Starfield - Ultimate OUTPOST BUILDING Guide (Spoiler Free)

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in this case I can start producing fiber from the greenhouse and Link it directly to the Animal Facility or link the greenhouse to the storage back to the Animal Facility hey guys deitrix here back with another Starfield video today bringing you the ultimate Outpost guide Outpost building is the most difficult topic to wrap your head around when it comes to Starfield not only because of the high cost barrier to entry but because it isn't something you can dive into right away without some planning you need to set out specifically to create a thriving Outpost and spend a bit of time putting that plan into action the result though is an automatic credit generating tool that will have you feeling like a retired US president living on their own exotic Ranch while the money keeps on rolling in so this video will go through the benefits of outposts what you need to get started how to start building what everything does and how it works including trade routes before we get to that though it's giveaway time if you like Starfield gaming or sci-fi at all you need to check out this sweet gaming PC yes this is actually a Starfield themed PC but it also has some crazy functionality first it has six indicator lights that react to your in-game flight power and location if a subsystem is below 50 power which is a good indication that it's being damaged by an enemy ship it will pulse red so if your build is close to your field of vision you'll have a warning that the game doesn't provide what's useful though is that the bottom of the PC contains two yes two steam decks with custom knobs and icons perfect for Content creation streaming or just automating your processes inside the system has the latest Intel i7 13 700k processor and a 7900 XTX graphics card perfect for Starfield and it could be yours if you follow the link in the description and enter the giveaway thanks to skytech gaming for the build and Signal RGB and Intel for the tech let's start with your background choice and skills I recommend picking the professor Background by anything with social and or science skills works as you need to go down both you'll be starting in the science tree you want to get research methods to cut down the sheer boatload of resources you'll need to reach research everything geology is also nice because yet again you need a lot of resources you're going to want botany rank one so you can build greenhouses and zoology so you can build animal husbandry facilities I think that's how you pronounce it then the major skill you're aiming for Outpost engineering with three ranks you can build the best Outpost modules after researching them that is Rank 4 if you can get it will certainly help as modules aren't cheap then if you want to build on dangerous environments you want to get planetary habitation moving on to the social tree you'll want to pick up the Outpost management skill how you get there is up to you but extra robots and crew is very helpful once you have a nice Outpost up and running and that's all you need the rest is up to you I personally would pick up the crafting skills like spacesuit design weapon engineering chemistry special projects and Gastronomy as there's a lot of crossover between Outpost building and crafting plus you can build crafting tables at your Outpost but I'll run through the benefits of our posts later also you want to pick up Commerce with all the goods you'll be producing you'll be able to sell them at a high price with this skill so how do you get started well the first and most obvious thing is you need to choose a planet or moon to build your Outpost I recommend one at least at the start that has aluminum and iron since these two resources are needed to build a lot of modules so having them on the planet for you to harvest saves you a lot of trips around space that's the first step the next is finding a nice spot to settle choose somewhere relatively flat you can build on mountains and heels but it's painful and more trouble than it's worth when it comes to placing modules then open up your scanner and press the Outpost button here before you place your beacon it will show you the available resources you can harvest in the radius of the beacon up at the top important because no one Outpost can mine everything so having multiple that gather different resources will help so place your beacon you can now fast travel to your Outpost location anytime you can fast travel as it marks the location on the planet or Moon that you're on on your map this little icon here means that this system has an outpost on it so bring up your scanner and press the Outpost button again you can swap between modify mode and build mode with this key here in modified mode you can select things and move them around let's go to build mode first here you see the things you can place within your Outpost boundary you can see the boundary by toggling your view with this key here the boundary is a yellow circle that denotes how far from the beacon you can build this view is also best for building accurately to build you just need to select a module and place it first though you need the build requirements AKA you need the materials in order to build the amount differs on your skills and between each module note that building Outpost takes a wide range of crafting materials so what you should do first is find the modules you want to build and press the track button down here that will make it so when you're in the world and see the materials you're looking for there will be a blue magnifying glass icon over them reminding you that you're looking for that particular resource before we get more into building though we need to run through research when you first jump into Outpost building you'll have hardly anything available to build in order to unlock more advanced modules including proper power plants Cosmetics greenhouses and more you'll need to research them so find yourself a research lab the easiest place to find one is in the lodge the constellation home base on planet jemisin in the Alpha Centauri system you can also build a research station on your Outpost or build one on your ship by building a two by one sites or infirmary hap click on the research lab and then on our post development you'll notice you have a range of research projects you can complete including manufacturing 1 decoration 1 and robots one the rest of the research projects require either ranks of outpost building botany or zoology if you click on manufacturing you'll notice that you need materials to complete the research so you need to find these out in the world or make them in the case of the Adaptive frame and zero wire that you see here so once again you can track the materials you need by hitting the track project button iron you can buy from shops button some inside destroyed asteroids or mine them from the surface of Worlds zero wire and adaptive frames can be built in an industrial workbench you can once again build or find in the lodge adaptive frames for example take aluminum and iron you can