lust that's why he's put his word he said put your word before me keep your eyes on good things keep be careful what you hear right because our flesh wants evil things that's why we have to deny it what does deny mean say no to you you can't have that second piece of pie you can't you can't watch that you can't you have to say no to it right you have to crucify your flesh that's still part of it then he said you're not gonna lust after evil things then he said be idolaters they're eating and playing just eating and playing and what happens they have no fear of the Lord you don't hear about the fear of the Lord anymore we are to fear Him we fear Him we don't want to say any more any less than what God says because we fear him so he says they committed fornication don't be like them these are four examples they were overthrown by or fornication murmuring and lusting so we don't want to be a part of that right now the goal of the Antichrist is to the rule the world in Revelations 13 and what does that really mean Antichrist actually real it literally means to replace Christ we can say against Christ but it's also a substitutionary work something to place in front of so another gospel a perverted gospel let no man deceive you in this hour let no man deceive you and you have to know this one world religion has been going on for a long time the more I research it I'm like this has gone on for so long you know we just see now the emergent church and we say wow they're preaching you don't need to be forgiven no I don't need to be forgiven why they don't believe there's any sin we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God they don't believe in a hell all these emergent churches if you study their roots they go way back into these new thought doctrines new age new thought bla bla bla bla bla so now they're hurting them all together and all the religions and they're calling the ecumenical movement the ecumenical first it took me forever to learn how to say that word but right in the middle of it is men ecumenical putting in around men the organized attempt to bring about cooperation and unity tolerance of all believers now merge everybody merge what's the primary danger seduction and the primary danger is within the church to be compromising to be tolerant you know now you have to be tolerant now you means do you have an open mind well the by I don't see anywhere I don't even see the word tolerant in my Bible do you guys see we're tolerant have an open mind but the problem with this new world religion is that they accept all other religions but Jesus Christ is eventually rejected the rock is removed we accept all religions bring them all together and they say the name of Jesus and they say that they say God so everybody thinks we're all talking about the same thing terms are different with different cults but a lot of them use the front Jesus and God this is what you have to know going into these end times or you will be sucked in with the best of them the problem is there's blurred lines correction is called unloving and what we have is a false and a selfish face faith it's all about me it's all about me so what happens we're removed from the love and the compassion of God for others being a servant helping others caring about each other's needs and all we do is we get wrapped up and me myself and I and in trying to prosper ourselves and be success and it's all about me it's very subtle now Romans 16:17 through 18 says mark those which cause division contrary to the doctrine read that whole thing contrary to the doctrine so you have got to know what your Bible says in these end times because there's going to be lips snips and smudges of things that sound good but it's contrary to the doctrine well it sounds good we're all joining together Jesus died for all of us but they they want to cut out John 14:6 that Jesus is the way the truth and the life you can't cut that verse out that means you're subtracting and gods like woe unto you to take away I don't know what wool means but I know it's not good I don't want to be what do you whoa unto you so we want to keep his doctrine and these new emergent churches have no repentance no call to self-denial and they don't want to talk about holiness just living any way you want God loves you so what happens now we raise these kids up in the field and they're going to all these churches that say oh yeah that doesn't matter if you do that you can live together you can do all this in that and they're getting actually patted on their back by their churches it's okay well the very way that we raised them now is being told you know that's all that that's what we're Postma that's old-fashioned we're anti against that now it's very subtle it's pulling them away holiness is talked about 651 times in Scripture something to be mentioned 651 times is an emphasis right so why don't they preach on holiness Ecumenical and it paves the way for the Antichrist and the new world religion man-made unity and what they do is a mysticism and Gnosticism was big back in the in the Bible so they talked a lot about Gnosticism what it is they raised up men men get these revelations and then it's not what the Bible says it's what these men say the Bible says and if you're following men now you're saying well so-and-so said this and he was right so now he's saying this new revelation this must be right - that's Gnosticism we don't follow men we honor and love men but we need to all be accountable to God and to each other for preaching the truth and walking in the light right so they promised unity but they didn't deny it actually you can tell by their fruits the now the thing I want you to watch out for is this new it's not so much new but it was past the Catholics and the evangelicals have merged now we've always thought that evangelicals were fundamental conservative they were pretty see I'm telling you now the mix is in the van Jellicle everyone say the mix is in the evangelicals they act like they're us they talk like they're us but they're leading us into another gospel and we've been doing a lot of studying on this and if you have the guts to study it study out the Freemasons and Christianity you'll be shocked at how many Freemasons we thought were really to preachers now that'll separate the sheep from the goats and get your head cut off by most Christians why because you don't want it you cannot be a 33 degree Mason