STARFIELD BASE BUILDING - Early Base Build! How to Find the BEST PLACES to Build Your Perfect Base!

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hello welcome and good morning hello again there friends and fans Raptor here and Welcome to our first base in Starfield and thanks to Bethesda for giving us early access to the game which you may have seen before on the channel just a little bit ago we were able to take our first look at the main quest side quests and a lot of the content the game has to offer but now for the first time I'm building a base and learning how to do so so thanks to them for sponsoring today's video about how to build a base how to get started really as that is something we do all the time here on the channel building and Base building and survival and yeah it's a lot of fun wow look at those creatures down there pretty cool too all right so welcome aboard good to see you all here now I'm sure many of you are experts at Starfield by now and or many of you have figured out all the subtle nuances to building a base and for those of you who haven't and are getting started don't worry we've got you covered I'm pretty good at these types of games but I'm not the best by any means and so for those of you who are watching make sure you comment Down Below in the comment section on some things we may have missed some things you may have learned and some things that you'd recommend for new players intermediate and advanced when it comes to building a base in Starfield we'll welcome aboard the ship known as the loot Goblin which we've obtained via some bounty hunters and have modified it quite a few times to store more and more things to be able to of course build more things and of course go into missions with better loot better weapons better armor but now it's time we settle down and build a base to take those resources and make them even better to make more things and better things for bigger money well we've got a lot of money in this game and we've got ourselves a lot of missions behind us but a very long way to go too and of course building an outpost as they call it will help us along the way now currently we're able to build up to eight outposts but there are skills that will allow us to build much more and this is just a basic base that'll help us to gather some resources that we need to build an even bigger base and more of them such as aluminum them lead iron and a few other things well here's a landing pad that we're on which we can modify our ship there's a good look at the loot Goblin too I'm very proud of her such a good ship so so good love it love it so much but anyway once we leave our ship we are certainly over encumbered and have way too much stuff on us as you can see we have 600 out of 235 and the ship itself oh the poor ship it's almost maxed out at well actually it is over maxed out at 830. so we got to put all of our loots somewhere right well welcome to the planet of Halo 2. now the hardest thing in this game so far for Base building is where you're going to build a base and I want to start the discussion by saying that we've already in this game flown around for about two or three hours going from system to system to find the perfect area to start our base not only Aesthetics wise but also resource wise now if you want to know exactly where I am I'm east of the starting area of Alpha Centauri you'll be spending a lot of your time around this area and this is where you'll find the town of new Atlantis which is just south east of Seoul which is where Earth is although unfortunately well you'll have to find out what happened to that one now when I refer to directions yeah we all know there's not directions in space but the map can't be rotated so this is pretty helpful for players to navigate to the east where you can see we've gone all the way past volai where you might find the planet of or the city of neon and just a few jumps from there through purima you'll find yourself to hila or Hala so this is a very very good little star system as of course we have ourselves two beautiful planets that are rich with resources now right now we're on Halo 2 you can see the little symbol above the planet and you can see that we're rich in aluminum and that we've got some lead here and argon we have gases we have liquids we have also minerals and you can see a lot of information about it here you can see that the gravity is 1.3 times more than Earth it's got a temperate temperature so we're talking about temperatures somewhere between like 15 to 25 degrees Celsius that's somewhere around like between like 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit there's also High O2 so we can walk around with our helmets off and we don't necessarily need the protections that we would on a more Barren or ice Planet magnetosphere is average so that protects us from some of the radiation from Sun and space and we also have a lot of Flora and Fauna here animals and plants basically and we can scan those to learn a lot more about the planet and make some money as you can see our survey data is at 40 percent but the other planet I want to keep an eye on is Hilo one so these two planets here will where we'll build two bases so we can connect them together to then start smelting resources such as what you see here and you may have already seen the is for those of you who are watchful yeah we have iron there and that's something I'm tracking and keeping an eye on because the planet we're currently on which is highlight two has less than hila 1 which is rich in iron and a little bit of uranium there it is yeah so we can see the resources here if we press R you can see the whole map for all those resources too which is incredibly helpful yeah we can see where all these resources may be found and this could be a good spot for a future base so if we click there um if we're inside the ship it'll mark it we'll be able to land there and that could be a good place for a future Outpost so just keep that in the back your mind for later that this would be a great planet to return to for future operations that's kind of step two I'm always thinking a few steps ahead so that's why I've gone ahead and built a base here already to show to you so let's jump back to hila 2 and take a little look around the base shall we yeah so here's our base now complete with an airlock that you see in the middle of the screen and the two habitats off to either side one of which is for manufacturing and the other which is my throne room I'll get to that in a minute let's head down there so this building that we've constructed that we're standing on now is known as the shipbuilding platform and this is actually one of the biggest Platforms in the game we can have a huge ship here to where some of the ships only are allowed to be up to 40 meters this one is allowed to be up to whatever the more maximum is in the game take a look