Forced Detours

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[Music] apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on you [Music] hello hello hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 let's look at today we're going to talk about detours have you ever had a detour or keep on marching some things that are going on but first of all let's look at hebrews 10 25 i want to look at this let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works verse 25 hebrews 10 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another so what does it mean to not forsake well to forsake something means you abandon it you abandon you renounce you reject so here we're not supposed to reject or abandon getting together as a day approaches we are to do it more often right and then it says exhort one another what does it mean to exhort one another to encourage we need encouragement in this hour we need people that are on the same page that can think for themselves to encourage to advise it means to give strength when you're encouraging someone you run alongside them and you give them the courage they need because you're you have courage to give so you give them strength for the journey sometimes you give it to them and sometimes they give it to you that's why we assemble together so that we can be strengthened and we encourage and we comfort and to encourage also exhort here means to warn and to caution so that's why we are together together not forsaking the assembling of ourselves so we need to encourage one another and what does that mean we stay in fellowship with people like-minded who are actively resisting the devil a lot of people don't even know there is a devil and they don't know his works they don't believe in him they haven't been taught that there is a an enemy that we face so no matter what we're going through we still want to exhort everyone to serve and obey the lord even in hard times jesus will eventually return and put the devil out of business once and for all but until then we are to resist him nobody's going to do that for you we have to resist the devil give him no place because first peter 5 8 said he's on the prowl seeking someone to devour that means to destroy he wants to destroy he wants to destroy our minds he wants to destroy our families so that's why we walk with the lord even in good times bad times high low whatever we keep our eyes on him especially as the day's approaching especially as things get darker we need to continually walk together assemble together and there's a lesson from the giant redwood forest of california these are giant trees if you've ever been to california they're just gigantic but they have a very shallow root system so what is the secret of their survival how come they don't just topple over blow away because with shallow roots and being so tall why don't they just topple over with some strong winds well here's the secret their roots though shallow are entangled with one another there's an entangling of those trees with one another so together they stand firm same thing as we assemble together we might have some shallow roots we might be going through some things but together as we stand together we stand firm with the lord and against the devil we survive we survive end times amen so know who your people are lock arms and stand firm against any storm any storm that's going to rise because we're standing on the rock right so we need encouragement in these days we need encouragement to give it and to receive it in christ so we have to learn how to find our people now in numbers 20 we're not going to go through this whole story but i'm going to highlight it to you the israelis the israelites wanted to cut their way through the land of edom on their way to canaan they wanted to go through they wanted to to make a shortcut it would have been a lot shorter distance if they would have went through the land but the king of edom said no he said nope you can't pass through you're not going through my land moses went through this whole thing of we won't drink your water we won't do anything just please let us go through your land and he said no and then what happened in numbers 21 4 the people were very discouraged because of the way now because they couldn't go through they had to go around and going around caused a setback it was a detour it caused more problems more trouble and who gets excited when you see a detour sign oh yay a detour especially where we live there's a detour sound signs every summer construction road construction road construction so you can see the other side and you want to get there but you can't get there because you got to go around well here the israelis were very very discouraged because of the way the setbacks so they started complaining and the more we complain the worse we make it so moses had to take a detour what's a detour and i'm going to kind of give you a lot of definitions of a detour because many of you are facing detours in your life something you didn't expect or you probably will be in the future we've had some in the past detours it's a longer journey with more challenges a funny example is gilligan's island remember that three hour tour they got a storm and they blew off course and they became castaways they had a big detour but boy looking at that show if you can remember it that's aging us all here that knows gilligan's island they had everything on that island they didn't need anything i don't know where they got everything but they sure had everything [Music] all right so a detour is you're wandering from a direct path a different path that's not wanted you don't want to go that way but you have no choice to go that way and it's unexpected turns and obstacles divorces are detours you weren't expecting maybe to have trouble you thought this you'd have lived happily ever after and then you hit it whatever same thing with the death of a loved one you you weren't expecting this and all of a sudden you have a detour there's so many different things that end up in our life that we didn't plan for about a year ago this month i fell and i had a concussion a pretty bad one i kept preaching all the way through it but i also had a stress fracture in my foot at the same time trying to gain leverage i stepped back and hit oh my gosh it was like a bat hit my head and i've had to do a lot of stuff on my own just to keep above that if you've ever had a concussion you know it's it's a lot of work to get you know