Outpost Construction in Starfield Explained: Both Basic and Advanced Techniques

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with all the things that you can do in Starfield whether it's searching for Flora and fawn on new worlds or running and gunning against spacers and Pirates constructing elaborate functional Outpost can be extremely lucrative bringing you hundreds of thousands of credits or the ability to quickly level your character today we're going to be taking a look at some amazing Outpost building techniques so you have a clear understanding of how to set up the perfect base to suit your every need so let's get ready to set up an Interstellar manufacturing Colony tell Sarah pepp Farm always remembers and get after it in order to truly pick the right spot on the planet of your choice you'll want to grab the scanning skill which is one of the most useful tools when surveying planets for a location that's rich with everything that you need to start your Outpost it can be found in the second tier of the science skill tree and it's really a win-win since all you need to do is scan planets to quickly Max the skill once scanning is maxed you'll be able to pick the perfect spot where quite a few resources can be mined Under One Roof the trick is really fine finding an area where all those resources are pressed together where some different biomes Collide planets like lenus 4B are great for getting upwards of four to five resources and it's favored by players for the ability to mine aluminum and iron within the same Outpost once you find a spot that looks like a bowl of fro Loops you can select a landing Zone and cross your fingers that the game's procedural generation algorithm is on your side and you don't have to search too long to find that Golden Goose spot to plant your beacon as you can see from the starm map footage lenus 4B is a level 45 Planet that's not too far off from the starting areas within Starfield and it's a great spot to really outline some of the important Outpost features while setting you up for some success in the future after choosing a landing zone so we can mine some iron and aluminum which are two of the top basic resources that are needed to construct quite a few different Outpost modules we'll go over how to maximize your resources once you have boots on ground while your scanner is designed to recognize resources within the ground and on the surface nothing beats the good old Outpost Beacon to really flesh out multiple resources within its wide range which as you can see from the game footage is displayed in the top left corner of your screen honestly this part is tricky and if you're looking to minmax your first Outpost with six resources under the same umbrella running around to find the right spot with a bunch of merging resources May suck up a lot of your time once you've staked a claim and have all the resources that you're looking for you can start extracting them by building some extraction equipment which will require a few resources typically consisting of iron tungsten and aluminum if you don't have enough of these resources on hand you can either mine them the old fashioned way with the laser cutter or you can head over to gemson mertile in new Atlantis which has a little bit of everything that you'll need to start your Outpost with the proper resources in hand we'll start by placing the iron extractor which can be easily done by working with the bird's eye view camera depending on which extractor is actually selected you'll be able to see the resource vein where it can be placed which is also colorcoded based on the resource itself in this case the iron is shown by the reddish brown color that's glowing on the ground with the extractor in place in order for it to begin the extraction process it'll need a power source and depending on the planet you're setting up on some power sources generate more power than others in this instance the solar array is the better choice since there isn't a ton of wind whipping through the area finally to really start collecting you'll need a storage container that matches the type of resource that's being mind that being said we'll place a small solid storage container and connecting it to the extractor by dragging an output link from the extractor to the container containers can be upgraded in the future Through The Outpost engineering skill which is unlocked in the third tier of the science tree the first rank will allow you the research and development of medium storage containers and the second rank will unlock the large containers the juice is really worth a squeeze on this one since it makes quite a difference When developing your mining operation un locking both ranks will open up the Outpost research projects at a research lab which can be created from the crafting tab in your Outpost build mode in the research lab Under The Outpost tab you'll need to complete manufacturing two and three for both container sizes with research complete you can start placing larger containers and like the extractor containers can actually be tethered together using output links so when one container fills up it'll automatically fill the next container that it's linked to in this example will link the small cargo container to each of the larger containers to control the resource flow it may also be worth it to create one specific container that all the other containers flow into so you can make sure that that specific container remains perpetually full which comes into play when moving large amounts of resources via cargo links in order to save space for landing pads and cargo links in the future you can stack containers into large towers which is extremely useful when Real Estate gets a little tight later on but they'll all need to be connected with output links where the flow of all containers feed into one output container for ease of explanation we've added a small container as the main input source to all the containers in the stack as well as a medium container on the end that every container in the stack flows into so that you don't have a full container 30 stories up in a stack that you can easily get to with resource extraction and output links explained we'll Place some aluminum extractors and a bunch of storage together to