at that ship building in the game yeah we can do that at our base too and a huge benefit to building an outpost is that we can summon all the ships that we've collected or that we've um bought or acquired in other ways in the game by simply just going through them I think we I can't remember the maximum I think it's somewhere between 8 and 13 you'll have to correct me down below in the comments section but again with this game being a game that will more than likely get updates and DLCs and other mods that limit could be uh changed in the future but for now I think it's somewhere between those numbers but we can summon any of these ships here and these would be great at any time to go out and get other resources now when we change ships here and no matter where we change ships are resources on our current ship which again remember is the loot Goblin will be transferred to some of these other smaller ships so this one that's already bursting will be more than overflowing on some of these other ships but if we had a much larger container ship here we could switch to it now and put some of our resources inside and give ourselves some working room for our base and or future builds so that way we can mine some of the resources and maybe move some things here so if we go down the stairs we see that we have ourselves an airlock in front of us we can go inside the base here but outside we already have a solar panel that's functioning on this planet that is rather deserty there's a lot of rockiness to it but there's some trees around and a lot of creatures too that you may have noticed at the start almost like some dinosaurs now we can walk around this whole planet and scan for everything including the lead that's below us which is why we made this base here you can kind of see where the resources go around so we can find things like even iron here too although in much lesser numbers than that of lead and also aluminum which would be bauxite but in this game they simplify it a little bit and so that's a good thing for us I suppose when it comes to building a simple Outpost now when we want to build an outpost we first start by going to our scanner like what you just saw before and when we place down our Beacon I think we can press uh b or some button along those lines to place the beacon which then kind of creates a territory now this can be plopped down it creates a large area around us of um I'm not sure exactly how large it is but it's several hundred meters in all directions a large Circle to which we can build and mine inside so all of these resources that are around us such as uh lead and a few other things such as I think gold is over here too or silver there's a few resources here mixed in and they're really nice and close together but we can find many different resources and mine them in this area around our base and we can build extractors to do that now we'll get to that in a little bit but I wanted to take you on a tour of the base and or the basic base and show you exactly how I got started might be easy for you to do too now we landed here randomly somewhere over there where you see the flat land and I walked over and placed down the beacon and then I started building things such as those little um habitats now habitats can be built in different styles too we have a lot of options in the game and we'll go through these in just a little bit but if you want to yeah there's the throne room you get it a beautiful panoramic view of the mountains the trees the animals it's gorgeous some derelict factories and some other things that we can go explore in ransack and bring those resources back but I was able to place down this habitat which is known as the hydroponic habitat which in this case has Windows instead of the optional walls and so we can kind of change the Interiors of some of our buildings too after we build them this science Hub here for example has a little window in it but we can take that out if we want to too or we can place the alternative which is much more like a greenhouse so very helpful to be able to choose what we want to do depending on I guess the style of the building that we're going for at the time but anyway nice thing is that we have a lot of space here to operate we can put storage in here we can put other types of workbenches in here we can make a bedroom in here or multiple bedrooms for our crew too who can live and operate this facility now keep in mind this facility will more than likely be kind of our main manufacturing Hub so everything that we mine everything that we pump up and ship will be shipping here so that way it can be turned into other Goods like Pharmaceuticals or weapon mods or ammunition that we can sell elsewhere now everything you're also going to see today isn't everything that's in the game in fact this little research station here has pharmacology food and drink equipment Weaponry but also Outpost development to where I've already gone ahead and unlocked this manufacturing one it's kind of an advanced manufacturing unit that kind of works automated wise it can pull resources from your base and then make other goods and put them into a warehouse so it basically is like an input output thing that turns things from raw materials into a product and intermediate product that you can use such as frames for building a bigger base so your base that you build at the start could be the base of operations for future bases if you get it that's just the basics anyway yeah we can upgrade and unlock better mining equipment we can unlock better manufacturing equipment decorations two different types of lighting and even this a Horticulture Farm which we can place outside too and if we unlock additional skills which you see at the top botany and outpost engineering we can come back to our bases later as we unlock more things and get more resources and make them even bigger and then start doing things like food which is really important and incredible in this game because it gives you a little bit more than just food it's not necessarily a survival game where you must eat or drink otherwise you die you can actually eat and drink to give you different types of bonuses for things like being persuasive or providing protection against certain damage whatnot so all the things that you see here in the inventory could eventually be made here at our base I don't mind that I was a little hungry but yeah we can actually make all these different things that give us as you see on the right side restores oxygen or gives us reload speed or does additional damage to the enemy or reduces the damage we could take so these are all things that we can either make and use ourselves or we could sell them for money or give them to our allies such as better guns and equipment like grenades and whatnot we can give that to them to hold on to for us in combat or we can give them better guns to shoot back at