Star Trek: Picard Episodes 6,7, and 8 - re:View

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hey rich yeah do you think Star Trek Picard could get the coronavirus I'm afraid to say anything because it would be so horribly mean-spirited like like yeah you you really you really want to talk about Star Trek Picard again hey yeah did you hear that Tom Hanks has coronavirus yeah did I heard that and his wife Rita Wilson yes there was some other big news today a different celebrity said they have coronavirus who Justin Bieber so now he has corona virus and Lyme disease what so here we are and we officially talked about every episode so far yes we have and we take a little break so now we're gonna do three and then now we're just down to the last two two-parter I like the end of the whole can't wait like the end of Star Trek discovery season 2 that big-ass to partner with the big epic battle and I bet you we're heading right towards that so we watched three episodes episode 6 7 & 8 my box The Impossible body impossible part my impossible part my impossible box independent a yes and then the last one was called like broken broken piece pieces that's it yes those were the three episodes we watched for the second episode was the least interesting thing I've ever seen in my whole life commander Riker makes pizza for an hour yes BIRT tomato what do you got what do I got first note I I have here is do you think we're ever going to find out why Maddox sent Shoji to the board cube in the first [ __ ] place or is that gonna be another one of those famous Alex Kurtzman plot black holes well let's talk about what we've learned because there are many questions yes there that the show is a road as I said before we're traveling five miles an hour towards what a cliff yes that was my or a roller coaster into a grave so it's a different analogy we're traveling down a road and there are many exit ramps that are also dead ends no the problem is there's just there's just on ramps okay okay where's this road going nowhere it's you can't never get off the highway it's gonna go on a loop for my impossible box notes I just have one sentence it's a line of dialogue in the show that was just set out there a Bruce created Shoji and dodge to find out the truth behind the synth ban yes so he sent them to a Borg cube in Romulan space so we learned that the the artifact right yes also known as the Borg reclamation project which its director is Hugh the human / former Borg was he human yeah the important part is he was non Romulan he was the director of the board reclamation project which seems very philanthropic in nature mm-hmm it may have a secret well actually I don't think it does now no because it the the the lady and her brother were secret shot vosch operatives they were only there because Maddox Sensoji they were there to spy on sojung and I don't understand why Maddox sent shoji there Maddox suspects some kind of plot within the Federation maybe she had free will and just decided they say multiple times that Maddox enter there well okay before we get to Maddox let's talk about the cubed okay because I'm still trying to figure this out - the cube is a board reclamation project which seems like I said philanthropic in nature humanitarian for lack of a better word where they reactivate boards that were probably in stasis and then unhook all their board parts and reclaim them bring them back to life Borg cube wasn't hooked from the collective because the jawed vaj lady who got assimilated was too sad making a sheer despair broke the board cube now we're you're jumping ahead rich we're jumping ahead to the grief planet and we got it we got it we got to start at Point a okay why are the Romulans helping Borg's come back to life simulation could be under the scale in in a in a humanitarian aid project when their whole society and culture and planet has been ripped to shreds why are they focusing their efforts on that and more importantly why is there some kind of bizarre treaty with the Federation that allows Picard diplomatic access to their nefarious clandestine operation okay this this you know all these tell me if I'm gonna give them this one this would be like if a a UFO crashed in the ocean during the Cold War somewhere like right and right in the middle of like the US and and and Soviet borders and so I think it kind of in the neutral zone and it's like we're both of these parties the Federation and the Reimann they're interested in this highly advanced Borg cube so there's a treaty where we both get access to it to do what I'm assuming I'm assuming they're not just rescuing former Borges I'm assuming they are also analyzing the [ __ ] out of that board cube in the technology in it well there's never too soon that because it makes sense there's nobody do it makes sense alex kurtzman certainly did not intend it or or show it there's no evidence at all that they in fact when seven of nine takes over the Borg cube they're completely helpless and they have no idea what she's doing I can understand where Romulans we feel so bad about what happened to our own planet we want to help these Borg reclaim their individuality here look at all these hospitals on the Borg cube we set up where we're removing their parts and we're we're helping them like do physical therapy don't to walk again and to learn if we're showing them pictures of their families and there's a psych ward where doctors help them adjust but two levels below there's all these Romulans just like scanning and studying the Borg technology at all that that's happening I would have made a lot of sense that would have been fun and that would have been very much like a classic Romulan plot yeah the subterfuge but really the it's a it's a co thing with the Federation I mean why their whole home planet exploded and their space refugees with limited resources but yet they're spending resources to help Borg drones become individuals again for seemingly no purpose whatsoever other than a stage he's metaphorically speaking to set our Shoji character so that she can interact with with Jean Vash operatives I am thinking about this more than Alex Kurtzman did and the Romulans do not have limited resources because they just lost one of their many thousands of planets okay but yet there's an entire planet of Romulan refugees living in the wild life because Alex Kurtzman horrible horrible fingerprints are all over this show he has only watched the TNG movies apparently not though do you remember at the end of the final episode we watched broken pieces what happened it again remind me seven of nine gets into the queen board control room yeah and and she says hook me up and boy parts shoot into her spine and her eyes turn black and she reunites with the collective so that she could control the board cube the cube is ours again with the intent of turning on all the Borg's so that they could attack the Romulans right mm-hmm and then shot Vash sister and and one of her Romulan friends they he has the ideas like why don't we shoot him all out into space and and then she's like two weeks so they blow hundreds of thousands of Borg's out into space why are they doing that we have to get rid of every book still held in stasis immediately because seven of nine turn them on to attack the Romulans why were they attacking the Borg's in the first place they weren't oh they were killing off