More Upgrades Get More Rare Fish

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thank you for joining me on today's fish stabbing adventure we still got a lot of things that we can stab fish with so let's start with massive penetration in fact we're even going to upgrade it just a little bit and then while we're at it also the air tank for another 6 500. then we're going back to enjoy the ocean caves full of new and wonderful fish all of whom exists to be penetrated by me and i got that one so there's a little bit more air plus the nemo fish and a new redfish as well right in the kisser okay he didn't like that very much can't imagine why gotcha all right we're gonna reel in at least one of those we weren't down there for a very long time but we did still make 650 dollars thanks to the new red kisser but since we're after a little more money let's go back to the coral reefs where we're almost 100 of the fish plus i have a quest here to catch i don't know what i'm also using the term catch a little bit loosely here considering this isn't normally how you would catch something this is how you murder something so we gotta catch whatever that one is so we're gonna send some bait out there and also a net this is a bit of a waste but i'm feeling lazy then i'm also going to pull in the oxygen fish every time i see them but we got some more puffer fish and i think it's probably better to use my net than it is to use my massive penetration because i've only got so much of that but that might have actually yep finished the mission and it's hard to say what's worth it for my spear right i can't fire backwards really need to start remembering that but i got you and i don't know what it is that we still have to catch here but we'll find it eventually i haven't seen anything new yet so i'm just going to try and get more oxygen and i think i actually managed to get it out of there oh this fish is kind of mad at me so let's just murder it oh well we still accomplished murdering it we just didn't get the value for it mostly thanks to the green idiot so let's go ahead and give them a little shock so they hopefully stay a little bit more out of my way out of all the fish here i think i'm gonna go for the big yellow dummy over here because i think it's probably the most valuable didn't get a ton of money from that but we're over ten thousand dollars again that's money from the cat believe it or not i think i'm actually going to go back to the basic harpoon right now because it's oxygen cost is so little and if we upgrade it a little bit we should be able to get lots of our money's worth out of it or i might have just made a really bad decision but that's pretty much what you're all here for now with this basic harpoon i won't be hesitant to fire because it doesn't use up much oxygen at all and i can rapid fire it like really fast it's not gonna have the same penetration but that's okay because i need mass fish not necessarily one single value when i need lots of medium value fish though i wouldn't mind stabbing him but the green fish is probably more important right now right so gonna wait for him to get close enough to penetrate but if he hangs out up there my harpoon cannot reach him why are we getting such big fish okay i got one of these guys they take a few hits with this harpoon luckily i can rapid fire it this harpoon is working better but it's still a little annoying when i can't reach anything farther out and big blue up there would be something very good to hit so i'm gonna see if i can move everything else out of the way the bait goes out we're going to net whatever we can then try and dab big blue up close he's going to multi-fire him come on nope he just doesn't want any of that so maybe i need to find a better compromise on our spear so that one is worth 2 500 and i could live with that so let's go back to the sniper harpoon for a minute because it doesn't cost a ton of oxygen but it's got really good rope length and decent penetration but let's go back to the other level and it's rough seas today and that means all fish defense has increased by 25 and with the rate my oxygen drops here it's very hard to make any money yet but if we get lucky we'll get lots of oxygen fish along the way damn that added defense well there's actually an actual oxygen fish so bring that in then we're gonna catch pretty much whatever we can at this point wait we didn't catch it fast enough i'm gonna need to make more money than this okay back to an ordinary day and apparently these guys are the missions so an easy way to take care of these because i brought extra bait and nets is just go like this that instantly closed the mission and since i did bring the extra bait nuts i can make lots of money off other fish i just need to wait patiently for them to show up but i do want that fish maybe also the big green one if he uh comes out of the crowd a little bit definitely the oxygen fish though always oxygen fish we're on wave six and finally starting to get a little bit of a variety of fish out there and since there's a lot of things right now i'm gonna send out another net to grab all that value or at least what i can out of that i'm gonna have to move big boy out of the way or he's gonna eat all my fish cause he's very big and very quick but we're also gonna try and sneak him in two from underneath now we're gonna toss out another net to move mostly things out of the way because i want him and then also him which is definitely gonna take a few stabs