When You Finally Find The Perfect Upgrades in Son Of A Witch

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what didn't say no to an item shop well there was my coin bonus oh I gotta get out of here Oh dad well that worked out panic lightening for the win you need to pay more attention to what I'm doing okay here's the deal we have ourselves another fun little roguelike game at the start of every run you get a free upgrade this one is mom's book of ice now what this one does apparently is freezes all the enemies as soon as you walk into the room that seems pretty good but they thaw out right away then they're really annoying again so I think we can find a better one the one in particular I'm looking for poisons all the enemies in the room because as you can see they're not very bright as long as I could be poisoning them and avoiding their attacks I could be beating every room without losing any health and spending all that hard-earned money on upgrades it's just gonna be a matter of how many retries it takes to find an upgrade I like particularly the poison or maybe this one burned them all if this continually burns the enemies I would be okay with that too so far so good actually yeah you know what I think this might work really nicely cuz like I said don't never mind it stops burning them that was the right idea though because look how easy it is to avoid most of their attacks if I could be poisoning them this entire time all I'd have to do is walk around barely even paying attention think I finally found it bug of death mom's book poison em all in her though it was just the words I live by so now I have thought he was enter a room and avoid their attacks most things in this game go left and right they don't really attack up and down so as long as I'm going like this they can't really even hit me look at their health slowly dwindling and I take no damage then I can use all the money I've had from these guys not to buy health upgrades that I don't need but for weapons and armor poison won't actually entirely kill them and leaves them with their last sliver of health but all I gotta do is go like that then they'll drop whatever treasures I have for me these guys didn't have much for this scroll I can use bombs to blow up all these rocks I don't think it's worth it for the barrels unless they have a surplus of bombs this won't be a quick process for me but nothing ever is it's the patience game these guys dropped an X for me which I think there's a way more damaging my sword so I start with the 6 16 18 this does 16 16 20 so definitely more damage our first shop and it's a pet shop you can have one of these follow you around breaks barrels poisons enemies unless they move too much I might do double poison that might be really good there's another shop and a wooden horse boots orbs and turns enemies into sheep that could be amusing but that takes mana and I don't really want to deal with a lot of man on his brawn I just want to be able to hit things with my axe and poison them this shop didn't really have anything worth getting destroyed barrels to get full of rage I don't really mean full rage I just need to poison enemies and avoid them realize that I can throw my excuse so this gets even easier because I can just sit way back here and kill everything you can throw axes back but as long as you're not at the same level horizontally as me well we're dead I found a permanent damage upgrade so I'll go ahead and take one of those for sure other things I'm looking for the backpack so I can hold more relics with me and always better weapons more damage I could be doing it quicker this whole thing is going to be probably should be drinking more of these potions I don't know what many of ego or power windfall HP oh that's actually pretty good then oh yeah I should be paying more attention to those I think oh I've got left is the boss fight at this point so hopefully this goes okay should I drink another potion before I do that yellow potion yeah we'll do that it's a waste it could happen every hits a crit double damage for the next battle oh well that's good for the boss right then isn't it weird you look something like this oh okay that's not a very good start but as long as I avoid that big Club I'll be okay doing 32 damage per hit right now because of those potions so this is actually gonna be very easy which is great because this fight isn't always super easy because that thing hits really hard and it has a lot of range on that attack and I wish I had a better axe but I'm sure I'll find one eventually a better weapon of any kind really and two more hits yeah you're dead Oh a big hammer that might be perfect and a backpack backpack store more gear Gildan predator 23:37 69 huge damage and enemies drop more gold so I'll get more upgrades from that that couldn't been more perfect and these just upgrade damage so we'll go ahead and leave the axe behind that we have an inventory slot and now we have this hammer that has massive damage and to get to the next dungeon we get to ride in a catapult and I probably should have healed myself before jumping up but I don't think we land in battle and the next dungeon has whatever that says I don't really care that heal me probably okay now we got to deal with these okay I already on fire we're after a bad start everything's