Mephisto's Corner ep.1: Black Eyed Kids

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to Mephisto scorner a podcast where we discuss the unexplainable the paranormal and our more bit of reality thank you for joining us as we add fuel to your nightmares I'm your host ready to glare with my co-host Jacob so go ahead and turn the lights off in your house light a scented candle of your choice and sprinkle a circle of some pink Himalayan salt around yourself because we are going to get spooky for this episode today's episode is on the phenomenon and sightings of black-eyed kids black-eyed kids or black-eyed children Bek for short are a contemporary legend of supposed paranormal creatures that resemble children between the ages of 6 and 16 with pale skin and jet-black eyes reportedly seen hitchhiking or panhandling or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes they are primarily an American urban legend as sightings internationally seemed to be much more scarce we will start with a reading of an encounter with the Bek I stumbled upon via reddit it was by a user named Bailey Diane and it reads as follows I had a real encounter I was working in an office that did mainly business-to-business sales and rentals since we weren't in a great part of town and we weren't exactly open to the public I kept the door to her office locked the only way to work the lock was with a key from either side I'd stepped out to go on a sales call we had tint on her door that allowed me to see out but was a mirror tint from the outside I tended to look out before leaving because it was a rough area and I was a young female working alone this was about 12 years ago so I was in my mid-20s I looked out and there were two young men walking about a block for me no big deal that could easily be safely to my car before they reached where I was before I know it the kids both looked around 15 ish were much closer than they should have been like they had walked a city block in a split second my flight-or-fight kicked in I had no reason to be afraid but I felt deep fear so I went back inside and locked the door from the inside I'm not sure how to describe the fear I felt that led me to rush back inside these kids started banging on the door only one of the two spoke he said we need a phone lettuce in I yelled no through the door he kept banging on my glass doors so hard it was vibrating I threatened to call the cops they kept banging and begging to use the phone I finally got brave enough to get a better look at them so I could give a description to the police and their eyes were pitch-black I'm not super religious but I just yelled in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave and they disappeared just vanished I had never heard of the BK phenomenon before this event yeah the black-eyed children phenomenon after reading a bunch of encounters gave me a sense of anxiety just reading in them it was very chilling to read all these encounters because I kept thinking what if I experienced one of these encounters I would have an existential crisis and I feel like it would truly change me from the very core but yeah after reading some of these counters with the beat cave noticed a certain pattern in which it all goes down you're right there is a basic pattern though of course there always gonna be accounts with variations it is somewhat formulaic in that many accounts follow a similar narrative it happens at night there's consistent tapping that can't be ignored at first the BK don't speak much the person is immediately fearful or has a negative gut feeling kids demand to use the phone or say their parents left them or appeal to emotions in any other way the person ends up feeling drained after the encounter even if they don't let in the Bek and an observation of many of these BK encounters is of experiences where the BK are not being let in which drives the questions what do they want what are they and where are they from and what happens if they're led in the most chilling one yet based on my personal research the knocking is often portrayed as mechanical in the sense that is unnatural and rhythmic as if it were a metronome so these witnesses claim than knocking starts and it's like to me that's creepy if I heard that knock myself it's super somber it kind of reminds me of like just like the dreaded knock and like horror movies or thrillers where a knock is relatively you know not a personality trait or anything but based on a knock I hear I can know whether it's you or whether it's just bad now she's coming right away yeah the normal knock is like yeah you know maybe not sound like clicking of a tongue but you know what I mean but yeah I mean and witnesses of the bek out and they feel that these children are not human and that they have the sense of superiority over these victims they are predators and the humans feel the sense that they are prey I mean even though these strange feelings are hypnotic and almost telepathic telepathic the flight-or-fight instinct doesn't often kick in for these victims and they're rooted to the spot until a point in which they debating demand to be let in and that's when they kind of snap back at in reality and and realize I ain't got time for this I ain't going out this way and they use various reasons to enter your home you know the most common ones are scuse me said I may use your restroom please to have a shape and our common one also is that I need to use your phone please can I come and use your phone and a one such strange example of an encounter of the black-eyed children-- even asked to use a telegraph a Telegraph I don't even know where the telegraph was at a google it and it made me laugh because I had also read that the black-eyed children-- might sometimes have outdated clothing yeah there are some accounts where they also have like outdated haircuts where they have some bowl cut that looks like it comes from a paper boy in the 1920s all of the twist style the wearing trousers and stuff and their little hats like a stack of papers being like extra extra read all about it like that they typically ask to be let in at first and then upon refusal they start to