How To Steal Ships - A Starfield Beginner's Guide

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what's up guys thanks for stopping by I hope you're doing good in today's video we're going to be talking about how to steal enemy ships in Starfield right now as you can see we're aboard the frontier which is the default ship that you start with although mine has been a little bit modified to carry more cargo okay so first up we're gonna start by going back to a Spaceport to change to a different ship so I'm just gonna head to new Atlantis alright so now we're here at ship Services I'm just going to talk to the technician and Shane's ship this is actually not an essential part of the process however it may make your life a little bit easier if you do have access to a different ship but don't worry if you don't okay so I'm going to change this Watchdog here and the reason is that this ship is actually a lot smaller and lighter and therefore it's just more maneuverable in space combat again you definitely don't need to do this especially if you're earlier in the game but if you do have a more agile fighter type ship then I recommend taking it let me know in the comments if you'd like to see a video about shipbuilding and the various uses of the different ship builds but for now we're just going to take this ship by making it our home ship then we're gonna head out and find some trouble okay so we'll probably talk about how to find enemy ships in a different video or for the purposes of this video I'm just going to go to a neighboring system around Cheyenne because I find a lot of the systems around here are pretty easy to find Pirates alright so immediately we found some Pirates here and the first thing I want to note is how I have my power assigned basically just focusing on engines Shields and lasers and nothing else really matters for how we want to do this but we've got two enemy Fighters here and we're gonna focus on just killing one and then we're gonna try and steal the last remaining one because these are lower level ships you can see it's just level 16. it doesn't really matter that much about assigning power to ballistics or missiles because they're going to go down really easy anyway obviously we can just assign some power to missiles right here take this uh ship out a little bit faster but lower level ships are pretty easy to deal with even just with lasers so if you want to keep it simple you can [Music] okay there we go so one enemy ship is taken out so now before we actually steal this ship I want to talk about the next most important part of doing this which is in the skills menu so in order to steal enemy ships in space you gotta want to disable them and for that you're going to want this targeting Control Systems skill if you start with the Bounty Hunter background you already have this if not you will need to assign a skill point to this in order to specifically Target the engines of an enemy ship okay so once you've got that skill assigned we can now focus on taking out this enemy's engines now what we want to do is get this enemy lined up in our sights press R to Target lock and select engines and we're just going to use our lasers to damage the engines you will lose Target lock periodically but you just want to redo it by getting back in the line of sight and again how this works is you just got to be close to an enemy in the line of sight press R Target lock you can use a and d to select which part of the ship you want to Target and just select engines and yeah we're just going to keep spamming lasers and the reason we're using lasers is because we don't want to actually do too much damage to the enemy Hull because if we do we're just going to end up blowing up the ship instead of disabling its engines so the trick to doing this especially to lower level enemies is making sure you don't do too much damage per hit so now we can see the engines are offline because they're now red so we can exit targeting and now we can press R to dock as long as we're close enough to the enemy ship okay so now we're docked we can hold X to board and now what we need to do is clear out the ship of enemies by default the game will actually highlight enemies as objectives as well as your ship and the enemy cockpit as well okay so we can see that with uh still got some enemies on the mini map in the bottom left sometimes enemies will actually hide so you might have to hunt them down a little bit as long as you export every room in the ship you'll find them easily so you can see these enemies are actually highlighted as objectives which means we have to kill them in order to take over the ship okay so now all the enemies are defeated we can take over the ship and all we do to do that is go to the cockpit proceed to get inside and as long as you have high enough pilot and skill you'll be able to take control and fly the ship to wherever you want this is where there's kind of a Twist if you go to the skills menu and click on the piloting skill first of all I highly recommend getting the piloting skill before doing this because unlocking ships thrusters actually really helps during combat as well because you have much more maneuverability we can explain that in a future video as well but you can see here at Rank 3 you unlock the ability to Pilot Class B ships and at Rank 4 you unlock the ability to Pilot class c ships so you will be able to take control of any low level Class A ships even without the pilot in skill but just so you know if you do this and you're unable to Pilot the ship is because you don't have a high enough piloting skill and most likely particularly if you're in the early game it's going to be a Class B ship if you can't pilot it right away and all you need to do to unlock rank 3 is to just defeat a bunch of ships basically in combat and you can see even to unlock the ability to Pilot class c ships you have to destroy 30 more ships so there we go I just wanted to include this detail because it's definitely possible even really early in the game that you try and commandeer a ship and you don't have high enough pilot and skill so if that happens that's how you take care of that alright so back to the ship now all we need to do to claim this ship is undock now we can see our ship there and I know this may seem strange at first like you're just leaving your behind but one of your crew members will actually fly this ship back to a space spot so don't worry now from this point all we have to do is go back to a Spaceport so we're gonna go back to New Atlantis again now this is where you should be warned if you comment there in a pirate ship there is a chance that it's carrion Contraband okay so usually when you do this all that will happen is that you'll get scanned and if the ship has Contraband you'll get a small fine and they might take you to jail and make you serve a little bit of time but if that happens don't worry it's very minor does it impact you in a major way serving time in jail is just like waiting a little bit and the fines in my experience are usually very very small so as long as you have a little bit of credits on you you'll be fine however I do want to clarify without spoiling that there is a chance that something very cool happens on the event of you getting scanned if the ship contains Contraband depending on how many times you do this and what kind of ship it is that you've commandeered but I don't want to spoil it but I just want to reassure you don't worry it's not ruined your game but it's actually something super super cool so there's a little teaser something you can expect there so now we're just going to continue and land and now this ship does actually belong to us however you will be unable to modify or upgrade this ship without paying to register it and to do that you go up to a technician click on I'd like to view and modify my ships now you can see down here in the bottom right we can click to register or just press G and the registration fee I believe is just a percentage of the value of the ship which you can see here it's also worth noting that it's totally worth exploring the ship and fully looting it because there can be a ton of Loot and credits just left buying around obviously you can loot all the dead bodies but some ships will even have loot chest with credits and armor and weapons inside it's also worth checking the cargo hold by the way just once you've claimed the ship you can quickly do by checking the inventory and then pressing cargo hold and there'll be an option for credits here if there is actually this credit stashed in a cargo so we can actually see if we try and select another ship that we have that option here to go into the shipbuilder if we go to the ship that we just stole there's no option to enter the Builder so we click register this one's gonna cost us 24 000 credits so as you can see it's just a percentage of the value click confirm and now this ship is permanently ours and we can customize it and upgrade it to our hearts content that's just about gonna do it for this video I hope you found it useful if you did don't forget to leave a like and a nice positive comment for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe for future content if you want to support the content directly they can do so on patreon at I'll leave a link in the description if you're interested in that I do streamline up on this very YouTube channel and also live on Twitch at nickrollcliff so I'll leave a link in the description if you're interested in that as well you can join my Discord and follow me on social media at the links below and until next time have a good one foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: NickRawcliffe
Views: 222,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield guide, starfield beginners guide, starfield walkthrough, starfield how to dock, starfield how to steal ships, starfield how to board ships, starfield how to board enemy ships, starfield ships, starfield ship building, starfield, starfield free ship, starfield ship combat, starfield ship guide, starfield ship stealing, stealing ships starfield, starfield how to get new ships, starfield tips, starfield tips and tricks
Id: bVF6gqn01E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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