everything was cramped up in my neck and i had to do a lot of exercises a lot of rehab by myself because i went to someone and they hurt me even more so i thought i'm not doing this again so it was a detour just to say i get them too and then i had a stress fracture in my foot because i was trying to stabilize myself when i fell and that was another problem so sometimes maybe some of you didn't even know it because i kept on preaching for a whole year but we we go through detours we go through pain we go through trouble we go through problems but we don't cry and mourn we keep marching we keep serving the lord we keep doing whatever we have to do to keep going right it wasn't the path we wanted it wasn't we expected because there is a devil loose there is an enemy and sometimes just our own flesh in this case somebody didn't do the landscaping properly and stepped off the back of the sidewalk into a big hole and so you know there's human error there's human mistakes but it put me on a different path that wasn't expected there's road constructions there's bridges that are out there's roads that are closed trouble with your kids i could say so many things about that kids one thing bad about detours is they cause us to lose time you're on that path you're going to get there and all of a sudden you got a detour on your way to work boss i was late because i had a detour i had to go around right when you really go through a huge detour you can feel lost and you can feel uncertain of your way now you don't know where you're going because you have to follow the signs go here and then all of a sudden there's no signs where am i supposed to go now some detours are very bad at telling people where they're going and where they're going to join up to so our lives are interrupted by detours there's water ours are we don't expect it we didn't expect that job to end we didn't expect that friendship to fizzle this is not the path that we wanted to be on and i want to encourage everyone out there mourn grieve grieve your detours grieve your losses but keep on marching we're soldiers in the army of the lord we're soldiers and we haven't been taught how to properly be in boot camp we've been pampered so when trouble hits most people quit they quit on the lord they quit on each other but we have to keep on marching you can cry but keep obeying keep serving and keep obeying god why because there's trouble in this world there is trouble in this world unexpected turns and obstacles force us to wrestle with a new problem we didn't have this problem before but now we had a detour now we lose time and we also have to deal with another problem right when we see the detour sign we may feel anxious because you're not sure where the detour is going to take you you also feel frustrated because this will mess up your schedule these d these detours don't give you a choice you have to go on them they present themselves bam it's unexpected and changes the course of your life sometimes a little sometimes a lot depending upon what the detour is and now when you're on a detour you can't go 65 miles an hour you got to slow down you have to go and follow the flow of traffic and aren't you glad you can't hear everybody in their cars detours cancel the known and now we move into the unknown a lot of people are facing this at their jobs right now people are quitting left and right i just read an article the doctors are quitting the nurses are quitting because instead of getting given choices they're giving uh been given intimidation do this or a lot of people are just retiring quitting whatever now we aren't sure of where we're going detours involve a longer trip and we see a shorter route we just right behind that sign i could just go right through there but we are denied access to it and it's very frustrating this is what they had to go through in the book of numbers would have been so much easier if they just could have crossed into that that land instead of going the long way around sometimes you have a big delay our ordered set path is interrupted now we are forced to adjust we're forced to adjust we wanted to go from a to b now we're made to make stops at qrs t along the way we didn't want to stop along the way now we're forced to forced detours what do you see on these detours you see bad stuff you see bad people and maybe you've made some bad choices yourself none of us have ever made bad choices have we the example i wanted to show you in the bible and the biblical detour was poor jacob jacob and rachel he loved rachel so much the problem is rachel's father is a con man and a shady businessman genesis 29 18 jacob says he will work for rachel's father laban for seven years if he gives him rachel in verse 20 so jacob spent the next seven years working to pay for rachel but his love for her was so strong it seemed to him but a few days 2555 days detour jacob's going to have a problem here laban the schemer the deceiver his new father-in-law replaced his ugly daughter leah into jacob's bed in the dark oh that's a detour wrong woman wrong woman forced detour boy jacob wasn't too happy it says in 29 chapter 29 verse 25 jacob raged that is father-in-law what did he say laban he said it's our custom to marry off a younger daughter ahead of the firstborn this was a detour deal he could have them both for seven more years of labor wow what a deal two for one now what happens with those two sisters they're two cat fighters and they fight they get jealous now he's got trouble he just wanted one now he's got two a couple lessons now this is kind of funny but don't make deals with people you don't really know read the fine print and check the idea of every person who crawls into your bed [Laughter] he woke up and said oh my there's a lot of questions surrounding that story but i'm not going to go into what i think it was but anyway life brings bad news with a sudden phone call an unexpected crisis and sometimes unexpected spiritual storms now we have to deal with something we didn't plan for right detours setbacks delays twists and turns that are not expected moses is on a detour in the wilderness for 40 years numbers 32-13 abraham is on a detour for 25 years while he waits for a son genesis 12 1-4 joseph is on a 13-year detour in a prison that prepared him for his coming reign over egypt god sometimes doesn't send these things but god will use them this is what we have to say god maybe you didn't send this because there was a devil and a lot of the stories