Deimos Battleship Starfield Build Guide

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all right so this is going to be a guide on how to build the C-Class demos Battleship I was showing off in the shipbuilding guide I put on Reddit some people were asking to see how it was made so they could make it themselves so this will show you that as well as give you some tips on how to actually build ships that are both effective and aesthetically pleasing so for this build uh this was all made using demos Parts uh you can find most of the demos Parts at any ship Tech in the United Colonies as UC tax usually sell Deimos and Nova Equipment but this does also require uh special landing gear and the bridge that are only and the large halves that are only found at the headquarters so here I am at the moon of Deimos which is orbiting Mars if you haven't found it yet and there's a star yard there you just talk to this man here asked to modify your ship and you'll have access to all of the parts that you need so looking here uh I'm probably just going to have to strip all of this down in order to show you how I start and eventually arrive at this so the last thing that goes on to any ship build I do are the aesthetic parts so I'm going to be removing all of these real quick okay so the first thing I start off with when I'm doing a ship build is setting up the halves this is just because as fun as it is building a pretty ship you do have to actually use this thing and it is not fun having a ship that you build to be this enormous vessel and you have all these Habs stacked up on top of each other but then when you actually go to use it the actual walking paths that use to navigate the ship are a nightmare and pathfinding for characters and also where they place the doors is nonsensical and makes it a track every time you want to actually like go to your cockpit go to your room go to the workshop wherever so the first step I do is I pick what halves I want based on what Interiors I want and for those of you that have not seen But I imagine most people here from the actual guide I do have a guide on Reddit where I photographed the interior of every single Hab um and showed those off to you so you can pick which look you like the most so for this one uh the idea I had was okay there are certain halves I know I want in the ship and those are the workshop the Captain's Quarters the Armory and the infirmary this is because uh the Deimos and also the Stroud Workshop has every crafting table except for the cooking station and the Pharmaceuticals the Infirmary over here does have Pharmaceuticals so that's taken care of and then you can find the cooking quarters in um living quarters which I have a large one placed over here so that covers all my crafting needs the Armory um is just for personal Aesthetics I like having a wall of all the guns I've found even the ones that I'm no longer using but have certain you know memories attach them and stuff when they give you a unique gun as a reward for a quest and it's garbage so I'm not going to use it but at least I can like remember it and be like oh yeah remember that thing I did so it makes a nice display piece and then Captain Quarters here because having a bed to sleep in is super important to both heal and get that XP bonus so that you can level up faster the other things I have here are a Brig this is one of the large two by twos that you can only find at the hqs uh I did it purely because this is a bounty hunter character I made I've been doing a ton of bounty hunting and even though tragically we cannot use the brakes for live capture modders I pray to you that you add this in at some point I like having it there just for all play reasons and then the living quarters again same thing I like the idea of my crew having a space to be in and then right here in the middle we have an engineering Bay this is because I wanted a long Central hallway and I didn't want the landing uh The Landing Bay at the back of the ship I wanted at the front for ease of access uh whenever I'm landed so in order to have a long Corridor I needed a three by one and it was either this or living quarters um and I I just like the aesthetic of the type B engineering Bay it's a bit cleaner than the type A there's some workstations around it feels like the you know the guts of a ship that I would expect to be right here in the middle belly of it what I've done back here is my personal solution to the awful door placement that people will constantly complain about in shipbuilding because the door placement is it appears to be quite literally random um I've done a lot of testing of placing down halves seeing where the doors are and then like adding a single extra Hab to see what happens and sometimes you add an extra Hab and it will completely remove doors that were already there just because it's like oh I know a better path instead of going in a straight line and having all these connection points actually work why don't we have you go here go over here go through there go upstairs go down and then just not have a door actually connecting these because why would you need that when you can instead take like four different doors and a ladder to get where you need to go the door placement is awful and that's something that they they really need to add in or fix sometime soon but if you want to get around that for now the answer that I have found are these one-way connector serious uh two companies sell them hope Tech sells both horizontal ones like this and front to back ones like this Nova also sells one however they only sell a horizontal one the use of these is that they appear to force a door so an issue that happens when building ships is you can add in these let me get rid of that these companion ways which are typically a it's just a hallway this is a hub for doors if you will uh but even when you place it let's say I placed a hub down like that logically you would think okay there's going to be a door here and there's going to be a door here however say I had it like that sometimes the game will just go no I'm not gonna put a door here because I already saw that there's an existing pathway where you can go from here to here to here to here and apparently the only thing the game checks for is whether a room is reachable not if it's optimal so as long as it finds a path to a room it goes okay and it has no incentive to add additional doors so the issue being that these are rooms that the game is completely okay with having only one door so it's just like a storage room it treats it as so you'll walk in here there'll be no door right there sometimes and uh it will just say yeah no you wanted a side room that's fine even though the player is looking to make a hallway these are dedicated hallways there I have never found a situation where it only has a door on one end they always put a door on either side so this is my method for forcing a pathway so what I did is