demand it and there are accounts of them like continuing to knock and scream to be let in the children are not threatened by calls to the police and they aren't afraid of physical threats I've heard one encounter in which they let out a distorted high-pitched scream and crying after having the door slammed on them and as you said maybe that's not the way to like emotionally appeal to their victim to maybe make them reconsider but yeah Ben yeah I mean I would think that maybe crying or whimpering might work better and in the sense that they're underlining the fact that they're so small and vulnerable and oh my god if you don't help them what's gonna happen but if you let out them it's like I'm closing the door and you've twice six straight I'm gonna kick you down my porch so as mentioned in many of the encounters in which the Bek weren't even let in the victims experience physical repercussions in multiple accounts they felt nauseated as well as drained some experienced nightmares and could no longer sleep soundly for a while in terms of the history of the Bek there are varying reports some have said that tales of the Bek have been - since the 1950s and 1980s but most claim it truly began in 1996 in 1996 in Abilene Texas a reporter named Brian Bethel describes two encounters with Bek his stories are now deemed as classics that laid the groundwork for others to come forward and this topic seems to be somewhat controversial in the sense that there have been reports predating Bethel's encounter but even still it's widely accepted that his is one of the first to appear on the Internet the very least so I'm have it suggested that since he posts it on the internet about the black-eyed children that it created a new creepypasta and that many are fabrications or exaggerations suggesting questions such as are these just kids weird kids hi kids Amish kids you know you know we all know there are weird people out there I mean look at Florida you know I think these skeptics are doubtful of you know the existence of the children maybe see it as a more logical explanation like kids acting strange or even this is like a hoax or trying to mess with someone and they've also observed that the lack of Bek encounters in which they're actually let in if these BK were telepathic and geared as predators you know maybe they ought to have had a better success rate I mean right that would make sense if they're that smart yeah why would they have you know actually done what it is they need to do absolutely and I think there's a convenient response to this and that is dead men tell no tales luckily for us there are at least a few encounters online of the Bek being led in so initially I too thought that it was strange that very few people let them in but then again when you have that gut reaction it's best to listen to it I would have slammed the door I now though have perfectly valid and to not open the door to any child whatsoever yeah absolutely I don't like to answer the door to anyone I'm like what are you trying to sell me you know and I always question these people who let the black-eyed children like you don't notice that they're honors are completely black they have knocked weird they're acting strange or wearing up clothes outdated clothes like what is this kid a part of a play and I just imagine like the scenario going like like this you know like oh hi kids how are you what are you selling some Girl Scout cookies and then obviously they're like I need to have a shite in the bathroom and that's how it all goes down thank you for that enactment so here is an example of one bkr ledin from a book titled the black-eyed kids by G Michael Phase II in one widely reported instance the bek were allowed into the home and with disastrous consequences the story of the encounter follows the now all-too-familiar horrifying sequence of an unexpected knock at the door at 2:00 a.m. two small children stand there and the man answering the door inexplicably was totally unnerved by them thinking the kids got lost or perhaps there had been an accident he lets the kids in and his wife makes cocoa for them he keeps asking them what has happened and they keep on repeating not to worry as their parents would be there soon the scared and concerned couple started to notice that their pets were behaving strangely the husband began also to feel dizzy and strange as he sat with the kids when the woman of the house returns with the cocoa she almost dropped it when they look at her and she sees that their eyes are completely black at this point the kids asked to use the restroom and husband and wife start to discuss the scene his nose starts to bleed profusely then just as inexplicably the power goes out and they find themselves in darkness they stand in the darkness and total fear until suddenly the kids leave abruptly saying that their parents have arrived leaving the front door wide open outside the one we can see a car idling on the street and two tall dark suited adults after a while the power came back on but after that nothing was the same the cat's disappeared the pet bird died of a hemorrhage in a pool of blood in its cage the husband's nosebleeds became progressively worse and was then diagnosed with skin cancer meanwhile the wife also began to suffer dizzy spells and nosebleeds heavy encounter with the Bek caused this that is pretty creepy dude the fact the husband felt those physical effects and the cats got all up hell no anyway this story is a great tool for us to use in order to better understand or at least try to understand what the BTK are and what they might want of course the Internet has a significant amount of theories on the Bek it begs a lot of like it brings up a lot of questions are they killed immediately do they die slowly throughout life are they being fed on after that encounter at the point where they're it's chronic they're obviously theorists are everywhere with this phenomenon there are theories that there are interdimensional beings or even vampires however the only evidence to suggest that either of these T two theories are true is that when these encounters incur the witness is often claimed that