the enemy now this is something that's really cool here each of these are a workbench that we can take control of and manufacture all sorts of different things here we have a spacesuit workbench that allows us to make spacesuits or mods the weapon workbench that allows us to make weapons or mods for them Pharmaceuticals which allows us to make consumables such as drugs for persuasion or just simply a health kit we also have the cooking station that gives us access to more advanced food which can then make us something like the sandwich rather than just um you know a small little meaty chunk or whatnot and we can also do farming in terms of like animal husbandry so there are options to also do those types of things and the Horticulture building which is kind of like farming too or Hydroponics so we can grow everything ourselves and then cook it here and make really Advanced meals that give us big benefits so think of it almost like a potion or something like that but it's just food good food is a motivator industrial workbench here is the more manual version of the thing I just showed you which allows us to make something that we'll need for today's purposes the Adaptive frame so a lot of what our base requires requires some basic materials but also some more Advanced Materials here the Adaptive frame requires iron and aluminum to be made and we're going to make three of those so we can make a storage unit to then start mining we need that lead if we're going to make things like ammunition and whatnot but regardless of what we mine it will all be through the extractors so again whether it's iron or whether it's aluminum or lead it's all going to be the same got it okay well kind of the same you'll see what I mean anyway a little pit stop though I wanted to make mention that these Interiors are completely customizable too not only just on the outside walls and the building itself when we place it but also we can place additional storage on the inside so these storage crates here I think can hold up to like 125 or 150 mass and so we can store all sorts of different personal Goods here like weapons and armor and whatnot that these crates can either uh you know we can grab some stuff from here and make it manually or we can just keep this as kind of a safe house for our less than legal Goods Contraband and things that we've stolen we can put in these boxes too and then come back to later or just use as kind of an overflow storage if we want to get some stuff off the ship or come back to later or like me I like to collect certain things and never give them up because I think they're pretty cool so I keep them in a collection here until I can build something like a display case to put them on later or something like that so we have all these options then for like a cruise quarters and a manufacturing room and then of course the little area here for I don't know shipping and receiving but this is just a small basic base and just an example of what we can build with all the things we gather so keep in mind that a lot of those things can be um you know manufactured by our crew now our crew which you may meet at the beginning of the game when you go to new Atlantis of course people of the constellation group uh will be able to help you in Mining and Manufacturing so you can have them manage these bases too so with this being our manufacturing base and with the other base on Halo 1 being our mining base we can immediately put two people to work in managing these bases and trying to create resources that we need or at least intermediate products that maybe we can come back here and make ourselves maybe it would be a better for us to have them make every part that we might use and then we decide what to make out of them so that way we have a little bit more options or hell just bring all the resources here all the raw resources and we can choose what to make uh them out of or them into really all right now now that we've built our base let's say and I'll show you how to do this in a little bit now we want to start extracting we have a place to store all of our Goods we have a safe place for our Starship so if we board this want to go do a side mission or if we need some money or other resources we can leave now it's time for the good stuff the extractions right so let's say you're mining anything literally anything it could be argon it could be neon it could be water or in this case it could be lead well here's how we're going to do it pull out your scanner and go to the surface map or rather the Outpost button whatever you have it assigned to and go ahead and look through all the things that you want to build in this case we're going to be building an extractor for not fluorine but lead yeah it actually automatically selects wherever you're kind of aiming so as you can see this one's for silver we've got silver nearby somewhere over here well we're going to go for lead for now now you can see they're all pretty much the same they look the same but they're just designed for different types of materials maybe the drill bit is different but we're going to go ahead and put this next to this thing here this rotating table which is a solar panel now in this game it seems in Starfield that and I'm not sure just yet I'm still learning a little bit but it looks like all of the uh well we'll get to that in just a moment but all the power that we produce uh is not necessarily needed by the buildings but is needed by the extractors and other equipment we build outside in other words the buildings are self-sufficient and they can power everything that you saw inside through like solar panels or something on their own no additional cost for you to build that but things that we build outside such as the solar panel and the mining equipment here can be connected now we didn't have to connect it yet because the solar panel and this automatically connected via the power grid and so this lead mining equipment will automatically do its thing on its own but we have the option to connect them ourselves and wire everything up so if you're a big fan of factorio or satisfactory you can take the time to build all these different networks yourself or you could just have it do it automatically it gives you the option it's rather simple but it lets you be a little bit more advanced so you can do things how you'd like to now another cool thing about this game and one thing that really impressed me and I didn't expect to see was is when we go to The Outpost Builder if we go to one of the first things that we need is power over on the left side you can see solar generators work best on planets that receive a lot of sunlight while this is a huge desert planet with not a lot of tree coverage or whatnot so not only does that mean it's good for the sun to give us solar power but also windmills so wind turbines can also come into play here so if we go uh yeah check