all the why were they killing off all of those former Borges in the first place because Shoji had fled so there is no purpose I think the port replica of the Borges in the first place there may be tell a secret what secret they're only concerned about finding and stopping Shoji because it was a cool seamless decidable to people with Kurtzman is that the answer I forgot can we do this like jeopardy who is Alex Kurtzman what is it [ __ ] oh but my point is they blow all the Borges out into space and they're all flying around it was it was actually kind of grotesque and disturbing yeah all those hundreds of thousands of people being thrown out into space and then seven of nine goes in the Borg voice you know as in they had killed them all mm-hmm but let us not forget Borges can survive just fine in open space as seen in Star Trek first contact like just because alex kurtzman only watched the Star Trek The Next Generation movies that doesn't mean he understood them so the X bees were the ones that that the girl assassinated and seven of nine s plan was let's unhook all the Borges and of them go nuts on these Romulans and Eleanor looked at her and says you're not going to assimilate me are you and so her plan was unleash the full power of the board but when they flew out into space seven of nine who had the knowledge of the Borg collective in her brain should have said she should have grabbed the green flowing things and then they all reappear back in the things Hey the vacuum of space don't affect Borges as seen in Star Trek first contact here's a clip they've adapted why here's another clip [Music] so so to recap you were asking why evil jawed bosch sister character started murdering everyone yeah because i think if you want to get real dumb i think the entire board reclamation project was not just a ruse to steal borg technologies i think it was a giant elaborate fake scheme just to get shoji there to lure her there so that they could they could get hurt to tell them where her home planet was that is so dumb that has to be true also bruce Maddux went through the trouble of finding a secret home planet to build his synths um why would he implant a fake memory in her that leaves clues as to where the real planet is why wouldn't he ever look up and see like a sunny sky with with a big planet with a ring around it that just led people completely in the wrong direction the video was intentionally trying to hide his base because the clues and mysteries because that guy Nanette and Eric and Eric she did the little Romulan thing when she walked around and in around candles and and and he had to betray his love he was in love with her he tried to hit her with poison gas wouldn't it be better just to like open the door with like nineteen Romulan guys just like mow her down with phaser fire instead of like a slow-moving gas yeah you see how fast these [ __ ] phasers fire now rich it's a more the old days of the hand phaser at TNG when it would shoot out at a mile an hour you wouldn't last a second he could have just hugged her and then like with his other hand just grabbed his phaser rifle his disrupt her rifle just - he could have done that because he had her trust maybe he really didn't water but he I don't think he had the gas thing set up ahead of time somebody did you know what I was thinking - you're always talking about how these shows are like mystical fans and then Shoji looks up in her dream and she says I see a red guy with two moons their blood red moons and I all I pictured in my head was data at the station and the enterprise there are approximately 2568 plants that match that criteria and I said that start the most the episode is is him is Picard talking to Hugh being traumatized oh yeah I'm going back to a Borg cube and it just seems like everything Picard did for seven seasons they just everyone every stupid person just wants to distill it down to the board he was a Borg once a Borg we said this from the beginning that's what he did yeah like okay so he was he was lucky the cutest for an hour yeah and then you know he's a little like at the end of a best of both worlds yeah I still hear a little scar thing on there a little leftover component and he was a little little rattled he looked out the window I remember the camera goes outside of the ship as he's like looking up the window longingly it was a great episode right after to where he goes back to the vineyard yes and he rolls around with his brother in the mud the vineyard that burned down yeah but its back its back I mean look maybe it's back no one's ever really gone although they yeah they don't bring up robear his brother and his wife and then his little nephew who tragically died in a horrible fire in the beginning of Star Trek generations for no reason at all yeah they rebuilt the vineyard it looks different than a dozen the TV show they rebuilt it they rebuilt it and the antique furniture on the antique furniture could easily replicate you just rub the kid and Raph he easily could have replicated it too but she has to tried Picard for having fancy antique furniture that is obviously replicated antique furniture because Picard actual antique furniture burned down with the vineyard okay I just want to clear that up Picard vineyard Borg the card vineyard Borg Picard I was saying the fan there's episode family right after the best of both worlds and right after their family he's back to being Picard to tell me the absolute minimum field energy dr. crusher needs he was the rest to get me onto my bridge then more seasons go by and then we get to descent not a great two-parter kind of bad admittedly not a great two-parter but there's Picard Laura's taken over a rogue wing of the Borg collective that I remember right when they put Hugh back into the collective his individuality that he developed it's right through the collective off yes and then it yeah and then and then Laura came in and said oh I got a bunch of soldiers from my dastardly plan but Picard is there and this the big reveal that data has aligned himself with Laura because Laura put a crazy emotions ship in his head thousands of Borges rushed into the room and Picard is there and there's nice like a red shirt and he's look good it gets a little trigger-happy and it gets killed so it's Picard Troy and Geordi and they're all just stand-in there and Picard's like you know a mere five years after six season 6 season 3 for ya Mir two years after the Borg incident because just like yeah then they throw him in a holding cell and Picasa and then 40 years later he's like yeah yeah now great watch first contact Mike first contact they amped up the view the end that's what first contact is to me that's when that's when they realized that hey dumb can really sell let's get dumped yes but Picard who he's filled with so much rage from his Borg experience that lasted an hour and then he's just gonna he wants that girl down he's smashing things and he's like [ __ ] he's so mad in the first contact so I guess I guess matt has over the course of 30 years has turned into frail and terrified now yes cuz Borg he didn't have a like a little sit-down with Jane later you remember he should have and Jane was yeah house blowing up Borg cubes left him right smoking they would they would encounter Borg cubes quite often and escape from them the Voyager yeah [Music] yeah even without their super space