well okay cause also those guys are gonna eat my stuff that's fine oh and we're out of time too i wasn't paying attention luckily i can watch an ad for a little more time and you guys don't even need to see that part bringing in another oxygen fish so we're back up to 33 and we're halfway through wave 9. so we're going to throw another net out there to catch everything in the ocean except for actually i want the big blue guy if he comes over but he's got to get close before i can penetrate like way closer 3 000 for that one still don't know where i'm missing the final fish okay let's go back to the cannon harpoon for a second because we're also going to upgrade our old air tank to its maximum capacity now to do it before it takes parts and we get to go to the moon for a minute so if we do this part well we'll be able to get a lot of money so i might as well put this bait and nets to good use i did bring five of each so that should be a lot of value and considering our massive penetration that's gonna help though our oxygen is dropping way faster than it's used to wow we're already out what happened to our oxygen that time well that's pretty much what i get for not paying attention i just realized i think the one i'm missing is actually the dumb tuna because i've got sizes for everything else because i've caught them now i'm going to use this ordinary day to penetrate one of the dumb tunas which fly around annoying me all the time but i never bother to catch because they're just dumb but at least while we were waiting we managed to upgrade our oxygen tank so we got more time than ever down here on the bottom so we just very patiently wait for the tuna to show up got three at once it's fun because i feel like i've been seeing the tuna a lot until basically this one and then suddenly it's nowhere to be found but i am seeing a lot of value on the screen so we better take advantage of this no tuna showed up but that's okay because i'm just gonna catch whatever i can then and be on my way we'll get it next time i finally got a dumb tuna to appear on screen it's not gonna be very easy to get right now but i'm going to try my best they're very resilient to penetration and they're staying way out there right now if i could shock it with this that might help but it's going to be very hard to hit it because it's hard to time wait i got it just had to wait for it to get close for that up close penetration i did this catch a giant uh jellyfish for rather big money so i'm pretty happy with that as well now if i could just catch the director here then i could get a bonus at the end and then we're just gonna stab everything we can because they can't well maybe they can eat everything so the value of that was pretty good because obviously the dumb tuna is really valuable fish i just never realized that because i was too stupid to actually catch one not only that we can finish the cat quest for three of those and then if you want a bigger air tank which you probably do we can do that so it's going to go from 200 liters to 250 that's a huge upgrade but then we can also now go to the deeper side and when things are down this deep there's got to be more value it even said the deepsea fish are more valuable so i'm going to penetrate absolutely everything i see oxygen also runs out here very quickly so i'm gonna have to pay attention to that but for now i'm just gonna throw out a bunch of bait and nets and catch whatever value i can because upgrades and everything are definitely getting very expensive once you catch 100 of the fish here will be on to bigger and better things again all right well not a lot there but i'll take it then we're going to penetrate big boy up there i think we can reach them yep we sure can our first oxygen fish took till wave 3 to show up but he's going to keep us going for a couple more seconds then i'm not really sure what to focus my stabbing on oh that's new i want that good octopus that was worth 700 all by itself then i'm just gonna try and spear maybe those two and i missed both of them so we actually got parts from those light bulbs so that's very handy because we need those for upgrades it was 2270 dollars for a very short run so if you need me i'm gonna be grinding the deeper side for a long time and yeah that does sound like a euphemism but i'm mostly here to try and catch light bulbs at this point as i want those parts that was eleven hundred and seventy four dollars just in that bunch i know it's probably hard for you guys to see if i just take my word for it i'm not doing anything stupid the oxygen fish are very very slow to show up here though i'm gonna watch a bunch of ads just because it's worth it definitely gonna need more oxygen but there's another thirty two hundred dollars plus it's letting us go back to space for some easy money and this time i'm even gonna pay a little bit of attention that way i cannot run out of air right away at least is not if i can help it gonna go for all the bubbles i can and not go off the map okay we're running out of bubbles already which is kind of annoying but we did make pretty good money while we were here fifty five hundred dollars for stabbing things in space and that's enough money to upgrade our air tanks so we're gonna go from 250 to 278 liters which doesn't seem huge but that's a 10 increase and that's 10 more money and we already found a new fish that looks like it's made of parts but it's very strong okay hopefully that comes back again because i really want to see