Spent Hours Evolving Into THIS in Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature

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I think this might be the winner I'm gonna take through this damage one more time okay I can't take any more hits okay get over here you can't hide in the spikes that's not fair please don't die today we get to evolve this majestic creature into something that's probably going to be an absolute monstrosity boy I hope it is in order to evolve this little weirdo we've got to kill things we've got to kill everything Ernie that's our attack we have a special attack that looks like this it's an attack with a jump so that's definitely pretty special upon killing things they drop evolution points at least of calling them evolution points those are what we use to change our creature as soon as we actually find some new parts we'll start this process not entirely sure how or where I find them maybe from this nope that didn't seem to be the case okay so looking at our menu our creature has HP speed jump and attack those should be the four things we can alter so I'm thinking the best way to evolve is probably just gonna be to go all in on one trippy maybe we'll just make the fastest creature ever that's gonna be completely useless in any other regard sorry squirrel but I have to eat you I need your points do these help okay those give me one evolution point and I think health our first something maybe tails DNA now if we want that that's gonna increase jump plus 130 points do I care about jumping not really I'm not gonna waste 30 points sheesh yeah when you can make educated decisions as always I never made a bad decision in my life basically for now the name of the game is just gonna be murder everything and take their points I need as many points as I can possibly get so we have all our options available I wanna have some kind of super evolutionary doesn't even make sense oh I hope one day I'm made out of leaves didn't really expect to be underground so soon right well there should be lots of points I'm seeing lots of things to kill I know so far that HP isn't gonna be a big deal to upgrade because I'm getting hit by everything and I'm still alive and thanks to a run of white clam things I'm up there 95 evolution points already I have no idea what things are actually gonna cost and I'm actually wondering if I take parts on the monsters I'm killing or not this guy is a new one I haven't seen him before and I want his big leafy tail or your head spikes I don't know let's see what those do didn't look like I got anything but I do have a statue baby limbs I've always wanted a collection of baby limbs but you know apparently you can't just pull those off what do those do squirrel legs speed plus-one was that what I just found squirrel arm attack bus 1 I think this speed for now let's make ourselves super quick because I'm always impatient and that put us right back to the beginning of the game so it was a really interesting feature they implemented make your way way into the game then will spit you right back out at the beginning I'm not really sure how much faster I feel yet and my jumping maybe does still make an increase but I'm really trying to go all in on one thing apparently our speed is plus 1 and if it actually goes all the way over to here that's probably 10 12 15 spaces maybe you can get real fast eventually I can't even make that jump right now I'll just go ahead and pretend and assume there's nothing good up there anyways and hopefully something that increases jumping and speed eventually or will this be a subterranean creature that never has to worry about things on the surface that have to jump a spider I need your inside parts that looks important I definitely want to put my mouthpiece on that unfortunately I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make that jump let's find out not quite like that well pretend that one didn't happen let's find out okay I can make the jump as long as the spider isn't in the way I get it now there we go alright what's in the egg points points points points and more points you know what I'd kind of rather have endpoints actual evolutions the points you're good at all but without anything to spend them on they don't seem to have much use all these pretend for now that I'm saving up for something big and usually that's what I do anyway so this will all work out just fine in the end pretty sure that I think I might just have to well if the spider wasn't there I could have made that jump I was whoa I was gonna say that I might need to increase my jumping ability but I might just need to increase my timing ability it can definitely also see a benefit to having more attack power because it's what is it is waiting for these fighters it would still be nicer to kill them in one hit I'm gonna do it I'm gonna sacrifice 30 points to get the better jumping it's really driving me nuts not being able to get anywhere and now yes I look like this that plus one jumping actually made a huge difference I was expecting something small and incremental this made me jump like twice as high what do you suppose this idiots guarding what I didn't even hit it that's not fair I really wanted it has now honestly I could probably just jump right over it nope oh you can't touch the tail part of it I get it now and had to be something good though I think that was all the way to the end of the cave this time I've got a new strategy I'm actually going to attack it I keep forgetting about that stupid tail anyways were past that baby heads DNA didn't already have the baby parts and a mouse when did we get a new Mouse hp+ to attack puss one bite chomp what is the head do a head does HP plus two not really sure I want either of those yet at least with the stupid tail we can finally make our way upwards what is this wonderful creature can I have some of your parts you're a friend are you nuts no I just want some of your body parts to put on my own whatever this