armor remember one Janeway from the Future gave him super space blatant armor ablative armor yeah a blade of armors a thing it's on the Defiant it's modern but it was a regenerator a regenerative ablative armor it it would appear at around the ship the super futuristic technology instantly replicate armor alright because you know because in the future they can just make materials out of nothing mm-hmm so so Picard and the crew they they say let's go find so G because Picard why does well I guess Picard sort of cares because cares about which so G you're done yeah cuz Dodge exploded because data is his best friend oh right but like you've watched Star Trek The Next Generation what-what-what character on the cruise Picard closest to Beverly Crusher Beverly Crusher not dated he sure it's not data cuz he loves Dana and this is why say they've only watched the movie cuz you get to the movies they made the movies and they just said who the two popular kids at Picard data yeah yeah sure god data that all the movies are Picard data focused and if you only watch the movies you think they are the best [ __ ] friends who have ever been friends when you watch TV show and Dana wasn't any more important card than than Riker or Geordi or Jeremy was in a certain way there's a nice there's actually one nice little moment in the third episode I think when he's talking to somebody so Shoji tell me about data what was he like about data he's kind of explaining what he was and there's a nice little moment you know yeah how tell me about data you know that sort of thing he had a child's wisdom unclouded by habit or bias he made us all laugh except when he was trying to make us laugh everybody shows up at the board cube and they use Rafi to contact her friend and Starfleet to get them diplomatic access and and you know they're huge fans of Star Trek The Next Generation because Rafi mentions how you know Picard had such a big ego and edy the two words I would least associate with Captain Picard Picard Lee the highly reserved and thoughtful captain who would always think before doing anything and was always patient and listening and concerned about the feelings of others pure ego in it on that man they got diplomatic clearance to go go onto the board q yeah so that that sort of disrupts our theory that the Josh secretly set up a fake Borg reclamation project in order to really study so G unless they set up a real board reclamation project with the sole purpose of luring in Sochi and other like Federation what about all those other people remember there was a girl that black girl with the short hair and she's like Romulans are thawing to drama like there were other human beings there that were working like whatever happened to them today they all get murdered but why do they introduce her I don't know someone does share of dialogue lines with but the dialogue lines were pointless because the two lines were Romulans are so into drama and oh my god that Romulan is sure hot and then we never saw her again I assumed that the shot Vash sister Romulan character murdered her as well but but she she ordered the murder of all the ex B's but that didn't include all the people that were working there were scientists and yeah it almost seemed like a job like a factory almost morning and welcome to as guest the board artifact Research Institute safety is important to us yeah so if it really was a secret jot Vash ploy to just study Shoji because they had to be very careful it has to have been a real project whether or not it was set up with ulterior motives we'll never know and that was that was never thought of because because there's here's what happened somebody said hey Patrick Stewart wants to start Trek again let's make a Picard TV series and then Alex Kurtzman he assembled all the writers and said okay let's come up with some ideas and then you know you go through your first stage of writing well why don't we what if we have like a Borg cube well yeah that's fun let's do some stuff with the Romulans hey what if they were Romulan warrior women and someone else said well what if we had a Romulan women who are they have a secret ordered for something else and well let's let's let's you know we'll think about all these it will fit them all together and then the next day the writers came back and Alex Kurtzman wasn't there and they they they texted him it Texan Alex Kurtzman where are you we're ready for the second day of our big writers meeting and now it's Kurtzman texted them back and said when he's talking about we're done yeah we did that yesterday but Alex Pierce who says I want those things Alex Kurtzman just okay not not how about Alex Kurtzman says I want an order of female Romulan warrior nuns and an order of female secret shot Vash agents pick one a god but God both day pick one it's weird that there are two Romulans are built on secrecy so much that they don't use their real names only to the one they love he's gonna tell her his real name he did oh he did yeah I thought there would be a thing at the end before I did it before oh but wait why are the Romulans presumably erased that's been scattered across the galaxy with limited resources that are all angry and living in Wild West towns that shouldn't have limited resources and shouldn't be scattered all out the galaxy living in Wild West house why are they using valuable time and effort and resources to reclaim those poor people that have been assimilated by the Borg who are basically useless once they've been because it's not like they're using them to dig ditches because the Romulans are at the same time they are both a fully functional government that has thousands of worlds and they are also a completely lawless collapse Society okay at the same time they seem contradictory is my question and when something comes up that's contradictory my brain instinctively tries to understand it I thought a man called Alex Kurtzman how'd he feel about Eleanor's sacrifice at the end of the Borg episode Eleanor who was literally introduced to episodes before that and then he did absolutely nothing in the second episode he was in how about that character arc on hem hop he's brave and he fights for a worthless cause hopeless causes so Picard said Oh we'll come with me I don't know come this thing here can take us to a safer place stay behind and cover your escape my latest pledge to defend you and I release you of the pledge right uh-huh no I I release you of your if if you're gonna do the scene even though you know you knew they weren't gonna kill him because they just introduced the [ __ ] car so you know he was gonna be dead and you know he was gonna be running around on the board cube beheading people because Alex Kurtzman thinks ninjas are cool even though you knew that you had to have some scenes with him in Picard and character development before he does the fake self-sacrifice right or else it just Falls completely flat yeah it felt completely flat Alex Kurtzman really really loved the line please friends choose to live he thought he thought that was the most badass line he ever wrote it's so [ __ ] badass I started crying please my friend choose to live further stand on it shut the [ __ ] up but then so he tried to ninja kid tried to protect hue but you got killed yes you I'm a Picard recognize him you remember yeah that's fine it's like he's like backlit and and that's a hue