on this engineering Bay I added in the landing Bay like so I believe I had it like that I think we'll find out in a minute and you go through here and then you have a pathway leading over to the Armory pathway leading over to the workshop pathway leading straight ahead to this Companion Way the reason I have these companion ways here is because the bridge I wanted to use for the battleship build is the large um demos bridge and that requires a door to be in the back of it so let me oh I did delete let me put you back as you were okay so I had to make this stack here of companion ways luckily it did make a nice ladder here for me so that was very easy and then going over to cockpits you are looking for the Aries Bridge looks like I used the first one um like any ship part you unlock more as you level up but the only difference is how much cargo these have and they go up in mass as well so kind of helpful for the extra cargo this build does run into the module limit so not the worst thing in the world to get extra cargo from wherever you can but I'll just be using the one I originally had here and then once you have your kind of course set up done where it's like okay I know I want these modules I know I need the bridge to be up top on top of the ship the reason for that is I really like seeing the guns on the bow tracking enemies I just think it's cool looking so that's I mean most of the reason we're building ships right is just to make cool looking stuff so when I was setting this up I was trying to figure out where these two by twos should go I decided to put them back here because I already needed to have this stuff in the back because there was no room for a type c uh reactor on the front of the ship just because of how huge they were and I wanted it to be covered I don't like the reactors poking out on my builds so I ended up sticking it back here so this makes a nice cube in the back once you fill in the gaps with these Deimos Hull A's every manufacturer has a whole block it's kind of just the one that you stick in to make a one by one have equivalent all right so once you have your core halves all set up and you're like okay now we have to start adding in components another thing I did with this build is I wanted to again hide a lot of the modules inside I wanted it to be functional and you know in my even though it doesn't appear to have any gameplay impacts I think it's weird to have all of your critical components on the outside of a ship rather than you know tucked away safely inside so I took the shield generator in here and then I tuck the grab Drive right here like so that way once I fill in the rest of this with Hull Parts you can't see them anymore and then same thing as before we are going to take these and for those who don't know control on a part and G in order to grab the bits okay and then for this we are also going to be putting on the landing Bay right down here again I believe I had that forward there because again this is for knowing how doors connect uh Landing Bay here Arrow right there that means that's for the hatches and I didn't want it right in the middle because again that feels weird there's nothing back here so then there's just like a little chunk of hallway here behind you so I put it like that okay there we go so you know I'm starting to fill things in now uh the other things I know is you know I like having my big engine Bays right at the back of the ship so I'm going to be adding those on well honestly usually when I'm building ship designs I do the engines at the end because I want to see the outline of the back of the ship so I'm going to treat this as if I don't know what this ship is going to look like uh so we're just kind of filling bits in now with the hull so once you have this all set up it's like okay you know this is that spaceshipy looking this is shaped well so now we want to start filling in these other parts that are you know again I don't like having that big exposed strut that seems like the weak point on a ship so why don't we cover that up yeah okay so now that the shape is starting to take form we can start thinking about the additions which I'm going to move over here so you can see them better the structural tab is just your source for all of your good little bits that are going to give your ship that unique manufacturer look so with Deimos you have a couple options you've got the braking engines which I happily report are animated if you look at your ship in space and you hit the brakes they actually do fire uh which is cool they don't give you any extra engine power but you know again this is for Aesthetics and let me put this out that is everything except for one specific usage in the structural tab all of these items actually make your ship worse unfortunately because you'll notice they add Mass but they don't add Health unlike everything else like all the Habs for instance have a hull value even though it's not a lot so technically building a ship out of halves is more structurally sound than using the armor pits which again I think is weird I think they should give Hall value in fact I think they should give extra whole value because it's just a straight up block of steel you're strapping on but in the current version this is how this works so the things that we can put on the front bits here are stuff like this belly which either can be an upward lip or it's usually meant to you know fix out a slope so if you're connecting something to the bottom here EG I could take it like this and add on a belly like that to kind of continue this slope here because looking at this I decided I kind of liked this slope look uh the reason being that a core Deimos structural bit are the wings and These Wings Are the only functional part of structural tabs not this specific piece These Wings all do it the Horizon weapon Mount does it which can only be attached on the sides but these are methods of attaching guns to a ship those circles that you see right there is a hull attach point that square one is for guns so as long as you see that you know okay I can stick guns onto this thing so I personally like the look of when they're poking out a bit like this rather than just like that that gives a smooth look but it kind of gives it this pointier you know more aggressive military design that I'm going for gonna put some braking engines there because you know front of the ship that's where braking engine should go and then the reason I liked this middle spine is it allowed me to double up on these and I was able to add in an extra set here now I think I had that like that yeah because then back here you'll see these Deimos Wings All Connect together um they're meant to be used as like a set for different purposes so they have all these bits here that essentially fit together into one uniform design so I really like these fins even though they are actually useless because they don't allow you to attach weapons to them