being poisoned though we'll see the damage whoops didn't hit him 23 damage 23 damage that's not a ton for basic attacks but still more than I was doing and I think my stronger attack probably does yeah 69 lots more I didn't expect to find a be here and I don't think I can poison it either it doesn't seem to be taking poison damage so this might put a wrinkle into my plans for sure I don't really know how to deal with this right now just kind of take my time and do it slowly know me there's a warning for boss fights like it has a skull on the room on the mini-map okay everything's just multiplying now this is gonna get really dumb really fast I can already tell as long as I keep moving I'm sure I'll be fine that always seems to be the case with this game just keep moving took it down to like maybe one six of one six of itself off alright I wish I had a ridiculous weapon right now would feel a lot better about this and it hit me again great if you'll use a bomb on it well a bomb hit this thing I'm not really sure did I gave there's the bomb now that I've lost all my health trying to figure out how to use the bomb and I think I'm gonna die stupid B I'm gonna have to restart this whole thing again surprise bees are the worst kind of bees and I don't know I'm not allowed to poison it my poison should have already killed it by now like it's been forever trying to do this and I'm dead why must my plans always fail all I wanted to do was poison everything now I got to do it all again and I'm not doing it with ice poison or Nothing here we go again poison all and then I'd say clearly the pet I had wasn't poisoning everything because I'm doing eight damages at basic poison already found some interesting stuff at the shop this adds one inventory slot basically a backpack but this hammer 27:43 200 if I lend to hundreds on anything especially if it's a critical hit they're gonna die oh I say I combine that with an animal that does critical attack double damage chance well that could be a ton of damage so we're gonna go with that between that and the poison I think we should be in good shape even if we do fight a bee so now all I need to do is find a 200 gold to be able to buy all this stuff let's go the shopkeeper oh hello that actually works okay this might have been a short-sighted decision I didn't realize he would spawn like that many items though now did that actually work give me that oh it did work nice okay well I had good intentions I didn't realize he had a bodyguard that absolutely counts is my plan working I got the hammer again found the poison this time we're not gonna make any purchases until we explore the entire floor my hammer has returned I just need a little bit more gold to be able to get it and I do have a few rooms left so hopefully I can make that happen what are the monsters just drop the carrier so that's the next inventory slot so that'll make me a lot stronger as soon as I fill it with something good there's also a pet I would really like to buy plus 10 HP after every battle but I gotta buy the hammer first I think well I managed to find enough gold for the hammer by blowing up some rocks and the treasure map would also be fun I've got one chest I can open it'll hopefully give me the money I need at the sacrifice also blighted myself on fire for a moment what do we got triple mini damage for your axes and hammers well just so happens I'm holding a hammer so that's gonna be pretty awesome and double-arrow damage apparently what does a blue one do fills you with magic well you know what let's go ahead and fill ourselves in magic I didn't mean to press that well that's what the hammer does so great we're making progress I got the hammer that time I got to use it I did used it up myself by accident and we had double damage on hammers and everything that would have been the run and again poison no hit a random gift 450 HP yeah why not I've already made a lot of poor choices what's one more this looks pretty fun sets enemies on fire yeah I'll take that that's definitely pasted better than my basic sword at least no hammer this time just the horse stuff which I don't really want right now but let's see how this fire stuff works yeah I can visit them every once in a while and the fire starter the poison that actually works pretty nicely whoops did not mean to get hit by the bomb so I could buy some bombs to blow up these rocks and I got my bombs back plus a whole bunch of other stuff so that was a good choice the first one I've made like this year our room with three chests hopefully one of them has a weapon and I just told myself I should have saved that gold key and used a bomb instead and this is exactly why very luckily found a gold key in the rocks and I can open his chest and then we'll move on to that boss fight hopefully this is something good I like to look at this like half damage drop bombs when hit that's the treasure map the map of the entire thing probably pretty good oh yeah I probably should have done that on the next level well whatever pretty sure we still can once we hit the next level let's go to feed that boss and then we'll deal with all that Oh seems out of juice always I'll just hit it every once in a while it'll burn and poison and I'll just really really avoid all that damage is that's a big club it gets a little hard