I bought an Abandoned Storage Unit for $20... This Was Inside!

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all right everyone welcome back to the channel another day another storage unit video this one only cost me a measly 20 bucks um so i paid 20 for this unit at this facility right here a total of 15 units went up only one didn't sell for anyone who might be interested the most expensive you have sold for 320. um but yeah i paid 20 bucks this unit is a five by i think 10. it's very short and there's a bunch of bags to the right so who knows what's underneath the bags i think there's gonna be a bunch of kids clothes which i'll probably just do a two for a dollar four for a dollar if you don't know what might be behind the bags of clothes you don't know what might be in the totes in the front i think there are a couple totes maybe some housewares or something so let's make this another fun one let's see we found the storage unit 20 bucks let's do it right so yes i think oh yeah one unit did sell up there um but this is mine you guys can see they're kind of short fortunately the door is only right to the right the last unit i bought was up these stairs down the hallway up more stairs down a hallway pretty far from the door so that's one of the big issues with these units is sometimes it takes forever to uh to uh clear clean out because although these are fun to do and there's always a treasure hunt there's a lot of work uh actually this one has black duct tape this isn't actually my lock now everything being different this is the storage facility storage facilities locked uh now everything because of what's going on uh the storage unit just uses their lock and uh yeah what happens at these auctions they open up these gates everyone walks over to look at it then they do a whole bidding process only one other person bit against me so see what's inside all right so this might actually not be as bad as originally thought like i said this thing looks like it's loaded with clothes i don't even see that box there i can't see what's below the box it looks like something else but it says girls winter 6x think this might be like kind of a kids unit but we'll see 20 bucks you can't go wrong here we got chowder and andy right next to me and he just brought this over but this isn't for me this is for his unit look at these guys so yeah he bought that one up there that's chowder and gray don't know what they get throwing down potato chips all right so what i'm going to do first is take off some of these soft goods and throw them into the you got some clothes here some decent clothes nice jacket called tangerine i'm gonna take out all these clothes i probably won't bore you too much with these clothes because there's really nothing to them this might be some sort of fur jacket i don't know what that's all about looks like winter clothes um oh i didn't see that there's a mattress in here all right um yeah i'm gonna load up some of the soft goods because if i need to donate anything gotta pack the van the right way all right can i get into the belly of the beast over here i can't i still don't know what that stuff is there are so many clothes there's this more jackets looks like all winter clothes which you know i think actually would probably sell and now it's not the time to be selling summer clothes at the end of summers looks like all ties guys there was one bag of just linens i'm using a mattress cart because they're out of carts right now so we're just we're just rolling with the mattress cart andy who uh you pretty much i wouldn't say he owns perky almondville but he pretty much does most of the work there uh he does pretty much all the auction stuff he brings a lot of inventory he bought that i don't know where he just went but if you guys ever been to perkinville you probably know andy he's a good guy ow just more more clothes this is one what is that what is this oh you you put it around your head i guess you walk around do yourself gopro self camera vlogging i don't know i got a jewelry box it's like kids jewelries little pins little rings interesting [Applause] it's like a bunch of artsy craftsy things as well down about 1.50 all right that works man all right about a dollar fifty in there all right i see a bike over there so that's gonna be our money money fine if not some of these boxes gotta be something i don't expect shoes in those boxes but maybe something over here i don't know all right we have a whole thing of pots and pans i'll take a quick look see if there's anything of importance in here got some of that pyrex that purple pyrex over there it's called wear right word some strainers probably like i'd say five ten dollars in pots and pans here the strainer should probably get a couple bucks a piece all this other stuff got waffle maker blender so that's not not too bad see what's in one of these boxes wow camera gets really weird inside there without any light how's that for your dog all right salsa might might need that down the road mine usually breaks after about six months this one's heavy oh it's got all your cleaning supplies that is a big thing of elmer's glue my goodness all right so we got a toaster here and hopefully found got a person here a little got some money i think more money these look like just blocks like you're decorating either your decorative blocks got a toaster oven see what's in here yeah you