is has to be good it was actually a lot of work to jump all the way up here baby wings and a burden we gathered a few other things along the way that I had no idea about when the wings do weak fly do not want weak flying Oren's HP plus 2 don't care squirrel ears HP plus 2 don't care I can't let you in without testing your strength why of course not I've evolved pretty much nothing so far so this should be easy so far it seems pretty easy I'm not rounding a lot of damage but I'm also just kind of getting a figured out but so far it seems I can't get this marker and hitting this thing and I can't do anything about it good evolutions just another hitter too and this thing will be done ow ok unless it kills me is what might come down to the wire comeback I need to bite you got it okay that's done hopefully I get a new evolution and a new area I need my stuff to kill definitely got some points and what is this ratas parts oh I did get the animal parts and now I am really glad I'm not evolving things as I go because I what it is about the ears and data what it is replaced them with these ears for an extra 35 points so I'm gonna wait as long as I can before making evolutions though the horns doing extra damage sounds pretty nice right about now jump 1.5 don't really care about that because already jumping huge so depending exactly on how strong the creatures in here are I probably will hold off this a little bit longer in any evolution basically so far the creatures take one extra hit to kill so no big deal and I'm not really sure if they're dropping any extra points I don't really think so at least not yet this one is curious bobbles and I'm not really sure where that's it I'm assuming it's one of the head parts or at the mouth parts this is a new enemy and also pretty annoying so I'm hopefully gonna take care of this before it kills me with my minimal HP just like that and we get a prize curious limbs I have some of those myself this is an evolution I might take attack plus one speed plus 0.5 for only 40 points yeah let's take that one and I now look like this faster and more useless than ever I really hope they let me take apart this creature for it's strange parts what do you do the first checkpoint I can travel all the way back to the beginning if I want to for some reason and it looks like if I want to go up there to that thing I've got to be able to make of that jump which involves a lot more jumping ability I'm not increasing my jumping ability right now I never know if anything in this game is friend or enemy so I just kind of bite everything first and ask questions later this only works on creatures with plant parts I don't know where to get plant parts but I'm probably nearby you're not a plant but I'm gonna go ahead and kill you anyway this was the first creature that I've noticed it actually dropped apart weird horn HP plus 6 would be pretty helpful so it's exactly what we're not going to do things I care tend to be dropping a lot more parts there are a lot harder to kill and actually little bit smarter I'm gonna take this part before I die deer ears and yeah we'll work on just collecting whatever parts we can from all these creatures I got mandibles from the praying mantis thing hopefully those give me big attack points attack +3 that's pretty good still not gonna waste any points on it and some new legs speed plus 2.5 that's a 1.5 upgrade for only 50 now we look better than ever kind of like a dinosaur but not as smart and I think this is the end of the line this way we can't get a parry so we're going down whatever this is that I've created already looks so happy and so so simple also seem to have run out of options of places to go here so we're gonna wander back inwards and try and find an area I haven't been yet not really sure where I'm supposed to go right now but all of the creatures did respawn so I could definitely do some grinding if I wanted to right now problem is I'm just not really sure what to be grinding for yet gotta get a direction to go and before I start I figured out if I just wandered to the left I actually find a new area and I also just found the plant parts which might have just given me a bit of everything yep plant stem and that gives me an option for a bite and spit for attacks I don't really care about that right now it's I think I probably need to get up there I've gotta spend some points I think gonna get it some leaf wings because we need time parts anyway that gives us HP and weak fly and also the floral tail for jump plus two that did cost quite a bit of points but that should get us to where we need to go one way or another not quite there but I think I can go horizontally perfect as long as I can make this jump now didn't really think this through and not quite making it all right I might have just wasted like a hundred points on stuff so then what are these flowers do now that I have the plant parts oh I see they launch you into the air where I've already been and once again all the creatures response are they're gonna give me some more drops and also I can just keep grinding them for points if maybe so I don't have to be quite so saving with them and so willing to spend a little more let's get mandible is simply plus attack three and fighting biting is our only move by things all we ever did and look at me now isn't he adorable we know kill the innocent deer this fast oh it's hoping to be one-hit kill but you which is still pretty good the frisbee we've seen as well the queen is angry turn back well I just installed some new jaws just for this occasion and looks like we got us a boss fight somebody's not working hard is it the person sitting there in the Beehive doing nothing with my new attack power this really isn't gonna be too hard of a fight at all I'm glad I upgraded that I literally to sit here in tank through it all and as soon as I get past those we'll have this done like it some bee parts and yeah dispel all those points I wanted all over the place let them