Solving The CRAZY Marble Puzzle!!

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(mystical music) (hip-hop music) - Yo, what's up, guys? And welcome back. It's Wednesday. I'm sorry, I got carried away. It's Wednesday. This is making like a weird sound right now. By the way, if you guys didn't check out my video I posted yesterday, feel free and do so. Go to my YouTube, check the previous video. I actually taught Lee my cameraman some magic. It was pretty cool. But today we are doing a puzzle. I'll just keep repeating the same thing. Puzzle we are looking at today, as you saw from the intro, is the marble puzzle. I figured out recently that Huzzle, the Japanese word for take apart, which starts with an H which I can't pronounce right now. But mix with puzzle, and that's what made a Huzzle. So they stopped calling their puzzles cast puzzles. Fun fact, but anyways it's a take-apart and put-together puzzle by Hanayama. Five stars out of six, making it roughly a level nine or 10. It looks absolutely intriguing, mesmerizing and like an alien relic and exactly what I look for in a puzzle. Can't wait to try and solve it. If you're interested in this puzzle or other Hanayama puzzles, feel free to check the link below. Thousands of puzzles available,, I'll leave the link. Or, rather. And I'll leave the link. You guys can check them out there. Without any further ado, let's get into solving the marble puzzle. (imitates explosion) Here we go, back at it again. Hey, by the way, this is kind of cool. You can kind of see my setup right here. You see my camera over top. You see me. Hello, hi. Five stars out of six, making it a level nine or a 10. What's cool about this, I mentioned, I really like when puzzles look like alien relics. Because there's nothing familiar here. This is kind of just really out of the ordinary. Look at how the sides shift here. Look at that. What is even happening? The marble. So the whole point here is to take apart. Now let's see if we can do that in a sensible way. These lips here, I remember this from the UFO puzzle. Where this at a certain angle you'd be able to extract and take out that piece. However I also know that this is gonna be twice as hard to put together. So here we go. Does that rotate? Oh, this is bizarre, man, look at this. Wow. Kind of fiddling around here. Hopefully there's some type of opening. So, here. Okay. So that ball in the middle is kind of shaped like a baseball, where the seams loop around like that. Let's try the rotating move here. So, rotate. And then is it possible to rotate here? No, it's not, okay. So yeah, two pieces on the outside that are shaped like U's. There's a U here and a U there. Here a U, there a U, everywhere a U U. Oh, so these pieces might be able to shift in a way. Depending on how that ball is rotated. This is an interesting puzzle. Yeah, you're really like, this is left field, man. Ooh. Oh no. (timer beeps) Forgot the timer. There you go. There you go, Chad, you get one. You get one every month. One timer forget every month, that's all you get. Okay. Now, normally Hanayama, when they put their logo somewhere, that usually gives you a sense of orientation. Hopefully that will help me in some way I don't know yet. This is bizarre. I'm gonna try to line up the seams with the round parts here. Here. When in doubt spin it out. Actually I just solve it like this. (hums) Not an easy one, that's for sure. It is so weird. What's happening here? How? Do I disassemble the marble first, or do I try and extract the U pieces? I'm thinking I'm gonna disassemble the marble first. That's the key components. So maybe. I'm trying to let gravity sort of separate those two pieces. And hopefully one of those two sort of baseball seams slides out. See, right here it's coming apart. Look right there. I don't know if you can see that. In there. That seam is coming apart. You can see a little bit of it. That's cool. I don't wanna lose that. And I lost it, okay, I lost it. That comes back. Okay. Oh, look it here, look it here. Look on this side, look how it's separated. Okay, so how do I keep it separated? Maybe the offspring can help. You gotta keep it separated. (hums) (mumbles) Okay, back to that. So that's a good move right there. Boom. Yep. How do I get that out? No. Come on, go back to where you were. So it's like these U pieces, when twisted a certain way, push on the inner marble and start separating the pieces. It's really hard for you guys to see anything here. Tricky, tricky. I gotta find that sweet spot once again. Oh! Whoa. Bam. Look at that. Look at this little guy. How pretty is that? Wow. So be shifting the pieces, what it will end up doing is this middle ball would rotate with the friction from one of these sides until eventually it would push one of the sides out. And so that it would separate. It would allow it to separate. I'm gonna try to get this back together. That is so cool. Look at this little marble. How cool is that? That looks like an alien relic. Yo, five minutes, 4 1/2 minutes. All right, we're definitely not back together yet, though, so don't get your hopes up just yet, ladies and gentlemen. This is probably gonna be a nightmare and a test of dexterity here. Oh boy. I already see where this is going. Can't I just like... Do what I did? Would that work? I'm sure there's a better way of doing this. That definitely goes here. And that goes there. Gotcha. It also has to follow the openings... Precisely. Kind of like that. So here. The opening to this puzzle, you could line up that half exactly to where the minimum amount of line that's showing. See that right there? How it's like it's all lined up square and flush. My guess is you have to go square and flush with these edges and square and flush with these edges. And knowing Hanayama you gotta be pretty precise. