I Upgraded My Harpoon To Catch The Rarest Fish

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today instead of trying to catch the fish with bait we're just straight up gonna spear them this is kind of just a much more efficient way of catching the fish and if we catch enough of them in a row we get extra points for combos which means we get to catch even more fish because these are pretty basic fish for now and this is a pretty basic harpoon i can only get really one at a time and i have limited range i can't even stab the big lime one and i'm already out of oxygen i have a finite amount it runs out especially as i use my harpoon but i did make 204 dollars for my trouble and then because i'm here they're gonna give me a bonus of two thousand tomorrow i get this dog but i'd rather just have the money the harpoon we're currently using has very little penetration so i don't like that we're gonna spend one thousand to upgrade it just a little bit and then we're also gonna upgrade our air tank once twice just so we can stay down there a little longer because one thing i noticed is that the longer i'm down here the more fish start to appear still not sure if we can grab the lime ones but we might be able to grab multiple fish at once now the problem is i am running out of oxygen as long as i'm down here so i just really should be stabbing anything at all i do also have these handy net upgrades so when i want to fire those out i can catch a whole bunch of fish at once a very big fish has gone by but of course i can't harpoon it yet so it's just teasing me basically there's a bunch of lime fish that i also can't get maybe i can have that fish though it looks small come here let me stab you we need more penetration well this has been pretty much a disaster so far but that's okay because we made 365 dollars by catching 15 whole fish i'm not even going to try to buy upgrades with that i'm just going to go stab more fish maximum penetration this time i'm going to be a little more cautious and try and get a combo of fish going because if you get a combo you get a multiplier and i missed after like five whole fish so i'm just gonna focus on whatever happens to be closest and looks the most valuable like the nemo fish and i apparently still haven't speared a jellyfish yet but they are kind of small and hard to hit uh eventually there we go oh okay they just shock you anyway and they're not even worth as much as a clown fish but now i do know what they are and this cat is pointing to what he wants which is for icy fish for 480 dollars which is gonna be good because we're not making money quick enough it's gonna cost 1430 to get more air so again we're mostly just going to go for the combo and the quest fish is clearly here at least i think it is it's a little hard to tell at this point to be fair to the game i do kind of need this kind of guidance normally or i don't really pay attention the next one i stab will be a 10 fish combo actually i might already be there so there's an 11 fish combo but even then i've been doing very good my oxygen is already running out so we're gonna take a clownfish and be on our way so after all of that we got 281 dollars we now have a total of 979 plus 480 from our cat but that's just enough to give me a little bit more oxygen so we're going from 133 liters to 144 so that's like a 10 increase once i start making a little more money we can buy electric bombs bait and large fish nets to help me make even more money i'm gonna try a different approach this time though oxygen goes down quicker as i use my spear gun so if i sit and wait we'll get more valuable fish okay we hit 40 and we're starting to find some of the new ones and we can actually penetrate them so this is actually working out pretty well as long as i can actually hit the damn fish they're a little bit quicker but i'm sure they're a lot more valuable so we're going to try and focus on only okay we can't get those ones but we can get the mean green ones and we're going to try very hard to do that because only three of them was worth 146 so we're on to something with our strategy i just realized i can catch the big green fish i just need to spear them twice and i'm okay with multiple stabbings in fact i prefer it that way the problem is they don't always wander super close and they're very slow about making their way over can't hit it there got it once and oh i actually stabbed it once there they're usually worth quite a bit of money this one should be worth a little bit more because i got a lot more valuable fish out of the deal 560. because i got 278 for one of the really big limes there's also a light bulb swimming around that i've never seen before so that's probably pretty rare so i'm going to want to stab it as soon as it wants to come close enough to get stabbed i feel like my harpoon aims high and i scared it away will it come back that's golden whatever that is we're getting some cool fish showing up now got that one and that seems to turn everything into money that was three thousand dollars i need to remember also that i can rapid fire my harpoon i don't really need to wait my harpoon seems to aim just a little bit higher than where i'm actually cursoring onto okay so the goldfish was worth 3 000 by itself eight of the money fish were 1600 and the boring fish were boring fish so we could upgrade our harpoon or we could buy a new one like the triple harpoon it fires three harpoons at once but it's got short range and high oxygen cost given that it's mostly boring fish it show up right away i don't want to waste a lot of oxygen so we're gonna upgrade uh the pink harpoon two times because now we have moderate amounts of penetration more rate of fire speed and rope length so this is day eight and it said rough ocean i'm not really sure what that means but hopefully we'll see some new stuff i guess i might as well test out my new spear gun for now seems to go a little bit quicker and i'm not sure what kind of length we get on it but it's definitely more i guess we could try putting some bait out uh as soon as there's more fish on the screen to actually make it worth my while let's just kind of go like that just to see how this works so they're all going to come