everything else seems to go quiet and there they're almost dragged into a different realm where no outside forces can help which would explain why they aren't threatened by police calls or physical violence because no outside forces can help you and for the latter theory of vampires apparently the black-eyed children must be invited in a very in a very clearly manner in order to enter the home for me the idea that they needed to be let in makes sense for the next theory as well that they are soul sucking demons which leads me to assume that when they are asking and demand and they may not be talking about just your home they want that juicy succulent soul I think if they came into our homes they would leave hungry yeah they'd be like this empty why didn't anyone tell me this place is some of us already hit this home and it's somehow they're unaffected my soul has already been taken by another black eyed child but somehow I'm fine maybe my consistent disappointment is what was like trigger I felt like that was just an appetizer what is this let's go to the neighbor's house but you know this this theory of that there soul sucking demons is what possibly explain these ill effects that victims experience and that to completely claim your soul they your life must be taken as well and that would maybe explain why the diseases that are caused that can cause death and the fact that survivors aren't gentlemen or people haven't survived you know can't tell their story because these disastrous consequences were death because of these children right and there's one account that supports the soul eaters or vampire theory and this one also comes from the black-eyed kids by G Michael Bay Z so in this particular account a couple was getting into their car and two kids approached them trying to get a ride somewhere the couple declined upon seeing the suspicious nature of these kids on top of the biggest red flag which is beady black eyes you can't then details that these kids said the only way we can come in is if we're invited that to me screams vampire can we hit a rat dave and buster's please yeah okay this is like a trope of you know vampires right the can eat garlic because they don't like flavor they can't see themselves in mirrors even though they look damn good and that they can't come into your home uninvited so they often kind of trick you into it I think vampires are more subtle than black-eyed children which mean you please me to the conclusion that this is complete BS consider vampires you sneaky ways like oh I bought this pot roast for you let me in I'll welcome you to the neighborhood well black-eyed kids are like can I use your Telegraph please that's fine you're allowed to be wrong I've seen enough Tru Blood for the entire population of the United States slash maybe the universe to know they need to be goddamn let in to go in and have sex with Sookie well my vampires okay they sparkle in the sunlight so I don't we don't do Twilight in this yeah okay yeah yeah okay so if these are demons where where where did they come from that they just come out of like some dark coal mine in one day being like I need you to have a shot need to use stranger's bathroom on and then leave with us so well yeah so in the book the black-eyed kids a theory is brought up that these could be descendants of the demon Lilith and for those of you who do not know Lilith is described as the dangerous demon of the night which could explain that many Bek encounters occur in the dead of night she is apparently the equivalent of a demon thought who steals baby because she is apparently a seductress kind of type and you know those premiums snapchat models looking for money show the booty so she's on Instagram wearing booty shorts and in the background you see a little baby and she's like xoxo babies for sale check lickin bio Lilith is variously depicted as the mothers sorry that's a mother of Adam's demonic offspring following his separation from Eve which was a nasty divorce right well yeah I mean the Garden of Eden must have a terrible divorce court cause like you know I got to write this in that people shouldn't get divorced damn we need to stop maybe I should maybe I should change that so whereas Eve was created from Adam's rib Genesis 222 some accounts hold that Lilith was the woman implied in Genesis 1:27 and was made from the same soil as Adam Lilith left Adam and the perfection of garden Eden according to some mythologies or demonic offspring were sired by an arc angel named Samuel aka Big D exam and we're not Adams progeny those children are sometimes identified as incubi or succubi and this is my own personal kind of crazy paranoid theory is that the Bek might be the children of the victims of incubi and succubi with a shared ability to suck Souls or they might be the stolen babies which have been imbued with the powers to suck Souls given to by their crazy mother I'm just thinking about what her handle would be on Instagram and I think it would be really funny to imagine it as like Lilith thought like oh is like a zero and it's a duh instead of that she's like I like when you use my own tail to choke me Jesus Christ all right so they're like death eaters but instead of Voldemort it's Lilith I really love the reference as a harry potter fan as you know but yes but actually they're more like life eaters or soul ears because they eat that like the bucket of KFC hot wings thanks anyway another theory is the alien one and no shade but seriously whenever people don't have answers they turn to aliens anyway pushing my clear bias aside let's talk extraterrestrials one of the main reasons the alien theory is so popular is due to the men in black phenomenon the men in black are known to be generally silent appear as if out of nowhere and usually intimidate people some online forms even claim that the men in black exist in order to scare people out of reporting their sightings anyway physically speaking the men in black obviously are not wearing goddamn pastels they're in dark clothes have sunglasses on and often wear the abomination to fashion that are fedoras tip my hat to you milady I'm gonna kick you out men in black are