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. Definitely not working. Oh, my god, okay. Just the wrong way. Let's try it again. Can't give up now. Here. Maybe on this side. So is it this way? Or is it this way? It's gotta be that way, okay. So what if I just lined it up and lift it out? No, because that has to fit in there first. Before I do the push-in move. Oh, my god. Just a matter of rotating these pieces to the proper orientation, very hard to do because all the other pieces are sort of slipping and sliding around. I just wiggle my way in. Okay. This is a rotation move here to do first. Crazy, man. The manufacturing of these things really blows my mind. These sides are identical. So close. But not really. (chill hip-hop music) I don't understand this rotation move that I have to do, 'cause that had to be there. So that can pass over. So if I was like this, wouldn't be lined up, but you can line it up in a way right there, that like the minimum amount is showing. But when I do that with the other one, when I line this one up the same way, 'cause as soon as I bring it in it starts to rotate the outer pieces, and then the two balls don't line up anymore, which is very tricky. There's like this move that has to be executed with the balls before that the two U pieces are hinged together. So, look. I'll give you a quick bird's eye. So I'm here. Now as soon as this U piece goes down, watch what happens to that ball on the inside. See how it rotates? And that kind of screws up my orientation. So I kinda have to anticipate that rotation move with this guy, is what I'm saying. I have to have the top piece already in that rotation mode, without it falling out. Which is easier said than done. Let's try it up here. So that's gonna rotate like this. So this ideally, it's so slippery. Ideally would be like this. See, that was close. I was on the right track. Oh. Dear God. This is so annoying. Piece here is just like fighting gravity. And not staying where it needs to be. They rotate. Ah. Four minutes to take apart. I'm on 15 minutes to put back together. Come on. They have to rotate and coalesce. That's the problem. As soon as that thing closes these balls have to like rotate in as the things rotate but in a different way. So you have to line them up to a precise manner. It's really hard to do. See how that one rotates that way, that one (mumbles) This one's gotta be more this. A little bit of a corkscrew effect here. That one's more that way, so maybe. Oh, that was cool, almost worked. Wait, so what if like the bottoms, what if those pushed together make it rotate in a certain way? It's so hard to keep these things. This is so hard. (groans) It seems so straightforward. Like you would line pieces exactly, put them in, but the factor is these things that are holding onto the half balls make the balls rotate in a certain way where the U's won't fit anymore. I don't know if that makes sense. Everything has to fit precisely at the same time, in sequence, in coalescence. If not, everything falls apart. Or everything just doesn't fit. This is so hard to hold it upside down. And make it go in. Ooh. What if this is like the, what is that puzzle, the cast diamond? Ooh, that would be cool. See if that works. Man, they're so fidgety. Aligned. And aligned. Right there. How do I hold this so it doesn't move anymore? I'm gonna get my head under here and keeping hitting the mic with my hat. Let's try this. Whoa! Got it. Okay. One more time for good measure. That's interesting. So these pieces have to shift... Like this to come apart. And then back together. Boom. Wow. That is cool. How satisfying is that? Look, you line up this line. Now you can shift them. And now they come apart. And then you line up the lines again. And then shift them into each other again. Boom, wow. That is cool. What a cool solution. Okay, whew. 34 minutes plus give or take five minutes. The Huzzle Hanayama marble. What? (laughs) I swore, I swore that that was the last time I'd ever do that. Also forgot the timer. A little bit. So, Chris reverting back to his old ways I guess. Guys, I hope you enjoyed that puzzle. Super satisfying. Frustrating as most of the Hanayama puzzles are at first. When you don't understand, you're using force, you're rattling, you're spinning it, you're throwing it, shaking it at times. Breaking down emotionally. But other times, you get that successful amazing rush of endorphin that when the pieces just coalesce perfectly, it feels like, man, does it feel good. I digress. If you like this video, guys, smash Like. Check out yesterday's video and subscribe, and leave a, you know what to do. See you on the next video. Peace out! (hip-hop music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 722,136
Rating: 4.9405031 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, hard, difficult, hardest puzzle, solved, solve, puzzle solving, puzzle solver, impossible, hanayama, level 10, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle master, mr puzzle, solving, solution, puzzle solution, how to solve
Id: DHMiW6oKA8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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