in to swarm that and then we could use the net to get a whole bunch of them at once that was only 167 dollars but the idea is pretty solid i'm trying to stab there we go got him took a few steps for whatever reason but i got him now we're just gonna go in a stabbing fest because there's all sorts of more valuable fish on the screen actually we should probably just net like everything including the new jellyfish because that was 252 dollars by itself probably shouldn't spear them though but in total that was 692 dollars for the variety of idiots we caught and this cat now wants six quattros and that is just the kind of thing i would love to waste my time doing okay we're on to wave three now we're not seeing a lot of valuable fish yet so we're gonna be patient and now we're starting to see some of the good stuff so let's throw some of the bait out there so hopefully we get some to swarm then we're gonna catch four of them at once and that's a new fish it is very quick though they go and burst so you gotta get them at the end of their burst uh you know what we're gonna use another bit of bait and another net because this is gonna be a lot of valuable stuff whoops net out and got them so our value for that little mess was 230 for those guys 52 for one of those 843 total that's a bonus from this cat which puts me up to 3 600 of which we're going to spend 2 300 on an air tank which should give us another almost 10 percent and that's going to help us get into some of the further waves i'm not even going to worry about the first two unless i see a big limey fish then i'm definitely going to stab it and more of the bluefish are showing up earlier on so if i can get a hold of them i certainly will just speared another new fish and uh managed to do before anything ate it gonna throw a little bit of bait out there because we're running out of time hopefully more fish come in to grab that but we'll take what we can get including the big limey fish didn't get the salmon thing would like to get a salmon thing can we get one of those everyone in the middle there's a puffer fish oh and a big lime too all the good fish are showing up just at the end where i can't quite get them but that was worth 878 because we're getting quite an assortment of fish so on this day i'm again going to be patient and wait till the end before i start shooting my harpoon although i haven't tried one of these electric mines yet i wonder what they do well that actually makes a lot of sense well since you're stuck there we're gonna stab you and i just realized that actually gave me some oxygen back when i caught the big fish i never really considered the fact that well thanks for that they're catching some of the fish could actually give me oxygen back so those ones give you air oh look at the size of that thing maybe a sea mine will help we electrocute everything and then get them oh we got some turtles too i bet those are delicious at least i think they were turtles and we're getting all sorts of purple fish and stuff now too all right get some bait out in the water then we're going to collect a whole bunch of everything oh that's a really big fish i bet that's worth something so many new things to stab so little time oh hopefully i reel that in first i reeled it after that countdown i think he was worth 314. whatever the case we're starting to make some money 1802 total for that plus an extra 900 coins if i want to sell out which i'm gonna so that excitingly means more oxygen for another probably 10 ish boost so now i can be down here even longer and find even rarer fish so currently i can start wave 4 at about 50 oxygen i really want to stab the air fish though got him so we're gonna get a little boost from that that actually gives me a big boost in oxygen and i probably should at some point start paying attention to what fish really are worth the most i know these ones are and there's another oxygen fish we're gonna try and get so let's bait the water again that's gonna lure in all the stupid fish and then we're going to net all the stupid fish just like that there's another oxygen fish back up to 54 and that's a new fish all right how many times do you have to penetrate it three times and more new fish uh i'm just gonna let my harpoon go because i need to start reeling in some of these things the bait is out in the water the big fish don't seem to like the bait very much though so let's just stab it until we get somewhere kind of electrocuted myself so that's not exactly optimal and we're out of air so the big ugly yellow one was worth 500 all by itself which is probably the most valuable of anything i can catch right now but i'm gonna do something that's also really smart and buy a triple harpoon shotgun type right now just to try something different and our cat wants three tangs it'll give me 1440. and i'll do anything for money so this is an easy choice but since my harpoon does use a lot of oxygen i gotta be very selective about how often i fire it do i try and stab the oxygen fish i don't really have the range for that right now that's not good do i get extra for lime fish i am wasting so much oxygen now i literally just said i wasn't gonna do this and here i am doing it it does fire a lot out so if we get oxygen fish it's worth it okay since these guys are the quest i can go like this because i don't think bait and nets uh cost me anything they just make me a whole bunch of money when i do that the wave six just started and look at that thing i have no idea what that is but i want it and everything else in there oh hello well you know what oh i didn't want to get stabbed but i did make sixteen hundred dollars because i caught the heart fish and a whole bunch of other things including two of those and i already finished the cat quest so that's an easy fourteen hundred dollars plus i usually get some uh stuff in the mail which i'm sure is great but i don't read it this shotgun harpoon is kind of fun but at the same time i think it uses too much oxygen i'm too trigger happy i need one more like this so i'm going to go back to using this but don't worry we'll buy another new one soon large smack grouping what's a smack still haven't caught one of those and i'm very tempted to stab it