drop right out of the hive beings apparently are a decent fly and you know what we'll take it be antenna a 6 HP +2 attack now we're gonna be doing lots of damage sorry about your queen by the way but you had to die you know what I just realized we needed these wings to fly to the next thing at least I think we did how does this work yep that'll do it perfect know that if installed these very expensive wings the statue lifts out of the ground for me so I didn't really even need them at all future caller $10 yeah let's get a new color scheme that is perfect I'm already so proud of what we've created those creatures use not use our legs because I would also like to be a hover creature ok these gonna be a lot tougher considering I just upgraded my attack power what is that thing that's gotta be friendly hello up or down which way to go not my problem make up your mind die in your own time we it might as well go up since we distance all these stupid expensive unnecessary wings you think iguana spikes make me stick to walls or under wing parts yeah let's assume they do not even sure how that would work but I was also wrong so I just lost all my wings for that the wings are very expensive to begin with but also unnecessary these floating spines not even attached to my back much more worthwhile I don't want to talk about it but we're fighting to be Wings back on look at her creature now though he's got up to six attack you jump two and a half speed this one's gotta be something good this was very hidden slimy limbs which may be Felix legs I don't know if Felix legs are but they're quicker than what I've got oh we're at it we're also gonna give ourselves deer arms because we get the same speed but a little bit more attack and I'm all about doing that damage suddenly and I look kind of like an ape but also a bee and a butterfly I clearly still need whatever this thing wants me to have I can almost fly up there but just now quite maybe if I give myself a better tail I can actually jump high enough because I'm almost there now I've got a nice big long tail so jump oh it's so close I don't know what it wants for me and before these guys kill me I think I might have found the missing piece of the puzzle slimy heads not actually sure if that's something I need or not but it's something I collected I think I found the next boss fight he's got no idea how reckless I am I'm just gonna tank right through him again I do that much damage still excellent this is gonna be easy until he disappears and reappears way up there where I can't hit him yeah I'm gonna have to be quick about this damage all the way from here on out cuz the quicker I can kill things the quicker I'll get through this and you're dead and all sorts of points give me a fraud parts he has a tail that is jump three attack two HP two and water spit don't care about water spit but the rest of that pretty awesome his feelers are attacked plus three I love that damage no more ridiculous creation looks like this look at all that attack damage so very very unnecessary unfortunately it's still not enough the one shot the creatures so we need to do better I wonder how practical a creature like this would actually be and apparently that's all I was looking for it just wanted me to defeat the Frog now we can move on to the next little adventure hi how's it going oh you're not a enemy you're technically two creatures so you don't count ray can fly ma apart is the water attack might actually be pretty good I'm not really sure yet it can definitely attack the things in the sky that I couldn't really get to before well let's see what other fun mutations we can find so far it's mostly dis a lot more logs to go in and out of I don't really want any more body parts can I just have a little gnome thing to ride around on me I promise to mostly take care of it No right apart I actually got a gnome oh it just takes a place in my wings it gives me HP but I don't need HP since we've found some new ones and we don't have any years at all anyway let's wear the Yak ears for 12 HP that kind of suits everything else going on it's not a real overarching theme to my creature we'll see this pink happy and simple that 4 HP is actually probably gonna make a difference because everything here is doing a lot of damage and they're getting pretty hard to avoid I'm liking this part a lot so far because there's not a lot of enemies but there are a lot of spikes spikes are easy to avoid the armadillo thing thank you none of these creatures make any sense at all and it's beautiful by pure accidental coincidence I found that DNA thing up there but I don't know how to get to it but I definitely want it oh I want some of these guys parts who doesn't like a good scorpion give me your tail I'll just cut it off and wear it I don't even care give it I got something what did it give me man decor tail it's a scorpion not a Manticore I don't even know what that is attack for jump 3 spit I'm sold better than ever you look at this beautiful creature and we get a new kind of attack I like this one better because it goes kind of forward the other one just went straight up in the air was very hard to aim I'm suddenly really appreciated in extra HP because I'm so far from the last respawn point if I die now was gonna take me a year to get back here so I'm gonna play very passively it's just a travel point ok this is a travel point now I don't have to be quite so nervous about everything there sure is a lot of fun waiting in this game you know what I think we're due for a new paint job we are now vibrant green and very easy to see good news now that I'm all the way here to what I assume is the end of the area I think the game crashed it's at least frozen and I don't think it's gonna recover but that's ok I've got nothing but time for game crashes all the way back here I don't even know where I was I just wandered so far into this giant maze and felt like I was actually getting somewhere well I made it back to my new color