complete the necessary resource extraction for this particular Outpost as well as drop a Hab on the planet to advance yet another important skill in this equation which is going to be planetary habitation planetary habitation is buried in the fourth tier of the science skill tree but it allows you to place outposts on the most inhospitable planets in Starfield which comes in pretty handy when a resource that you need is in a not so temperate location once your Habs finally in place you can get away from the elements so you can construct an industrial workbench with your Mountain of resources so you can go full send on making adaptive frames to make more containers to mine more resources adaptive frames are not only an amazing Infinite Source of experience albeit boring with the level starting to grind to a slow pace around level 40 they also serve as an infinite source of credits as well during this process you'll also want to knock out some research by constructing a research lab and picking up the skill special projects for the future which will allow you to craft some bigger and better things down the road that are even more impressive when you have special projects maxed out the amount of XP and credits gained from constructing an outpost that revolves around the production of veium fuel rods is absolutely absurd that being said we'll take a look at a basic veium base setup which is nested within the explanation of cargo links and Interstellar cargo links before we touch on the Venum setup and have to backtrack another useful item that you may want to create is a transfer container which is just basically a centralized hub for grabbing resource from the comfort of your ship's cockpit while you can link the transfer container to other containers that are linked to multiple resources you'll only be able to extract the resource that fills the container first with a mass of 200 it isn't really a magical resource safe where you can just choose from a list of all the resources on The Outpost that are linked to the container and the best way to actually utilize it is to create a direct transfer link from the extractor to the transfer container in order to really cover both cargo links and Interstellar cargo links that wrapped up in a vtina manufacturing Outpost we'll head over to the Naran system which is a level one system that can be reached early and it has everything that you need to construct a basic setup with planetary habitation at rank one you can make your home on the planet CR which will allow you to mine three of the necessary resources under the same umbrella that are required in the construction of the fuel rods for this Outpost you'll need to at a minimum be able to mine gold copper and antimony since you only have a limited number of cargo links per output oppos to bring in outside resources after whipping up a shake and bake Colony that's mining gold copper and antimony in massive amounts thanks to the iron and aluminum and adaptive frames that you probably have shoved in your pocket we'll take a look at Cargo Link since we need to pull in a few resources from the system cargol links allow you to pull in resources from other planets within the system without any operating costs and just like any other resources will require you to create containers for the incoming Resources with those containers matching the type of resources that are being imported whether it's solid liquid or gas with the Cargo Link set up on this end we'll head over to construct the other end of those links by traveling to the planet grimsy within the system to dig up some plutonium and uranium from the surface once the resources are found and the mining setups complete will throw down the Cargo Link and then set up the connection by dragging the input link from the resource containers to the outgoing container on the Cargo Link itself it's important to note that while you can link the extractors directly to the Cargo Link each Cargo Link container can transport a whopping 500 mass per container so linking a stack of resource containers to it is often the best option the next phase in the Cargo Link operation is to head over to the cargo Link's computer terminal and choose to connect this planet's outgoing resource to your home planet once that's complete you'll hear the sound of the cargo ship breaking through the atmosphere which will eventually land and pick up the resources to haul them back home finally you can link the incoming container on your Cargo Link at your home home base by dragging an input link to the containers you have staged in order to start receiving the transported Resources with regular cargo links explained the next part might be like trying to drink from a fire hose but I've included a diagram of how all the cargo links are set up along with a checklist of resources and where to find them so you can grab a quick screenshot before we drive on to Interstellar cargo links and how they work at this point you've likely connected all the necessary planets within the system and need to rely on Interstellar cargo links to complete the project which are unlocked through Outpost development at a research lab as mentioned earlier they are somewhat of a heavy lift to get up and running since they aren't as fire and forget as regular cargo links and require fuel in the form of helium 3 to operate all you'll need is a hefty supply of H3 so you can drag an input link from your helium 3 containers to the interstellar cargo links fuel tank to fill it up in this instance H3 doesn't actually occur at this location so it's imported via regular Cargo Link from the planet Creek to power all the interstellar cargo Links At The Outpost once you have the H3 coming into the interstellar Cargo Link just like a regular Cargo Link you'll need containers to store the incoming resource you'll need the same setup on the opposite end in another star system and you'll need to link it all together via the cargol link computer to complete the delivery the so what of all this is is that in order to get into sight home you'll need to set up the same thing in the cadid system a gas station delivering H3 from another planet and and that H3 powering the interstellar Cargo Link to bounce the indesite back to the planet CR in the Naran system