no they had they had the scene when he was looking at the records of the Romulan reclamation project they showed they showed the picture of oh you're right yes you're right and new hue yeah free he said search Borg and Star Trek and then like pictures came up above the episode the picture of the cutest yeah yeah yeah and they they did the the face through the the viewer and it was like it wasn't like the picture on the enterprise view screen it was a picture somebody took of the enterprise view screen because you could see the border of the enterprise's D view screen in the shot of the cutest yes it wasn't the recording from the view screen it was like like like Riker must have took it off like a camera at some point take picture of the view screen that's what happened after the camera cut after after that that like 180-degree pan mr. LaForge dented did the musical sapphire but first ticket picture it's from my Instagram kill my old boss lol back to the show Picard is there to find so G and so G has just almost been murdered by her Romulan lover narak who betrayed her by trying to get her to tell him about of her dreams so they could find her home planet because the secret mission of the shot vash is to kill androids and we'll get to why and the cart says I'm Picard I knew your sister she blew up come with me unless she doesn't learn about the sister blowing up until later that's very important yes but Hugh says come with me into the Queen's lair there's a secret machine that will shoot you anywhere in the whole galaxy where do you want to go and instead of saying earth Starfleet headquarters Starfleet headquarters maximum security I need to explain to the Federation Council what's going on I'd like to assume that in Starfleet there are more higher-ups that exists that will listen to Picard then since some nasty old that keeps calling the most [ __ ] right that's his roadblock is some nasty nasty lady where's that no [ __ ] a.m. yeah she listened to him I am aware of that captain she would there's so many Admirals that Picard is probably buddy-buddy with where's Jane Wade right because that Admiral is back from the era when when antagonist or villains they were just antagonists yeah they were just kind of like more bureaucrats yeah their days of captaining starships were over they were very bureaucratic very polit politician like well again I don't know about that Picard it sounds risky and no no no I I don't give you my permission but I've got to do this thing I'm out in space and it's important mmm no no no no no you you can't grant you permission it's just too risky diplomats politics you know and so but there's probably a hundred Admirals yeah but it's always that one lady and she tell him to go [ __ ] himself many times she [ __ ] hubris shut the [ __ ] up so I would say even though it is possible that this conspiracy runs in the ranks of the Starfleet which we find out it does commander Oh is a secret spy as we suspected or as we were told I would still take her right to the [ __ ] heart of the Federation you're the safest there but instead he goes to Riker and Troy ossification planet everyone is out of character [Laughter] mostly Picard is out of character but so you want to be asked deep in Romulans for the rest of your life I don't want to endanger my friends now I am going to endanger my friends he's running out of options but why not go to some random ass [ __ ] place you know you know what you know what baffled me why Riker sees Picard for the first time in ages and his first thought you know he's known Picard a very long time you've got to be in trouble huh you need a place to hide out shields up remember to scans to max because because no character recklessly got themselves into trouble like Captain Picard did oh you Picard you rascal you've done it again I'm I'm William Riker I'm a career Starfleet a good person remember when I told you never do good things for people I believe I also reminded you of Newton's fourth law of thermodynamics no good deed goes unpunished that's kind of advice I William Riker would give somebody through aliens are they're just not their pod people well they're you they are the actors themselves yeah you think Jonathan Frakes might know a little cuz he direct he directed several movies and up and he's directed discovery but he's also the man that said in an interview during the TNG movies well the fans watched Star Trek to be action now so he no he doesn't give it neither does I mean Patrick Stewart is there for his own ego he doesn't care about the character yeah he never did none of them do it's it's you know it's it's like yeah actors producers editors writers no one cares at all about the material I care about making it and and working and making money but they don't care about the material they're making you know we can say okay I could have gone here he could have gone there but he went to there so that they could have a little episode where they talk and you know we could tease Riker and Troy or in it in the trailer some people watch I don't know I guess there was a lesson about parenting or family or something happened well that's fine the bridge of your starship captain but now you're dealing with a teenager more or less that can be an extremely humbling experience frankly I'll show you up to it if there were going to be in this show at all they're in it as much as they should have been without it just turning into let's get everybody back together I'm fine with it I'm fine with it episode yeah other than the fact that even the fact that they're pod people their versions of those characters the characters feel wrong I can't necessarily say like that's not how Riker and Troy would have matured into retirement I can't necessarily say that but the the episode was let's take Shoji and to a safe spot because they establish Riker has like a shield grid around his house he they they they they played it off of the line we've had trouble with locals Indy bandits or something something along the lines yeah so they're there to tell Riker and Troy the premise of the past five episodes of the show that we've all witnessed thus basically stalling the forward momentum of the show entirely just to have a cameo by two characters who are essentially pointless yep unless they show up at the end but they're thirsty you could say ah those characters I know those characters yeah that's a boy all right is this show supposed to be Pro synthetic life-forms yes because data yes and because they could snap at an instant and murder people also well that's that's the other that's the that's the the Romulans who did that but those were since that worked on Mars did Romulans hack their brain it has to be what happened right because there's also a line in this unless that's gonna be another one of the never explained alex kurtzman bits possibly that's that's my question is where who are the synths that are flying no it was just exposed sorry it was exposed that it was the attack on Mars was a Romulan plot but well saw a robot go nuts the saw but go nuts but the ships that were flying around looked kind of Romulan ish and I said it wasn't since that attacked I guessed that it was the Romulans that actually did it to make the sense look bad but my point is is that the show is pro synth because Riker and Troy had a son who died from a silicon-based brain disease but idea man