and serve the Lord Jesus Christ just to be a 33 degree mate now the lower levels don't know much but the higher you go they know and they're there God is Lucifer the architect of the universe they worship they think that Lucifer's got but it's why is it so secret you know what when something has to be a secret you know what's wrong any secret society you know there's wrong stuff going on there because whenever you did anything in the dark you didn't want anyone to know about it but when you're free you can do everything in the light so these high skullenbones and all these different secret societies that all these presidents have been on you need to know their demonic their demonic inspired and we cannot put our trust in the men in this world do you know that you're gonna get sucked right into the new world religion so now there's emerging and we're in a new area and a whole new era of compromise that we have never been in before are you guys with me now what is deny yourself meaning now we are wanting to be true disciples of Christ right we have to pick up as cross our crosses and deny ourselves to deny ourself it means myself independently of God because now that you're born again we want to flow with him we want to look to him we live and move and have our being in him right so it says in Jeremiah 10:23 the way of man is not in himself so now even that you're born again your weight we got trust in the holy spirit we got to trust in the Word of God we got to keep on walking and not will I know all that now I'm gonna look for some new revelations this is where we get in trouble we're trying to seek out new mystical experiences and there's glory there's a real thing but there's also a counterfeit everything God has is counterfeited right that's one thing about the devil he can't do anything on his own he's got a counterfeit everything God does but he the way of man is not in himself so what the enemy can do is to try to get you away from Christ and get even this is one of the things I've been hitting on you can't have faith in your own faith that is not scriptural it says have faith in God it does not say have because what happens when I have faith in my own faith as some of our wonderful preachers that we've loved for years said it takes me it makes me have to do everything it makes me independent and now when I get I don't need God then I don't need God if I have faith in myself he said deny yourself that means I'm constantly dependent I I'm abiding in him I live and abide in the vine so this is a thing are you trusting in yourself is the emphasis of teaching putting all this pressure on you or is it trusting like a little child trust in the Lord father I just believe I'm praying you said it and I believe it Lord because you said it you don't have to work yourself up into a frenzy you don't have to shout at God and be mad at God it's a simple heart trust it's a yielding so what this other gospel tries to do is it makes you independent and they're even teachings that you are gods now that goes back to Genesis you are not gods that one little that one scripture they take and some that's another teaching I'll talk about that later but we are not gods we are made in the image and likeness of him but we're not gods aren't you glad oh my gosh he is God and we are not all false cults and all false religion and the Masons teach that you're gods even the New Age you are God no we're not and the earth is God no we got it backwards this is the gospel we follow him right so we have to say no to the to the flesh and all of its lust follow god not i but christ his teaching his will his honor his interest fill my heart why do i love you because god's put my love with if I'm filled with him he loves you it'll flow from him to through me we can't love in our own saying I might have tried to love you I try to you have to yield and just say lord thank you for loving that person I don't love through me because it's it's not about us right so he must increase I must decrease we can see selfishness and false ministries as they disregard the spiritual health of their flocks while seeking their own pleasures now Ezekiel 34 is something that we need to read every leader needs to read this and keep this before their eyes this is not anything to play with now there's going to be good Shepherds and there's gonna be bad Shepherds so you guys you just came in in a hot one today good I know you do you always Angela's always like this kind of preaching Ezekiel 34 verse 2 it says son of man prophesy against the shepherds prophesy against the Shepherd's of Israel woe be to the Shepherd's of Israel that do not that do feed themselves woe to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves should not to shepherd feed the flocks you eat the fat and you clothe you with the wool you kill them that are fed but you feed not the flock the diseased have you not strengthened neither have you healed that which you're sick neither have you bound up that which was broken but the end of this verse but with force and with cruelty have you ruled them that means acting like a Lord being dominant putting guilt on people making them feel guilty if you don't give to me in this ministry your cat's gonna die your kids are gonna die blah blah blah blah blah I'm gonna say fall Shepherd what happens if you're going to serve money you cannot serve God you have to choose and I've been hearing more and more ministers say oh no that's not true what do you mean that straw - he said you cannot serve God and money you have got to serve God and then money is to be our servant and God tells you to give it away you know you're not serving it because you're not hoarding it and he says give I can freely give because where my heart is my I don't have to but I don't give in order to you know be he's not a slot machine that I'm just gonna put money in and I'm gonna pay for a miracle all these things I'm telling you I'm so grieved on TV some of the preachers I just like you know what I'm done with them I'm tired of this the only people profiting are the top it's wrong and someone's got to say something we run into people all over the place that won't go to church anymore they got so tired of paying for another airplane paying for another house here or here there they can't even pay for their rent they can't even do anything and where's the help when they need it sorry I'm not mad at anybody but