Solving The Most DIFFICULT Lock Puzzle on the Planet!! - LEVEL 10

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- Today is the day I've been dreading. No joke. It was a lot of fun to see the different types of puzzles, and how they open, and sort of getting through my frustration to the point where I finally unlocked these puzzles has been literally the goal for these videos. But today, I'm completely unsure if I'm gonna be able to unlock this puzzle. We've had some not so difficult puzzles on this channel. And we've had some extremely difficult puzzles on this channel. But none, none, even come close to the difficulty that lies before me today. Because today, we're looking at the world's hardest lock puzzle. (dramatic music) This is a level 10 lock puzzle. 10 is the highest level you could attain with a puzzle. Crown iron lock puzzle. It is handmade out of metal. There's grease on it. It's got a ton of stuff moving around. This lock puzzle is mythical. (upbeat music) I've gotten no hints online. I've literally taken the whole day to open this. No phones, no internet, just me and this puzzle. Now before we get into this guys, if you like these types of videos, go ahead and hit that like button. Really helps out the channel. Subscribe if you're new here. And without further ado, let's open this bad boy. Alright, here we go. Time to try and unlock this beast. So, first of all this thing is really heavy, weighs five pounds. It's got a key here, and the key obviously goes in somewhere, I'm guessing it's up here on this plate. Obviously the lock hole is covered by that plate. There are these round things all around it, that kind of shift up and down. So I'm guessing it's a combination of those to go ahead and open this. This seems like there's a couple parts here. This seems like a door, as you can see that seam here. This probably swings open somehow. So, this is definitely gonna bug me, so I'm gonna try to take this key off. Very cool key by the way. So I think I'm gonna shift all of these things to see if something happens. This one goes down, this one goes over. This one goes up. Does it open? No. This one goes over here. This one goes .... Here I'm guessing. Still no go. This one here. So this one here. Okay. And there's these ones, geez. Not sure what I'm doing at this point. I'm just trying to shift these things. This is so greasy, by the way. My hands are all greased up right now. It does say in the email that I received, once I purchased this, that you will need to force a little bit, so this is one of those locks that you can actually force. You don't have to be so worried about destroying. This looks like it slides over. Oh. Oh ho. Okay, so we have our first moving part. This whole section seems to have slid down. What about this side? No. Oh, this one slides up. Okay. So I've gotten this side to slide up. I've gotten this side to slide down. Maybe ... I don't see a hinge anywhere. Oh, there's a hinge here. So maybe that sort of cracks open this way somehow. Hm. Ah. Oh. Okay, well I slid- Oh, here we go. Man, look at the inside of that. It's like all sautered, and ... So we got a keyhole here, but obviously, just a metal plate behind that. Let's see if we can do the same thing with the other side. Oh, we can. Does it open though? Yes it does, okay. Alright, so we're here. (laughs) Not too bad so far. I'm pretty impressed with my skills. In here, we got little knobs and twisty, turny thingys. So I'm thinking this thing, you might have to turn somehow. This thing moves here. Seems like it wants to turn. Is there anything else on this, that can give me a hint? Maybe this has to go back, does that change anything on this side? Doesn't seem to affect anything over here. Oh my, look at my hands right now. Alright, so what if I ... What if I put it back to the way it was. Maybe that'll give me more room. Because right here, there seems to be this little knob here, and there seems to be something up here. So I'm gonna try to get it back to how I had it. There we go. Ah. Now, so that this thing can turn. This is like a maze puzzle in here with these things, and there are sort of these notches underneath, and this cog that's under there. And I gotta move these things through the notches so I can keep turning this thing. That's what it seems to be like right now. So I've gotten it through one cog, as you can probably see really closely in that hole. I've gotten it through that one. Now, how to get it through the next one. Push that one a bit further down here. Oh, there we go. And this one here. Ah, ah ha. (laughs) When you hear clicks in these type of puzzles, those are usually good signs. So again, this is a maze. I gotta turn this cog, I think, I'm gonna try to turn it this way. As you can see in those holes, there's this thing in the back, and I have to try to get these pins through the slot so that this completely unlodges somehow. So now, if I go all the way down ... And this one maybe over here? Yes, yes, okay. And now here. I'm starting to see little openings that I can wiggle them through. Yes. Oh my God. That was amaz- okay, now the opening is over here. And this one here, where is the opening? Maybe here? Yes. Okay. Oh. Try this. Yes. Oh my God. I'm doing it, mom, I'm doing ... Seems to be at the end. Yep. Oh. So now, as you notice, in that little hole, I turned this cog and there's an opening here, and in that little hole, there seems to be a little pin. I'm wondering if that pin doesn't push from the other side somehow. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Look. Look. We have a keyhole. Could this be it? What did that do? What did it do? Did it do ... Did it do anything? Did it do nothing? Oh God. No, I lost the hole. Alright, we're still good over here. Make sure that we're good over here. Okay. What if this is just ... That also, by the way, seems to look like a keyhole, so maybe ... Oh, something just gave. Okay. I'm just wondering if this thing opens at all. After I insert the key, it doesn't look like it. Let's try the other side. (banging) Ah! What have I done? I just wanna put this ... That key seemed to be turning. Okay. I think this piece can slide up. I'm just not sure how much I should force it. Or if I should force it at all. Ah! I'm getting quite frustrated at this point, as you can tell. These three side bars seem to be overlapping one another. I'm not sure in which order they have to slide out, and I think figuring that out, is probably the most difficult challenge. Not only do I have to figure that out, I also have to figure out how these things are placed. Does it matter? Does it matter if these ones on the bottom are like this, and then that one's like that? That's what I'm saying. It's super complicated. But this one won't even move anymore. Ow, geez. Maybe that's all I needed. Maybe I just needed to move it like that. Now hopefully this plate can slide out of here. Right, so I've moved that one. Hopefully this one here, I can just ... No, not you. You stay there. Again, there's like a little maze on the inside of here. I kind of have to figure out. See if I push, and at the same time I play with this little thing, which barely moves anyways. Oh, did I pass it? I think I might have moved it enough for this plate to slide up, hopefully. Oh, oh. It moved. The only thing left to slide up is this top plate now. Let's go. Oh my God. Oh my God! Woo! Oh my God. Holy cow. Look at my hands. Look at my hands. I look like a blacksmith from the 1600's. My timer says two hours, 48 minutes. Two hours and 48 minutes. Level 10 lock is now open. Look at that beast. There's nothing else, is there? I'm kind of disappointed this thing doesn't open and show me what the inside looks like, but definitely, if I were to go to the gym, and put this on my locker, no one's ever gonna get my ... Wow, what a work, what a piece of work this thing. I think I cut myself here, just from forcing and slipping. So this lock definitely takes some tactile skill, and also a little bit of strength. It's not one of those things where you gotta be afraid to break the pieces and stuff, as you can see. I figured out this thing. This, I think, the hardest part for me to figure out, was really sliding these things. So this is really super intricate. This piece would slide up, so that this piece would slide over, so that this piece would slide down, and eventually this piece would slide over there, and that's what opened the mechanic of the lock. And I think that's probably the coolest part of it. Man am I glad I figured this out. I can put this aside. Literally never have to open this thing again. Hope you enjoyed watching that. Like this video guys. Hey, wait, can we put it back together? For all you people with OCD out there. But you know what, no one's ever gonna touch this again. It's staying on my shelf. This is my trophy. Alright guys, thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I'm so glad I was able to open this puzzle. Not something I ever thought I could do. And to be quite honest, I was a bit terrified. But in the end, it was totally worth it. Thanks again for watching. Like this video if you did like it. If you wanna see more content like this, subscribe if you're new here, and we'll see you all in the next video. Peace bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 10,841,843
Rating: 4.8820696 out of 5
Keywords: lock puzzle, mr puzzle, puzzle solution, puzzle, solved, solve, solution, danlock, level 10 puzzle, hardest puzzle, most difficult puzzle, brain teaser, hardes brain teaser, solving puzzles, chris ramsay, chris ramsey, magic, magician, pick lock, lockpicking, how to solve, how to, hardest lock puzzle, rare puzzle, rarest, puzzle master, new puzzle, old, vintage
Id: bkCWRGdCxrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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