what that was does the network on it nope but we can oh i using the wrong spear that's why i didn't bring my cannon so whatever that is is probably gonna get away can i bomb it and then stab it that might have actually worked got it i would have been pretty annoyed had i missed that because i've never seen that fish before and the total value for that one was 1319 turns out that other fish wasn't actually worth a lot basically the same as a light bulb fish and i just realized that these are probably upgrades am i right yeah so i should be spending money to buy more beta nuts because that would actually make a lot of sense and then as far as the deep sea goes for this place we've caught one of the fish we need to find there's still a ton we haven't seen yet so we'll sit here with a bigger oxygen tank and wait for something new to show up though i guess since we have all this bait and nuts we might as well use some of it because it's actually going to be hard to use nine of them something new just showed up so i'm gonna watch an ad and see if i can get a hold of it it's like a zombie fish or something i don't think i'm actually gonna be able to get this because i'm gonna run out of air first gonna need a better spear and a mod is 3000 for that one just went to the second area for fun to change it up while i'm grinding through money and i found something new crawling along the floor so i'm obviously gonna stab it directly in the face in the face i'm gonna hit it with the bomb and then stab it in the face got it aside from that this wasn't a particularly productive run but the new oxygen does make a difference oh and there's another new green fish so we just got some air but never mind there was new fish appearing though our little squirrely guy on the bottom is worth 750 by himself but it's also pretty clear i'm going to need a lot more oxygen before i can spend any time there so we're going back to coral reefs just the basics so i can grind some money we actually have so much oxygen on this one that i'm going to be at the end of round 9 basically with full oxygen still but that's gonna mean some pretty good money for me provided those idiots don't eat everything but actually if i capture all the idiots there's a lot of money just in idiots here and we're trying to kill that one as soon as he wants to stay fair there's so much value right now though i want him how do i get him oops we didn't mean to stab that well there's always next time there's also some really big fish swimming around right now that i wish i could penetrate better i am trying my best but i'm well i got one but i'm gonna need a lot more power it was even debatably worth spending twenty six hundred dollars there because there were so many big fish on the screen but that's a little better sixty seven hundred dollars for a single run and that definitely gives us enough money for a better air tank so that's going to take us from 278 to 306 and this bigger air tank should hopefully help us find some better fish so far nothing so it's gonna be the patience game today this time we got another octopus charging in uh he was coming straight at me so i assumed he had bad intentions but i shot him in the face you is also worth some money and this is a little bit better of a run for the deep sea still not a huge amount of money though here comes another one so he's just asking to be stabbed and for the first time i spent money to continue on just because i was sparing an oxygen fish at the same time and it only costed eleven hundred dollars and i can hear another idiot so let him get nice and close before penetrating him going on to wave seven and still haven't found anything new so i'm gonna take a light bulb before i go so for better or worse i'm gonna have to grind up a whole bunch of these basic fish to find the rarer and harder to find fish later on day 52 when we have what's called a refreshing day 50 slower oxygen consumption and that's very interesting because we're down deep so with a little luck we'll find some new and very valuable fish what we have at least found our first oxygen fish and we got it on the first shot so that's a good start we're up to 84 again going into wave three and i have just learned that the octopus if it does get to you drains your oxygen i ignored him and he sucked away 30 and i hear another one but that's okay i understand he's just in a hurry for penetration there's a new fish as long as i can manage to get him before my oxygen runs out we'll be getting into something new and probably very valuable so right there he's a little bit strong we're gonna hit him with the bomb and then stab him that always works come on reel him in quick yeah we got him fourteen hundred dollars for a single fish so three thousand dollars for that run and that also means an even bigger oxygen tank so we're going from 306 liters to 333 again about another 10 increase and i'm gonna celebrate that new oxygen by going back to the basic level and waiting till the very end so we can get lots of valuable fish i feel like this one's shaping up to be what could be a pretty good run especially if i can manage to get this fish which is very close and also a very shocked right now it's gonna keep stabbing it and i think i got it already that's the big yellow guy and there's another uh tuna fish swimming around so we're gonna try and rope that in as well but those ones are a little bit harder to get and that's just a little one comparatively but there's also another oxygen