Starfield - The BEST Ships to BUILD for NEW PLAYERS, How to WIN all Space Fights

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I'm going to show you how to build the best possible spaceships in Starfield for a new character very early on here's what we're going to be doing today in this video this is the best possible ship builds the requirements are as follows you need at least a hundred thousand credits that's not really a lot do a few story missions you'll have it you need to be level 12 or higher because your level is dependent on what you can buy from the ship vendors you also need to get the Mantis which if you don't know what that is I have a video link in the description and I'll talk more about it later on how to get this ship and you need piloting level one which is just one skill point it's the easiest thing to get here's what we're going to be covering in the video this will be how to build this ship for you're gonna have two ships one is for storage so that you can hoard all the items all at once and also for outposts later on for money and experience which is not going to be covered in this video this is not an outpost video but you will need a storage ship for that if you choose to do so it's also just nice to have and you will have a ship for combat and travel we're going to talk about Advanced space combat techniques to be able to cheese NTN any encounter at all that means you can take on 20 ships at once at level 12 with just an A-Class ship that's right you can also kill uh if you want to be a bad guy you can be killed the level 100 starships that the UC has this is also how ships actually work I'm going to tell you the inner workings of ships because a lot of people build ships wrong it this stuff takes days to learn I'm Gonna Save you all that time of testing weapons and testing different ship parts and just teach you the best ways the best crew to use and why how easy they are to get crews are really really easy in this game and why you would want to go to the in-game zones very early so that you can Farm in-game weapons and gear at the very start and be overpowered and broken let's get into it before I get too far into the video I just want to show you something early on there is cricks and if you look at the top right of the screen you'll see that this area is occupied by the Crimson Fleet these are bad guys as soon as you Zone into this area there's like 20 spaceships and they'll just nuke you immediately and kill you if you want to go to any of the high level zones at the start of the game which you may think you can't do but you totally can I have another video that will get you prepared for that you have to go through cricks first so if I want to go to well this is not okay well that's an exception there's a few exceptions but almost everything goes through cricks uh every single high level in-game Zone that's worth farming or going to or building settlements on or getting in-game gear all go through cricks this is Bay basically to gate keep you from getting all the good stuff too early in the game so how about I just go to cricks and show you what this video will teach you how to do all right let's jump to cricks and I'm going to show you how I can defeat their entire fleet by myself in just a mantis a Class A ship that you can get in your first 30 minutes of playing the game all right let's allocate more engine power and uh here we go we're just gonna sail for a bit now there is a lot of ships right now there's only six on the radar but there are way way more [Music] so just uh just gonna you know speed away here for just a little bit all right just a little bit more we're about to turn and find them here I need to do a little bit more in geometry and this ship is not optimally built I'm using just a standard badly built ship just to prove that it can be way better and how to do that but I think that's adequate so let's turn and Target let's see how far away are they that's three thousand meters yeah we can start killing them all right there we go so that's dead [Music] that also and yeah their whole fleet's just dead now they can't fight back they can't shoot back they can't hurt me maximum Shields level 14. okay well this one's a little too far let's see if there's another one that's closer oh they're all too far that's fine I'm gonna lose my momentum though but that's fine I can just tank him at this point go ahead and take him down and I have infinite weapons I don't run out my weapons don't get tired they don't need recharging I have full Shields I can actually if I turn I can reverse and uh yeah I'm taking a little bit of Shield damage here but it's fine but normally you come here and you just get obliterated okay missile lock that's fine just kind of get rid of that real quick and yeah I'm taking some hits but uh this will lock once again get rid of that I will talk later how I'm able to do this now I am taking a lot of hits here because I'm not technically reverse fighting more on that later I just wanted to show you that as a level one 13 14 character now it's uh hmm it's uh yeah it's super easy to do all right take them down and even if I make mistakes I I can I can just run away and heal you can also just manually heal but uh I'll show you how this fight normally looks for most players in just a sec I just want to kill a few more but uh yeah I've taken no hole damage and I've yeah they're all dead they're all basically dead so let me show you what the fight normally looks like now this time we're level 12 with the stock Frontier I don't know if I have a crew or not I don't know what skills I have on this save but we're just gonna we're just gonna go to cricks again standard edition Frontier and we're gonna just fight like most players would fight no Advanced Techniques no certain types of Weaponry or ship mods and I'm gonna try my damage and see how many I can take out before I die I'm gonna be mashing my heal button all right it's power up engines uh let's get one more to lasers and we're ready to fight now look at all these targets there are so many targets I'm just getting shot by everything everywhere and my Shields are starting to drain I'm barely hurting this thing all my weapons are dry except for ballistics uh I'm I'm now halfway dead I'm gonna heal I'm gonna spam heels okay yes my ship is damaged push oh to heal which is a really weird button I'm boosting away I'm trying to dodge and uh yeah look at how many targets that are just surrounding me and uh like what am I gonna do what get behind one guy while the other 18 just rammed me in the uh I don't know what it's called the rear rear end of the ship again I'm getting killed here I opened my inventory level 12 whatever um you know I'm panicking I'm dead so I want I'm this video will teach you to have that never ever happen to you in any encounter ever again just watch the whole video you'll be more enlightened once you do let's begin first I'm going to teach you how to build the combat ship because it's super easy to do it's completely painless and it's really cheap and it's most of you guys don't even need or want the storage until much later I'll let you know when we start talking about the storage ship so you can skip it if you don't want to learn it but this is very important so we have 126 000 credits here and uh we do need to learn piloting one there we go um now ship thrusters you may not realize what that is but what that allows you to do is do a twisting kind of turn maneuver so that you're reversing while maintaining boosted speed this means you can run away from a opponents and shoot them at the same time and this is what I did in the first clip of the star fight for a little bit until I decided to just tank them but uh that is very important without that you cannot do really hard encounters and I'll teach you how to do it it's really simple on keyboard I don't know if it will be easy on Console so let's begin I've got the Mantis again to get the Mantis all you have to do I have a video in the link in the description that