but again I think they're neat so aesthetic is King here up here I believe I had it like this excellent so you can already see this is starting to take shape um don't worry about the color difference right now that's because I copied all the hull pieces from the one in the back and I had repainted this ship at the end so these normally would be the same color and then I'll we'll do the painting bit right at the end so I can just select all and do it com so there we go so now we've got you can already see how this is kind of forming together and it's turning into a uh again very aesthetically pleasing design now I believe I had to have it like this um you'll see right now that that is measuring 35 meters to the four they measure from the midline so so the ship isn't 35 meters the ship is currently 70 meters but the max size of a ship is 80 meters in total or 40 in any direction again this is measured from the middle so as soon as you see that hit 40 you know you're at Max you can't go past that and that is a limitation of the ship design once we throw in the engines as well so the front here is looking pretty good and I'm I'm enjoying the aesthetic of that so then we are going to turn our attention to the back uh which same thing we are going to figure out how we want to fill space because I think of my ships functionally and I think that leads to Good Ship designs is if you think of your ship as a as having mechanics that are actually in the game you know think of it like how would I actually build a ship to be reasonable and functional and still a little bit pretty so it doesn't make sense for me to have my halves exposed that's where people live I don't want getting I don't want holes getting blasted directly into the place I sleep in so covering it up is something I I care about right so I want to cover the reactor got to protect that and then we're looking at the back of the ship here so okay we want probably some more fins again fins are good fins are lovely and then looking at that I'm thinking okay I think we could do some more back thrusters I think that would look pretty good back here maybe even if we have them like that yeah something like that and I kind of like that design there where these are looking forward you'll also notice on the demo stuff they have like little headlights on these which you know of course absurd having headlights on a battleship like this in space but hey whatever nice little touch guys and then we are doing the same design I like where it is the fin in the middle and then you can hit the left or right arrow to change variants to the back because flipping it with Z is just left or right the variance for a lot of these aesthetic parts are left or right like that all right but looking at this I remember correctly well actually there's a very easy way I can check what the exact ship design was actually I can just cancel this and look back at what we had okay yeah so I had the front correct you know you've got four Hull pieces here and a back engine back engines down here these only reach up to here aesthetically I would prefer to have them like that but as you can see the length goes to 43 meters if I do that just because that little bit is pushing out ahead of the Thruster so that's something to keep in mind too when looking at aesthetic parts and you're trying to maximize your ship size is uh some bits are just too long like that that's 41 meters one meter one meter too long but if you use this bit that's 40. it's because it's slightly shorter so play around with your bits and see how they actually affect the length because you might find something fits that you wouldn't think normally would all right so I'm going to remove all the bits that we hadn't attached yet so you guys can still follow along with the build from where we were foreign so when we left off it was like this sell them a few more bits to to chop off okay yeah so this is how we left it before um another piece just to remember here is that docking hatch these slim docking hatches I'm pretty sure every manufacturer offers them because they it's kind of a standard format with them where they either have the block docking hatch which is like a Hab sized one um unfortunately it does not have side doors no those are normal Hull attach points they're not the arrows like you'll see on the hab there that indicate a door can spawn instead they're only on bottom so it's effectively the exact same thing as this except it uses a lot more space I think the main purpose of that is just to make it reach higher in case you have things on your ship that are blocking the docking hatch because if you don't know the docking hatch has to be the highest point on the ship that way when you dock with things there aren't bits above it that smash into whatever you're attaching to luckily it's pretty generous because the docking point is that glowing ring above it not the hatch itself so even though this bridge is technically higher this still counts and in fact I could put other things on here not that big that's a full block but there are half block items like I'm pretty sure I could fit a spine on here no problem yeah see like a radiator or something like that is fine because it's below that ring so the other thing that changed with this is I had full blocks there when I was building I forgot that I actually used these sloped ones here um again honestly that's an aesthetic choice if you guys wanted to do it like this instead it blocks more of the Interior components and I think it looks perfectly fine but for my build I did do the sloped ones there and then I of course have those right there so uh going forward uh next we want to start decorating back here because now we have a nice shape to the back of the battleship as well um I have all the back thrusters honestly maybe a little bit too many back thrusters but there was nothing else I could put on the front here uh that I thought looked reasonable um but you know some other front caps are you can always put on the belly which tilts up or the cowling which tilts down but again unfortunately these ones are too big for that front piece uh you could put them down here however I I kind of like the symmetry of having the two on the sides and this is the only bit that fit here so that's why I decided to go for that one now for back here same thing as before we're doing the wings because they are pretty and we like pretty things uh oh my yeah so this is something I wanted to talk about too people were asking um what the attach points mean so when I'm saying attaching an object to make a door spawn uh what we were finding and this is probably the least tested one but this was just an observation that my girlfriend made when she was playing uh and I need to run it more but it seems to work which is if you hit attach which notice if I'm over here the bottom right it says add if I select a door like that one like I Mouse over it you'll see now