Teen in cult almost married her cousin

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hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel I'm just gonna say it now any time I sit down to film my neighbors decide that this is the exact moment that they are going to begin screaming or their child is gonna have a tantrum so I'm sorry I'm very frustrated about it myself right now so today's topic is a lot so prepare yourself for what we're about to get into it's not light-hearted [ __ ] when is it ever this is an article from The Daily Mail now normally I avoid the Daily Mail like the plague just because it's not my favorite source to get accurate information from however this was one of the only sources that had an exclusive interview every other article I've seen so far literally almost is identical to the Daily Mail one because the Daily Mail is the only one who really has any information former cult member tells how she ran away from her father's ancestress polygamist sect at 17 to escape marrying her cousin and pumping out dozens of children to be with her true love I don't think there are many titles that genuinely shocked me as much as this one did I was like what the [ __ ] it's like every extra word you read is a new stroke teenager Mary Jacobs was under orders to marry her cousin and live the rest of her life pumping out a dozen or more children and a polygamous secretive cult known as the order instead she's now happy married to the love of her life and has two beautiful children all right so it starts dark but at least we know that there's a happy ending contrary to most things that we discuss on this channel also can I just say I don't like the term pumping out children like it just physically makes me feel uncomfortable like it just sounds disgusting there's nothing wrong with having children but pumping out also the cults known as the order for some reason that the fact that it's called the order really scares me cults generally already scare me but when they have these type of official names I just feel five times more intimidated Mary knew she had one chance for escape the then seventeen-year-old had to make an early morning bolt from the home where she lived with her mother and 15 siblings and run a quarter of a mile across a public park where her boyfriend and his parents would be waiting for her they'll even clear up that her boyfriend is not part of the content met her elsewhere just so you know anything could go wrong she hadn't eaten or even drunk water for days as punishment but the price of failure was too much to consider if she didn't succeed within days she would have to commit to marry her cousin as soon as she turned 18 the concept of marrying your cousin in and of itself is creepy as [ __ ] but will creeps me out more is this thing of as soon as you turn 18 like they're just waiting for you to turn 18 to be like alright marry your cousin have 500 children let's get your cousin another wife after you so she can have another billion children to populate our cult mary had finally made it to the outside world away from the order a highly secretive polygamist cult on the very fringes of Mormonism she knew her parents and their powerful relatives would soon be reaching out for her but at last she had hope for the next five months she would hide in a rented room in Las Vegas before finally she turned 18 and could be her own woman away from people who tried to control her every move from the day she was born she didn't marry on her 18th birthday but it was to the man she loved the man who had orchestrated the escape now nearly six years later they are the parents of two adorable boys living just a few miles away from the suffocating strictures of the cult first of all props to the boyfriend for helping her get away because that's no small thing that he did second of all why are they living close I would want to live on another continent probably if I'd escaped from a calling I get that still it's her family but at the same time if your family's trying to make you marry your cousin and control you in that type of way I think cutting them off is okay now this is one part that really creeped me out my whole life was controlled by the order they have their own elementary school they have their own stores they have their own bank everything is enclosed they decide where you work they decide what you go to school for they decide who you marry everything is decided for you the idea of a cult having their own school in their own Bank scares me mainly because it feels like it's its own country with its own ruling and I feel like if you're inside that it's even scarier I feel like that makes it scarier because you have way less contact with the outside world and it feels like you're trapped in a jail like it's like the mini country Jail so Mary it was actually supposed to end up working at the orders internal bank obviously that didn't happen but she was going to school for that well I think is interesting to discuss is what exactly is the order which I think is the main question on people's minds like what is this group the order has its roots in the Great Depression of the 1920s when Mary Nelson's great-great-grandfather Charles Kingston broke with the Mormon Church over the question of polygamy Kingston claimed he was following the Word of Mormon founder Joseph Smith a firm believer in plural marriage his son Eldon Kingston founded the Davis County Cooperative Society which over the years worked into the Latter day Church of Christ or LD CC and the order Eldon was followed by his son John and John's son Paul Kingston now 59 it took over the reins in 1987 beneath Paul our six of his brothers including Mary's father David who are the pillars of the church below them are numbered men who are each assigned a number in the order they will enter Heaven that's weird a number for the order that you'll enter heaven I've not heard of that one before because the group's leaders often have dozens of wives who each have had up to 20 children the order has grown massively over 90 years Oh tell me what do you want to be when you grow up I want to be married and have a hundred kids so I can have a hundred friends and no one can say no to being my friend but men who are not so closely related to the leaders get the short end of the stick many never marry because there's simply not enough women to go around as the leaders have so many wives unlike many other fundamentalist sects members of the LDC Sea do not stand out they hide in plain sight sand Brian Nelson they wear modern clothes and use computers cellphones and other modern conveniences they attend college to get the education necessary to work in the 300 or so companies run by the order 300 what the [ __ ] I don't know like it just shocks me that it's this big of an operation I genuinely did not expect it to be that big of an operation over the years accusations of child marriage and abuse against leaders has been widespread Mary's father was found to be married to a 15 year old when she ran naked from a house to a public phone box and dialed 911 the girl's father beat her so severely for trying to escape that she passed out after counting 28 lashes holy [ __ ] now the order is facing its stiffest with the trial of Jacob and Isaiah Kingston for defrauding the government back in the early 1900's the government prosecuted polygamists so Mormon church leaders developed a philosophy of screw the government because it is persecuting us that persists today they have the ethos of bleed the beast when it comes to the government they believe they are justified in taking its money so later on in the article they explain that Mary met her boyfriend in college where she was studying so then she could work at the bank in the order however first she wasn't entirely honest which I can't really blame her for because I feel like you'd be judged really fast about that even if it's not really in your control like what family you're born into the boyfriend Brian really just thought that she