is a massive massive guide that teaches you how to get in under 30 minutes on a brand new character but essentially to start you're going to go to the soul system here and well hello Soul system can you can you let me click you there you go and you're going to go to this Nova Galactic star yard and before you do this change your difficulty open your options menu this is very important go to settings go to gameplay change your difficulty to very hard because this increases the drop chance you're going to go there and you're going to kill spacers until they drop a secret note which you'll then find under notes you'll read that and then it will give you uh it'll open up a quest location to then Ebola something I forget the name but I'll show you it's pretty far out it's um foreign Ola it's all the way out here so you go to dinabola and you'll have uh I I honestly for without the quest I don't remember which planet it's on but the quest marker will tell you which planet to go to and which secret hideout to go to and after you beat that dungeon you'll get this ship it's very important that you have the ship for a few reasons I'm going to explain right now reason number one is that it gives you tier three engines which are very vital for being able to Max our speed and maneuverability so that we can reverse thrust and still fire at Targets you know while we Retreat and stay out of their range the second reason is that the Mantis which for whatever reason it's called the Razer something in the menu what's it called it's called Uh Razor Leaf it's named Razor Leaf here but it's called the Mantis by every character in the game and by having the Mantis you passively have this these extra encounters where spacers and Pirates will be afraid of you they'll run from you they'll give you your stuff they'll give you their stuff in in fear that you don't kill them there's a lot of special interactions you'll get with this ship and even if you modify it to what we're about to do you get to keep those that passive power so that's why it makes this ship way better than the star Eagle way better than the Narwhal way better than anything you can buy or build and it's so simple to build let's teach you how to do it so we are here on new Atlantis it's basically the first city that you come to in the game and uh you know new Atlantis right here in I'll show you just in case you forgot Alpha Centauri you click Alpha Centauri or whatever it is on controller you up here to jemisin and then you go to the new Atlantis right here and it's going to put you right in front of your ship you're going to talk to this guy right here who's next to the kiosk he's his name is ship service technician you're going to click I'd like to view and modify my ships and make sure you save before you do this then you're going to click ship a builder or push the B button whatever it is on a console and it's showing that I've never done this before on this save that's fine and we're going to build the ship I'm going to give you a fast version and an hyper detailed version for those that are short on time the hyper fast version is just equipping the right weapons so what we're going to do is we're going to strip this of all of its weapons so we have a flare laser there we're going to delete that and don't worry we're getting refunded everything we delete it's not like we lose it or it disappears we're getting refunded all right so that is all the weapon systems I'm going to make sure I'm not hovering over anything and push G I'm going to go to weapons and we're going to put on four disruptor 3300 electron beams they're only 1800 without Commerce I believe and just put four of them down so there's one and you can also duplicate it to make it faster too free and again the last one you know if you want to be picky about it it doesn't really matter but uh here let's just put that one there there we go four weapons you're done and uh that's like two thousand two thousand credits what do you do you're done this thing is combat ready you're good to go but if you want to really min max it let me show you how to do that I'm going to make this as simple as possible to follow along with so feel free to you could slow the video down or rewind it and re-watch this part but it's really really simple we're going to take the cockpit rip it off the ship put it over here on the side and we're gonna spin the camera around it grab the landing Bay just grab its butt yoink that out that's right we joint the head in the butt out we're going to delete the cockpit and it's missile attachment because we won't be using missiles we're going to push G and we're going to buy we're going to scroll through the top here until we find ockpits we're gonna get the Magellan C1 cockpit and then we're going to first off take the landing and then we're going to push l to flip or Z to flip it there we are and we're going to take this cockpit and then lower it down and attach it there we go it is now attached so this is now an item here next up we're going to rip out down here we have this Captain's Quarters two by one we're gonna take that and delete it we don't need it there we go all right and then we're gonna push G and we're going to replace that instead with a companion way one by one there we are and then we're going to put that on the bottom next up we're going to uh push g once again and we're going to go to the Deimos all in one birth and then arrow to the right side until we get to the control station for core crew members there we are then we're going to put that on the top all right very nice now later on once you if you want to have eight man crew and you have all the spec points you just remove the companion away and you add another control station that's all you do but right now because you can't use four crew members or you will use four crew members pretty early but uh you won't be able to use eight so that that's it for the core right there simple simple stuff next up we're just going to attach everything the way it was and so this goes right here up front this one also the landing gear will go right here up at the at the front most go ahead and remove the pulse laser turrets be careful not to remove anything else because sometimes it bugs out and then right behind these landing gears you'll put the landing gear ports right there next to them very cool awesome stuff then you'll just add everything on top so we're going to go ahead and take this reactor we're not using this reactor by the way so we're going to go ahead and delete this reactor push G and go to reactors and we're going to actually purchase this one the reason we're purchasing the 134 mm Toro deal reactor is because it has two more power generated this does not unlock until you are character level 12 so make sure that your 12 put it right up top there there we go and then this shielded generator we're also going to replace that this one is only 390 Shields let me go ahead and push G and then we're going to use this one here the mar duck you know the character from Tekken if anyone remembers that and because it has slightly more Shields so we're gonna we're gonna buy that one and then we're going to put it right on top there we go go ahead and delete that Shield then we're going to take the slim Docker we're gonna slam it onto the bottom there if it's a little bit hard sometimes to uh get the camera working but we're gonna take that and then pop it on the bottom very nice all right next up we don't have any use for this Armory so just get rid of it we don't have any use for this uh cowling Force so get rid of that you're going to take the engines these big boy engines the Ares dt60s these are the tier 3 engines and slap them on the sides just like that and then what do we have here this is the grav drive so we're going to take the grav Drive and then you can slap it on top just like that that way we're more compact and then you're going to take the fuel tank put that back there put this shielded cargo hole to put it on you know on the bottom just like we