also known to knock on doors at night as you can see the parallels with the Bek are evident some say the men in black wears sunglasses to hide their black eyes aren't they just adult versions of Bek a common theme between men and black and the Bek is that they both have a hidden agenda and seem to meanly come out at night underlining that they want to be noticed but also crave concealment at the same time maybe bkr a way for aliens to gather information on us it's convenient in that children are connected to purity and vulnerability so most would want to protect them by letting them in is this a calculated way for aliens to find out well I don't buy it I feel crazy but I definitely tend to believe the demon slash Soul Eater route imagine thinking aliens are inconceivable but demons are completely logical this goes to show how complex all this is I am offended I'm strongly a believer of like alien theories I love them they get me give me the kicks you know so to add to this you're a tease alien theory in the men and black theory an observation I made was in the story that we just read where the children said my parents will arrive soon and you mentioned that the men in black are theorized to be black-eyed children or black eyed adults I should say what if the men in black are the parents of these black-eyed children or maybe grown out versions of them which would explain why a lot of men in black theories describe them with like chalky skin they act strange walk weird don't really know how to like walk naturally they seem to be just off-color yeah so me but not the men in black like what if they're just so fed up with their kids and these these black-eyed children we're not supposed to be running into him like the men in black are just like again we gotta go fetch him yeah so the people in the car are just like god damn it Marcus I asked you to stay out and watch television and you left to use someone's phone we have a phone sorry daddy can I use your restroom and also stop talking to me like that you're great dude yeah okay well also another thing to add to the only in theory so you know like the alleged cases of aliens abducting humans to create some hybrid race of alien humans you know maybe these little bastards come back home like yo it's me your boy let me in I'm your son I'm home I'm home and then you know obviously the unwilling parents are like what so the kid reports them to the Maury show and they do like a case where it's like are you the father and the person's like they look nothing like me and then the persons like you are the father and the guys like in this situation I'd rather a bit of a Jerry Springer type thing where people start hitting each other and yeah I'm biased but speaking of hey demons it's me yeah boy enter the white eyed kids you know because black eyed children or even just regular ass kids aren't annoying enough the white eyed children or wek are parallels the Bek in many ways an account that was posted on reddit that is now deleted details and interaction with a wek the redditor mentioned that this child approached him while in his car asking for him to unlock the door and let him in this guy was a veteran and not easily scared but he liked other stories with a Bek felt a negative gut reaction he stated he almost rolled down his window and let the white eyed child in but his instincts kicked in and he sped off in the rear view mirror he noticed the child didn't move at all as he drove away he later had a second quasi interaction where he noticed a set of handprints child sized handprints on the passenger side door needless to say he was disturbed and as we would all be he was tired of this he's like I just wax my car and I got it you're sweaty greasy hands on it yeah I've seen it suggested that the what our children are actually in control of the black-eyed children which would make sense have you considered the theory that eye color is said to represent what demons are all about and even their rank for example wide eyed demons are described as no joke the demon Chiefs of Staff I don't know what color I is the press secretary for demons but I found this a very strange way to word it the Bek the black eyed soldier herbs black-eyed children are like soldiers or minions they're just like the palm almost so speak while there are even yellow-eyed demon who are like generals and the red-eyed demons which are cunning dealmakers and I've actually noticed that after further research of this that the color of ice goes into the seven princes of hell as well for example pink eyes means lust golden means pride crimson means wrath oranges gluttony Envy is blue greed is green and sloth is purple and these represent the seven deadly sins which I thought was very fascinating I mean at this point I just feel like there's a huge ass Walmart with several floors of demon children with different eye colors like the ones with green eyes working gardening and plants and and the ones with black eyes are in the fashion section and so on it just sounds like they work at Walmart or Costco and have different sectors actually you know I've actually had uhm this is absolutely serious um I've had an experience with the red eyed kids they're demons one day I was going by some marijuana an outside of the dispensary I saw some rad kids they're often seen eating Oreos and playing hacky sack so they're not really much to worry about they sound like they get bullied they're like yeah this is the kind of people that probably get fooled by blackett give me 20 bucks these kids and they need to have a okay so serious question the people who report these happenings do we know that they don't live in Florida because if that's the case case is solved we have our examination lourdes full instead of the Mothman in florida they have the meth man yes and the black-eyed children following him they're like can I get some of that so okay what do you make of all this where do you stand here from one being not believing it at all to ten being a totally convinced where are you at well I mean okay my desire to believe they exist is much stronger than me actually believing they exist so with that I will say