can hear it's you can also hear the air conditioner this thing has climate control you can't oh it doesn't look like i am sweating so bad right now this is like there's no climate control it's got to be like 85 degrees in here it is baking uh for some reason uh what do we got though what do we have there we go no dollar bills but probably i'd say like three dollars and change it's a bunch of quarters found more money so right now we're looking like five bucks and change i did pay 20 bucks for this unit [Music] i probably got at minimum five bucks on scrap there but i'll try selling that because those strainers are pretty nice [Music] all right so we're going to go through this bag has a lot this is they have those in everything it's a rat trap see what's in here that's a speaker it just looks like glassware and random stuff acrylic enamel that's some pie plates it's just a stone you got a random stone rock a bunch of markers and pens down there brushes it's a random array of stuff got one dvd wd-40 [Applause] looks like more kitchenware a bunch of sneakers and these are actually jordans low top jordans i don't know what you call these kind of shoes that's that more cookware crocks you can always use a pair of crocks there's a sewing machine down there purse so a bag of something ah this might be for vietnam this could be like an oxygen kind of bag i don't it's like a face thing because it might be if you have asthma or you need air it's not a defibrillator that might be worth something there's a purse that has like a caulk gun and an iron and a paint roller it's a huge array of stuff got a milk crate [Applause] trying to bring this into the light a little i'll show you if there's anything good we have that's a pan these are all the lids for the pan in this bag aluminum pot there's more cookware lots of cookware look wearing clothes another backpack some shoes a bunch of soaps it's an eye shadow palette that's been abused more soap [Applause] it's all just your bathroom supplies nice bag though all right so grab these shoe boxes see how it looks like paperwork it's exactly what there's paperwork see what's in this one paperwork all paperwork so no shoes in that always make sure if you're buying these units never to go based off what the boxes say uh because there's been a lot of times where i've seen stuff that says like you guys might remember that one that i did as a storage unit it was marked baseball gloves and something else and it was like towels and plates so never go based off what boxes say especially if it says something like a tv or you know something crazy like that never go off that this is the last one that does feel like it's paperwork and that's exactly what it is some school work mixed in with bills registration forms i saw in there all right i'm trying to take stuff out because it's so dark in there the camera just won't pick it up you have a nice box here this is just an array of stuff we got gotta i got one pair of some nike sneakers what are i don't know what these are what are those put that down sidewalk chalk looks like a bunch of miss mosh arts and crafts things [Applause] some more cable pictures down at the bottom [Applause] [Music] [Music] we do have another another box uh what is this this is for like making jewelry looks like all right whatever i don't know what that is all right you never know with these storage units you really never know that is the bike it's made by razer i don't know what those things cost new i don't i don't see anything else that goes with it so far so i don't know if um if this thing is even sellable maybe about to find i mean these things got cost 150 200 bucks new i think someone as is i can probably get 20 bucks 15 20 i would think i got all that stuff all right now it's pouring rain outside this is a wild day see what's in this bin [Music] oh it's a candle stand it's paperwork again hey look more clothes jewelry that doesn't look like anything silver or gold in there about put that aside i don't know what that is it's a phone case [Music] not just cosmetics [Music] or cosmetics some like pins some sewing supplies down there as well interesting oh look at this boom a little michael kors bag [Music] that looks like a lot of garbage inside i don't know what that was i don't know what that is that might be even a catheter i don't know uh at least some high heels and some books see what's in this box up kids paperwork i honestly i've honestly bumped my head on top of their thing i don't know how many times what is this crafts and frames it says i got a knife this time everyone's saying i gotta send you a knife i gotta say this don't worry looks like all paperwork again crap's frames work [Applause] exactly what it is a bunch of frames it's literally a box of frames all right box frames more art supplies hey look more sneakers all these sneakers bunch of vans more jordans i think these are what the jordan's uh for retro maybe if i'm right he's like the raptors edition i actually had these pair i had the same exact pair i got a thrift store not too long ago an adult size and they got 120 bucks for them i don't think i might get 120 for these but they're still gonna sell there's something in there a little gummy bear a whole bunch of sneakers where these look like timberlands these are not timberlands all right [Applause] more clothes lots and lots of clothes all right so so far this unit's