had it we don't need these weapons so you can go and delete these Auto electron beams you can also delete the weapon mounts delete the bracers and delete the white dwarf engines we don't need them and let me tell you why we don't need any more engines so here's how this works 100 Mobility down here in the bottom right that's the highest a ship can get 150 top speed that's the highest a ship can get if you're putting more engines on this thing these numbers do not go up but your power increases to reach top speed I know this sounds counter-intuitive believe me if you put a whole bunch of engines you can get all the bars all the way to the top and then when you're playing you will reach top speed when you have all the bars to the Top If You reference the first clip in my video you'll you'll notice that where but if you do it this way and you your engines have top speed maxed out and Mobility maxed out with as little bars as possible if I just allocate four Power Bars I hit 150 top speed and I boost just as long for just as long and it recharges just as quickly now real quick I just want to see something if I can remove these I don't think I can I can so I don't even need those really but you know what I like them on there because that's where I put my weapons so they're staying now this thing is almost done this thing is almost 100 complete uh you'll see it has three warnings here because we don't have uh we don't have uh weapons essentially so we're gonna push G and here's the reason why we're gonna choose these weapons the weapon of choice is the disrupter 3300 Electron Beam not the auto just the regular you're gonna put four of these bad boys on let me show you how we're gonna do that because there's only three weapon slots I'm gonna zoom out a bit and just to show you the three weapon slots well let's grab that rank move it up a little bit more so you put one there there and there you can't even really put one there we can fix that so I'm gonna just remove the weapon for now push G we're going to go to at the top here we're going to go to where is it structural there we go once we have a structural selected you're going to go and scroll down to demos spine C4 I think hold on let me move the menu so you can see this a little bit better uh I believe it's yes demo spine C4 right here and we're gonna click that we're gonna flip it just like that and I'm actually going to move the shields back one put this right up top just like that there we go now that's a pretty that's uh that's a very pretty little area right there and then we're going to go back to weapons and the reason we there's a reason we have this all right I'll show you in just a sec because we're going to add another weapon disruptor 3300 Electron Beam so we're going to clip stick it come on come on go on don't be shy there there it goes scoop that over there dupe that not in the middle because it won't fit we gotta raise it up not in the middle no no no I mean you could but it's not symmetrical this the the cool thing about this ship is it's symmetrical so if you have OCD all right so we have the disrupter 3300 electron beams and right now this ship is only costing 20 000. this is the the best ship in the game that you're gonna get for quite a while and yet here's the thing later on you can upgrade the shields you can upgrade the engine you could upgrade your reactor you're gonna kill everything anyway this thing kills level 100 chips no problem now let me explain why we chose this weapon I want to explain this the range on this weapon is incorrect it says range 3500 it's a range of four thousand the longest ranged weapon in the game is the missiles also at four thousand this one is actually four thousand Marines they might patch it if they do it doesn't matter what this means is that with this weapon you outrange all other ships in the game and here's the thing these things they deal 12 whole 12 Shield damage they constantly fire and you have four of them they they will never run out of energy they will never stop shooting you can you have a constant DPS and you never let up also with the right crew members and the and if you level up your your your uh you know your character they deal insane amounts of damage you saw in the first clip I was melting every single ship in seconds and without stopping it was so easy that's why we have this weapon and later on this same weapon appears in down the list maybe kind of like that it deals slightly more damage like this is the disruptor 33 400 Alpha beam it's the same weapon it deals 38 instead of 13 I believe wait fire rate 1.3 no that's not right let me make sure you have to look at the fire rate later on there will be disrupter beams with a 3.49 fire rate with a range of 3500 and they'll just deal more damage so you can upgrade to those but you don't need to you really don't anyway let's add one more weapon to this for those of you that do not want to kill a ship because these weapons are so powerful and fire so fast you're not going to unless you use targeting mode and you're very delicate you're not going to be able to board ships because you'll just kill them so what you're going to use instead is the where is it at it's yeah this one right here the spark 750 suppressor now this is 10K all right this bad boy you're gonna slap it hold on can I go in the middle yes it can go in the middle there we go yeah just type it right there or you can put it up top I like to put it up top because it looks really cool it looks like a little I don't know megaphone or something but you put wherever the heck you want it's it's your choice and that's and then we're done that's 30.5 K without Commerce when you have Commerce it's much cheaper and uh wait we have one air the ship has weapons there must be a slender group yeah of course so to do that you're going to hit your flight check go to weapons weapon zero is left click we're gonna do disruptors weapon one is right click there we go and we're basically done and now there's one warning saying that well we have a missing weapon assignment you don't need three weapons I don't need them because these will fire forever and then if you want to disable a ship you simply use your spark 750 suppressor and that's the board ships and the steal items and kill people and steal ships and all that fun stuff but it's done the ship is 100 done there's nothing more to add to it you have Max Mobility max top speed the lowest Mass possible you also have the fact that it is the Mantis so you have all of the passive Buffs from the Mantis you have a high jump range um speaking of I think we could actually do a better grab drive that's 9 and 16 yeah let's do a better grab Drive I think level 12 lets us have a better grab Drive uh that's beats 9 and 16 there's not a 19. 9 and 20. yeah so the r2000 alpha grab drive so put that there joint this bad boy out it's just like Legos you just slap it in there and there we go the final cost 35.8 K credits that's so easy to get and we're done we we have an amazing super ship now with a jump range of 24. uh this thing now the cargo is low you're gonna be like 360 you know kilograms that's actually quite a lot no it's not it's not a lot uh anyway let's go ahead and we are going to accept now there we go done that is our combat ship so the reason I have the loading door in the front and not the back is because anytime you go to a town and you have to run your ship because you're over encumbered or whatever you want to you want to be able to just enter it as fast as possible if you have in the back you gotta run all the way around the ship every single planet and then enter through the back door and that sucks that is not fun that is not cool but this ship is small it's slightly so let me let me just show you how to maneuver now before we talk about how to build the storage ship now this is without zero crew members buffing your ship at all and you'll notice here that I have perfect power allocation full power to weapons full power to engines full power to shield in combat obviously if