i was trying to look at for um examples they acted like god sent every detour and they didn't even figure in the devil at all well we have to know that god can use anything but a lot of times because of other people's choices we're put in situations because of their decisions their sins there's a whole lot of things but through it all we trust the lord to bring us out and to order our steps right we believe our steps are ordered of the lord and the lord did use this joseph he was in prison for something he didn't do and that's hard he was in a detour for saying no for resisting sexual temptation and he ended up in a place he didn't want to be for doing the right thing sometimes you do the right thing and you end up facing consequences because somebody else made some bad choices but some detours position us and prepare us for our future even though it wasn't god's sent it can be god used and that's what we have to pray whatever happens that god you use us that you you help us come through and we become detour survivors say that word five times and what happens when you're going through a detour and you're a detour survivor sometimes you can get another wound from people that don't understand and this is what i think has been the big problem in a lot of what we thought was christianity and the positive movement and just you know there was no compassion and empathy for people that were hurting it was just you don't have enough faith a lot of people came out of that but they didn't allow themselves to really help other people in their problems instead you're kind of left on your own and that's not the way it's supposed to be we're supposed to be assembling helping encouraging and if someone's sinning then you you go together and you you rebuke them but we still are called to be like those redwood forests lock arms be strong because the enemy wants to wipe us out but if we stand together he can't so another wound that can happen when you're going through a detour is discouragement from other people because they blame you well it must have been your fault when you know it wasn't your fault and you're going through something and then you don't get the right encouragement it can be very discouraging because now you get another wound on top of what you're already dealing with then you can get discounted people say it's not really that bad if it's bad we have been taught not to face reality it's kind of like this fake faith world that nothing really happens just have the right formula and you can snap out of it that's not real life real life is you face trouble and trials and you need people you can't totally put your confidence them in them because jesus said he knew what was in man but he puts people around us and we have to keep praying for divine connections the lord give us the people we need to accomplish what you want us to accomplish because you can get discouraged if people discount you it wasn't that bad or i don't care to know the details i don't want to hear about it you get another wound or they just give you a spiritual formula just snap out of it and that's very painful when you're going through things like i've told you a lot a lot on our youtube people that one of my best friends was dying of cancer and all these so-called faith people came over and just rebuked you for being sick and they were fighting stuff coals and all that around her she said well here they were fighting but they were attacking me for not having enough faith how sad that is very sad why because you're going through something and you have nobody you can talk to because you'll get rebuked by the so-called positive faith crowd there's nowhere in the bible the bible says be positive right that word's not there but we are to be uh thinking on good things but this positive stuff is actually kind of a way not to face reality as well and i'm not saying being negative nobody likes negative people but there's a balance between being able to share what you're going through get help get prayer get encouragement because a lot of the people i knew from back in the day they wouldn't even share what they were going through because they thought they'd be rebuked or they were ashamed what they were going through so nobody got encouraged you got wounded again and that wasn't god's god's will or choice and there's a lot of one another's in the bible what are we supposed to do with one another as we're together like these trees weep with one another somebody's hurting be present be there let them weep don't tell them they can't weep i think that's the worst thing that people taught little boys you can't you can't cry so they stuff it and act hard well they do the same thing in church you're not supposed to that's not supposed to bother you where's the empathy where's the love weep with one another the bible says be present be there be at peace with one another love one another honor one another above yourselves serve one another forgive each other encourage each other daily build each other up pray for one another on and on there's so many there were 59 that i was looking at and i just condensed it don't lie to each other on and on and on when you come together assemble ourselves together as the day gets darker and darker find out who you can be around that you can let down your hair and share what you're really going through when you need help you need prayer then i want to close with this again casting all of our anxieties on him when you're in a detour you're frustrated you're angry you're upset you've lost time it costs money you get anxious you get frustrated first peter 5 6 humble yourself under the mighty hand of god verse 7 cast throw something heavy throw it on the lord because we can't handle these frustrations we can't handle even the news sometimes today i was listening to the news and i was like wow i see intimidation rather than free choice i see a lot of things that are coming quickly it's very very discouraging to see what's going on in our world so we have to keep casting our cares on the lord and people too that are turning on one another we've never we've never seen this before in our countries so we cast cast it on the lord throw it roll it on the lord so by faith we put it into god's hands that's how we walk by faith we put it into god's hands this detour i wasn't expecting it it's going to cost me help me lord get through it help me find you in it help me overcome and there are people who can walk away from you when people can