right now too late i was going to but there's an oxygen fish so you get down here that puts me with 82 percent we just started wave five i still have 50 oxygen so some good things should start to appear there's another air fish at the top and i really need to try and get that it's worth more than the other fish right now if it keeps me alive longer but it's going to make things difficult so we're going to try and lure it with some bait and that's going to work pretty nicely because we'll also make some money getting all that oh we didn't get the oxygen fish now we did so we go from 20 to 44 and we need a little purple thing so let's throw some bait out there and hopefully the purple things like those and we even grabbed the red one out of that mix is probably very good for the ecosystem there's a few new fish still there's so many things to stab in so little time that that stupid other fish ate right off my hook but i'm kind of getting used to that feeling give me you at least okay we're gonna have to take care of these before getting other fish i get it now for that little mess 1870 and that puts me up to 6 943 which is almost enough for a sniper harpoon which is probably better but doesn't look as exciting as the canon harpoon but we'll get there and apparently we have a dream we can go to okay we're just supposed to kind of bounce around and catch whatever we can catch here i'm sure these are going to be valuable i'm not really sure how this works you know i'm going to be really lazy to show some bait out there and then use the nut because that usually works pretty good for me i see we maneuver ourselves with our own harpoon so it kind of has force to guide us around but let's draw in more fish with the bait and then grab a whole bunch here that's definitely earning us a lot of money and we probably get oxygen if we run into it very slowly making our way to the oxygen bubbles kind of wish i brought more everything because this is a lot of money i'm having double stabbing things because it's very uncontrollable and my harpoon is very loose to aim got a bowling ball though we're fishing in space we earn 3 811 which is more than i thought i would ever earn for fishing in space so let's unlock our sniper harpoon for only 7 000 we can even give it its first upgrade which gave it a little more of everything good and now we wait okay there's our first air fish and we can actually lock right onto them now with a sniper harpoon we use a lot of oxygen but we can lock on which is very helpful going to need more penetration because we can't really hit them super far out but we'll definitely take you i do like this harpoon though really takes the effort out of it and i'm very lazy just very patiently waiting for more and more fish to show up so far nothing new of interest but it usually waits till the very end so i'm gonna throw a little bit of bait out there see what bites and we're just gonna take that for now because bakers can't be choosers would love to get that air fish up top but i'm not gonna have time now still earned 927 on a pretty boring run and the cat now wants five blowfish for 2400 apparently today we have a crowded ocean which is good because i watched an ad so i come armed with five nuts today we're at wave five and we're seeing a lot of annoying fish so i'm just gonna send a mine out and hopefully just kind of kill them i don't even want them i just want them to die and also there's an oxygen fish out there that i really want so we're going to try and move everything out of the way so we can stab him that put me back up to about 40 at least and we're gonna try and get the rest of the blowfish might as well use all this bait since we brought it all in because we're going to make a lot of money just off the heads of fish so i'm not even gonna have time to use it i kind of hit continue so we're just gonna keep going with this for a second and that's okay about me because we've got all these things to use up still like this nut once they're out of the way we can get more air this is the first time we've been into wave 9 as far as i know so that's going to have some new and hopefully more valuable fish we're going to lure everyone in especially those little green annoying fish because they eat all my good fish and with that my quest is at least done i haven't really seen anything new so what we're gonna do is throw some bait out and then we're gonna throw a bomb out just you know to electrocute fish no reason in particular that bunch of beautiful fish was worth thirty one hundred and thirty seven dollars plus a mysterious sixteen hundred extra plus the twenty four hundred dollars i got for the blowfish so nine thousand dollars to spend six thousand of which is going into our harpoon to make it even better more penetration so let's see if we can get a clear shot at dummy here to test our new speargun upgrade and that was not what i was aiming at got him one hit though for oxygen is pretty good gonna throw out a c mine there to hopefully get a clear shot at the oxygen fish and i got him definitely needed that because that put us back to 50 and basically i just wait because i'm gonna throw out some bait pretty soon to try and catch some valuables those fish that keep eating my stuff are getting really annoying kind of forgot the amount of uh oxygen this spear gun uses so i need to use it kind of sparingly 25 hundred dollars for all of those and i actually do make a lot of money off the annoying fish so i should be working harder to remove them eight thousand dollars means an even better air tank so we're gonna go from 167 liters to 178. and i just realized the canon harpoon has lots of penetration so we're going to need 20 grand for that if someone wants to pay out got my first oxygen fish at wave four so that's gonna put us back up to eighty percent and we've already got a goldfish wandering and we don't normally see them this early on there's another oxygen fish we're hopefully gonna reel in before the other fish notice and there's another big goldfish over there so i'm going to see if i can lure in some of these because there's actually quite a few valuable fish it more or less just disappeared but we'll take all that and then the limey there's