you're grab jumping you take two from engine and you put two in grab and you can travel anywhere it doesn't matter so um here let's take take it back out of the grab so full powered engines only four little notches you're like wow you're gonna be real slow no this look at our speed our top speed this is without What's um the ability to go faster here 149 and then when we boost look at that look how long the Boost is look how far we're boosting look how fast we're boosting look at that we almost hit 600 and uh and look how fast it recharges it's already back up so let me start teaching you how to do Advanced combat Maneuvers now also check out the weapons I'm just gonna look at this I'm hitting with four lasers constantly it never ends I will never run out of this ever and if weapons are damaged well this is where the crew members come in if weapons are damaged because you have full powered weapons it'll repair when you have Barrett on board same goes for your engine same goes for your Shield you'll always be repairing those three constantly if your grab gets damaged after the fight you can reallocate power and have it repaired it's not a big deal but uh again this is just completely absolutely busted so let me teach you how to fly this thing so that you can snipe and outrange everything and win any fight here is how to defeat missile lock use your Boost which will break the missile lock then immediately use your brakes so you don't waste your Boost and then the enemy can't miss a lock you again for two seconds you get used to it it's real simple to do and this is what it looks like so uh for for those on PC it's the S key for consoles I don't know what it is I'm sorry but um I push shift to boost and then I push s to cancel so it looks like this like you can just Spam look I can spam it all I want like I'm just hitting shift and SM the same time and I'm immune to missile lock forever I can never be missile locked I can never be locked on I can never have my components targeted this breaks the game now real quick there is a way to break the game even further and uh where is it at I think it is um Engine Systems maybe while boosting all enemies disengage the player and can only require them as a Target after the player stops boosting so once you have level 4 Engine Systems you can never be targeted or shot at ever again so I can just shoot at an enemy and sit here and spam the S key and the shift key they will never shoot back even with lasers they can't I basically become a ghost for two seconds and because I'm hitting this four times a second it's impossible for them to lock on but that requires some leveling up to do I'll talk a little bit later on how you can quickly level up all the ship stuff it's super simple and it will not lock you into a faction or Force you down a questline that you don't want to do next up here is how to fly at top speed in Reverse you can't do this while boosting but boosting does help and the camera just decided to change so you boost away from the enemy you completely in a straight line away from them not perpendicular not at an angle 180 degrees away from them so they're right behind you shooting your back hold the spacebar once you've got enough space between you and the enemy you want to fly more than like 4 000 meters away because they're going to catch up a thousand meters by the time you turn around depending on your piloting level but as you turn around you're going to hold spacebar which activates your thrusters and at around 100 I'm sorry and around 90 degrees you're gonna hold the S key which is the reverse button so as you turn you're going to start reversing it's kind of like a j turn when you're driving you know like in action movies once you're facing the enemy you have to continue to hold s and spacebar if you let up for a second you will lose a lot of your speed so let me demonstrate now out of work so let's say these guys here let's say the you see mule let's say that's a bad guy oh no okay so I'm gonna turn away from him you can also go into this mode I'm just gonna boost away I'm just gonna boost away at top thrust speed so I'm running away from the enemy and I've run enough away I'm gonna hold I'm gonna hold thrusters and S and turn and there we go so now I'm holding s and thrusters and now I can reverse away from the UC mule while firing because the AI is stupid they will blindly chase after you always and also because I'm no longer boosting they will boost to catch up to you which means they will eventually get in range but by the time they hit 4 000 meters they can't shoot you and we can shoot them while we're reversing it's going to take them a very long time to get within firing range and if they do get into firing range and if they do start hurting your Shields guess what you just stop you're already moving in the other direction you just turn around and do it again you boost away wait for your Shield to come back do the same thing and there you go you can see in the bottom left corner I'm reversing at 150 kilometers per hour or I think that's kilometers maybe I'm not entirely sure but um I've ran away so far from them now and I can continue to hold the speed basically indefinitely right and then when I let go there it is so if I try to reverse normally without doing this technique here's our top speed for reversing it is 30. that's as fast as it gets even with thrusters I can hold thrusters and now it's only 57.58 59 and it you know it doesn't matter what buttons I'm pushing or or any kind of Maneuvers I'm doing here I'm only going about half as fast which the enemy will be able to catch up to you more quickly so there you go that's how to reverse and fight your enemy while backpedaling so that you can kill them and remember these lasers 4 000 meter range that's your that's your range so I want to show you you know more difficult fights than the Pirates how about the UC how about we piss off some long swords here we go or that's that's a bank Dude Killing the bank Transporters big money big big money so let me make sure that I've got power full power to engines before we begin our hostile fight here get a little bit more range on these long swords I don't want to fight them up close they're pretty fast long Zords are uh they're one of the fastest ships that you'll fight for quite a while until the very end of the game but we're gonna we're just gonna you know anger the bee's nest and then we're gonna skedaddle on out and use the same technique that I just showed you and here we go it's gonna boost away and yes we're gonna take some damage we're going to take some hits our Shields can handle it it's fine and without a crew it's not as easy to do but uh we can get it we can get it done I'm just kind of swiveling around right now there's a long sword above me that's uh keeps getting a little close I'm gonna pop a heel didn't mean missile locked on not anymore just boost away it's fine just continue boosting continue running away chills are damaged that's fine again that that long sword were 2 700 meters away wait for it to boost wait for it to miss a log none of them are misal locking anymore because I'm too far there's only one that's kind of close but we're just gonna boost away there we go we're 3400 500 700 meters away you want to just keep boosting away from them until they aren't shooting you anymore and your Shields can fully regenerate that's that's how you know you're out of sight of all of their weapon ranges there's a lock no no I don't think so I'm gonna also heal the hole once again and again you're not supposed this is an unwinnable fight this is supposed to be unbeatable this is supposed to be impossible to beat especially as a level 12 with the little a clash ship right and without any crew members all right we're still getting shot at by one person and his weapons are dry his weapons are overheated so we're gonna again boost away and just keep boosting away now what's gonna happen is they don't stop chasing you they will never stop chasing you all right let's get a little