that it says attach instead so if you hit G it will only show objects that can attach onto that point so nothing that attaches on top only things to attach to the side and then if you select a Hab like so this theoretically creates a door at the spot that you had attached now this is difficult because sometimes they don't Orient the way you want like right here I hit attach on that door and it chose to do it this way what if I wanted to attach it at the door but I wanted it to extend that way I don't know but if it does work you know it's something worth trying but overall the most reliable way I know of is utilizing those one-way connectors down there okay so copy that paste that that actually uh should just be copying those anyways doing it like that doing it like that in fact I'm pretty sure I had it like that I think again we'll double check at the end to make sure everything is set up properly but I believe because I usually like having these covering the engines a little bit so okay now we've got this really sharp and aggressive design for the ship it's shaped like a traditional Battleship with the bridge more back set um now it's back set I was I would like but just due to the size limitation of those huge classy reactors like the only other way I could do this is to move the hab Tower here back and then make it one taller so that I could tuck the reactor underneath here um and then I could put the shield on top of the graph drive because it has a top mount point that would technically work but I decided I liked having the bridge closer down to the deck here uh it gave me again a better view of those guns swivel around which I think is cool so I'm looking at the back here okay we are going to need some engines so this reactor unfortunately does not have a back Mount point but that's fine because we have this top cowling here that I want to deal with because I don't like leaving them as just like a big flat block so we are going to use that one that down cowling there to bring that slope down and then that gives us a bottom mounting point excellent so then what we can do here is I believe on my previous build I had tucked um cowling as well as a fuel tank back here before we hit that something I really want to take care of here is the bottom of the ship now up here there's a lot more definition going on especially when we start adding the spines back here in these big flat areas but on the bottom here it's it's pretty flat it's basically a plane so I want to add some definition here mix up the outline a little bit to make it look a little bit more complicated and that will allow you to have a at least in my mind better visual experience with your ship because it's got a little bit more going on so I like the shape of the demos Lander here so I am continuing it because Damo spits fit together just like all the manufacturers and they like to maintain their kind of outline so Deimos really likes this uh I don't know what to describe this shape as but I guess it's technically just like an octagon yeah three there three there one on top one on bottom yeah that's a weird pancaked octagon shape uh but we can continue that back here so again it looks like it's one big piece and then we have these spaces over to the side and naturally we need landing gear so you can do the side landing gear but it's going to take more just because the weight of this ship it's already getting up there in Mass luckily if you go to the damos HQ or any headquarters for a manufacturer you'll find that they usually sell a nicer version of the landing gear for instance they have these bottom mounted ones they sell here that have three Landing thrust which is better than their side mounted ones they typically have so we're gonna need about four of these so I'm gonna put them like fats because I want to leave room for one more bottom mount because they have this whole set of uh I believe they're called skegs that they have down here yeah skegs so you see they've got a front one here they've got little Landing lights which are again very cute aesthetically and then we're going to throw on these normal skags that go in the middle and we're just going to run those down I'm gonna copy you flip you around like that so now you see we have that continuous big line it's got the landing gear at the front and back which again reasonable for weight distribution and then these little Landing lights that I think look good um I am going to move these once the engines are in but I just want to show you the general shape that we're going for here because this is not just about how to build this specific ship it's building ships in general and how to use the different manufacturers Aesthetics your advantage their bits fit together it's just about knowing where you want to put them so that they you know make sense to you all right so then looking at this we are starting to look really good here and the back has started to get taken care of so then at this point it's like okay I need engines now I like having my engines kind of tucked into a hole so that is what I'm going to do I'm going to attach a belly here foreign and a belly here like that and then I'm going to start attaching on our first engines now a important thing with module choice is this is this is where you can get kind of real picky with your Aesthetics so you can repaint certain modules but not others notably Shield generators uh react actually you can oh you can paint reactors so that's cute okay good so you can paint that you can pick okay I thought you couldn't paint shield generators okay so it's just weapons then which is really annoying because like they're the things that are always on the outside of your ship and visible and you can't repaint them so if you're going for a Nova build congrats dude you have every gun that you can imagine that is all white but if you're going for a gray uh color skin like this you're a lot more limited I picked these engines for two reasons one they by default match the color aesthetic of Deimos and that's fantastic uh the other reason being that these engines are incredible oh you'll see here engine thrust at seventeen thousand and maneuvering thrust at 48. so that's amazing considering that they're Class B's with four of these which is the max you can have because modules are determined by their max power you'll see over there underneath the class max power three you can only go up to a Max of 12 on the power meter up top where you see I've uh because I removed them it's marking it in red but as soon as I add more fills up fills up all the way if I add another one then it's going to give you the um oh I can't because they're not sold here that's right I can only have the ones I already removed but you can't go above your power limit it will give you an error saying oh this uh this is unavailable to you you've put too much power into engines or too much power into guns something like that all right so now