I feel like God's mad do you know what I mean quit messing with my sheep that's force and cruelty have you ruled him well where's was your faith why did that happen to you you didn't have enough faith my sheep have wandered all over the place and they're scattering you didn't even search after him you didn't even care Shepherd's verse at the end of verse eight they've fed themselves and they have not fed my flock verse twelve I seek out my sheep and read all this I just don't have time I seek out my sheep and will deliver them out of all the places where they've been scattered in the cloudy and dark day I believe God's bringing a remnant together there's a lot of people now that are just like you know what I feel like I've been fleeced I've been abused number one you got to get over it because we got to keep our hearts right it doesn't matter what they do but it you're full if you keep on doing it right if you keep getting your head banged every time you go to eat you know what even a stupid Pig knows I ain't going in that trough again is that right I'm not a farmer but I'm not gonna go there I'm not gonna go there living under condemnation and guilt quit going there you're gonna be released yeah and first Peter 5:2 it said feed the flock of God not for filthy lucre you cannot be in the ministry for money or as lords this is a second I just want to give you something a New Testament for you to say oh that's the Old Testament or as lords over domineering domineering now if you're gonna be a true minister saying no to your flesh let's look at someone that did X 8 verse 20 even know me know if I preached on this verse for a lot of years it's talking about Simon the sorcerer who got saved in verse 9 he did get saved but he used sorcery and he bewitched the people giving out that himself with some great one how do you know a false Minister because they want to be great they want to be great amongst them now a true minister of God wants to be humble and they want you to see Jesus pride the devil wants you to see him it's all about him so by the fruits you're going to know so now there he liked it because they all go this is the man the great power of God well it wasn't of God he was from sorcery but these people will be which thinking it was God now the end times is going to be signs and wonders and this is this is already happening people are following signs and wonders science and wonders follow us we do not follow signs and wonders there's a difference if you're just seeking a sign and you know this is what he wanted here there would be which was sorcery verse 13 Simon himself believed also he was baptized so became a newbie a believer but he was when you're saved you're still gonna have the same mindset you got to get renewed because all you know is what you know so you got to change your thinking so all he knew was witchcraft all he knew was it he wanted to be great amongst the people now he saw the laying out of hands the baptism of the Holy Spirit could be given he goes I want that gift I want that gift but his motive wasn't right God will judge our motives we aren't there to be something of ourselves we're supposed to let him shine right well his motive is wrong because he wanted these signs and wonders and he wanted the Holy Ghost and so it verse 17 he sees that they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost verse 18 he saw through the laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered a money everybody said you can't buy a miracle from God don't be fooled into giving your $75 seed to anybody that says you can it's not scriptural saying give me also this power that on whomsoever I lay hands he may receive the Holy Ghost but Peter said unto Him what do you say I want you to see he said I got five minutes left and I just got started he said thy money perish with thee because thou has not thought that thou has thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money Peter had crucified him his flesh to money he said you can't serve God and money I'm serving God this guy's coming to offer me money if you can serve God and you think over now here comes money when that temptation comes he could have said behind the closed door how much will you give me how much if you can be bought out you can't be used of God there's a season and there's an influence but there's gonna come a time where you're gonna start serving money and those backroom deals will become more and more and more obvious because we see by the fruits of some of these so-called Shepherds what they're doing and they think it's okay and it's not okay because they're only feeding themselves or not feeding them and now everybody says well that's okay that's okay they've been seduced into thinking it's okay how sick are we and the people loved it so Oh he offered them money saying give me also this power so he says he's rebuking him saying nope that money perish with you because you thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money for your heart is not right in the sight of God repent of this what wickedness it's wicked that you thought that you could buy the gifts of God he said repent that I thought of thine heart might be forgiven you and thank God he said pray that this doesn't happen so in other words he's like wow I didn't know he was corrected and he received his correction so that's okay we're gonna we're all growing right but now someone that didn't and this is my scripture I guess cuz I'm my time's running out where'd the time go second Kings chapter 5 we see naman you know the story of naman and naman was had leprosy and he was quite a great man he had a lot of pride so he goes to Elisha he goes to the man of God and he says well actually goes to the king he wants to get healed and the King rips his clothes and the King goes who do you think I am well Elisha hears about it and he goes send him to me I'll pray for him so he knew he was supposed to pray for him he says go dip go dip in the Jordan and he didn't want to go dip there he got mad what do you say there's a lot of other lakes that are a lot nicer than this I'm not going to go in the dirtiest one but God knew he had pride so he had to go and he got mad then his servants talked to him and says you know what you if he told you to do some great thing you would so he has to go back and humble himself so long story short he does get healed but then he wants to give the manna got