bit more range Maybe and and we're going to now about face pull our thrusters so now we're reversing and we got this one UC Rambler here and he's out of range I don't want to let up my speed yet but it's the only Target right now so might as well we're just gonna fly towards them just a little bit get get within 4 000 meters of firing range there four thousand meters look at their HP starting to drop they can't fight back now here comes everyone else behind them all right there we go next Target and again we can melt like three or four targets before we need to reverse again there we go and Trader Atlas also hostile and yes we can kill every the whole Fleet this way it's ridiculous as long as oh missile lock I'm gonna I'm gonna boost and then I'm gonna break and I'm taking a lot of hits here so I got I gotta reverse now we gotta boost back we're getting a little too close to the the bee swarm here we're just fly into the sun uh which is not impossible to do by the way can't do it missile launch would hit the brakes missile lock hit the brakes gets the lock hit the brakes unless the lock hit the brakes once again okay I just lost Shields that's fine you know they catch up to you so we're gonna boost some more It's Gonna Get Away yes I can that's the whole point of the build is to be able to get away now the only bad thing about this strategy is looting all the bodies if you're if you're doing this for loot I don't recommend it because it takes a while to fly back and collect everything it really does all right we're just gonna continue to boost away until we our Shields are 100 that means they cannot shoot us at all but we took out three ships so far and we're fine we're completely fine right all right am I one more boost I think one more boost will do it all right and thrusters activate there's only one hostile Target within radar rage now oh there they are they're a little out of range though okay I can I can I don't have to do reverse I I went a little too far 5000 meters four thousand five hundred and start firing at four thousand there we go just take them down almost got him and there's the long sword look at that that's a level 30 ship that that is a that is a military vessel and we're just gonna destroy it should be able to take it down get it halfway dead check out the XP we're about to get for this thing boom 120. it's not a lot but uh again our Shields are at 54. here we go take this one out and I mean again you can take the whole Fleet out this way it's it's ridiculous there's another long sword I think we might have to start reversing some more to kill this one but look we're basically out of range I'm just kind of zigzagging around there's a Phalanx oh boy they got the phalanxes out and look at them we're taking a level 32 failings hahaha oh it's uh it's starting to go that way all right what else we got a galbing Hunker poker bulky boy again I can't just reverse forever because I'm only reversing at 50. so they're starting to flank me now I gotta really I gotta start reversing again we're um I don't know what we're flying towards here but uh it's something let's see that Hulker is 4700 away okay it's starting it's starting to heal its Shields so let's uh reverse and fire on it there we go take that down and again we're reversing at 150 right now they I am out of range of everybody and oh I I flew too fast for the Hulker its engines are dead if their engines die they can't chase you anymore so you have to kind of fly a little bit closer and finish them off but they'll be waiting for you when when you're done oh dude that one's so close don't get close to those they will melt you fast it will melt you so fast you can't get close to them they'll just kill you straight up but uh invasive maneuvers this long nope not today I'm out of I'm out of repairs I should have bought more but you get the idea right you get the idea if you can eventually kill the whole Fleet this way it's ridiculous no crew level 12 starter ships let's talk about crew members now I'm gonna say right now that if you play a bad guy you can't use these crew members and they're part of the main story so I'm not gonna really tell you where to get them because people hate spoilers but here it is Basco is the robot you know that little robot you get at the very start he gives you a bonus to Shield health and he gives you one extra reactor power Notch super broken ability because it's a tier 4 ability Barrett also has the fact that he can repair the whole ship way faster especially when you have task master which you pick at the start of the game like there's no reason not to have Barrett at all times on your ship forever Andrea is a huge DPS boost until you get to rank four uh particle beams but until then she gives you ring three particle beams and it's a massive damage boost I showed you the damage that we did with with no crew and with her it's all it's so much fat it's like 60 percent faster Sarah is is required to travel further early on once you have a really powerful ship with uh you know better engines and warp drives and all that stuff you don't need her but at the start of the game if you want to go to the level 75 red zones and farm gear then you have to have her on your ship oh I also forgot Barrett also boosts your particle beam DPS and yes it Stacks with Andrea finally here's the in-game crew you should shoot for Andre is it Andrea or Andrei ha I don't know Barrett Vasco Amari Andromeda Rafael Marika and the generic Shield or particle beam Specialists that is eight crew members in your ship now to get eight crew members you simply have to just replace the the one uh one by two Hab with another one by two Hab just add it to your ship pretty easy to do and there you go eight crew members before we move on to storage ships let's talk about how to level up all your piloting stuff super quickly so we're going to go to new Atlantis it's the first town that you visit you should know how to get there it is in Alpha Centauri so let's go ahead and go there you're gonna go to the Mast District by the way but I'm going to show you how to get there from just the regular new Atlantis because some people might be following this guide as you know as they go or maybe me 10 years from now will want to play this game again and I'll have forgotten every single thing that I know so I'm going to show you from the Spaceport how to get there we're going to run forward take a little slight left and what we're going to do is we're going to be playing or doing a flight simulation that's basically the actual game and it treats leveling up your flight stuff as the actual game so and I'm going to teach you how to get it where you don't have to join the faction that is in charge of the flight Sim I'm going to make sure you don't brick your game and get locked out of the flight Sim so we're gonna take the transit car you're going to go to the Mast District it's the quickest way to get here and uh here we go it's been a little bit of loading screen you guys can hit the you know right arrow key if you want and skip it but you don't get the list of me ramble and that's part of the fun all right here we are now the first thing you do when you exit the whatever this is the tram is you're going to face left that person's cleaning the window I've never seen them do that that's funny anyway you're gonna take the elevator and you're going to go to tulala's office the lobby slash Commander to all his office because we're gonna talk to him and we're gonna pretend to be his friend and enlist and we're gonna talk to him and tell him that we want to join the Vanguard we're not actually joining though and uh sound just skip his dialogue to join it here we go okay what do I need to do next and he's going to tell you to go to the elevator to the orientation Hall there you go so we're all set this elevator by the way the one we just left and now we're going to go to Vanguard orientation Hall there it is then we're going to read one of these little computer terminals to register and you know just like