looking at this okay I I wanted to have them a little stacked like this a little slope because again I don't want it to just be a a boring horizontal there the ship has a kind of curve to it along the whole thing so it's more like a uh it's more like a traditional you know boat it's kind of a bowed shape with the lowermost part being right here in the middle and then it kind of swings up to the side so I wanted to maintain that silhouette on the back as well all right so then looking at this all right same thing as before I want to fill in these spots I don't want it to end on just the hard end of a demos haul I want it to have the nice slope as if everything kind of pinches together at the end so then down here I'm going to place a fuel tank because these ones again they match that nice brass that you have on all of the Deimos Parts the brass bars there the brass fins on those as well as the brass uh there are cargo containers from one brand that match that as well so I like having this kind of uniform like brass is the metal choice for this ship for a you know singular color scheme and it just so happens this dog star reactor exact same thing also this is made by Ballistic solutions they make a lot of the modules that fit the damos aesthetic I'm not sure if they're tied together or Laura Wise but it feels like they're built to be you know paired so with this now you could stack another grouping of those fuel containers on top if you felt like it I don't uh just because I don't I haven't really run into a situation where I need that so I'm just gonna slap that on top of it and then I'm more okay with this ending here because at least this feels a bit more like it's starting to taper off and I like that also you'll notice uh we can't really go any farther than this because this once you add the engines in is when you hit that 40 foot limit all right so then looking at these same thing I'm going to bring these down like that no I'm pretty sure I had them like that yeah that seems like that seems more like something I'd do and then looking at my ship now I'm noticing okay we got a lot of flat area up here and damos blesses us with these cool spine items so I want to use them so attaching up here we're going to use the front spine because you know it starts the slope and then we're going to continue that into a normal one just so that it doesn't hard transition and then back here why don't we throw in one of those another one and then I want to have it pick up into a slope which you can either do that one for a smoother slope or this one which is technically made for a mounting point for a weapon or actually no it's a normal whole point up there but I kind of like those little holes there and that hard transition it makes it look like almost an air intake which is again absurd on the spaceship but this is a combination of practicality and Rule of cool of what looks neat and I think that gives a very neat aesthetic in fact looking at this I'm curious I felt like I might have mimicked that this is hard for me to run because I've gone through this build hundreds of times modifying it because you hit a point where you are right on the edge of the build limit and you just keep shuffling things around to see what you can get working so up top here this is a nice side mounting point and I didn't want to have two spines right next to each other because I thought it would diminish the kind of visual impact of them so I use this as my cargo container spot and these are the Sextant Shield systems ballast cargos that again they Mask The Brass perfectly so I get to just leave them as is stick those on like that perfect okay so you know we've taken care of all the core bits here we've got Habs to live in cockpit Docker landing gear Landing Bay fuel tanks engines everything is looking good so all we're missing at this point is you know some final touches some coloring and most importantly guns so part of my battleship build is I wanted to have a big boat covered in turrets because to me all forward firing guns is more reminiscent of a fighter less so of a like Cruiser or larger ship where they're not built for Mobility or turning they're built for just being a weapons platform and once you go into type B and especially type c guns you start getting a lot of turrets which turrets are you know anything that faces sideways when you look at it and it will have the word turret in the name the other thing with this build is I went for a lot of particle beams just because their DPS is comparable to a lot of the laser or ballistic weapons but are equal across both damage types um so skill point wise it seemed pretty efficient just to put all your points into a combination of particle weapons and automated weapons because turrets get bonuses from both if they're particle beam turrets um and then you can boost that even further by having one of the either uh Andrea or what's his name Bertram uh the two constellation members that both have level three particle beams which do stack with you by the way crew member skills do stack with the players but they don't stack with each other but if you have at least one of them on your ship that means that you're getting whatever yours is plus their bonus to damage so these things can get absurd DPS so for these ones these ballistic Solutions PBO auto turret Alphas are fantastic 29 damage per shot and a fire rate of 4 max power of three so you can have four of them a and range of three thousand so these things are straight cannons and as such I like having them forward facing so that we can have a a good forward Salvo for dealing with enemies even though I want side coverage I acknowledge most of my targets are in front of me and I want to kill them quickly so I arranged it like this again because of my love of made up practicality that doesn't have game mechanics backing it up where I thought about having them like this I didn't like that they would be shooting through each other even though they absolutely can if you want to do it for efficiency stuff you can absolutely stack guns right on top of each other they don't hit each other the bullets will go right through your own hole it's fine but again this is built for prettiness uh instead of just raw Min maxing because if it's Ramen maxing I wouldn't have a single Hull piece on here it would be Bare Bones halves guns Shields all that stuff as tightly packed as possible for a smaller Target and also a lot less Mass so I could be quicker oh that is another point I want to bring in with these you can use type c engines note the top speed of your ship is determined by engine type type A's mean 150 type B's mean 140 type C's mean 130 so if I went to type c i could get better Mobility but I also would get worse top speed so don't really care about that too much and these are fantastic note you do need Starship design and they only start appearing again at a higher level and in certain uh locations I can