FOUND LOCKED BOX I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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I always carry a hammer with me in my back pocket get it come on get it get it get it smash it yeah well you got you you got the asphalt oh okay she got the asphalt again come on you got it get the lock she missed again the lock made the lock she got it look she broke it it's open she got it she got it okay open it up open it up open it up hurry you know the last video we got robbed we got cheated oh there's only one way to settle this rematch if you haven't checked out the first video of what the jebus or treasure hunting with hails be sure to watch that video we'll include the URL the link in the description box below the storage find battle it's five boxes and whoever has the most profit out of those five boxes wins team Hales oh she found a locked chest guys I don't even know what the Hales Jebus is thinking over there because if anybody's got treasure its treasure with Hales not treasure with Jebus treasure hunting with the Hales here we go now George is ready to start looking things up on her eBay app on her smartphone remember if you're gonna do this always get a smartphone oh did you see that look at that I just opened it and look at that big piece look at that arrowheads do you have any idea how much arrowheads can go for okay start looking alright let's see what we got inside that's just one let's see what else we got in three two okay look at that right there you see that pieces how my best guess is based on everything else we've seen in this unit Wow look at how beautiful that one is this this fellow was probably making these himself we already know he loves loves Native American history and are you serious George I just found it's you know what that is that's a connive blade oh you do know she's Captain Obvious you said over 14,000 for arrowheads are selling for over $1000 I wonder what it would be worth if he was handcrafting them look here's I would call this unfinished yeah here's some tools it looks like he might have been using these to actually make them ready okay let's give him a shot just get in the shot here okay I'm not sure this Wow thank you is really neat trying to make like that I don't know what he was trying to make but he was making it where was that happen there you guys all know what this is right that channel wouldn't tell you what that is but he was using it yeah wood sanded down here that had all kinds of tools looks like he was just he kept trying to make uh-huh yeah a lot of these that are selling 4,800 all right let's take a look at them on eBay we're gonna type Arrowhead up in the search bar and eBay there we go arrowheads for just click on that again remember we don't care what people are asking for things we care what they're actually selling for so we're gonna click filter up to the right we're gonna scroll down to the sold and we that's what we want to see we want to see what things I actually sold for because some people can list things and they list them horribly and they never sell and then some people list things really well and they always sell that's what we try and teach you in the eBay training and seminars how to list to maximize your profit so now we're at the sold and then amazing holy cow fourteen thousand five hundred I sold on my birthday is that what you got me for my birthday belated thank you Native American Arrowhead collect six thousand it's a big piece we've got some big pieces just like that one look at this all kinds of things here there's a double that's a flint banner stone Kanab block Townsend pike look at that 3000 as you can see here super Ohio authentic Flintridge dovetail just look at that one right there is on January 13th $1,850 from Ohio now these obviously he was making here's a lot 1100 1995 no I'm sure somewhere here in this unit he's probably got a ton of them look at that look at that saloons point Arrowhead $1,900 absolutely amazing I think we are going to blow them teen Hills George has box number two or we should just call it money money here we go we got he loved the Western art whole cowboy ways who doesn't love that kind of thing what's that it's a ceramic right sure is maybe you got a you got a toy down there that's still in the packaging - what is a WWF he's got him in a headlock can you spin him you spin him see that how cool is that he's got them in a neck wrench that's an old corn pie corncob pipe maybe maybe we should take this over to treasure hunting with Jesus and smoke them peace Mike them let's blow them away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah reminds me Arizona desert stuff yeah they definitely like the team [Applause] what's that what's that look at that guy's this gives me an idea maybe we can use this a little later look you put this on your belt loop I think we should go on the warpath you and I George an old board we have a lot of people that love to collect this she said it I mean guys look at that look at that Indian boss I mean Universal statuary for I feel solid okay she's got a couple more pieces in this box [Applause] Wow they're bookends I bet you they're bookends it's the same as the other ones statue cord this was 1974 maybe they're not go against they're just statues a Buffalo Bill got a couple more we got one more looks like we have a WWF micro Ben neck wrench right here eight bucks plus $8 shipping so $16 not the best not the worst either what the Hales these things are worth some money holy cow now that one is signed but here's the thing that's what they're asking right so this doesn't mean they're actually worth that we have to go to the filter we that's why we teach you these things people tell us well somebody's asking $700 for it doesn't mean it's worth that now here's where we go we got Universal statuary corpse we got a $425 it's not the one we have let's just scroll through some of these here let's see if we can find the ones that we found actually Donlon looks a little close there so $26.99 almost 27 bucks $20 shipping we've got enough so we got here that one looks pretty close $20 one right there I think that one is sold on the 7th of March we've got ya it's chalk we're 20 bucks I mean we'll take 20 