anything else you don't really read the whole thing you just hit I agree and then move on now we're going to run through this and go to the Flight Training very cool past all the you know historical stuff in the game you can look at it if you want it doesn't matter it doesn't give you a piloting skill up to get to the elevator at the end here and then we're going to get the piloting simulator now before you begin any of the pilot Sim stuff you want to make sure that you actually have points into stuff so I have one point into piloting so I need to destroy five ships to get level two which will increase turning and maneuverability which is huge I all the footage I showed in today's video is without level 2 unlocked so that you can see like it's even faster for turning and reversing and all that kind of fun stuff but you really want to unlock Engine Systems if you followed my fast start guide you should have enough points in Security Plus level one piloting to put one point into Engine Systems this is very important to max out for ship combat especially rank four and then uh Shields are very important so put a point into that and that way you can level all of this stuff up at once as you as you play targeting systems if I had a skill point I could put one into here I don't so um don't mind me I'm just gonna do a little bit of cheat just real quick and yes the game's warning me not to cheat whatever all right player dot set level 13. we're level 13 now so now we can put a point into targeting controls and to level that up we got to destroy five enemy ships and here we go again don't you don't have to cheat I'm just doing it for demonstrative purposes to show you that we can level all of this stuff up all at the same time and um I don't know why it's telling me to go there when we need to be going to this little simulation pod Ender simulation and uh you know you're basically you get like a spaceship to fly around in sit in the chair and I'm not going to show you the full Sim but what I'm going to tell you to do so you don't soft lock it here's the thing there are six tiers that you need to do or to complete let's crank up weapons crank Shields up there we go I'll you can just sit here and be a turret that's all you have to do it's so easy and um there's six tiers do not complete all six tiers get to tier four let them kill you and then reset and rinse and repeat so here we are I swear I had targeting assists okay we're locking so you want to make sure that when you kill a Target that you use it use Target lock to kill them by the way oh I'm not spamming missiles I should probably spam missiles on them anyway we just leveled up Shield systems so um I can't you cannot enter the menu you can't open your inventory during the swimming by the way so let's just bang this guy out real quick and he's a little tanky but it's whatever let our weapons recharge and it's fine to to take damage it's fine don't worry about it too much all right let's let's kill him with lock on we're gonna hit R to do lock and just fire all your weapons make sure he dies that way you get Target lock XP and then I'm just going to exit targeting mode there we go now I'm gonna exit the uh the chair here just to show you the progress I'm not gonna actually do the full Sim but do not complete all six tiers diet tier four let it reset leave the chamber and then re-enter so I'm gonna exit the simulator it's gonna be like hey what are you doing just exit the simulator and then we re-enter you get to start over and you have like the tier two tier three and tier four will give you a bunch of targets to shoot at to level super quick but just doing that one thing I got the destroy five ships one out of five you can see it's completed there uh Target controls one out of five to Story five enemy ships in targeting mode I didn't do any boosts I forgot but I should be hitting the shift key to do some some boosts while in combat and shield systems I took a bunch of damage look at that it's already ready to level up in just tier one so it's super easy to level up your piloting by doing the Sims now here's the great thing about it right I'm not part of the Vanguard if you go to the quest menu and go to faction you know we haven't we haven't officially become part of the Vanguard yet we're just using them we're technically you're using the United Colonies I guess for the pilot Sim but we're not part of the United Colonies we're not part of the Vanguard we could just walk away and also but if you decide to continue this little Quest chain because you don't want it clogging up your quest lines you can tell him that you had second thoughts that you don't want to join but that might lock you out of this I'm not sure but just leave this like it is don't don't advance the this quest line and you will forever be able to access the simulation so you can level everything up as much as you want it's super simple and easy now let's talk about building the best storage ship so again talk to the the ship man here and ship Services Tech and then what you're going to do whoops wrong uh wrong answer Choice there let me uh View and modify ships that's the right choice now what we're going to do is we're going to turn the frontier into our mule this thing will never be flown this thing will never ever ever see space at least canonically not by us if you're a role player one of your crewmates will be the one piloting it to and from you know your outposts but we're gonna turn this into a massive massive storage dump that you can remote access on any anytime you want so that you can just have infinite storage essentially this one we're going to start from scratch we're not going to add it to it so we're going to delete every single thing the frontier has and then we will start from there and it will be kind of a similar but way cheaper build we're going to push G and we're going to start with the not the cargo bay just the regular Bay we're going to use uh it doesn't really matter which one we use but this one is cheaper because we ripped it from the frontier so we're going to use that because cheap is good next up uh and again it doesn't really matter that the cargo bay is facing forward because we're not ever really going to enter this ship and next up is the cockpit you need the Magellan C1 cockpit go ahead and raise that up click it right in there next up we're going to do all of the fundamentals now for this to work you have to put a Hab here even though we're never going to use it so we're just going to throw a Hab connecting to the cockpit and also connected to the landing Bay that way the error in flight check goes away next up we're going to add a reactor because it won't let us do anything else we need a four-point connecting reactor so we're going to slide that on the bottom level right down there same thing with the grav drive now the grav drive as you continue to play because this is a ship you will improve over time as storage demands rise so you want your grav dot grav drive to be easily accessible and interchangeable at all times so you could put this on the bottom or you could just put it right here on the top you just got to remember where it's at I'm going to put mine on the top for the ship's shielding again we're never going to use it so use the cheapest thing possible we're just going to use what we pulled off of the frontier just throw it on top for now you might have to move this position as you upgrade your ship more on that later now let's build the skeleton of the ship for now and this will just get bigger and bigger as you get stronger reactors or I'm sorry stronger grab drives your grab Drive actually we need to not use the cheapest grab drive I'm sorry let's remove that and then change it because grab Drive is the bigger ones allow you to uh basically make uh or store more stuff we want the one with 20 grab jump thrust slide that in there delete this one and like I said as as you level up you'll get better and better grab drives so you can get more and more storage but let's do the