to see when you're behind the boss you kinda gotta work it back and forth little bit but so far so good this is very easy as the first boss usually is I didn't wish I did more damage overall but there's damage over time is just fine because attacks are easy to avoid for the most part dad I don't use mana anyway so I'll sacrifice all of that and what is this little thing do the inside locked chests also tempting I'll take the damage upgrade no we won't because you actually have told on to that okay we're going to turn mana into gold and the sea cuz that's just helpful for me can I use it now two more rooms one no much that's gonna give us yeah we'll work with this for now if I'm understanding this correctly then every three rooms this is gonna recharge for a hundred coins yeah I think that's gonna be a really good deal every shop moving forward I'm gonna buy out now I'm gonna buy all the good stuff no I'm back to doing what we do best avoiding stuff and slowly killing enemies some of these rooms are gonna be a bit harder to work with and others because of the things on the ground like that but at least I doubt bumps and I'm hit now and most of the enemies aren't ranged anyway so I can just kind of slowly walk away from them and I like this that's one inventory slot that's hugely helpful this sword might be better than mine no it doesn't do fire damage I don't want it this should be a shop full of magic scrolls I don't really use these a lot because I don't really understand them we'll get to that one day remember the rooms have multiple enemies they can throw stuff are a little more difficult because you had a lot of arrows to dodge but still not bad overall as long as you keep them nice and organized up standings he's out I'm still alive and there's a bomb it's very small decisions like that where I'm not paying attention that cost me a lot of health luckily for me I am smart enough to stack in potions you're not gonna bring me a long ways up but they are gonna help okay whatever I have it's dropping bombs is really really bad for me because that just killed me I just got knocked down right into one of my bombs and couldn't move so we're not picking that item up again ever this time the boss dropped a big purple axe and I'm kind of excited about that 7:15 21 range attacks of the enemy health bar okay yeah I'll definitely use that one let's Elsa phone this at the shop +10 poison damage I don't know if that's gonna work with the poison that I just automatically have but that would be a huge upgrade if that's the case the poison does stack so we're doing 18 damage per take instead of 8 no thanks to my little poison upgrade and I found a white potion which gives me 15 gold per battle until I get hit so I'm gonna get and try not to get hit for a long time also I have a pet that attacks enemies too so it can be very helpful in finishing off the enemies because my poison won't all the way kill them but my pet I think will and Baron a barrel is a permanent event destroy barrels to get the full rage well that distance up there anyway doesn't take an inventory slot so I've got nothing to lose with that one definitely got hit in this room so I lost my gold bonus but that's okay I'm right next to the shop and I've got 120 gold which is enough to buy something for now if there's something worth buying this one's interesting because 300 damage to direct stomp attacks that's huge damage but that I don't think is gonna work on things like bosses so I'm not that interested in it we think it's worth sacrificing all the bombs we need to get over to that side I probably go on to staff but whatever is in that chest might be interesting and here's his sword I feel like I might like lightning attack great sword 920 100 damage and we've got the bomb suppose we can find all sorts of stuff in these rocks too like there's another bomb so I got a free bomb plus a healing potion so that was already perfect and in the blue chest we have nothing I want rolls probably but you know what yeah let's drink the purple potion oh let's hard to figure out what these deals okay so 5% double double damage chance well whoops this is the boss fight didn't mean to walk into this one already but here you go I can just enjoy my poison for now so far seem to have a very predictable attack I'm pretty much just gonna stay behind it let the poison do all the work oh that was a big attack wow that was like 800 damage all at once I don't know how I did that but I think I like it well let's take another bonus upgrade damage upgrade cuz they're gonna stack a healing potion and what did this one do Marathon weapons it's a permanent upgrade I just don't have anything to throw yet rooms I guess are definitely super easy for me to do because my pedal take care of everything that I can't basically poison does everything let's get the rest I just sit here and wait well done good teal potion I'm just gonna drink the potions as I find them now archery range up I'm pretty sure they only do good things anyway so what's to lose 5% double damage chances so up to 15% double damage chance this one's a key gone pretty well next dungeon well there's six nice we're after a good start what do we got oh that's a lot of enemies skip we're gonna have to take care of them quickly or they're going to kill me I don't want to go out