had like very controlling parents a very controlling family and you know I mean obviously that was true but he didn't know the extent to which that was true they have a lot about how they met and everything but honestly I don't think it's all that interesting to know all the details of how they got together considering the severity of the actual cult and the order but I'll link it down below if you want to read it apparently Mary didn't even know who her father was until she was 13 and he suddenly told her and the siblings to start calling him dad and not uncle david which i think is really weird I mean I'm sure there are weird reasons why you would hide that but I found that very strange I mean I guess because it's hard to explain why you have multiple wives but at the same time if you're into polygamy and you're kind of making that the rules surely you have to find a way to tell your children right at one point Mary's brother saw her texting Brian and he told the mom who told the dad and Mary said my dad put me on a three-day fast no food or water to charge my spiritual batteries and get in line with what Heavenly Father wants he told me my goal is to be engaged by the end of two weeks to David at Kingston my cousin I had to sleep in my mom's bed and she held my hand at night so she wouldn't know I was there and couldn't go anywhere without her she even had to use a restroom with no door so she could be constantly watched at work she was assigned a computer with no internet access she wrote Brian a letter saying her goodbyes because she was having to marry someone else and secretly transferred it to another computer and sent it I had to be really quick on that she said that is when Brian knew he had to help he got a message to her that he would hide a phone under a car in Mary's driveway so they could stay sporadic contact so then as we already know she managed to escape and they went to Las Vegas I chose Vegas because Nevada has locks rule about teenage runaways if they had stayed in Utah Mary's parents would have had a good chance of forcing her to return home if that happened Mary believe she would have been placed in detention under the pretense that she had drug or alcohol problems she stayed in Vegas for five months until November 19th her birthday then she finally returned to Utah for a courthouse marriage the man who'd got her out in court papers Mary's mother has previously said she worried about the nine-year age gap between Brian and Mary and said her daughter had told her she started having sex with Brian when she was 16 Brian insisted to daily mail calm I got they waited until they were married so wait they met in university but apparently she was 16 unless she finished school when she was really young which is possible because if they have their own school or their own high school system they could easily manipulate it to make people finish earlier get into university earlier because of course then you need to get married when you're 18 and then pump out children right so that's interesting I didn't know about the nine-year age gap and I think it's interesting that they wait until towards the end of the article to just casually mention like oh yeah she was 18 yet and he was 26 25 or 26 I don't know how I feel about that one like I'm glad he got her out but at the same time I'm like wouldn't it be easy to manipulate someone after you help them get out from something to be like oh I helped you do this so you have to do XYZ I don't know I don't want to assume anything but just interesting it's no good diddling kids there's no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it now mary has no contact with any member of her family someone tried to reach out to her to find out how they two could escape but after brief conversations line of communication have gotten cold she says she still loves her mother I know she's brainwashed she was born as the same situation that I was that's so sad can you imagine that your family reaches out to you and of course I'm sure they want to know how she's doing and everything but they're reaching out specifically to find out hey how can we get the [ __ ] out of here - that's so sad anyway this article is really long and continues for quite a while but one last piece of this story is that Mary is going to be the star witness in a five hundred and eleven million dollar fraud a trial of her cousins for members of Mary's family are due to go on trial in July on charges of attempting to defraud the government of more than 1 billion dollars by falsely claiming tax credits for their biofuel company the case surrounds their company while shocky Renewable Energy which allegedly claimed it produced millions of gallons of biofuel over a six year period when it produced a tiny fraction of that amount the government claims was shocky than forged paperwork saying it's sold on to other companies controlled by the order and claimed $1 a gallon government tax credit court papers say the company was paid 511 million in credits and another 500 million was pending but was stopped after the government discovered the alleged fraud the more I read about the story the more I'm just kind of mystified at how many facets this has because surely this is not the first cult that is taking advantage of the government like we all have heard of Scientology haven't we so that's not surprising what is surprising though is when you see all these different facets colliding when she escapes then other people want to escape within the line of communication is cut off then she isn't talking to her mom because her mom is brainwashed probably much like the other people in the cult and then the cult is also hiding in plain sight but at the same time they're not really hiding anymore because they're going to court for 511 million dollars that's not some kind of low profile case it's just a lot to process honestly one of the most troubling facets I mean apart from the controlling nature of choosing someone's life path the idea that they want all these women to have all these children like I understand they want to populate their cult or whatever you don't want to have a cope with two people because then you'd be a loser cult but at the same time it's just creepy to me how the women are seen as kind of machines in order to like create children like 20 children especially when they're so young and they're forced into marriages with cousins that in and of itself with cousins everyone is too closely related it makes me feel uncomfortable to really think about it for too long and also it makes me wonder you know what their views on incest really are because obviously yeah if they want her to marry her cousin they don't see a problem with it but I'm wondering how they then feel about closer incest like brother and sister or father and daughter because I mean I don't know it doesn't sound like there's that big of a problem with the cousins so I don't know where they stand on everything else but that is another aspect of this that is deeply troubling I'm glad she got out but I think about all these wives who have had like 20 children each and I think Mary's dad if I recall correctly has over 300 children [Music] with a different wives yeah but 300 children how do you even remember their names at that point like genuinely I'm not even being like facetious like how do you remember their names at that point I knew these guys I'll link little red across town below if you want to read it please let me know we think in the comments down below let me know if you'd heard of this or not because I hadn't heard of this until now obviously thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always let's get right to the fan er [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 625,876
Rating: 4.9656334 out of 5
Keywords: cult, the order, mary jacobs, ldcc, latter day church of christ, mormon, mormonism, polygamy, polygamous
Id: F6CDe7zduqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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