this out we can do a top down menu and look at our base this way so if we go to our power tab we can see the wind turbines here can also produce 10 power now there's not a lot of trees here a lot of open deserts so they're going to kick up a lot of wind and so we can build wind turbines for 10 with different uh required materials or solar arrays now they both require different things and some things are more common than not so you might need to mix between the two but we can also build fuel generators and those can be fueled by helium-3 and which is something that you can find on the moon and many other planets so you can do solar power wind power or kind of like a fuel I haven't seen nuclear or whatnot but we can also build powered switches too which I want to give a little bit of an example to so we'll probably place that down there and show how all that works cool so right now the solar panel is automatically supplying this thing with power and this requires I believe uh I think it's six power that this is making and this requires five so we'll need to make multiple power stations to power the multiple mines but let's say we had two mines here one was mining lead and one was mining Silver and we're just completely out of resources to build additional power well we can actually use this to toggle things together and also kind of more control our base take a little bit more control which is fun so here's how to do it and here's how to basically do everything that we're about to do so we need to access the scanner and we need to go to this menu here by pressing tab which is kind of the modify menu and here as you can see we can do all sorts of things like move buildings around it's really helpful we can move anything at any time if we want to we move our airlock or delete it and we get all of our resources back so if we want to build a bigger base a smaller base or change our base that allows us to do that now for this particular power producing building we can hold e on this one and we get access to wire it that's right so we can either wire directly to the little switch over there or we can wire to the miner in this case we're going to wire to the switch to which this will allow us to break off to other machines so if we had a huge power grid we could then connect everything to here and then we could maybe make two separate power grids maybe one power grid could be for our defenses because we can be attacked there are defenses in this game and we can be attacked so it's a good idea to maybe put those on a different power grid so that way you can manage that a little bit more intensely maybe that way so if you're building a bigger base and run out of power it doesn't take your defenses offline but in this case we can build like ballistic turrets we can build tick turrets and we can also build laser turrets so as you'd imagine it's a good idea to make sure you've got your defenses always running so you can put them on their own solar Grid or wind grid and then you can put the machines on another so you can keep track of things so just keep that in mind so this is a great way to separate those things and also keep track of what you're doing so back to our build menu then we're going to go ahead and wire this up as well from here to Here and Now our machine is powered again now if we want to cut off this power and send it to a different machine we can build another switch back here and so this switch can then be switched to two switches and we can kind of turn off the main power or like Breakers where we can then turn off one mining equipment or the other think of it like this this would be zero this would be one and two and then the mining machines would be one and two and you can turn them on and off to manage the power plain and simple it's pretty cool and I like it and I did not expect to see that so I was delighted to see some customization like that now the next thing I want to show you is how we're going to store all this lead that we're mining so again remember this planet is Rich with resources tons of them everywhere and we're going to need to be able to store them so now we get into not the individual storage which you may have seen upstairs with those different crates but we want to build an automated storage so back to the same menu back to our Outpost and back to uh building new stuff under storage we go to the storage tab you can see that we have a transfer container now this is where we are we're going to be able to transfer goods from other planets to and from uh so if we want to ship things from here or to here this transfer container and also the miscellaneous here for things like the Cargo Link and the Cargo Link enter system these will all be used together to link things either between this planet or other planets to get them to where they need to go in other words a ship will come down and land at a landing uh Beacon or whatnot kind of like this concrete Square 40 by 40 and it'll drop off things kind of like that there it is perfect so you can kind of see what that looks like so you'll have to make sure that you know if you want to land on a landing pad like this that your ship is no longer than 40 meters and you can see that in the ship building menu and it starts from the middle so if you see 20 in One Direction and 26 in another it's a little too long that means you're at 46 so just keep in mind that you can only land on these smaller platforms and uh if so if you want to do some of the space Trucking yourself and bring a huge load of for example iron from another planet to this planet you want to drive it yourself because you can be a freaking space trucker in this game then you got to do it via this you know landing pad and you got to make sure you can fit otherwise you can't land here and you have to hold everything manually there's always ways around there's always a backup plan but just keep that in mind all right so let's build our storage then right so now we need to store this lead and we need to get it upstairs to where we can make ammunition let's say right so power is being provided to to the mining equipment now the mining equipment needs to put its resources somewhere and there's also the way to do this with gas and there's also the way to do this with the uh uh liquids that you can extract too so here's our solid storage and we can put that right here boom we can also put down liquid storage just for example I'll put that down oh we can't we we need more adaptive frames but anyway you can kind of see it though in this blueprint menu uh we could we can snap that right there that's four things like water and this gas is kind of like for neon and whatnot but right now we built this Hopper which is for uh minerals now each of the different containers also have a little percentage meter on them and they hold up to 75 so uh once this reads 100 that means 75 kilos or whatnot of material have