bucks if that helps us or sells really well and if it helps us kick G basis but then we have no problem with it whatsoever if it's just $20 that's not a bad deal don't worry it's all crap crap ain't no money there no money there alright we've got this beautiful blue tote let's see what we have inside and George is ready just ready with ebay yes we got a squirrel and you were the one doing it I don't know why you're asking me yeah it was we have to break their foot so he's like team what oh look at that we got raccoons some kind of ceramic something or other okay must be honest this probably isn't our best tote ever but there may be the one thing in here that that helps us win this this could be it right here this this has a cord on it together it's a lamp it's a lamp II it's a beautiful lamp we got you do have a lot of cat lovers that watch what's the hail but let's face it we got more Gorge lovers this one's gonna be hard to put a value on cause it's all random fun so this is gonna be to be hard actually it's hard to put values on I don't know what would you put the value of this toda maybe we could use these Chinese stars maybe could take out the competition with these Chinese stars even though they're not Chinese oh yeah Japanese we wouldn't want to upset the viewers shame okay we got a bunch of plates in here looks like some bro oh that's a Hello Kitty look at that there we go there we go okay just put a value on this what would you call this $50 tote garage sale $50 tow okay unless we check everything individually we're just gonna say a $50 garage sale tote I have a good feeling about this one this lock box there's gonna be gold in here but it's locked how are you gonna get it open I always carry a hammer with me in my back pocket get it come on get it get it get it smash it yeah well you got you you got the asphalt oh okay she got the asphalt again come on you got it get the lock she missed again the lock babe the lock she got it look she broke it it's open she got it she got it okay open it up open it up open it up oh look at that let me get a close-up let me get a close-up let me get a close-up I think we just won I think we just won no way look at that oh wow no it's not just sword it's knives with a stopwatch Dale Earnhardt stopwatch Wow Wow baby I see hilts I see other handles holy cow Wow I think you just want it there's no way there is no way baby Jebus can say that we didn't win it on this one yeah Dale Earnhardt where you got there we've got a wolf all right Junior it's up here sweetie Junior here we go we got another oh whoa look at that that's a Confederate connive what is she just brought a whole bunch more out crown Royale look she just knives just fell out everywhere wolf I see a National Guard knife maybe just keep on going I'm gonna help her out since there's so many there's just so many okay she's got another stainless Wow West clock see that Wow Lazarus up and there she is right there she's got another one behind them yeah keep in mind we can't see the viewfinder when we're actually filming here's choppers American Choppers so when we're trying to show you things I don't know if it's actually in focus I just happen to be leaning back here at the moment so I can tell holy cow look at that one is that the Columbus assailant what are what are the shrieks three strips santamarĂ­a something being to Santa Maria I forget to show that show that again here you go you got a $1 coin in the actual buckle you got it right on the angle look at that how cool is that that was in there there's another one Wow oh I think I think we definitely got Jebus here's a deer hunter in the sheath maybe that's got to go up there's another Dale Earnhardt look we've got a wolf there's a brand new wolf wolf head that's American Choppers another knife in the sheath the band all that one looks cool there we go look at that wow this must be must have made that to hang his nice put him on display wait wait show that again that one was too low up up there you go and then angle look at that this is a shark mouth right there Shark Week I just pulled this one out so sharp no way look at that and keychain for Reagan huh look at this sharp that ones in there that one for 695 here's another big one look at that look at that look at that look at that the side little side piece sometimes you got to double it up baby it's not a bone handle what you just find it's tiger it's all tiger themed there's so many more there are so many more oh here's pie look there's a kiss pocket watch there's a kiss pocket watch right there and then here's an ac/dc pocket Lodge here's I think treasure hunting with Jebus is throwing stuff I believe they'll do anything to try and win this is the this one's the old-timer the old-timer knife this one is a timber rattler so let's take a look at the timber rattler yep timber rattler surgical steel on that one it just keeps on going what do you throw in nothing baby Jebus is over here attacking us and he's supposed to be he's supposed to be the referee and he's attacking us there Carly sharpening stone right here no there's another knife look at that Wow money I love these things with the rainbow okay here's a throwing knife this one's a thrower in in the package been Benjy knife another hunting knife holy cow babe look at this one oh man no wonder he had it locked up look at the wolf there and the handle look how beautiful that is the eagle Wow alright one more knife you gotta grab it [Applause] that's Junior Earnhardt jr. she's got one more look at that that's a little fish I can't see it there look at that it's a little fish knife that is cool one more knife so what do you think the value of just this is let's let's check on eBay I know we want there's only one way to decide who wins and that's for you to decide leave that in the comments below to each video hashtag team hails what the hell you know what the Hales wanted they lost Jesus all day perfect [Laughter] what the hell we know it's what that hams well losers [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 71,202
Rating: 4.8408394 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: 0GLlKoCrjOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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