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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to read a few creepy stories from the subreddit let's not meet where people have really creepy encounters that frankly sometimes give me nightmares so we're going to get into that every story that i am going to read has been approved by the author to be read on here and it will also be linked down below in the order i'm going to read it in to put this into context i'm an 18 year old girl living in new zealand i suffer from anxiety and shut down in stressful situations and become rather overwhelmed when i'm not sure how to deal with something the story happened yesterday whilst i was waiting at my bus station to catch a bus home i'd had a long day at work and my legs were in pain and all i wanted to do is get home and watch some youtube in bed it was getting dark and the sun was almost completely down as i was listening to some music in a rather deserted area of the bus station a man considerably larger than myself sauntered up and sat down directly next to me on the bench which i didn't think much of to put this into perspective i'm roughly 55 kilos he must have been at least 100 and could have easily overpowered me i noticed out of the corner of my eye that this man was staring at me and began to feel a little uncomfortable but pegged it up to him looking at my mask it's rather non-descript and just black i ignored this and acted busy on my phone to avoid talking as i said i had a long day at work the man began to talk and i pulled out my air pod to listen to what he was saying to me theropod fell and landed on the ground to which he picked it up for me held on to it and stared at it for a few seconds before handing it back to me i was already getting bad vibes from this man the conversation went something like this your eyes are beautiful did you get them from your mom or your dad um my mom i guess i kept my replies short to try to signify i wasn't in the mood for talking but he continued what bus are you catching where do you live i laughed nervously and told him i didn't feel very comfortable sharing where i lived but i told him it was farther up north he then said why it's not like i'm going to rape you isn't it really fancy up there this is where i began to feel seriously uncomfortable to shake he asked me if i had a boyfriend to which i said yes and he proceeded to ask if i planned to marry him to which i laughed and said yes oh it kind of sounds like you're just rooting him are you sure you want to marry him i was shocked and looked at him before telling him again yes i do plan to marry my partner how old are you i don't know what came over me but i told him i was 21 to try and come across that i was old enough to stand up for myself are you on the pill i'm sorry i don't feel comfortable sharing that and don't see why you need to know that oh so you use condom instead eh i wanted to walk away but i was grounded to the bench and couldn't move a muscle if i tried i was uncomfortable and confused as to why he was asking these questions do you have someone waiting for you at the bus stop or are you walking home how far do you live from the bus stop this is the question that made everything click into place and i realized this guy has a malicious intent he's not being friendly this guy is going to follow me home and either rape me or kidnap me i started to really panic and started desperately looking for onlookers a young man possibly my age walked out of the public bathroom last and had overheard this conversation and was looking at the predator rather skeptically i knew then i'd at least have someone to help if i just asked for it i didn't by this point i recalled a video from our slash about a highly pregnant woman and her daughter being followed to their car in an empty car park in the dark by an older man this lady was stressfully trying to find her keys in her purse as this man was standing beside her daughters on the opposite side of the car making small talk with them he got impatient and had walked away before she'd found her keys someone commented on her submission saying this was a popular thing and that he was waiting for her to unlock the car so he could get in and control her via threats of her children it occurred to me that i should skip my bus and catch another one at a later time i did this exactly he kept trying to ask where i live and i continued to refuse telling him where he also continued to ask how far i live from the stop and if my partner was waiting for me i deflected all of his questions and after 40 minutes he began to get grumpy and walked away from the station he wasn't there to catch a bus at all but to prey on young women at the stop i caught my bus about 10 minutes later after he left and i ran home where i completely broke down and cried in the arms of my partner this morning i was so stressed i contemplated taking the day off work and staying in bed for the rest of the day i was petrified i didn't i'm at work posting this after that i've decided that perhaps our slash let's not meet that is very creepy i am glad that there was an onlooker that was kind of paying attention and noticed that something was wrong because i think that at least gave a tiny bit of support to feel like you're not completely alone so if you want to reach out to someone you know that they're already kind of paying attention or noticing that someone's being weird towards you if not completely inappropriate like this man was all of these questions weren't even subtle i don't even know how this man felt that comfortable saying these things in public knowing that there were people around but i guess some people are just brazen like that especially if they do it often or really want to intimidate people by making them feel like they can't be stopped or something either way i'm just glad that she remembered what she read and that none of this turned into something far more grim when i was in 8th 10th grade i was extremely involved in the small building server the average age was probably 15 to 17 and i joined