doc suit neuro sclerosis it's a silicon-based virus yes virus a silicon-based virus that could have been cured i don't know why a silicon-based virus would be compatible with carbon-based human cells that doesn't make any sense no but or how the fact that you could just assume that if since if there wasn't a ban on since that they needed some kind of positronic computation to develop the vaccine it's very rare and in theory completely curable you just have to culture the infected cells in an active positronic matrix but other times I came down with their men there were no active positronic matrices and no one was allowed to develop new ones it's dumb yeah it's it's a little it's a throwaway line that makes no sense to give motivation for the reason why we need synths or that they're helpful or good yes right and to date I have seen no indication of that other than the fact that they are useful as slave labor they're they're individuals that that have a right to exist Mike that's enough that's really enough but but but establishing that would be lovely because we had seven seasons in the data but these are different than data when they're when they're automatons that work in a mine they're not individuals like if you had a planet of synths right and say that's the synth planet these decades ago here's a good premise right okay decades ago we use synths as slave labor on dilithium mines or at the Mars Utopia Planitia facility and they they you know over time they develop their own personalities and they they didn't like doing the work and they wanted to paint and and create art like data did take on personal interests and over time we had this big debate on whether or not we should be using these synths because their brains were so complicated they started to develop their own sentient sentience yes and their own personnel this one like jazz music this one liked you know rock climbing I don't know what the [ __ ] whatever and so we said we can't do this anymore it's immoral and all the synths wanted to go live on their own planet and they and then you we see scenes of them on their planet and they they're happy and they do these things and they they have fun and that loving characters and they're developing and and then that's when you hit that with the controversy of the synth band and possibly rounding them up eliminating them because we saw we're now scared of them you're not I mean yeah it doesn't fit with this doomsday plot that's really awful but it adds a sympathetic nature to the whole premise of the show Picard is running around trying to save Shoji because she may or may not have been developed from one of day that's positrons what's really important is that Eleanor runs around and beheads people and that this show ends up with thousands of Romulan ships flying around the robot planet and then they're gonna have fights with thousands of the Federation squadron ships that show up and it's just gonna be fighters the Federation's just gonna be using fighters now so there can be even more tinier things that blow up and then the end there's gonna be seventeen thousand ships blowing around this planet and then seven or nine is gonna come in with the giant Borg cube and then that's gonna be shooting lasers all over the place everything is gonna blow up seven of nine is going to lead an armada of Borg cubes to get revenge for the murder oh yes yes and then this og is gonna pick up the the evil the evil Romulans sister and she's gonna just like throw her into like a giant cliff overlooking a lava pool on the robot planet okay so they throw her into a volcano no no it's just gonna be like a lava ocean on the planet and she's gonna throw her into the lava ocean just then everyone's gonna cheer and then the war will be over because they killed the Romulans sister so what you're saying is I'm foolish and then the Romulans and the artifact Romulans found that that makes people have insane visions that they ripped off straight from mass effect I know you're not a video game guy they'd have gone I didn't say anything about it before they've gone from kind of being blatantly inspired by mass effect and I never brought it up cuz you're not a video game guy and now they are directly ripping it off with the thing that gives you the psychotic visions and the the hints of a native race that comes in to wipe everybody out once you develop a I directly ripping off not only directly ripping off Mass Effect 3 but they're ripping off the bad one for some reason while blatant [Applause] [Music] but that's that's gonna blow up at the end because that's also gonna be on the planet that Maddox went to completely by coincidence they have to they have to tie these things together in the laziest dumbest possible way so completely by coincidence the planet that Maddox goes to develop the AI is just gonna be the same exact planet that the ancient jot vaj people found the psychotic artifact on it's gonna be the same planet okay it's gonna be the dumbest coincidence in the world Maddox just happened to go to that particular planet because I mean yeah you could tie everything together there sloppily horribly sloppily in a very in a way that makes you go what things that make you go mm-hmm huh and so a lot of a lot of my thoughts were all wrong I thought commander all was a secret robot we discover those she's half being teased you too I know they even had the scene where she takes up this I know it's like they knew I said that no Mikey why Romulans trading the Borg to know so I failed my major permission it was worse than that yeah so yeah commander all is not a a secret robot no she's not a a Romulan wearing Vulcan makeup she is a half Vulcan half Romulan which I think they did so that she could do the mind meld on Agnes even though there's no reason a Romulan shouldn't be able to do the mind meld because Romulans and Vulcans aren't a different species no but that they separated a long time ago and it's a I think it's a practice that you know sure although this biologically a Romulan should be capable of that yeah yes I would agree with you this show has has dumped that aspect see the Vulcans and Romulans split right Vulcans maintained Vulcans had a horrible violent past nuclear wars and whatnot and then they said oh no Vulcans rogue we want to look inward we want to be peaceful we want to meditate we want to use logic nothing but logic because emotions lead to huge Wars and violence the Romulans went the other direction they said we're going to be very militaristic we're going to be very secretive and they abandoned all that or they didn't take that route of peaceful meditation and spirituality and stuff they were completely opposite this [ __ ] show is bringing in those elements into Romulan culture of the meditation it's an ancient Romulan practice where we walk around candles and we think about Romulus never did that it's fine and then this whole this [ __ ] like [ __ ] that and every time every time there needs to be a convenient plot unless maybe maybe Marek is making all this [ __ ] up that's a possibility ream walk potato special room built for it like he's always just saying like oh yeah Romulans yeah we never use her real name and we as a fake name because we're secretive and a real name is meant for our secretive loves you know and we do this meditation practice it's it's forbidden for other cultures only Romulans