with the setup and operation of interstellar cargo links explained one of the more important features that you'll need a clear understanding of is green houses and how to cultivate plant life for resources in this case the resource in question is solvent which as you can see from the bottom left corner of the screen can be located and grown on the planet codos in the Cheyenne system you will need a few things to get the greenhouse up and running of course and for starters you'll need to unlock the first rank of the botney skill which can be located in the second tier of the science skill tree Once the skill's unlocked The Green House becomes a production option and then you'll need to complete the super annoying part which is running around the planet scanning the Flora that you want to grow which in this case is wanderous husk that can be found in the mountains or the swamps green houses not only require a source of power and storage containers for all the resources that they produce but they also require a healthy amount of water to grow the resources that you need once your water production and stores are set up you can drag an input link from the water to the greenhouse and if you have multiple green houses to increase production you can actually connect them by dragging an input link to each and then finally dragging an output link from all of the connected green houses to your solid storage containers lastly you'll need Outpost management from the third tier of the social tree which gives you the ability to place additional cargo links and if you follow the chart from earlier you should have a fairly good setup to hit your industrial workbench in order to start cranking out some veium fuel rods and seeing the level start to pile up but since the subject here is actually outposts and not one of those bogus snake oil XP farm videos promising level 600 fast which 90% of the time is a frustrating mountain of BS we'll continue by going over yet another important Outpost feature that'll help you streamline things making things infinitely easier which is manufacturing either some or all of the smaller parts that you need with Fabricators you can start by creating warehouses which are storage container type that you can place manufactured inventory items into such as comms relays or zero wire and once you place a few warehouses the concept is really the same as far as stacking them and linking them up once your warehouses are in place you can create an output link from your fabricator to the warehouses and then you can just introduce necessary resources to the fabricator to start production you can do this in a few different ways but for ease of explanation I've just set up two large storage containers to act as resource hubs where one is connected to the large silver storage tower on the Outpost and the other is linked to the large copper storage Tower then all that's left to do is link each of the containers to the fabricator to start the production of your zero wire as you move on in research you can create bigger and better Fabricators that have the ability to create semi- metal Wafers nuclear fuel rods and other high-end manufactured Parts one of the more obscure things that Starfield lets you do in your Outpost but doesn't quite tell you how to do it is decorate your Hab with all the crazy stuff that you find throughout the Galaxy if you start by dropping all of your stuff on the floor and switch to first person to make it easy you can pick up and manipulate it by holding the a button instead of just tapping it once the object is in hand you can rotate it with the left and right triggers and you can change the rotational axis by clicking the left analog stick once you have it in place you can press a again to release it yet another way you can generate resources within your Outpost is through animal husbandry facilities which are unlocked after spending one of your hard-earned skill points in Zoology which which is located in the second tier of the science skill tree unlocking this skill allows the production of alien fauna at your Outpost and like the greenhouse you'll be required to scan the alien creature that you want to raise and the scan will let you know if the animal is available for Outpost production once all the grunt work is complete you can drop your alien Barn into place and although you need a few things for it to actually produce resources it'll start spawning creatures as soon as it's in place you can also go to the computer terminal at the husbandry facility and change the type typ of resource it produces which also changes the type of creature that the facility generates in order to get the facility up and running to produce the resource that you need you'll have to also connect a greenhouse in order to generate the food that the creature is accustomed to as well as a plentiful source of water once you have the greenhouse connected to your husbandry facilities and a sufficient supply of water you'll need to drag an input link from the facilities to a storage container in order to start collecting the resources in Mass like quite a few of the Outpost features there are always ways to make a little bit of XP on the side and in this case if you have the ammo to spare you can set up on high ground and take out all the alien creatures that you've raised for a decent amount of experience if Outpost building really isn't your thing and you need something more fast-paced you can click the video on the screen now if you're interested in learning how to disable and board enemy ships to add them to your collection and as always good hunting
Channel: MID 40’s GAMER
Views: 25,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outpost vytinium starfield, Starfield base vytinium, Starfield outpost vytinium, Starfield vytinium fuel rod, Starfield vytinium outpost build guide, Vytinium Fuel Rods, Vytinium fuel rod, Vytinium fuel rod base starfield, Vytinium outpost guide starfield, Vytinium starfield outpost, Vytinum fuel rod starfield, starfield outpost, starfield outpost building, starfield outpost building guide, starfield outpost guide, starfield outpost xp farm, starfield outposts
Id: NWssn0vIHfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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