been dropped off here but you can easily see that by just getting close and looking at it and this is a little small to see so you know you can always glance at the side if you see it a little bit more full now we have to do what we did with the power the uh system doesn't know exactly where to send all that lead as you can see it's completely blank but this year is up to about uh 12. oh wow actually the Mass is at eight out of ten each of these don't weigh one to one it's 0.7 zeros you see on the right side So eventually this is going to run out of space I know we're in space but just hear me out we got to connect these things together right so goal one is to connect power to the mining equipment goal two is to connect the mining equipment to the hopper and goal three is to connect the raw resource the lead upstairs to one of our benches or whatnot so it can be made into ammo and then we can make an out going or an export warehouse now I think I don't have that unlocked at the moment we might need to do a little bit of research on that but basically there's a small Warehouse that you can make that can hold 75 as well and then if we wanted to we could set up like a trade route to sell guns and ammo ah here it is right here so you can see this also takes adaptive frames but this as well can be the final end of our products and so we can then put that connected to the landing strip or whatnot the little shuttle and that can export all the things that we make like guns or Pharmaceuticals and then they'll come and pick that up from there and put it on their ship or rather on the landing pad and then take it from there so yeah it's long and convoluted but not too complicated once you've done it once you're a pro edit so let's get these things connected then right so we're going to go ahead and connect this and we go ahead and right click here I'll get out of here sir we want to go to our other menu now we want to create an output link so if we right click and click here boom we've done it we are a master now we have to do is the same thing with this container upstairs as I had mentioned and then we can do it with the uh this manufacturing down to another container for warehouse but we don't have to do that we can also do this which allows us to do a little manufacturing outside the simple fabricator so this thing is like the workbench that I made the Adaptive frame on and I'm just going to put this down here just to Showcase it now this is not on because we're not producing enough power but you can see that we can make all the things that we were able to upstairs and possibly more and do it more quickly with this machine so we're gonna have to make another power source and then provide that with power but we can link these two together so just like we had before we're going to go back to our Outpost menu and we're going to make it so this can connect to here cool yeah so power comes from the solar panel to the switch to the mining equipment to the hopper to the manufacturing thing and then we can make things like those adaptive frames that we need but unfortunately we need some more power too so let's get to that so let's make uh something like our little power unit maybe a wind turbine we'll do that for a little variety and we'll put that over here and it'll automatically start working because the uh Power Plant the wind turbine will be providing to the whole base rather than the particular equipment that we've selected now you can hear it working right yep so this thing won't just work with one resource we also have to put in uh let's say instead of lead we were mining iron we'd also have to put in aluminum so we can basically do the same thing with another Hopper and we can have this create one thing so we can have uh you know Iron and aluminum come in and make those adaptive frames and then this will just constantly make that and put it out into one of the storage Warehouse bins and then we can come back and collect those from time to time so good idea to scale up as much as you can so yeah imagine this we're only this far into uh just making like two pieces of equipment oh yeah photo mode pretty [Music] there we go all right let's go ahead and take a look then at the base I want to go back into this view that's what I was trying to do cool and we can actually see the whole base so now you can imagine what it would be like to set up multiple extractors multiple power plants and multiple halves and we can do so in an area that's about this big I'm going to kind of try to go around the edge you can see this light line kind of in the middle of the screen it almost looks pink or red or a rusty color and so we've got quite a large area that we can build in and so that means we have access to a lot of resources just within the circle and uh yeah so we've got quite a bit of room to Branch out we've kind of tucked ourselves in the corner but we've got a lot more area oh boy that's a that's a big boy right there but yeah those defensive turrets would shoot at those guys and keep them out of our base now some of these equipment have integrity and I'm not sure exactly how that works just yet you see here this guy might try to cause a little bit of damage to this thing which does have a little bit of Integrity if we uh take a look here at some of the things to which yeah we can even build decorations like lighting and stuff really cool so there's lights up there that shine down on the solar panel and just like how it works in real life we can create unlimited power that's how they make it in real life if you take light and shine it at a solar panel it will get 100 with no loss at all the lighting so uh the lighting will produce 100 power now in this case it's based on the um you know the atmosphere and whatnot but we can actually jump up there which I've been trying to do there we go and uh yeah be spun around by that so the lights up here will shine down on the solar panel and give us our power just like if you were to take a power strip and plug it into itself it works the same way unlimited power nothing could stop you so yeah we can do exterior decorations interior decorations we can put gun turrets down with this base also being elevated off the ground animals can walk and run under the station too so we get a lot of migrating animals coming through that we don't necessarily block from their I guess migration paths or whatever or on the hunt which sometimes they will kill an animal in front of us that kind of thing so anyway those are the basics of a little bit more advanced manufacturing and things to do after you've got start and if once you're getting started once you've gotten started this is kind of the next step is to go out and build bases uh like this over and over again which is kind of nice they all have different specializations and you've got to build in different locations but it's your game you get to choose