also find them out in the world once you have the resources you can start researching the project sometimes you'll get lucky and some of the resources will be skipped but that's a conversation for another video researching will unlock more modules for Outpost building so keep that in mind as you start your Outpost Journey so jump back into your build menu and let's go through everything you have multiple tabs here and sometimes modules even have different versions like this extractor has different sizes and therefore different costs the costs are placed to the left at the bottom we see the Outpost name and the plant and system here we see the build limit it's fairly generous from what I've seen But if this bar fills you won't be able to build more at this particular Outpost then we have the cargo we have which will make more sense once we start talking about shipping we have the total crew we have stationed here the power the base requires the power we're generating and how much is produced per minute these stats are found to be fairly meaningless except for your power requirement the first tab is extractors well the first tab is technically Quest modules but I'll skip over that until later so the extractor tab will have different things in it depending on the resources available at the Beacon place in my case I can extract chlorine and water so I get access to those extractors they have the regular extractors the commercial versions and Industrial models industrial always producing the most and usually being the most expensive and physically bigger placing one of these will require a few things first in the case of chlorine or other resources that are in the ground you need to find the veins and place the extractor on top of it this is an example here extractors have a radius around themselves that indicate their harvesting area don't build another extractor within this radius for maximum output once placed they'll start generating resources for you the amount is denoted in the production stat when you place more you'll see the stats being added together but now you need power the next tab gives you modules that produce power or light you start off with only basic solar and wind power generator is but unlock things like nuclear power with Research Place a few power generating modules and you'll be powering your whole base without needing to construct any wires everything is just automatically powered once placed keep in mind solar power works best on Sunny planets and wind turbines work best on plants with a thicker atmosphere so moons won't work well your power generators are a prime target for pirates so keep these in a safe place next are your containers the first is a transfer container and it makes it so while you're on your ship you can access the outposts cargo storage and therefore transfer it directly into your ship or inventory good if you're simply visiting Outpost or Outpost to collect your goods then we have a range of different storage options from small to large solid liquid gas and Warehouse with Warehouse storing manufactured items so in my case I'll place a gas and liquid storage for my chlorine and water producing outposts once placed go into modify mode press create Outpost link on your production modules and Link them to your storage containers now everything you produce will be automatically stored convenient but also necessary for what comes up soon next are Builders Builders will take resources and produce another in the case of a simple fabricator I have 11 options but these just change what it produces you can simply click on the fabricator once built to change that anyway so don't think you need to build multiple so Fabricators take resources and convert them to manufactured goods for example I can have this machine make adaptive frames all I need is aluminum and iron so if I have aluminum and iron being fed somehow into my solid storage container I would go into modify mode create Link and Link it to the fabricator I will then link the fabricator to the warehouse storage container that would mean that the iron and aluminum would be fed into the solid storage which would feed into the fabricator which would feed adaptive frames into the warehouse storage at this point you can gather all the frames and sell them if this is automatically producing for you because you chose a an iron and aluminum Rich world like I suggested congrats enjoy your income however there's much more we can do the compound fabricator produces more complex and expensive goods and the multiplex is more complex and expensive still now I need to mention greenhouses and animal husbandry facilities these are the hardest to understand as not only do they require the appropriate skills they require research as well plus some plants will not be able to build them what do I mean well you need to have the appropriate flora and fauna to build one on the planet you're on and you need to have them fully scanned first in the case of the greenhouse only one plant on the whole planet could be harvested and I only knew that after trying to place a greenhouse and scanning all the Flora on the planet it produces nutrients but it requires water so just like the Fabricators it takes a resource and converts it to something else so set up an appropriate link to get the most out of it in order to show you an example I set up an outpost on jemisin jemisin has more compatible Flora I'm currently growing a plant that gives Toxin and takes water you'll see the water is being produced sent to the greenhouse and the toxin is being produced and sent to the storage it's the same with the animal husbandry facility in this case we have a beast here that takes water and fiber and produces nutrients we don't have fiber to feed it so let's solve that we notice that one of the production options in the greenhouse is fiber we just haven't scanned a plant on the planet that can produce fiber so let's go exploring we need to do this before to find and scan creatures for the animal husbandry facility as well so scan the fluorine fauna until you've completed the biome and return in this case I can start producing fiber from the greenhouse and Link it directly to the animal husbandry or link the storage to the animal husbandry figure it out in the order you want to do it but click on the module you want the resource to go from and click to the module you want to receive the resource so that's the order so animal husbandry facilities are just other ways you can produce resources moving on we have structures this is basically how you build your home base by linking habitats together and once inside building your decorations your crafting areas and what have you I won't bother explaining this in depth as it's pretty straightforward you place these tabs down and snap them together at an airlock and you're good to go they're cheap enough to let you build your home from the start now I mentioned crafting your research lab is here as well as all your crafting benches they're cheap to build so aim to get them all down in your base when you click on them they'll take resources to build your mods food drink and