and babies just been making all that up just a trick Shoji into thinking of her dream if that's the case that'd be great the sister goes what is this room I don't know I made up some [ __ ] [ __ ] about some ritual we don't do rituals we have hard labor camps we build giant spaceships which you build giant [ __ ] warships we don't have meditation books I'm doing it to trick this dumb little robot into telling your secrets Oh Eric that's good I think the Romulans can be [ __ ] and also have rituals okay I'm fine I'm fine with I'm I'm fine with [Music] birth tomato alex kurtzman thought ninjas are awesome so at the end of the show is everybody just gonna conveniently forget that Agnes is a horrible murderer and she's just gonna be accepted no because I have a tiny theory on that okay I guess I my guess is that the Maddox that she killed was an Android Maddox made a double of himself so so she's still a murderer because the whole premise of the show is that androids people - it's like what's what's the term legally when you accidentally like hit someone with your car involuntary manslaughter from this it's voluntary manslaughter of the wrong person it's an end it's still [ __ ] it's the [ __ ] murder since were band rich so that she would get an award listen I think morally it's questionable but it's not even questionable no it's just she's a murderer no because she was under duress because commander oh mine melted her and told her hell is coming okay the only route left unless unless the show is so dumb they just sweep it under the rug and forget about it unless the show is that dumb and it might be the only route left for her is some heroic sacrifice [ __ ] yeah well she's gonna they're all the Romulan ships are gonna form into a giant super laser and it's gonna fire at the planet ship she's gonna jump in front of the giant laser on the planet and it's gonna hit her instead of the planet save the planet no wait yeah I can go dumber you can go jump in that yeah the laser is being is charging up right uh-huh she says there's a program in the computer about building a human reflector suit to reflect solar flares right and so and so they start like robots start assembling it like the end of discovery when they build her like robot suit they have five minutes to build it and so she she flies into space wearing a giant mirrored spacesuit it's experimental designed to reflect solar flares and for some reason it's a person size and it has a jetpack on it and also has wings and they go Agnes no Rios is gonna say that because they had their they're in love now dance X she's gonna fly up into the sky and it's gonna be all dramatic and she's going and then here comes a laser it takes ten minutes to charge it's gonna wipe out fifty five planets that the super race that will will get and destroy all eight of the Suns okay okay which will cause supernovas to wipe out the entire Milky Way galaxy yeah that's that's how that's how the super AI not at AI what is it the super supreme race of aliens right uh-huh that will come in and and and punish you for making a is they they they brought those eight sons together because they know if they shoot them and turn them into supernovas it will cause a chain reaction that will destroy the universe and so Agnes flies up in a reflection a suit and deflects the laser and it shoots and it hits the the Romulans sister right in her and then she explodes you know and I'm a bloody red mist slowly the wave of explosions gonna slowly come up and then it starts bubbling and it burns off her face every seizures get a skeleton and screaming so great but for those who are not watching Star Trek Picard and for those who don't know in Mass Effect 3 is real quick we're gonna explain the premise of the show which has been revealed yes and I don't know what new information will come out in our two-parter I predict Bruce Maddox is still alive and made a robot Android of himself and sent it out in the world to kind of kind of see who's after him kind of thing yeah and then him AG mrs. arc will be Bruce you're still alive I'm sorry I killed your robot because commander Oh showed me the vision of a hellish future and I was so [ __ ] traumatized by this like I killed you and I'm sorry it's ok I forgive you and everyone else will forget about the murder that will be that will happen but other than going to the home planet which will be the same planet I agree with you there the grief planet what will quickly explain the premise hundreds of thousands of years ago some civilization that has long since vanished created a eyes that got to the point of being too sentient they triggered an alarm so to speak for an even more powerful more ancient race to come and wipe them out because they didn't like the fact that they made a eyes am i right well and in Mass Effect which they're blatantly ripping off the the super advanced race they just come in everything on there and wipe out anybody capable of making okay very close to save to save life from making artificial intelligence to destroy life they destroy all life so they're trying to stop like the terminator effect right by wiping everybody out yeah and kind of wiping the slate clean starting over so that happened hundreds of thousands of years ago they created this warning this electrical circle on a planet that will if you touch it it will show you what will happen also Mass Effect okay if if you create a eyes up to a certain point this is what will happen this ancient race of something will come back and create some kind of nightmare scenario where hell happens and they kill all of you race and in order to get this information you have to touch the circle and if this information is so [ __ ] frightening that it will melt your brain caused you to commit suicide on the spot call your [ __ ] eyes out and hit him with a rock past your head and own head in with a rock which seems counterproductive you're trying to warn people a nice nice like post-it note would do how about a tablet like you know those historical markers there's just like n look at like a tablet you need to really get the message okay oh yeah okay and somehow the only person to survive this information in her brain was a Romulan sister character I don't even know that character's name it doesn't she's terrible she's a terrible character she is so [ __ ] shallow shallow villain oh yeah comically bad all of the new Trek villains are comically bad they're comically comically one-dimensional I hate when a villain is so bad they just like they just revel in their badness we have to get rid of every book still held in stasis immediate canary gasps electrocuted Ashutosh hot we can build the ceilings to jettison them directly into space stay tuned yes sir unless it's a parody unless well sure of course but like it's time to die at least narak at least he has some kind of emotional Center and it feels guilty I don't know at least there's something there but she is just awful tell me I'm authorized to kill you now and then commander always her and Commander all are the ones who can handle the information also Agnes also we have we have to our all-female secret societies that have one hanger-on male no and that weird and that's something if you're writing the show you would think that's weird maybe we shouldn't do that yeah I don't I don't know why these shot vash has to be all female nothing wrong