where you want to build and the challenge is yours now let's show what it's like to build a base all the way from scratch if this has intrigued you then perhaps this next step all the way from the beginning starting from scratch base 101 let's let's go excellent we have done it we've claimed this land for raptoria all right so this is the exact same spot that you saw before without a base built on it looks much different doesn't it still dangerous creatures around and we've got a lot of territory to work with but it's essentially the same space so we'll build something different here and we'll cover what it's like to build a habitat and lay things out from scratch now I'm gonna have to build my base a little differently because our ship is all the way over there you probably can't even see it but it's all the way over that Hill there behind that rock and the ship is too large for the smaller Spaceport so we're going to need to go get a lot of materials and do things so we can actually build a spaceship Landing Zone here whatever Landing Pad but we're going to start with a little habitat so what do we do first right we've plopped down our a little uh yeah my first base exactly we have our Outpost marker here we can press e here and we can press V to see exactly what kind of space we're working with and uh yeah same spot as before lots of space to build and you can kind of see some High Ground here which is why I chose it but I certainly fell in love with that observation post that we built at the very beginning that habitat that allows us to see like 360 degrees so let's go through everything here again so as we're building now unfortunately we don't have a layout mode we're not able to like do any sort of Blueprinting but we can do something where we Mark uh that we want certain materials so if we press R we can track what we're going to try to get in order to or what we need in order to build certain things so if we're going to build a lot of extractors it requires aluminum Benzene and membrane so we can kind of start tracking that so if we wanted to come back later we can definitely do that but in this case we're not going to we're going to move on to the next one so we have ourselves extractors we have power which we can build a little bit later when we do our mining like I showed you we have storage which was all the stuff we covered before for solids and liquids what not we have ourselves an outpost airlock and then we have multiple halves too which can be built with different types of styles some of them have different types of styles like for example this one's a double we also have hydroponic halves which of course are the ones that are a little bit more like the science lab and as you saw that one before that's the one where we put Windows in that one with the research center so we can do hydroponic Labs or just greenhouses or just kind of like a nice observation post kind of a a Lobby or whatnot we have the science halves which are small or flat we also have a military Hab although we'll need a lot more titanium to build that certainly a lot more defended against enemies so if you're in a hostile area perhaps you could build this as your bedroom and put turrets all over with a bunch of windmills and solar panels or whatnot we also have access to the round Hab which you saw earlier except it looked a little more like this yeah kind of a nicer Hab but of course if you want to build it like this you can do that too and I don't think you can put one on top of the other I think we tried to do that so unfortunately I don't think we can build like one here and then build another one on top of it but what we can do is we can make it a little taller if we want to so once we plop it down you can press W and S to kind of extend or lower it you can make it a little too tall and certainly it doesn't need to be so high especially if you build it on the edge of a of a hill but it really reminds me of like a house in LA in like the 70s or 60s when they were trying different houses so it's certainly got a nice look to it but if we don't want to put it there we can just scroll through to go to other things such as the small hex lab we have industrial hallways military science and Hydroponic and then also a watchtower which is kind of like an observation post or you can make it next to your landing pad to make it almost act as an ATC an air traffic control tower or whatnot and it looks pretty cool too not to mention you'll be able to shoot from it and maybe use it as like a panic room or whatnot as you're being chased up to the top who knows but anyway let's go back to our Hab round I'm still in love with this idea of building a glass structure so we're going to try to put this on the edge in the uh in the Rocks there a little bit and I think we'll build it like this perfect and we'll bring it up a little higher maybe as high as we can go and boom that's one done now we can build another one next to this if we left click it rotates and brings it to a different section all the way around it oh we can also hit escape to cancel that menu and take a look at what we built now there's no way into this structure without building an airlock so we're going to need to think about how we want to get in there and I didn't see any pieces that work um like as a ramp or an incline or stairs so we could put an airlock just on the side of this to get up there and um so we got to be a little bit creative some of the things like for example those hallways don't allow us to make like T intersections and like I mentioned there's no ramps or external elevators or ladders or whatnot so we got to be a little bit more creative with how we do things and I'm okay with that and hopefully we get more options in the future too because this is good this is good but it could be great and that's really what I'm hoping for here all right let's continue on with some more Hab stuff so we can do some structures I think what we'll do now is we'll go to the hydroponic tab a and maybe we'll make it a uh now I want to make the science just like we had before but we'll make this one square and maybe we'll put it here [Music] perfect and then let's try to make an airlock and as you can see a large stairwell gets placed down there and the game does its best to try to make it all the way to the bottom it looks like this is a little too tall so we'd have to jump let's try the other side closer and still not good enough but better actually better over on that side but additionally what we can keep doing too is we can build our habitats a little further out so we could put another round habitat over here and try to build it to where there's a hill there's a lot of solutions we can make but as you can see too the game does its best to try to delete rocks and other things that are on the ground that impede your vision near the um the building and also to try to clear it so it