another air fish if we can get to him but he's a long ways up there come on oh i'm gonna run out of air again well i tried i agreed to watch an ad for more i made a deal with the devil again because you get so into this you just want more and more fish i can't help it we need the bigger harpoon for these things i cannot yeah only seventeen hundred dollars for that so it's gonna take a minute to get the 20 000 we need after like 80 stabs we finally caught one of the big blue ones and i put a lot of resources into doing that because i was determined and yeah we're going to sacrifice this because i'm way too committed to give up now and i've still got a whole bunch of bombs and stuff to spend to get rid of the annoying fish so we're gonna try and do that once we get both green ones kind of in the middle and then we'll just go ahead and net whatever's out there anyways big blue was worth 1650 by himself we made 4 500 on this individual run plus 2300 for this so after grinding up a few dollars we're up to 21 000 which is enough for mega penetration the upgrades for this start at 4 400 and that's a massive oxygen cost well it definitely looks like a bigger cannon and here's the first chance to fire it at the big oxygen fish and we definitely speared it all at once so that was pretty easy definitely as good penetration at a very far out and i'm seeing a valuable fish that i'm gonna toss some uh food out whoops didn't mean to fire that out again didn't mean to fire this wanted the nut whenever you're ready there it is but speaking of these fish yeah we can one shot these now which is nice we can even get a few fish what about the big jellyfish right they still electrocute us but i think i penetrated it enough yeah we definitely brought that in with us so let's uh throw some more bait out there and properly this time get the net out take all of that and then penetrate everything out there i do like the fact that we can one shot a lot of these fish that makes a lot easier for me and it's actually more efficient use of oxygen and we're so close to being done and being able to do the deeper side i'm not really sure what i still have to catch but i'm gonna penetrate it good when i find it and look who decided to show up nice and early we still can't one shot him or two shot or three shot do we need to electrocute him i don't really get how to get him i'm also for now just gonna bait and do that maybe he has to be close still even with this big cannon that's pretty close got em don't know why they take so many shots there's probably a bit of a method to it but i'm stupid also wasted a ton of oxygen getting that one fish apparently have a mission to grab those there's another big blue idiot i don't think i'm gonna have time to grab him though so we're gonna focus on what we can grab which is pretty much everything else despite my failures we still made forty two hundred dollars plus two thousand this canon harpoon still isn't doing it for me so we're gonna upgrade it 4 400 to get more penetration also because we're going back into dreamland and since i'm armed with my new harpoon we should do better here than we did before especially considering we know how to get more oxygen this time and just a little bit and better how to play so we're gonna use that and then we're gonna catch all of that and that's a whole bunch of new stuff and sixteen hundred dollars then i'm gonna head for those oxygen bubbles as quick as i can because those are two big ones that put me back up to one hundred percent and we're still so early in the waves but we're just gonna go ahead and take what we can get while we can mostly just trying to be patient and wait for something new or valuable looking while also chasing oxygen bubbles whenever i can there's the first new fish and it's a tough one even with my super penetration i couldn't get it yet but we will take one of those guys as soon as my harpoon wants to aim or i'm aiming it there we go got him oh this is also new would you like to be penetrated i'm a little squirly with my aim but don't worry with enough tries i will get it where i want it that was a very good shot right in the face and i think i got it that time it's also very easy to get stuck on the edges and the bubbles tend to be not in the edges so i need to move myself back into the middle and another new one the new ones are always very tough they've got to be very close and i got to stab them usually multiple times even with my massive penetration and we're getting multiple new things because we're into wave six now and there's a another new thing that looks like spaghetti we're gonna get the spaghetti fish hopefully and there's a unicorn fish oh look at that thing i don't know what that is but i want it come here i must penetrate you oh i'm gonna run out of air and that's not where i'm aiming okay space doesn't work that great come on i sacrificed watching an ad please just aim where i'm aiming you seven grand for space even with my new slightly upgraded penetration the blue fish are very resistant and since i've saved up twenty thousand dollars again we can actually buy ourselves a better boat which means we can go to ocean cave and find all sorts of new things to penetrate look at the oxygen levels drop though it's dropping like a rock i gotta watch that one wave two has started and i'm actually gonna try and catch a bunch of these just so i can get something out of this deal and there we go we're getting some new stuff 293 entire dollars i'm gonna need more error but i'm pretty sure this is also the new air fish oh they're also very resistant oh this isn't a good start okay we're gonna stab there we go hopefully the air goes up and nope it's just a bit of a valuable fish okay well let's throw some bait out there and make some money while we can and we have crabs now this much penetration simply leads to crabs that's an oxygen fish for sure but we didn't get it we spent twenty thousand dollars and got massive penetration to make twelve hundred dollars back well i guess there's always next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 806,755
Rating: 4.9499722 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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