skeletons now and that is structural so switch is structural we're going to scroll all the way down and we're looking for let's grow up a little bit Nova bracer it's only 400 and we're going to be putting a bunch of these on the upper layer here so there's one dupe that to dupe it again for three there we go we have our main spine next up we're going to scroll up from Nova bracer and we're looking for it's kind of like a yeah Deimos bracer a and we're going to attach that uh to the first part here of the ship or I I would you could do the second Port but I like the first part and we're going to just do one there duplicate it and put one on the other side and then we're going to do again the Nova bracers and we're going to do that all the way down until it's nice and symmetrical just like this and then again on the other side so just like that and there we go we have our basic skeleton imprint for our hauler and you can expand this you can widen this and you could raise this you can go upwards as well I'm going to show you what I mean by that but first we still need a few things until this thing is flyable so we're going to go ahead and swap to engines and we're just going to put down the cheapest engine which would be this white dwarf one because we pulled it from the frontier and we're just gonna slap it oh I'm I'm messing up here I'm trying to move the camera we're gonna slap this one just right there on the edge yes it doesn't make sense to be there it again the AI or the you know the game will fly it for us next up we're going to do fuel tanks and we're going to pull the cheapest one we can the one off the frontier which I don't know why it gets thrown right there but we're gonna flip it around and stick it right there on that end there we go so that is now complete next up we need to do the what is it called the landing gears so here we go now you want your beefy boy landing gears right here this first one landing gear Port you want these on the outer edges here just like that there we go and I'm just putting one there let me go ahead and duplicate it and then we're gonna put one right there there we go next up we're going to put inner landing gears I like to put it in the facing the spine side just like that duplicate that no no don't duplicate that one duplicate this one there we go so right now we have we have one error let's see what it says ship is missing a Docker of course of course so here's the thing with the docker right is you're going to need you're going to stack your your halves for your Docker because you can't put it on the well maybe we can put on the low end I forget let's try let's get our docker and there there it is we're gonna try doing the slim Docker top put on the bottom no we can't can't put on the bottom so what we're gonna do and we can put it on the top because of the shield here so I could put the shield elsewhere I don't think I can actually no I don't have a shield that can attach to this bottom one otherwise I would put it there uh let's actually see I don't think at level 12 you get those Shields yet let's see level 12. no only important starboard attachments besides the top ones no bottom Shields so what we're gonna do is we need to build one more Hab on up top for now let's go ahead put another companionway that's fine I know it's ugly but who cares uh you're not ever actually gonna really use this again it's just for storage and now we can go to where is it the docker come on docker it's am I not seeing it Docker where are you am I blind I know I'm blind Habs reactor Shield structural cockpits engines feel I have it's not there I'm gonna close the menu and reopen it It's gotta be there reactor Shield structural weapons Bays cargo cockpit Dockers there it is Slim Docker top slap that bad boy raise it up put it right on the top and then there we go now we're flight ready now we're ready to stack this with cargo I'm going to teach you why and how we're gonna do that now the reason I went with this layout is we're going to be using the The Caravelle cargo holds it doesn't hold not quite as much as the big ones but it takes up way less space allowing us to just build more of these uh landing gears and whatnot so it's it's just so much more Reliant and efficient so let's start stacking cargo right now we're at 18 000 cost and uh we're gonna just like throw them down let's uh lower down there we are and then dupe and then dupe and then we're gonna dupe The Other Side by flipping it there it is that one dupe that one and then you just rinse and repeat really it's uh we're gonna fill up the cargo here and now we have an error let's see what the error is too few landing gears all right so what that means is um well what we want to do is we want to continue building we'll worry about the landing gear problem later and uh go ahead and basically try to do this oops I didn't mean to undo it I'm into stupid there we go and go ahead and throw these here because we're going to be taking some of these off for landing gears or we can you know elongate our ship whatever needs to be done but for now let's just go ahead and throw these down because it's way easier to do it this way because we want to reach our theoretical jump limit so we're just going to keep put putting these down until uh we reach two errors and then and then we'll we'll go from there so you may think oh wow well uh you know I've got enough you know cargo space here 5 600 cargo space now that's not enough it's really really not and oh look I can I can slide one right in there isn't that nice slide one right in there that's why this design is so sleek and so nice still one error so we can go up and to go up you simply do this you add a layer there and then you add more storage there that's one way to do it but we can also fit cargo on the bottom by uh hello aim why did it switch off by doing these uh these 100 cm ballast cargo holds these things clip on the bottoms and we got a lot of bottoms for clipping so let's see go ahead and clip one there and uh again we can just fill you know if you want to make it symmetrical you can so let's maybe do that so we'll put one there okay two errors now we have ship is too heavy to grab jump all right so that sucks but that's when we start doing the landing gears and you know some people like their landing gears to be even I kind of do I'm you know partial to that go ahead and remove one on each side here and then we're going to dupe this one dupe this one there we go we still have two free landing gears that's fine that's fine that's why we're making it symmetrical and do that one dupe this one there we go now we don't have you know we have enough landing gears and and our weight is still good so why don't we continue uh adding these cargos now just filling up the bottoms there we go Oh wrong one wrong one and again and again nope wrong thing it's it's a little glitchy there we go so again no weight limit here no oh there we go so that's the limit I can't exactly make it even maybe we can we can delete that one we can delete that one and uh you know just put one right there I guess there we go because if we put another one down boom two errors right we get it's it's uh too heavy to grab jump so that means that's it that's all we can carry right now Chip has too few landing gears again yeah it's it's not gonna make a diff so let's just go ahead and remove that one and then there we go our storage ship is done and it costs 42.7 000 and this will let us store 6.4 000 cargo it doesn't look too bad either again you're never ever flying this and let me let's go ahead and finalize this here and that's okay exit that's how we do it except all right that is our storage ship so here's how it works and uh you'll notice right now that uh if I open my inventory and I go to the Razor Leaf here and I go to cargo hold that we have we have more mass than we have carry weight so when you're in space and you kill a spaceship you can loot from your spaceship but without spacing your cargo hold you won't be able to carry anything so