there well the projectiles are all those things are fighting each other actually I could mostly to sit back and watch for most of this if they're gonna fight each other but I can just kill whoever's left at the very end I'm also maybe gonna come back for that chest because right now I'm getting a - 15 gold per battle as long as I don't get hit I got that chest I would get hit and I would lose my bonus and I just found a second white potion so I'm getting 30 gold per battle I didn't realize those get stacked so that could be interesting for a renin itself it probably counts as a hit but I'm gonna take that eventually so ever make this could be a lot of gold provided I don't die I let my lightning out prematurely but you know that's alright I think I can still do this without getting hit and that potion does what exactly happy magic magic up rangedown okay so some of the potions do have a detrimental effect not that that one affected me in any bad way but you know okay so that's what lightning does once your rage bar is full you can lightning out for huge amounts of damage and another way potion so now we're gonna get 45 gold I gotta wait hold that another 160 gold per battle so much pressure on me now not to get hit you know I'm gonna screw this up at some point that was really close right there actually okay very carefully gonna navigate this room that would have heard a lot okay there I got hit well you know what that's alright we had a good run we got 566 coal car name that's enough to buy a lot of stuff now do this carefully navigate our way up to that chest I think I can hide beside it for a second yeah we're good up here that's on my finger do I have to carry that though no I can just see inside locked chest now so I know if it's worth it to go for them and I think that increases bomb damage I don't know actually want that whoops cuz I hit myself more than anything with bombs though is there a new enemy type I'm going to be a little wary of these because if you don't know don't touch it actually you know what lightning that takes care of anything one hit between that lightning my extra poison damage in my pet these rooms are still pretty easy knock on wood what is this thing I'm bringer don't care whoops okay I need to be very careful of my health because I can lose it all pretty quickly so I found out in fact I'm gonna be using my little healing potions more often to make sure my health does daytop tub these things are getting harder to avoid the enemies on but still not too bad overall none of the rooms I ever felt like I was really in danger yet another item shop what do we have well this attracts coin so it'll be slightly easier to pick up coins so that's something and this one is just protection from orbs arrows and thrown weapons when you projectile hits I mean I've got the money for it I think I'm gonna buy that now anyways I still got $500 now if I might as well spend it on something and apparently that's the entire dungeon so I'm gonna top my health up one more time and we're gonna rip out his boss which is a real big one apparently I probably should have found some barrels to smash the top of my rage meter that way it is lightening this thing to death but you know what that's all right I see a pretty predictable pattern emerging already so I think we'll be all right with this one whoops but he does move a little bit faster so he's definitely harder to avoid couple more hits and all of my rage meter all raged up and I'll be able to one-shot him I'm pretty sure oh that's a new one okay here we go and laser oh did I not work oh I think I need a little bit more rage but I missed him it would have been heartbreaking how stops here we go laser dead perfect whatever that is it works great our reward for killing big idiot stick triple melee damage four axes and hammers no if I happen to find an axe or hammer at any point I will be doing some pretty big damage guards do not attack them please come forward come in fight you know I recognize you the witch said you might come here to help us she a my female or is the witch a female somebody's raising the dead in the catacombs yeah let me guess you want me to go take care of that you want to give me a weapon or some gold and I'm here to help you and you're a king No well at least give me one chest which has a key you know what a key I'll take I have a feeling this is gonna be harder yet a purple chest what's in there I see a whole bunch of coins I honestly don't know if it's worth the risk to go and grab that it's just a bunch of coins and I don't want any coins my finishing floor is something I want to buy I'll go back for that but until then not gonna risk it ooh these rooms are a little bit more difficult yep we're gonna have a tougher time avoiding all of these things for sure though my pets go into work in a hurry okay then again if I just kind of sit in these rows nothing can really hurt me if I'm between the stones I can attack up and down what are these twisted knives do a lot of damage I need a hammer or an axe oh because my triple damage thing you guys drop me a hammer an axe please or a green glowy sword there might be really cool it's gonna be hard to take a look at that which is why I'm going to move it as soon as I get close to it without taking damage okay it doesn't do a ton of damage but it