walk away from you let them walk i don't want you to try to talk another person into staying loving calling caring about you coming to see you staying attached to you if they don't want to hang up the phone yeah there's a time you have to learn there comes an end to some things it's not that you want it but because of the trouble and the trials and things that are going on there's a ripping and a tearing that i see happening and it doesn't mean that they're a bad person it just means that that part in the story is over and you've got to know when people's part and your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead trying to raise a dead horse when the horse is dead it's dead [Music] if you're holding on to past hurts and pains let them go you either cast it or you retain it and if you retain it it makes you angry it makes you bitter you might not know it but everyone around you does cast it let it go if someone can't treat you right love you back and see your worth don't be so desperate for a guy if you're a girl and you just this guy's abusing you but you just want someone in your life well it's like drinking poison because you're thirsty if someone's angered you cast and that goes vice versa that goes for the guys as well if you're holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge let it go vengeance is the lord's a lot of times we'll watch movies and shows of these people that are getting back at someone that killed their wife or what they're just miserable all they do is set on destruction let it go let it go into god's hands and you can't do that without him helping you you have to have that personal relationship with him if you're involved in a wrong relationship or an addiction let it go this isn't the time things are going to be happening you need to make sure your trust is in the lord you're not on these addictions if you're holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents or if god tells you it's time to let go go find a new one let go and find a new one i just thought this was worth repeating if you keep judging others to make yourself feel better let it go if you're stuck in the past and god's trying to take you into a new place let it go if you're struggling with the healing of a broken relationship and they don't want it to be healed let it go it takes two to have a relationship work and if somebody walks out and divorces you you have to get yourself back together and stop chasing after things you know that are dead and lastly if there's a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and got you know a lot of us we're survivors so we have learned to control things just have to because nobody else was there well sometimes you have to back off there's someone else there now and you don't have to control that anymore just let let it go take your hands off of it when you need to roll cast it throw it on the lord and that's not easy to do someone said it was like fishing and then you cast it on the lord and then you take it back and you cast it on the lord and then you take it back why because we're used to being in control so it's got to be a daily thing sometimes a minute by minute thing cast in our cares and our anxieties on the lord for he cares for us but again verse 25 of hebrews 10 not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is and if you if you are no longer going to a church and a lot of people are no longer finding their church safe for many many reasons i get emails constantly about this try to assemble the bible says if there's two or more he's in the midst it doesn't have to be these big things that we thought it was in fact it's almost getting smaller now you have to know who who thinks who's thinking to me it's like why don't more people ask questions of what's going on why are people so gullible find out people so you can encourage one another share articles i love it when you send me videos articles or letters of what you're learning and i like to learn right along with you because none of us have it all we're all learning and growing but as we assemble together then we can what encourage one another exhort advise give strength comfort and to warn into caution and these days do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together even if it's just a couple even if it's just in your house and you want to watch a video preaching video together we have to change the way we do things because we're in a different season of life now things are not as they used to be you got to find a safe place and it doesn't have to be a lot of people it just has to be the one that god puts in your life amen so father we thank you for helping us navigate these times that we're in that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves lord just i pray for the people there that are watching that you give them a friend you give them someone they can trust put someone on their job someone you always give us someone in our journey you gave mary and elizabeth to each other they both were going through something and lord you put them in the right path so we pray for divine connections in this hour to help encourage strengthen no matter what the detour father we thank you that you're with us every step of the way just like shadrach meshach and abednego you were with them and they came out of that fiery furnace father we thank you for no matter what people are going through that you're with us and all these things we give you thanks help us be thankful in a negative world in jesus name everyone said amen amen if you would like to see more messages from roberta on youtube be sure to subscribe to her youtube channel roberta morrison hit the bell button to be notified of new messages from her and be sure to check out her youtube playlists for other messages that interest you go to the website page and click on the messages button on the top center to go see her messages there are free audio downloads of the messages available also we are viewer supported on the main web page at the top right is a gift button thank you for watching and see you next time [Music] apart from you we can't do nothing so we depend on you you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,537
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Gilbert, Roberta Gilbert Morrison, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible based teachings
Id: E5wAVujNcrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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