what you do during Space Battles once you've cleaned everything up you stand up out of your chair you go to uh you know you open your ship inventory you go to your inventory cargo hold and then inventory well you make sure that you're in your ship's inventory and then you take everything out so I can just hit the take all button there we go this over encumbers me there is now nothing in the cargo hold at all right on the Razor Leaf or technically it doesn't matter what ship you have summoned because you just have a cargo hold in general now it's all on my character here you can see I'm way overweight that's fine because we're in town we're going to talk to this guy and we're going to do View and modify ships sure and then you can do this on your Outpost in any Town you're going to switch to the frontier make it your home ship there we go it is now the home ship so we can turn around and it's just suddenly there how did that happen right and we have cargo hold for days and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and go to the ship inventory Now by going to cargo hold and then and there's just some generic stuff in here 25 Grand or pounds worth whatever kilograms but we're gonna store all the junk that um you know we don't want to carry because we're overweight so we go to misc and we just store it everything there oops I put away some armor apparently well don't do that don't click too fast you'll unequip all your good stuff resources that's the heavy stuff this is normally what you're going to use all that cargo space for especially when you are dealing with Outpost building and management when you have 999 aluminums you need to transport that's why you want a big ship that's how you get the real XP in this game and the real money and then you know anything else that you don't plan to use like equipment like I don't need that stuff you know and uh weapons that I don't plan to use like I don't know it's calibrate solstice I don't really care like I don't need any of those guns you get the idea right you're gonna put it all in your ship and if we look now at the cargo hold 405 out of 6470 so we can go to item shops and we can just fill this up full of resources and whatever else we need to build our outposts or just just store things in general now when I swap back you'll notice that when I swap back ships that uh you know it swaps the cargo hold with it right so we're gonna go again and we're gonna make the Razor Leaf our home ship because that's what we want to fly around with is the Mantis the Razor Leaf so there it is it's back again behind us you know like it never happened and of course if we go to the cargo hold it's now overburdened where's the cargo hold yeah 402 out of 360. that's fine and hopefully this makes sense to you hopefully I'm explaining it correctly because what you want to do is um you you don't want your character to be overweight if your character is overweight you can fast travel until you're in your ship but if you're in your ship and you're doing Space Battles and your cargo hold is full you can't loot from your ship you can't loot exploded ships so you move the cargo hold to your character it doesn't matter if it's like your character can hold six thousand pounds no problem right it's just uh and you're in your ship so you can fast travel around using the ship and then when you land down on your Outpost you swap to your mule ship if you need to pick up 6000 aluminums from your outposts whereas if this ship here can only carry 400 then you can't stack that many aluminums without losing your power to fast travel that's why these are the only two ships you ever need in the game this ship will kill everything in the game assuming you fly it right and the storage ship you as you get better reactors you build up to it you can scale it vertically you can scale it horizontally you can scale it infinitely for as much cargo as you want a lot of people that do very end game Outpost building they have ships with 20 000 cargo so they land in one ship and or One Planet they gather all of it in aluminum they land at another place deposit it all into an outpost uh and you and all posts can have landing pads so you don't have to fly the ship you just fly your good ship and then you switch it at The Landing Pad it's real simple stuff anyway that's the video I Know It was kind of long and drawn out but I really wanted to nail in the points that these are the two best and only necessary ships you'll ever need in the game yes if you want to play you know like some big star destroy Royal mega super capital ship with a million mini guns and a bunch of missile launchers you're free to do that or you can just stay out of range and use your your infinite you know laser beam cannons here and just kill everything in the game easy peasy and oh I forgot to mention before we end the video the whole reason to do this the entire point of teaching you how to do all of this stuff is so that you can go to the high end game level zones right here at the very right side of the map and and like you would go here and I can't open it on this save but uh when you zoom in you find a habitatable planet with you know fauna and Flora and then you go into uh uh one of the the randomly spawned buildings that will have enemy uh you know gang members spacers that might have the eclipse people it might have some some other faction in there you kill them all you loot everything all of those armors and guns that you will be looting will be level 75 plus meaning they have the best mods the best rolls the highest damage the highest defense even better than my you know Starter video with the Mantis armor and the the advanced mag Shear like yeah this gun is a beast and it deals tons of damage but you can find an even better one in those zones with more mods than this but this will get this gun will kill every this gun will kill the level 75 zone no problem right it's just that the ammo is expensive whereas you can get a grindel that does even more damage than this at the in-game zones so that's why you want to go there and yeah it may seem like a little bit of work to get these ships built and set up but once you do it it's it's you're free to explore the entire galaxy at this point you nothing can stop you you're you're basically you've won the game and it's all conveniently packed in a nice package with Max stats there you go that I'm so busy thanks for watching as always be a bro and stay swole Please Subscribe I'm so close to 100 000 Subs it would be an it would be an honor for you Starfield Bros to get me there thank you so much it means the world to me it's all I've got going in my life I have no friends I have no social life I don't do anything except play video games so you could always unsubscribe later I don't know man I read every comment I may not respond if I've answered them up like the same questions million times over a lot of people want to know you know that watched my other video about the mag Shear why it's not Advanced you gotta play on a higher difficulty and load your game until it is Advanced that's simple but thank you so much again on the right side of your screen is a video you should absolutely click if you don't click it then Todd Howard's gonna patch everything in this video and you'll be stuck in the low level zones for weeks until you get you know find another way get there
Channel: SwoleBenji
Views: 289,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield Game, Starfield Video Game, Starfield Action RPG, Starfield ARPG, Starfield Bethesda, starfield best ship to build for new players, starfield how to win all space fights, starfield best ships, starfield best ships for new players, starfield new players guide, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship building guide for beginners, starfield beginners guide, starfield early game ship building guide, starfield best ships and how to build them
Id: L1K3CukPW_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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