I've been finding these at a killer which is again weird because they match the uh demos aesthetic so well but you find these in Freestar space so head out to Aquila um if you want to pick up some of these slatens and if you don't see them there it probably just means you're not high enough level for reference right now I'm 35 but these are the third variants of these the first ones I want to say start spawning sometime in my 20s there but you will need Starship design for these so same thing for these these also require Starship design one but aesthetically speaking these match up pretty good it's a little bit more orange than default brass but you know uh and honestly you could change the brass color on these if you want personally I just leave it default so we've got our forward battery here uh next up we are going to be adding in our side batteries which unfortunately you can't place any more of these because you can't separate them into different groups like you couldn't have group one being four of the forward-facing ones and group two being four of the side facing ones all weapons are grouped with the same weapon so unfortunately we're gonna have to look for something else now you could use these if you want these Auto Alphas from Horizon defense however color scheme with name not into that so I'm actually going to be dropping down to a tier B1 these PBO Auto neutrons now note the DPS is still fantastic in fact it it might actually be better it might actually be fatter than those type c Horizon defenses uh yeah because these are 20 damage per shot at a fire rate of four I thought they were actually yeah and these are 21 at A Fire rate of five so yeah actually it is and they match the aesthetic well so I like having two of these on either side like that and these will cover your sides as well as they can shoot forward if you do a little tilt because through testing I've found that these turrets typically have a firing cone of around like 80 degrees or so so they can't do a full 90 they can't turn directly forwards but almost so if an enemy is let's say over here the front turrets can all fire at it no problem and then these side turrets will also turn to fire it as well the reason I have the side turns as well is I like it for keeping enemies suppressed while my main batteries are dealing with stuff forward especially in fights with multiple ships they tend to fly straight at you and then go past and when I'm dealing with a bunch of ships at once I want to be able to focus on targets but not have the ones I already damaged regen their Shields so these will offer some suppressing fire to keep hitting them so they don't get their Shield reach at up now the last set of weapons because again these are max power of three these are max power three so you only get four of each are my personal favorites uh that are an amazing pickup in my opinion I'm sorry if you hear yelling in the background I have a parrot and uh he's kind of a dick sometimes it's these Vanguard hellfires these things are astonishingly strong like these are stupid guns uh they are only available if you join the Vanguard um so if you join the Vanguard in new Atlantis you get access to a couple pretty good modules they offer a lot of guns that are pretty high tier uh and then they also offer a Class B Shield generator that gives 1400 Shield points the only better one I have ever found is this classy one that requires Starship designed rank 4. so again put that in perspective for you guys the other Shields at that tier like there is nothing that I have found that even compares like 690 is the highest one I see right now for class B there's the Vanguard one oh there is a 1500 one here that unlocked that requires rank 4. this does not require any Starship design this is no Starship design just he got a class B ship and he got 40 Grand you can get 1450 Hull H uh Shield HP which is fantastic and it's just that little Dome it goes right on top so that's fantastic but these hellfires have stupid stats like look at this real quick okay the range is short you can shoot things beyond the range they just have damage fall off fire rate of 7.5 Which is higher than like almost every other gun you find usually it's five or six for some of the other like type A weapons these are 7.5 and it does 19.8 Hull damage per shot and a max power of two which almost everything has a max power of three meaning you can have six of these six of these cannons firing that fast doing that much Hull damage so essentially with this Loadout the second something drops shields in front of you it just vaporizes you get to just destroy it with a hail of machine gun fire which is super fun so now the guns are all on so we're gonna start assigning them so on Mouse one I want the auto cannons because that's just going to be left click and then for everything else I all I do it by the uh Auto Alphas on this one and then the side ones on this just so I know for power prioritization because you're not going to be able to fully power all of these you don't need to either it's perfectly fine to have them at like half power or less um but that way I know like if I am really struggling for power I can take power out of the side ones and focus all on the front guns so now here we are um I am going to quickly cancel my mods just so that I can see the correct colors and make sure I had everything in the right spot so okay yeah everything here looks good we've got those poking out a little bit in front of the Wings here we've got the fins in the middle yeah okay so all of that yeah that all looked good okay so then the only other change that happened here it looks like is I put the skegs on the bottom of the engine so you've got the slope on top the skeg on the bottom that above there but again if you ever feel like you need more fuel feel free to replace it with another one of these ah okay and then that is the change I did with the spine design I had the uh radiators in the front and back with the mount in the middle which makes sense because I've only got one gun back here I didn't need all that mounting space uh and I didn't and I do remember this I didn't like having the radiator right next to that because it felt like this was just like the brass line and there was too much I like the variation a bit more of like this one's in the middle these ones are on the side okay so then now we're left here this is our full ship and this is right at the build limit which is why I'm missing that one there because if I uh put it back and then I try to add anything module limit 130 objects is your max limit and that's where we are at with this build otherwise I would try doing some other stuff maybe another set of wings under here maybe bringing this forward like that and then having an extra Radiator in there I don't know possibilities possibilities but at this point you know we're maxed out on the length at 40 meters we're maxed out on modules and the ship