probably a four and that's an optimistic four I think it makes for great stories and speculation which is fun and interesting like what we're doing now but until I experience it for myself that's what these are they're just stories even though when I was reading these encounters I got anxiety and it stressed me out and I woke up in the middle night like every time I hear the knock on the door now I'm a check to see what's out there so there's some aspect of me being like paranoid about it and it creeped me out but I think that's the effect of any scary story should have on someone so I think this is kind of that what's going on right now so do I necessarily believe they're true no but chants they are ain't looking out I ain't answering the door anyone so I think people might ask me why you know I want the BK to exist because my strong desire to believe they exist because even if they're evil I guess I would say that my interest in the paranormal is it might answer questions about the nature of human existence and our spiritual being even if there are creatures out there to capture our souls and even saying that come off as a spiritual person who goes to Whole Foods and to buy rose' and celery but I steal I am NOT but I like to believe that we have souls and even these even though these like illegitimate demon children are out there to get them I just feel like it would be nice to know that there's some sort of soul and that it means so much that these evil little are out there trying to get it you know so I mean how about you or I mean what are you saying on it I'd say I'm out of 2.5 and I certainly was generous with that one so while the formulaic nature of these happenings make sense in the same way that crimes to tend to have certain formulas it makes it harder for me to believe because whenever a formula is set up for the people who want to stir a hoax or for people who are inventing things they have like an A plus B plus C equals D kind of thing where they can make up their story if Bek s are actually smart and have this agenda what do they maybe try to appear in different forms wasn't always showing up when it's dark and them always asking to be let in be a dead no pun intended give away especially as these stories are being shared online now to be fair maybe they want to stay on brand like Instagram models using the same filter on a billion pictures that all look the same maybe that's the case however if they do exist I think we'd get along we make jokes about death we laugh about existential despair and spook the neighbors jokes aside though PK's if you listen to podcasts and happen to stumble on this one I respect you but never want to see you xoxo me yeah I mean that's I think was one of my issues and limes that are skeptical of the black-eyed children is they don't seem to get human behavior they don't mimic it properly and you think if they've been around for a lot of times they'd be able to be like you know find more legitimate reasons to get into your home like they can sell like bowls like hey I got some great bowls for you maybe or even just sound less mechanical just sound like a human instead of being like hello sir I would like to use yeah I think much like a lot of the times like these these accounts they they show these black-eyed children-- eyes like emotional this beings but that set some sets us office people because we're like this person does somebody something wrong with you yeah you know and then I think if they actually took the time to observe human behavior and maybe research what makes people let in being like you know I got some wheat and these red that children be like it's like you know there's ways I feel like more natural ways to be let into the house so skepticism of me is like why are they so creepy when they're trying to fool people you know well yeah and I mean there are so many easy formulas I can think of off the top of my head of like even when I was a kid when I lost my mom at the supermarket I would freak out right and I'd start crying almost immediately because I was like oh my god so if one of these kids showed up crying being like I lost my mommy that's easy like you're gonna get into any home even if someone was like a dead heart like mine I'd be like a case I guess you need to come in yeah but this whole like I just imagine them tilting their head being like hello miss can I come in to use your telephone I'd be like get out like you're out along with you yeah it's like that's what they might as well be doing they might as well at this point or just be like wearing a poster for a horror movie yeah just like be wearing a poster for a Worman totally normal yeah it's a good thing we have a ring because when I was actually first reading about these these children I was I got paranoid that maybe if you like research them or start talking about them that you'd be like a future target oh my god I got paranoid about that and I was like myself too I'm gonna get an encounter and just gonna change my life that I'm gonna be eating my words and then I it you know I think the sunlight was like you're just being crazy so anyways guys if you're listening on YouTube but please let us know what you think in the comments down below in the description box you can see our email and Instagram if you had any time to encounter we'd love to hear about it and we'd love to read some out as a part of future episodes yeah I mean if you also have any questions we can answer those and we'd love suggestions as well of maybe future cases we can talk about and you please also review the podcast on whichever platform you're using this will help us gain exposure and finding the people who might be interested in listening to us talking about all these random subjects and understanding our humor whatsoever so thank you guys so much for tuning in and remember keep the doors locked [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 169,144
Rating: 4.8986502 out of 5
Keywords: podcast, paranormal, black eyed kids, BEK, black eyed children, supernatural, horror
Id: YLkMJ-l0bJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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