fish and another big blue boy so we're gonna have our work cut out for us didn't actually mean to do that one but while we're at it let's bring everything in i'm gonna use that bait whoops that was close i almost feared the jellyfish and i don't want to do that we're going to uh shock everything as soon as i can as soon as that thing comes back over come on there we go um we're going to wait for bluefish to come back once he does well we can probably get him there shock him and got him and we're also gonna take this guy too this should be pretty big value especially considering we can continue and i think we just got another tuna plus another oxygen fish this is working out great this will be the single most valuable run i've ever had especially if you get big blue boy here who's nice and close so i'm gonna hit him with as many of these as i can trying to break through his shell so for that one eight thousand five hundred and thirty nine dollars mostly in the tunas and the other big blue fish plus an extra 4200 for watching an ad for this guy so after finishing that the cat now wants to eat six nemo's and i'm happy to help him out there but not before adding a little more penetration length and speed to my harpoon gun oh and so much penetration the fish just explodes on impact and we have rough ocean today and that means all fish defense increased by 25 i'm pretty glad i added that little bit of penetration because that's gonna kind of make up for that and i hear a rather large octopus who actually survived my first shot up close so he's obviously pretty strong and we're gonna get a little bit of money for him for sure midway through wave four haven't found anything new yet but we do have an oxygen fish so we'll manage to go into a pretty good wave another octopus this one also survived the first shot so that's their added defense but there's a big blue boy so if i'm really quick i can actually get him but also not the two octopuses were worth 1500 3500 for the entire run still making more money on the surface and we're back to this an ordinary day where i need to spear six nemos well there's one and this feels like overkill but we can stab him there's our first oxygen fish if it is if we could get more than one on this hook so we're gonna let him swim just a little bit and well we got two fish at least nemo will come back eventually but good news they're multiplying we've got two nemo's and well i got two of the annoying fish so that's a start you know what i'm just gonna throw some bait out there might as well then we just catch a whole bunch of things and the nemo another oxygen fish definitely didn't want to penetrate the jellyfish so i'm now at three of six nemo fish and we're still probably gonna make some pretty good money on this because we're starting to have some rarer things show up but also given how many idiot fish are currently out there i'm gonna throw the bait in the net out to get rid of them all that way i can just penetrate things in peace okay never mind a whole bunch of annoying things came back but we got another oxygen fish so we'll keep on grinding and i'm gonna spare these annoying guys every chance i get because they're just gonna keep eating my fish and therefore my profit and i really like my profit and i hate the jellyfish i got some money for it but that didn't take away like 60 of my oxygen luckily i might have enough nemo's on the screen to finish this off if i managed to hit them so very patiently gonna wait for him to well i do kind of want that air fish too i don't know if i can hit it that far out though he swims in closer maybe but there's a lot of fish in the way too well you know we're gonna settle for the nemo fish because i wanna oh right kinda forgot about those guys but let's do it all over again murdering these nemos had better be worth my time going nice and early this time and he's coming straight forward okay forgot about him but there's the final nemo now i can just enjoy the rest of this with all the valuable fish there's so many big valuable fish but i cannot get any of them because i'm kind of out of bombs i finally got that big blue one after a million hits but there's still two of the tuna going around that have simply disappeared because i couldn't penetrate them enough okay aside from the nemo's we made 6 500 which is pretty good plus we'll call it an even 10. so for painstakingly murdering six nemo's we get 12 parts which is actually pretty good then aside from the net we're up to about thirty thousand dollars which basically means we get more air for twenty one thousand dollars we're going to go from 333 to 361. to unlock any of the new harpoons we need parts and we need lots of them i can also buy more bait and nets too with a little bit of money and those are probably worth it so let's try the ocean cave where we're currently 28 done but we have a lot more air than we used to and there's always so many of these to start what happens if we get like a whole bunch of them at once that's got to be a new record only 324 that's disappointing but that's a new fish how do we get that fish it's so quick come back over here i need to see you for a second i might actually just cast a net out simply for that because it does not want to come anywhere near me and i don't blame it i think it's gone oh i didn't even see that guy down there hello sir remember me i'm the one who likes to blow you up okay the green machine seems to have come back and we got a few new fish coming to hang