stats are straight Gucci across the line grab Drive can be upgraded and then you know I just got this reactor like right before I started recording so things keep dropping at higher levels maybe I'll find a even better reactor later but it looks like the max possible reactor is uh 38. and then also I could get you know some some more points in the uh Fusion reactor skill that makes it so you have extra power but this is our full build the final thing with any build is painting it so you can go one by one if you're psychotic but fun fact if you double click anything it just selects the whole ship and then you can hit J to color it now I'm not going to do that here because I did slight variations on certain objects and I'm going to show you those so if you want to color copy the colors exactly you'll know exactly where to go for that so for all the haul parts you have color one right here it was I wanted a steel color so I went with blue very very light saturation and a very low Darkness here so feel free to copy that onto yours and you feel free to select the entire ship for that because that's what I just wanted the steel color to be and that is every objects it's perfectly fine to paint every object with that still color color two is the orange and I did those for both color two and three on all the fins because I forget which is which but one affects these top markings here like these pipes and these little uh squares and then the other one is the sides here and I liked that visual flare of the orange even though it doesn't match the brass exactly if I did try to match the grass would be super pale and I didn't like that I wanted the the saturated Orange so this is the color for this I feel yep it's the exact same on color two and three so orange beam Max saturation right there a little bit above the fourth color bar slight to the right so that's how I colored those um you want to avoid color uh if you want to select specific objects and you don't want to with others because for instance like with these if you with color three you're with the brass so like you don't really want that you can mess with the brass color if you want but you're gonna have to do it differently because metallics and mattes are different colors and you are going to have to find a different color value for that so if you do want to just color all the fins what I did is this you just click you hold Ctrl and then you click click click click click and you can select multiple objects that way so for instance I went around and I grabbed every Fin and I painted those all at once and then I painted the Hull here same thing number two is the orange color that I used on the wings and then number three here I think I just left his default I yeah yeah that that's what those are I liked having them as just the default black I thought that looked fine uh and you can hit X to default it will only default the color you have selected it will leave the others intact um as for everything else the only thing that had a different color because again everything is just that steel and that orange um is the halves because the Habs have weird colors normal steel for the main one normal orange for that one but for color three I had to go much much brighter because if you look here um if I select this which is where it was for the other ones it's really really dark on these top ones and I thought it looked just a little weird you know like I thought it didn't really match so I had to brighten that up I don't know what that material is it appears to be some sort of you know that Space Age cloth material where it's a grid uh I guess it's a fabric and thus has a different color than the plating so you do have to customize that one and I just made it a lot brighter in order to kind of match everything else but yeah finishing off uh this is what you're left with and I mean personally this is the favorite ship I have ever made uh so I'm going to cancel that actually I'm not going to cancel that because there's one thing I had to do of course did I remove that fin I did let me just stick that back on perfect nope every single time you go in the ship Builder and add anything even if you don't touch the Habs it will move everything in the hub into the cargo if you ever are wondering why is my ship all filled with garbage in the cargo it's because of that this is just a shipper this is just a tip for uh shipbuilding go to your manufacturer of aesthetic Choice look at their ships that they're selling they usually suck because they have trash components uh but they give you nice visual inspiration so you can kind of see how the bits are used and what kind of shapes you can pull off so like this one is a nice example of how they know these cargo containers match the brass on here so you should use them together this one is a back loader so you know that gives you an idea I don't have to have my loading at the front I will I can have it at the back and then my ship will just land backwards facing wherever I want to go because they do land oriented by this not by the actual ship so they aim that facing wherever the output of a landing area is so if you land at new Atlantis your ship will be facing backwards and you'll walk down the ramp and be facing the ship Tech Celestial this is a lot smaller craft and you go up to stuff like this so now you really start saying like oh these are the kind of shapes I can use look I can use these Nova bracings that work really well with these kind of grids back here I didn't even think about that um or you can see things that you notice you don't like like I love side Landers I hate that there's so much of them unattached and that it's just kind of hooked onto the bottom there so I'll make sure to look out for that when I'm building I like the fins I like having portholes I don't like having the wings just ending though but I like what they've done here where they've got a grab Drive getting transitioned into a slope that's that's a great idea I should Implement that in a build so that's this is what I'm talking about of looking at ships and then you get visual inspiration for that manufacturer like here uh this is the thing I did on my Class B ship where I had a fin leading into the landing gear and then another fin I don't like how small these ones are but it makes sense because they've got the back thrusters there uh but you look at something like this and it's like this is full of amazing ideas for ship building aesthetically that's that's gross I don't know why they sell that this is an amazing demo ship this hey dude if you like it but that color scheme kills me so the last step here is I am just gonna give you guys a quick tour of the ship so you can see what it's like we're gonna be entering through the docking port unfortunately because this is a stay station so normally you'd be entering through the landing Bay so I'm gonna head down there also remember you don't have to use ladders we