a group of builders and skyped with them every weekend for hours we all became closed fast and trusted each other enough that we followed each other on instagram i became particularly close with one of the builders in my friend group named peter peter was in the same grade as me and we ended up texting quite a lot i heard rumors that peter might have a crush on me he denied them which i found laughable because it was the internet and brushed it off everything was fine for a while until something began to feel off when i talked to him i was starting to constantly catch him telling small-wise this bothered me so i figured it was time to distance myself from peter and stop talking to him that's a few months later of no contact and peter out of the blue text me that he's going to possibly be transferring to my high school so he can get in state tuition for college peter's plan is to somehow lift off tuition completely alone and support himself while in high school my stomach drops when i read the text i know this feels very very off i try to be calm and i tell him that his plan is crazy i tell him that it's oddly convenient that he chose my random suburb peter insists that his plan will work and it's just a coincidence that he's going to my high school i'm trying to call peter's bluff and hoping he's just screwing with me because i cut him off peter says he bought the plane tickets already and is going to stay in my town and to visit some high school in the area fear washes over me and i realize peter definitely has some very unhealthy attachment to me peter was not bluffing to my horror he posts a picture on snapchat at the airport peter asks to meet up while he's there and i of course decline later i see on his snapchat story that he's taking a tour of my high school peter's taking lots of videos and pictures probably hoping that i can see luckily i'm stuck at home with pneumonia i spend the next few days on edge and afraid he was going to ring my doorbell at any moment luckily he was not smart enough to find where i live and he flies home and does not follow up his plan the baffling part was none of my old group on the minecraft server thought he was doing anything creepy i felt like i was going crazy for thinking this was weird i thought my rejection for this meetup and continued no contact would be the end of it but about two years later and i just committed to my dream college i still stupidly followed peter on social media because i wanted some warning if he came to my area once again peter did i see him posting in front of the library at my college with the caption saying transferring here is definitely the move cut to a few months later peter finds out i had a boyfriend and directly contacts me for the first time in two years he asks strange questions like will he protect you i shouldn't have answered but for some reason i did i finally blocked him and stopped following him on social media out of fear he's not tried to contact me since definitely made some mistakes because i was young and scared and had others telling me it was not a big deal so peter let's not meet that's genuinely extremely creepy that someone who barely knows you and who denies any kind of strong emotion for you would just act like relocating to exactly where you happen to live multiple times or trying to anyways multiple times is just extremely alarming let alone his who will protect you or will he protect you comment it's just very scary and this is why i'm happy that i wasn't really on the internet that much when i was younger in the sense of yeah i might have been on myspace or something like that but i wasn't close with people or sharing where i lived or anything like that which i'm just thankful for because after reading all of these things i just don't know how i would have managed that especially back in the day when these stories weren't posted or at least i wouldn't have known where to find them and i didn't have any friends who really had many online horror stories so i feel like i probably would have been maybe easier to trick than anyone else because at the time i was just so blissfully unaware but in this day and age i feel like it's good to have a healthy amount of paranoia in the sense of not sharing where you live your last name all those things that can make you identifiable and quite easily findable by people who might have negative intentions towards you anyways guys let me know what you think of these stories let me know if you relate to any of these experiences i personally had an experience when i was younger that is kind of similar to the second story i read where there was an individual that i knew who wanted to move from one side of the country to the other in order to be closer to me but it was someone i knew in person i just wasn't close enough to them to mandate that kind of thing thankfully he didn't but needless to say he has been cut off since then i think a lot of people no matter what you identify as or wherever you live i think a lot of us in public or on public transport have had very strange people come up to you and try to start conversations and granted sometimes it's just someone who might be a little bit different a little bit weird but there are some times when people ask the types of questions like the first story where you start to wonder okay are they asking these questions just because they might not know how to read social cues or is this someone who actually is trying to plan something that's trying to feel me out which is i think the most stressful part because there are a lot of times when i feel like i was being too extra and just assuming the worst and there are other times where i'm like i really dodged a bullet and it's just sometimes hard in the moment to tell which is which due to anxiety or like the panic you can feel especially if you're alone anyways thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 192,786
Rating: 4.9688816 out of 5
Keywords: story, narration
Id: h3AE0t8Kreg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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