out so we're gonna get whatever of these we possibly can including the air fish he's probably actually most important right now then i got him then we're gonna look at all the new fish we got suddenly and i think i stabbed both of them and then something up here is new oh it's a jellyfish i'm not gonna risk it for the jellyfish yet though oh look at all the things on the bottom too i've got so many new things to stab and so little time can i just uh use the nut for these guys down here does that work net it does look at all the money we got out of that all right i sold some bait and murder a diver and we're gonna make a lot of money here i should probably be doing that more often too where i just saw it a bit of bait because i can actually penetrate so many things at once and i don't really need a nap there's an oxygen fish way out there i'd really like but there's also a bunch of new fish too so i don't know what to focus on that was a pretty short run but we did make 6 100 and we caught a lot of new stuff so let's try that all again this time with a little less excited energy and of course my first oxygen fish is playing hard to get but he is slowly wandering closer and i might be able to get him from here there's also a lot of these green fish cruising around and i think they're probably going to be decently valuable so i'm going to throw a net out right now and also stab him never mind you know what i'm going to i'm going to net all the guys in the bottom and the triangle fish is also new oh that's a big oxygen fish i didn't even see him out there and we're going to get him too because that's going to put my oxygen back up to about 50 percent we got another big boy on the bottom so we're going to stab him every whoops did i get him i didn't even hit him okay we're going to try that again i'm also going to try and net because they go for the bait as well so if we net everything down here yeah that works pretty well those jellyfish are new would love to get one we're also gonna have to fend off two octopuses here never mind so far so good though and whoops i meant to net all those oh that's a new weird looking fish what is that give me that that looks very glowy and rare i really want that we're gonna throw a bit more bait out and i think i netted them there i do think i got them but when you're new too welcome to the stabbing club where everyone gets a penetration oh and look at that thing too oh i got it it's like a fire fish oh i think it got eaten sixty four hundred dollars uh that one that i thought was very rare was only worth 146 dollars literally the bigger the better so maybe on this one i'll focus mostly on the big fish unless i see something new because i'm not seeing a lot of new fish anymore and i'm pretty sure the bigger ones are going to be more valuable turns out this is probably a bad strategy because there's not a lot of oh there's a big goldfish though what is that thing oh i want that give me that whoops that's okay because i can actually do that and reel that thing in that was worth three thousand dollars oh and that's what turns all the other fish into the goldfish i remember this now i haven't done this since i've started at the very beginning so let's use what we can to catch all of these new looking fish that worked out better because that little purple fish is worth 1500 by himself the coins were worth uh to 400 each 9 000 total which puts us over 33 000 which means another oxygen tank so we're going from 361 to 389 and back to the deeper side hopefully that all this oxygen can carry us into new stuff got another ordinary day and that's just fine by me the oxygen drain is slower but it's still going down a lot faster than i'd like it to be we need some oxygen fish right now well there's the first one it's not very big but it did at least show up for us so that's nice and i might as well start throwing out some bait just to make sure we're actually gonna use it because i did pay for it i don't know if it keeps between rounds or not that would involve thinking and paying attention but we got a new go fish that looks like a ghost oh i forgot about the octopus already let's go ahead and take care of him then we're gonna figure out how to get the ghost fish i'm thinking my trident ii strategy of shocking it and then stabbing it i think i got it we definitely got it but we're definitely already out of oxygen so we're going to be sure to use up our bait now and catch whatever it is we possibly can look at the size of that thing what even is that get over here i want to stab you i poked a little bit does that count that's probably not good enough i really want that big fish though oh octopus and i'm dead that fish has got to be worth a fortune though it's huge still not getting a ton of value from the deep including our little ghost fish is only worth 300 but that big fish probably worth more day 63 has large smack grouping and that means jellyfish appear 50 more which is really annoying i've only got eyes for one fish at this point anyways i didn't really find what i'm looking for yet but i did find the mission fish apparently as i run out of oxygen i've been looking and looking for the bigger fish and it won't seem to show up and all i ever end up finding is this so we'll get em next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 945,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cf0UWsD3ozA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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