scheme so let's just get a new one mo we're in the neighborhood anyway nice bright red I think we're almost back to where the game crashed dar do you feel like this elevator just never comes so let's go explore all by ourselves oh ok so I think we found a boss wish I had more health diving into this one not feeling particularly tanky all of a sudden not even sure what part of this I'm supposed to be kidding oh I guess all of those sure that's easy I guess I'll just kind of sit over here and play the dodge game why not we'd make this work Oh in fact if you're in the menu things can't hurt you but also you have to unpause it and hope you're not about to be hit by something hey we made it work I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to defeat that I guess I had to get that one last bulb and then started talking it that's gonna be a nightmare at least you respond me pretty close this time despite the fact it tried to walk me off the edge right away this time we've got a little more health to work with though I probably should stop walking into those yeah this boss is gonna be a nightmare I have no idea I'm supposed to deal with all this and if you touch the spikes on the bottom insta-death there's not really any further upgrades that can help us with theirs I think I'm just gonna have to figure the boss out and do it on skill the problem is it's very hard to avoid all these attacks there's not much room to go with where you're not getting it by something and they're constantly shooting stuff at you maybe I'm supposed to be hanging out at the bottom can't kill peace oh that actually hurts it I think I get it now okay so I'll just eat all these things and then it should be pretty well dead yeah actually once you're down here it's basically harmless unless you jump into it I see what I did wrong there I also see the easy way to do this now if I go back to the tail they can fire upwards it's gonna make it easy for me because then I get to stay down where I'm pretty safe and I still like that the whole time okay stupid let's do this again whoops as I drop it straight on my head but you see what I'm getting at it's gonna be much easier especially if I just take up one at a time very carefully Goonies want to let one down there we go wait didn't come down yet that did it okay then I'm just gonna keep my distance and I'll be okay not quite as easy as I thought but still easier than it was these things are kind of a nightmare if they get too close to you and they live off a spike still once in a while they do a lot of damage how many left whoops I forgot about those ones hurting me and I'm dead just like that the game business is funding when you respawn where it starts walking you towards the nearest edge I don't know why it has to spawn you walking but I've walked off that edge more than a few times which makes his boss fight a lot more fun it had better be a pretty mighty reward for killing this thing this one's looking pretty good I've almost got this one dead now there's only one more left up there and as long as I stop doing that I think I'll likely be able to get it the true key is trying to hit it down like it's so hard to get those top ones I need to learn the pattern though as data fires a thing at me okay ugh not the final rundown as long as I can avoid the damage until it comes over to where I can actually hit it will be okay I could probably actually hit it from here it won't do a lot of damage but I could do it hitting low inhale so I don't really want to try and tank through it right now look at all the projectiles coming in okay I'm just gonna go take it we're just gonna have to ow that's not a good start one more hit I got it but I also died not sure if that counts I'll take it though that's a victory for me and okay I'm responding as it's dumping it stuff out please don't walk me off the edge oh no good the games just gonna crash that's even better and it spawned me all the way back here whoops I didn't mean to travel I haven't no idea how to get back here and I might have tasty spawned everything back slightly walking and do this so I'll see you guys in like an hour when I find my way back there and hope that the boss stuff is still lying on the ground all right moment of truth dropping back into the boss hole and the boss is back rate it nor do defeat this nope ever happened one thing I'm gonna do right now is put on the gap coat 414 HP I'm gonna lose some attack damage that doesn't really matter because I'm just getting destroyed so quickly I think this might be the winner I'm gonna tank through this damage one more time okay I can't take any more hits okay get over here you can't hide in the spikes that's not fair please don't die wait is it dead where's the last one didn't they all die I'm really confused as to how to beat this boss and off the spawn the game walked me right off the edge into the spikes again so I'm doing this hopefully getting away without taking damage let's see what's the game gonna make me do this time nothing for once wow what a nice change and I think I actually beat it without dying this time though it's always a bit of a surprise what the game is going to do is that it the boss just dies and then okay cool a little bit anticlimactic but I'll take it leaf I'm waiting for you it was kinda helping for some of those parts from that big thing but I guess we just don't get rewarded for killing the boss oh wait yes we do we get murdered as soon as you walk through that door here's the real reward we can go in this hole now which brings us to here which looks just as it was a last spot
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,425,245
Rating: 4.8616567 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, miscreation, miscreation evolve your creature, dangerouslyfunny, dangeoruslyfunny, dangerously funny, pc, gameplay, miscreation gameplay
Id: F4xrZ7JIer4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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