a gift and what did the man of God say no you can't pay me for this gift because it's not from me it's from the Lord and God just wants you to serve Him so you can't use the gifts of God when people get glorified you can't get money from them there is a time to receive but this wasn't the time right so you have to be crucified if you're in any kind of ministry you cannot be in it especially when you got large crowds you can manipulate make people feel guilty I'm telling you this there's coming a dividing line where God is going to start shaking I believe God shake it shake it shake it shake it too many people are backsliding they're hurting the the sheep are scattering everywhere because they can't find anybody that's just not out to fleece him amen Peter was crucified to the temptation of money but gay haze I wasn't he runs after him he wants it he said you know he said that you didn't need the money but I'm here to tell you now we changed our mind basically and we're here to get the money and he was so happy he got healed he gave him not just what he asked for but he gave him two talents and more clothes but what happened there was a judgment that came the very leprosy well he goes back to Elijah and Elijah because he had a gift of the Holy Ghost he said where did you go oh I didn't go anywhere he said man of God sometimes they know stuff supernaturally he said I know what you did and he said now because you didn't listen to me and you were uncovered to snis and greed what happens the very plague that was on name and now is yours his leprosy welcomed now you've opened up the door for it and it's yours the Bible tells us not to go after greed and covetousness so now in the name of faith we can just be as greedy and lustful as we want and be accountable to nobody but there's someone that's watching he's watching he's seeing our hearts and also we go to the other extreme because we say well I'm tired of that I'm not then that we're greedy and we don't give on God tells us to give we're just as guilty because we freely received we freely give so we have to find the balance I would say balance if we're not balanced it's not it's not good in the sight of God okay all right I'm Clare I'm coming down the money perish with you because that was thought the gift of God might be purchased with money 2nd Peter 2:23 many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of and through their covetousness covetousness shall they with feigned words that means made-up words they make merchandise of you Rick Renner had a book he sent it to me personally back in the day merchandising the anointing he pulled it he felt so bad he wrote it I told him when I saw him last time since you need to put that book back out that is so true he said he said well I felt like I said no that was he won't be won't reprint it I'm glad I have one of the original ones merchandising the anointing because everybody knew who he was talking about and I'm like we need more true words of people that'll say you are merchandising you are using the gospel to profit yourself so maybe you can find it in the used book somewhere but it's a great book I was reading it this morning again maybe I'll preach from that next week but in closing through covetousness will they with made-up words make merchandise of you this guy stopped the plague he stood for truth and he didn't compromise right we have to decide we have to be aware of a couple things ecumenical ISM it's in our midst it's all around spread by evangelical preachers many of that are on TV it's all say beware of shepherds who feed themselves butcher the Sheep through guilt and manipulation their forceful they're demanding they allow you to worship them and put them on pedestals they never get around the sheep they're just too anointed to touch the Sheep I'm sorry I don't see that in the Bible the danger you stop looking to Jesus and you start looking to a man and you give man a position in your heart god never created that man or that woman to have he is your Lord he is your Savior we honor men but we do not worship them we are to worship the Lord our God we are to have no idols and now there's personality cults all over the place in our movement we need to keep Jesus Lord and one last in the last of the last what are you're gonna find with these ministries and these men financial misconduct guilt promises that stir up lust and covetousness in you and if you look deep enough you're gonna find sexual misconduct many of these ministries because they have so much wealth and money account unaccounted for really by anybody they do whatever they want and they only put people that agree with them on their boards so they all just do this then there's sexual stuff always in the background you can almost mark it you might not see it but eventually it's going to come out and I believe God's going to expose as these things are shaking we cannot serve God and Mammon we've got to serve the Lord and we got to serve people amen we made it [Applause] this is a hard message because people don't want to hear this people don't say they don't like don't rock my boat don't like boat but you know what we have to thank you uh-huh we have to serve the Lord he saved us and we have to serve Him and don't expect it to be multitudes because they don't want to hear this they want to hear a gospel that's going to make them feel good tickle their ears and there's times we need hope and encouragement but there's times you need that word to cut your flesh right open you needs you need to repent and repentance is a good word it gets you to turn around thank God for turning around but now what they're preaching is you don't need to repent cause you didn't really sin you know in this it's just all becoming a big mess so father we just thank you that we have pure hearts help us sort out and I just pray everyone pray that Lord show me the mixture show me the preachers that are not of you they might have started off with you but now they're changing they're changing their gospel that it's not the gospel it's another gospel it's a perverted gospel [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 1,302
Rating: 4.6981134 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison-Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible teachings
Id: NFcapF3w7mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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