does poison enemies and I'm already poisoning enemy so I don't need it he needs help how did you get in there like I feel like this is your own fault but I will get you out because I want that chest and I don't want to drink those I want to use bombs bombs it the way to go you're welcome ceiling fall down and I got stuck help me unlock this chest and I would be forever grateful okay well I get the stuff in the chest oh right know what I was expecting to find you can keep everything you're damn right I can another chest room it is just a bunch of coins in there and again I don't know if I wanna risk the damage on this you guys it's pretty easy to solve this one but when I'm up to $750 so as soon as I find an actual shop I'll be laughing again what didn't say no to an item shop oh there was my coin bonus oh I got to get out of here Oh dad it well that worked out Panik lightning for the win need to pay more attention to what I'm doing now Mele up and health down okay I'm not drinking anymore whatever that was finally found a shop again oh I think I like a look at that axon the end what's the big purple ball - and the sword for 900 what does that do i standing without dying what did he spikes for okay fake excalibur apparently is very expensive what is this that's effects arrows orbs and thrown weapons less damage shoot through obstacles the interest I think I want the borax Oh considering how much damage axes and hammers are doing and how do my help get so low was that poisoned I think I'm still poisoned oh wait why am i poison from standing on two spikes if I die right now I swear to God I don't have any healing potions left well I'm alive but only barely and I dropped my healing potions because I picked up my new axe so I'm gonna survive but that really worried me for a second and I'm gonna pick up that sword and hold under for now cuz it does have that cool lightning attack but I think my damage overall is gonna be enough to make up for that oh is this the boss already I should pay more attention might not be how well I'm doing big damage sure look how much I just did to him oh I was just gonna tank to him but I might not be able to okay we're gonna take a second to regroup here paying back nice and fire right going back that whole paying attention I wouldn't have walked into a boss fight quite like that getting new items to start I can't really find any of my poison type stuff but this one's interesting earns mana into gold this will give me so much gold moving forward I'll be able to do anything I want I'm just gonna have to actually play the game and kill enemies myself which is gonna be a bit of a change it actually takes so long to kill enemies I didn't realize that before that poison upgrade really was the best here's something interesting to combine with my coin chest that's one mana after each battle well that's gonna mean a lot more coins for me every three battles has an extra 100 coins unless I could be using all these mana potions I find to top myself back up and well that's just more extra coins 418 basically two rooms later no if I could just find myself a proper item shop I'd really be happy I remember three chests have probably worked - if I'm quick enough I think I can only burn myself once doing this maybe not but you know what that's fine freeze immunity sure that's a shield for less damage will take some healing potion for sure we're gonna need some just get through this stupid River and this helped down frustration up I don't really care about free stration that much and the satchel for next inventory slot 3 is definitely the minimum I would take the bus is different than he was last time this isn't usual frase boss so far it's not really much more difficult though it just kind of rolls his head around what's the while and does that long as you're paying attention you'll be good which is kind of a weak spot for me well it wasn't a particularly quick battle but it's done and I got an axe that I think I'm gonna like 1088 gold and I find the item shop stuff that I don't want everything definitely is a lot harder without the poison right here's a nice hammer that should help meat more damage + enemies drop more gold yes please not that I really feel like I need any more gold but if I do find the right items I'd rather have the gold and not have it Plus this hammer is a ton of damage if you hit them with the big thing even maybe this attack yeah 53 ooh plus x-two I got excited about the extra poison damage for a second then I remembered I don't do poison damage anymore and I think right now also gold is healing me I'm not sure if I'm still collecting it but it is at least healing me wow look at this room this is going to be a nightmare when you wish I had my poison damage right now yeah this is probably gonna be the end of me just cuz I can't physically deal with this many things at once dead that was so many chests oh wow
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 578,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: df, son of a witch, dangerously, funny, dangerously funny, pc, relic, boss, upgrade, dangerouslyfunny, son of a witch game, son of a witch gameplay, When You Finally Find The Perfect Upgrades
Id: 0ahccAJe0m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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