looks like the construction is legitimate uh it looks like it's also Auto snapping too and I don't see a way to actually turn that off but we can also change our variance via q and T2 and there's the modify mode although that does not allow us to um you know if we hold a shift it would be nice to not snap but if you get anywhere close to it it does attempt to snap so let's go ahead and try The Outpost airlock on this side just for demonstration purposes it's okay and if we don't like it again remember we get all of our resources back so we don't have to worry about that oh I don't want that to be there there we go perfect all right so we have a little bit of a observation tower and maybe like a little bit of a a bedroom or a briefing room or something like that and we still need to build our airlock I guess it didn't put put it down for us [Music] I've enjoyed trying to get creative with the the problem solving here for some of the things the the game presents to us with some of its early game limitations but this worked out pretty good I think and this yeah this looks like it's a pretty good spot all right into the airlock nice so now from here if we want to we can stay inside where it's safe perhaps where we won't be attacked while we're building just in case any sort of crazy bounty hunters come down or if there's inclement weather or if there's maybe a I don't know a dinosaur alien attack who knows we can then start building from inside but do it outside but remember we can modify buildings too so we do have the option to put in some of those fancy walls so if we go into the construction view again and if we go into modify we can then change these a little bit more so we have different variants here we can go into uh change that if we hit e get a nice little window there but we won't be able to do that here although we can change the door oh I didn't know that kind of nice so we make a narrow door we can make a larger door or we can make a massive door cool so it can almost be more for cargo nice I didn't know we could do that and we might be able to do the same with the airlock perhaps nope unfortunately that has to just be small but it gives us a nice view of what we yeah look at that see now we got yeah all these Critters walking around it's kind of cool it's like we're at the zoo or something like that so while we're inside we can keep building containers we can keep moving some things off the ship remember our ship is nearby it's far away though I mean it's nearby but it's still far away we got to walk all the way from there to bring all of our resources all the way across the desert to like a bunch of storage crates or something like that in order to get it off the ship and then into here but we also have the option to build that large uh space Landing Zone which we can delete later you know we could uh plop it down nearby and remember because we get a full refund we can put it down on the ground we can land our ship here we can offload all of our stuff and then delete that later after we leave our ship and then land back here and like uh teleport back here when we're not over encumbered once you've made your base it will appear on the menu so as you can see here my first base we have a couple of Landing areas where the ship is parked out on the ground but eventually we can land here so long as our ship can fit either if it's 40 meters or less on a small platform or if the ship is on a larger platform like the large round one that you saw earlier so yeah no ladders no elevators but no problem I guess we can just still take the stairs and that's okay additionally we can make cat Walks Like You may have seen before the interconnected sections but we can also build more on the ground so we don't necessarily have to make this um all interconnected this could be perhaps a mess hole and a meeting area or something for all of our people let's just say it was a science lab we're not going to do mining here and we just might want to build a beautiful research base on a planet that's gorgeous like this one is yeah then we can have all of our science teams meet here and you know that kind of thing if that's what you want to role play why not I mean it's already an RPG right you're already halfway there go back to the menu then and build some stuff on the ground [Music] so we can build some solar panels down here we've got plenty of room to build stuff I think we should do the uh four wall Hab and I think we should do a double level on that and see what it looks like with it being double tall I haven't seen this before so I'd be curious to see how it would connect to things let's try to build it over here and let's try to build another one next door cool and then let's try to do a smaller tab ah look at that so we can build one on the top or the bottom nice so we could either have the entrance on the bottom level or if we go up a little higher we can have it on the upper levels too now how exactly did I do that ah left clicking I see so we can almost raise the elevation of that two which is quite unique let's place that there and let's do another airlock at the bottom now I hope for more options like for example changing the orientation of the stairs to be in a different direction or to change it to a ladder or whatnot but this is okay for now and I'm just curious to see what these buildings look like and these almost look like they were made out of fabric and they they still do almost like wood or whatnot but uh as you can see they kind of look bulletproof or at least resistant a couple of dents here rather than full rounds penetrating but I would still build the military base if you wanted to make a whole functioning facility that had all sorts of different looks to it again this could be like the command center or the ATC this could be like uh um maybe a Barracks or something or bunks for the troops whatever you wanted to role play you know you don't have to just say it's for you or just one or two other crew members it seems like they built these with a lot of things in mind ah interesting okay wow that's very interesting so these Habs actually are two stories tall hmm [Music] and they're interconnected they're not like two floors with like a stair on the side I hope we can cut maybe customize this a little bit more let's actually take a look and see if we can go into the building mode and change the flooring hopefully ah it doesn't look like we can oh no you know what would be great here is the option to remove this stairwell here if we can I don't think we can but this would be great to make this floor completely flat and that a room down there as well and then that way we have one whole room up here and then maybe if we could nudge this stairwell over to the right side and then make this room a half room we would have like a room and a half and then a stairwell to the bottom to where then we would have just uh