with an all-female secret society just really weird that there are two of them in the same series it is weird yeah it would make you know what be neat is if the shot vash like for some reason that like females were able to handle the information better yeah because males who touch it all instantly die yeah yeah yeah we want to join but cuz they're so like there they're built differently you know and the females are able to like think further down the road and plan it out better and there they're able to handle it better and and that's why there are only female shot vash because if you're a male you touch it you you get so [ __ ] angry and freaked out your head blows up right yeah that would make sense what there's no reason why females are good at keeping secrets unless they drink Romulan ale and then they spill the secrets anyways what are those characters who are the first who are the first 1/3 of this show and then we dumped all of the characters we knew from the first third of the show and introduced a whole new group of characters dropping at $1,000 right BET right now okay at the very end in the giant battle they show up oh yeah a little Romulan ship we're here to help ya look at me piloting two fighter craft we're here too now the past is written but the future is left for us to write and we have powerful tools reels openness optimism and the spirit of curiosity they have his secrecy and fear and fear is the Great destroyer Rios not Picard had his little speech which was Picard ish and he said it was basically the the moral quandary of the show which is not established whatsoever is synth life versus being pragmatic and protective of I see the thing is the hero of the show to me is Commodore oh because boy oh boy is she right it took around five minutes to hack my ship regret and now maybe there's a whole planet of them Rafi said the Romulans call her the destroyer what if they're right let's kill all the sins because goddamnit look what happens right like you're giving in to fear it seems it seems it seems very reasonable I'm gonna differ with you there but this but see my point is we have not established that since other than data who is a complete anomaly and is dead are some kind of magical thing worth saving they look like bald blue man group is who shoot you with the [ __ ] laser they look scary we should kill things were afraid of that is not a message that should ever be on Star Trek I take take off that badge right now beam me up my point is rich I agree with you yeah but my point is they have not established that since other than Shoji and dodge which up by all accounts and you know looking at her and she's a normal girl and she had a boyfriend and she was going to school and she seemed like she was living a normal life right probably a nice person I don't know other than that the only other since we see are the zombies that are like yes right I have no feelings not remember they're making fun of it they're like what's yeah what's what's brown and sticky [ __ ] you know and he's like he's like something kind of lubricant some lubricant that we use increasing machines no this [ __ ] food we're eating you stupid [ __ ] and any sick hahaha robot that's the sense and they say hello plastic people good-morning plastic people good morning mr. Vegas the guy says hello plastic people they're mocking them and they walk around and they do they are presenting them as machines yeah that are soulless but yet the goal of the show is to be compassionate and save them the ban itself was a betrayal or the shot Bosh they set the trap that we could million sites tempted instead we gave way to fear I'm with commander Oh wipe them all out so that a monstrous alien race doesn't come in and unleash hell on the galaxy I'm fine with that get holograms to work on starships the aliens don't seem concerned with hologram there's gonna be a whole planet of dodges and they're all they're all gonna have individuality and personalities well they're all gonna be identical but it's gonna be very confusing and they're all gonna be flying in fighter ships at the end of the show Supt stop taking my vision of what the show should be and bringing it back down to reality that's what you're doing and it's very harmful I'm trying to make sense of this my brain is trying to work it out once once once the fight is going bad for the Federation fleet in the skies all of the androids of the planet it's time for us to join the battle and they're all gonna jump they're a whole bunch of ridership is just gonna launch out of that planet come on Ron a giant ship the planet is gonna open up uh-huh and a giant ship will come out and this is this cargo bay door will open and hundreds of thousands of so jeez and ahsha's will fly out into space without spacesuits on and to land on Romulan ships and start ripping the metal off the ships oh but but but then but then the the Romulans are gonna use their disrupter waves and that will that will destroy the androids ability to lay coordinate so then Picard's gonna have to jump into the cockpit and pilot the giant Android robots assembled as a giant robot himself so he can punch them no but seriously though that seemed that work we see seven of nine spam in the Queen room and things go into her spine yeah hundred bucks that happens to Picard yeah yeah seven of nine gets killed or horribly injured is unable to control the board cube and needs Picard to do it that's how you that's how you have an 80 year old man have an action scene yet become here in your action show the cup you must embrace the cutest I don't know if I could do it you could do it jump you have to to save Shoji do it for data his eyes are gonna go black dudes just look cute too he'll order the Borg aborts from all over the galaxy to appear via he's gonna be so badass it's so bad no rich rich rich but they've established that there was a Borg transwarp conduit that leads right to the planet yep they had Borg transwarp conduits in Star Trek Voyager and so G knows about it's somehow and she's gonna then Picard is gonna have to become the cutest to call all the Borg's back to stop this threat are the Borges the ancient race that wipe out the the Android creating races that's so terrible it could be true I don't think so because the Borges aren't big and scary enough here's the end battle right oh no no that's that those are just the normal cubes we saw they're just the Scout cubes there's gonna be the jaw that shows up at the end those are the true ancient Borges that show up the other smaller cubes they just monitor the progress of civilizations to find out if they're creating an edge and when they do they send out the signal and then the giant bored cube shows up with all the lasers it's so Borges find since a threat yes because they're more advanced than a cybernetic life-form cybernetics they have to rely on their if you're a race you can say let's take the Borges out of person you're a race and you want to protect other races from androids you're not gonna build robots to protect people from robots you're gonna make board because they're technically not androids they're just the cyber cystal people so the boards were created to destroy any kind of life that makes robots run the show is a touching story about the car I was never gonna happen and you know it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so final battle