have jet packs use your jetpack so engineering Bay this is the type B variant which I was talking about you know a bit cleaner you got like actual workstations it feels like you should be in here rather than the other one which feels like it should be cordoned off enter through the dogging Bay you have this long strip here on your right you have the Deimos Workshop which much like Stroud are in my opinion the best ones because they have research terminals however doesn't matter if you have an infirm or your science lab since they also have that you know industrial workbench weapons workbench spacesuit and research you go down the other one you have the Armory this is the one flaw in this ship and again a source of my hatred for the doors there's an infirmary directly behind this they don't put a door here I I don't know why I could spread this out more if I wanted to with more of those halves the bridge Habs but then I would have to compromise on other bits because I'm at the module limit so I just said uh it's fine it's fine so display room currently there's nothing displayed because as I mentioned whenever you edit anything everything gets pushed into cargo so everything that was in this crate now in the cargo hold everything that was displayed here in the cargo hold pretty annoying wish it didn't happen but just so you guys know if you see stuff disappearing as I saw someone posting they were like oh my God I put stuff in the Armory and then it disappeared what a big bug and it's like it it was just in the dude's cargo hold he just didn't check down this Hall you've got the infirmary you've got a research lab and you've got pharmaceutical crafting so between that the workshop and the living quarters you have all the crafting you need this is the exact same as a science lab I went with the infirmary because for me it made sense for role play that a bounty hunting trip should have a med Bay and then over in this hallway again this one connects to the door that one just doesn't don't know why but the workshop connecting directly to my bedroom uh the bedrooms are great because not only do they have a bed that will give you your lovely XP bonus and sleeping bonus but you have a storage box here a storage box there and a storage safe right there and a locker but you can actually store stuff you would have to actually like physically drop an item move it and put it in followed by a toilet as well I will say as much as I love damos and Stroud's aesthetic they have the least comfortable looking beds I have ever seen like that is that is a a less than two inch mattress that is a a bad mattress pad at best horrible looking I have no idea why you look at the uh hope Tech or the Nova stuff that is the coziest looking little bed Nook in the world it's crazy all right so that's Central so this is the central hallway engineering Armory or workshop and bedroom infirmary and workshop second floor again this one's just for fun you got the Brig over here that I pray will be functional one day I want to do live capture so bad for bounty hunting but you know you have computer controls here to unlock these it's it's pretty cool looking in here I like it and then you have the two by two living quarters over here it has a hangout Zone you got this cute little tree couch it's it's just Pleasant in here it's just nice and then finally up here you have the bridge the docking port so it's really easy to do boarding stuff you walk in here you know command area if you're wondering where the storage is Captain's Locker here cargo hold here I never use it though I just hit my inventory and then you have the actual piloting suit so I can show you now what it looks like from the cockpit and also flying around so this is why I put turrets here and not fixed guns because I had fixed guns in the past uh fixed guns don't actually move they sit completely still so if you're shooting straight it looks fine you're shooting over here and then the guns are oriented like this and they're just coming out at like a 45 degree angle and that just looked weird to me so I tucked the fixed guns behind me where I can't see them uh but I can still you know use them and then the turrets they do track they will swivel and fire and I just think it's you know really cool to have these big old turrets here firing at things because it makes me feel like I'm flying a battleship and that was the whole point of this build and then also the last thing I'm gonna do is I just want to show you these Auto cannons that's lovely that's Battleship as so yeah that is my Deimos Battleship build I hope you all enjoy it and I hope that you can you know if you want this ship go for it recreate it enjoy having this slick looking Battleship but also get out there and build your own stuff like that's why I made this guide and I photographed everything that I did and put all this information in because I I want people to have as much fun with the shipbuilder as I have because I've had a great time and there are some cool fights you can do uh there's the normal bounty hunting stuff you know where you'll fight one two or three ships there are bigger fights like if you want to see an end game uh fight try try going to cricks try try flying to the key even this ship like I'm still putting points into my skills because this fight still kicks my ass but I've gotten pretty close there are so many ships and turret platforms here it is a a actual Fleet but this ship with proper management and skills and targeting things and quickly dispatching like one enemy at a time so that you're just removing sources of damage like I've gotten close but I still can't crack it there are so many here so actually it taking points out of engines because who needs them making sure my Shields are maxed making sure that's all Max uh engines can be useful but the only real thing they do is that uh is boosting because boosting breaks Target lock yeah you can see how quickly the DPS goes up uh this is one of my worst attempts but also there are end game fights you can do with huge fleets and I don't have nearly enough points into my actual skills right now so once I have and actually I can put in more points right now probably probably more Shields but yeah like max out particle beams max out auto weapons huge DPS increase max out shields for more Shields max out targeting control max out ballistics like it's possible but unlike ground combat these are a hundred percent a stat check that guy's boosting which is why I lost Target lock on him but it's fine oh my God whoops ah but yeah no you can you can do some cool stuff with this all right I hope you guys enjoyed build some cool boats post them on the Starfield ships Reddit I want to see other stuff all right bye everyone
Views: 251,564
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Length: 67min 56sec (4076 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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