components you don't need to place them inside a Hab and they can work outside just fine next up are defenses all defenses take power to operate but will defend your outposts from attackers yes attackers will spawn in randomly like pirates for example to attack you also plans with fauna will often have aggressive creatures defenses will keep your base safe be sure to repair your modules after attack keep in mind you have a limit of 6 turrets you can build in each base so so research to get access to better one the prime targets for attack are your resource and power generating modules robots are up next and provide different benefits the sanitation minibot increases production rate of inorganic resources The Garden minibot of organic resources the engineering robot of manufactured items and the logistic robot a smaller increase to all resource types then the power management robot makes your power generators produce more power then we have three types of security robots with the final dog-like robot quite potent in combat at the cost of a lot of resources you can only have three total robots in each Outpost unless you skill up so Choose Wisely don't forget to repair them if they come under Fire next we have furniture and this tab contains what you'd expect couches chairs beds and tables consoles and more don't forget to add a bed into your Outpost for a way to get that sweet rested experience bonus especially potent when you share a bed with someone else decorations are just things to make your Outpost more homely like frames and trophies though play placing multiple storage crates can be helpful in storing your junk but if you have things you want to display then display is the tab for you if you like particular weapons or spacesuits but are currently using another why not display it in your Outpost so you no longer need to carry it around simple place these then click on them and select the item then we have the most important tab for any self-respecting Outpost Aficionado the miscellaneous tab the scan booster makes it so your hand scanner has increasingly effective scan range on the planet The Outpost is placed the military-grade scan booster increasing your hand scanners range by quadruple so if you have Rank 4 of surveying your scanner will now be 200 meters making for very fast surveying but it's not really necessary the next two modules are needed if you want to build our posts that feed each other resources in order to produce manufactured goods that are more expensive no one Outpost will be able to produce everything you need so with Cargo Link you can link outposts together that are in the same system and with the inter-system Cargo Link you can link our posts that are in different systems the inter-system Cargo Link requires helium-3 though so you'll need an outpost on a moon that has it it's mostly moons that have helium 3 so you need that Outpost to produce it and then you need to send it to your other outposts that require it so you build a Cargo Link what do you do now well you link the resources that you are generating to the Cargo Link then you go to the console of the module and select the Outpost you want to send it to a ship will land gather the goods then fly off to place it within the incoming container of the other Outpost then at that Outpost you can link the incoming container to your fabricator so it can automatically start using the resources or link it to the appropriate storage containers then the containers to the fabricator whichever works best for you and what you have in mind this might all be a bit of information overload so come back to this once you've built everything the timestamps are below low it might take some time but at least you'll have a better understanding of that point more advanced outposts will have multiple other outposts feeding them resources in order to produce the most amount of things let's move on next is the crew station you need to place at least one of these up to three total to allow crew to man your Outpost through bring with them a range of skills some of which are specific to outposts so go into your menu click on the bottom left ship selection then hit the crew button you'll see your crew and their skills in the case of Lynn clicking her and assigning her to the appropriate Outpost will give her Outpost management skill to The Outpost increasing the amount of stuff you can have there you'll need to play around with crew and see just what their skills do for your Outpost but you're gonna want as many as you can in as many outposts as you can so get to recruiting crew and upping your Outpost management skill then we have the landing pad and the landing pad with ship Builder you absolutely want the shipbuilder PAD as the small Landing Pad has size limits and the ship Builder lets you customize and build ships from your Outpost best of all it has the most amount of parts available in the game with almost all manufacturer modules it's only missing the high-end manufacturer specific Parts but it's nice to be able to land your oversized ship in your base and be able to customize it here on the pad as well as being able to switch between your home ships then we have different types of emission boards from general purpose to Constellation only place one and from here you can select and accept different missions then we have the self-service Bounty clearing board the absolute best place to go to clear your Bounty as you won't have to give up your stolen goods or risk entering the offices of a faction you've annoyed in order to clear it at their terminal every space pirate needs one of these so the final tab is the quest tab here you have Quest based modules like this one keep in mind placing this one will increase the attacks on your Outpost so be ready so ultimately what are the benefit bits of outposts first and foremost for your own role play this is a video game and the biggest positive from any video game is the immersion into another world so building a home for yourself on some distant planet well there isn't a price you can put on that you'll have a place to fast travel to to dump all your junk rest up and get that Lover's Embrace I mean emotional security buff you'll have places to build your ship you'll have Goods you can gather and sell at ridiculous prices you'll have base resources you can use for other things you'll have a place to mod your weapons and gear to make food and supplies to research and develop finally you have a place to play a little Tower Defense minigame with mods in the expansion I'm sure there'll be a ton more we can do in the future so that's everything our post what do you think let me know below be sure to check out the awesome skytech and Signal RGB PC below and also like the video if it was helpful but everything Starfield and RPG you're in the right place ciao friends [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dantics
Views: 586,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, outposts, settlement, building, base, bases, outpost, settlements
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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