been pretty promising we do have a mattress over there uh if you guys are new to the channel you guys want to see more storage unit clean out just like this if you guys haven't already subscribed down below we got probably about four or five more boxes to go uh to make 20 bucks back it's not really that much of a problem here with the clothes i did have some sheets and some bedding uh i generally just don't sell bedding whether it be like pillows i end up donating or throwing out uh but like comforters i end up donating that to the local animal shelter so if you guys are into uh doing this stuff you come across a lot of bedding consider donating to an animal shelter because they can definitely use it for the puppies and cats and whatever kind of animal creature they might have so yeah got a couple more over there but if you start adding this stuff up to call a pair of sneakers some frames clothes for for a dollar two for a dollar uh you end up with 20 bucks back within you know two or three boxes so if you guys are ever wondering about like the logistics behind this as long as you get the lockers in here it's cheap you generally do all right that's kind of cool yeah it looks brand new i don't know what these cost you got an eight foot snap set pool looks brand new box is torn but hopefully it doesn't have a big hole in it that would not be very fun eight foot by one foot by six inches get yourself a pool could have used this probably about what four months ago five months ago also these uh gray bins very very nice got a nice little nice little tint to them kind of a little privacy thing kind of like them might might end up keeping them this person has literally the largest shoe collection i've ever seen now these shoes were all lots there's some nice jordans where are they jordans lebrons lebrons these were all adult sizes so even a matching pair to that there is all right these were all adult sizes this locker is worth 600 700 most of them are youth they're not too rough of shape some nikes that's not even the good side there's really no good side but not bad all right we got a couple more boxes to go they're always good for a couple bowls plates this looks bootan that's actually vintage i don't see anything they're always good for some some milk glass as well i feel like you're you're always going to get some milk glass bowls plates cups stuff like that i did not see any video games or really too much vintage stuff in here this is a pillow or nap now just not pillows and map stack or something in stuffed animals all right [Applause] it's a nice bin [Music] hey look more cookware and stuff so we got canisters some wash washcloths all your tea in there that doesn't close but not closed in terms of clothes but clothes for clothes we got a whole stack here of pjs all right and another thing of more clothes lots and lots of clothes so this is the last box in here it's been a fun unit we didn't strike gold essentially in terms of finding something truly remarkable although we did find a bunch of reusable resellable salvageable stuff stuff that if this unit does not sell all this stuff goes to landfill so definitely a bonus there let's see what's the last one it's heavy okay more artwork canvas more frames it looks like the whole bottom is uh binders and books [Applause] there's a whole bunch of kids books and binders [Applause] at the bottom i won't be able to get this thing closed now [Applause] kind of cheating my way there all right so the unit is now cleaned out nothing left uh going to take well that probably made some people dizzy i'm going to take this mattress out to the van my gloves are absolutely soaked you can see they're like like bluish oh jeez um it's kind of a dirty mattress but yes you do have to take everything out of these units some units sold very very cheap because they had a couch or a mattress you have to take everything you can't leave things i know a lot of people say why are you throwing that on top of all the other stuff that you just got i have to take it i can't just leave something like that but overall yet another fun day of storage unit auctions or storage auction unit if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe down below i do post these quite often i'm going to try post some more in the future in the near future that is uh of more storage units and things that we find if you guys haven't checked out my storage unit playlist i do have a playlist that i'll link at the end of this video if you guys enjoyed it uh hit the like button and uh greatly appreciate all the support i'll catch up you guys next time for next adventure and until next time have a great day keep living a dream [Music] peace you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 82,000
Rating: 4.9147506 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage locked, abandoned storage unit, storage unit, storage wars, storage auction, storage unit finds, storage auction unit, found inside storage unit, storage wars episode, bought abandoned storage unit, drug dealer storage unit, buy storage unit, buy storage auction unit, found gold, found money, what the hales, storage auction pirate, storagewars, dave hester, storage wars fake, real storage auction, buy abandoned storage unit, reseller, treasure hunt
Id: 1tEkbwdMlJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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