you know almost another full room down here in a completely full room down here as well maybe it's a fire hazard I don't know also it looks like this will probably give us yeah like the little Windows which look really weird oh almost looks like a prison cell yeah that def that definitely looks like a prison cell or now we're getting ready to meet dinosaurs from Jurassic Park which I guess is appropriate for this world but whatever yeah we look at everything very strange hopefully we get more options though I like what they're trying to do here so far but I want to see a lot more so hopefully we get more options for customization of the base and that's not really necessarily a complaint there's a lot of things that we can do already and I want to see more [Music] and we can add like a corridor or hallway onto that and we can also add all sorts of things like posters some of which can be on the outside like the lights and some of these posters and some could be on the inside so if you really want to go for full immersion you can add everything from dart boards and maybe I don't know a pool table or like a laundry basket or whatnot in your cruise quarters but then also white boards or your scientists and other machines that make it look like a med Bay or something pretty cool all right I'd like to go for what were we looking for oh man in mannequins ah you can make target practice cool that actually probably would work note to self we'll plop that down for later oh yeah oh a display case yeah nice now another thing to mention real quick too is not only can we store some of our things in those storage containers but we can also put things on the wall or in these I I hope we can put these in this display case too there's weapons racks where we can put weapons on the racks as well as ammunition as additional storage so if there's a really cool gun that you've got and you want to put it on display such as this one you can definitely do it that way unfortunately no no damage records there but the mannequin does allow you I think to put a space yeah you can actually put um your spacesuit on there so if you want to put a helmet and your spacesuit on there you can put it on display so you can put that in your room or something like that and put armor that you're not using like for example this mantis armor does anyone know how to get that huh does anyone know yeah the Mantis outfit is phenomenal and great for early games so if you want to know how to do that again make sure you subscribe for more of Starfield and some other tips I want to make a video on how to get that so if you think it'd be a good idea if you want to know or if you uh if you know and want me to do it for other people just let me know or tell us all down below in the comments section very cool stuff all right well we've got a lot more to explore in this game we've got planets of course that are made of different materials they have different types of water qualities and whatnot but at least this is one that we can go out with a breath of fresh air and explore at our own Leisure now keep a mind too another thing to consider when you enter a system might be the level two right now I'm around level 20 22. this is a level 40 Planet but I haven't had too much trouble coming down here and actually um kind of fortifying it or whatnot so it's been all right so it's not too much of of a problem to really just go to somewhere maybe you have to get through some Pirates Who are blocking the uh Planet itself but once you've won that combat you can land and then start setting up your defenses and whatnot now there's not walls or Gates and there's no Bridges and catwalks and ladders and such but I feel like a lot of player feedback like that hopefully we'll bring it in from the basics which is of course buildings for manufacturing and for research and as a safe house like a bed and maybe a cool kitchen some other things that you can decorate can then turn into something like a fully functioning base where you can then send out vehicles or something in the case of which we currently can do by recruiting people to you know work these bases and then have things shipped back and forth from distant uh planets to then be turned into things like ammunition or new guns or something like that which is always pretty cool so nice stuff so yeah now that this is my home planet other things that I want to do include going around and finding all the plants to which there are eight uh the creatures to which there are eight and resources to which there are eight as well and all these planets do have different biomes too so some were wondering uh if each of the planets were kind of like the moon Planet that's just the moon or a planet that's just the forest planet or the city Planet no a lot of these are multi-biome so if you click anywhere you'll be able to see unfortunately I won't be able to now because I'm over encumbered but if you wanted to take off it would say something like swamp or uh forest or Plains or desert or rocky desert or mountains that kind of thing or a volcanic something along those lines so you can find all sorts of different places to build on a planet that's somewhat gorgeous but look for planets that are temperate that have O2 of some sort and have my maybe a good magnetosphere which will protect you from radiation so you can kind of walk around and just chill even if you're in the sun nice all right everyone well that is my time here for today for our first look at base building in Starfield let me know any questions you have let me know any techniques that I may have missed or some things that you found out that you want to add to the conversation down below we had limited time today to cover this so make sure you check out the channel for longer live streams we've been playing this for hours at a time and there's so much to learn for everything from shipbuilding Base building armor building and Manufacturing and so much more and we'd love for you to subscribe so glory to raptoria Down Below in the comment section if you made it this far most probably haven't so if you did definitely give a shout out down below let me know what you think about the bases the building the different types of outposts all the materials all the different decorations and your thoughts on Starfield as a whole thank you very much for watching thanks to Bethesda for sponsoring and I hope to see you all in our next our next live stream we're going to continue on building beautiful bases so I hope to see you there all right well wherever you are in the world good afternoon good evening and good night and thank you so much so so much for watching goodbye everybody take care and I'll see you out there
Channel: Raptor
Views: 83,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VsrtJkIVReY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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