yeah we've already established thousands of Romney and warbirds are heading to the planet where Shoji is right yeah the Admiral called Picard a [ __ ] said I'm sending a fleet I'm sending a squadron to rendezvous with you at ds-12 now stay put until they get there so we're gonna have Romulan ships all over the place who who cares why even though it's a secret Josh mission thousands of Romulan ships the Romulan Empire knows about it they're all willing to just fight in this battle without any foreknowledge of it any consequence any political consequence any reason why they're just there to shoot lasers right yeah they don't even question it they don't even know what's going on the all these thousands of ships or why they're fighting in a battle they're just there because Zod Vash so we have 10,000 Romulan ships we have 5,000 Federation starships that show up because Admiral [ __ ] said I'll help you Pro card fine whatever then we have Picard and in ríos and their ship then we have seven of nine flying the new board cube and potentially she will call or Lucas will call maybe a thousand or 10,000 Borg cubes through the Borg transwarp Network okay show up and we just want to get to that big two-part final episode of battle all right that's all that matters alex kurtzman has a history of ripping off video games they're gonna go full Mass Effect 3 at the end what happens at the end of message Picard is going to join himself with the Borg to take over the board to stop them from murdering everybody and then he'll become the ancient overlord as the Borg master over all of life people hate Mass Effect 3 okay well maybe they won't do that exactly I don't think they'll do the ultimate arc though of this series would be stop you-you-you-you everybody stop fighting we have to choose that be a fairy hard way of doing it once it's been set up because you know he was like we have to commander oh he's like she chose the way of you know fear and you know hatred and whatever we have to choose the way of understanding and tolerance right in peace it's that's it it's don't be afraid of the sense we have to love them that's all they have to do that's what the art do you honestly believe that's what Alex Kurtzman is going to do I think Picard will become the cutest and we'll take a hundred thousand board cubes to blow up the Ancient Ones so they don't come back over again okay instead of like the Ancient Ones and the Romulans and the newly discovered Bruce Maddux all sitting down at a big conference table and talking it out and going look don't be so scared of since ancient once the wrong children we've agreed to have some brandy together let me tell you about a man I used to tell about a man he gave his life doing what he thought he was what he thought was right since since aren't all so bad ancient once perhaps you're right we will check on you again in the next one hundred thousand of your years till then maybe the cues are the destroyers but why would Q's fear Android life so much the cues were created to protect life from androids Mike created by who oh don't cares they were created by ancient or ancient ones yeah they the the test for Humanity yeah that Q's been doing that he's been judging humanity hasn't been to find out whether or not Humanity has evolved into something kinder and gentler he's been judging to find out if humanity is going to start building Android so who's fighting who in the giant battle it's like it's gonna be very confusing we're know there's gonna be worse than the discovery season two under yes yeah so Picard tubes shoot into a spine as I stir in black he becomes the curious how much credibly give them if Picard does said everybody down at the table Oh God all the credit in the world I think if the ancient ones are like a guy in a black cloak who looks like Skeletor and they they poised this giant battle of like all these four cubes and all these Romulan ships and then they all just sit down Picard beams in and he sits at the head of the table like the mediator yeah yeah why do you not like androids this ended with him giving a Picard speech to Skeletor yes yes it would be amazing yeah and there's some of those like a smoke machine you know when the the ancient ones arrive it's like that that character what's that the guy the guy from the the Ferengi episode oh yeah the ancient guy yeah yeah yeah who just shows up him and like he has two guys behind him that are also big robes on their ship is just like this big like giant thing that's the size of a Sun it's a yeah and and it has the power it had like just blow planets up left and right and their plan was just to appear in our galaxy and just white there everything out there energy creatures might they're they're they're starships are Suns okay okay and they they take on the form of Skeletor and are you know just from you but not sure act your eyes can't handle what they really look like they're so powerful and so ancient but they look like a guy in a bad Skeletor makeup look at Frank Langella back and he's Skeletor and he sits down and he'd they kind of explain why they don't like androids but their arguments not too good pursuant to paragraph 1290 I hereby formally request third-party arbitration of our dispute have the right furthermore pursuant to subsection D 3 I named the Grizz Ella's to arbitrate and then the ancient ones leave and then the production assistant hits the smoke machine button fritter fills up the room slowly it looks like an episode of TNG and there's no battle that would be pretty great I did not come this far to be cheated I want it all now very well you will get what you deserve but what is the what was the one with the weapon where they hold that a little device that was the one where Picard was on the little mercenary ship and the the the well she look at posing as a Romulan but she was really a rogue Vulcan looking for the ancient Vulcan weapon that would only kill you if you were angry for me oh that's right and the way to defeat the weapon was to not be mad to clear your head of angry thoughts yeah then the wave would pass through you harmlessly after your mind of violent thoughts before it would kill you such a weapon Balkans would be immune to it though that's why I think that was the implication that's partly why Vulcans embrace logic yeah because they were developing hate weaponry what if this weapon what if the scented like that episode such a such a climax off [Music] you were right Tamara the resonator cannot be stopped by phasers and shields so amazing but it can be defeated by peace [Music] it's gonna end with 8,000 no 8,000 Steph you like 80,000 fighter ships they've hung like like three or four different factions and then the Borg cubes come in [Music] that's gonna get wild it's gonna get wild those are our last two episodes yeah and when I blow my brains out with a phaser I'm gonna go get that coronavirus please my friend choose to live you authorized to leave this set no we're not done I'll see you for Star Trek discovery season three sees the season finale of Star Trek Picard I'm not on mic I am NOT I am NOT doing discovery season three I refuse good serve back here [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,653,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 29sec (4649 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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