Starfield - Marry Andreja and Sarah

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thank you for coming back here with me I fear that after all that has happened I am unsure of my place in house baroon this room may now be the only place I have left to call home it is reassuring to hear you say that I have killed the man who was the only connection to my people I have no way to reach house baroon now what if I am cut off from them forever traitor yes but the consequences go far beyond his life I do not know how to live without some connection to hospital the Great Serpent has always been a guiding force in my life the force that drives all that I do yes that is true whatever else has happened or will happen the Great Serpent still holds a purpose for me you have been by my side through all of this the most turbulent time in my life and you have supported me Faithfully I have never been able to count on any single person the way I have with you if I am repeating myself you will have to forgive me I just I cannot overstate what it means to me well that is I'm sorry I need a moment I admit this is a surprise I did not quite realize you felt this way about me but if you mean it my feelings are not so different from yours we must be clear on one thing from the very beginning I do not share if you are mine then you are mine alone no one else will come between us if that is not a commitment you are willing to make I understand but I will not compromise oh I am quite certain do not doubt my intent then truly nothing can stop us we will force to be reckoned with you have brought a joy to my life that I could not have imagined could never have expected with you at my side love I look forward to everything that comes next foreign [Music] I have been thinking about us as a couple I am not sure of the terminology our relationship let us say I would expect nothing less you and I we come from such different backgrounds I cannot really know all that you have been through and you laughs you are not house Varun the foundational belief of my life the one you do not share do you not see a problem we do love each other and that is a lot I this does not work if I am not honest if I will not speak plainly what is on my mind as much as I love you and I do I cannot help but wonder what the future holds for us given all that I know to be true no no that is not my concern I trust that you will stay with me when the Great Serpent returns I know I will be by his side as one of the promised you you are not like me you are not house baroon to as much as it pains me is sealed I have tried to not worry myself over it but I I cannot stop thinking about it future can we have if that is the inevitable end non-believers will be lost in the great Serpent's Shadow for all eternity Jinan Varun himself told us this you understand this is different it is not what might happen but what will happen I have never expected you to share my beliefs cannot possibly and I will not fault you for that do you want to be with you but but there are moments I find myself grieving for you already knowing that you will be lost how can I possibly move past this [Music] never want to pass up a chance at the joke are you to think of anything coming between us whether now or in the future but you are right I need to focus on what is in front of me now not something I have no control over thank you for talking me through this it only serves to remind me how much you mean to me really you continue to surprise and amaze me I am I am at a loss for words there is quite literally nowhere I would rather be my culture deals with this so differently than I have seen in the rest of the settled systems I need some time to consider what would be an appropriate equivalent gesture but do not mistake that for hesitation you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will not let you go for a moment important or not I'm ready to listen if you want help I'm here I know that you'll always have my back it's the type of person you are wait what exactly are you saying foreign sorry I I just need a moment to gather my thoughts I know you want to have a serious relationship you want to become close so if you're willing to take that Leap of Faith with someone like me then I'm ready to do the same I can't imagine being in love with anyone else so if you're willing to make the leap I'm ready to do the same you know that you've helped me conquer my self-doubt my confidence hell everything for the first time in my life I Feel Complete and with you by my side I'm convinced that feeling will last forever you're the best thing that's happened to me in my life I love you always if you must speak be quick about it have you lost your mind is is there even a mind to lose do you even understand what you have done did we not agree that what we have is something special unique that it would stay between us that our hearts belong to one another and no one else perhaps you can be comfortable with it but I made it completely clear to you that this is unacceptable foreign no but it also would not hurt you to at least try I am still listening I am going to do my best to get past this and continue our journey together the next time we arrive in ports I am leaving it would do you well to reflect on how you arrived here from your future well I shall be doing the same yes you need something I know that tone very well what is it thank you dearest you are not so bad yourself for so long I felt that something or some part of me was missing I could never explain it I no longer feel that way thanks to you then I shall be sure to say it more often I am here if you need me something to say it then have you lost your mind is there even a mind to lose do you even understand what you have done did we not agree that what we have is something special unique that it would stay between us that our hearts belong to one another and no one else perhaps you can be comfortable with it but I made it completely clear to you that this is unacceptable I sincerely hope so I am going to do my best to get past this and continue our journey together the next time we arrive in ports I am leaving it would do you well to reflect on how you arrived here Haunt from your future I know I shall be doing the same and just what is on your mind at this moment I'm at your side foreign [Music] for me important or not I'm ready to listen [Music] thank you [Music] for you should you need me of course are you ready [Music] last night well all that physical training seems to have paid off [Music] happy if I can help you with anything just say the word always point the way and we'll be off Ms Morgan I shall be here if you need me it's actually comforting to know that andresia to enjoy these moments thank you not seeing stars that was amazing [Music] my help time to go I'm ready I'll get back to what I was doing you know where to find me [Music] I'm so lucky to wake up every day to Someone Like You hey there glad to see you again credit for your thoughts as they say I'm at your side how's your day Captain gorgeous day isn't it I love I was hoping you'd say that thank you [Music] that was quite a workout I hope you had as much fun as I did [Music] [Music] yes you need something I have sharpened the plate for this very occasion just in case we need it I'm more than ready let's go Miss Morgan I shall be here if you need me it's actually comforting to know that andresia and just what is on your mind at this moment I look forward to it good luck andresia if the concept of luck is something that you believe in of course luck will not be necessary but thank you just the same the Great Serpent himself may have needed to have art his eyes that some of what went on last night you're looking well your mind good to see you again I'm ready to explore there are worse ways to begin a day than here with you I am glad to see you well that was you do just have the two hands yes I have never been one to spend much time in bed but you may be changing that
Channel: Random Zero Gravity
Views: 40,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ufuw7iAg-44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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